
Pinkie's Dork Knight

Jul 17th, 2015
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  1. >You surveyed the scene.
  2. >Twilight's new castle, should be easy enough to raid.
  3. >You lower your binoculars and pet Pinkie.
  4. "Still can't believe we're doing this."
  5. >"She asked for it Nonny, she started this war, we're finishing it."
  6. >You raised an eyebrow at your companion.
  7. "Since when did you get so serious?"
  8. >She mumbles something.
  9. "Sorry?"
  10. >"Since she hurt you."
  11. "Ah come on it was nothing, I-"
  12. >"It WAS serious, now we're going to go down there and kick their butts!"
  13. "... I guess you're right."
  14. >You grab your homemade bat and slide down the hill with Pinkie.
  15. >How did she talk you into this?
  17. "Sup Rarity?"
  18. >She looks puzzled for a moment.
  19. >"W-well, my little sister is actually learning how to cook, so that's nice I suppose. How's your day be-"
  20. >You cut her off with your bat.
  21. "Sorry, gotta fight dirty sometimes."
  22. >"Well that was just rude."
  23. >She rubs her cheek.
  24. >You decide it's best to knock her out.
  25. >"You'll never get away with this, you know that don't you?"
  26. "Oh hush, you drama queen."
  27. >She splays out in dramatic form, befitting one such as herself.
  28. >Scanning the area, you proceed towards the castle.
  29. >"U-um, c-could you please stop Mr. Anonymous?"
  30. >You shove Flutters aside.
  31. "That's nice."
  32. >"Cheer up Fluttershy, you ALMOST stood up to him this time! Next time you'll just have to do better!"
  33. >"Y-yeah, you too."
  34. >Now, how to deal with AJ and Dash? That was the real question.
  35. >They wouldn't be so simple.
  37. >You sneak up behind AJ and grab her rope.
  38. >You smirk, whispering to Pinkie.
  39. "They should've checked the bushes, watch this."
  40. >You throw the rope around AJ and pull her in, letting Pinkie tie her up.
  41. >You step to Dash, dropping the bat.
  42. >"Pinkie, why're you with him? I thought we were friends!"
  43. >"Well, I like him AJ, duh."
  44. >You smile.
  45. >Thanks Pinks.
  46. >"I think you're gonna want that bat."
  47. "Nah, I've been working out, this ain't ending like last time."
  48. >"Oh it's gonna be like that is it? Bring it on!"
  49. >She tackles you and the two of you roll around on the ground for dominance.
  50. >You smash her nose with your elbow.
  51. "Get off me you blue bitch!"
  52. >"You first, egghead!"
  53. >She steps on your gut.
  54. >You lift her up with your legs and kick her off of you.
  55. >She started to go for another dive at you.
  56. >You stand up, wrapping your arms around her in a grab, and suplex her into the ground.
  57. >"GAHCK! D-darn it!"
  58. "Phew, good fight."
  59. >"Same to you... I'm gonna take a nap."
  60. >Shit, you didn't mean to actually knock Dash out.
  61. >Still, turns out Pinkie teaching you how to wrestle was a good thing.
  62. >You dust yourself off, gotta look presentable to the Princess of Friendship after all.
  63. >You pick up the bat and throw open the doors, motioning for Pinkie to follow you.
  64. >If things went according to plan, Spike should've put some laxatives in the guards' lunches.
  65. >Was it a bit harsh? Maybe, but they'll get over it.
  66. >Nobody was in sight, so you assumed you were good to go.
  67. "We're coming for you, Twilight."
  68. >"She can't hear you Nonny."
  69. "Just let me have my moment Pinkie."
  70. >"Sorry."
  72. >You waltz into the royal chambers.
  73. "Good day, m'princess."
  74. >She scowls at you.
  75. >"Don't do that."
  76. "Sorry, couldn't help myself."
  77. >"Whatever, at least now I can finish what the others couldn't."
  78. >She was really getting into this.
  79. >She blasted you with a magic spell.
  80. >That actually stung a little.
  81. "Haha, did you forget my magic resistance Twilight?!"
  82. >She was charging up a spell.
  83. >Shit, wait a minute.
  84. >You're sent flying across the room like a dead fish before slamming into the wall.
  85. "FUCK! That really fucking hurt Twi, what the hell dude?! This was supposed to be a LARP!"
  86. >She kicked your gut.
  87. >"Shut up, get out of here, I need to talk to Pinkie about you."
  88. >"TWILIGHT!"
  89. >"I seriously can't stand this guy."
  90. >"He hasn't done anything wrong!"
  91. >"He's obnoxious."
  92. >"So am I, you gonna blast me with your superpowers too?"
  93. >"Pinkie, you're my friend and- wait, you aren't obnoxious."
  94. >"Hehe, gotcha."
  95. >"Pinkie, this is serious. I don't like him."
  96. >"Well I do."
  97. >She looks down at you, "You're still here? Go. Now."
  98. >You start laughing and coughing at the same time.
  99. >You stand up and tower over her.
  100. "No."
  101. >"I never noticed it before, but you're a rather large guy."
  102. "Perhaps for someone of your stature."
  103. >"Why are you such a jerk?"
  104. "That's just how I joke with my friends, I don't see you freaking out over Dash being a bitch."
  105. >"But-"
  106. "Forget it. I thought you would enjoy a LARP, not use it as an excuse to attack me personally."
  107. >She looks like she almost regrets it for a moment.
  108. "I know I can be hard to get along with, but if you wanted me to leave all you had to do was ask."
  109. >You look towards Pinkie.
  110. "Come on Pinks, we should go."
  111. >"Yeah, seeya later when you decide to stop being such a grumpy pants, Twilight!"
  112. >You stop to untie AJ.
  113. >"Y'all look awful."
  114. "Don't remind me."
  116. >You poked Dash.
  117. "Wake up sleepyhead."
  118. >"Ugh... whoa, what happened to you Anon?"
  119. "Eh, blasted across the room."
  120. >"Hah! Wow I didn't think Twilight had it in her but- oh, jeez are you hurt?"
  121. >You rub your side.
  122. "Nothing Pinkie can't fix, it's mostly my pride that's hurt."
  123. >"Which you already have enough of a problem with."
  124. >You start to argue with Dash but you realize she's not wrong.
  125. >"See? We're gonna have to work on your self-esteem sometime."
  126. "Thanks?"
  127. >"You're welcome!"
  128. >AJ tugs her hair a bit, "Come on Dash, you said you'd help me plow the fields."
  129. >Dash sighs and cranes her neck back and forth, "Alright, I guess I can't back out now, huh?"
  130. >You kept a straight face.
  131. >You didn't let out any less-than-wholesome jokes.
  132. >Even if it was a little funny.
  133. >Just two mares, plowing fields together.
  134. >Working out together, alone, in a barn.
  135. >You knew for a fact that there wasn't anything kinky going on, you'd helped out before.
  136. >... Do you know that though?
  137. >Two mares are hotter than one mare, that's just mathematics.
  138. >You shook the thoughts away.
  139. >Damn them and their toned athletic bodies.
  140. >You looked over at Pinkie's firm, plump booty.
  141. >... How'd you never notice that before?
  142. >"Oh my Mr. Anon, you look like you're in a lot of pain!"
  143. >Fluttershy, of all ponies, managed to startle you.
  144. "Uh- um, y-yeah a little."
  145. >She scrunches her nose, "Were you looking at their butts?"
  146. >Pinkie swings her head around and giggles, "He stares at mine all the time."
  147. >She bumps your leg with it, "I think I win the 'Best Booty Award' don't you, Nonny?"
  148. "Y-yuh."
  149. >You start sweating.
  150. >"Pinkie! Stop teasing him, he needs medical attention!"
  151. >The timid little pegasus starts dragging you off.
  152. "Hey wait a minute I wanted to cuddle with Pinkie..."
  153. >"Later."
  154. "... Alright, I guess."
  156. >Fluttershy poked Rarity awake.
  157. >"Whaha! Oh, it's over? Oh my goodness, Anonymous darling! What happened to you?"
  158. >"There's no time to explain, get Pinkie and I a couple of nurse outfits, stat!"
  159. >"I am on the case!"
  160. >She blushes, "Ahem, that is, I will get you the dresses. This acting game was quite fun Anonymous."
  161. >She gives your leg a little hug, "It's just a shame it turned out this way."
  162. >You pat her head, careful not to mess up her mane.
  163. "It's okay Rarara."
  164. >She scrunches her nose as you boop it.
  165. >"How do you function, dear?"
  166. "Even in times of chaos, I cannot resist a good booping."
  167. >Fluttershy starts dragging you along the ground.
  168. >You wave to Rarity.
  169. "Seeya later, marshmallow butt!"
  170. >"Mr. Anon!"
  171. "What?"
  172. >"... How come you never talk about my butt anymore?"
  173. >Thoughts of a pissed off bunny flood your mind.
  174. "Angel terrifies me."
  175. >"Oh he's not so bad."
  176. >A thought of him brandishing a kitchen knife comes to mind.
  177. "F-fuck, oh god he can use tools I forgot."
  178. >"Well yes, why does that scare you?"
  179. "He held me at knifepoint the last time I joked about your ass, I'd tried to block it out of memory."
  180. >"I'll have to have a stern talking with him."
  181. "Please don't, I don't want to have to check every room before I go to bed."
  182. >"But-"
  183. "Just let him have this victory, it's not that big of a deal and it'll keep him satisfied."
  184. >Jokes on Angel, Fluttershy had the weakest booty of the six.
  185. >Not that you'd ever tell her that, it'd break her heart.
  186. >Maybe, probably not. It would still be rude though.
  187. >You don't even notice you're in Fluttershy's house until she sits you on the bed.
  188. >You set aside the Booty Database in your mind for a moment and focus on her.
  189. >"Do you mind taking off your shirt for me?"
  191. >You start taking it off, and flash her a smirk.
  192. "Rather forward of you, Ms. Fluttershy."
  193. >She blushes and covers her mouth with her hooves.
  194. >"S-sorry, I'msosorry! I didn't mean it like that, honest!"
  195. "Calm down, I'm just teasing you."
  196. >She pouts, "You shouldn't tease me like that."
  197. "But you're just so damn cute when I do, that's like rewarding me for teasing you."
  198. >You squish her cheeks.
  199. >"... I suppose it does feel nice to be complimented like this."
  200. >Pinkie barges into the room and throws an outfit at Flutters.
  201. >"Quickly Nurse Fluttershy, go get changed!"
  202. >"O-okay."
  203. >She walks out to go to the bathroom, and Pinkie bounces over to you.
  204. >"Wowie! AJ and Dash have been working you pretty hard the past few weeks!"
  205. >You hadn't noticed it, but you did have some abs now.
  206. >No wonder you knocked Dash out earlier.
  207. >She nuzzles her head against your stomach.
  208. >"Mmm, yep! You still have your smooth skin at least. I'll miss that little pudgy-wudgy."
  209. >Of course, you were never very fat, keeping up with the party pony ensured that.
  210. >Come to think of it, you'd started eating a lot healthier since you got to Equestria.
  211. >After nearly choking on hay, because Pinkie insisted you at least try it.
  212. >You noticed a bird on the window sill.
  213. >It chirped a little tune and landed beside you, giving you a peck on the cheek.
  214. >Hehe, peck, it's funny because-
  215. >"Okay Anon, we're all done!"
  216. >-it's a bird.
  217. "Uh, what DID you do?"
  218. >"Well, we put some burn ointment on you and checked for broken bones. Luckily, you didn't break anything!"
  219. >She starts taking off the nurse outfit, "You'll have to rest for a few days though..."
  220. "What's with that look?"
  221. >"Well, it'll probably leave a nasty bruise for a while."
  222. >Shit, bruises suck.
  223. "I guess I'll just have to deal with it then."
  224. >You lift yourself out of the bed and onto the floor.
  225. "Thanks for patching me up, doc!"
  226. >You motion for Pinkie, still in her outfit, to follow you.
  227. >"Seeya later Fluttershy!"
  229. >"Sorry for getting you hurt Nonny."
  230. "It's not your fault, there's no way you could've known Twilight would've done that."
  231. >She sighs, "I just don't know what's gotten into her recently."
  232. >You give her ear a little scratch.
  233. "Cheer up, we'll figure it out eventually."
  234. >"I hope so, I want my friend back."
  235. >Silence encompasses you for a while.
  236. "You look really good in that outfit."
  237. >Her demeanor brightens up at that, "You think so?"
  238. "Of course! It definitely highlights your hips and your perfect pink pony plot."
  239. >She gets a devilish look in her eyes, lowering them to bedroom levels.
  240. >"I'll keep that in mind."
  241. >She clamps her mouth shut.
  242. >"Uh, I mean, t-thanks Nonny. Sorry for being weird."
  243. >Oh yeah, you compliment all their asses.
  244. >Cept Fluttershy, you didn't have a deathwish.
  245. "W-well I mean I'd be okay with it and-"
  246. >"Nonono, you don't have to do that for me!"
  247. "But you don't understand, I like you!"
  248. >"Well duh silly, you're my friend!"
  249. "I mean, I like you the most!"
  250. >"Aw, I'm glad I'm your best friend!"
  251. "I... I love you, Pinkie."
  252. >She fidgets, a blush forming on her face as she bites her lower lip.
  253. >You can actually see her breathing speed up.
  254. >"I uh, I gotta go Nonny. I'll talk to you later!"
  255. >She runs off, and you could swear you saw her start to cry before she made like Dash and flew.
  256. "Hey, wait a minute!"
  257. >You try to give chase, but your side starts hurting after a few seconds.
  258. >Dropping to your knees and clutching your side, you start crying yourself.
  259. "F-fuck, there you go again Anon. You blew it."
  260. >You slam your fist into the ground.
  261. "Damn it!"
  262. >Time to make the trek back to your house alone.
  264. >You barge into Sugarcube Corner and run up to your room.
  265. >Locking the door behind you, you take off the nurse outfit and set it aside neatly.
  266. >You wanted to make sure Rarity got it back in one piece.
  267. >Then you jumped onto your bed and buried your face into your pillow.
  268. "W-why did I have to be so stupid?"
  269. >He probably thinks you hate him now.
  270. >Nopony had ever made you feel quite as super duper special as Nonny did.
  271. >You'd always hoped that maybe you were the one he liked.
  272. >You had your chance, and you messed it up.
  273. >You'd been messing up a lot lately.
  274. >He already has a pretty poor image of himself, what if he hurts himself because of you?
  275. >Or worse...
  276. >He was brave enough to say it, even with his low self-esteem.
  277. >Why couldn't you do the same?
  278. >You're a big pony, you can do romance too!
  279. >Probably...
  280. >You can feel your hair deflating, and what was left of your good mood along with it.
  281. >"Pinkie, dear?"
  282. >You sniffle, turning to Mrs. Cake.
  283. "Y-yeah?"
  284. >"Are you alright?"
  285. "No, I'm really really not."
  286. >She walks over to you and sits down beside you, wrapping her hooves around you in a warm embrace.
  287. >Just like your mother did before you moved out on your own.
  288. >You should send her another letter sometime.
  289. >"Do you mind telling me what's on your mind honey?"
  290. "I messed up real bad, and I think somepony who is super special to me might think I hate him now."
  291. >She laughs, just hearing it makes you feel a little better already.
  292. >"Why would anypony hate you? You're one of the nicest ponies I've ever known!"
  293. "It's Anon, he... he confessed to me and I... I didn't know what to say so I just, I just ran off."
  294. >"You always manage to fix the problems you cause, you should just go tell him how you feel."
  295. "Is it really that simple?"
  296. >She giggles, "I don't know what Rarity has filled your head with, but I can tell you it's not complicated."
  297. "What?"
  298. >"Sure, my husband's confession was awfully corny, but he didn't have to save me from a dragon to do it."
  299. >Oh, makes sense.
  301. "Wait, the door was locked, how did you-"
  302. >She jingles her master key in front of you.
  303. "Oh, right."
  304. >She wipes your tears away with her apron, "There, now go get 'em!"
  305. >You smile and nod, and then you were off.
  306. >You bounced along the road, running into Dashie along the way.
  307. "Hey Dashie! I need an airlift!"
  308. >She picks you up and sits you on her back, leaping into the air.
  309. >"Where to?"
  310. "Nonny's place, step on it!"
  311. >"Hold on tight!"
  312. >You wrap your hooves around her chest.
  313. >Flying on Dashie never gets old.
  314. >"Mind telling me why you're in such a rush?"
  315. "I need to fix a problem!"
  316. >"Friendship problem?"
  317. "Hehe, you could say that..."
  318. >You could see her start to smirk.
  319. >"So, a 'friendship' problem?"
  320. >She drags out the word and places an emphasis on the friend part.
  321. "Sh-shut up."
  322. >"Hey, I'm not judging. I think it's kinda cool actually, he's helped preen my feathers before y'know?"
  323. "Yeah? How was it?"
  324. >"Those fingers of his are amazing!"
  325. >Don't think dirty thoughts, don't be a weirdo Pinkamena Diane Pie.
  326. >You did it anyway.
  327. >Bad Pinkie, that's not until the third date at least.
  328. >Or so Rarity tells you.
  329. >What does she actually know though?
  330. >All of her romances never work out.
  331. >Maybe your friend isn't as smart as she thinks she is?
  332. >Don't be silly, Rarity is really smart!
  333. >Except for all those times she wasn't.
  334. >Actually-
  335. >"We're here!"
  336. >Dash sets you down and gives you a pat on the head with her wing.
  337. >"Good luck, not that you'll need it!"
  338. >And with that, she left as quickly as she came.
  339. >You turned to the door, and worked up your nerve.
  340. >Then, you knocked.
  342. >You open your door.
  343. >It's Pinkie.
  344. "Oh, h-hey there. Sorry for ruining things earlier, I understand if you don't wanna be my friend anymore."
  345. >Great, you're already making her feel worse.
  346. >Good going champ.
  347. >You turn and walk towards the deck of cards you'd been stacking into a house.
  348. >Had to get your mind off of her somehow.
  349. >She walks in, closing the door behind her.
  350. >"Listen, Nonny I-"
  351. "You don't have to explain yourself to me, I get it. I'm a big, gangly freak to you ponies."
  352. >"But-"
  353. "And I shouldn't have expected you to like me, shouldn't have gotten my hopes up."
  354. >"NONNY!"
  355. >You turn to her.
  356. "What?"
  357. >"I, uh... I like you too. Like, a lover, I think. I mean, I'm willing to try, at least."
  358. >It felt odd hearing her take so many pauses with her speech.
  359. >She usually blasts out a couple hundred words per minute.
  360. "... I'm really bad at reading signals, aren't I?"
  361. >She smiles and nods, "Yeah, you big nerd."
  362. >She hops up on your couch and gives you a hug.
  363. >"Don't you ever worry me like that again!"
  364. "Me?! What about you? I thought I'd really messed up bad!"
  365. >"I thought you were gonna hurt yourself because of me!"
  366. "Haha- wait what."
  367. >Ponies actually hurt themselves sometimes?
  368. >Like, on purpose?
  369. >Not for masochism's sake?
  370. >For real?
  371. >"What? There are plenty of sad ponies that hurt themselves!"
  372. >Shit, that's a bad feeling knowing that happens.
  373. >"That's another reason I always try to cheer everypony up. You never know who needs that smile."
  374. >You pause for a second, and start stroking her mane.
  375. "Pinkie?"
  376. >"Yeah Nonny?"
  377. "... You are my sunshine."
  378. >She wiggles closer against you.
  379. >"... Thank you."
  380. >The two of you finally passed out from exhaustion.
  382. >You squinted your eyes open.
  383. "Mmph, Pinks, could ya lemme up?"
  384. >She groans, rolling off of you.
  385. "Thanks."
  386. >You looked over at your kitchen.
  387. >Wish you could just open the fridge from here.
  388. >You extended your arm.
  389. >Maybe someday Twilight could teach you magic.
  390. >Then you could open the fridge and pull out that apple that you wanted.
  391. >The one that's in your hand now.
  392. >Wait a minute.
  393. "Holy shit, I think Twi blasted me harder than she thought."
  394. >You turned to Pinkie.
  395. "I need to test something."
  396. >You lifted her into the air.
  397. >Without touching her.
  398. >"Whee! I didn't know you could do magic Nonny! Have you been holding out on me?"
  399. "... We can't tell Twilight about this."
  400. >You took a bite out of the apple.
  401. >An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  402. >Especially because it pleases the Apple Mafia.
  403. >AJ can deny it all she wants, you refuse to believe they don't have one.
  404. >You swing open the door.
  405. "Let's go have some fun, shall we?"
  406. >"Yeah! We should go give Rarity a hand!"
  407. >You could feel the shit-eating grin on your face.
  408. "I like the way you think."
  409. >"Follow me! Or uh, just sit on my back."
  410. >You wrapped your legs around her waist, not wanting your feet to drag along the ground.
  411. "To Carousel Boutique!"
  412. >She bounced along the path.
  413. >Is this what it feels like?
  414. >It was certainly fun enough to ride her.
  416. >You can poke fun at the Apples all you want, they make damn good fruit.
  417. >You had Pinkie stop to get some chocolate milk at the morning market.
  418. >Apples and milk, breakfast of champions who are on the go.
  419. >You stopped in front of Rarity's home.
  420. >Not wasting any time, Pinkie knocked on the door.
  421. >Well, it was more like she nearly broke it off of its hinges.
  422. >"Rarity! You awake?!"
  423. >The door opens.
  424. >Rarity is still in her morning robe, holding a cup of coffee.
  425. >"Ah, good morning dear, I see you brought Anonymo-"
  426. >She stops to straighten up your outfit.
  427. >"If you're going to sleep in them, at least make them look presentable!"
  428. "Sorry."
  429. >"There's no need to apologize Anonymous, I'm simply a bit... short with ponies in the morning."
  430. >You get off Pinkie, walking into the house.
  431. "Nice place."
  432. >You levitate one of the suits over.
  433. "Huh, reminds me a bit of my old suit."
  434. >"I could always design a new suit for you if you wish!"
  435. >She takes a sip of her coffee and sets it down.
  436. >You wait.
  437. >The gears are turning.
  438. >"Wait, since when can you perform magic?!"
  439. "Since Twilight gave me magic radiation, or maybe she gave it to me on purpose, hard to tell anymore."
  440. >"B-but, you don't even have a horn!"
  441. "You know that's not true."
  442. >She sighs, "Don't be coy with me Anonymous, I know what you're referring to."
  443. "Do you though?"
  444. >"Yes, I made those clothes for you, and I can say that your 'horn' is most certainly nothing magical."
  445. >Ouch, that stings.
  446. "Hey now, I'll have you know it's rather large for my species!"
  447. >She has a questioning look on her face.
  448. "... Okay fine, it's about average."
  449. >"You could have at least made it fun for me darling, no need to give up the charade that easily!"
  451. >"I could use a new dress too! Something cute and easy to move around in."
  452. >She thinks about it for a moment, "Like a cheerleader's costume!"
  453. >She points to an adorable light blue outfit.
  454. >You picture Pinkie in the skirt, and that cute little top.
  455. >With a fluff of her poofy fur sticking out from a little heart-shaped hole.
  456. >All the better for you to snuggle with.
  457. "Yes. This is a good idea."
  458. >You think about it for a moment.
  459. "How do skirts work for you guys anyway? Wouldn't your asses be shown off a lot?"
  460. >Even for short skirts, that is.
  461. >"We just make the back part long enough to cover it darling, it's not that complicated."
  462. "But-"
  463. >You decide not to pursue that line of questioning, it would only confuse you more.
  464. >All you needed to know was that Pinkie's amazing ass would be in that cute little skirt.
  465. >Good enough for you.
  466. >"I should have it ready for you tomorrow dear, be sure to bring my, ahem, my display outfit back."
  467. >So Rarity enjoys dressing up in naughty outfits?
  468. >Scandalous.
  469. >Actually, you could've called that one from a mile away.
  470. >This was all getting to be much for poor Anon Jr.
  471. "I think we should probably get going."
  472. >"Well, you two have a wonderful day!"
  473. >"Thanks Rarity! I hope you have a super day too!"
  474. >She gives her a quick hug and bounces off, dragging you along with her.
  475. "Yeah, bye Rares."
  476. >Spaghetti status: Not spilled.
  477. >You could go for some spaghetti sometime soon, actually.
  478. >The two of you bumped into someone.
  479. >Picking yourself off the ground, and ignoring that your face slammed into her ass, you look at him.
  480. >Black coat, brown mane, emerald eyes, pegasus wings, green heart for a Cutie Mark.
  481. "Haha, holy shit are you the resident Changeling?"
  482. >He fidgets, clearly nervous, "Y-yes, m-my name is Buzz, sir."
  483. "Calm down, I got no beef with you."
  484. >He cocks his head, "What about cows?"
  485. "Just a human expression. My name is Anonymous, but please, call me Anon. It's what everyone calls me."
  487. >"Not true, I call you Nonny!"
  488. "And this is Pinkie."
  489. >"I'd heard there was a Changeling in town, but I didn't know it was actually true!"
  490. >She pulls him into a hug, "Wowee! You should've come to me! I need to throw you a party!"
  491. >"Actually, could you maybe not? Not everypony is alright with me being here."
  492. >He frowns, "Not that I can blame them. My Queen is probably trying to track me down as we speak."
  493. "I wouldn't worry too much about her, we could totally take her on."
  494. >"I'm not so sure about that..."
  495. >You wrap an arm around him and pull him into a hug with Pinkie.
  496. "Don't worry about it! You're safe with us!"
  497. >You always wanted to cuddle one of these things.
  498. >The thought of feeding something by hugging it made you feel good.
  499. >"Why are you hugging me?"
  500. "Cause I'm guessing you're hungry, and haven't had breakfast yet."
  501. >"Um, thanks."
  502. >You put him on your shoulders.
  503. >He was barely bigger than the mares around here.
  504. "You... haven't gotten a lot of love, have you?"
  505. >"Not really, though there was a really nice pony that took me in."
  506. >He laughs, "I don't think her bunny likes me though."
  507. >You stop.
  508. "Is his name Angel?"
  509. >"You know Fluttershy?"
  510. >"Duh, she's like one of my best friends silly!"
  511. >"... Oh! You're Pinkie Pie! I'm so sorry! I barely recognized you!"
  512. >"Wait, are you... THAT Changeling? The one who did the really bad impression of me?!"
  513. >You couldn't see his face, but you imagined he was grinning right now.
  514. >"... Maybe."
  515. >"Haha, wow! Small world huh?"
  516. "Sorry, I was just thinking about how Angel almost wanted to kill me that one time."
  517. >"Well, I guess it's for the best I keep out of his way then."
  518. >You had automatically walked to Fluttershy's at his mention of her.
  519. >You knocked on the door.
  520. >Fluttershy opened it, with Angel sitting atop her head.
  522. "Look man, I don't want any trouble."
  523. >He looks puzzled, before rolling back into Fluttershy's hair due to a gigglefit.
  524. "What's so funny?"
  525. >"Angel didn't think that he could actually scare you, I told you he was a sweetie deep down!"
  526. >You sighed.
  527. "When rabbits start brandishing knives at me, I think I have a right to fear for my life."
  528. >You set Buzz down.
  529. >Angel hops into your arms.
  530. "W-why is he rubbing his face against me?"
  531. >"He wants to apologize for scaring you."
  532. >He turns to Fluttershy and stares.
  533. >"He also wants to say that you're really fun to mess with."
  534. "You're a cheeky little bunny, you know that?"
  535. >He smirks and shrugs.
  536. >Good to know he didn't want you dead.
  537. >Only if that meant he wouldn't have as much fun.
  538. >You levitate him back over to Fluttershy.
  539. >He's scared shitless.
  540. "I got some new tricks up my sleeve, by the way."
  541. >"But Nonny, you wear t-shirts."
  542. "What, are you Maud now?"
  543. >That got a giggle out of her.
  544. >Fluttershy scrunches her nose, "Twilight has a lot of explaining to do!"
  545. "I think we should keep her out of the loop for now, until we find out what's got her all worked up."
  546. >"You don't think the Queen got to her, do you?"
  547. >"Don't be silly Buzz, I keep telling you that you're safe here. You should go in and calm down honey."
  548. >"Thanks mother... uh, y'know, since Chrysalis would probably disown me now. I should go."
  549. "Nice guy, if a bit shy."
  550. >"I guess he gets it from me."
  551. >Pinkie giggles, "Well, at least he has a great mom!"
  552. >"I wouldn't go that far... though, I suppose it wouldn't be all that bad now that I think about it."
  553. "Motherly love."
  554. >"What?"
  555. "You're giving him motherly love, you're essentially breastfeeding him, or whatever Changelings do."
  556. >She blushes, "O-oh, gosh that's... that actually feels, kinda nice."
  557. >You see a tiny smile form on her face.
  558. "Well, Pinkie and I should get going, Sugarcube Corner requires our presence! Tally-ho!"
  559. >This time you're dragging Pinkie off.
  561. >"What's gotten into you Nonny?"
  562. "What d'ya mean Pinkie?"
  563. >She wiggles her hoof free and bounces alongside you.
  564. >"You aren't usually in this good of a mood!"
  565. >You wrap an arm around her.
  566. "Well, as if having you around wasn't enough, now I've got magic because of Twilight's mistake!"
  567. >You levitate her into your arms.
  568. "I'm a fuckin' wizard!"
  569. >She giggles, "You always sound so cute when you talk dirty."
  570. >Shit, now she's got you blushing.
  571. >She leans into your ear and whispers, "I kinda, sorta like... dirty things."
  572. >Biting her lip, she continues, "I uh, have a lot of equipment in my secret basement, and-"
  573. "Oh look, we're here!"
  574. >You should really invest in a sweat rag.
  575. >She bursts out into laughter, "Oh Nonny, you should've seen your cheeks! They were almost as pink as me!"
  576. "Sh-shut up."
  577. >You open the door to Sugarcube Corner and step inside, still carrying her in your arms.
  578. "Howdy Mrs. Cake!"
  579. >She stops flattening the dough for a batch of cookies for a moment and looks up at you.
  580. >She has a bit of dough on her muzzle.
  581. >Even milf ponies are cute.
  582. >"Oh, hello there Anon! I see you brought Pinkie with you."
  583. >She holds a hoof over her mouth, suppressing a chuckle.
  584. >"Turns out you were right..."
  585. >She walks over and you toss Pinkie into the air, watching her hugbomb Mrs. Cake.
  586. >"Thanks mo- boss. I meant boss!"
  587. >"You never call me boss."
  588. >Pinkie frowns, "I'd feel kinda bad calling you... mom, considering, well... y'know."
  589. >Mrs. Cake smiles, "How about Mama Cake then?"
  590. >You can see the grin widen on Pinkie's face, "Yeah, that'll work."
  591. >You count off on your fingers.
  592. "Mommy Pie, Granny Pie, Mama Cake... why do all of your parental figures sound so tasty?"
  593. >"Eww, Nonny don't talk that way about my grandma!"
  594. "Well, except your grandma."
  595. >"Nonny! Rude!"
  596. >You couldn't win with this mare.
  598. >The work day passed by without a hitch, up until your last customer.
  599. >Twilight walked in looking groggier than she did the other day.
  600. >You were levitating some flour bags into place.
  601. "Damn Twilight, you look like shit."
  602. >She squints her eyes in annoyance, "Shut up Anon, I don't want to hear i-"
  603. >Her eyes go wide when she sees you using magic.
  604. >"Since when were you able to use magic?"
  605. >You grinned.
  606. "Since you blasted me with magic, thanks for giving it to me by the way."
  607. >She teleports in front of you, "I didn't do that though!"
  608. >She must be really tired, you gave her a pat on the head.
  609. "Well I didn't just get magic, did I?"
  610. >You paused for a moment.
  611. "Wait, I can't just get magic like that, can I?"
  612. >"No! Frankly, I don't trust you with it!"
  613. >Pinkie stepped in to defend you, "Twilight! First of all, rude! Second of all, why not?"
  614. >Twilight was clearly a bit frustrated at this turn of events, "You want to know why not? Fine."
  615. >"I don't like that an amnesiac we found during my brother's wedding has magic all of a sudden."
  616. >You looked away in shame, you still couldn't remember anything but a name, and a feeling.
  617. >Your name, Anonymous, and a feeling of dread for some unknown reason.
  618. >"Hey, that was a low blow Twi! I don't think he likes being unable to remember anything!"
  619. >You still remember Pinkie bumping into you and playing 20 Questions with you.
  620. >You were scurrying away from all the Changelings when you slammed into her.
  621. >The two of you have been good friends ever since.
  622. >You just wished you knew why you couldn't remember.
  623. >Twilight said that there weren't any spells on you.
  624. >So why can't you remember?
  625. >Was it so bad that you just refuse to remember?
  626. >Pinkie must have noticed your expression, because she made Twi leave.
  627. >She tugged at your arm, "C'mon Nonny, you look like you need to lie down."
  629. >You followed her up to her bedroom and let her toss you on the bed.
  630. >She curled up behind you, "Sorry Twi was so mean to you."
  631. "It's fine, just wish I knew where I came from."
  632. >She tightened her grip on you, nuzzling your back.
  633. >"Doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is where you are now."
  634. >You chuckled.
  635. "When did you become Twilight?"
  636. >She giggles, "She's not the only one who can do friendship stuff y'know?"
  637. >You feel her kiss the back of your neck.
  638. "It's not even that late though."
  639. >"You need a rest, Nurse Pinkie's orders!"
  640. "Were snuggles a part of your plan?"
  641. >She gets your face tangled in her puff of hair, "Mhmm."
  642. >The way she coos makes your heart melt.
  643. >You place a hand under her chin and scratch it.
  644. "Thanks Pinks, I needed this."
  645. >She starts humming a tune, a melody that reminds you of your past.
  646. >You can hear your father's voice as he sang you a lullaby.
  647. "Pinkie, I think... I think I remember that song. What's the name of it?"
  648. >"Um... I think it was something like the Tears of the Moon? I heard Buzz humming it."
  649. >You remember a cage, and your father's face for a brief moment.
  650. >You tried to remember your mother, but you almost threw up.
  651. >"What's wrong Nonny?!"
  652. >You kept it in.
  653. "I'm... I'm fine, just... don't wanna remember my mom, apparently. Hah, I'm alright now."
  654. >You'd have to ask Buzz about what the song meant the next time you saw him.
  655. >For now, you fell asleep with Pinkie at your back.
  657. >You awoke to the Sun rising in the distance.
  658. >Pinkie was still cuddled up next to you, snoring peacefully.
  659. >You flipped around and waited for her to wake up.
  660. >Her eyes fluttered open and she started to yawn.
  661. >Just as she was about to close her mouth, you gave her a kiss.
  662. "Good morning, sleepyhead."
  663. >She blushed and held her hooves in front of her face.
  664. >"Hey Nonny, glad to see you're feeling better this morning."
  665. >You gave her a pat on the head, and jumped out of bed.
  666. >Stretching your arms and legs, you headed into the bathroom to wash your face.
  667. >Pinkie leapt up beside you and started brushing her teeth.
  668. "How do you use toothbrushes with hooves?"
  669. >"How do you grab stuff with your fingers?"
  670. "... Touche."
  671. >You thought about what to do today.
  672. >You could go to the park with Pinkie, but that was a bit overdone.
  673. >Maybe the lake?
  674. "Hey Pinks, wanna go check out the lake?"
  675. >"Why the lake, Nonny?"
  676. >You shrugged.
  677. "I dunno, figured it would be fun. Sound good?"
  678. >She smiled, "Yeah, sounds nice and cozy."
  679. >You ruffled her mane and threw on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
  680. >You grabbed a peach and some juice as you left the house, Pinkie bouncing behind you.
  681. >You weren't actually that hungry for some reason.
  682. >Should probably find Buzz before you go to the lake.
  683. >You took a short detour to Fluttershy's house.
  684. >Knocking on her door, you shared your peach with Pinkie.
  685. >The little yellow feathery friend greeted you.
  686. >"Hello there Anonymous, what can I do for you today?"
  687. >You gave her a little scratch behind the ears.
  688. "We were looking for Buzz, you seen him around anywhere?"
  689. >She put her hoof over her mouth and thought about it for a moment.
  690. >"Well, he usually goes to the morning market to pick up anything we need for the animals."
  691. "Guess we should start there, c'mon Pinkie!"
  692. >You let her piggyback onto you and ran off towards the marketplace.
  694. >Pinkie was surprisingly lightweight for how much she ate.
  695. >Not that you were complaining, it made this easier on you.
  696. "You see him Pinks?"
  697. >"Not yet, Nonny... hmm, oh! OH! I think I- no wait, that was a bag of black licorice, blegh."
  698. >You scanned the area for the little Changeling.
  699. "I think we should split up."
  700. >She hugged your head, "Do we have to?"
  701. "I know, I'll miss you too, but we should probably find Buzz before we do anything else."
  702. >"Oh alright, but you owe me three kisses mister!"
  703. >You chuckled.
  704. "Deal."
  705. >She blasted off into the stalls, disappearing without a trace.
  706. >You walked around for a few minutes asking anybody if they'd seen Buzz.
  707. >Eventually, you bumped into a small stallion.
  708. "Sorry about that, I was looking for- Buzz?"
  709. >He scrambled backwards into the wall of a nearby house.
  710. >"P-please don't hurt me!"
  711. >He curled up into a ball.
  712. >You looked around for anyone else before pointing to yourself.
  713. "Uh, you talking to me?"
  714. >"Of course! Who else would I be talking about?!"
  715. "Someone who is actually scary?"
  716. >He blinked a few times in disbelief.
  717. >"You don't remember, do you?"
  718. "I remember my father, and a song. Does the phrase 'Tears of the Moon' mean anything to you?"
  719. >"Oh! It's a traditional Changeling folksong. It was made around the time we were exiled."
  720. >Huh, interesting.
  721. "So, did you guys keep me captive? I remember being locked away in a cage."
  722. >"I wouldn't know anything about that, I was just a soldier, but... well, I dunno."
  723. "What is it?"
  724. >"Some things are just best left forgotten. Just trust me on this one."
  725. >How bad was your past?
  726. >... Did you do something to cause him to be terrified of you?
  727. "Hey, I didn't do anything... bad, did I?"
  728. >He let out a nervous laugh, "That would be an understatement."
  729. >Shit, what happened to you?
  730. >"You should go find that Pinkie girl, I think she's a good influence."
  731. >You nodded and gave him a smile.
  732. "Right, and uh... I'm sorry, for whatever I did."
  733. >He chuckled, "Y-yeah, sorry..."
  735. >You felt a tug on your shirt.
  736. >You looked down at Buzz once more.
  737. "What's wrong, something I said?"
  738. >He bites his lip, "Well, I figured you should know that... we sort of, um, served together."
  739. "I thought I was locked away?"
  740. >He sighs, "You were considered a valuable asset, and I think I should leave it at that."
  741. >You laughed.
  742. "What are you talking about? I couldn't fight my way out of a dogpile."
  743. >"You'd be surprised what a little brainwashing can do to you."
  744. >Point taken.
  745. "So what happened to my mom?"
  746. >He squinted, "You don't wanna know."
  747. "That bad?"
  748. >He nodded, "You'd barely recognize her anymore."
  749. >Damn, that was pretty bad.
  750. "Well, thanks for playing Twenty Questions with me, I'll let you go now."
  751. >You gave him a pat on the head and walked off to find Pinkie.
  752. >Looking for the ball of pinkness, you nearly tripped over the resident dragon.
  753. >Spike rubbed his head, picking up a piece of parchment he was carrying.
  754. >"I know I'm little, but you could at least try and pay attention to me."
  755. >You bent over to pick him up.
  756. "Sorry little buddy, my mind was a bit preoccupied."
  757. >"Emphasis on the pie, I bet."
  758. "Damn, word travels fast, doesn't it?"
  759. >"Actually, Pinkie ran into Twilight and started talking about you."
  760. >You gave him a cheeky grin.
  761. "What? You're not into gossip? I thought you liked Rarity?"
  762. >He gave you a dopey smile and punched your shoulder.
  763. >"Ah whatever Anon. So... you have magic now?"
  764. >You shrugged.
  765. "Apparently, what's the deal with that anyway?"
  766. >"I dunno, Twilight's never seen anything like it."
  767. >He motions for you to lean closer.
  768. >"Between you and me, I'm a little worried about Twi."
  769. "Why's that?"
  770. >"She's been staying up really late, and before that she was grumpier than usual."
  771. >You thought back to Buzz's worries.
  772. "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine Spike."
  773. >"I hope you're right Anon, for both our sakes."
  775. >Pinkie managed to sneak up on you in the meantime.
  776. >"Hiya Nonny!"
  777. "Bwoashit! Don't do that to me Pinkie."
  778. >"Sorry, so didja find Buzz? I ran into Twilight and had a few words with her."
  779. "A few? You made Spike walk off from boredom."
  780. >"Okay so maybe a few hundred."
  781. "Anyway, I did manage to find him. Got some answers out of him."
  782. >"Ooh, tell me all the juicy details!"
  783. "He didn't actually give me that much, just told me what I needed to know."
  784. >She cocks her head, "What's that?"
  785. "I got some digging to do on my past, and the Changelings."
  786. >"Really, he told you that?"
  787. >You scratched the back of your neck.
  788. "No, but he told me I should forget about it. So I'm going to remember."
  789. >You just hoped Twilight would let you borrow some books.
  790. >You walked alongside Pinkie to the royal library.
  791. >"So uh, when are we gonna go to the lake?"
  792. >Why were you going to the library?
  793. >You could figure out your past later.
  794. "Y'know what? You're right. Let's get going Pinks."
  795. >You ran your fingers through her mane and rubbed the back of her neck.
  796. >Sadly, this little moment couldn't last.
  797. >"Anonymous!"
  798. >You sighed.
  799. "What now, Twilight?"
  800. >The lavender alicorn teleported in front of you.
  801. >"What were you doing harrassing one of my citizens?!"
  802. >She had her muzzle all up in your face.
  803. >You pushed her back down to the ground.
  804. "Calm your crotchtits princess, I was just asking Buzz a few questions."
  805. >Her eye twitched.
  806. >"How dare you speak to me like that!"
  807. "How dare you bother me like this?"
  808. >She opened her mouth to speak.
  809. "How about you get off my back. You don't seem to have a problem with Buzz."
  810. >"He's one of us, you... I don't know what you are."
  811. "What happened to your curiosity?"
  812. >You took a step closer, and she backed up.
  813. "You don't know me, you don't know the first thing about me."
  814. >You leaned in to look her in the eyes.
  815. "Maybe you should get to know me before judging me."
  816. >Walking off with Pinkie, you turned to her a final time.
  817. "Come see me when you're ready to be my friend, Twily."
  819. >"Wowie Nonny! That was cool."
  820. >You blushed.
  821. "Not really, just got sick of her shit."
  822. >Pinkie slid up next to your waist.
  823. >"For what it's worth, I still think you're a good guy."
  824. "Your words mean more to me than a hundred Twilights."
  825. >The two of you walked in silence to the lake.
  826. "Well, here we are."
  827. >Shit, you didn't bring your swimming trunks.
  828. "Uh, P-Pinkie I... I didn't bring my swimming gear."
  829. >"That's fine Nonny! I dunno how you wear all those clothes anyway."
  830. >Old habits died hard.
  831. "Just a cultural thing, I guess."
  832. >You took off your clothes.
  833. >Pinkie was prodding your dick.
  834. >"Oooh, they never showed THIS in health class!"
  835. "Pinkie, I'm not a horse."
  836. >"Yeah but, like, even minotaurs didn't have these."
  837. >If she kept this up.
  838. >"Oh! It got stiff, is that a good thing?"
  839. "Well, uh, y-yeah?"
  840. >You felt her wrap her lips around your cock.
  841. "Gah! P-Pinkie wh-what the fuck?!"
  842. >She looked up at you with her big blue eyes.
  843. >"Am I doing something wrong?"
  844. "N-no, keep doing what you're doing!"
  845. >She wrapped her tongue around it like it was a lollipop.
  846. >After a couple more minutes you couldn't hold it in anymore.
  847. >To her credit, she swallowed it all.
  848. "S-sorry I couldn't last longer..."
  849. >"You kidding? That was pretty long."
  850. >What.
  851. "Sorry?"
  852. >"Yeesh, you need a crash course on stallions Nonny!"
  853. >What even happened?
  854. "D-did you just give me a blowjob?"
  855. >"Yeah, what about it? I love you! Come on, let's go swimming."
  856. >Don't question Pinkie.
  857. >Just some casual oral sex.
  858. >No big deal.
  859. >The two of you cannon-balled into the lake and started a splash fight.
  861. >You laid there on your back, floating with Pinkie.
  862. >You snuck your hand up on her hoof and wrapped your fingers around it.
  863. "This was nice."
  864. >"Yeah..."
  865. >You swam back to the shore.
  866. "Hey Pinkie?"
  867. >"HmmMMPH?!"
  868. >You planted a kiss on her lips.
  869. "Love ya."
  870. >She smiled and kicked at the ground, "Aw shucks, I love you too Nonny."
  871. >You dried yourself off with the towel you brought and handed it to Pinkie.
  872. >"Uh, Nonny?"
  873. "Yeah?"
  874. >She shook herself dry.
  875. >Oh right, fur.
  876. >You slipped your clothes back on.
  877. "Well, you can grab us some lunch and I'll go get those books."
  878. >"Okie dokie lokie! What do you want?"
  879. >You planted a kiss on her forehead.
  880. "Surprise me."
  881. >She salutes you, "Roger!"
  882. >She skips off humming the tune from last night.
  883. >You smiled, making the trek back to Twilight's castle.
  884. >You ran into the mailmare on the way there.
  885. >The little grey pegasus waved a hoof at you.
  886. >"Hey there Mr. Anonymous! How's your day been?"
  887. "Been just fine Derpy, what about yours?"
  888. >"Oh, not too bad. Thanks for asking!"
  889. >She stops to give you a hug.
  890. >"Most ponies just give me a pat on the back and send me on my way."
  891. >She kisses your cheek, "Thanks for listening to me ramble in the morning Anon."
  892. >You laughed.
  893. "Just common courtesy, you always deliver the mail on time as well."
  894. >You ruffled her mane.
  895. "Now go on, you got rounds to make!"
  896. >"Aye aye, sir!"
  897. >You wave goodbye and continue to your probable doom.
  899. >You knocked on the castle door.
  900. >They had some magic mumbo-jumbo set up so they could hear it.
  901. >Spike opened the door and gave you a grin.
  902. >"Hey Anon, whatcha want?"
  903. "I was hoping to find some books on Changelings. You got any?"
  904. >"You'll have to pry them from Twilight, she's using them right now."
  905. >You sighed and shrugged, cracking your knuckles together.
  906. "Aight, where is she at?"
  907. >You walk past Spike, as he tugs at your pants begging you to stop.
  908. "Yo Twi! I need some of those Changeling books!"
  909. >The lights in the castle dim.
  910. >The Royal Canterlot Voice echoes throughout the halls.
  911. >"You're in my domain Anonymous, you should leave while you can."
  912. "Fuck off Twily! You have the public library in here!"
  913. >"That was your only warning, so be it."
  914. "Have you been hanging out with Luna?"
  915. >There's a pause.
  916. >"Sh-shut up!"
  917. >Knew it.
  918. "It's alright, I won't judge... so, how was it?"
  919. >"ARGH!"
  920. >The lights go out completely, and Spike hops onto your back.
  921. >"What did you do Anon?!"
  922. "Well, I think I pissed her off."
  923. >"No, really?!"
  924. >You yawned.
  925. "Well, come on. I gotta get those books still."
  926. >"I think that is an incredibly poor choice if you value your life, but alright."
  927. "Since when did you get so smart?"
  928. >He gives you a deadpan look, "Twilight raised me."
  929. "Fair enough, so do you know which way to go?"
  930. >He sighs, "I'll try and lead you best as I can. I've snuck out at night before."
  931. "I don't even want to know why, do I?"
  932. >"Nope, not at all."
  933. "Fine, just get me to Twilight."
  935. >You groped around in the dark for a wall to lean against.
  936. "Hey Spike, is it possible to use magic to get night vision?"
  937. >He taps his chin, "I suppose you could try a Cat's Eye spell... why?"
  938. >Here goes nothing.
  939. >You focused all of your magic into your eyes.
  940. >Really hoped this wouldn't make you go blind.
  941. >You blinked, and your vision was clear as day.
  942. "This is more like it!"
  943. >You tripped over something.
  944. "Shit! Think I stubbed my toe."
  945. >You looked back and saw a Changeling.
  946. "Buzz, that you?"
  947. >"It seems the rogue agent is here after all. Go inform the Queen, Forty-Three."
  948. >"Right away, Forty-Seven. He won't escape us for long."
  949. >A second Changeling flew off.
  950. "Hey, you leave Buzz out of this!"
  951. >Forty-Seven stood up, cracking his neck.
  952. >"You will not resist us, mutt. Compliance is guaranteed."
  953. "Just who do you think you are?"
  954. >"Somepony who is going to get a very big raise."
  955. >You raised an eyebrow.
  956. "She pays you?"
  957. >"We get a larger ration of love."
  958. "Brutal. Well, that's sad for you, because I'm staying right here."
  959. >"What a shame, the invasion will be here in a couple of days."
  960. "Hey Spike?"
  961. >"Yeah Anon?"
  962. >You took off running towards Twilight's bedroom.
  963. "I ain't dealing with that shit!"
  964. >Forty-Seven was right behind you, trying to blast your legs.
  965. >"The Queen wants you alive, resistance is futile!"
  966. >You tossed a vase into his face, shattering the porcelain on his cheeks.
  967. >He let out a vicious hiss and tumbled to the ground.
  968. >"Filthy half-breed! Chrysalis will have your head!"
  969. >Memories flashed through your head.
  970. >No time to think about them right now though.
  971. >You kicked open Twilight's doors.
  972. "Twi! Changeling, following us! Do something!"
  973. >She squints at you, "Wha- Anon? Look out behind you!"
  974. >You ducked under Forty-Seven's swing and kicked him right in the-
  975. "Where's the shout?"
  976. >"We can retract our genitals when they aren't in use."
  977. "Man that's bullshit."
  978. >He kicked you in the ass and knocked you on your chest.
  980. "Fuck, can we stop beating the shit out of me?"
  981. >You tossed Spike over to Twilight.
  982. "I know you hate me, just blast this guy!"
  983. >She shot the Changeling in the chest, knocking him unconscious.
  984. >"What are you talking about?"
  985. "You mean you don't remember blasting me into the wall?"
  986. >"Are you hurt?!"
  987. "That was a couple days ago Twi, what the hell is going on?"
  988. >Spike steps in, "I think we had a Changeling infestation."
  989. >You remembered you left Pinkie alone.
  990. "They played us like a damn fiddle!"
  991. >You busted Twilight's window open with a chair.
  992. >"What the hay are you doing Anon?!"
  993. "Fly me out there, now!"
  994. >She levitated you onto her back and started to fly off.
  995. >"Spike, you clean this up!"
  996. >She shot into the sky, with you on her back.
  997. >What would Pinkie try to surprise you with?
  998. "Twilight, go to the Italian restaurant."
  999. >"Anon, I keep telling you it's not Itali-"
  1000. "Don't care about your horse puns, step on it!"
  1001. >She doubled her speed, getting you to the fancy eatery in record time.
  1002. >You jumped off of her, bursting through the doors.
  1003. "Pinkie, you in here?!"
  1004. >Everybody stopped to stare at you.
  1005. "I swear, if any of you are Changelings I will break your kneecaps!"
  1006. >"Oh, hey Nonny! I was just talking to this weird guy over here!"
  1007. >You spotted Pinkie with a sketchy looking dude.
  1008. >He was a Changeling.
  1009. >You just knew, for some reason.
  1010. "Pinkie, get down!"
  1011. >"Okie dokie!"
  1012. >You threw a chair at the guy from across the room, nailing him in the head.
  1013. >Twilight trotted up behind you nervously.
  1014. >"When were you this strong?"
  1015. "Don't know, don't care. Just a little mad right now."
  1016. >You marched over to the guy you bashed.
  1017. >His disguise failed and he looked up at you in fear.
  1018. >You grabbed his front legs and lifted him into the air.
  1019. "Why are you doing this?!"
  1020. >He couldn't even form a full sentence.
  1021. >You bashed him on the bar counter.
  1022. "What is Chrysalis' plan?!"
  1023. >"Sh-she w-wants y-you b-back, s-sir!"
  1025. >You dropped him, a puddle forming around him.
  1026. "Ugh, that's just nasty..."
  1027. >"Why does Chrysalis want you, Anon?"
  1028. >Images of wars flashed through your mind.
  1029. "She wants her little soldier back."
  1030. >"What?"
  1031. "My mother is a bitch."
  1032. >Pinkie jumped onto your back.
  1033. >"Whoa! The Changeling Queen is your mommy?!"
  1034. "Unfortunately, yes."
  1035. >She raised you to transform into a monster.
  1036. >The strength of a minotaur, the claws of a griffon, the wings of a pegasus.
  1037. >The handsomeness of a human, or was it endurance?
  1038. >The one thing she never taught you was magic.
  1039. >She kept you locked away in a cage, she feared your power.
  1040. >Your father was doting, singing you songs and comforting you in your sadness.
  1041. >You looked down at the Changeling.
  1042. "Listen here, uh..."
  1043. >"Fifty-Two."
  1044. "Fifty-Two, you're gonna tell Chrysalis that if she comes for me, she's a dead mare."
  1045. >He nods his head and flies off.
  1046. >"Nonny, you're scaring me."
  1047. >You bit your lip.
  1048. "I'm also scared out of my mind but I have to stay strong, for you."
  1049. >Some guards showed up with Forty-Seven.
  1050. >"Princess, the Changeling wished to have an audience with Mr. Anonymous."
  1051. >You walked up to the chained Changeling.
  1052. "What do you want, asshole?"
  1053. >"So crass, there's no need for language like that."
  1054. "Blame my dad for teaching me it."
  1055. >He laughs, "Fair enough, I suppose. So, you want to go against Chrysalis then?"
  1056. "I'm not going back with my mother, she can't make me."
  1057. >She totally could, but you would try and bluff him if you were able to.
  1058. >"I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor then."
  1059. "Why do you care?"
  1060. >"Because, you're the Prince."
  1061. "Could've fooled me with how she treated me."
  1062. >"Sometimes we grow afraid of what we've created, she raised you a bit too well."
  1063. >He leaned up, "You might need the Royal Changeling Echo, however."
  1064. >This got your interest.
  1065. "Go on..."
  1067. >"Much like the Royal Canterlot Voice, you can use this to force Changelings to submit to your will."
  1068. "Seems like you could abuse it."
  1069. >"I assume it could frighten normal ponies, yes, however the Queen can override the effects."
  1070. "How does this help me then?"
  1071. >He sighs, "You'll need every advantage you can get. I know that you know you aren't ready."
  1072. "Was it that obvious?"
  1073. >"Take my advice, go find One-Fifty-Nine, and-"
  1074. "Buzz."
  1075. >"... Go find Buzz and train with him."
  1076. "Why would a rogue agent that wants peace teach me how to transform?"
  1077. >"Because he fears Chrysalis far more than you."
  1078. "Seemed pretty scared of me, last I checked."
  1079. >Forty-Seven busted out into laughter.
  1080. >"Seriously though, go train. You have one week, make the most of it."
  1081. >The guards hauled him off.
  1082. >You ran after them, realizing something.
  1083. "Wait! Is your face alright? I mean, that vase-"
  1084. >"It was nothing more than a mere annoyance. Changelings have thick skin."
  1085. >You motioned for Pinkie to follow you, she grabbed your spaghetti on the way out.
  1086. >You downed the bowl on your way to Fluttershy's place.
  1087. >"Nonny, why are you being so serious?"
  1088. "My mom thinks she can take everything I love away again. Not gonna happen."
  1089. >"There has to be a better way, Anon."
  1090. "I wish there was a better way out Twilight, but there isn't."
  1091. >You knock on Flutters' door.
  1092. "I hope history is kind to us all, but they'll probably blame Chrysalis for this."
  1093. >"Oh, hello there Mr. Anon! Y-you look upset..."
  1094. "We need Buzz, turns out I'm half-Changeling."
  1095. >"Oh my! So interesting! D-do you mind if I study you sometime?"
  1096. "Only if Pinkie is in on it."
  1097. >"Nonny, that's naughty!"
  1098. >You turned your head to your pink partner.
  1099. "What."
  1100. >She giggled, "Gotcha!"
  1101. >You couldn't help but crack a smile.
  1102. >"Did somebody call for me?"
  1103. >You turned to see Buzz looking nervous as usual.
  1104. "I need your help."
  1106. >"No. No, no, no! I am NOT teaching you that! I've seen you in action!"
  1107. >You dragged him out to a clearing.
  1108. "I need to know how to, it's the only way I'll be able to stop Chrysalis."
  1109. >He sighs in defeat, "Fine, but you have to promise to only use it as a last resort!"
  1110. >You looked at Pinkie and smiled.
  1111. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
  1112. >"What?"
  1113. "It's a Pinkie Promise, if I break it I'll break her heart. I love her too much to do that."
  1114. >He shrugs, "Good enough for me. You're a special case though, Anon."
  1115. "I know, I'm pretty sexy."
  1116. >Pinkie giggled like a schoolgirl.
  1117. >"I mean your transformation is powered by love and anger. You are a soldier at heart."
  1118. >"More like a soldier of heart, right Nonny?"
  1119. "So get really pissed off after making out with Pinkie?"
  1120. >Buzz blinks in awe of your amazing reasoning.
  1121. >"That's pretty stupid, but I guess it would work."
  1122. "So, do all my powers run on love?"
  1123. >"Yep, you can sustain yourself with food but the powers are all love-based."
  1124. "Eh, that's okay I guess. Would be cool if I could do this at will."
  1125. >He glares at you, "Not really, your true form is terrifying."
  1126. "Am I really that ugly?"
  1127. >"No, you're horrifying because no-one should have that power."
  1128. "You must live in fear of alicorns."
  1129. >"Eh, guess you're right. Still, a normal pony shouldn't have that power."
  1130. "Well I'm not a pony either."
  1131. >"You're half-Changeling, you're half-pony. Kind of."
  1132. >This still didn't give you a way to confront Chrysalis.
  1133. "Any suggestions for getting to her in the first place?"
  1134. >"Well, you could always try challenging her to a duel."
  1135. "Really? That's a bit cliche."
  1136. >"The code of honor states that she has to accept any challenger though."
  1137. "I guess ye olde duel it is then."
  1138. >He sighs and smiles, "Anything else you need from me?"
  1139. "Yeah."
  1140. >You gave him a hug.
  1141. "I need you to stop being scared of me."
  1142. >"... You've changed a lot, sir."
  1143. "I'd say you have too, but you were always hesitant to follow mom's orders."
  1145. >The next week passed by in a blur.
  1146. >You were keeping an eye on the skies.
  1147. >"Nonny, don't fidget around so much. It's going to be fine."
  1148. "You keep saying that, but I'm not sure it will be."
  1149. >You saw a streak of black crash in front of the town hall.
  1151. >Shit.
  1152. >"Where are you? Come give your mommy a hug!"
  1153. >She's pissed.
  1154. >You gave Pinkie a kiss.
  1155. "If I don't come back, bury me with my magazines."
  1156. >"The ones you said small children shouldn't see?"
  1157. "Yes, those."
  1158. >"Alrighty then!"
  1159. >You stepped out to find your mother had left her army behind.
  1160. "That's not like you, you're usually surrounded by the drones."
  1161. >She turned around, an insincere smile plastered on her face.
  1162. >"Well, I figured the reunion should be between us."
  1163. "What happened to the invasion?"
  1164. >She gritted her teeth, "I don't even care about that anymore."
  1165. >She charged up her horn, "I just want to punish you!"
  1166. >You cartwheeled out of the way.
  1167. >Hanging out with Pinkie had its advantages.
  1168. >You noticed the drones on the horizon.
  1169. "This complicates things."
  1170. >"I gave you everything! You were my little prince!"
  1171. >She tackled you to the ground.
  1172. >You smashed her muzzle with your forearm.
  1173. "I was your weapon! You kept me locked away in a cage!"
  1174. >You tossed her off of you.
  1175. "Where's my dad?!"
  1176. >"I'm right here, my child."
  1177. >You turned to see your father, his beard a little greyer than when you left.
  1178. >He laughed, "I keep telling your mother that I don't have wings like her."
  1179. >"Stay out of this dear, I know you don't like punishing him, but-"
  1180. >He held up a hand, "I'm not going to stop you. But I wish you could see his side of things."
  1181. >He sat down on a nearby bench and laid his cane across his lap.
  1183. >You wiped the tears out of your eyes.
  1184. "We can still put this behind us mom, just let me live!"
  1185. >"This is your fault you know!"
  1186. "What are you talking about?!"
  1187. >"You had to go and be different!"
  1188. >She bit her lip, "I got attached, alright?!"
  1189. "I still don't see why you locked me away."
  1190. >"I didn't want you getting hurt, the others were willing to die, but you..."
  1191. "What about Buzz?"
  1192. >"Who?"
  1193. "One-Fifty-Nine. His name is Buzz."
  1194. >"Did he put you up to this? I'll have to punish him as well."
  1195. "Can we back up? I know I wouldn't get hurt, you made me a war machine."
  1196. >The Changeling army had gathered around the scene.
  1197. >"Everybody fails, my son, I didn't want to push my luck with y-"
  1198. "Don't call me your son! You didn't give a damn about me!"
  1199. >She lunged at you, "You ungrateful little brat!"
  1200. "This is what I'm talking about!"
  1201. >You caught her and threw her to the ground, jumping onto her.
  1202. "Mom, you have anger problems!"
  1203. >"I guess that makes two of us then!"
  1204. >She blasted you off of her.
  1205. >You landed on your ass.
  1206. >That was going to smart later.
  1207. "Please mom, I have people I love here!"
  1208. >She jumped forward and tried to kick you.
  1209. >"What about your own mother?!"
  1210. >She smashed into your right shoulder, the two of you tumbling to the ground.
  1211. >"You'd love these ponies over me?!"
  1212. "Yes! You're a bitch!"
  1213. >The crowd went deathly silent.
  1214. >"That's how you feel, is it?"
  1215. >The two of you stood up, staring each other face to face.
  1216. >"I suppose you want me to leave, to forget this ever happened?"
  1217. >You nodded, and she let out a cackle.
  1218. >"Too bad. Sixty-Six, find the pink one!"
  1219. >What.
  1220. "You wouldn't."
  1221. >"I would."
  1222. >You clenched your fists.
  1223. "I'm going to end you."
  1224. >"Just try it, I've been alive far longer than you have."
  1226. >You wrapped your hands around her throat.
  1227. >She shot you in the chest again.
  1228. >You weren't sure what you were expecting.
  1229. >"Don't just stand there you morons, restrain him!"
  1230. >One of the Changelings shrugged.
  1231. >"Apologies my Queen, I'm afraid we cannot do that."
  1232. >"And why not?!"
  1233. >"The rules of our nature says that's against the code of honor."
  1234. >Her eye twitches, "Right, I forgot about the whole duel thing."
  1235. >She chuckles, "Had to try and make being the Queen fair."
  1236. "When were you ever fair?"
  1237. >"A long time ago, before you were born."
  1238. >"Mistress! I found the pink pony!"
  1239. >No, not happening.
  1240. >You jabbed your fingers into Chrysalis' eyes.
  1241. >"Why would you do this?!"
  1242. >You turned around and slammed your fist into Sixty-Six's face.
  1243. >You stomped his face into the ground.
  1244. "Don't you touch her!"
  1245. >"Attack him now! Just do it you imbeciles!"
  1246. >You planted yourself in front of Pinkie and faced the oncoming horde of Changelings.
  1247. >You kept striking at any that crossed your path.
  1248. "Pinkie, run as far as you can, find Buzz. Tell him to hide, and don't get yourself hurt."
  1249. >"B-but-"
  1250. "Do it! Go now, before I lose it!"
  1251. >She gave you a kiss and ran off.
  1252. >You turned to address the army in front of you.
  1253. "Mom! I might not live to see another day, but I'll take solace in the fact that neither will you!"
  1254. >"You sound like that purple princess, I thought I told Forty-Seven to take care of her."
  1255. >You punched and clawed your way through the horde.
  1256. >By the time you reached Chrysalis, they were all holding you back.
  1257. "I won't let you get away with this!"
  1258. >"One thousand and forty-two."
  1259. "What?"
  1260. >"Sorry, I like to keep track of certain lines I've heard."
  1261. "I will kick your face in."
  1262. >"Five hundred and sixty-three."
  1263. "I'm going to break you, like a Clip-Clop bar."
  1264. >"... Huh, that's a new one."
  1265. >You looked over at your dad.
  1266. >He shrugged and mouthed "Sorry."
  1267. >Mom was always the dominant one.
  1268. >"Hey you, bug queen!"
  1270. >Rainbow Dash threw a rock at your mother's face.
  1271. >"Who said you could come into our town and beat up one of us?!"
  1272. >Pinkie had gathered the entirety of Ponyville to help fight.
  1273. >The Changelings started backing off.
  1274. >"No way, these guys live next to the Everfree Forest!"
  1275. >"Are those the ponies that beat us last time?"
  1276. >"Sorry my Queen, you can deal with this yourself!"
  1277. >"Get back here and fight you fools!"
  1278. >They couldn't help but be compelled by her voice.
  1279. >The street erupted into fighting.
  1280. >"I'm going to make sure that obnoxious pink ball of energy suffers the most."
  1281. "Stop it, that's enough."
  1282. >"She's going to be crying out for you, and you won't be able to save her."
  1283. "Mom..."
  1284. >"Everyone you love will be gone, and you'll come back home with me."
  1285. >You focused, and started channeling all your rage.
  1286. >You could feel your body changing.
  1287. >Your shoulders getting broader, your neck thicker.
  1288. >Your fists turning into claws, wings sprouting from your back.
  1289. >A horn on your forehead.
  1290. >Your feet turning into minotaur hooves.
  1291. >Your face getting a little thinner, not everything could be exciting.
  1292. "I said, THAT'S ENOUGH!"
  1293. >You towered over Chrysalis, and everybody stopped moving.
  1294. >You looked around, staring each Changeling in the eyes.
  1295. >Everyone is scared of the big bad bug.
  1296. >Including Pinkie.
  1297. "Stop this nonsense mother, I won't go back with you. I refuse."
  1298. >She tried jabbing you with her horn.
  1299. >You grabbed her out of the air and held her above you.
  1300. >She tried blasting you, but you just shrugged it off.
  1301. >She futilely smacked at your arm.
  1302. >You were debating whether to crush her throat or not.
  1303. "You've been a real pain in my ass, to put it lightly..."
  1305. >You dropped her, and she fell on her ass.
  1306. "Whatever, just go. Leave, and don't come back."
  1307. >"Mercy? After all of this, you're just going to let me go?!"
  1308. "Sure, I'm not going to stoop to your level. I've hurt enough people already."
  1309. >You were walking over to Pinkie when you heard her start flying again.
  1310. >Sighing, you turned around and swiped her with one of your claws.
  1311. >"My eye!"
  1312. >Oh shit.
  1313. >You transformed back, your shirt in tatters.
  1314. >Despite all of your rage, she was still your mother.
  1315. >You cradled her in your arms.
  1316. "Damn it, I always knew one of us would end up hurt."
  1317. >She was hissing in pain, "I don't look too bad, do I?"
  1318. "I hear eye-patches are in this year."
  1319. >"Don't just sit here, get me to a doctor!"
  1320. "Sorry, sorry! F-fuck I'm sorry!"
  1321. >You grabbed a nurse with pink hair and ran to the Ponyville clinic.
  1322. >Pinkie was bouncing alongside you.
  1323. >"Nonny, I'm not sure I follow your decision here."
  1324. "This is my mom Pinkie, I don't care how much of a bitch she is!"
  1325. >"Perhaps I should have given you more freedom."
  1326. "You can, just, look it'll be okay, alright?"
  1327. >"You've really grown up. You have your father's heart."
  1328. "Come on, don't get sentimental on me now!"
  1329. >"You two seem to be getting along like two peas in a pod now!"
  1330. "We always had a flair for the dramatic, alright?!"
  1331. >You wanted her to leave, you never meant to injure her.
  1332. >This is exactly why the transformation was a last resort.
  1333. >You'd end up doing something stupid.
  1334. >"I'm glad my Nonny is back."
  1335. "Not now Pi- mom?"
  1336. >She hasn't called you Nonny in ages.
  1337. >"I love you."
  1338. "... Love you too, mommy."
  1339. >She turns to Pinkie, "You hurt him, and I'll have your head."
  1340. "Mom!"
  1341. >"Why would I hurt him?"
  1342. >"I don't know, why did you blast my children and I away?"
  1343. >"You were invading. You could've just asked for some love."
  1344. >She started to argue before shrugging and conceding the point.
  1346. >The doctors said she'd be fine.
  1347. >She'd never be able to use her right eye again.
  1348. >Pinkie clopped up beside you.
  1349. >"Sorry it turned out this way Anon."
  1350. >You wrapped an arm around her.
  1351. "It was my fault. I could've punched her instead."
  1352. >She nuzzled her face into your cheek.
  1353. >"Shh, it'll be alright. I'm sure she'll forgive you."
  1354. >You sighed.
  1355. "At least we got all that pent-up rage out of the way."
  1356. >"Were you really willing to sacrifice yourself for me?"
  1357. "... Yes."
  1358. >She scooched closer to you, and planted a kiss on your cheek.
  1359. >"My dork knight."
  1360. >She laid her head on your lap, and you stroked her mane.
  1361. >You heard hoofsteps behind you.
  1362. >Chrysalis sat down next to you.
  1363. >"This turned out well."
  1364. "At least nobody died."
  1365. >You heard your father humming your lullaby.
  1366. >"He's been doing that ever since he discovered I found you."
  1367. "This was a giant, explosive clusterfuck."
  1368. >"Language."
  1369. "Sorry mom."
  1370. >You wrapped an arm around her.
  1371. >"I suppose this is goodbye then?"
  1372. "Eh, you could come visit if you want."
  1373. >Pinkie hopped on your back.
  1374. >"Oh, and I could bake you a bunch of delicious cupcakes!"
  1375. >You looked around and saw a bunch of Changelings chatting with ponies.
  1376. >Maybe everything would be alright.
  1377. >Your father gave you a hug.
  1378. >"You don't look a day older, son."
  1379. "You're still as cool as ever daddy."
  1380. >He gave you a pat on the back, "Come on Chryssi, let's get going!"
  1381. >"I'll see you later sweetie, don't have too much fun!"
  1382. >It was a bit weird, but you'd take it.
  1383. >You carried Pinkie back home.
  1384. >"Oooh, what're we gonna do on the bed tonight Nonny?"
  1385. "Same thing we do every night Pinkie, cuddle."
  1386. >You gave her a kiss on the forehead.
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