
Nurse Redheart CYOA

Mar 23rd, 2013
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  1. Hey faggots, it's tiem for background ponies!
  2. >You are Anonymous. You have been transported to Equestria because they didn't want you in our world.
  3. >You take up residence in Ponyville, and become friends with the locals.
  4. >One day, you are out picking berries in the Everfree Forest, when a passing manticore fucks your shit right up. You slump to the ground, and fall unconscious.
  5. >When you awake, you find yourself resting in a hospital bed back in ponyville. You inspect yourself, finding several stitched-up claw wounds on your body.
  6. >A Nurse walks in. She's a lovely white mare with a pink mane and tail, and a Red Cross Cutie Mark.
  7. >"W-what happened?" you ask her.
  8. >"You were attacked by a Manticore in the Everfree Forest," she explains. "You're lucky to be alive."
  10. Hint: Try to be smooth here. She doesn't know you at all.
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Since I'm lucky to be alive, will you give me a butt-job?
  15. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. >>9275513
  17. >"Since I'm lucky to be alive, will you, uh, y'know..." you mutter.
  18. >"Can do," she smiles.
  19. >She cleans your butt-stitches in a really clinical and un-sexy way, wearing scrubs and a face-mask the whole time. When she finishes, your ass is much less likely to get infected.
  20. >"All done! Call me if you need anything more," she says, exiting the room.
  21. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Proceed to wait a while till the nurse comes back in, smile at her and tell her you are lucky to have the loveliest nurse in ponyville helping you out.
  25. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. >>9275747
  27. >You wait a long while, and Nurse Redheart returns to bring you your food.
  28. >With a smile, you say: "Man, I'm lucky to have the loveliest nurse in Ponyville helping me out."
  29. >"Loveliest?" she laughs, turning red.
  30. >"Err, best!" you say quickly. "The BEST nurse in Ponyville, sorry."
  31. >She gives you an interested look. "Wow, why do you say that? Have ponies been calling me the best nurse?"
  32. [spoiler]You barely know her, Romeo.[/spoiler]
  33. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. Activate suave.
  37. "Just the smart ones. So, how is it being a nurse? You seem to love your work."
  39. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. >>9275887
  41. >>9275960
  42. These are synonymous.
  43. >"Just the smart ones," you grin. "So, how is it being a nurse? You seem to love your work."
  44. >"Oh, it's alright. The pay isn't too great, but I love the feeling of helping ponies out," she says. "And with the Everfree Forest right nearby, there are always ponies needing help!"
  45. >You share a laugh with her, which is soon interrupted by a call from outside.
  46. >"Nurse Redheart, we need you! We've got a burn victim here!"
  47. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. Wait for her return in two minutes. You know burs are easily treatable by magic.
  51. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. >>9276342
  53. >She leaves, but doesn't return in two minutes. Seems like burns aren't that easily treatable.
  54. >Finally, Nurse Redheart returns. She looks at you, a little nervous.
  55. >"Well, it looks like you're getting a roommate, Anon," she says, turning to the door. Two orderlies wheel in a heavily bandaged Royal Guard pegasus with white fur and a blonde mane.
  56. >"This is Sir Lucas," explains Nurse Redheart. "He ran into an adult dragon in the Everfree Forest."
  57. >No privacy. Not good.
  58. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. Be polite, don't wanna look like a dick in front of the lovely nurse
  62. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. >>9276614
  64. >"Oh, that's fine!" you reassure her, turning to your new roomie. "Hello, I'm Anon."
  65. >Sir Lucas looks back at you, and waves a little. He's a little too exhausted to chat much.
  66. >"I hope the two of you will get along," says Nurse Redheart.
  67. >"No problem," you smile. "He and I can compare wounds."
  68. >"You got sliced and diced, and I got charbroiled," says Sir Lucas weakly. "That's about it."
  69. >You and Nurse Redheart laugh.
  70. >"So, Anon, is there anything else you need?" she asks.
  71. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. Ask if your well enough to take a walk, and if she'd care to join you, to make sure you're alright, of course.
  75. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. >>9277056
  77. >"Hey, am I well enough to take a walk?" you ask.
  78. >"Hmm," she considers. "Well, alright, but I should probably go with you, though."
  79. >She then turns to Sir Lucas: "If you need anything, Nurse Tenderheart will be waiting on you."
  80. >"Sure," he mumbles. You wobble out of bed, and she supports you as the two of you head off for a walk.
  81. >"So, where would you like to go?" she asks.
  82. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. You know the area better than I, how about you show me around some of your favorite places?
  86. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. >>9277238
  88. >"You know the area better than I, how about you show me around some of your favorite places?" you suggest.
  89. >"Alright then!" she agrees. "Why don't we get a snack? It's about lunchtime."
  90. >You agree, and she takes you over to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie enthusiastically serves you both, and seats you at a nice outdoor table. The two of you eat happily, enjoying the sunshine and the gentle wind.
  91. >After finishing her meal, Redheart looks up at you.
  92. >"So Anon, how are you enjoying life in Ponyville?"
  93. >"Alright, I guess. How about you?"
  94. >"Oh, I love it here!" she replies. "The ponies you meet, the scenery, the food...it's all so perfect."
  95. >You sit there in silence for a few moments. Maybe it's time to test the waters.
  96. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. Tell me about yourself.
  100. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. >>9277539
  102. >"So, what's your story?" you ask. "Can you tell me a little about yourself?"
  103. >"Sure, but there's not much to tell. I've lived most of my life in Ponyville, and wanted to go into medicine since I was young," she says.
  104. >"From what I hear, you've done a good job."
  105. >"Thanks!" she smiles. "I do what I can."
  106. >"Listen," you say, biting your lip. "Would you like to-"
  107. >"Go on a date?" she interrupts, amused. "Grab a bite to eat, like we are now?"
  108. >You pause, flustered. She's got your number.
  109. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. Ow, alright you got me. Well since we're already half way through dinner why not make it dinner and a movie?
  113. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. >>9277961
  115. >"Okay, you got me," you chuckle. "Since we're halfway through lunch, why not go for dinner and a movie?"
  116. >"Hmm...alright," she replies. "What movie?"
  117. >You suggest some boring-ass romance movie. She suggests "Decapitators from Hell 2: This Time, it's Personal."
  118. >"Agreed," you grin. The two of you head back to the hospital, and enter your room.
  119. >You see a buff, handsome brown-furred Earth stallion with a dark black mane and tail, and a pickaxe Cutie Mark in the room.
  120. >He is passionately making out with Sir Lucas.
  121. >You clear your throat, and the two of them pull away from eachother, blushing.
  122. >"H-hi," says the visitor. "I'm Earthbreaker."
  123. >Wow. Awkward.
  124. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. Turn to Redheart, how about we go straight to that movie, I think Lucas could use some time to uh...recover.
  128. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. >>9278427
  130. >"How about we go straight to that movie?" you stammer, turning to Redheart. "I think Sir Lucas needs some time to, er, recover."
  131. >She nods, and steps outside. As you turn to leave, Sir Lucas speaks.
  132. >"Thanks, man."
  133. >You wink at him, and leave. You and Nurse Redheart arrive at the theater, and find your seats. You watch the movie for a long while, amazed at the number of decapitations.
  134. >A particularly scary beheading causes Nurse Redheart to grab your arm, clinging tightly to you. You turn to her, and she blushes.
  135. >"Scary movie," she mutters.
  136. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. Laugh and say you'll protect her from the big bad movie monsters, scream like a bitch at the next jump scare and grab her.
  140. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. >>9278735
  142. >"Don't worry," you tease, "I'll pwotect you fwom the big bad-"
  144. >With a shriek that would put Fluttershy to shame you leap upon Nurse Redheart, wrapping your arms around her tightly.
  145. >"You were saying?" she snickers.
  146. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. "uhh..i have a sharkphobia? okay not really, i just wasnt expecting that." Keep arms around her despite the scene being over.
  150. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. >>9278931
  152. >I, uh, have a fear of sharks," you explain. "The technical term is, er, shark...phobia?"
  153. >"Riiiiighht."
  154. >The scene ends, but you keep your hold on her. With a wry grin, she turns and kisses you right on the lips.
  155. >You kiss her back, pulling her in close. After a long, loving embrace, you slowly pull away.
  156. >"Y'know, we really oughta just sit down and watch this movie," you say.
  157. >"We really should," she agrees.
  158. >You lean forward and begin making out with her once more. Your tongues mingle and tease at eachother, and you occasionally part, only to begin kissing once more.
  159. >When you're finished, you see everyone starting to leave.
  160. >"Heh," chuckles Redheart. "I guess the movie's over. What now?"
  161. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. Quietly make out until they force you to leave.
  165. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. >>9279206
  167. >You pull her into another long, deep kiss. Her tail wags gently as you embrace her.
  168. >You slip your hand down toward her flank. She doesn't stop you. You give the Red Cross on her bottom a gentle squeeze, feeling her fleshy rump yield at your touch.
  169. >She climbs on you, and you fall backward, letting her lie on your chest.
  170. >"Uh, sir?" says a theater employee. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
  171. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. Begin poking the theater employee. See if he's a pokeslut.
  175. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  176. >>9279604
  177. >You step over to the theater employee, and begin poking him in the face.
  178. >Turns out he's a pokeslut. He takes your finger in his mouth, and begins sucking at it, coating it in his saliva. He sucks sensually on your finger for a long while, before releasing it.
  179. >"There's more where that came from, cutie," he smiles at you. Nurse Redheart shoots him an "OH NO YOU DI'IN'T" look.
  180. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  182. Tell him there's a couple of stallions at the hospital who would love to meet him.
  184. Turn back to nurse.
  186. "Anywho, wanna grab some brew and go back to your place?"
  188. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. >>9279891
  190. >You pull your finger away quickly. "Sorry man, I don't swing that way."
  191. >He looks dejected. You look him up and down. He's a handsome, blue-furred pony wiht a long, dark blue mane.
  192. >"Listen, uh-"
  193. >"Trent."
  194. >"Listen, Trent. There are a couple of stallions I know who'd love to meet you."
  195. >Trent perks up immediately, and you give him the number of your hospital room. He trots off happily.
  196. >You turn back to Redheart. "Sorry about that. You wanna get a nice bottle of cider, and head back to your place.
  197. >Without a word, she takes your finger in her mouth, sucking on it sensually. She takes three of your fingers in her mouth, before releasing them.
  198. >"Sure," she says, grinning.
  199. >The two of you buy some expensive cider, and head back to Redheart's place. It's a small but tidy apartment, with various family photos adorning the walls. A comfortable-looking bed rests on one side.
  200. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. Loosen her up with the cider.
  203. Acquire God Tier Seducing Skills.
  205. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. >>9280164
  207. >You pour a glass of cider for her, and then a glass for yourself. The two of you sit on the bed for a while, sipping your cider.
  208. >You both get drunker and drunker as the night progresses. You crack a few stupid jokes, and she giggles at them.
  209. >Suddenly, it happens. The double dubs and quads from the last thread begin to power you up once more. You become a GOD-TIER SEDUCER.
  210. >You can't beat her up or pleasure her with your eyebrows, since you haven't done anything cool yet, but your lady-killing skills are now unmatched.
  211. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. The manticore bursts in, looking to finish what it started. That's fine, you feel you owe it a little something for helping get antiquated with Redheart. Oh, and a whole lot of something for nearly killing you.
  215. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. >>9280415
  217. >The door bursts into splinters, and the Manticore enters the room. It roars loudly, thirsting for your blood.
  218. >You stand up, ready to battle it. You owe it one.
  219. >"B-be careful, Anon!" shrieks Nurse Redheart.
  220. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  222. Falcon PAWNCH!
  224. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. >>9280545
  226. >"Falcon PAWNCH!" you bellow, swinging a deadly blow at the monster.
  227. >Your fist connects with it, knocking its head right the fuck off. The body takes a staggering step forward, and then collapses to the ground, blood oozing everywhere.
  228. >"W-wow, Anon," stammers Nurse Redheart. "I never knew you had such power..."
  229. >Your Falcon Punch as combined with your God-Tier Seducing Abilities. You are now in Richard Armitage mode once more, capable of pleasuring or beating ponies with your sheer sexual attractiveness.
  230. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. The manticore blood splats on Nurse Redheart's face, thus getting her out of the mood for the limitless pony sex that you're sure to be having.
  234. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  235. >>9280816
  236. >The Manticore blood splatters onto Nurse Redhearts face. Suddenly, a very dark look comes to her face.
  237. >"ANON!" she roars. "I no longer wish to have sex with you!'
  238. >Your jaw drops. "The fuck? Baby, I am in fucking Richard Armitage mode. I am a fucking sex god. How can you not want me?"
  239. >"It's too late Anon! I will NEVER fuck you!" she snarls.
  240. >In a rage, you tear off your own penis. You collapse to the floor and bleed to death. Nurse Redheart tries to leave, but slips on your blood and breaks her neck.
  241. >As it runs out, she was going to perform an operation on your favorite member of the Mane 6. With her dead, your favorite pony dies a slow, agonizing death.
  243. GAME OVER. Quote the post you wish to restart from.
  244. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  245. >>9281065
  246. >>9281080
  247. >The door bursts into splinters, and the Manticore enters the room. It roars loudly, thirsting for your blood.
  248. >You stand up, ready to battle it. You owe it one.
  249. >"B-be careful, Anon!" shrieks Nurse Redheart.
  251. 4, 53, or 19 decides.
  252. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. Laugh like a sane maniac.
  254. "I've waited for this moment!"
  255. Sudenlly the back drop changes, bringin nurse with us, mad power metal plays in the back ground al volcanoes erupt and lightning rocks the sky.
  256. "You fucked with the wrong anon!"
  257. and proceed to Giga drill breaker that mother fucker, then turn and give the nurse a seductive smile as back drop returns to the apartment.
  258. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  259. >>9281224
  260. >You laugh like a sane maniac.
  261. >"I've waited for this moment!" you cry.
  262. >The background changes, bringing Nurse Redheart and the Manticore with you. Extreme power metal plays in the background, lightning slashes across the sky, and multiple volcanoes begin erupting, spewing ash and lava everywhere.
  263. [spoiler]On one of the volcanoes, you see another Anon cumming on Garble's face.[/spoiler]
  264. >You unleash the GIGA DRILL BREAKER. Your arm changes into a ridiculously huge drill, and you lunge for the Manticore.
  265. >Impact.
  266. >The Royal Sisters sense a great disturbance in the force. Discord looks up from his newspaper and says "What the FUCK was that!?"
  267. >You teleport back to Nurse Redheart's apartment, flashing her a seductive smile.
  268. >Since the Giga Drill Breaker was so awesome, you are now in Richard Armitage mode. Your seductive smile causes her to collapse to the floor, squealing with pleasure.
  269. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  271. Bring her to the brink of orgasm... then make her beg.
  273. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  274. >>9281565
  275. >Your seductive smirk turns to a full on shit-eating grin. She shrieks with ecstasy, writhing on the floor.
  276. >"Ano-ANON! AHN!" she cries. "W-What are y-AHH!~"
  277. >She rolls about on the floor, helpless with desire. Her exposed snatch begins to leak onto the carpet.
  278. >"Anooon! Stop this and f-AHN!" she moans. "Stoooop! Stop this and fuck me-heee!"
  279. >"Say you're a dirty little slut," you taunt.
  280. >"I-I'm a diiirty liittle sluuu-OOHH! OHHhhh!"
  281. >"Say you're only good for being a fucktoy."
  282. >"I'm-I'm only a fffucAHHH!~"
  283. >Her pussy leaks more onto the floor. If you want to fuck her before she orgasms, you'd best do it soon.
  284. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  286. Fuck her...
  288. No, don't just fuck her. Claim her, mark her as your own. Take her! She's YOURS!
  290. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  291. >>9281820
  292. >You get to your knees, and insert your throbbing cock into her slit. You pump slowly at first, and relax some of your mojo. You don't want to end this too quickly.
  293. >"Ahh," she mumbles. "Anon..."
  294. >You speed up, thrusting harder and harder, trying to get her moaning again. Your thick shaft widens her dripping marehood as you proceed.
  295. >Evidently, she hasn't had too many stallions in her life.
  296. >Her soft moans get louder and louder, and you slide a hand down to cup her soft behind once more.
  297. >"Oh Celestia...." she breathes. It's not long before she's writhing uncontrollably again.
  298. >Do you:
  300. A) Try a different position?
  302. B) Stay the course?
  304. or
  306. C) Use your Armitage-powers?
  307. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. Dislocate her fucking pelvis.
  313. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  314. >>9282124
  315. >You withdraw from her, a Death's-head grin stretching across her face.
  316. >She looks up fearfully. "No! Anon, DON'T-"
  317. >You wink at her. She falls back, screeching and gasping for air. Her legs kick uselessly.
  318. >You lick your lips. Her leaking pussy clenches, and she twists and shakes like a sidewinder. Her tortured giggles fill the room.
  319. >You raise an eyebrow. Her laughter turns to yelping and whinnying. Her animal side is showing as she loses control.
  320. >You touch your tongue with a fingertip. She buries her rear hooves in the carpet, her belly rising into the air.
  321. >You let out a wolf-whistle.
  322. >She cums.
  323. >Hard.
  324. >She squirts all over the floor, and then squirts again on your pant leg. She rolls around on the floor, having multiple orgasms all over her apartment.
  325. >Soon, there's barely anywhere to safely walk.
  326. >She finally stops, and lies on her back, gasping for breath.
  327. >"A-anon?" she pants, "Wha-what was that?"
  329. 3, 75, or 25 decides how we end this one.
  330. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  332. The beginning of a healthy relationship
  334. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  335. >>9282443
  336. >"That?" you say, deactivating Richard Armitage-mode. "That was just a power I have."
  337. >"A power?" Redheart asks, sitting up a little. "Like, your special talent?"
  338. >"Yes."
  339. >"How did you get it?"
  340. >You pause for a moment. You can't tell her that some weirdo horsefuckers from the internet bestowed it upon you.
  341. >"Love," you say finally. "It can only be activated by true love."
  342. >"Well," she chuckles. "Seems like I'm a very lucky mare."
  343. >"And I'm a very lucky Anon," you smile, helping her to her hooves.
  344. >And you both live happily ever after.
  345. [spoiler]So do Sir Lucas, Earthbreaker, and Trent.[/spoiler]
  347. THE END.
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