
Bobs diary

Aug 15th, 2013
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  1. Able Tome...
  2. Man, this guy really made me nervous at first! What with the frequent popping of his joints, his need to monologue for everything, his fascination for #magicbooksnshit... Well, I thought he was 4cannon's residential mad scientist! But when I got the chance to talk with him... There's a softer side even I was surprised to see... Able is a truly generous pony, and is doin everything he is for the benefit of 4cannon! Not everyone may see that, but I do. Still, I hope his insomnia and whatever is causing it will be taken care of... He's clearly suffering from it... Ech. Regardless, Able is a great friend of mine, and I hope that our friendship may grow stronger over SCIENCE!
  3. -Bob
  5. Al Dente...
  6. What a guy. I gotta say, it takes a true man to do what he did during the past couple days... I know I couldn't separate my emotions like that. Yeah, he might have done some things that 4cannon did not approve of, but he did so with noble intentions and stood his ground admirably. And for that, I really respect the dude! Even if he kinda sorta sounds like a Californian surfer.... He's been a great friend to me through thick and thin, and I sincerely hope that will never change.
  7. -Bob
  9. Arrant Hold...
  10. Oh man, I love this guy. He gets soooo flustered! Hopefully he knows it's all banter, and that I think he's a great and trustworthy friend of mine. I heard that he and Melody have a thing going on... *sniff* They grow up so fast... Hopefully I can help out with their wedding! Based on what I heard the proposal was a bit lackluster... Thus, I think what the marriage needs is a little bit of Bob-Love in there! Yeah... definitely gonna ask him if I can help.
  11. -Bob
  13. Aoyin...
  14. Truly a spectacular person! All the things he has done for Hearth and myself, well... there's no way I can pay him back. I fully trust that he would be there to help every single pony that needs it out of the kindness of his heart... A mark of a true hero if you ask me! And in this land, considering anything could happen at the drop of a hat... Well, Aoyin's got his work cut out for him. Hopefully I can lighten his load by spreading more friendship throughout 4cannon. ...The last thing I wanna do is be the reason why people need to talk to Aoyin!
  15. Status: Best Men
  16. -Bob
  18. Bacon Grease...
  19. Only really met the guy twice, but he certainly is one hell of a cook and a definitely interesting dude! I'm still unsure what happened that lead him to go to the Clinic with a head injury, but the fact he made a sizeable hole in the wall of the Clinic where the door used to be means that he should be fine... Prolly should do a check up on him though. ehhhh... I'll do it when this shitstorm brews over.
  20. -Bob
  22. Blazing Sky...
  23. He was a great pal of mine early on! Super nice, friendly, perhaps a bit too attached to Wormy but never mind that! Only seen him once recently... he was holding a squirrel carcass and claimed it was BigFoot or something like that. I'm sure he's fine. All I can hope is that one day, like me, he'll grow out of his joke ship! At least, I hope I grew out of mine...
  24. -Bob
  26. Booze Hound...
  27. A great guy, to say the least. Nice to talk to, a real trooper of a patient, with a fantastic attitude to top it all off! So what if he's a bit rash with those molotovs... It just shows how fiery of a guy he is! Heheheh, puns. I wonder if he knew that Flip PM'd me for advice and that I advised her to kiss him... One minute before he kissed her first! Oh, right, 4th wall... Lel. Those two make such a cute couple! Super happy they got together. Ugh... One *more* wedding I've gotta give the super special Bob touch to!
  28. -Bob
  30. Boris...
  31. The Slav-ist of Comrades! His capabilities shown from Tea Parties can only be matched by what he does to protect his friends. I feel bad for the poor guy... Seems that luck just rarely is on his side most of the time. Hopefully he realizes, though, that with his friends he doesn't even need luck!
  32. -Bob
  34. Broken...
  35. My name is Inigo Bobtoya. You killed my hair. Prepare to die.
  36. ...Nah, just kidding! He was one of the first people I met here, and I can say with 100% certainty he's mah BROken. ...Augh, that was a terrible pun. He's done soooo much for this town, I just hope that I along with the rest of Four Cannon adequately show our gratitude to him! ...By the way how did he break his horn? Yeah... Super curious now, gonna ask him bout it next time I see him.
  37. -Bob
  39. Cherenkov Light...
  40. AUGH, I hope he's just messing with me half the time. ...You know what, he's a super nice, caring guy! Some may say he's as warm and fuffy on the inside as a teddy bear! ...Or a Chere-Bear... lel. He reminds me of a close friend of mine back home, teasing me constantly whilst letting me know he's got my back.
  41. -Bob
  43. Chinook...
  44. Next to Ivan, I'd say he's been my oldest friend here! I still remember my single days when I'd get into drinking contests with him bidaily... Course, you can never outdrink the Town Doc! I do believe he was the first patient I truly saved the life of... And boy am I glad I did! Our friendship is definitely one I treasure greatly... I simply can't imagine what would've happened if he died! He's one of the nicest, selfless and most humble ponies here. Gosh, he's going to make a great dad! Perhaps even a better one than me! I can only hope my, Chinook and Golden's kids can form 4cannon's CMC... AHHHH it's too adorable for words! Guess I gotta wait three more months to see them in action... Oh well, it'd definitely be worth the wait!
  45. Status: Godfaget and Best Men
  46. -Bob
  47. P.S. I *did* ask him to be a Godfather... Right? Oh gosh... I'll ask him again soon just to make sure.
  49. Detective Hardboil...
  50. Or, Sherlock~! A great friend who always does what he feels is right... Can't think of a better detective for 4cannon! The only thing feel guilty about is that I'm still his Watson... Despite only working on like ONE case... Which I'm not sure was even resolved... Ech. I promise to liveup to the name of Watson and solve one mystery... Or die trying! I still am super happy he and Liven got together... Took a lot of effort on my part, heh, but it's worth it seeing the look on their faces!
  51. Status: Best Men
  52. -Bob
  54. Captain Dusk...
  55. A hardened man of Justice that always does what the town wants... At least, that's what I thought of him before all.. this... The stallion showed his true colors just recently... His regret for past actions, even though no one called for it, no one complained... Dusk did it on his own, and that is something that I deeply respect! I still need to ask him some stuff about his being a Batpone in addition to what he thinks about laws here, but that can wait. He's certainly got a lot on his plate right now!
  56. -Bob
  58. Feldspar...
  59. Again, one of my oldest friends here... Super awesome work-ethic, attitude and a surprisingly great sense of humor to top it all off! There's really not much I can say... Other than the fact that she's the *one* mare that's good enough for mah bro Chinook.
  60. -Bob
  62. FeatherDuster...
  63. A pone that is 100% genuine... And a 100% trap. Imagine my face those first coupla days when I thought he was a she! But it really doesn't matter, what *does* is Feathers' funny, upbeat personality and her desire to help people out! ...She helped me prepare, well, almost everything for the proposal! ...Wait... *he. Gosh, it's almost as if Feathers was a girl IRL! Huh... I wonder...
  64. -Bob
  66. Flip Farbeak, last of the Farbeak Clan...
  67. I'd say of the newer folks here, she's one of my favorites! Really nice, sweet, but definitely isn't afraid to get her hooves dirty if it means helping the ones she cares about. Gotta say, I respect that pony! Plus... I'm really glad she and Booze are a thing now! All I can hope is that like many of the other couples here, their relationship remains strong and intact for as long as I'm here!
  68. -Bob
  70. Golden Touch...
  71. Aloof like none other. Carefree, doesn't seem to take anything seriously, wants to have fun and not much else. Just a typical jokester. And that's a good thing, 4cannon needs more of those in my opinion.
  72. But then I talked to the guy.
  73. There is hardly anyone else here that is so deep, so caring, devoted to his friends, love, and family. I mean, yeah, he's almost always in a joking mood... But it's because he knows that it's better than the opposite. Spreading his abundant joy for life to everyone he meets... Even if he sometimes has to fake it. I made a huge mistake at first in thinking that he was aloof for the sake of aloofness... In all actuality, he's aloof because, well, the town needs it... And maybe he needs it too.
  74. Am I jumping to conclusions here? I think I'm looking into this a bit more than others...
  75. Oh... Maybe it's because...
  76. He reminds me of a slightly younger version of myself...
  77. Damn. Never thought of it like that. Hope he doesn't read this, I'll never hear the end of it!
  78. He's one of my bestest friends here, I trust him more than, well, almost everyone here! He has an amazing wife, and our children will be the ones to pierce the heavens!
  79. Ranking: Godfather, Best Men
  80. -Bob
  81. P.S. Alllmost done with a totally bitchin' Viola/Flute duet!
  83. Green Hoof...
  84. Man, I need to talk with this guy more! Haven't really hung out with him all that much, but... From what I've observed from afar I can tell he's one of the most stand-up guys here.
  85. He only voices his opinions when they're needed, a man of few words otherwise. And from what I can gather, all his opinions are based on what he truly believes is for the best. The only thing is that he's one of *those* guys... One who won't interject if he doesn't think he needs to... I guess it's a good thing, but I just wish he spoke up when I had the opportunity to help teach him First Aid! Would've been a nice way to get to know him better. Ah well. He's always one to help out his friends and stay behind the curtains while doing so... Gotta say, I have the utmost respect for him.
  86. On a different note I think it's cute how spaghetti'd he gets when he talks to Honey... I'm not sure if HoneyHoof will ever be a thing, but Hoof sure as Hell deserves a straight ship!
  87. ...With or without R63 Sleeves. Hue.
  88. -Bob
  89. Looking forward to completing the Triumverate bro
  91. Green Sleeves...
  92. Definitely a fun guy to hang around with! Gotta say, I was apprehensive at first when I asked him to be the minister of our wedding... But after hearing that beautiful speech, I was very, very, pleasantly surprised! ...OkaysomaybeItearedupalittleatitsowhat?
  93. He's always been a good friend to me, I know he's got my back. It makes me smile on the inside whenever he does stuff like climbing into the Clinic through the window!
  94. I know that he's still all >tfw no straight ship, but he's a genuinely great pone, and, like Hoof, deserves the straightest and greatest of straight ships!
  95. I love the guy... Even if he made canon alcohol here. Ugh... That's gonna be a pain in the Clinic...
  96. -Bob
  97. P.S. Pruno Schmruno! I *KNOW* there's something he's hiding in that warehouse! It's killing me on the inside... I HAVE to know what is in it! Maybe I'll just man up and directly ask him about it tomorrow... Wait... Maybe not, I mean, gotta respect his wishes, I'm sure he's gonna tell me sooner or later.
  98. Gotta love that timing... But looking forward to the Triumverate :3
  100. Hidden Glimmer...
  101. Perhaps the pone I'm the most conflicted about... On one hand, she clearly has some worrying, violent issues... But on the other hand, she's genuinely one whose priorities lie in keeping her friends safe, and from the, heh, *glimmers* I've seen of her soft side, she's also a warm and kind-hearted pone. I really feel bad about what happened to her since the whole 'AbleShower' happening... Hopefully she knows... Anyways. Yeah, in the beginning she was the one who most antagonized me, but now? Now that I showed her it doesn't faze me, and that we're genuinely awesome friends? It was worth every single IC and OOC comment!
  102. -Bob
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