
support morph memebuild

Dec 26th, 2014
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  1. waveform at 2/6/8/9
  2. adaptive at 3/4/5/7
  3. morph at 1/12/13/14
  4. replicate at 10/11/16
  6. only CORE item is soul ring
  7. from there your normal complement is tranquil boots, but arcanes are possible too
  8. medallion is an optional midrange item next, its extremely good on you, but sometimes rushing blink is better
  9. blink is your only core big item, it should be purchased before any luxuries
  11. luxuries can be literally anything your team needs
  12. >sheepstick
  13. >euls
  14. >atos
  15. >necrobook
  16. >blademail
  17. >force staff
  18. >shivas
  19. >dagon + eblade
  21. I'd advise against mek/pipe unless you went arcanes instead of tranquils, the main problem isn't mana so much as the fact the mek/pipe tankiness on yourself is completely wasted, you don't need additional tank on morphling
  23. a dagon eblade build is particularly awesome if you're snowballing since it transitions you from support to lategame nuking carry if you need to pick up slack on your team. You can contribute all midgame with the damage of dagon 1/2/3/4/5 which is awesome on your ganking stun, but then lategame morph full agility, and bam you've got a blink eblade dagon 5 adaptive and replicate out and you can solo pick off any hero
  25. also I should point out, morphling has great synergy with so many item choices in ways other supports just can't capitalize on them
  27. >build force staff and if you catch someone facing the wrong way, you push them 900 range into your team like a batrider
  28. >build necrobook and you can stun someone for 4 seconds as your summons whack them
  29. >build dagon/eblade and you can morph full agility and be a nuker as needed
  30. >build blademail and you can soak up aoe damage with your ludicrously high HP without dying while reflecting fatal amounts, also giving armor on a low armor hero
  32. someone like crystal maiden can't do that
  33. and yet, with no items at all but a soul ring and brown boots, you're shitting out more contribution than any other support
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