
Verb's Character

Jul 30th, 2014
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  1. Name: (ACTUAL NAME) Feltua Firmatin Xiloscient (TITLE) WitchLord, Andulaste the Cantankerous
  2. Race/Gender/Age: Wood Elf/Female/22
  3. Class: (Druid 2)
  4. XP: 533/900
  5. Alignment: True Neutral
  7. Statistics:
  9. STR: 8
  10. DEX: 16
  11. CON: 14
  12. INT: 14
  13. WIS: 14
  14. CHR: 10
  16. AC: 14 [16 with Shield]
  17. hp: 17
  18. Saves: WIS
  19. Hit Die: 2d8
  20. Speed: 35
  22. Weapons
  23. Short sword [1d6+3 damage]
  24. Short sword [1d6+3 damage]
  25. Daggers [1d4+3 dmaage]
  27. Skills:
  28. Survival
  29. Stealth
  30. Sleight of Hand
  31. Arcana
  33. Tools:
  34. Thieve's Tools
  35. Poisoner's Tools
  36. Navigator's Tools
  38. Languages:
  39. Elvish, Common, Thieve's Cant, Druidic
  41. Race/Class Features
  42. Low Light Vision
  43. Keen Senses
  44. Fey Ancestry
  45. Trance
  46. Mask of the Wild
  47. Ritual Casting
  48. Wild Shape
  49. Circle of Land [Druid of the Coast]
  50. Natural Recovery
  52. Feats
  54. Spells:
  55. Druid Craft
  56. Read Magic
  57. Resistance
  58. LV1 Druid Spells:
  60. Inventory:
  61. 10 Leather armor
  62. 10 Shield
  63. 20 two short swords
  64. 12 six daggers
  65. 2 backpack
  66. 2 traveler's clothes
  67. 10 orb
  68. 10 Ink (1 ounce bottle) {RP as a box of crayons}
  69. 2cp Ink pen {RP as a box of crayons}
  70. 10 lock
  71. 2 manacles
  72. 1sp Oil (1 pint flask)
  73. 10sp 10 sheets of parchment
  74. 1 Pouch
  75. 1 Rope, hempen 50 feet
  76. 2cp Soap
  77. 25 Thieves’ tools
  78. 5sp Tinderbox
  79. 2cp waterskin
  80. 1 Ball bearings 100
  81. 2 grappling hook
  82. 25 acid vial
  83. 1 sp mess kit
  85. 30gp 3sp 4cp
  86. 60lb
  88. Things that need correcting/Details I need to know:
  90. 1. Elves are proud people, both High and Wood, and pride is a virtue among them. This pride runs the gambit from petty snobbishness, to outrageous self-confidence. Think a pride of lions, or [as Xenthori keeps demonstrating, a group of Saiyans]. Generally this pride isn't petty, or at least petty pride is regarded as the lowliest kind. So think less Trixie "I am the best" and more Vegeta "I must be the best". Elves don't tend to accept defeat, and look at limits as things to be climbed over. High Elves generally manifest this with a kind of facist display [Very patriotic, views themselves are worthy because they live up to Elvish standards of honor, beauty, or morality], whereas Wood Elves are more individualistic, regarding themselves as a measure, and refusing to let anyone step on their necks, metaphorically speaking. So your character being "meek" would be regarded as not only a bad thing, but literally the worst thing possible for an Elf to be.
  92. 2. Magic is limited in this setting. There are very few people who can use magic, and no one truly understands it, not even the high elves. So there are no groups of traveling magicians, and if you grew up 'among Druids' it was likely a settlement with 2-4 druids MAXIMUM, none of them especially powerful.
  94. 3. A high elven bard makes sense though, however if you do have a book on rudimentary magic theory, you absolutely absolutely MUST let me explain to you the basics of said magic theory. Don't go making shit up, I can not stress this enough. Magic is mysterious, mystical, and poorly understood even by the high elves. They are 'scientific' in that they try and approach magic as something that can be studied in a consistent way, NOT because they actually have any understanding of what they're really doing. The most knowledgeable Wizard on the continent of Elearan has IDEAS about how magic works, not facts. So your book is probably broad basics, and more about practically doing magic than any real scientific manual.
  96. 4. However multiple books on magic is ridiculous. Change that so that all his future books were things on other subjects.
  98. 5. Your people would not think high Elven magic was blasphemy. This is for two reasons. One, people in this setting do not understand magic. Your people the Wood Elves do not know the difference between a Druid, a Cleric, a Wizard, or a Bard. They just see someone break the laws of physics and act confused, scared, or cautious. So the lines between their druids and the bards illusions would not be even partially obvious to minds such as these. Two, WOOD ELVES ARE ATHEIST. Reread the lore, Wood Elves are blatant hard-hearted god-deniers. Either they think the gods aren't real, or they think they shouldn't be worshipped [varies from Wood Elf to Wood Elf]. Instead, Wood Elves venerate Nature and their Ancestors. Important distinction however, veneration is not worship. There are no Wood Elf churches, temples, cathedrals or even really holy places besides occasional sacred ground. They don't sing hymns or ask their ancestors for help. They just look to imitate them. More information on Wood Elf religion is in the setting doc.
  100. 6. There is no such thing as a 'witch' as a consistent concept in this setting. If anything it would just mean 'bad female magic user'.
  102. 7. Fix the name. You can keep the ridiculous title if you want to stay pretentious, but the original name does not sound Elven. 'Feltua' is fine, and Firmatin is meh, but you MUST change her last name. Xiloscient sounds like a kind of ass cream.
  104. 8. I need a reason this Elven village would be hidden from other Elven villages. Possibilities include monster settlements [Orcs, Orges, etc] they're hiding from, something like that.
  106. 9. High Elf lands are very far away. So I must assume the high elf Bard[s] are permamently on the road in this corner of the globe.
  108. 10. Wood Elves don't use melee weapons. Like, they more or less don't exist among them. The most common Wood Elf weapon is the fist. The second most common is the bow. It makes sense you use weapons, since you are a child, however that means your weapons need to come from another culture, either Hobbit [where the game is starting] or high elven [RP Hint: Shortswords would probably make a good gift from your Bard].
  110. 11. I need a reason she's traveling. If she's trying to reach the high elf lands, that gives me a great RP excuse, since Adrian [Shima] is trying to get there too, sort of.
  112. 12. If you've read books about High Elves, or have such books, I need to know what kind of books he gave you so I can write lore for what you would know.
  114. 13. I need a reason she is in the hobbit lands. Most common reason would be "She tried to sail to high elven lands by sea and got blown off course, but I can also take something else.
  116. 14. I need to know to what extent if any she follows High Elven religion. [Hint: If she's big on it, a religious necklace or small idol would make another good gift from the Bard]
  118. 15. I need to clarify how she learned magic and from whom. Right now I'm thinking she was taught by a Druid, but applied High Elven theory herself to her style of magic to give her an edge. Or something like that.
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