
Towairaito no Kimyō na Bōken (Twilight's Bizarre Adventure)

Jan 18th, 2015
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  1. >"Anon, this isn't funny anymore....just give us the Alicorn Amulet."
  2. "Twilight, there's a limit to human ability."
  3. >Twilight looks at you with confusion, as do Spike and Princess Celestia.
  4. "One thing I've learned in my short life...The harder you plan, the less things will go according to your plans. As long as you cannot go beyond humanity..."
  5. >"What? What are you saying?!"
  7. >You draw the curved blade you were hiding in the sleeve of your jacket.
  9. >"He's got a knife! Shoot him down!"
  10. >"Watch out! Twilight!"
  12. >You drive the blade forward, cold steel meeting flesh with a dull 'thuck'.
  13. >Instead of Twilight however, the knife protrudes from the alabaster back of her tutor Celestia.
  14. >"Twilight..."
  15. >"PRINCESS!!"
  16. >"Shoot him dead!"
  17. >You clasp the amulet around your neck, smearing it with Celestia's blood as you do so.
  18. >On the captain's command, the royal guards in the room raise their crossbows and fire, the force of the bolts sending flying backwards against one of the stain glass windows lining the hall.
  19. >With a deafening crash, it shatters, ejecting your body onto the balcony beyond, and giving the thundering rain from outside a way into the throne room.
  20. >"Princess..."
  21. >Even though she dwarfs her in size, Twilight holds Princess Celestia in her hooves as her life blood ebbs from the blade embedded in her back.
  22. >"How could this happen...I should have been able to dodge that knife!"
  23. >"I've only been princess for a few weeks...and you took the hit for me!"
  24. >Celestia smiles, despite the throbbing pain in her back.
  25. >"Twilight..."
  26. >"Princess, hang on! The doctor will be here soon!"
  27. >"Twilight, don't blame Anon. It was my fault, I was harsh even to you...My faithful student."
  28. >"But Anon must have felt it unfair, that's why he did this."
  29. >Celestia's cups Twilight's face with her hoof.
  30. >"Twilight, it is not die in the hooves...of my greatest...pupil."
  32. >Celestia's hoof drops from Twilight's face as she slips away.
  34. >Tears for in the guard captain's eyes, and he turns away from the site of his princess bleeding on the ground.
  35. >"Aah...Such kindness! How can she speak well of Anonymous even now, and because of me..."
  36. >He slams an armoured hoof into the marble frame of the shattered window.
  37. >"It was my mistake! If she dies now it will all be over!"
  38. >"NO!"
  39. >The guard captain turns to Spike as he speaks up.
  40. >"The Princesses soul...Has been inherited by her protégé, Twilight Sparkle! It will become her strong will, her pride and her future!"
  41. >Tears form in the baby dragon's own eyes, and he too turns away, only to notice...
  42. >"The corpse...Anon's corpse..."
  44. >The guard captain turns to the spot where Anon’s body lay moments ago.
  46. >Spikes warning comes too late, as the top of the guard captain's head is shorn clean off in a spray of gore.
  47. >A coarse wail fills the air, all but drowned out by a strike of lightning in the distance.
  48. >Effortlessly, Anon flips from his inverted position on the outside of the castle and lands on the windowsill.
  49. >"H-He's still alive?!"
  50. >"How? After that crossbow volley..."
  51. >"Careful! He must have a weapon!"
  52. >The remaining guardponies nervously point their weapons at Anon as he slowly advances.
  53. >"No...impossible..."
  54. >Twilight gently lays Celestia on the floor and stands at her full height as wisps of magic swirl around her horn.
  55. >"Anon! Anon Stop!"
  56. >Heedless to Twilight's warnings, his advance continues step...
  57. >"Anon!"
  58. >By step...
  59. >"ANON!"
  60. >By step...
  61. >"Watch out Twilight! Hurry up and shoot!"
  62. >Anon advances within arm’s reach of Twilight before the soft twang of a bow string rings out and a small bolt strikes Anon in the forehead.
  63. >Spike lowers his own, smaller crossbow...
  64. >Only for Anon to take another step forward and remove the bolt from his forehead.
  66. >His tongue slips out as he slowly laps the crimson fluid from his fingers.
  67. >"Dude...that's creepy."
  68. >Anon's grin widens at the juvenile dragon's comment.
  69. "Twi...."
  70. >"W-What..."
  71. "Twilight."
  72. >"Impossible!"
  73. >With greater grace than his stature would imply, Anon leaps into the air, spinning mid-manoeuvre to face the ponies below.
  74. "Haha! Look at the power of the amulet Twilight. The power of Celestia's blood!"
  75. >Anon uses his reach to grab one of the guards by the forehead and drag him up with him to the roof.
  76. >Before their eyes, Twilight, Spike and the remaining guards watch as the pony in Anon's clutches withers in pain as his blood is sucked from his body.
  77. >In the span of the few seconds his skin is drawn tight against his bones and the surviving guards, spurred on by the death of their comrades, raise their crossbows upwards.
  78. >"What has Anon become...?"
  79. >Anon smirks, and with a deft flick his wrist sends the body flying into the remaining guards with enough force to break bones and tear away limbs.
  80. >An arm flies away from the tangle of flesh and strikes Spike sending him sprawling.
  81. >Twilight panicked gaze drifts to the body of her mentor, her friend, Celestia.
  82. >At once, her features harden and she strides towards one of the suits of armour lining the hall.
  83. >"No Twilight, Run! You don't stand a chance. Anything that strong is a true monster!"
  84. >Spike wheezes, a trickle of blood leaking from his draconic maw.
  85. >With her magic, Twilight raises one of the heavy spears from the grasp of the suit of armour before her and turns to face Anon.
  86. >"You’re right...Frankly, I'm scared..."
  88. >"Twilight stop! You'll just get yourself killed!"
  89. >'It will take every ounce of my will to defeat Anon...and my will is strong! Anon is no longer a human! He is a demon! I must not let his slaughter continue!'
  91. >Across the throne room, the body sucked dry by Anon rises as far as its shattered hind legs will allow, and starts to drag itself towards Spike.
  92. >'Z-Zombie ponies?! A monster created by a monster!'
  93. >The withered corpse of the guardpony drags itself forward on its broken limbs and places a hoof on Spike's chest.
  94. >"Your blood....give it to me!"
  95. >Wrapped in Twilight's magical field, the spear strikes the former guard in the head, caving in the undead pony’s skull and knocking him off Spike.
  96. >'It pains me...even if it is a monster...Celestia, please strengthen my will!'
  97. >"Twilight, watch out! He's above you!!"
  98. >Twilight whirls, spinning the spear as she does so and letting it rest on her shoulder as she aims it upwards.
  99. >Anon smirks as he falls towards the purple alicorn and thrusts out his palm towards the spear.
  100. >The pointed spearhead pierces straight through Anon's palm, and his fingers close around the shaft, unnatural strength stopping it from penetrating any further and suspending him in mid-air above Twilight.
  101. >Spike watches helplessly, clutching his gut.
  102. >'He stopped it...And the wound in his head... Its already healed...He's immortal! Completely immortal! How can that body be destroyed!?'
  103. >Anon chuckles as Twilight visibly struggles to force the spear out of his grip.
  104. "Weakling! Weakling!!"
  105. >Anon pushes forward, and the steel pole in Twilight's grasp twists, warping against Anon’s strength before snapping in three.
  106. >The pointed head flies backwards and impales Twilight's shoulder as Anon sails overhead and lands without a sound.
  107. "Twilight... It's useless, useless, useless... Compared to this power you're weak! You're fragile! You're...not behind me anymore."
  108. >Anon surveys the room and sees no trace of Spike or Twilight.
  109. "A teleport spell won't get you far, not with that spear in your shoulder."
  110. >Anon inhales, and turns to face the curtains at one end of the hall.
  112. >The doorway beyond leads out of the throne room and to the rest of the castle.
  113. >A trickle of blood snakes its way out from under door and past the curtain, betraying the presence behind it.
  114. "Didn't I tell you Twilight? Pony schemes have their limit, just like humans."
  115. >Anon slowly strides towards the doors, confident, unstoppable.
  116. "Stop with this futile struggle Twilight, come out."
  117. >No reply comes, and Anon reaches outwards.
  118. "Let’s see what's behind door number one..."
  119. >Anon pulls back the curtain and pushes open the door, only to be engulfed in flames as they spill from the room beyond into the throne room.
  120. >Anon reals back, screaming in pain as the flames lap at his skin.
  121. >"This isn't a scheme, this is bravery!"
  122. >Anon rips the burning curtain away from himself and before Spike and Twilight's eyes, the burns on his face start to heal.
  123. >"Twi...Even when his skin burns, it rapidly regenerates! That's why the crossbow bolt to the head healed!"
  124. >"This fire isn't enough to defeat him!"
  125. >Anon yells as he rips the burning door from its hinges and flings it forwards.
  126. >Spike is enveloped in magic and flung to the side as a flash of light envelops Twilight, teleporting her to one of the balconies above.
  127. >"Twilight, what are you doing?"
  128. >"Get out of the castle...! Spike, you weren't even supposed to be involved!"
  129. >"But Twilight, you can't go up! The fire is spreading thought the castle!"
  130. >Ignoring Spike, Twilight turns to Anon, the spearhead still firmly embedded in her shoulder and makes a 'come hither' motion with her hoof.
  131. >"Come on up, Anon!"
  132. >Anon rips his fire-weakened shirt and jacket from his body, the force of which creates a temporary oasis from the fire.
  133. >"Anon! You and your power will not travel beyond these walls!"
  134. >The flames flare up again, forcing Spike to retreat back through the castle.
  135. >Anon smiles as he strides through the flames towards the wall.
  136. "Using yourself as bait to protect your friend? The princess taught you well."
  138. >Anon thrusts a foot into the wall, then another, walking up the vertical surface like it was nothing.
  139. "I'll just use your blood to heal these burns."
  140. >Twilight turns and flees further up the stairs, taking quick glimpses over her shoulder to watch as Anon ascends the wall.
  141. "It’s useless, falling from this height won't kill me Twilight! Instead, now the fire and height have cornered YOU!"
  142. >'Celestia...I'll miss you. Please give your strength to the flames to do what they must.'
  143. >Twilight emerges on the roof of the castle, flames already licking the slanted, tiled surface.
  144. >A few moments later, Anon bursts from the surface of the roof and sends a kick flying towards Twilight's face.
  145. >Using her magic, Twilight rips the spearhead from her shoulder and uses it to block the kick.
  146. >Far below, Spike watches the roof as flames devour the castle below.
  147. >'Twilight is making the fire burn as hot as it can! Hot enough that even Anon won't be able to regenerate in time! That's why she went up, to let the flames spread!'
  148. >Spike covers his eyes as another window blows outwards, showering the courtyard with glass.
  149. >On the roof, Twilight charges forward and tackles Anon.
  150. >"DON'T DO IT TWI!"
  151. >The tackle sends the two of them flying though a weakened section of roof and back into the castle below.
  152. "How, how dare you!"
  153. >The two of them fall though the castle, the flames already eating through the floors and opening holes between them.
  154. >'Canterlot Castle, so many memories consumed by the flames, the Princess dead.'
  155. >"I'll let myself burn! I'll defeat your demonic powers in exchange for my life! ANON!!"
  156. "Bah!"
  157. >Anon knees Twilight in the chest, driving all wind from her and cracking half her ribs from force alone.
  158. >Winded, Twilight lets go, and Anon grabs the stone wall beside him, halting his fall.
  159. "Goodbye Twilight!"
  160. >Twilight continues to fall into the waiting flames below.
  161. "Your determination surprised me, now know you can die with your Princess, fool!"
  163. 'I have surpassed humanity! Invincible! Immortal! I will rule the world with this power!'
  164. >Magics gather around Twilight's horn as she falls, and with a flash of light she appears above Anon and grabs him off the wall.
  165. "WHAT!?"
  166. >"I'm back Anon! This time I won't let go... You're fate is sealed!"
  167. >Her magic shimmers, and Anon catches the sharp glint of steel in the air.
  168. >"This knife!"
  169. >From the air, Twilight pulls Anon’s knife, and holds it above him as they fall.
  171. >Twilight drives the blade forward into Anon's side, drawing a pained cry.
  172. >Ignoring the pain, he reaches up and grasps Twilight's forelegs, squeezing until he hears bones snap.
  173. >But she doesn't release her grip on him.
  174. 'WHAT?! Even with her legs broken! Even with her body on fire! Her power doesn't waver!'
  175. "Very well! Let us burn together! However you'll die alone! With this body, I have the power to escape no matter how strong the flames are!"
  177. >Twilight cries her heart out, and unconsciously kicks the wall behind her.
  178. >And with that kick, the two are propelled forward towards the statue of the Princess of Love, Cadence!
  179. >The marble horn of the statue impales Anon, and the inferno leaps onto his body.
  180. "HOW COULD YOU...!?"
  181. >At that moment a thought splits Anon's mind;
  182. 'That explosive power! The more you beat her, the stronger she gets!'
  183. >The super-heated flames melt Anon's flesh from his bones, and he screams out in agony.
  184. "TWILIGHT!"
  185. 'This...This was not my life.'
  186. >Outside the mansion, tears trek their way down Spikes face despite the burning heat.
  187. >"Twilight..."
  188. >One of the remaining windows shatters, ejecting a body into the night.
  189. >"Twilight!!"
  190. >With no magical power left, two things saved Twilight; Anon's body cushioned her fall, and allowed her to throw herself out a nearby window.
  191. >A meagre breath escapes her charred lips as she lies in Spike's arms.
  192. >"She's alive!"
  194. >"SHE'S WON!!"
  198. >The sun rises, to many ponies relief, over Canterlot the next morning.
  199. >The Castle, the seat of government for countless generations, lays in ruin.
  200. >Thankfully, the fire spread no further than the castle grounds.
  201. >With Princess Celestia dead and Twilight Sparkle in hospital, the task of raising the sun and the moon falls the the Princess of the Night.
  202. >For the next two days, the sun and the moon rise and set, as if nothing ever happened.
  203. >In the early morning mist, a figure skirts around, digging in the rubble.
  204. >Eventually, one piece of rubble yields what the figure is looking for; the alicorn amulet.
  205. >"Myaha! It is here. The disaster here at the castle three days ago sure surprised me... and that amulet that Anon guy put on!"
  206. >"Heh, I knew I would see it again. This amulet fetched a high price last time... I'll profit well from it, nyahahaha!"
  207. >The oriental pony reaches a hoof towards the amulet, only for a hand to breach the rubble and dig its fingers into his leg.
  208. >The pony screams in pain as his blood is sucked from his body, but even in the quiet morning air, there is no one near enough to hear his cry.
  209. >A single breath escapes from the crack in the rubble.
  210. >A single breath that sounds remarkably like a single word...
  213. "Twi...light..."
  215. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  217. >The full moon sits heavy in the sky over Canterlot, casting ample light onto the streets below.
  218. >The streets themselves are still however, with the exception of a single cart headed towards Canterlot Private Hospital.
  219. >The cart pulls up outside the building and the driver throws a concerned look over his shoulder as the vehicle's sole occupant, a not-so-small baby dragon with his left arm confined to a sling, moves to get out.
  220. >"Sir, should you really be going out on your own with those wounds?"
  221. >"Twilight Sparkle's life is hanging by a thread! This is nothing in comparison!"
  222. >Spurred on by his own words, Spike leaps from the cart.
  223. >"Mere scratches!!"
  224. >The injured baby dragon flies through the air and lands on the pavement...only to immediately collapse as a jolt of pain shoots up his side.
  225. >"Ouch...ouch...The cane! Hurry up and pass me the cane!"
  226. >Cane in hand, Spike strides up the front steps of the hospital and enters.
  227. >'Twilight won the battle...She saved my life but lost nearly everything...Princess Celestia, the castle... Even Anon, strange as it sounds. She's been locked up in this hospital since that disaster three days ago... With the other elements scattered all over Equestria helping Princess Luna she's been all alone without any support! Until now I haven't been able to do anything! Even if all I can do is hold her hoof while she's unconscious, I need to do it!'
  228. >Spike turns the corner to find a door further up the corridor ajar, with light from inside spilling out into the corridor.
  229. >'That's Twilight's room!'
  230. >Spike hurries down the corridor to the open door and peeks inside.
  231. >'That pony, has she been here all this time!!'
  232. >A single solitary candle sits in the room, illuminating Twilight's prone form, wrapped in bandages, and the pony standing over her.
  234. >'Her hooves are cracked from being wet so long! She must have cooled Twilight's burns hundreds, no, thousands of times!'
  235. >Spike pushes open the door, drawing the attention of the pegasus tending to Twilight's wounds.
  236. >"Fluttershy!"
  237. >"Spike?"
  238. >The pink maned pegasus takes in Spike's injuries and sways a little on her hooves.
  239. >With a gentle sigh she falls sideways, only to be stopped by a purple, bandaged hoof.
  240. >"Oh..oh my! Twilight, your leg was shattered."
  241. >The princess of friendship smiles, despite the pain.
  242. >"I'll always support my friends."
  243. >The three converse deep into the night, and many a night after that as Twilight and Spike's wounds slowly heal.
  244. >A week after that terrible night, Twilight finds herself standing in front of the ash choked ruin of Canterlot castle.
  245. >'Only me and Spike know what really happened here... Everyone thinks it was an accident...'
  246. >A purple light envelops a chunk of rubble and rolls it away.
  247. >'What worries me is the Alicorn Amulet! I wish I could believe it was smashed to pieces...'
  248. >Twilight sighs and turns away, moving slowly on three legs.
  249. >'I will believe it! And I'll put it out of my mind forever.'
  250. >Fluttershy moves alongside Twilight, allowing her to rest her weight on the pegasus as the two depart from the former castle.
  251. >As the two make their way back to the hospital through one of Canterlot's gardens, Twilight notices something out of the corner of her eye.
  252. >A pony wrapped in a cloak and pointed hat, the same one that Twilight has noticed following since they departed the castle.
  253. >"Twilight, is something wrong?"
  254. >"No... It's noth..!!"
  255. >Somehow, the pony that was following them appeared sitting on the stone wall that followed the length of the path.
  256. >With the slight hum of magic, the unicorn levitates a sandwich to their muzzle, obscured under the brim of their pointed hat.
  257. >"What?!"
  258. >The pony looks up, revealing a white mane, streaked with the lightest blue and a feminine muzzle with blue fur.
  260. >"Twilight Sparkle, and her friend, Fluttershy."
  261. >The mare leaps, with no obvious movement from her legs or shine from her horn, and flies towards the two.
  262. >"You did well to survive the power of the amulet Twilight!"
  263. >The mare's hoof slams into Twilight's gut, forcing out all the air in her body.
  264. >"Twi-Twilight!"
  265. >"That's it, empty your lungs out completely Sparkle."
  266. >With no air left in her body, Twilight collapses, and the mare takes a step back.
  267. >Fluttershy rushes to Twilights side.
  268. >"How could you...She's injured!!"
  269. >"She's just out of breath, no need to worry."
  270. >Twilight breaths in, and at once her injured leg starts to crack and spasm as it glows with a golden light.
  271. >'My leg?!'
  272. >"What did you do to me, Trixie?!"
  273. >Trixie smiles as she levitates her sandwich over and takes another bite.
  274. >"You cannot rely on courage alone to defeat the amulet!"
  275. >With one final snap, the pain in Twilight's leg dissipates, the previously shattered limb fully healed.
  276. >"The pain's gone! You fixed my leg!"
  277. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie did no such thing. No, your breathing killed the pain."
  278. >Shakily, Twilight stands up, gingerly resting her weight on her formerly injured leg.
  279. >"What are you doing here Trixie? What did you just do?"
  280. >"Ah ah, one question at a time Twilight. Though we have clashed before, you must believe that the Great and Powerful Trixie is you ally in this battle."
  281. >Trixie turns towards the ruins of the castle in the distance.
  282. >"As for what Trixie did, follow. What you will see will change your destiny once again."
  283. >Trixie trots down the path towards the castle without another word.
  284. >Twilight and Fluttershy share a look, before the now healed alicorn takes off down
  286. the path after Trixie, with Fluttershy trailing behind her.
  288. >Though the once proud building lies in ruins, the ornamental fountain that lies in its courtyard of the castle remains more or less intact and filled with water.
  289. >"Trixie hit you, she struck your diaphragm. This made your breathing 'special' like Trixie's."
  290. >"How did you change it?"
  291. >"Allow Trixie to demonstrate."
  292. >Trixie steps into the fountain and stands in front of a piece of debris.
  293. >On top of the broken chunk of fountain lays a frog.
  294. >"W-What is she going to do?"
  295. >Twilight watches on in silence as Trixie steadily breaths in and out.
  296. >Without warning, she inhales explosively, the water of the fountain splashing despite Trixie's lack of movement.
  297. >'What is this... In the water!'
  298. >Around Trixie's hooves, the water begins to move outward, creating...
  299. >"Ripples! That shape! It isn't natural at all!"
  300. >"This is the energy that healed your leg!!"
  301. >Trixie raises her hoof, and slams it down towards the debris, and the frog.
  302. >Fluttershy screams.
  303. >"STOP!!"
  304. >The frog flattens under Trixie's hoof, only to be enveloped in golden sparks.
  305. >The broken piece of fountain underneath the frog splits in two, and the frog drops down into the water and swims away.
  306. >"T-The frog wasn't hurt!"
  307. >Trixie turns to Twilight and Fluttershy, idly brushing her hoof on her cape.
  308. >"That was Sendō."
  309. >"S-Sendō?"
  310. >"The power of Hamon, or ripple energy, creates Sendō. The energy of my Hamon moved through the frog as ripples and split the rock!"
  311. >"Twilight! I know for a fact that the amulet is intact, and in possession of its new master, Anon!"
  312. >"What?! Did you just say Anon?"
  313. >"I did! Ever since you saved me from the power of the amulet in Ponyville, I have looked for a way to destroy it! That is why I have researched and mastered Sendō. Twilight! It is already your destiny to battle the amulet! You too must learn Sendō, otherwise you will die! You and all of ponykind!"
  315. >"Twilight...What is this? What does she mean!?"
  316. >"Fluttershy..."
  317. >'Fluttershy, I mustn't let her get involved.'
  318. >Unbeknownst to Twilight, the ground beneath her feet starts to come alive as grass flowers spring up around her recently healed hoof.
  319. >'Incredible, the Hamon that healed her bones remained, and has flowed through her hoof to revive the withered flowers! Trixie has never seen such raw talent! No wonder Twilight survived, even against the man of the amulet! This mare may save the world!!'
  322. >A week passed! And in that time Twilight trained under Trixie's tutelage, learning breathing techniques and the way of the Hamon.
  323. >"But Trixie, why did the amulet have such a different effect on Anon than it did on you?"
  324. >"Well Twilight, the amulet amplifies the wearer's talents. For a unicorn such as Trixie this means their magic. For a creature like Anon however, a natural predator, it elevates him above his species stature to become an unstoppable killing machine, a vampire."
  325. >"And how does learning Hamon help me defeat Anon?"
  326. >Trixie stands, and using her magic flings two small pebbles in the air.
  327. >"Hamon energy comes from the flow of the user’s blood. Vampires drain energy from the blood of other creatures."
  328. >The pebbles fall in the water below, creating two opposing ripples that play against each other and dissipate.
  329. >"I see! It's fighting fire with fire!"
  330. >"Exactly, and the waves created by Hamon are the same as the waves of Celestia's sun!"
  331. >The training continues. Twilight finds it funny that after everything, she is the one being taught by Trixie, but ever the diligent student, subscribes fully to the unicorn's teachings.
  332. >"Listen, Twilight. Breathing affects your blood."
  333. >The two stand ankle deep in a stream, the only movement in the water the ripples emanating from Trixie's legs.
  334. >"Your blood carries oxygen you inhale."
  335. >Twilight and Trixie stand opposite each other, with Twilight's each other’s right hooves resting where their opposite's right leg meets their body.
  336. >"The oxygen in your blood affects your body's cells."
  337. >The two carefully inhale and exhale as Trixie continues to explain.
  338. >"Your cells are your body. Like ripples in the water, breathing properly creates Hamon in your body."
  339. >Trixie gives a slight nod, and Twilight pulls back then drives her fist towards Trixie's face.
  340. >"And that creates energy!"
  341. >Though they had the same distance of reach, Trixie's hoof meets its mark first, knocking Twilight backwards.
  343. >'Her leg suddenly extended! How did she do that?!'
  344. >As if hearing her thoughts, Trixie speaks.
  345. >"It's called a Zoom Punch. I dislocated my shoulder and extended my foreleg! Hamon energy dulls the pain."
  346. >Twilight nods in understanding, only to receive a gentle rap on the head by Trixie.
  347. >"Do not break the rhythm of your breathing. Hamon energy is sensitive to emotional disturbances."
  348. >Twilight gives a curt nod, and rises back to her feet.
  349. >"HEY! TWILIGHT!"
  350. >Trixie and Twilight turn to see Spike running towards them, his need for a cane long since passed.
  351. >"What is it Spike?"
  352. >"I have a carriage waiting to take us to Hollow Shades, I'll explain on the way."
  354. >The carriage thunders along down the road, the two ponies pulling it showing no signs of exhaustion despite the weight.
  355. >Twilight gazes out the window as the grassy plains outside gradually morph into ever thicker and thicker woodland as they draw closer to their destination.
  356. >"We're headed to Hollow Shades?"
  357. >Spike nods before replying to Twilight's question.
  358. >"Apparently there've been disturbances there lately. Ponies disappearing and a tall, pale creature that walks on two legs."
  359. >"Anon..."
  360. >"Twilight, we have very little time. Your final test will be combat."
  361. >Twilight steels her expression as she looks over at Trixie.
  362. >"I'm ready!"
  363. >"So am I! I wouldn't be able to back down now and call myself a Dragon! Or a friend!"
  364. >Twilight smiles at Spikes enthusiasm.
  365. >"Plus, there was no way I was letting you leave me behind while you go on an awesome adventure."
  366. >Twilight laughs at the truth in Spike's words, and he and Trixie quickly add their laughter to Twilight's.
  367. >Their laughter dies down as the light suddenly drops.
  368. >"Ah, we've reached the entrance of Hollow Shades, the Oak Tunnel."
  369. >True to its name, the tunnel is lined with countless oak trees, the canopies of the ancient plants coming together over the thin road and completely blocking out the sun above.
  370. >"We are making good time. We shall be able to attack while the sun is still up."
  371. >As Trixie explains the plan, Twilight's thought's turn to Fluttershy, and to the rest of her friends.
  372. >'I left without telling her...and the rest of them must think I'm still in hospital...'
  373. >"I will return! For my friends!"
  374. >The carriage jerks, and slowly grounds to a halt.
  375. >"We've stopped?"
  376. >"Hey, drivers. What's wrong?"
  377. >"Spike, be careful. There's no sun in here!"
  378. >"Hey, why have we sto—"
  379. >Spike's words die in his throat as he sees the fate of the ponies pulling the carriage.
  380. >Both stallions stand limp, blood spurting from the stumps of their necks.
  382. >After a few moments Spike regained his voice, crying out in alarm as the bodies collapsed to the ground.
  383. >"Their heads have been completely removed! Is it Anon? Where did he go?"
  384. >A strange sound, half coughing, half laughter, emanates from the canopy above the carriage.
  385. >With a thud, a shape drops down in front of the decapitated drivers.
  386. >The wiry, grey pony stands to his full height, revealing his gaunt flesh, oriental features and the long, sharp blades protruding from the ends of his hooves.
  387. >"Nyahahaha, Lord Anon told me, you, who know the secret of the amulet must be vanquished for him to rule the world!"
  388. >Twilight steps out of the carriage, followed by Trixie.
  389. >"I am allowed to drink your blood...I WILL LICK IT! LICK YOUR BLOOD WITH THIS AGILE TONGUE! NYEHEHEHEH!"
  390. >The oriental pony leaps, disappearing into the thick canopy above.
  391. >"Anon has already gathered many more await us?"
  392. >Spike wrinkles his nose as he catches the ponies’ stench.
  393. >"That in the mansion..."
  394. >"He is a zombie! Feeding on the living to gain eternal life, but he is only a puppet under the control of his master!"
  395. >Trixie pauses, and gazes at the trees around them.
  396. >"And if Trixie was him...Twilight! This is an important method of thinking! You must consider the situation from the enemies’ point of view!"
  397. >"How can I put myself of the position of a monster like him?"
  398. >"Quiet! If Trixie were him... First, I'd block any path to the sun, seal the entry of the tunnel!"
  399. >A low creak fills the tunnel, and the trio turn in unison as the first trees fall upon the entrance of the tunnel.
  400. >Even with a portion of their number fallen, the remaining tree cover is absolute. No light penetrates the tunnel!
  401. >Confidently, Trixie trots forward, further into the tunnel.
  402. >"Trixie? Where are you going?!"
  404. >Trixie shushes Spike, and addresses the Twilight.
  405. >"Twilight, this is your lesion. Are you familiar with Fleas? Miniscule insects, yet they attack us! Huge, intelligent creatures, at any time! Are fleas 'brave' because of this?"
  406. >The leaves above give a slight rustle, as if stroked by some unseen hand, and the oriental pony bursts from the foliage, flying straight at Trixie.
  407. >"No! Fleas are not 'brave' or 'courageous'! 'Courage' is knowing fear and making it your own!"
  408. >Trixie spins, leaping to meet the zombie pony.
  409. >"Fear upsets your breathing! When you control fear your breath with never fail you! Hamon breathing comes from 'Courage'!"
  410. >Trixie’s leg extends, joints snapping as it extends longer than it was ever meant to go.
  411. >"A good pony is a brave pony! Pony greatness is the greatness of courage! They may be powerful, but these zombies do not know 'courage'! THEY ARE JUST LIKE FLEAS!"
  412. >Waves of golden light emanate from Trixie's hoof as it connects with the zombies face.
  413. >"SENDŌ WAVE KICK!"
  414. >The zombie pony screams in pain as it flies backwards, the flesh melting from the site of Trixie's kick.
  415. >Trixie lands and turns to Twilight.
  416. >"Twilight! You finish him off as I taught you. If you can't defeat him you have no chance against Anon. Destroy his brain, that's the only way to kill the undead."
  417. >The zombie pony unsteadily stands to its feet, before leaping and slicing apart a nearby bush, retreating up an overgrown path.
  418. >"H-he's inviting us after him!"
  419. >"Yes, and Twilight will do it alone!"
  420. >"TWILIGHT! Stand on your hind legs!"
  421. >Twilight cocks an eyebrow at Trixie, but follows her instructions, shakily supporting herself on her two hind hooves.
  422. >"Sendō requires complete control over your body! They say that the cold north wind carved the ponies of the crystal empire. If fall onto all fours Trixie will abandon you, whether you defeat that zombie or not."
  423. >"What? You can't be serious!?"
  424. >"Wait! Spike! I'll do it."
  426. >Spike stops, and looks at Twilight.
  427. >"Trixie, 'the northern wind carved the crystal ponies'?"
  428. >Trixie nods, and Twilight sighs as she exhales, then inhales.
  429. >With a simple flick of her horn, she creates a small orb of light and trots forward, into the darkness.
  430. >Carefully, Twilight makes her way down the decayed path, the only light being cast from the floating orb besides her.
  431. >'It's like a maze... Even when I light it up there are blind spots.'
  432. >Somewhere behind her, a twig snaps and Twilight spins to face her attacker as he flies at her, steel claws extended.
  433. >'Wait, this light! It makes me a perfect target!'
  434. >Too late, she moves to dodge, burning lines of pain lancing across her shoulder at the claws graze her.
  435. >The zombie pony bounces away into the darkness as Twilight extinguishes the light.
  436. >'Now its pitch black... How am I supposed to fight when I can't see?"
  437. >Twilight considers all the lessons Trixie has taught her over the last week.
  438. >'Trixie said 'Put yourself in your enemies position'. He must be close!'
  439. >Twilight tries, ineffectively to pick out some irregularity in the darkness.
  440. >'She also said to 'make fear yours'. That way I will never lose my breath!'
  441. >Steadying herself, she inhales and exhales, the pain in her shoulder diminishing to a slight itch in the back of her mind.
  442. >Eventually she comes to the first lesson, the one that taught her what Hamon was in the first place.
  443. >'Of course, living beings conduct Hamon... And I'm surrounded by living beings!'
  444. >Twilight feels around in the dark until she hears the gentle rap of her hoof on wood.
  445. >Tiny, miniscule ripples travel through the wood, only to stop and come back when they meet undead flesh on the other side!
  446. >'He's on the other side of this tree! One more step and I would have been killed like those drivers...'
  447. >Twilight breaths deep, gathering her Hamon inside her as she casts away all that she's lost, and all that she stands to lose if she fails.
  449. >Twilight pulls her hoof back, before slamming it down on the trunk of the tree.
  452. >A wave of Hamon travels through the tree, striking the zombie pony on the other side with the force of a tsunami.
  453. >A scream of pain echoes through the forest as the flesh bubbles and melts from his flesh.
  454. >The screams fall silent as the golden sparks reach his head, and his brain turns to mush, killing the zombie pony once and for all.
  455. >Twilight exhales, and removes her hoof from the tree and rounds the trunk to make sure her opponant is dead..
  456. >A second ball of light appears, and Twilight gasps in surprise as it illumiates the body of the zombie pony.
  457. >Instead of muted grey of the pony that attacked them in the tunnel, this undead carries a coat of dark green fur, what little of it is left.
  458. >'A decoy? That means!'
  459. >Twilight spins, expecting an attack, only to be met by the silence of the forest.
  460. >The only sound is that of Twilight breathing as she once again channels her Hamon waiting for an attack.
  461. >An attack that never comes.
  462. >'He must have retreated... He must be going to warn Anon!'
  463. >Twilight falls back onto all fours and gallops back down the path to inform Spike and Trixie that they may no longer hold the element of surprise.
  465. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  467. >By the time Twilight, Trixie and Spike exit the Oak Tunnel, the sun sits low in the sky, barely peeking over the tops of the trees that surround the town.
  468. >"Hollow Shades... Just the name gives me the creeps."
  469. >"Trixie has only been here once, back when she was a stage magician."
  470. >Trixie gazes at the town, further down the hill, trying to place long past memories to what she sees now.
  471. >"There are still ponies working... The town is still alright, but Anon here somewhere, hiding behind this veil of forest."
  472. >Twilight's words ring true, in the streets beyond ponies can be seen engaging in the age old dance of life.
  473. >"So, Trixie. I want to learn Hamon too. Can you teach me?"
  474. >Trixie cocks an eyebrow at Spike before turning away and continuing down the path.
  475. >"Impossible."
  476. >"WHAT? WHY?"
  477. >Spike picks up his pace, siding up to Trixie and grabbing her.
  478. >"Hey, why can't I? Just tell me!!"
  479. >Trixie huffs, and points a hoof at Twilight.
  480. >"Even now, Twilight maintains the breathing technique Trixie taught her. It's not easy to do this subconsciously at all times, night or day, awake or asleep. Only one in ten thousand have the ability. It took Trixie years of study alone, under a master in the gryphon lands with knowledge older than Celestia."
  481. >Trixie sighs, and places her hoof on Spike's shoulder.
  482. >"Spike, deep down you know that you are not disciplined enough."
  483. >"I still want to help! Do you expect me to stand back and not help my friends?! Anon is somewhere in this town! I can't forgive him for all that he's done."
  484. >Trixie smiles, and shakes her head in disbelief.
  485. >"Very well. The Generous and Caring Trixie supposes she can stimulate your diaphragm enough for you to create light ripples."
  486. >"YOU CAN? TRY IT!!"
  487. >"It may be painful at first, all right?"
  488. >"Do it! I can handle it!"
  489. >Trixie breaths out as she takes a step back, gathering the power of Hamon.
  490. >Without warning, she lunges forward, driving a hoof into Spike's stomach and all the air from his lungs.
  492. >Twilight stops and looks back as Spike collapses, dropping the bag he was carrying in the process.
  493. >"Trixie, what happened?"
  494. >"It appears that Trixie's knowledge of dragon biology is...inaccurate. The Great and Apologetic Trixie is sorry, Spike!"
  495. >Spike sputters out something that may be an acceptance of Trixie's apology, or an attempt to curse out the unicorn.
  496. >Spike coughs, and falls flat onto his back.
  497. >Too busy concentrating on Spike, neither Twilight nor Trixie notice the shape of a tiny pegasus colt as he swoops down from a nearby tree and swipes Spike's bag.
  498. >The colt slowly loses altitude and lands on the opposite bank of the river running alongside the road.
  499. >"A colt? What is he doing?"
  500. >Spike rises to his feet and points a shaking claw at the colt as he climbs onto the opposing bank.
  501. >"I'll tell you what he's doing, he's taking our money! All our bits are in that bag!"
  502. >"A grab and dash in a single move..."
  503. >"Impressive, Trixie thinks he will make a good guide to the village."
  504. >Trixie walks toward the river bank, breathing deeply as she does so.
  505. >A she exhales she strikes the water’s surface with her front hooves, creating an overlapping series of ripples.
  506. >The colt looks back, only to see Trixie striding across the water towards him.
  507. >Twilight follows, through with her slightly less refined technique she sinks into the water slightly with each footfall.
  508. >"All right! I'll try it too!"
  509. >Spike leaps towards the water and immediately sinks up to his head.
  510. >"Twilight, if you're sinking that far, you need to build up more Hamon!"
  511. >The colt is snapped out of his revere, and immediately takes off, heading towards the top of a nearby tree.
  512. >"This bag's mine! See you later suckers!"
  513. >Twilight and Trixie make it to the other side and turn their gaze towards the colt as he flies up, occasionally stopping on a branch to catch his breath.
  515. >Twilight trots up to the tree and slams her hoof into the unyielding bark.
  516. >"That's a nice sound Twilight, I see you've got the overdrive down right."
  517. >The power of Twilight's ripple travels up the tree before reaching the branch the colt is standing on.
  518. >For a moment, the bark beneath his hooves feels like a live wire, shocking him enough to knock him off balance.
  519. >Before he hits the ground, he's wrapped in a soft purple glow, eventually coming to rest in the air next to Twilight.
  520. >"Nice catch Twi!"
  521. >Like waking from a dream, the colt looks around in confusion, trying to process where he is.
  522. >"W-who are you?"
  523. >"Something's wrong. Did I use too much Hamon on the colt?"
  524. >"It's more than that Twilight, look around!"
  525. >Twilight looks around, taking in the surroundings on the other side of the river for the first time.
  526. >'A cemetery?!'
  527. >The sky darkens as the sun finally falls below the horizon.
  528. >As soon as the sky starts to darken, the very earth around the group starts to heave as rotten hooves thrust skyward out of the dirt.
  529. >"It appears we are the ones who were nicely caught! That colt must have been hypnotised!!"
  530. >"Twilight! Trixie! Above you!"
  531. >Spikes cry draws the two ponies’ attentions to tall, pillar shaped tombstone rising from the middle of the cemetery.
  532. >Standing there, silhouetted by the light of the moon is a tall, pale figure, resting on two legs.
  533. "The sun has set, time for you lives to do the same!"
  534. >"Anon!"
  535. >The ground rips apart as a multitude of zombie ponies rise from the earth.
  536. >Spike stands frozen as he watches Twilight and Trixie fight off a few of the more eager undead.
  537. >'Even though I've been preparing for this moment, I still feel afraid. That monster is right there in the flesh! He repaid Princess Celestia's love with biting steel! I won't let him get away with it!'
  539. >"So, this is Anon... I see... He and his zombie's cannot act during the day, so he hypnotised a young colt to lure us to a pace he has the advantage. Someone of his cunning must not be allowed to posses the amulet! We must destroy him, no matter what!"
  540. >Anon grins, and makes a come hither motion towards Twilight.
  541. >Twilight turns away from his gaze and looks towards the colt.
  542. >"What's your name?"
  543. >"Stump Splitter..."
  544. >"Ok Stump Splitter, stay back. This man is dangerous."
  545. >Twilight levitates the colt back, and stands next to Trixie as the zombies advance.
  546. >"The dead have become Anon's puppets! Let's go Twilight!"
  547. >Both mares breathe deeply, gathering their Hamon before launching themselves at the undead.
  548. >Trixie bats one zombie across the face, knocking him into a trio of undead.
  549. >The ripple in the first zombie's body spreads, all four moaning slightly as their skin and bones dissolve.
  550. >"Zoom Punch!!"
  551. >Twilight throws her hoof forward, knocking one zombie's head clean off as the ripple dissolves his body.
  552. >Trixie leaps, using the head of a zombie as a springboard as she approaches Anon.
  553. >"Anonymous, at last we meet."
  554. >Anon bares his vampiric fangs as he stares down at Trixie.
  555. >"Do you plan on fighting from up there? Come on down."
  556. "My my, you're a cocky one aren't you? I am the pinnacle of creation. I am the one that will create the future... How can I sink to the level of a mere pony?"
  557. >'Urrgh, Trixie has never felt such malice. He already thinks himself a tyrant!'
  558. >Anon raises his shirt, showing the ragged scar on his stomach.
  559. "This is the only scar that hasn't healed after my fight with Twilight."
  560. >Anon raises his fist, leaving himself completely open.
  561. "COME, CONJURER! Your blood with salve this wound!"
  562. >"How many lives have you sucked away to erase those wounds?"
  563. "Do you remember how many breads you have eaten in your life?"
  565. >"Trixie!"
  566. >Trixie holds out a hoof to stop Twilight.
  567. >"Twilight, The Great and Powerful Trixie will handle this."
  568. >Trixie leaps, springing from one tombstone to another as she jumps higher and higher.
  569. "Trixie... Ah, of course, the original bearer of the amulet. I must thank you. Without you to bring the powers of the amulet to light, I would have never been able to achieve all this!"
  570. >It Anon's words effect Trixie, she shows no sign of it. Instead she continues to
  571. spring higher and higher, before leaping higher than Anon's perch!
  572. >"Feel the power of the Sun, Anonymous!!"
  573. >Trixie thrusts her fist forward, and Anon moves a hand to block it.
  574. >Her hoof meets his open palm and for a moment it seems as if the two of them are locked together like that.
  575. >"Solar Hamon shine on Trixie! SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVE!"
  576. >Sparks fly from Trixie's hoof, traveling to Anon's hand and up his arm.
  577. >Anon's sleeve rips apart as the flesh on his arm twists like a corkscrew.
  578. >Below, Twilight watches with the closest she can come to bated breath with her Hamon breathing.
  579. >"She did it! Trixie's ripple is flowing through Anon's arm!"
  580. >Anon seems unfased by the power flooding into him, and he grins.
  581. >Like a bear trap, his fingers cover Trixie's hoof, enveloping the mare's limb entirely.
  582. >In an instant, Anon's arm is enveloped in ice, trapping Trixie's hoof in his grip.
  583. "Paper covers rock, bitch."
  586. >Trixie's hoof becomes numb as tendrils of ice start to snake their way up her leg.
  587. >'It's freezing!!"
  588. >The ice covering her leg shatters, causing the veins in her leg bulge under her skin and burst, showering frozen blood into the air.
  589. >'Gwaah! I want to scream in pain, but I mustn't lose my breathing!'
  590. "Trixie! Your power comes from the flow of your blood! So if your blood is frozen, you're powerless. Know this! I have absolute control over my body! I vaporized the water in my arm, absorbing all heat and flash freezing your leg."
  591. >Anon releases Trixie's hoof and pulls back his opposite arm.
  592. "AND NOW!"
  593. >His hand forms a fist, which he drives forward towards Trixie's defenceless body.
  594. >Trixie raises her other hoof, attempting to intercept the coming strike.
  595. "FOOL! I'll smash through your bones as if they were glass!"
  596. >Before Anon's fist can strike Trixie's hoof, a second, purple hoof blocks it.
  597. >"Anon! I'm ending your madness!"
  598. >Twilight's hoof rests, sandwiched between Trixie's own hoof and Anon's hand.
  599. >'Anon's hand... I can feel the evil running though his veins!'
  600. "Hmph! You did well to stop my blow. I must say, I'm impressed."
  601. >"Twilight!"
  602. >Twilight and Trixie share a look, both ponies instinctively knowing what to do.
  603. "Twilight... If I were you I'd keep my hooves to myself..."
  604. >"TAKE THIS, ANON!"
  605. >Both ponies cry out, synchronous in their actions as they channel the ripple down their legs and into Anon's arm.
  606. >Like before, his arm becomes enveloped in ice. Only the force of both ripples stops Twilight from suffering a similar fate.
  607. "Once your leg is frozen, your blood will be unable to flow. Your Hamon will be useless!!"
  608. >'Anon is too strong! He's five times as strong as the both of us together! This is bad! He'll freeze Twilight's leg, just like he did Trixie’s!'
  609. >Though obscured by her fur, the skin of Twilight's leg starts to pale as the blood freezes in her veins. At once, the skin splits, throwing her blood into the air.
  611. >'No, Trixie cannot let Twilight get hurt!'
  612. >Recklessly, Trixie lashes out with her hind leg, aiming to strike Anon.
  613. >Anon smirks, and with two fingers extended, stabs his hand into Trixie's knee as it flies towards him.
  614. >Trixie's leg bends at an unnatural angle, sending more of her blood flying into the night air.
  615. >Anon pulls his other arm away, ripping the frozen skin from Twilight's hoof, and with a flick of his arms he flings the two ponies away
  616. >Twilight spreads her wings, slowing her fall enough for her to land safely.
  617. >Spike tries, in vain, to catch Trixie, the mare’s weight bowling over the young dragon.
  618. >Twilight winces as her wounded hoof touches the ground, and studies it with concern etched on her features.
  619. >'It's cold! So cold that it burns! My skin is peeling like I've touched frozen metal!'
  620. >Spike wiggles his way out from under Trixie, only to realize the extent of the mare's injuries.
  621. >"Trixie's leg! Without circulation it will rot!"
  622. >"He can't be stopped without Hamon! Without it, we're helpless!"
  623. "Hamon? A breathing trick?"
  624. >Anon chuckles, watching the trio from atop the pillar.
  625. "It'll take more than a 'huff' and a 'puff' to blow me down!"
  626. >The ground rumbles, toppling tombstones and sending tiles tumbling from mausoleum roofs.
  627. "Balius, Xanthos. This fight is beneath me, arise!"
  628. >Twilight finds herself rising.
  629. >'No, not just me. The ground itself!'
  630. >Trixie and Spike watch the ground under Twilight lifts upwards, breaking free of the dirt below. Barely visible below, two dark figures, clad in ancient armour, stand up.
  631. >One, a monstrous, hulking individual raises his arm up, showing that he is supporting the impossibly heavy chunk of earth above on a single meaty finger.
  632. >The second, shorter but still no less towering figure bares a mane of golden blond, reaching down to his shoulders, and a peircing, icy gaze.
  633. >Though at a glance it would be easy to mistake these figures for humans like Anon, their horns and cloven hooves give clues to their true identity.
  634. >"Minotaurs!"
  636. >"Who... Who are these creeps?"
  637. "They led the minotaur clans against the rule of Princess Celestia 1000 years ago. Knights of the late Queen Pasiphaë! I leave the extermination of these vermin up to you!"
  638. >Anon smiles, his fangs glinting in the moonlight.
  639. "Enjoy."
  640. >With a flex of his finger, the larger minotaur shatters the earth above him.
  641. >"Those two zombies are heading for Twilight. She can't handle them both, not yet!"
  642. >Trixie looks down at her mangled limb and curses.
  643. >"If only my blood was flowing..."
  644. >"Then what?"
  645. >"Then I could heal with the Ripple. There must be a way to thaw this arm!"
  646. >Spike looks over at Twilight as she stares down the two towering minotaurs, then looks back at Trixie.
  647. >"T-There is a way!"
  648. >Spike grabs Trixie's leg and presses it against his stomach, wincing at the chill.
  649. >"How about this! Dragon fire is hot enough to melt through stone, even stored inside me it should be hot enough to thaw your arm!"
  650. >The blond haired minotaur leaps at Twilight, who adopts the two legged stance Trixie taught her.
  651. >"ZOOM PUNCH!"
  652. >Twilight's hoof flies forwards, only to be stopped as the minotaur's hair wraps around her hoof.
  653. >"His hair... I can feel him draining my blood."
  654. >Steam starts to rise from Trixie's leg as Spike's body heat starts to thaw the frozen limb.
  655. >"Spike, Trixie-"
  656. >"I didn't come along to slow you and Twilight down!"
  657. >"No, I... Trixie underestimated you Spike. She thought you be the type to flee. Trixie is sorry she doubted you."
  658. >"I'll accept your apology when we survive this battle."
  659. >The blond minotaur's hair throbs and withers as it draws Twilight's hair through its length.
  660. >"If you're able to drink my blood with your hair, I can send my Hamon through it!"
  661. >Twilight steels herself, and channels her ripple into her leg.
  663. >The golden sparks of Twilight's Hamon dance down the length of Twilight's leg...and fizzle out.
  664. >"I-it's not working! His bloodsucking weakens my Hamon!"
  666. >From the sheath on his belt, the bigger minotaur draws a monstrous blade, twice the size of Twilight and nearly as large as he is.
  667. >Spike and Trixie watch on, helpless.
  668. >"Trixie needs to heal these wounds and fast!"
  669. >"That sight chills me more than your leg! That sword makes Twilight look absolutely tiny, and that hair, those faces! They're nothing like the zombie we fought in the tunnel!"
  670. "Legends have been told for centuries about these legendary knights! Balius and Xanthos! History itself bends its knee to me!"
  671. >Two thousand years ago, before the banishment of Nightmare Moon the minotaur clans sought to reclaim the lands they had lost to Equestria. However they were divided, until Pasiphaë united them under her banner.
  672. >Young, beautiful and charismatic, she was loved by all. Even ponies’ felt for the plight of her people!
  673. >Balius and Xanthos were her loyal knights. Having no families of their own, Pasiphaë took them out of the kindness of her heart.
  674. >In Pasiphaë, they found not love, but a greater peace to which they could pledge their loyalty, and so they swore to honour her, even at the expense of their own lives.
  675. >However, peaceful negotiation soon turned to bloodshed when the minotaurs annexed a region of southern Equestria.
  676. >The Equestrian response was swift. Though Balius and Xanthos dominated the battlefield, the minotaur clans were driven back, and Pasiphaë captured.
  677. >Princess Luna offered an ultimatum; she called for the knights to surrender themselves in return for Pasiphaë's life.
  678. >The two turned themselves in, and were executed, but not before the Princess's betrayal was reviled.
  680. >Not knowing of the extent of Luna's corruption into Nightmare Moon, the two knights cursed the princesses, and all of ponykind.
  681. >So great was Balius' anger that it took several hours for him to die.
  682. >Xanthos' long hair entangled the hooves of his executioner, digging into his killer's flesh.
  684. "And the story of their wonderful delusion gave me goosebumps! These legendary heroes cursed the world. I dug up their graves and gave them new life! I TURNED THEM INTO UNSTOPPABLE DEMONS OF VENGANCE!"
  685. >"We swore loyalty to Lord Anon!"
  686. >"We have come to end the world! Death to ponykind!"
  687. >Their words send a chill down Spike's spine. Living in a library, he's familiar with the legends of the knights before them.
  688. >"Their hatred has been amplified! Anon has made heroes into monsters! How can we overcome this madness?"
  689. >Twilight exhales, and raises her unbound hoof.
  690. >"Hamon that burns in my left hoof! SCARLET OVERDRIVE!"
  691. >Twilight slams her hoof into the golden locks of Xanthos' hair, causing his hair and the fur on her leg to burn and break apart, freeing her hoof.
  692. >'I forgot! There's so much that drives Twilight! Celestia's death, and her hope for the future!! The hope of us all!'
  693. >Xanthos smiles, not a warm smile, but a cold, calculating smile of a predator bearing his fangs.
  694. >"This mare has some skill. She will be the perfect warm up after two centuries of slumber!"
  695. >From behind one of the crumbled tombstones, a zombie pony leaps, flying straight at Twilight.
  696. >"I'll be the one to eat you! I'll knaw on your bones!"
  697. >With blinding speed, Xanthos appears between the zombie and Twilight.
  698. >"This is no place for pawns."
  699. >With a single swipe of his finger, Xanthos pulls the zombie's muzzle from its face and flicks it away.
  700. >The zombie pony falls to the ground, trying to comprehend the loss of its muzzle as Xanthos turns to Anon.
  701. >"Lord Anon, this mare has the guts to strike her own limb to free it from my hair. I wish for the pleasure of drawing the curtains on her life."
  702. >Anon remains silent, pondering the knight's request, inclining his head a fraction.
  703. "Do as you wish."
  705. >"Balius, step aside!"
  706. >The lumbering minotaur lowers his sword and takes a step back.
  707. >"The Dark Knight Xanthos, a supreme fighter with no mercy! Trixie can practically feel his pride and confidence flowing though him!"
  708. >'This is so strange. I've read about him in history books, and now he's coming to kill me. I have to relax and steady my breathing!'
  709. >Xanthos leaps, placing both arms behind his back as he flies through the air.
  710. >'What?! With his arms behind him, I can't tell which he'll attack with! Or will he kick?!'
  711. >The sharp 'shing' of steel fills the air as Xanthos pulls his sword from the sheath on his back.
  713. >Using his golden hair as a third limb, Xanthos swings his blade at Twilight.
  714. >'No, he uses his hair!'
  715. >Twilight dodges backwards just as Xanthos' blade swings past her face, missing by only the barest inch.
  716. >Her hoof catches on a patch of loose stone and she skids backwards, falling off a short rise and into the river below.
  717. >"You must have a keen eye, not many would be able to dodge my Danse Macabre Hair in time!"
  718. >Xanthos leaps after Twilight, landing in the river moments after her.
  719. >"This is bad! Twilight can't breath down there, and she won't be able to use her Hamon!"
  720. >"We have to go help her!"
  721. >As Spike and Trixie go to move, the hulking minotaur, Balius, lands between them and the river.
  722. >High above, Anon smirks as he watches Twilight and Xanthos dissappear under the deep waters of the river.
  723. 'Without her ripple, it's over. Twilight can't hope to touch Xanthos underwater.'
  724. "My supervision is no longer needed! It's time for me paint this old town red, literally!"
  725. >Anon falls backwards off the pillar, dissappearing into the night.
  727. >In the river, Xanthos sheaths his sword as he and Twilight sink deeper.
  728. >'My breathing! I need just one breath to create Hamon!'
  729. >"Come now, swim for the surface. You cannot breathe down here, and my armour weighs me down. I won't use my sword. This is a duel between heroes!"
  730. >Despite all logic, Twilight is able to hear the minotaur, though with everything that has happened over the last few weeks, she thinks nothing of it.
  731. >'Already my vision is starting to blur. I don't even have enough energy left for a teleport spell! Can I reach the surface before him?! Do I even have a chance?'
  732. >"Quickly, make your move before you drown!"
  733. >As her body screamed for oxygen, any normal pony would think to swim to the surface, but the explosive potential in her soul compelled her to do the opposite.
  734. >She dove! Heading deeper towards the rocky bottom of the lake!
  735. >A she nears the bottom, she spots what she was looking for; a tiny, almost miniscule stream of bubbles floating upwards.
  736. >'My prediction was right! There's coal in the bottom of this river, which means there are pockets of air trapped underneath!'
  737. >Twilight reaches the bottom and with her last reserves, heaves the rock upwards, releasing the trapped air.
  738. >The bubbles float upwards, enveloping Twilight's head and giving her the one thing she needs.
  739. >Pure, clean oxygen! Enough for one breath!
  740. >'With one breath my heart's beat has returned!'
  741. >Twilight turns to Xanthos, who for the first time bears an expression other than malice; that of surprise.
  742. >'I have one advantage; my Hamon will travel even better down here.'
  743. >"Amazing."
  745. >Twilight's Hamon surges forward though the water, straight towards Xanthos.
  746. >Xanthos launches from the water like a rocket, landing on the shore at the base of a withered tree.
  748. >"Twi-"
  749. >"Twilight!"
  750. >Twilight surfaces near the shore, able to stand in the shallower part of the river.
  751. >"I can't believe he outswam my ripple! He's like lightning, by Overdrive barely scratched his forehead!"
  752. >Xanthos brings a hand to his head, and it comes away sticky with blood.
  753. >"It'll take a solid punch to send my Hamon straight into him!!"
  754. >Xanthos throws his head back, his hair spreading out like a halo.
  755. >"Lord Anon! I feel no loyalty other than my gratitude for the supreme honour for being able to fight this mare! She is the stuff heroes are made of! Now we fight without the handicap of water! This time it's ability against ability! Skill against skill! Spirit against spirit!"
  756. >Xanthos whips his arm forward, pointing at Twilight.
  758. >Xanthos leaps, tearing through the air towards Twilight.
  759. >'Even as Anon's puppet, he hasn't forgotten his pride, but it's been twisted into a love of violence!'
  761. >"Another hair attack?! Come on then! I'll fill you with Hamon!"
  762. >Xanthos' hair expands, filling the air with golden strands, all reaching towards Twilight.
  764. >Despite the Hamon overflowing from her hooves, Xanthos' hair grabs hold of Twilight and binds her limbs, lifting her into the air before slamming her into the nearby tree.
  765. >More hair shoots out and wraps itself around the trees knurled branches.
  766. >"This is bad. Hamon can only be projected from your extremities! With her hooves bound like that, Twilight can't cut that hair with her ripple!"
  767. >"And as it tightens, she won't be able to breath! We need to save her!"
  768. >Despite Spikes cry, Trixie remains still. Tearing her eyes away from Twilight, she turns to the massive, lumbering minotaur in front of them.
  769. >'Balius! Trixie will have to fight him, but what is he capable of, what secrets does he hide?'
  771. >Twilight cries out in pain as Xanthos hair starts to tighten and suck the blood from her body.
  772. >'I can feel his hair burrowing into my skin! The more I struggle the stronger it gets!'
  773. >A crack splits the air as the branch Xanthos' hair is wrapped around snaps.
  774. >Xanthos draws his sword in one fluid motion and raises it high over his head.
  777. >Twilight pulls apart the bonds holding her legs, and shoots her leg out, laying her hoof on the flat of Xanthos' blade.
  778. >"Metal conducts Hamon too! METAL SILVER OVERDRIVE!"
  779. >Twilight's ripple travels up the blade and into Xanthos' arm, turning the limb to mush.
  780. >"Amazing! She not only blocked the sword, but used it to send her ripple straight into his body!"
  781. >Twilight tears the rest of her body away from the tree, and from Xanthos hair, standing proud before the minotaur.
  783. >Twilight pulls back her hooves, and inhales.
  785. >Twilight mercilessly pummels Xanthos with her hooves, each blow overflowing with ripple.
  786. >The minotaur flies backwards under the force of the blows, landing with a solid 'thud'.
  787. >Spike pumps his fist in the air.
  788. >"That sound! That's the sound I'm so used to! The sound of flowing Hamon!"
  789. >'He wasn't like the other zombies before... Xanthos had a past, had history! Still, this is for the best. I had to defeat him!'
  790. >Slowly, Xanthos' reaches out and clasps his sword with his remaining hand, before using the blade to steady him as he picks himself off the ground.
  791. >"I am the black knight Xanthos! This pain means nothing to me!"
  792. >"You're a mess, Xanthos!"
  793. >Ignoring Spike's comment, Xanthos springs into the air with all of his strength and readies his sword to strike.
  794. >'Even in that state, his zombie instincts drive him to attack!'
  796. >Twilight watches as the wounded knight flies towards her... and does nothing.
  797. >Xanthos swings his sword as he lands, the blade cutting the air as it flies towards Twilight's head!
  798. >"What?! Do something Twilight! Why aren't you moving?!"
  799. >Xanthos freezes, the edge of his blade biting into the flesh of Twilight's cheek.
  800. >A small trickle of blood ebbs from the wound and snakes its way down the blade.
  801. >"What? What are the two of them thinking?!"
  802. >Twilight looks up at Xanthos, ignoring the sting in her cheek.
  803. >"Just now, you said 'this pain'. 'Pain'. You feel pain."
  804. >Around Xanthos' own cloven hooves, grass and wildflowers begin to bloom out of the stony river edge.
  805. >"Xanthos' body is being ravaged by the ripple..."
  806. >Xanthos' mouth twists into a slight smile as his leg liquefies, throwing him to the ground.
  807. >"But pain has returned to him. The Hamon that destroys his zombie form also restores his noble soul!"
  808. >Without a leg, Xanthos kneels eye level with Twilight, leaning on his sword for support.
  809. >"That's why I stopped fighting you. That's why you stopped your sword."
  810. >Xanthos' features soften, steam rising from his body as he is torn apart by the ripple inside him.
  811. >"You believed I would stop my attack. You can really trust someone that much?"
  812. >Xanthos winces, letting loose a pained chuckle.
  813. >"This pain means I'm alive. If I can feel pain, I can feel joy as well. I feel strangely tranquil. I no longer feel any bitterness.Here, at the end, I have met someone of true compassion. I am ready to return to my Queen..."
  814. >Xanthos releases his sword, and looks back to Twilight.
  815. >"Friend from a world 1000 years younger than mine, tell me your name."
  816. >"Twilight Sparkle."
  817. >"Twilight... I give to you the word engraved on my sword, the sword given to me by my queen."
  818. >"LUCK!"
  819. >Xanthos runs his finger along the edge of the blade as he continues.
  820. >"And for you future, I give you this."
  821. >With his bloody finger, he writes a letter on the handle of his blade.
  822. >"PLUCK!"
  824. >"Sir Xanthos!"
  825. >Before Twilight's eyes, the minotaur's body is consumed in golden light as the ripple inside him finally consumes him.
  826. >Xanthos' armour clatters to the ground, empty.
  827. >Twilight gives a sad sigh.
  828. >"What irony. Such a twisted fate. I had to kill him to save his soul! Even filled with hatred, he had such pride! His noble heart was twisted to terrible insanity! The amulet caused this! The one I can't forgive is the one who controls it, Anon!!"
  830. >Twilight spins, only to find herself staring at the legs of the other minotaur.
  831. >"Balius!"
  832. >Twilight watches as he raises one massive hoof skywards and slam it back down!
  834. >Balius's hoof slices downward, slamming into Xanthos' armour with explosive force.
  835. >"Xanthos! YOU SPINELESS DOG!"
  836. >Balius slams his hoof down again and again, crushing the armour into the dirt.
  837. >'That armour belonged to his friend Xanthos'! How could he heartlessly crush it like that?!'
  838. >"I admired Xanthos as a master of cunning, but I am the master of slaughter! The elite of death and destruction! I crush my enemies with brute force alone! LET ME HEAR YOUR CRIES OF TERROR!"
  839. >Balius raises his sword in the air and slams it into the ground, cracking the very rock beneath his feet.
  840. >A rumble fills the air as the ground splits apart under Balius's strike.
  841. >"The earth is cracking, it's coming apart!"
  842. >Huge swaths of the hill overlooking Hollow Shades crumble away and the ground shifts at an odd angle, sending Twilight, Trixie and Spike into the gaping chasm below.
  843. >Twilight's wings flare out, and she levels out despite the debris thrown out by the crumbling cliff.
  844. >"Spike! Trixie!"
  845. >Twilight frantically looks around, trying to pick her friends out of the crumbling hillside.
  846. >"Life Magnetism Overdrive!"
  847. >Twilight turns to see Trixie floating through the air while suspended under a massive leaf, with Spike clinging to her legs.
  848. >As she swoops closer, Twilight sees that what she though was just one leaf is in fact many smaller leaves, charged and stuck together by the power of Trixie's Hamon.
  849. >"Amazing! You've sure got a lot of tricks up your sleeve Trixie!"
  850. >Trixie remains silent for a moment before she answers Spike's question.
  852. >"It was not long after Trixie left Ponyville. Trixie travelled, searching for a way to destroy the alicorn amulet so that Trixie might do right the wrong she had done, and in a small port town Trixie met a strange pony that called himself a doctor."
  853. >"Trixie did not believe him, but before her eyes Trixie watched as he healed a broken and infected leg with a golden light that shone from his hooves. This was the power of Sendō, the power of Hamon! Trixie sensed that this power might be the key to destroying the amulet, so she travelled through the Gryphon lands to find the pony’s master. His name was Makaveli."
  854. >For a moment, Trixie remembers the moment vividly;
  855. >The smell of wax and candle smoke, enhanced by the thin mountain air. Rows of hooded figures lined the length of the hall, and at their head sat a small, wizened gryphon. Wordlessly, the gryphon held a hand out to Trixie, which she tentatively took. As skin touched scale, a golden light erupted from Trixie's hoof, and the wizened old gryphon looked up, staring into the depths of Trixie's soul.
  856. >"Stranger from a distant land, I can see your future. Is it your desire to train with me?"
  857. >Trixie nodded.
  858. >"To do so, your destiny would be changed forever. You will be destined to die."
  859. >"Trixie accepts that."
  860. >The moment passes, and Trixie finds herself back in the present, clinging to the underside of a giant leaf with Spike hanging off of her.
  861. >'Makaveli's prophecy...that is one secret that Trixie cannot share, even with Twilight.'
  863. >"Trixie! Watch out!"
  864. >A chill goes down Trixie's spine as she and Spike are enveloped in shadow, a shadow in the shape of a minotaur.
  865. >"Balius!"
  866. >Like a living missile, the (quite literally) bull headed warrior flies through the air, headed straight for Trixie.
  867. >Shifting her body, Trixie swings her makeshift glider to the left just as Twilight activates her magic.
  868. >The same glow from her horn envelops Balius, who looks confused as he stops in mid-air.
  869. >For a few moments nothing happens, until Twilight, visibly straining from manipulating the mountain of a minotaur, blasts Balius with her magic.
  870. >The minotaur flies backwards towards the crumbling hillside, and crashes through an ancient looking stone wall, half buried in the hillside.
  871. >"What is that?!"
  872. >Twilight flies closer, studying the ancient brickwork.
  873. >"I've heard rumours, legends, that the minotaur’s built huge underground labyrinths under their towns to train their warriors and to hide their citizens in the event of a battle. This must be one of them."
  874. >"Hollow Shades is a minotaur town?!"
  875. >"It was, over a century ago..."
  876. >Twilight flies down further to the hole made by Balius, and with a flick of her horn illuminates the inside.
  877. >It looks like an antechamber of some sort.
  878. >"There's no sign of Balius."
  879. >Twilight flies inside, and Trixie slowly maneuvers the glider in closer, then uses her magic to throw her and Spike through the hole after her.
  880. >"Impossible, an impact like that he should have been ripped apart. Could he have flown through that doorway?"
  881. >Trixie nods to the recess in the opposite wall, wreathed in darkness that creeps into the antechamber.
  882. >"Maybe..."
  883. >Lighting the way with her horn, Twilight inches forward, each breath visible in the cold air.
  884. >She passes through the doorway and enters a long, bare room with no other visible entrance.
  885. >She turns to leave, only for the door she came through to slam shut, locking with a heavy click.
  886. >"Twilight!"
  888. >The rattle of chains fills the room, and Twilight feels something cold grab around her neck before pulling her backwards.
  889. >Around the perimeter of the room, torches erupt in flame, revealing Balius standing at the opposite end of the room to Twilight, wearing a metal collar connected to a chain running to the ceiling.
  890. >This same chain also connects to the metal collar on Twilight's neck.
  891. >"W-what is this?!"
  892. >"The lair of the Double Headed Dragon. A chain deathmatch sounds perfect after 1000 years."
  893. >Balius laughs as he tugs on his end of the chain, causing the collar on Twilight's neck to tighten as she's pulled upwards.
  894. >"I've ended 48 lives here, in this very room. I guess you could say this is one of my specialities."
  895. >Trixie grunts in pain as she tries, in vain, to move the heavy iron door separating her and Spike from Twilight.
  896. >"What about using the ripple?"
  897. >Trixie sighs, and shakes her head.
  898. >"Trixie's Hamon cannot be used for destruction. It's effective against vampires, and at the most Trixie can break tile and stone, but nothing like this steel door. Twilight is the same, she cannot use her Hamon to break that chain."
  899. >Balius reaches a meaty finger to his collar and taps a small bump on its surface.
  900. >"The key to your collar is right here! The doors are made not to open from the outside, and the key to my collar is on yours. That means the only way out of here..."
  901. >Balius crouches then pounces forward, dragging down the chain and rising Twilight even further in the air.
  903. >"OVERDRIVE!"
  904. >Twilight strikes the chain with her hoof as she rises towards the ceiling, sending her Hamon through the metal.
  905. >As it reaches the ceiling, the ripple fizzles out.
  906. >'It's no good. The chain is touching the roof...there's no way my Hamon can reach Balius!'
  907. >The monstrous minotaur launches a kick at Twilight, nearly defenceless as she dangles from the roof.
  909. >With a sickening crack, the blow impacts with Twilight's front leg, sending a lance of pain through her body.
  910. >'That kick cracked humerus... I can use my Hamon to fix it, but to do that I need to breath!'
  911. >The door rattles as Trixie resorts to kicking the stubborn metal obstruction.
  912. >"Trixie, look there!"
  913. >Spike reaches a claw through the door and points to a lever on the opposite side of the room.
  914. >"It looks like the door can be opened from the inside."
  915. >"Trixie's telekinetic magic is...lacking. There is no way she can exert enough force to pull that lever."
  916. >Spike gives the unicorn an exasperated look before burying his face in his hand.
  917. >"Normally Trixie would say that Twilight could handle Balius, but her she lost a lot of blood and stamina battling Xanthos. No matter the cost, we much get in there and help her!"
  918. >Spike cries out in anger and strikes the door, the solid steel rattling mockingly in response.
  919. >'I'm always on the sidelines! I'm powerless!'
  920. >Spike turns away from the door, looking for something, anything to help him and Trixie get in.
  921. >His gaze is drawn to a small gap in the wall, a few meters away. As he approaches it, he sees that it is in fact a cross shaped window, cut into the wall and leading all the way to the chamber beyond.
  922. >With a small leap, Spike pulls himself inside and manages to crawl halfway through before Trixie notices him.
  923. >"Spike!? What are you doing, you fool!"
  924. >Spike ignores Trixie's cries, focusing on pulling himself forward towards the flickering firelight in front of him.
  925. >'If Twilight dies, Anon will attack all of Equestria with his zombies! He'll attack all of my friends! I can't let that happen!'
  927. >With one final push, Spike falls into the Lair of the Double Headed Dragon.
  928. >"Spike! Stay back, it's not safe!"
  929. >Balius turns, and advances on Spike.
  931. >With all her might, Twilight tugs hard on the chain as Balius raises his leg to kick Spike.
  933. >Twilight's tug pulls the minotaur off balance, and turns a kick that would have killed Spike into a glancing blow that sends him flying across the room and into the wall.
  934. >"SPIKE!"
  935. >With a pained groan, Spike pulls himself towards the lever.
  936. >"I'm not... scared... of pain."
  937. >Despite himself, the baby dragon laughs as he pulls himself upwards and leans on the lever.
  938. >The ancient device moves, and with a thud the door unlocks and swings open.
  939. >"I did it... Trixie! Kick his flank!"
  940. >Trixie stands on the threshold of the room, taking in every detail.
  941. >Spike, laying bleeding over the lever.
  942. >Twilight, straining against her collar and the chain it's attached to.
  943. >Balius, giving her the same look one would reserve for vermin.
  944. >"At last... Has the time of the prophecy finally arrived?"
  945. >Spike looks up in confusion at the unicorn's words.
  946. >"If this is destiny, the I accept it."
  947. >"Trixie, what are you saying?"
  948. >Before her, the scene turns from an underground chamber to the endless sky high in the mountains.
  949. >A few meters away from her, on a cord that stretches out kilometres above the ground, stands Makaveli, her master in the art of Hamon.
  950. >"You have done well to survive this training. Now you can run incredible distances without raising your breath. You will soon be ready for the training we call the Celestial Gate. However, I warn you again Trixie, if you continue this training you will no longer be able to escape your destiny. This is your last chance to turn back, and to start a normal life."
  951. >"Master Makaveli... Please read the ripples of Trixie's fate again. Where is she destined to die? When?"
  952. >Trixie holds out her hoof, and Makaveli turns his head.
  953. >"What would you do if you knew?"
  954. >"There is a purpose to Trixie's life. Atonement she needs to make. The humble Trixie wants to know so that she can accept it, when the time comes."
  955. >"Very well... If you're that prepared..."
  957. >Makaveli turns and grasp Trixie's hoof, the snow around the two being whipped into a frenzy as the old master reads her fate.
  958. >"In a secret chamber that reeks of death... A child will open the way. To release a chained young lion into the future you will burn your own wounds and soon meet a cruel end."
  959. >Trixie's memory dissolves in a flurry of white, and returns to the scene before her.
  960. >"Trixie!"
  961. >The unicorn turns her head to look at Spike.
  962. >"Be careful."
  963. >Trixie smiles, and turns her gaze back to the room before her.
  964. >"Her I come, Twilight!"
  965. >'To release a chained young lion into the future!'
  966. >"Hah! You think you can defeat me with your ripple? A weakling like you can't even lay a hoof on me!"
  967. >Balius swings his fist at Trixie and the unicorn jumps at the last possible moment, landing unharmed a few meters away.
  968. >"What's the matter pony? Scared?"
  969. >With every attack Balius makes, Trixie dodges, the minotaur becoming angrier and angrier with each miss.
  970. >With a roar of anger, Balius charges Trixie head on, jerking Twilight into the air.
  971. >Instead of dodging, Trixie instead leaps upwards, above Balius.
  972. >"Take this, Balius!"
  973. >Trixie's entire body goes ramrod straight and starts pivoting around her horn.
  975. >Balius seems to shimmer, and at once appears above Trixie.
  976. >"Wha- From above?!"
  977. >"No Trixie, the chain's below you!"
  978. >"YOU'RE BOTH RIGHT!"
  979. >The chain connected to Balius wraps around Trixie's stomach, the metal links digging into her skin.
  981. >With a tug of the chain, Balius sends Twilight flying into the ceiling, and squeezes the breath from Trixie's body.
  982. >'Trixie can't breathe.... Her Hamon....'
  983. >Spike watches breathlessly as the chain around Trixie's stomach pulls tighter and tighter, and as crimson starts to overpower the light blue of her coat.
  985. >One snap cuts the air, and Trixie falls to the ground in a rapidly growing puddle of her own blood.
  986. >A few moments later, the lower half of her body falls to the ground a few meters away.
  987. >A second crack echo's around the chamber as the Twilight hits the ceiling, the blow causing her head to rest at an unnatural angle.
  988. >Balius lets the chain go slack, and Twilight's body unceremoniously hits the ground with a dull thud near the front half of Trixie's.
  989. >Words fail Spike, and all that emerges from his mouth is a strangled cry of pain.
  990. >"I've executed them both as Lord Anon ordered."
  991. >Ignoring Spike, Balius steps towards Twilight to retrieve her collar.
  992. >A soft cough escapes Twilight's lips as she clings to life, and Balius pauses.
  993. >"Still breathing, even with a broken neck, are you?"
  994. >Balius grabs a length of chain and stretches it between his fists.
  995. >"I'LL FINISH YOU!"
  996. >With a strained lunge, Trixie pulls herself next to Twilight, and takes her hoof in her own.
  997. >"Twi...light... Trixie's ultimate... My ultimate technique is now yours, Twilight!"
  998. >Like a dam being breached, the Hamon in Trixie's body starts to flown into Twilight's, causing her body to shine with golden light.
  1000. >Twilight's eyes fly open as her body writhes under the effects of Trixie's ripple, and she cries out as her broken neck snaps back into place.
  1001. >The light builds to blinding levels and with a flash, dissipates.
  1002. >When the light fades, Trixie's body resembles that of an old mares, her already light hair bleached white and her features racked by age.
  1003. >"Twilight... I have given you all of my life energy."
  1004. >"No... This, this is too cruel!"
  1005. >Balius roars in anger, drowning out Spike's cries.
  1008. >As Balius goes to crush Trixie's body, the minotaur feels the collar on his neck tighten as the chain connected to it pulls taunt and lifts him off the ground.
  1009. >The other end of the chain hovers in front of Twilight, her magic continuing to pull and lift Balius higher and higher.
  1010. >"You...I BROKE YOUR NECK!"
  1011. >With the chain still held in her magical grip, another glow appears around the steel collar on her neck.
  1013. >The low groan of metal, the collar visible starts to bend and as she strains, the metal loops that make up the collar shatter and break off.
  1014. >"YOU'LL PAY BALIUS!"
  1015. >Twilight's collar snaps, and she releases her grip on the chain, causing Balius to fall to the floor.
  1016. >"That evil insanity. You willingly sold your soul to Anon, buried it so far down not even the light of friendship could warm it."
  1017. >Balius stands, and whips the chain towards Twilight.
  1018. >Twilight blocks his hand with her hoof, pouring her ripple into the zombies arm.
  1019. >For the first time, Balius screams in pain as his arm dissolves and melts before his eyes.
  1020. >'Such strenght! The energy of her ripple and Trixie's have combined into one!'
  1021. >"Balius, I will allow nothing of you to remain in this world. I will erase your evil spirit! Return to the depths of history!"
  1023. >Balius's fangs twist, and launch themselves towards Twilight, the minotaur following close behind them.
  1024. >The two teeth strike Twilight's face, and fall to the ground.
  1025. >"You're trick didn't work Balius!"
  1026. >Using his own momentum against him, Twilight moves forward and strikes Balius's face with both her front hooves.
  1027. >The minotaur's face deforms as the ripple flows into him, and he sails over Twilight's head, his smoking armour clattering to the ground as he dissolves completely.
  1029. >"Trixie!"
  1030. >Before the unicorn's eyes, the blurry image of Spike and Twilight kneeling next to her resolves itself.
  1031. >"Trixie... I... I can't believe this. We can't continue, not without you."
  1032. >Trixie frowns, and turns her head to Twilight.
  1033. >"Twilight, don't belittle yourself for Trixie's sake. You're ability has always surpassed Trixie's. You need not fear..."
  1034. >Trixie coughs, a trickle of crimson trickling its way out of her mouth.
  1035. >"We cannot change our destiny Twilight, no matter how great... or powerful we are, and Trixie am satisfied with hers. We have not always seen each other as allies, Twilight, but I am happy now, in the end, that we can part... as friends."
  1036. >Slowly, Trixie reaches up and places a hoof on Twilight's chest.
  1037. >"There is no need to mourn... I know I will live on... inside... of you..."
  1038. >Trixie's voice falters and her hoof falls from Twilight's chest.
  1040. >A poet once said, “To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.”
  1041. >A single, lonely fire lit the hillside that night, a single pyre holding back the encroaching darkness.
  1042. >Once again Twilight inherits... Her quest and her spirit.
  1043. >And once again she forges her strength to continue onwards.
  1044. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1045. >The zombie gives a quiet gurgle as it melts under the overflowing Hamon of Twilight's hooves.
  1046. >'Twilight's face has changed. Her expressions are deeper... and I'm the same, trying to control my sadness and my anger. We can't grieve until we defeat Anon.'
  1047. >"It looks like we're too late Spike. The town must already be overrun."
  1048. >"Indeed it is."
  1049. >Twilight and Spike spin to face this new voice, finding the shadowy shape of a mare standing above them, balanced on the branches of a tree.
  1050. >"Twilight Sparkle. We meet at last."
  1051. >The mare pushes off the tree and falls towards Twilight.
  1052. >With a flash of light Twilight appears a few meters from where the mare lands, and pauses as she recognises her cream coloured coat and two tone, candy coloured hair.
  1053. >"I've seen you around Ponyville before! What are you doing here?"
  1054. >The mare smiles, and leaps at Twilight with the intent to kick her.
  1055. >'This attack, it's slow... almost lazy!'
  1056. >Twilight leans back and catches the mare's kick with her front hooves, only for the mare to spreads her legs apart, leaving Twilight completely open.
  1057. >"My special technique! THUNDER SPLIT ATTACK!"
  1058. >Like a cannon going off, the mare swings her own forelegs at blinding speed, sending them flying towards either side of Twilight's head.
  1059. >With no time to defend herself, Twilight slams her head forward into the mare's stomach, twisting it at the last moment so as to not impale her.
  1060. >The mare's hoof grazes Twilight's shoulder before she flies backwards and spins in mid-air, landing in a crouch.
  1061. >"What tenacity! Instead of trying to escape you attacked with a head-butt, knowing you would hurt yourself as well!"
  1062. >Twilight exhales, channelling her Hamon into her hooves as she prepares to attack.
  1063. >"Wait Twilight Sparkle! I am not your enemy. I just wanted to see if you were as skilled as Trixie had said."
  1064. >"What? How do you know Trixie?!"
  1065. >"Look at your shoulder."
  1067. >Twilight looks down at her shoulder and notices a small, folded piece of parchment with a broken, light blue wax seal.
  1068. >Returning to all fours, she lifts the letter with her magic and opens it.
  1069. >"I trained with Trixie, and when she wrote to us about the location of the amulet, and the one who wields it, we came to help."
  1070. >Twilight looks up from the immaculate (and blue) writing on the page and cocks her head.
  1071. >"We?"
  1072. >From the shadows on the side of the road steps two gryphons.
  1073. >One, the elder of the pair watches Twilight with youthful eyes that seem at odds to his wrinkled features.
  1074. >"This is our master, Makaveli, and I'm one of his disciples, Bon Bon."
  1075. >The second gryphon, a male with dark plumage that would make him hard to pick out from the darkness if not for the plume of white feathers on his head, clears his throat.
  1076. >"As am I. The name's Giovi."
  1077. >"It's an honour to meet all of you."
  1078. >"And you, Twilight Sparkle."
  1079. >Makaveli looks around, his eyes showing no sign of strain as he scans the darkness.
  1080. >"Where is Trixie now?"
  1081. >When neither Spike or Twilight reply, he slowly nods his head.
  1082. >"I see... So Trixie has passed. Even if we had arrived sooner, her fate would not have changed. This Anon... his power is overwhelming. His wicked might is quite extraordinary. We must act quickly."
  1084. >As a former minotaur settlement, Hollow Shades features a number of interesting architectural feats.
  1085. >Located in a forest covering the side of a mountain, the town's former inhabitants fought hard to etch out a living from the land they were given.
  1086. >Not only did they create the labyrinth of catacombs under the town's cemetery, but from the mountain that sits above the town they carved their seat of government, a castle like mansion that watches the town below like an all seeing eye.
  1087. >For years, the 'mansion' has laid abandoned, its foreboding aura more than enough to keep Hollow Shade's equine population away.
  1088. >From the mansion's windows, the light of a single fire flickers, creating the illusion of a pair of burning eyes upon the building's facade.
  1089. >The wail of a woman echo's through the night, a banshee's scream that sends chills through the spines most who hear it.
  1090. >Most, but not all.
  1091. >"Please! I beg of you, spare my child!"
  1092. "Hmmmm, let me get this straight. You will give your life to us, but we must not harm the child. Is that right?"
  1093. >"The mare nods, unable to break her gaze from the monster before her, and unwilling to see the monsters surrounding her.
  1094. "You move me to tears. Very well. I, Anon, will not touch that child, nor will any of these servants. However, all of them bowed to the fear and terror in their hearts and gave their souls to me willingly. It would be better for you and your child to join us."
  1095. >"No... anything but my baby!"
  1096. "Okay, Okay."
  1097. >Anon places the tips of his fingers against the mare's forehead and pushes.
  1098. >The cries of her baby echo through the mansion as his mother withers before his young eyes.
  1099. >"My sweet baby!"
  1100. >The mare bites down upon the baby’s head, the taste of coppery blood invading her mouth as newly formed incisors pierce its skull.
  1101. "As I promised, we won't harm the child. Instead, you do it yourself. A tragedy of your own making."
  1103. >With a chuckle Anon crosses the length of the room to his seat and sits, displacing a small monstrosity with the head of a pony and the body of a cat.
  1104. "It took less than a single night, and this town was mine..."
  1105. >His voice draws the attention of the room's sole occupant, a young mare who quickly averts her gaze as Anon enters looks over at her.
  1106. >With a careful movement he plucks a single rose from the vase beside his chair.
  1107. >Slowly, he rolls the stem between his fingers, watching at the petals dance back and forth in the firelight.
  1108. "Consider this!"
  1109. >The mare turns as Anon addresses her.
  1110. "Your youth is blooming, just like this flower. Think about this, mademoiselle. If this flower blossoms, it will only wither away. A sad trick of nature, don't you think?"
  1111. >One of the abominations lounging on Anon's seat licks its lips.
  1112. >"Just sixteen years old! So sweet and pure! Look how full of delicious life energy she is, Lord Anon!"
  1113. >Anon turns his icy stare to the creature, and with one movement kicks it in the air, only to slam it down under his leg and crush the creature's head.
  1114. "Those without manners don't deserve to live. I thought it would be amusing to join cat and pony, but..."
  1115. >Anon stands and takes a step towards the young mare.
  1116. "I offer you a choice. Would you not like to be young forever? I will not force my friendship upon you, you are free to choose your own destiny."
  1117. >A whisper escapes the mare's lips and Anon leans in closer.
  1118. "You'll have to speak up."
  1119. >The mare leans back and strikes her hoof across Anon's face.
  1120. >"Y-you're a monster!"
  1121. >Anon's tongue snakes out and laps at the trickle of blood coming from the corner of his mouth.
  1122. >Before the mare's eyes the rose in Anon's hand withers, and wordlessly he drops the emancipated flower at her feet.
  1124. >The sound of wheezing fills the room, and the mare looks upwards as she feels something drip onto the back of her neck.
  1125. >Above her sits a muscular pony wearing a sack over its head and dripping corruption.
  1126. "It's sad that we must part so soon, but allow me to introduce you two."
  1127. >The pony drops down and lands with a wet thud, the bag of his head withering all the while.
  1128. "I call him Ziggy. Since I am obviously not your taste, maybe you will enjoy his company. Farewell, mademoiselle!"
  1129. >Anon walks out of the room, the door locking behind him with a soft click.
  1130. >The foul stench of decay washes over the mare as Ziggy leaps and tackles her.
  1131. >Before she can scream, the horn of an anvil pierces Ziggy’s head, causing him to reel back in pain.
  1132. >"W-who's there?!"
  1133. >"There's no need to introduce myself to a zombie!"
  1134. >From above, Twilight swoops in towards Ziggy, her hooves alight with golden light.
  1135. >The sack covering Ziggy's head rips, and from the body of a snake shoots forward, grazing Twilight's cheeks with its fangs.
  1136. >Twilight lands behind the musclebound zombie and brings a hoof to wipe away to wipe away the small trickle of blood.
  1137. >"Haha! Bit you! Bit you! Bit you!"
  1138. >As Ziggy rocks back and forth on his hooves, the sack covering his face is torn apart, revealing the multitude of serpents emerging from his head and face.
  1139. >Spike, watching from above with Makaveli, Bon Bon and Giovi, recoils in horror at his appearance.
  1140. >"That zombie pony, his body is filled with poisonous snakes, and Twilight was bitten a bunch of times!"
  1141. >Ziggy gives a gurgling cry and charges at Twilight.
  1142. >"Geez, why did it have to be snakes..."
  1143. >Magic swirls around Twilight's horn, Ziggy stops in mid-air, his snakes suspended before him.
  1144. >Twilight breaths deeply, and from the wounds on her cheeks the poison erupts, flying from her bites.
  1146. >Bon Bon nods approvingly at Twilight's display.
  1147. >"Impressive, in such a short time she's learned to control her blood flow."
  1148. >"It's because Trixie gave Twilight her life energy before she died."
  1149. >With the snakes immobilized, Twilight hits Ziggy in the face with her hoof, her Hamon energy causing the zombie to wither and melt.
  1150. >The mare stares on in amazement as she watches her attacker reduced to a pile of flesh and bones, and jumps when she sees Twilight approach her.
  1151. >"I'm Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?"
  1152. >"T-Tree Sap..."
  1153. >"Don't worry Tree Sap, we're here to help."
  1154. >Twilight smiles at Tree Sap as her companions land behind her.
  1155. >"Are... Are you here to kill that monster? The one that stands on two legs."
  1156. >"If we have to, do you know where he is?"
  1157. >Tree Sap points a shaking hoof to the doorway at the far end of the room.
  1158. >"Thank you. Stay here, ok?"
  1159. >Tree Sap nods, and Twilight slowly turns and walks towards the doors.
  1160. >Beyond them lies a staircase, illuminated by the thin shafts of moonlight filtering though the stone.
  1161. >Each of Twilight's hoof steps sounds deafening in the small space, and she reaches the doorway at the top she pauses, steeling herself for what lies inside.
  1162. >With her magic, she pushes open the door and steps inside.
  1163. >Before her stands Anon, with his back turned, standing on a balcony at the other side of the room, basing in the light of the moon.
  1164. >"I've returned from Tartarus, Anon."
  1165. "Ah... Still alive then, Twilight?"
  1167. >Anon turns, his form silhouetted against the moon.
  1168. "I suppose that means you've defeated my two knights."
  1169. >A quartet of zombies, their forms twisted to the point in which they barely resemble ponies anymore, drop from above, landing around Anon like an honour guard.
  1170. >"Lord Anon, we await your command to execute her!"
  1171. >"I'll sink my fangs into her flesh!"
  1172. >"ANON!"
  1173. >Anon smirks as Twilight stamps her hoof on the ground and holds an arm out to his minions.
  1174. "No. This one... This one I'll handle personally."
  1175. >The zombies leap back towards the ceiling, watching from above as Anon steps forward.
  1176. "Speaking frankly, Twilight, I didn't want to do this with my own hands. Making you undead after all we've been through doesn't appeal to me, that's why I left you to my knights. In the end, however, I underestimated you. Seeing you alive makes me realize I was too soft on you."
  1177. >Anon raises his hand and points at Twilight.
  1178. "Now, I will rip you apart without hesitation."
  1179. >Anon chuckles as he continues.
  1180. "What happened to that over dramatic stage mare you were with, by the way? Did she disappear in a puff of smoke?"
  1181. >Twilight's eyes narrow, and her features harden as she remember's Trixie's sacrifice.
  1182. >"Anon... It is unbefitting of me, as the Princess of Friendship to say this, but truth be told, to avenge my friends, I, Twilight Sparkle, will kill you!"
  1183. "Come on then, Twilight!"
  1184. >Twilight steps forward as she prepares to charge Anon, only to feel a hoof on her shoulder hold her back.
  1186. >"Bon Bon?"
  1187. >"Stand back, Twilight. Though she wasn't an easy mare to deal with, Trixie was my friend and comrade through our years of harsh training in the art of Hamon. It's only fair I have the right to satisfy my anger first!"
  1188. >Bon Bon steps past Twilight and strides across the chamber towards Anon.
  1189. >"ANON! I will sink you straight to the depths of Tartarus!"
  1190. >"Wait! He has hidden abilities you don't know about!"
  1191. >Bon Bon ignores Twilight's warning, and with each step forward she from seems to shimmer, until there are seem to be five of her walking side by side
  1192. >At once, her hooves leave the ground as she rises higher and higher into the air, floating towards Anon.
  1193. "What an interesting walk. So, with enough training ponies can control their body to such a degree? No matter, in just one night I have surpassed the ability of any pony guru!"
  1194. >With deliberate slowness, Bon Bon twists her body to face her legs towards Anon, making it appear as if she is attempting to kick him.
  1195. "Hah! You think you can defeat me with such lethargic movements!"
  1196. >Anon brings both his hands forward to grab Bon Bon's legs, only for them to be trapped when the mare kicks her legs out sideways while keeping her forelegs crossed in front of her
  1198. >Bon Bon raises her forelegs and uncrosses them, the golden shimmer of the ripple filling the air as she slams them down towards Anon's shoulders.
  1199. >Before her hooves can pass the top of Anon's head, a thin sheen of ice springs up her legs and envelops her entire body from the neck down.
  1201. >"I-I can't move!"
  1202. >"She's been flash frozen!"
  1204. >"Anon vaporized the moisture in his body, stealing Bon Bon's body heat and freezing her in an instant! Without her blood flow, Bon Bon can't use the Ripple on Anon! What a fearsome ability, to freeze a whole body in an instant!"
  1205. "Weakling! Weakling! You thought you would ever be able to touch me? FOOL! You have all come here to die like dogs, by my hand!"
  1206. >The ice on Bon Bon's body begins to crack as Anon pulls his arms back towards each other.
  1207. >"Bon Bon!"
  1208. >"NO!"
  1209. >In one moment, Bon Bon's body shatters, filling the air with shards of ice.
  1210. >Bon Bon's head flies through the air and lands in a bowl of roses, the ice around her neck stopping her blood from leaking onto the already crimson petals.
  1211. "It's time, Twilight! The next one to face oblivion is you!"
  1212. >Bon Bon grabs one of the nearby roses in her teeth, and with her last breath, infuses the flower with her Hamon and spits it at Anon.
  1213. >The ripple filled rose flies through the air, the stem embedding itself in Anon's eye.
  1214. >"Bon Bon!"
  1215. >The mare smiles even as the ice on her neck creeps upwards.
  1216. >"A Hamon filled rose's thorns sting, don't they?"
  1217. >The ice envelops her head, along with the roses in the bowl, and shatters.
  1218. "How... How dare you scar my face?!"
  1219. >"Spike!"
  1220. >Spike steps forward and throws Xanthos sword towards Twilight, who catches the blade with her magic.
  1221. >"Anon! I've just seen how I can defeat your flash freezing! I know how I can send my Hamon into you. Bon Bon gave her life to teach me."
  1222. >Anon leaps backwards onto the balcony, causing the open flames of the lanterns there to flicker.
  1223. >As he lands Twilight brings the hilt of the sword to her hoof, causing the blade to be enveloped in the golden rays of the ripple.
  1224. >"I'll cut you down with Xanthos' sword of Luck and Pluck, infused with my Hamon!"
  1225. "You dare touch me... You dare touch me with your pathetic Hamon!? You'll all be food for my undead! THEY WILL GNAW YOUR FACES FROM YOUR SKULLS!"
  1228. >"There it is, his true colours, his black personality! His cool sophistication is nothing a cheap mask that he's cast away now that he's tasted the power of the Ripple!"
  1229. >Spike steps back as a group of zombies advance on him, only to stop as Giovi leaps and lands between him and the oncoming undead.
  1230. >"I will show you no mercy!"
  1231. >The four most twisted, malformed zombies step forward, surrounding the gryphon.
  1232. >"My name is Tommy!"
  1233. >"Coda!"
  1234. >"Jin!"
  1235. >"Diggy!"
  1237. >All four zombie's cry out as they launch their veins towards Giovi, only for the gryphon to launch himself in the air and dodge the attack.
  1238. >Giovi flies up and slices the chain suspending a chandelier from the ceiling, causing it to fall on top of the four zombies.
  1239. >"Roses are living things, so Hamon will remain inside of them, but steel is different!"
  1240. >Giovi lands on the metal frame of the chandelier and jumps off.
  1241. >"I have to maintain contact for it to work."
  1242. >The small amount of ripple channelled into the chandelier by Giovi travels through the zombie's bodies, causing them to melt and decay.
  1243. >More zombies break through the door, and Makaveli turns to Twilight.
  1244. >"There's a great hoard of them. I'll hold them off for you."
  1245. >Spike watches as Twilight nods and steps onto the balcony while Makaveli turns to face the surge of undead.
  1246. >'From what I've seen, Anon is swifter then a pegasus. Thanks to Trixie, Twilight will be able to keep up, but Anon is strong enough to pulverise flesh and bone as if it's nothing! The battle will be over in an instant. All it'll take is one mistake.'
  1248. >Anon leaps towards Twilight, who rears back on her hind legs with the sword still held in her hoof.
  1251. >Using her magic, Twilight throws the roses in the bowl behind her at Anon.
  1252. >Anon's arms move like lightning, swatting the flowers away and turning them to ice with each hit.
  1253. >Anon lands and Twilight moves to his right, her sword at the ready.
  1254. 'Damn, attacking my blind spot. Twilight's cunning is to be applauded.'
  1255. >Anon cries out as the sword cuts through his shoulder like a hot knife through butter, too stunned to do anything as Twilight raises the sword and slams it into the centre of his head.
  1256. >Her magic flares as she forces the blade down, slowly cutting through Anon's head, then his neck, and all with way down to his crotch.
  1257. >"She did it! She finally defeated Anon!"
  1258. >Anon coughs and sputters, as if to confirm Spike's statement, before his left eye shoots open and locks onto the baby dragon.
  1259. "Wrong! You fools!"
  1260. >"What?!"
  1261. >"I-I..."
  1262. >Twilight looks down at her front hooves, pressed into the hilt of the blade and enveloped in ice!
  1263. >"I'm frozen!"
  1264. "Weakling! WEAKLING!"
  1265. >Anon raises his left arm and jams his fingers into the veins of Twilight's neck.
  1266. "Now you will become one of my children of the night!"
  1267. >With a twitch of his fingers and a spurt of blood, Anon raises an artery from Twilight's neck.
  1268. "I've got your delicate carotid between my fingers Twilight. So warm... I can feel the pulse of you blood running just underneath my fingers."
  1269. >'I've got to attack! A kick!'
  1270. >Twilight lashes out with her hind leg, only for her blow to be blocked by Anon's knee.
  1271. >A thin sheet of ice freezes her leg in mid-air, and Anon twists his leg and slams it into Twilight's remaining hoof, freezing the limb to the ground.
  1272. >'My legs! They're frozen solid!'
  1273. "USELESS! USELESS! USELESS! Be still Twilight! Move, and I'll cut this fragile little artery!"
  1275. >"I-I have to save Twilight!"
  1276. >Spike runs onto the balcony, only to stop as Anon's severed arm starts to twitch and wither on the ground.
  1277. "Zombies! Keep these peasants back for the moment."
  1278. >Makaveli rams his claws into the eyes of an oncoming undead, his ripple causing it to wither and disintegrate.
  1279. >"They just keep coming."
  1280. >Giovi cuts down one zombie, only for three more to take its place.
  1281. >"We don't have a chance to help."
  1282. "Now, Twilight! I'll replace your blood with my vampiric essence and make you my slave!"
  1283. >"Anon! Don't think you've won! You've made a fatal mistake!"
  1284. >Anon's good eye goes wide at Twilight's accusation.
  1285. >"To feed on my blood you haven't frozen me completely! If you freeze me, I can't use my Hamon, but you won't be able to drain my blood either! That is your mistake!"
  1286. >Steam starts to rise from Twilight's hooves, and Anon casts his gaze behind him, following the steel blade bisecting him.
  1287. 'She put the sword into the flames! The steel is conducting the heat faster than I can freeze it! She can use the Hamon through the blade!'
  1288. >Anon pushes Twilight, and slams his hand into the sword as it withdraws from his body, slicing the steel blade like it was putty.
  1289. >In his haste however, he fails to see the hoof flying towards him until it's too late.
  1291. >Blood sprays from Anon's nose as Twilight's hoof slams into his face, causing him to take a staggered step backwards.
  1292. >"She did it!"
  1293. >"No, look closely. You can tell that the Hamon didn't work."
  1294. >Twilight looks down at her hoof, frozen and encased in ice.
  1295. >'Frozen again... I barely touched his face!'
  1296. "You underestimate me, Twilight!"
  1298. >Veins and arteries slither out of the stump of Anon's shoulder, twisting through the air towards his discarded arm.
  1299. >The thin tendrils reattach to Anon's severed limb, and reel it back to his shoulder.
  1300. "I will admit, I admire you tenacious spirit."
  1301. >With both arms, Anon pushes the two halves of his face back together and lines them up.
  1302. "Your use of the fire just now was brilliant, but nothing can escape my icy grip. A touch is all I need! I can freeze your body in two seconds."
  1303. >Twilight strains, the veins in her neck bulging as she squeezes out the venom Anon injected into her.
  1304. >With his vampiric essence rejected from her body, Twilight relaxes her body, adopting the two legged fighting stance Trixie taught her.
  1305. "Still looking for a fight? No matter how hard you try there's a limit to your ability Twilight. Your Hamon training is useless! USELESS! USELESS! USELESS! USELESS!"
  1306. >Anon leaps towards Twilight, arms outstretched.
  1307. "Can a deer stand against a mighty lion?! Compared to me you are nothing but prey Twilight!"
  1308. >"Wrong! With enough conviction and faith anything is possible! Ponies are not prey! Let me show you!"
  1309. "You won't! You will become one of my zombies!"
  1310. >Spike gasps as he watches Twilight spin, and thrust her hoof into the flames as she passes.
  1311. >"Her hoof! The fur of her hoof is on fire! It might just be able to beat Anon's ice!"
  1313. >Twilight brings her front hooves together, the fire leaping to her other limb as they fly towards Anon.
  1314. >Anon grabs Twilight's hooves in his icy hands, stopping them in their tracks.
  1315. >"He- he blocked the attack!"
  1316. >"No! She's breaking though!"
  1317. >Bit by bit, Twilight's hooves slip forward, until they slam into Anon's chest!
  1318. >The overflowing Hamon of Twilight's hoof cuts through Anon's body like a knife, causing her hoof to rip through Anon's chest and explode from his back.
  1320. >The force of the blow sends Anon flying backwards, his body sailing through the air towards the edge of the balcony.
  1321. "My body! I'm disintegrating! This heat! This pain! My reign... was supposed to last... for centuries!"
  1322. >"I'm sorry Anon, you don't belong in this world."
  1323. >"I won't...!!!"
  1324. >Anon's eye bulges outwards, and a thin lance of liquid, barely with width of a pencil, shoots out, straight towards Twilight.
  1325. >Twilight guards with her hooves, only for the beam to pierce straight through, passing over her shoulder, decapitating several zombies and slicing through the wall of the castle.
  1326. >Twilight shakes as she looks down at the neat hole in her hoof.
  1327. >"The pressure of that liquid he shot... if it was a little to the right my brain would have been destroyed..."
  1328. >His final attack done, Anon's body flies over the railing of the balcony, breaking apart as it does so.
  1329. >Twilight watches as Anon's body is reduced to ashes, his clothing fluttering away into the night.
  1330. >"Anon..."
  1331. >Tears blur Twilight's vision as she turns away from the balcony and takes a shaking step forward, only to collapse onto the ground.
  1332. >"Is she ok?"
  1333. >Spike nods as he moves to Twilight's side.
  1334. >"She's worn out. She should be, after all the fighting and death she's seen tonight."
  1335. >"But why does she cry for that monster?"
  1336. >Spike turns his head to Giovi.
  1337. >"They were never the closest of friends, but Twilight shared her childhood with Anon. As for me, I can feel happy! We finally did it! Anon is dead! It may be an exaggeration, but the world is saved!"
  1339. >The rocky surface of the cliff flies past Anon in a blur as he speeds towards the ground.
  1340. 'Move...arm... the Hamon will fry my head... before that happens... I need to...'
  1341. >Even as he disintegrates, Anon moves his arm and, with a sharp motion, slices through his neck, sending it spinning away from his body.
  1342. >At the base of the cliff, Anon's cry draws the attention of the oriental pony, and he drops the limp body in his hooves with a lifeless thud.
  1343. >His wounds from his fight with Twilight healed, he leaps across the stones towards the limb pile of clothes that was once his master.
  1344. >"Ohhhh... Ohhhhhhh...."
  1345. >With shaking hooves the pony takes Anon's head into his hooves.
  1346. >"Lord Anon..."
  1347. >Fashioning a sling from his own filthy rags, the pony cradles Anon's head close to his body as he leaps away into the night.
  1349. An excerpt from a special edition of the 'Canterlot Press': "73 of the 452 ponies living in Hollow Shades went missing overnight. Investigators have one lead based on witness accounts. Four strangers were seen burning s bundle of clothing at the base of the cliff beneath the town's abandoned mansion. One of them, believed to be a dragon, was seen smashing an amulet with a hammer."
  1350. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1351. >Somewhere in the distance a bell chimes and Twilight shifts her gaze to the nearby window, looking out over the Canterlot skyline towards the city's clock tower.
  1352. >'It's nearly three o'clock?! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!'
  1353. >Twilight leaps to her hooves, levitating over her saddlebags as she does so.
  1354. >The newspaper she was reading, detailing the life of Princess Celestia, finds its way into the bag as it drifts through the air and is secured to Twilights back.
  1355. >With a flick of her horn, Twilight disappears from her chambers and reappears on the streets of Canterlot, right in the path of a pair of burly stallions carrying a massive container.
  1356. >"Hay! Watch it yo- Oh, Princess Twilight, my apologies. The ship's about to leave and we don't get paid unless this thing's on there."
  1357. >Twilight waves the stallion off as he goes to bow.
  1358. >"There's no need to be sorry, it was my fault."
  1359. >"Twilight!"
  1360. >The princess of friendship turns, only to nearly be bowled over as 40 kilograms of baby dragon slams into her, winding her.
  1361. >"The zeppelin’s about to leave! We were worried you wouldn't make it."
  1362. >Twilight looks up to see Giovi and Makaveli standing near the gangplank to the zeppelin, along with Fluttershy, stands waving from on board the ship.
  1363. >"I still can't believe you're leaving me here while you and Fluttershy meet up with Dash in Manehatten."
  1364. >Twilight smiles as Spike pouts, despite having his arms firmly wrapped around her.
  1365. >"I wish I could take you with me, but Princess Luna did ask for you personally to tell her what happened with Anon."
  1366. >Spike gives one last extra hard squeeze before letting go, and Twilight looks back at the two gryphons.
  1367. >"What will you do now?"
  1368. >"We will return to our own country, and I will continue training my students."
  1369. >Giovi nods, and holds his scaled hand out to Twilight.
  1370. >"It has been an honour meeting you."
  1371. >Though awkward without her own digits, Twilight returns the hand/hoof shake and goes to board the zeppelin.
  1373. >"ALL ABOARD!"
  1374. >From the dock, Spike watches as the gangplank is raised and the mooring lines pulled on board.
  1375. >The zeppelin starts to drift away from the dock and Twilight watches from Fluttershy's side as her friends, new and old, wave her goodbye.
  1376. >As the zeppelin is dragged further and further away by the prevailing winds, the dock shrinks until it disappears from view entirely, blending into the sprawling cityscape of Canterlot.
  1377. >Twilight leaves to stow her belongings below in the cabins below, leaving Fluttershy to watch the scenery as it floats past.
  1378. >The sound of birdcall draws her attention as a flock of swallows, and Fluttershy smiles as she watches the birds fly past the zeppelin.
  1379. >The faint sound of wings causes her to turn her head and see a smaller swallow land on railing next to her and squawk pitifully at the slowly retreating flock.
  1380. >"Oh dear, you got separated from the rest of your friends, didn't you little guy?"
  1381. >A second squawk replies to the first, and another bird flies down and settles on the railing next to the first, and the two birds rub against each other.
  1382. >A tear forms in Fluttershy's eye, and she turns away only to run straight into Twilight.
  1383. >"Oof, are you alright Fluttershy?"
  1384. >The pegasus nods her head, before inclining it towards the two birds.
  1385. >"Ah, let's give these two some privacy then. Come on, let's go eat."
  1386. >The two head inside, passing a couple with a baby on their way.
  1387. >As Twilight and Fluttershy round the corner, the baby decides to spit out its binky, causing it to fly through the air and bounce through a small grate on the floor.
  1388. >"Oh, honey could you go get that?"
  1389. >The mare's husband, a light green stallion, nods and trots over to the other side of the hallway before kneeling down to peer through the grate.
  1390. >'Crud, it fell in the engine room. I can't even see it from here.'
  1392. >The stallion straightens up and turns to his wife.
  1393. >"You go on to the dining room, I'll just be a second."
  1394. >Meanwhile, Twilight and Fluttershy sit, taking in the ambience of the dining room while they wait for their meals to arrive.
  1395. >Fluttershy takes a meek sip of the glass before her, causing the red liquid inside to dip a millimetre.
  1396. >"Come on Fluttershy, take a bigger sip then that."
  1397. >"I shouldn't... I've never had wine like this before. It even tastes expensive!"
  1398. >Twilight smiles as she raises her own glass with magic.
  1399. >"Well the waiter insisted, 'Only the best for zee princess!'"
  1400. >Fluttershy giggles at Twilight's terrible accent, only to pause when she hears the sound of cracking glass.
  1401. >With the slight scrape of wood on wood, Twilight pushes her seat backwards and stands, staring at something off over Fluttershy's shoulder.
  1402. >"You...."
  1403. >Fluttershy turns her head, spotting a grey, oriental looking pony as he slips through the doorway into the corridor outside.
  1404. >"It can't be....impossible...Anon...."
  1405. >"Twilight?"
  1406. >Twilight snaps out of her daze and looks at Fluttershy.
  1407. >"Fluttershy! Return to your room and look the door!"
  1408. >Without another word, Twilight gallops out of the dining room, hot on the tail of the other pony.
  1410. >The stairs down into the engine room creak and groan under the weight of the light green stallion, even with his meagre steps.
  1411. >"It's so dirty down here. I might as well throw that binky away after this..."
  1412. >At the base of the stairs, he spots his child's binky lying on top of a large trunk at the opposite end of the room.
  1413. >"What a well-crafted box..."
  1414. >As the stallion leans to pick up the binky, he spots the trunks lock hanging ajar, and kneels down for a closer look.
  1415. >"That's odd, the lock's off, but I can still see the reflection of the catch on the inside. The trunk must be locked from the inside!"
  1416. >The box gives a small click, and the tiny gem embedded above the lock flies out, passing through the stallion's head and causing it to explode like an overripe watermelon.
  1417. >The stallion's body flies backwards, and with a crash lands onto of a nearby crate.
  1418. >A dark shape flies through the doorway of the room, and the oriental pony lands in front of the trunk as Twilight reaches the top of the stairs.
  1419. >The grey pony throws open the lid of the trunk and leans inside.
  1420. >"You're..."
  1421. >The oriental stallion turns, a jar resting on his arm.
  1422. "So... my body is here."
  1423. >"A...ANON!"
  1424. "Twilight... Look what has become of me. There is a reason I have revealed myself to you, in this state. Why would I show you my weakness? Because, where once I despised you, now I respect you. Your courage! Your spirit! Your power! I realize now that if not for you I never would have obtained the amulet, but because of you the world has slipped through my fingers. If there is a god that decides our fates, then ours is bound together the tightest! Our two existences are truly one! I will take the body of only one I respect and use it to live forever! That is the destiny before me! You won't feel any pain, that is my final courtesy to you!"
  1426. >Anon's eyes go wide, and start to glow with unnatural power.
  1427. >"His eyes...! NO!"
  1428. >Magic flares around Twilight's horn as she casts a barrier between herself and Anon.
  1430. >Twin jets of liquid erupt from Anon's eyes, cutting through Twilight's shield as if it was tissue.
  1431. >One jet pierces Twilight's throat, while the other bisects her horn and causes her to cry out in pain as she slumps back against a wooden support beam.
  1432. "What a pity. If you hadn't tried to move you would have died a painless death.
  1433. >"TWILIGHT!"
  1434. >Both Anon's and Twilight's gazes are drawn to the top of the stairs, where Fluttershy stands with a shocked expression on her face.
  1435. >"Flutter...shy..."
  1436. "Torn from a normal day and cast into hell, unable to understand or even speak? Twilight never told you the stories of my life in the darkness? I may not look like much, but surely you recognise me, Fluttershy."
  1437. >"Anonymous!"
  1438. >Splinters of wood shower Fluttershy as countless zombiefied hooves rip through the wall behind her.
  1439. >"Help! The ship's full of monsters!"
  1440. >A mare runs past the top of the stairs, her foal clutched to her chest.
  1441. >As she cries out, she topples sideways, half her head missing, and tumbles down the stairs, her body shielding the foal from being crushed.
  1442. >The oriental pony cackles, and looks to Anon.
  1443. >"Lord Anon, as you ordered I drained the life of one passenger, and now most of the ship has fallen under your control! Soon we'll take over Manehatten, right Lord Anon?"
  1444. >'I can't speak...I can't breathe...I have to save...Fluttershy...'
  1445. >Twilight tries to raise her hoof, only for it to be kicked by the oriental pony.
  1446. >'I can't even use my Hamon...'
  1447. >"Kahh! Behold Lord Anon! The snivelling whelp can't breathe! That means she can't use her Hamon against us! This is the price she pays for deifying you Lord Anon. Now, it's time to play... or should we wait and let her suffocate?"
  1449. "Listen, Curio! I'll tolerate no insult to Twilight! She is the pony that forced me to my current state. Show her some respect by severing her head painlessly."
  1450. >"Y...yes Lord Anon."
  1451. >Curio leans back and strikes out with his hoof, only for Twilight to rise to her feet as his limb flies towards her.
  1452. "She's up to something! Stay back, she may have one last trick up her sleeve!"
  1453. >'What can she do without her Hamon? Surely Lord Anon overestimates her!"
  1455. >'I have to save... Fluttershy... I'll have to use the last dregs of Hamon left in me all at once, no matter how small.'
  1456. "Look out, Curio!"
  1457. >Golden light envelops Twilights hooves just before she and Curio collide with a flash of light that sends both of the flying backwards.
  1458. >Blood flies from Twilight's wounds as she falls backwards and lands with a wet thud on the floor.
  1459. >'Something broke inside my body. Something important...'
  1460. >Curio's head bulges outwards and explodes as his body sails through the air, and with the sound of shattering glass Anon's head escapes from the jar and launches towards the rafters.
  1461. >Curio's body collides with the large, steel machinery driving the zeppelin's propellers.
  1462. >'This... This is the end. My bodies final ripple... too weak to destroy that zombie... but strong enough...'
  1463. >Slowly, the now headless zombie's body picks itself up, sparks playing across its tattered fur as he wraps his legs around the engine's screw shaft.
  1464. >With a hiss, the massive machinery grinds to a halt as steam starts to fill the room.
  1465. "What the...?! Twilight must have done something to Curio's body. Instead of destroying she disrupted the body's functions and made it cling to the machinery... She made it cling to the zeppelin's screw shaft! If the shaft stops, the steam inside the piston will keep building up! Before too long the ship will explode!"
  1467. >Fluttershy gallops to Twilight's side, wrapping the injured mare in her hooves.
  1468. >"Twilight! How could this... It can't be... Why?"
  1469. >"Run... Fluttershy... The ship is going to explode..."
  1470. >Fluttershy steels her expression and stays where she is.
  1471. >"I don't know exactly what's going on. Even after all that we've done this is almost too much for me, I... I don't know if I should cry or scream... or if I should just faint. But there is one thing I know; I can't let the princess of friendship die alone, with none of her friends to see her off."
  1472. >The screech of steam fills the air as Twilight shakes her head and raises her hoof, pointing to the body of the mare at the base of the stairs, and her crying foal.
  1473. >"It's alright to cry... but you must keep living."
  1474. >"You...You want me to save a stranger's foal and run... To me, that is cruel courage. I can't leave you here to die as well!"
  1475. >"That mother died holding her child... please Fluttershy... take the foal. Hurry!"
  1476. >Fluttershy tries to blink away her tears as she stands, only to freeze at the sound of Anon's voice.
  1477. "So, you plan to destroy the entire ship! Twilight, you never give up do you? Well neither do I! I will live! No matter what! I will live, along with your body! Zombies!"
  1478. >A low groan fills the room as Anon's minions shuffle through the hole torn in the wall.
  1479. "Devour Curio's body and restart the piston!"
  1480. >The sounds of creaking metal and bursting rivets drowns out the zombies, and are the only warning before the engine erupts in flames.
  1481. >Twilight dives, shielding Fluttershy and the baby from the shards of steel that bury themselves in her back.
  1482. "I have to protect myself from the sun at all times, so I am already prepared in the event of an explosion!"
  1483. >Veins and arteries fly from the stump of Anon's neck and wrap themselves around Twilight's throat, pulling her away from Fluttershy.
  1485. "Fluttershy! Take a good look! Now that Twilight can't use her Hamon, I can freely steal her body! Then I will step into that trunk, my humble abode! My shelter from the sun, one that can withstand any mere explosion! Her I come, Twilight!"
  1486. >Anon detaches from the ceiling as a massive explosion rocks the ship, tearing a hole in the outside wall that reveals the setting sun below.
  1487. "I bid you welcome, my new, eternal body!"
  1488. >In the blink of an eye, Twilight pulls one of the metal shards in her back out with her hooves, and drives it into Anon's neck.
  1489. >"Twilight!"
  1490. >The unstable surface of the ship cause Fluttershy to stumble close to the hole created by the explosion, the setting sun causing the ocean below to look like blood.
  1491. >Twilight slumps against the massive trunk, and wraps her forelegs around Anon's head, hugging him close to her chest.
  1492. >'Anon... As you said, our fates might truly be one in the same. I feel a bizarre friendship with you... Our lives are bound completely, and they will disappear along with this ship...'
  1493. >Twilight smiles, and looks at Fluttershy.
  1494. >"Fluttershy... tell the others that you were all... my very best friends."
  1495. >The flames leap ever higher, forcing Fluttershy to step backwards out of the hole, into the night air beyond.
  1496. "Twilight! Release me! Think about this! I can heal your wounds! You can see your friends again! Twilight?!"
  1497. >Though Anon waits for a response as the flames grow around him, none ever comes.
  1498. "She... She's... dead..."
  1499. >Twilight's head falls, her empty eyes meeting Anon's as one final explosion envelops both of them.
  1501. >Weakened by the multiple explosions the racked its form, and the fire that ravaged its hull, the zeppelin dipped and, with a massive splash, landed in the ocean off the bay of Manehatten, and slowly drifted under the waves.
  1502. >With it, Twilight Sparkle's life passed into oblivion. Thought she would be remembered as the Princess of Friendship, and as a dear friend to all, her secret history was lost to the shadows. The public will never hear of her final and most bizarre adventure, but her friends will.
  1503. >Soon after, Fluttershy was rescued, drifting on a piece of flotsam with a strangers foal clutched in her hooves.
  1504. >Thus, the book of the Alicorn Amulet closed for a time. However, this was only the beginning of a new adventure....
  1506. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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