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May 15th, 2012
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. dobb.TS: yao
  3. dobb.TS: whaddup
  4. [MLP]IronDude: hi
  5. [MLP]IronDude: you were selling
  6. [MLP]IronDude: keys for money via PayPal
  7. [MLP]IronDude: right?
  8. [MLP]IronDude: from outpost
  9. dobb.TS: yup
  10. [MLP]IronDude: how much each?
  11. dobb.TS: 1.55 atm
  12. [MLP]IronDude: wow cheap
  13. dobb.TS: yup
  14. [MLP]IronDude: how many you got?
  15. dobb.TS: 60 ish i think
  16. dobb.TS: maybe 50 atm
  17. dobb.TS: i can get more if need be
  18. [MLP]IronDude: ok
  19. [MLP]IronDude: email?
  20. dobb.TS: sec
  21. [MLP]IronDude: how much for unusual or medal
  22. [MLP]IronDude: ?
  23. dobb.TS: the unusual?
  24. dobb.TS: which one?
  25. [MLP]IronDude: you have 2 unusuals
  26. [MLP]IronDude: the trophy
  27. dobb.TS: and my medal ill sell for 25
  28. [MLP]IronDude: and the fro
  29. dobb.TS: the trophy is 100
  30. dobb.TS: fro is 40
  31. dobb.TS: fro is special to me though
  32. dobb.TS: tune squad theme
  33. dobb.TS: so im not really looking to sell it
  34. [MLP]IronDude: o
  35. dobb.TS: so really i would want 60 from it
  36. [MLP]IronDude: ok*
  37. [MLP]IronDude: nvm not intersted in it
  38. dobb.TS: ok
  39. [MLP]IronDude: I would like to have the trophy, medal and 25 keys
  40. dobb.TS: ok, do you have a rep thread?
  41. [MLP]IronDude: on my profile
  42. dobb.TS: that means literally nothing in paypal trading
  43. dobb.TS: sourceop?
  44. [MLP]IronDude: I traded a lot using paypal, and I have reputation on my wall, but nothing on sourceop and shit
  45. dobb.TS: you need to look to start a soureop thread if you are serious about cash trading
  46. dobb.TS: so what all do you want again?
  47. [MLP]IronDude: wait
  48. [MLP]IronDude: how about
  49. [MLP]IronDude: we will make 2 trades
  50. [MLP]IronDude: first one
  51. [MLP]IronDude: of only the keys
  52. [MLP]IronDude: so you can trust me
  53. [MLP]IronDude: and the other one
  54. [MLP]IronDude: of the unusual and the medal
  55. [MLP]IronDude: ok?
  56. dobb.TS: hmmm
  57. dobb.TS: could we possibly use a middleman?
  58. [MLP]IronDude: I prefer not to. so far 2 "so-called" middlemen scammed me
  59. dobb.TS: well how about a trusted soureop and steamrep one?
  60. [MLP]IronDude: I got us a middleman
  61. Your chat with [MLP]IronDude is now a multi-user chat.
  62. Ew0k entered chat.
  63. [MLP]IronDude: he's trustable
  64. dobb.TS: cool
  65. [MLP]IronDude: ok so what's your email Ew0k?
  66. Ew0k:
  67. [MLP]IronDude: ok
  68. [MLP]IronDude: and dobb
  69. dobb.TS: mk
  70. [MLP]IronDude: what's your email?
  71. dobb.TS: sec
  72. dobb.TS: ok got it
  73. [MLP]IronDude: email?
  74. [MLP]IronDude: dobb?
  75. dobb.TS: yao
  76. dobb.TS: ok
  77. [MLP]IronDude: what?
  78. Ew0k: dobb
  79. Ew0k: whats your email?
  80. dobb.TS: you really though someone who trades as much as i do doesnt do background checks?
  81. dobb.TS: how ignorant are you?
  82. [MLP]IronDude: is he a scammer?
  83. [MLP]IronDude: no
  84. dobb.TS: but you are
  85. dobb.TS: big time
  86. [MLP]IronDude: this is why I offer a middleman
  87. dobb.TS: it doesnt matter, and how is he to be trusted anyways? i
  88. dobb.TS: offer to go get an actual trusted one, and you bring in this guy
  89. Ew0k: if u dont want me what ever
  90. Ew0k: but it am a middle man
  91. Ew0k: i was for a long time
  92. dobb.TS: wheres your rep as one?
  93. dobb.TS: most middlemen have reos
  94. Ew0k: and i was a middleman of scammers 2
  95. dobb.TS: really?
  96. dobb.TS: you middleman for scammers?
  97. Ew0k: because now no 1 trust them
  98. dobb.TS: enjoy your tag as a scammer
  99. [MLP]IronDude: nigger
  100. Ew0k: i dont have any rep on sourceop
  101. [MLP]IronDude left chat.
  102. dobb.TS: anyone who deals with scammers is helping them scam
  103. Ew0k left chat.
  104. dobb.TS: yea real contructive here, enjoy your tarnished rep
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