

Jan 12th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anonymous
  2. >Patrol Officer in the Los Angeles Police Department
  3. >Equipped with a nightstick, flashlight, pepper spray, Beretta 92F, Benelli M4 Shotgun, Radio, Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Car, Bullet proof vest for when things get messy, and a trench-coat with the LAPD logo on it, for when it get's cold.
  4. >And right now, it is cold, very cold
  5. >But you aren't in the city
  6. >You aren't anywhere that you recognise
  7. >You seem to have just woken up, you're in your patrol car, in a forest
  8. >During a storm
  9. >(Fucking cold, fucking storm, fucking forest in the middle of somewhere that I'm not even sure of, brilliant)
  10. >You reach towards your Mobile Data Computer, turning on the GPS
  11. >...
  12. >...
  13. >Unknown Location, satellite connection unreachable
  14. >(... What the fuck. This is meant to be able to connect anywhere in the world. And it cant. Where the fuck am I?)
  15. >Reaching for your radio, you press the button to talk.
  16. Anon:
  17. Unit one-ten to dispatch...
  18. Radio:
  19. ...
  20. ...
  21. ...
  22. >(No radio either. Wonderful.)
  24. Choice time:
  25. >A. Drive around on the narrow paths.
  26. >A
  28. >You reach out and start the engine of your cruiser
  29. >...
  30. >...
  31. >And it starts, so do the heaters
  32. >(Thank fuck for that, I'd be really screwed if this didn't work)
  33. >Looking at the fuel gauge, it reads full
  34. >You begin to drive down a narrow path careful not to scratch the cruiser
  35. >After a few minutes, you appear at a small clearing, the thunder and lighting accompanied by lashing rain showing no signs of stopping
  36. >Using the search-light on the car, you manage to make out a sign post with different directions on it
  37. >One sign point left down a path and says "Ponyville", the other, says "Zecora" and points right
  38. >The path on the right is too narrow for your car
  40. Choice:
  41. >A. Drive down the left path
  42. >B. Get out and walk the right path
  44. >B. Get out and put your coat on, and walk around, see if you find anything to show where you are.
  46. A
  48. >(Fuck that, I aint getting out of this cruiser, it's cold out there, "Ponyville" it is...)
  49. >(What kind of name is that, anyway? Ponyville..., and "Zecora", what name is that?)
  50. >You start to drive the the path on the right, driving for a good 15 minutes, you eventually see smoke, and what looks to be a fire in the distance on your right
  51. >Stopping the car, you turn on the search-light again in an attempt to see what was there.
  52. >Nothing, it's too far to see
  54. Choice:
  55. >A. Investigate
  56. >B. Investigate, but pull your weapon (Shotgun/Pistol)
  57. >C. Drive on
  59. B, handgun
  61. >You turn the strobes on your vehicle on, even when you're lost, you remember protocol
  62. >Leaving the vehicle, you take the keys out
  63. >You raise your flashlight, turning it on, along with your handgun
  64. >It takes a while to get around all the tree stumps and foliage
  65. >Eventually, you get close enough to hear voices
  66. >Ducking down and turning your flashlight off so nobody sees you, you listen in
  67. ???1:
  68. And so that's how you did the "Sonic Rainboom"?
  69. ???2:
  70. That's right, squirt, all I needed was determination!
  71. ???1:
  72. From those guys who annoyed you?
  73. ???2:
  74. Yep, those idiots...
  75. >(Bombs. "Sonic Rainboom", that's obviously a code-name for a bomb, we might have ourselves terrorists here...)
  76. >You peer over the bush you hid behind to get a view of your suspects
  77. >You can see a tent and a campfire, but no sign of the mysterious terrorists
  79. Choice:
  80. >A. Sneak around a bit more
  81. >B. Confront your suspects
  82. >C. Listen a bit more
  84. A
  86. >You need more info before you create a plan
  87. >(No point in going back to the car and getting backup or making a plan, crashing headlong into everything is the only way to live!)
  88. >(Time to stealth)
  89. >Sneaking around the area, you try to get a view of the suspects
  90. >You manage to get behind the tent before you hear the voices again
  91. ???1:
  92. Should we sleep?
  93. ???2:
  94. Yeah, *yawn* I need a rest if I'm going to do a Sonic Rainboom tomorrow
  95. >(Oh shit. Tomorrow is the day of the blast)
  96. >You duck as you hear the suspects move to get into the tent
  97. >You could take them down now, and stop the blast, or go get the shotgun and take them down, lethal if necessary
  99. Choice:
  100. >A. Take them down now
  101. >B. Go get the shotgun
  102. >C. Examine the campsite while they sleep
  104. C
  106. >You wait for a good 10 minutes
  107. >Your suspicions that the suspects were asleep were confirmed by snoring
  108. >Loud snoring
  109. >You move around to the campsite, and see that the fire is dying down, leaving enough light to investigate
  110. >On the scene is 2 unusual looking double-bag things
  111. >Like the ones they use on donkeys
  112. >And that's about it
  113. >You search the big pair of bags first
  114. >Left side: Canteen and packets of food
  115. >Right side: A map, compass and pair of goggles
  116. >A map, now that would be useful
  117. >You take the map and fold it up, putting it in your pocket
  118. >Time for the small bags
  119. >Left side: Canteen, food, again
  120. >Right side: Goggles
  121. >(Huh, no bomb)
  122. >You turn to look at the tent, the same loud snoring still coming from it, no movement as far as you can tell
  123. >(With no bomb here, then the bomb... Must already BE PLANTED!)
  125. Choices for tomorrow:
  126. >A. Cuff the suspects while they sleep
  127. >B. Look for help
  130. A
  133. >(If the bomb aint here, we gotta arrest our suspects and find out where it is, hell yeah Anon, you have GOT to get a promotion for this!)
  134. >You approach the tent, the snoring growing louder
  135. >Just as the rain puts out the fire, causing the area to go pitch black
  136. >You pull your flashlight from your duty belt and turn it on, pointing it, along with your handgun, at the tent
  137. >(This is it, time to take the terrorists down! To Protect and to Serve!)
  138. >You sneak up to the tent, and take a deep breath
  139. >You are about to confront terrorists...
  141. Choice:
  142. >A. Silently handcuff them
  143. >B. Go in loud
  144. >C. Fire a warning shot and get them to surrender
  147. A
  150. >(Here. We. Go!)
  151. >Lifting the flaps to the tent, you enter it
  152. >You quietly slip over to the sleeping bags, the one making the largest snoring noise first
  153. >(Time to unmask our "Sonic Rainboom" terrorist)
  154. >You slip the covers on the sleeping bag over the suspects sleeping body to reveal...
  155. >(Holy motherfucking shit on shit crackers what the fucking FUCK!?)
  157. >A blue thing with wings, a tattooed ass and hooves lies there, sleeping like a log
  158. >(Oh my god what the shit, what do you do in a situation like this? They don't train you to deal with aliens! Maybe I can, handcuff it?)
  159. >You take your handcuffs out and have a look to see if they would work
  160. >Looks like it, but the thing has wings...
  161. >Then you realise something...
  162. >(Holy shit this things can TALK! This thing was talking! I am most certainly nowhere in America. I've never seen anything like this before...)
  164. Choice:
  165. >A. Handcuff it's hooves
  166. >B. Wake it up
  167. >C. Go get help
  169. A
  172. >(Handcuff it, handcuff it's wings and hooves.)
  173. >You reach to your belt, grabbing your handcuffs
  174. >2 of them
  175. >You can only handcuff one of the alien suspects
  176. >(Shieeeet, thus is a problem. May as well handcuff the big one, it'll be the most dangerous)
  177. >You reach out to its wings, gently lifting them up
  178. >(Huh... The feel nice and soft... No Anon, stay focused, for the safety of the citizens you protect, you must stay focused)
  179. >You carefully clip one side of the handcuffs to a wing, careful not to wake up he sleeping small-bird-horse
  180. >You do the same to the other side, before gently putting down the cuffs
  181. >You then lift it's hooves, easily cuffing them
  182. >When you put the cuffs down though, the cold metal handcuffs seem to have awoken the creature
  183. >(Oh crap, this was not planned, not planned at all!)
  184. >You look around, checking for weapons they could use
  185. >None
  187. Choice:
  188. >A. Aim at the suspect alien
  189. >B. Hide
  190. >C. Tackle the suspect
  193. A
  196. >(Can't take no chances, not with the safety of the people on the line)
  197. >You take up your handgun and aim, watching as the winged-mini-horse wriggle about, waking up
  198. >Her eyes shoot open, looking right at you
  199. ???:
  201. >(The fuck is a diamond dog?)
  202. Anon:
  204. >(Looks like with all the noise, the small one, "Scoots", hasn't woken up... "Scoots" huh? You got a name, good, gotta note that down)
  205. >Upon closer investigation, you realise that she's wearing ear-plugs, probably because of this blue ones snoring
  206. >Useful
  207. >You turn your attention to the blue thing again
  208. >Her face is a mix of anger, worry and confusion
  209. Anon:
  210. Right I got a few quest-
  211. ???:
  212. Hey! I think I'm the one to ask questions! Why am I restrained? Why do you have a gun? Why am I under arrest for terrorism?
  213. >(Right, she knows what a gun is)
  214. Anon:
  215. You are cuffed because you're under arrest, and you don't know why you're under arrest for terrorism? Why don't you tell me where this "Sonic Rainboom" is then, that's right, I heard you talking. And a side question, what are you?
  216. ???:
  217. The NAME is Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all of Equestria! Winner of the best young fliers competition! I'm a Pegasus.
  218. >It says all this, although guessing by the voice, SHE says it all with a confident face on
  219. Dash:
  220. And the Sonic Rainboom? What do you mean "where is it?". I have to DO a Sonic Rainboom, idiot!
  221. >Huh, she seems pretty sure about all this...
  223. Choice:
  224. >A. Press further
  225. >B. Lay off the questions
  226. >C. Search the tent for clues
  228. A
  231. >(Nah, she's playing dumb)
  232. Anon:
  233. Don't mess with me, I'm a cop, I know what's going on, now tell me what I want to know.
  234. Actually, I have more questions, based on the info you've given me.
  235. >You whip out your pen and notepad, readying yourself to write down more information
  236. Anon:
  237. What or where is Equestria? Where am I? And why are you here?
  238. >She looks away, anger evident by her expression
  239. Dash:
  240. Equestria is this nation, you are in the Everfree forest, near Ponyville, In Equestria. I'm here on a camping trip with that filly, scootaloo,
  241. >She nods her head in the direction of the small orange "Pegasus"
  242. Dash:
  243. We're not some terrorists! I'm the element of loyalty, for Celestia's sake!
  244. >(Element of Loyalty?)
  245. Anon: What is the "Element of Loyalty?" And if the "Sonic Rainboom" isn't a bomb, what is it?
  246. Dash:
  247. The element of loyalty is... it's part of the...
  248. Look, it'll be easier if I just show you same for the Sonic Rainboom, if you bring me into Ponyville, I'll bring you to a friend of mine
  249. >(Hmm... That may be easier, you might be able to get more information on where you are if she brought you to Ponyville...)
  250. >By this time you've come to the conclusion you are no longer on Earth, or your Earth, anyway
  252. Choice:
  253. >A. Search the tent
  254. >B. Question further (You decide the questions and vote on them, only sensible questions will be used)
  255. >C. Agree
  257. B-C
  259. >(May as well, you need info, but you should ask some questions)
  260. Anon:
  261. Where do your loyalties lie? Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia?
  262. Dash:
  263. Huh?! The only word I even remotely understood just there was "Saddle Arabia"
  264. Anon:
  265. No, Saudi Arabia
  266. Dash:
  267. Never heard of it
  268. >(Huh. Ok, well, this isn't going anywhere, guess you better take them to "Ponyville"...)
  269. Anon:
  270. Alright, I'll take you into town, to your friend...
  271. Dash:
  272. Thanks... I guess...
  273. Anon:
  274. You better take "Scootaloo" with us
  275. >You head out of the tent Dash wakes up Scootaloo, explaining the situation to her
  276. >You wait as dash walks out, struggling with the handcuffs, Scootaloo walking slowly behind her, an expression of fear on her face
  277. >All 3 of you head towards your cruiser, it#s flashing lights can almost be seen from the campsite
  278. >When you reach the vehicle, you turn the strobes off and help the "Pegasi" into your cruiser
  279. >They both sit in the back seats, as you rev up the engine
  280. You begin to drive down the same path you had been for a long time, silence filling the car
  281. >You look at the rear-view mirror and see Rainbow Dash staring out the window, and Scootaloo looking at you
  282. >The fear has died off mostly, but she's still a bit afraid
  283. >You decide to try and assure her that you mean no harm
  284. >You pull your badge and ID card from your chest pocket, and show them to her
  285. Anon:
  286. I'm a police officer, you can trust me. See? This is my badge and ID
  287. Scootaloo:
  288. Uh-huh...
  289. >She says this while slowly nodding her head as she reads your ID.
  290. >(Aha, they know English, more to note down)
  291. >You put the badge back into your pocket, putting you eyes back on the road
  293. Choice:
  294. >A. Try some equipment in the car
  295. >B. Strike up conversation with the suspects (choose your conversation topic or questions)
  297. B
  300. >You drive along the same, long road for a few minutes, while dead silence hangs in the air of your cruiser
  301. >You decide to try and get some conversation going
  302. Anon:
  303. So, tell me about yourselves, what do you do?
  304. Dash:
  305. Why do you care?
  306. Anon:
  307. Just tryin' to converse
  308. Dash:
  309. I'm captain of the Ponyville Weather team, scoots here still goes to school
  310. Anon:
  311. Uh-huh, so, uh, do you guys have a Police Department around here?
  312. Dash:
  313. Yes, we do. The Ponyville Police Department, when we get to Ponyville and talk to Twilight, I can show you there
  314. Anon:
  315. Great, and who's this Twilight you keep talking about?
  316. Dash:
  317. She's a new princess, she lives in the library in town, she knows all about magic and science and stuff, she can find out how you got here.
  318. By the way, can you take these cuffs off? They're annoying.
  319. >(Hmmm, it seems pretty probable that a filly and a Pegasus aren't terrorists in their own world, but what if she wants to escape?)
  321. Choice:
  322. >A. Uncuff her
  323. >B. Refuse
  325. A
  328. >(Why not, the doors are locked anyway)
  329. Anon:
  330. Sure, climb into the front seat there, I'll uncuff ya
  331. >Rainbow Dash climbs into the frint seat and presents her hooves to you, as you fumble around with the key while driving
  332. >You move your knees up to steer the cruiser, as you look over to Rainbow and insert the key into the handcuffs, releasing them
  333. >You then take the handcuffs and put them back onto your belt
  334. >Dash then turns around in the seat and presents her wing to you, as you reach out again and uncuff them
  335. >She sighs in relief as she stretches her wings, almost blocking your view of the road
  336. >(The wings are pretty nice, though, big, soft as I found out earlier, anyways...)
  337. Dash:
  338. Thanks, maybe you aren't so bad after all
  339. Anon:
  340. No problem, the chance of you being terrorists its pretty low now, anyway, so, any idea when we leave this damned forest?
  341. Dash:
  342. Yep! Should be a few minutes now, then you just need to drive straight and you'll see Ponyville
  343. Anon:
  344. Alright
  345. >Rainbow sets herself back into the passenger seat of your cruiser, looking at the different pieces of equipment
  346. >She extends a hoof towards your MDC, and asks
  347. Dash:
  348. What's that?
  349. Anon:
  350. MDC. Mobile Data Computer. Used for searching up criminal records and licence numbers.
  351. Dash:
  352. Right... and that? That's a radio, right?
  353. Anon:
  354. Yep, police scanner, used to call for backup and such.
  355. Dash:
  356. And what's this?
  357. >She points to the glovebox, managing to open it
  358. Anon:
  359. Glovebox, there should be some ammo for my pistol in there and some painkillers.
  360. Dash:
  361. Why do you have painkillers?
  362. Anon:
  363. I get headaches a lot, so I keep those around
  364. Dash:
  365. Oh, ok...
  366. >You arrive at the exit of the forest, following a short trail towards a town in the distance
  367. >You start to drive faster, in the hopes of reaching the town quicker
  368. Dash:
  369. So which place do you want to go first?
  370. Police station or Twilight?
  372. Choice:
  373. >A. Police station
  374. >B. Twilight
  375. >C. Let her recommend
  378. A
  382. >(The PD would be the best place, you can get any info you need from there, and perhaps some donuts...)
  383. Anon:
  384. We'll head to the PD first, that ok?
  385. Dash:
  386. Sure, I guess, just go straight into town, there will be signs leading you there. It's pretty late, so most ponies won't be out
  387. >(Ponies?)
  388. >You drive on into town, following the signposts that pointed in the direction of the Police station
  389. >The trail of signposts leads you through the town, the majority of the town looking pretty vintage, but as you go to the edge of town, the buildings got more modern, some made of concrete
  390. >You eventually reach the police station, a large, tall, white building with the word "POLICE" written on a sign over the large double doors
  391. >You pull up outside and turn the engine in your cruiser off as you unlock the doors
  392. >You hop out of the car and the Pegasi follow suit, getting out
  393. >Rainbow hovers along beside you and Scootaloo walks
  394. >You reach the doors and make your way in to the waiting area and front desk
  395. >A stallion without wings turns around as he hears you enter, only to widen his eyes in the sight of you
  396. >He smacks a button labelled "SECURITY LOCKDOWN"
  397. >As soon as he does, the doors behind you are covered in a large sheet of metal, also branded with the same "SECURITY LOCKDOWN" logo as the button
  398. >Alarms within the lobby go off an red lights flash, a few officers running in to the lobby and pulling out what looks to be... hoof-guns?
  399. >They aim at you as they shout
  400. An Officer:
  401. On the ground now! Ponyville PD, do not move!
  402. >(Seriously? Just because I'm a different species, they create a security lockdown over me, I'm wearing a cop uniform for fucks sake!)
  403. >Dash tries to shout at the officers, but to no avail ad the alarms block her out
  405. Choice:
  406. >A. Pull your gun (You must be stupid to pick this)
  407. >B. Drop your gun
  408. >C. Surrender
  409. >D. Pull your badge
  411. D
  414. >You reach for your pocket and slip out your badge slowly, putting your left arm in the air
  415. >You raise the badge into the air, flipping it open, revealing the badge and ID card
  416. Anon:
  417. It's ok, I'm an LAPD Officer, see?!
  418. An Officer:
  419. Get on the ground, now!
  420. Anon:
  421. I'm a fucking police officer, I've been ripped from my world and thrown into this one, and this is how you treat me?!
  422. >One of the officers moves closer to you as another turns off the alarms
  423. An Officer:
  424. Got any weapons on you?
  425. Anon:
  426. Nightstick, handgun, pepper spray.
  427. >The officer looks closely at your ID card, reading it all
  428. An Officer:
  429. So you are a police officer, huh?
  430. Anon:
  431. Yes, I am. Los Angeles Police Department.
  432. >The officers lower their weapons as the security lockdown doors re-open
  433. Anon:
  434. Thank you for recognising that
  435. Dash:
  436. Thank you?! These idiots couldn't tell from your uniform you were an officer! Why are you saying thank you?
  437. Anon:
  438. At least they didn't fill me with bullets.
  439. Scootaloo:
  440. I wonder if I could get a cutiemark in policing?
  441. >(Cutiemark? What the hell is that?)
  442. An Officer:
  443. So, you don't know how you got here, I presume?
  444. Anon:
  445. Yep, woke up in that big forest on the other side of town sitting in my cruiser.
  446. An Officer:
  447. Right, well, my name is Hard Time, is there anything we can help you with?
  448. >(Huh, is there? Shelter, food, stuff like that I suppose...)
  450. Choice:
  451. >A. Shelter
  452. >B. Food
  453. >C. Information (You decide what info you want)
  455. >A
  458. >(Shelter would be the best, somewhere to set up a command post and find out how to get back home from)
  459. Anon:
  460. Well, I could do with a place to stay....
  461. Hard Time:
  462. Huh, that might be hard to arrange, we have plenty of empty houses around but I'd have to talk to the mayor about getting you into one, and she's asleep. Trust me, you do NOT want to wake her up.
  463. >(Fucking hell, where am I going to stay now? It's cold out there....)
  464. >You pinch the bridge of your nose as you think about a place to stay
  465. >(I guess I could spend a night in my cruiser, not like I haven't done that before.)
  466. Anon:
  467. I'll sleep in my cruiser till morning.
  468. Hard Time:
  469. A cruiser? You have a police vehicle? Powered by fuel?
  470. Anon:
  471. Yes, why? What's so special?
  472. Hard Time:
  473. What's so special?! Those cost a FORTUNE! Our department has never been able to afford a vehicle on out budget, neither has any of the emergency services in Ponyville!
  474. >(So cars are rare here, huh?)
  475. Anon:
  476. Where I come from, most people own one. They're common in my world
  477. Hard Time:
  478. That is AWSOME! You have got to take me for a spin in one someday, you got that?
  479. Anon:
  480. Get me a house tomorrow, and you've got a deal
  481. Hard Time:
  482. Deal!
  483. >You wave to the officer as you walk back out towards the door of the station, all the while the other officers stare at you quizzically
  484. Dash:
  485. So, you're just going to sleep in your car?
  486. Anon:
  487. That's the plan, why?
  488. Dash:
  489. I don't think that thing is comfy enough for sleeping in, to be honest
  490. Anon:
  491. It's not really, but what other option have I got?
  492. Dash:
  493. You can sleep in my cloud home, if we go to Twilight, she can put a cloud walking spell on you and I'll get you up there, I know for fact that the cloud bed in my spare room is a TON more comfy than your car
  494. >(Cloud walking spell? They have "spells" here too?)
  496. Choice:
  497. >A. Accept Offer
  498. >B. Decline Offer
  501. >A
  505. >(Why not, it has to be comfier than sleeping in a car)
  506. Anon:
  507. Sure, I don't see why not...
  508. Dash:
  509. Great! I'll direct you to Twilight's library, she's going to ask a lot of questions about you though, so be prepared
  510. >(Great, questions... This is just going to cause a headache...)
  511. Anon:
  512. Alright then, let me just tell that officer, in case he goes looking for me
  513. Dash:
  514. Sure thing, I'll wait here with Scoots
  515. >(Oh yea, Scootaloo is here, she's been so quiet I forgot about her)
  516. >You walk back into the PD, most of the offices who had responded to the alarm now gone
  517. >You look towards the front desk to see Hard Time sitting there looking through some files
  518. Anon:
  519. Hey, Hard Time? I'm going to be staying at Rainbow's cloud home instead of my car, ok?
  520. Hard Time:
  521. Sure thing! See ya!
  522. >With that, you wave and walk back outside the building
  523. Anon:
  524. Alright Dash, lets go.
  525. >You open the cruiser's doors for your two passengers, and closed the doors when they got in
  526. >You get into the drivers seat and start up the engine
  527. Anon:
  528. Alright, which way?
  529. Dash:
  530. Back the way we came
  531. Anon:
  532. Right
  533. >You drive back in the direction that you came in for a good few minutes until Dash interrupts the silence
  534. Dash:
  535. Alright, go right here and drive until you see a building that's a tree
  536. >(A tree? A library in a tree? Fucking seriously?)
  537. >You comply and continue driving until you see the tree/library
  538. >Approaching the front of it you turn off your engine and hop out
  539. >Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo walk up to the door and knock on it, waiting for a response
  541. Choice:
  542. >A. Make this a quick visit
  543. >B. Answer Twilight's questions
  544. >C. Ask Twilight's questions (choose questions)
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