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- MetaDiff v0.1
- new file: (4).winmd
- old file: (3).winmd
- diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.AccessoryManager {
- + public bool PhoneMute { get; set; }
- + public PhoneCallAudioEndpoint PhoneCallAudioEndpoint { get; set; }
- + public bool BatterySaverState { get; }
- + public bool DoNotDisturbEnabled { get; }
- + public bool DrivingModeEnabled { get; }
- + public PlaybackCapability MediaPlaybackCapabilities { get; }
- + public PlaybackStatus MediaPlaybackStatus { get; }
- + public IVectorView<PhoneLineDetails> PhoneLineDetails { get; }
- + public static string RegisterAccessoryApp();
- + public static IAccessoryNotificationTriggerDetails GetNextTriggerDetails();
- + public static void ProcessTriggerDetails( IAccessoryNotificationTriggerDetails pDetails );
- + public static PhoneLineDetails GetPhoneLineDetails( Guid ppdetails );
- + public static void AcceptPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId );
- + public static void AcceptPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId, PhoneCallAudioEndpoint endPoint );
- + public static void AcceptPhoneCallWithVideo( uint phoneCallId );
- + public static void AcceptPhoneCallWithVideo( uint phoneCallId, PhoneCallAudioEndpoint endPoint );
- + public static void RejectPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId );
- + public static void RejectPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId, uint textResponseID );
- + public static void MakePhoneCall( Guid phoneLine, string phoneNumber );
- + public static void MakePhoneCall( Guid phoneLine, string phoneNumber, PhoneCallAudioEndpoint endPoint );
- + public static void MakePhoneCallWithVideo( Guid phoneLine, string phoneNumber );
- + public static void MakePhoneCallWithVideo( Guid phoneLine, string phoneNumber, PhoneCallAudioEndpoint endPoint );
- + public static void SwapPhoneCalls( uint phoneCallIdToHold, uint phoneCallIdOnHold );
- + public static void HoldPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId, bool holdCall );
- + public static void EndPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId );
- + public static void SnoozeAlarm( Guid alarmId );
- + public static void SnoozeAlarm( Guid alarmId, TimeSpan timeSpan );
- + public static void DismissAlarm( Guid alarmId );
- + public static void SnoozeReminder( Guid reminderId );
- + public static void SnoozeReminder( Guid reminderId, TimeSpan timeSpan );
- + public static void DismissReminder( Guid reminderId );
- + public static MediaMetadata GetMediaMetadata();
- + public static void PerformMediaPlaybackCommand( PlaybackCommand command );
- + public static IMapView<string, AppNotificationInfo> GetApps();
- + public static void EnableNotificationsForApplication( string appId );
- + public static void DisableNotificationsForApplication( string appId );
- + public static bool IsNotificationEnabledForApplication( string enabled );
- + public static int GetEnabledAccessoryNotificationTypes();
- + public static void EnableAccessoryNotificationTypes( int accessoryNotificationTypes );
- + public static void DisableAllAccessoryNotificationTypes();
- + public static bool GetUserConsent();
- + public static IRandomAccessStreamReference GetAppIcon( string returnValue );
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.AccessoryNotificationType {
- + None = 0,
- + Phone = 1,
- + Email = 2,
- + Reminder = 4,
- + Alarm = 8,
- + Toast = 16,
- + AppUninstalled = 32,
- + Dnd = 64,
- + DrivingMode = 128,
- + BatterySaver = 256,
- + Media = 512,
- + CortanaTile = 1024,
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.AlarmNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public Guid AlarmId { get; }
- + public ReminderState ReminderState { get; }
- + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
- + public string Title { get; }
- + public bool StartedProcessing { get; set; }
- + public AccessoryNotificationType AccessoryNotificationType { get; }
- + public string AppDisplayName { get; }
- + public string AppId { get; }
- + public DateTime TimeCreated { get; }
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.AppNotificationInfo {
- + public string Id { get; }
- + public string Name { get; }
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.CortanaTileNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public string Content { get; }
- + public string EmphasizedText { get; }
- + public string LargeContent1 { get; }
- + public string LargeContent2 { get; }
- + public string NonWrappedSmallContent1 { get; }
- + public string NonWrappedSmallContent2 { get; }
- + public string NonWrappedSmallContent3 { get; }
- + public string NonWrappedSmallContent4 { get; }
- + public string Source { get; }
- + public string TileId { get; }
- + public bool StartedProcessing { get; set; }
- + public AccessoryNotificationType AccessoryNotificationType { get; }
- + public string AppDisplayName { get; }
- + public string AppId { get; }
- + public DateTime TimeCreated { get; }
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.EmailNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public string AccountName { get; }
- + public EmailMessage EmailMessage { get; }
- + public string ParentFolderName { get; }
- + public string SenderAddress { get; }
- + public string SenderName { get; }
- + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
- + public bool StartedProcessing { get; set; }
- + public AccessoryNotificationType AccessoryNotificationType { get; }
- + public string AppDisplayName { get; }
- + public string AppId { get; }
- + public DateTime TimeCreated { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IAccessoryManager {
- + public bool BatterySaverState { get; }
- + public bool DoNotDisturbEnabled { get; }
- + public bool DrivingModeEnabled { get; }
- + public PlaybackCapability MediaPlaybackCapabilities { get; }
- + public PlaybackStatus MediaPlaybackStatus { get; }
- + public PhoneCallAudioEndpoint PhoneCallAudioEndpoint { get; set; }
- + public IVectorView<PhoneLineDetails> PhoneLineDetails { get; }
- + public bool PhoneMute { get; set; }
- + public string RegisterAccessoryApp();
- + public IAccessoryNotificationTriggerDetails GetNextTriggerDetails();
- + public void ProcessTriggerDetails( IAccessoryNotificationTriggerDetails pDetails );
- + public PhoneLineDetails GetPhoneLineDetails( Guid ppdetails );
- + public void AcceptPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId );
- + public void AcceptPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId, PhoneCallAudioEndpoint endPoint );
- + public void AcceptPhoneCallWithVideo( uint phoneCallId );
- + public void AcceptPhoneCallWithVideo( uint phoneCallId, PhoneCallAudioEndpoint endPoint );
- + public void RejectPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId );
- + public void RejectPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId, uint textResponseID );
- + public void MakePhoneCall( Guid phoneLine, string phoneNumber );
- + public void MakePhoneCall( Guid phoneLine, string phoneNumber, PhoneCallAudioEndpoint endPoint );
- + public void MakePhoneCallWithVideo( Guid phoneLine, string phoneNumber );
- + public void MakePhoneCallWithVideo( Guid phoneLine, string phoneNumber, PhoneCallAudioEndpoint endPoint );
- + public void SwapPhoneCalls( uint phoneCallIdToHold, uint phoneCallIdOnHold );
- + public void HoldPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId, bool holdCall );
- + public void EndPhoneCall( uint phoneCallId );
- + public void SnoozeAlarm( Guid alarmId );
- + public void SnoozeAlarm( Guid alarmId, TimeSpan timeSpan );
- + public void DismissAlarm( Guid alarmId );
- + public void SnoozeReminder( Guid reminderId );
- + public void SnoozeReminder( Guid reminderId, TimeSpan timeSpan );
- + public void DismissReminder( Guid reminderId );
- + public MediaMetadata GetMediaMetadata();
- + public void PerformMediaPlaybackCommand( PlaybackCommand command );
- + public IMapView<string, AppNotificationInfo> GetApps();
- + public void EnableNotificationsForApplication( string appId );
- + public void DisableNotificationsForApplication( string appId );
- + public bool IsNotificationEnabledForApplication( string enabled );
- + public int GetEnabledAccessoryNotificationTypes();
- + public void EnableAccessoryNotificationTypes( int accessoryNotificationTypes );
- + public void DisableAllAccessoryNotificationTypes();
- + public bool GetUserConsent();
- + public IRandomAccessStreamReference GetAppIcon( string returnValue );
- + }
- + public interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IAccessoryNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public AccessoryNotificationType AccessoryNotificationType { get; }
- + public string AppDisplayName { get; }
- + public string AppId { get; }
- + public bool StartedProcessing { get; set; }
- + public DateTime TimeCreated { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IAlarmNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public Guid AlarmId { get; }
- + public ReminderState ReminderState { get; }
- + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
- + public string Title { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IAppNotificationInfo {
- + public string Id { get; }
- + public string Name { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.ICortanaTileNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public string Content { get; }
- + public string EmphasizedText { get; }
- + public string LargeContent1 { get; }
- + public string LargeContent2 { get; }
- + public string NonWrappedSmallContent1 { get; }
- + public string NonWrappedSmallContent2 { get; }
- + public string NonWrappedSmallContent3 { get; }
- + public string NonWrappedSmallContent4 { get; }
- + public string Source { get; }
- + public string TileId { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IEmailNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public string AccountName { get; }
- + public EmailMessage EmailMessage { get; }
- + public string ParentFolderName { get; }
- + public string SenderAddress { get; }
- + public string SenderName { get; }
- + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IMediaControlsTriggerDetails {
- + public MediaMetadata MediaMetadata { get; }
- + public PlaybackStatus PlaybackStatus { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IMediaMetadata {
- + public string Album { get; }
- + public string Artist { get; }
- + public TimeSpan Duration { get; }
- + public string Subtitle { get; }
- + public IRandomAccessStreamReference Thumbnail { get; }
- + public string Title { get; }
- + public uint Track { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IPhoneCallDetails {
- + public PhoneCallDirection CallDirection { get; }
- + public uint CallId { get; }
- + public PhoneMediaType CallMediaType { get; }
- + public PhoneCallTransport CallTransport { get; }
- + public uint ConferenceCallId { get; }
- + public string ContactName { get; }
- + public DateTime EndTime { get; }
- + public Guid PhoneLine { get; }
- + public string PhoneNumber { get; }
- + public IVectorView<TextResponse> PresetTextResponses { get; }
- + public DateTime StartTime { get; }
- + public PhoneCallState State { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IPhoneLineDetails {
- + public bool DefaultOutgoingLine { get; }
- + public string DisplayName { get; }
- + public Guid LineId { get; }
- + public string LineNumber { get; }
- + public PhoneLineRegistrationState RegistrationState { get; }
- + public uint VoicemailCount { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IPhoneNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public PhoneCallDetails CallDetails { get; }
- + public Guid PhoneLineChangedId { get; }
- + public PhoneNotificationType PhoneNotificationType { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IReminderNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public Appointment Appointment { get; }
- + public string Description { get; }
- + public string Details { get; }
- + public Guid ReminderId { get; }
- + public ReminderState ReminderState { get; }
- + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
- + public string Title { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.ITextResponse {
- + public string Content { get; }
- + public uint Id { get; }
- + }
- + internal interface Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.IToastNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public bool SuppressPopup { get; }
- + public string Text1 { get; }
- + public string Text2 { get; }
- + public string Text3 { get; }
- + public string Text4 { get; }
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.MediaControlsTriggerDetails {
- + public MediaMetadata MediaMetadata { get; }
- + public PlaybackStatus PlaybackStatus { get; }
- + public bool StartedProcessing { get; set; }
- + public AccessoryNotificationType AccessoryNotificationType { get; }
- + public string AppDisplayName { get; }
- + public string AppId { get; }
- + public DateTime TimeCreated { get; }
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.MediaMetadata {
- + public string Album { get; }
- + public string Artist { get; }
- + public TimeSpan Duration { get; }
- + public string Subtitle { get; }
- + public IRandomAccessStreamReference Thumbnail { get; }
- + public string Title { get; }
- + public uint Track { get; }
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallAudioEndpoint {
- + Default = 0,
- + Speaker = 1,
- + Handsfree = 2,
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallDetails {
- + public PhoneCallDirection CallDirection { get; }
- + public uint CallId { get; }
- + public PhoneMediaType CallMediaType { get; }
- + public PhoneCallTransport CallTransport { get; }
- + public uint ConferenceCallId { get; }
- + public string ContactName { get; }
- + public DateTime EndTime { get; }
- + public Guid PhoneLine { get; }
- + public string PhoneNumber { get; }
- + public IVectorView<TextResponse> PresetTextResponses { get; }
- + public DateTime StartTime { get; }
- + public PhoneCallState State { get; }
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallDirection {
- + Incoming = 0,
- + Outgoing = 1,
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallState {
- + Unknown = 0,
- + Ringing = 1,
- + Talking = 2,
- + Held = 3,
- + Ended = 4,
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallTransport {
- + Cellular = 0,
- + Voip = 1,
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneLineDetails {
- + public bool DefaultOutgoingLine { get; }
- + public string DisplayName { get; }
- + public Guid LineId { get; }
- + public string LineNumber { get; }
- + public PhoneLineRegistrationState RegistrationState { get; }
- + public uint VoicemailCount { get; }
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneLineRegistrationState {
- + Disconnected = 0,
- + Home = 1,
- + Roaming = 2,
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneMediaType {
- + AudioOnly = 0,
- + AudioVideo = 1,
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public PhoneCallDetails CallDetails { get; }
- + public Guid PhoneLineChangedId { get; }
- + public PhoneNotificationType PhoneNotificationType { get; }
- + public bool StartedProcessing { get; set; }
- + public AccessoryNotificationType AccessoryNotificationType { get; }
- + public string AppDisplayName { get; }
- + public string AppId { get; }
- + public DateTime TimeCreated { get; }
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneNotificationType {
- + NewCall = 0,
- + CallChanged = 1,
- + LineChanged = 2,
- + PhoneCallAudioEndpointChanged = 3,
- + PhoneMuteChanged = 4,
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PlaybackCapability {
- + None = 0,
- + Play = 1,
- + Pause = 2,
- + Stop = 4,
- + Record = 8,
- + FastForward = 16,
- + Rewind = 32,
- + Next = 64,
- + Previous = 128,
- + ChannelUp = 256,
- + ChannelDown = 512,
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PlaybackCommand {
- + Play = 0,
- + Pause = 1,
- + Stop = 2,
- + Record = 3,
- + FastForward = 4,
- + Rewind = 5,
- + Next = 6,
- + Previous = 7,
- + ChannelUp = 8,
- + ChannelDown = 9,
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PlaybackStatus {
- + None = 0,
- + TrackChanged = 1,
- + Stopped = 2,
- + Playing = 3,
- + Paused = 4,
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.ReminderNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public bool StartedProcessing { get; set; }
- + public AccessoryNotificationType AccessoryNotificationType { get; }
- + public string AppDisplayName { get; }
- + public string AppId { get; }
- + public DateTime TimeCreated { get; }
- + public Appointment Appointment { get; }
- + public string Description { get; }
- + public string Details { get; }
- + public Guid ReminderId { get; }
- + public ReminderState ReminderState { get; }
- + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
- + public string Title { get; }
- + }
- + public enum Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.ReminderState {
- + Active = 0,
- + Snoozed = 1,
- + Dismissed = 2,
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.TextResponse {
- + public string Content { get; }
- + public uint Id { get; }
- + }
- + public class Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.ToastNotificationTriggerDetails {
- + public bool StartedProcessing { get; set; }
- + public AccessoryNotificationType AccessoryNotificationType { get; }
- + public string AppDisplayName { get; }
- + public string AppId { get; }
- + public DateTime TimeCreated { get; }
- + public bool SuppressPopup { get; }
- + public string Text1 { get; }
- + public string Text2 { get; }
- + public string Text3 { get; }
- + public string Text4 { get; }
- + }
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