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a guest
Jun 4th, 2015
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  1. Sub Events:
  2. -Dimensional Destruction: You just immediately lose all your Barrier gauges what the hell. (Do they come back after the event ends?? I hope so??)
  3. -Barrier Interference: Your Barrier gauge gradually drains for the duration of the event.
  4. -Cover Fire (Enemies): Lasers falling randomly. Doesn't occur during boss battles.
  5. -Drunkenness: Enemy danmaku becomes absurd. Doesn't occur on Easy Mode or during boss battles. Pray that this doesn't occur on high difficulties.
  6. -Additional Armor: Enemies have more HP.
  7. -Armor Deterioration: Enemies have less HP. Doesn't occur on Unreal Mode!
  8. -Immortal: Enemies are just straight-up immortal. You can still get money by shooting them, though. Doesn't occur on Easy Mode, or during boss battles... except on Unreal Mode. (That's right! On Unreal Mode, any enemy attack can become a survival card with no warning! I'm!!!)
  9. -High Firepower I/II/III: Enemies have higher shot power (ie. do more damage if you get hit).
  10. -Piercing: You immediately lose HP if you get hit, even if you still have Barrier gauges left. Doesn't occur on Easy Mode.
  11. -Poison: You gradually lose HP. Um, ow????
  12. -Horizontal Inversion: Your controls are horizontally inverted. Doesn't occur on Easy Mode. *muffled Reverse Ideology playing in the distance*
  13. -Visual Impairment I/II/III: Night-blindness.
  14. -Tons of Treasure: Enemies drop lots of items! Doesn't occur on Unreal Mode.
  15. -Sake Mongerer: The money gauge (booze gauge) automatically fills up! Doesn't occur on Easy Mode, though.
  16. -Time Delay: Time slows down. Doesn't occur during boss battles or above Hard Mode.
  17. -Gravity: You get sucked toward the bottom of the screen. Thanks, Clause. Thanks.
  18. -Pacifism: Your HP regenerates as long as you're not shooting.
  19. -Extend: Completing the current cell without getting hit or using bombs will grant you a 1-up.
  20. -Bomb Seal: No bombs for you.
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