
Heretek Scilight and Indigo Squad

Sep 20th, 2016
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  1. >It is the 41st Millenium, and there is only war.
  2. >On the forge world of Crystex III, heretical forces threaten to overwhelm the Adeptus Mechanicus on their own home planet, potentially losing one of precious few manufacturing worlds to the gaping maw of the archenemy.
  3. >That's where your regiment came in; the Equis 33rd Shadowbolt Drop Infantry.
  5. >You reach across your back and flick the comms channel over to the Imperial Sanctioned Hymns, letting the glorious music fill your ears through the vox's headset.
  6. >War and music. As long as the latter was there, you could go through the former...
  7. >"T minus five minutes to drop."
  8. >You shift position in the back of the Valkyrie, adjusting the straps of your carapace armor.
  9. >Across from you, your squad leader is killing time (and her lungs) with a lho stick stuck between her lips, wild blue hair stuck at odd angles from her pale skin.
  10. >She was a hive ganger, but you never held it against her, given she made up for her less than prestigious background with zeal and instinct.
  11. >"Alright ladies, up and at it!"
  12. >She stamps the lho stick out with her boot, and you shift as best you can in your suit.
  13. >Around you, the rest of your squad starts to rouse themselves.
  14. >To your left, your squad's sharpshooter is adjusting the focusing lens on her long las, giving you a wide grin, before her lips twitch into a scowl and she goes back to what she was doing, muttering litanies and curses with equal measure.
  15. >On your right, the demolitionist is ensuring her satchel of explosive charges are properly secured, before tapping away at the wrist-mounted dataslate on her arm.
  16. >And finally, sitting impatiently with her meltagun between her tapping feet is your squad's specialist.
  17. >"Two minutes."
  18. >You idly check your hot-shot laspistol's charge, then reholster it at your hip, clicking back from the Hymns to the actual radio channel.
  19. >"Ready?"
  21. >You glance up at your sergeant, who is now standing in front of you, the jets of her grav chute spread apart like stubby cherub's wings.
  22. >You nod, standing up and clicking your own open.
  23. >"Sixty seconds."
  24. >The rest of your squad rises, all clicking open grave chutes and readying their weapons as your sergeant slowly advances towards the rear hatch of the valkyrie.
  25. >"Shadowbolts! Who do you fight for?!"
  26. "The Emperor!"
  27. >The words are chorused by your fellow guardswomen.
  28. >"And how will you exit this bird to fight His foes?!"
  29. "Wings first!"
  30. >"Damn right..."
  31. >The hatch opens, and before you could echo the sentiment, she kicks her feet off of the metal and out into open air, the barest traces of dark blue fire from her grav chute lighting up the dreary grey skyline beyond.
  32. >One by one, your squad charges out, mimicking the action and spinning around, accelerating towards the forge world below.
  33. >Your laspistol is out before you even get close to the ground, and by the time you see your landing zone, you can already see the scrambling forms of renegade cultists panicking at your descent.
  34. >Aiming low, you bring your boot out and deliver a solid kick to the facemask of one as you land, putting a shot into his stomach and dropping another soon after.
  35. >A nearby explosion almost throws you through the air, but you recover with the aid of your grave chute's stabilizers.
  36. >At the very least, the demolitionist was doing her job.
  37. >You open fire on the retreating renegades as you try to group back up with your squad, angry blue bolts of energy chasing violet tatters and pink stripes that each of those who had turned from the Emperor's light bore upon their bodies.
  38. >You let loose a few more bolts, then charge over a pile of ruble and activate your chute on the way down, softening the fall as you find your squadmates in an open square beyond.
  39. >"Get down!"
  40. >Not thinking twice, you duck as you go, heavy stubber rounds impacting the ground behind you.
  42. >You don't stop, not until you're pressed up against the hulk of an overturned chimera, bullets pinging off of its metal hide.
  43. >Your sergeant and the demolitionist both look almost relieved at your arrival, and it's only when you notice that the former is dressing a wound around the leg of your meltagunner that you realize what happened.
  44. "Zap, Where's Sweety?!"
  45. >You yell, just barely loud enough over the din of bullets and impact.
  46. >Sarge jerks her head towards a doorway just a few paces from your impromptu wall.
  47. >"Circling around. Bastards have us pinned and Sunny can't flush 'em out."
  48. "I thought the 13th had cleared this sector?"
  49. >"Thought so too. We need to keep moving before-"
  50. >Another explosion, this one definitely not caused by your demolitionist, throws you to the ground alongside your squad mates, and you hear an all-too-familiar scream.
  51. >Fumbling, you glance around the other side of the overturned Chimera, and what you see makes your blood run cold.
  52. >A giant beast, it's hide dark as the night sky and trimmed in silver, is lumbering across the square, your sharpshooter held tightly in its mechanical jaws as it stalks along the ferrocrete.
  53. >Giant, smoking gatling cannons move and twitch along its torso, independently tracking for movement as its four great talons paw and gouge the earth.
  54. >Standing atop it is a great warrior you can barely glimpse beneath the flowing violet cloak, but you had seen enough of the pict captures to know the orchestrater of this world's treason at a glance.
  55. "Twilex Sparkitas..."
  56. >As if able to hear the words whispered from your lips, glowing eyes snap to look at your position, violet orbs burrowing into your soul.
  57. >You duck back, holding your pistol in a death grip as your sergeant, now finished bandaging your squad mate, draws the long eviscerator from its scabbard at her back.
  58. >She gives you a nod as you hear the crunch of mechanical talons on ferrocrete get closer.
  59. >You gulp, reaching for the handset of your vox.
  61. "This is Squad Indigo to Regimental Command. Primaris Target sighted. Requesting artillery fire on secundus grouping site Alpha-17. Fire for effect."
  62. >For what feels like an eternity, the only sounds are the slow crawling of the great best to your back and the thumping of your own heart.
  63. >"Acknowledged."
  64. >The haughty, poised voice of your Regiment's Captain speaks calmly, as if aware of your terrifying situation.
  65. >You reach back and place the handset on your vox, hands shaking.
  66. >"Nothing for it now."
  67. >You glance over at Sarge, whose fingers hover over the trigger of her eviscerator.
  68. "We're not making it out of this, are we, Zap?"
  69. >At the old ganger name she left behind, your sergeant gives you a cocky grin.
  70. >"Don't think so, Lem."
  71. >"We're not going to clear the artillery strike in time."
  72. >You both glance down at the wounded meltagunner, who is leaning hard against the chimera's plate as she struggles to stand.
  73. >Your demolitionist hauls her up, then unslings her satchel.
  74. >"Well ladies, I don't think the Emperor would want to see cowardice in his girls, would he?"
  75. >You shake your head, then pull a krak grenade out from your webbing.
  76. >No more words pass between the four of you; dead women walking didn't need to.
  77. >Instead, you act, charging out as one and rushing towards the sound of scrapping claws.
  79. >The meltagunner was cut down first, a bolt shell taking her leg out from under her.
  80. >You didn't stop, hurling first one, then another krak grenade from your equipment at the grey metal beast, just as its autocannons got a lock on you.
  81. >By the time the first exploded, the great guns along its flanks began to spin, bullets chewing the ground around you, but the detonation threw its aim off.
  82. >Your demolitionist swung back to hurl her satchel charges, but another bolt pistol shot from the arch-heretic severed her arm in a spray of blood and screams.
  84. >Zap roared a challenge of rage, but it was lost over the whine of autcannon shots, and as you readied another krak grenade, you glanced up as another sound reached your ears.
  86. >You swerved around and charged alongside your sergeant, running directly at the beast and its master as the first shells began to fall around you.
  87. >Detonations, the clang of machinery, and the deafening whine as your sergeant's eviscerator bit into the hide of the heretical amalgamation of flesh and metal.
  88. >More shells, closer, as the two of you sprinted out from under the beast, splashes of oil and fluid you dared not think of coating your armor.
  89. >An explosion lit up the square in front of you, picking you up and tossing you bodily into the air, before darkness claimed you.
  91. >You didn't fear death; two wars beneath your belt against the insane and monstrous had hardened your heart to the horrors man and woman should never have to see.
  92. >Yet as your body regained consciousness, and darkness swam across your vision, a great well of anguish stabbed through your heart and mind.
  93. >Even without the ability to see yourself, let alone your surroundings, you knew you were dying, the pain in your abdomen a dull lance in your side.
  94. >Here you would die, unmourned and unloved, not even able to see your sergeant once more. To tell her-
  95. >A jostle and shift, and the pain in your side reached unbearable levels, drawing a tortured scream from your throat.
  96. >"Spike! Heel! We don't need the newest subjects dying before we return to the lab..."
  97. >As the voice, so distant and yet so close, spoke, a grey line snaked its way over your vision, grabbing at your uniform and yanking you forward.
  98. >Instantly the pain in your side dulled, not gone, but relieved, and your vision swam back into focus, just a bit.
  99. >You almost wish it hadn't, as you found yourself staring into those violet orbs of light you had glimpsed back at the square.
  100. "Twilex Sparkitas..."
  102. >The arch-heretic grunts, bursts of machine-code that scored claws into your brain washing over you.
  103. >"Flattered, but hold your tongue, loyalist dog. Flesh is of no use when it is without a mind to control it..."
  104. >You made to rose, only for the pain in your side to intensify to an unbearable level, forcing you back down.
  105. >As your head lay against hot metal plate, your gaze passes to the side, across dark violet and silver, to catch a familiar loch of blue hair.
  106. "Z-Zap..."
  107. >Following your gaze, the heretek glances down at the bound form of your sergeant, arms bound and a long blade impaled through her side, from the hide of the beast you were made to ride upon, like a grox strung to show off as a trophy.
  108. >"Brave, your sergeant, but foolish. Almost unworthy to wield such a beautiful weapon of destruction..."
  109. >She runs her fingers along the side of your sergeant's eviscerator, almost caressing the giant chainsword.
  110. >"Rejoice, guardswoman. Before the day is done, I will have opened your mind from the shackles the rotting Imperium sought to place upon you..."
  111. >She bends down, and you're finally able to see the pale skin and hair darker than even the robes she and her cultists bared their flesh to.
  112. >"Now... sleep..."
  113. >A sharp lance of pain courses through your body, before everything goes numb and dull, and darkness claims you once more.
  115. >When next you wake, you're strapped to an operating slab, dingy lights above casting a ruddy glow over your skin.
  116. >"She's awake."
  117. >You blink, hard and fast, clearing your vision just enough to see a face back from the dead.
  118. >Your squad sharpshooter is looking over you, a majority of her torso and stomach replaced with gleaming machinery and whirling bionics as she sets an IV in your arm that you can't even feel.
  119. "S-Sweety? What..."
  120. >You words come out slurred, as if you had attended another of Sergeant Lights' 'authorized shitfacing' parties.
  122. >Still, she ignores you, but as she works you're able to see a long cable attached at the base of her neck to more bionics, running behind her and up into the ceiling above.
  123. >"Wonderful. I had thought we lost her after the secondary barrage..."
  124. >The static-laced voice of the arch-hereteic Twilex digs into your ears and brain once more, before her cloaked visage creeps into view, waving your squadmate away.
  125. >Suddenly, the slab you're bound to rotates, lifting you up and setting you horizontally before her.
  126. >"You hurt Spike..."
  127. "W-Wha...?"
  128. >"My Maulerdrake. Poor thing needed an entire system purge and reforging after the mess your squad of corpse worshippers but him through."
  129. >She tsks, running a biotic hand over your cheek.
  130. >"Which is why you all will be ensuring he STAYS that way..."
  131. >A threatening, acidic tone enters her voice, coiling around your heart like a serpent.
  132. >"You see, my followers and I are simple people, much like you and your squad. We pursue knowledge that the crumbling Imperium deems heretical. We build, create, and shape. Such advances only improve those around us. Your squadmate; Sweety, you called her? Alive and well with the technology we provide. The rest as well..."
  133. >You grip tightens around your throat, causing you to choke.
  134. >"So I give you the same ultimatum I gave them. Serve beneath the Midnight Host, or forfeit your shackled hide to your corpse Emperor..."
  135. >Her grip loosens, just enough to allow you the barest movement of your head, but enough to keep a tight grip over your windpipe.
  136. >If she spoke the truth, Zap was alive, just like Sweety, and presumably the others. You could find her and escape. Return to the regiment and-
  137. >And what?
  138. >Having such direct contact with the archenemy was grounds for martial punishment, if not outright execution.
  139. >And if Sweety returned, if any of you did with the touch of the arch-enemy on you?
  140. >Twilex grins, seeing the dawning horror on your face.
  141. >"So... I assume that would be a yes?"
  143. >You grit your teeth, but nod.
  144. >Perhaps it was selfish, but you would rather live in chains alongside Zap than meet the Emperor without her.
  145. >Zap, and music. If the latter could keep you sane through war, she could keep you sane through this madness.
  146. >Instantly, Twilex's grip slackens, and she turns her back, frame easily a head over yours disappearing behind you.
  147. >"Wonderful! Then let us repair that weak flesh of yours with something a bit more... appropriate."
  148. >What followed, you could only see, not feel, whatever drugs had been dumped into your system preventing any and all sense of touch.
  149. >And given the macabre work the heretek was performing, you were almost glad for the generosity.
  150. >Flesh was cut and cleaned with an almost delicate precision despite the gruesome work, mechadendrites snaking their way from beneath her robes to act as extra limbs.
  151. >Sweety would occasionally come into view, eyes downcast and holding trays of tools and parts in bionic arms capped in hands of flesh; her actual flesh.
  152. >Yet, she never so much as spoke or looked at you, moving with an almost mechanical stiffness.
  153. >>Finally, as the drugs wore off and a dull ache worked its way into your side, the heretek stepped back, admiring her work.
  154. >"Excellent. A fine addition to the Host..."
  155. >At once, the manacles around your limbs retract, and you drop unceremoniously to the ground, stopped at the last second by an oily mechadendrite before your nose could hit the ferrocrete beneath you.
  156. >"Now... if that is all, your squadmate will lead you to your fellows. I have... personal business to attend to..."
  157. >Clanking footsteps moved past you, but your hands clutched at the edge of her robes.
  158. "W-Wait..."
  159. >Twilex paused, taking notice of your feeble action.
  160. >"Oh...?"
  161. "M-Music... please. Hymns, prayers; anything to keep that awful din from my ears..."
  162. >As you gazed up, a knowing grin split the heretek's face, before she pulled a small band from the confines of her robe.
  164. >"A gift, then, but the only one before you prove your loyalty. A bauble from the pleasure-slaved hordes of Fulgrim's sons."
  165. >She deposits the device before you, and then walks off, leaving you wondering what had come over you.
  166. >The device itself is not unlike a comms headset, although without a helm or more than its own casing to protect it, or yourself.
  167. >Pink metal and black speakers make up most of the device, with maddening, eye-straining symbols carved along the casing of each speaker's exterior.
  168. >Against your better judgement, you slip them on over your head, brushing green-dyed stands aside.
  169. >What filled your ears was almost indescribable; violent, insane music unlike any you had heard in the Imperium.
  170. >Strong, angry, but full of passion and soul, burrowing into your mind and holding you close, like that of a lover's caress, but full of deep, overpowering, and mind-numbing pleasure at the same time.
  171. >Pure ecstasy washes over you, and you're not even aware of your own body or what's going on around you for the next few minutes, lost in a sea of sound that your body rides and is carried down.
  172. >When it finally ends, the sound doesn't stop, but your body pulls itself up off the floor, both physically and metaphorically, as you recover enough of your senses to stand.
  173. >Every nerve in your body feels charged with energy, and your intimate core is sensitive to the touch from the orgasm the music rode you down.
  174. >"Having fun? 'cause I'd just LOVE to watch you cum yourself into a pleasure addict..."
  175. >You stumble, leaning heavily against a wall as you see Sweety standing before you, fleshy hands on mechanical hips.
  176. >"As if you even could with how often you kept that damn vox of yours playing..."
  177. >You grunt, sliding the headset down and around your neck, the cold metal sending a shiver down your spine.
  178. "I-I like my music... Jusht... didn't expect that kinda... the Emperor..."
  180. >You slide down, voice slurring and a drunk feeling overwhelming you, but before you sit down fully Sweety is already on you, picking you up off of the floor and righting you.
  181. >"Whatever. Sarge is waiting, and as much as I'd be fine with standing around handling medicae equipment like a glorified servitor, your girlfriend wants to see us."
  182. "W-wait, she'sh not my..."
  183. >"Whatever. Just come on..."
  184. >Unable to protest further, you follow after your squad mate, stumbling occasionally and leaning against the wall, the headset dangling around your neck.
  185. >As you pass through the ferrocrete halls and through multiple intersections, you catch glimpses of yourself in the long mirrors that line the passages, finally able to gaze at yourself.
  187. >Your hair is a wild, angry mass of green and yellow dye, the old ganger colors obvious against your torn and shredded magenta uniform and carapace armor.
  188. >Eyes of golden amber are wild and bloodshot from recaff abuse and the orgasmic high the headset had given you, which you're fairly certain cemented you into the same position Sweety was stuck in.
  189. >If not it, then the hunk of biotic organs and respiratory equipment in your chest did, gleaming metal forming a faux rib cage from just below your breasts to the middle of your stomach.
  190. >Your name is Lemion Zeikzst, and you look like one of the pleasure-cult heretics your regiment would have shot on sight.
  191. >And now, you suppose, at least part of that statement was true.
  192. >Surprisingly, that doesn't bother you as much as it should.
  193. >You hadn't joined the 33rd willingly, and now, aside from Zap, you could give less of a grox's testicle about any of those pompous guardsmen, cut from the noble house cloth.
  195. >When you both finally stop, Sweety has led you to the rest of your squad; a small barracks-like room among rows of similar ones, though as you pass, you see most of them are empty.
  196. >Given the massed cultist offensive from when you had dropped to Crystex III's surface, you're not that surprised.
  197. >Then again, how long had you been unconscious?
  198. >The sound of heated arguing draws you out of your thoughts, and you shake your head, set the thought aside, and step in.
  199. >Zap and your squad demolitionist are arguing, though it would seem to be more like the former was trying to calm a hysterical latter.
  200. >It just now strikes you that aside from your sergeant, you never actually bothered to learn any of their names.
  201. >You knew Sweety, but that was more of a nickname than her actual name.
  202. >"Look, she's our target, and a heretic, but what choice did we have?"
  203. >"Return to the regiment?! Take her out with us?! Keking hells Sarge, anything but let her shove whatever tech-heresy we have in us now!"
  204. >The explosive-throwing girl is red-faced, but somehow you just can't be bothered to care as much as she is by all of this.
  205. >Maybe it's the fact that you and Zap never really fit in the Shadowbolts to begin with...
  206. >Or, y'know, the fact that you wanted to live-
  207. >"Regardless of if we could have made a different choice, we didn't. We're all currently augmented with bionics that are likely heretical and will probably be shot on sight. You can either deal with it, or meet the Emperor by the rest of the regiment's hands."
  208. >Your squad's specialist stands up, her rapid-fire tongue cutting into the conversation with all of the blunt straightforwardness of her meltagun.
  209. >As she does, you can see that a portion of her neck has been replaced with bionics, the still-exposed augmentations creating a large splotch from neck, to shoulder, to a replacement of her clavicle.
  210. >There was also the much more obvious bionic leg; a bright silver replacement of the entire limb from just below the hip.
  212. >”You’re all insane.”
  213. >She just shrugs at your demolitionist's statement, the metal and flesh moving almost perfectly in tune with one another.
  214. >"We weren't going to return to Equis. If I'm going to die, I'd rather do it on my own terms and beg the Emperor’s forgiveness when I meet him."
  215. >As if to punctuate her statement, she steps behind Zap, folding her arms.
  216. >The grenade-chucking guardswoman grits her teeth, raising a hand to point at Zap and start yelling again, before stopping, noticing with an uncomfortable grimace that she was using her now-bionic arm.
  217. >Surprisingly, that was the only one she sported; a replacement for the one Twilex's bolt pistol had severed, the polished metal as high quality as your own augmented torso.
  218. >"Listen, Sunny..."
  219. >At the name, the demolitionist steps back from your sergeant further, stumbling back onto one of the cots that lined the room.
  220. >Concerned, Zap moves forward, but Sunny only scrambles back, trying to put more distance between them.
  221. >"I-I can't go back... to the regiment, or home, or- Kek, the Emperor! We were just forced to turn our backs on Him, and you're... how are you all so calm about this?!"
  222. >Despite her anger, she seemed to genuinely fear all of you, and the weight of your situation starts to weigh on your shoulders a bit more heavily.
  223. >Still, you shrug it off, both metaphorically and physically, fumbling with the sides of your new headset.
  224. "Dunno. I just... never really cared about the 33rd. My family wanted me to join the Guard, just like my granddad..."
  225. >The three of them all look at you and Sweety, finally seeming to notice your presence.
  226. >Sunny only seems to recoil more, glancing between Sweety's now mostly-augmented body and your disheveled and half-naked appearance.
  227. >Well, all of you were half-naked; you only had the tattered remains of your uniforms, most of which were in various states of disrepair from explosions and being torn apart to install the bionics.
  229. >You're suddenly very aware of your nakedness, and pull the shreds of your own uniform a bit tighter, cheeks flushing with feelings you do your best not to focus on.
  230. >Zap, however, is relieved, quickly rushing over and wrapping you in a tight hug, the myriad of bionic parts nearly breaking your back with the force of her embrace.
  231. >"Lem! Holy Throne, you're alright!"
  232. >Your cheeks only flush more, but you nod.
  233. "Y-Yeah, good to see you too, Zap..."
  234. >Sweety just rolls her eyes, muttering, but you're just glad to be back with your sergeant again.
  235. >"Kek, not you too..."
  236. >You and Zap break apart, giving Sunny another shrug.
  237. "I kind of didn't have a choice..."
  238. >"I don't think any of us did..."
  239. >You all glance at Sweety, who scoffs.
  240. >"Did any of you, aside from the pleasure addict over here, wake up without metal sticking to you?"
  241. >At the round of collective head shaking, she continues, voice snide and irritable.
  242. >"Exactly. She took us and made the choice for us, and given most of us need these bionics to live now, we're stuck with them."
  243. >As the sharpshooter's words ring with all of you, each of you glances away from one another, although you step a bit closer to Zap, wrapping your hand around the still-flesh one she didn't get replaced for her.
  245. >A sudden throat clear alerts you to a presence behind you, and your collective heads swerve to the doorway, finding Twilex standing in the doorway with a rather large stack of clothing in her arms.
  246. >"Am I interrupting a moment of self-reflection, or just all of you standing around pitying yourselves?"
  247. >At the comment, Sunny jumps to her feet, anger flashing across her face again.
  248. >"Pity?! You tore us from the Emperor!"
  249. >"I saved your lives after you tried to kill me. I can gladly rescind that generosity, if you would rather meet your corpse-god."
  250. >Despite the obvious threat, her tone is calm, almost casual, but not quite; a statement of the obvious more than anything.
  252. >"Regardless, for those of you who aren't suicidal, I procured spare bodygloves. I also wish to extend a small token of trust, if you desire; repair of your armor. There are ample replacement components and textiles available within the Host for such a task."
  253. >She places the pile on a cot close to the door, and then folds her hands within her robes, as if waiting.
  254. >Desiring to at least step into something with a bit more modesty, you shrug, pulling off your uniform right then and there, check to ensure your bra and panties aren't shredded too, and then reach for a bodyglove.
  255. >Surprisingly, underwear is included, which you switch into with only a bit of sheepishness, as your previous orgasm is now obvious to your squadmates, if not by the stain, then the scent.
  256. >"Holy shit, Sweety wasn't joking..."
  257. >You shrug at Sunny's comment, quickly dressing yourself and sliding the headset back over your neck, flexing your hands to try and get all of the open spaces and gaps evened out in the body suit, which stops at your neckline, like most bodygloves.
  258. "Thanks..."
  259. >"Of course. Grandfather Nurgle's touch is not a... preferred, gift, so I wish to ensure proper hygiene among my flock..."
  260. >"And what makes you think any of us are going to stay here with a heretic we were sent to kill?!"
  261. >Twilex motions to you with a hand, but elaborates nonetheless.
  262. >"I do not, but I leave the offer open should any of you see fit to remain unshackled to the Corpse Emperor's chains. Assuming, of course, your comrades even allow you to."
  263. >There's an almost devious gleam in her glowing eyes, and it's then that the realization fully dawns on you.
  264. "So you did make the choice for us..."
  265. >"Progress is not always something others are ready to accept. Sometimes a... nudge, is needed to open the eyes of others."
  266. >Her mechadendrites slide from beneath her robes, picking up your discarded uniform.
  267. >"Regardless, are any of the rest of you willing to take the same offer as her?"
  269. >Sweety grumbles, before her face splits into that obviously fake grin that alerts you of what's going to happen.
  270. >"Oh, sure, It'd just be GREAT to freely turn my back on everything I know and love for someone I've never met and was sent to murder!"
  271. >He face drops into a scowl, but surprisingly, she picks up a bodyglove and begins disrobing as well.
  272. >"I swear if there are any tentacles in this thing, I'm blowing myself up before Solara can."
  273. >It's then that you see just how badly Sweety was injured, and...
  274. >Well, it's not pretty.
  275. >She's practically a pair of hands and a head, with only the area from the middle of her stomach down being flesh, though her back is significantly better, with only the lower section and her neck replaced with metal life support equipment.
  276. >Almost like a cuirass she can't ever take off, with an added set of sleeves.
  277. >Whatever that beast Twilex was riding was, it did a number on her.
  278. >Hell, she doesn't even have her breasts anymo-
  279. >"Take a pict Zeikzst, it'll last longer."
  280. >You blush, shaking the thought out of your head as she pulls the bodyglove over her torso and lets it start molding to her skin.
  281. "S-Sorry."
  282. >"So, what, is there a cable you're going to jam into my neck again?"
  283. >She fixes a sarcastic glance at Twilex, but the heretek doesn't seem phased as her mechadendrites collect the sharpshooter's attire.
  284. >"Unnecessary. The data tether was only to aid in adjustment to the use of your bionics in a timely manner. It is not unlike an interface port, although of Skitarii Princeps grade."
  285. >You sit down on one of the cots, waiting to see what would happen next.
  286. >Surprisingly it's Sunny next, who picks up a bodyglove and shoves her way past Twilex, who steps aside before physical contact is even made.
  287. >"I'm not joining your heretical convert."
  288. >"We shall see."
  289. >She takes her position back in the doorway, leaning against the frame.
  290. >"A Throne for your thoughts, Sergeant?"
  292. >Zap rubs the back of her neck, giving you and Sweety a quick glance.
  293. >"...I'll be honest with ya, I'm not exactly too attached to my regiment. Was a ganger before the Arbites hauled me off and told me to get on the guard roster or get onto the first train for the labor pits back on Equis..."
  294. >You reach your hand up and grip hers, giving it a comforting squeeze.
  295. >"I didn't want the guard life, but it was better than back home. Still... I care about my girls. As long as you can promise that you won't be doing any more... experimentation without asking, aside from saving our lives again? ...I don't see why I shouldn't trade one uniform for another."
  296. >"You're all still insane!"
  297. >You chuckle at Sunny- Solara's call from the next room over.
  298. >"Not like I have a choice, regardless. The ganger girl having been in the presence of a heretic? I'll be shot before anyone could defend me."
  299. >"Your comrades detest your presence within the unit?"
  300. >"Ma'am, I'm a hive ganger in a regiment made up of nobles. I'm not exactly tolerated."
  301. >At the explanation, Twilex nods, chewing her lip.
  302. >"Very well. I assure you that an open mind is all that is required among the Midnight Host... and to your terms of experimentation only with the consent of your soldiers. Is this acceptable?"
  303. >"...No, but it'll do."
  304. >Zap shrugs off her ruined chestplate, and as she strips, you realize she's almost as bad as Sweety.
  305. >Her left arm being replaced with a bionic was obvious, but the damage goes so far as to take away most of her left side as well, and a chunk of her opposite side near the hip, leaving only a lightning bolt of flesh between her neck and waist.
  306. >Her spine was replaced entirely as well, and as she pulls off her helmet, you see that, although it isn't the bulky lenses of most commanders, her left eye was replaced with a bionic one, set further into her skull as to be almost unnoticeable.
  307. >Almost.
  308. "Keking Throne one Terra, Zap..."
  310. >She shrugs, giving you a wry grin as she suits up in her own bodyglove.
  311. >"Hey, at least now I can one-hand my eviscerator."
  312. >"Speaking of."
  313. >As Twilex's mechadendrites take her discarded uniform as well, she reaches a hand within her robes, pulling the long weapon, scabbard and all, from within, offering it to Zap.
  314. >"Your blade, sergeant."
  315. >"Zap's fine."
  316. >She takes the blade, pulling it from its scabbard and giving it an experimental rev, then holsters it and slides it across her back.
  317. >"But why?"
  318. >"Well for one, my reflexes are much faster than one can draw a blade, but also as a show of trust. I desire mutual cooperation, not resentment."
  319. >"Fair enough. Sugar, you in on this?"
  320. >"I already stated I wanted to die on my own terms."
  321. >She's already suited up, though you knew the extent of the damage she had sustained, so the only thing you missed was a chance to ogle her.
  322. >Not that you were wanting to... right?
  323. >"I still don't think we can trust you, but the sergeant does, and she's my commander, so I guess I have to."
  324. >The violet-robed heretek nods at her statement.
  325. >"Acceptable."
  326. >She leans back, peaking into the opposite room.
  327. >"Lady Solara, your squadmates are ready. What say you of their acceptance?"
  328. >The demolitionist barges back in, practically throwing her damaged uniform over Twilex's head.
  329. >"Heretics. All of us. Not like I have a choice..."
  330. >You stand up, throwing an arm around her.
  331. "Aw, c'mon Sunny, everything'll be fine!"
  332. >She twirls out of your grip, taking a step back as a hint of fear crosses her features.
  333. >"...Don't touch me."
  334. >You just shrug, moving to put the headset back on, then think better of it... for now, anyway.
  335. >Twilex claps her hands together.
  336. >"Excellent! The rest of the Host should be returning shortly. I shall make good on my promise and should have you properly uniformed by the time we take our meal."
  337. >And with that, she steps jauntily out of the room, leaving the five of you alone again.
  338. >"...I'm going to go get my rifle."
  340. >Sweety stands up, walking out before any of you can follow after.
  341. >"Hey, Souros, wait!"
  342. >Sarge runs to catch up, and you make a note to yourself to try and remember her name.
  343. >Sunny heaves a sigh, and then looking at you and Sugar for a moment, she decides to take her chances with Souros and Zap, speed-walking to catch up.
  344. >That leaves you and Sugar, who promptly chooses a cot and lays down, folding her arms behind her head.
  345. >"So what are those?"
  346. >You tilt your head, not quite sure what she's talking about at first, before she rolls her eyes, still not looking at you.
  347. >"The headset. What else would I be talking about? You don't have anything else on your person that is your original equipment, or the bodyglove."
  348. >You shrug, then lift them off of your neck, and examine them.
  349. "I don't actually know. I just asked for music, and she just... Iunno. Gave them to me."
  350. >"And they make you orgasm."
  351. >You blush sheepishly.
  352. "Y-Yeah."
  353. >"Weird. Heretical and weird."
  354. "Isn't that kind of, y'know, our thing now, Sugar?"
  355. >"In a way..."
  356. >You both sit there in silence for a moment.
  357. >"Coatian."
  358. "Huh?"
  359. >"Sugeroth Coatian. That's my name."
  360. "Oh, right. Sorry. I... don't really know anyone other than Zap's."
  361. >"That would explain why you never called any of us by our actual names during the Equis V uprising. You seemed practically fused to that vox set."
  362. "Kinda... sorry."
  363. >"Doesn't matter. Now you know. Try to remember it. We're probably going to have to try and remember a lot of things now..."
  364. "Right..."
  365. >You rub your eyes, then examine your headset again.
  366. >Was there maybe some kind of volume nob, or channel setting...?
  367. >You look and poke and prod over every part of the device, but find nothing.
  368. >Whatever the archenemy had used to make it, the small headset that had quite literally rocked your world would not divulge the secrets willingly.
  370. >Maybe you could just... listen to it, and get used to the sensation?
  371. >The thought is tempting, but you're kind of in your only set of clothing until Twilex finishes fixing your uniform.
  372. >You decide against it, tempting as it is, and slide the headset back around your neck.
  373. >Maybe save them for a special occasion or something.
  374. >That out of the way, you return to what you were doing.
  375. >That being kek all.
  376. >Twilex said something about the rest of the Host returning and having a meal together, but honestly you're too bored to wait however long that could take.
  377. >Sighing, you stand up and take stock of the room.
  378. >Aside from the cots, there was a storage trunk at the end of each one.
  379. >More bodygloves, robes like those the cultists you had shot before...
  380. >You spot a pack of lho sticks tucked in between some clothing, and quickly scoop them up and shove them into the hip pocket of your bodyglove, figuring Zap might want a few smokes later.
  381. >Personally you weren't big on smoking, but you gave Zap your rations of the things whenever you got a fresh kit.
  382. >Aside from combat situations, she never really cared if you spent most of the between-mission waiting listening to imperial hymns, so you figured it was only fair.
  383. >Not that you really could listen to them now, but still.
  384. >If you weren't going to have hymns and had other forms of music, your sergeant could still have a few smokes.
  385. >You shut the trunk and decide that you've had enough standing or sitting around, and decide that you had probably better find the rest of your squad.
  386. >Without even saying a word, Sugeroth follows after the moment you're out of the small barracks room, keeping a lock-step pace of two meters behind you.
  387. >It's a bit odd, how she keeps a perfect, almost neutral expression and pace all the time, even with her new leg, but you just shrug it off.
  388. >You weren't going to comment.
  389. >Every soldier had the little ways to keep sane.
  390. >Zap had her lho sticks and adrenaline-seeking attitude.
  391. >You had your music.
  392. >If being as blunt as a rebar rod was hers, so be it.
  394. >That being said, you never really GOT Sugar.
  395. >Zap did, because they were squadmates before you, Souros, and Solara were rolled into Indigo Squad after your own sergeant and specialist were out of action.
  396. >You pause, just for a moment, and glance down the hallways at an intersection, picking one at random and continuing on.
  397. >You could’ve given a shit about Suria, but seeing Coco burned alive by her Flamer tank rupturing...
  398. >A shiver runs down your spine.
  399. >Your old sergeant may have been dead, but that little squirt’s screams as the promethium boiled her flesh and melted her throat even after you managed to get her to a medicae...
  400. >Well, she lived, at least.
  401. >Couldn’t talk and had Emperor knows how many drugs and bionics shoved into her, but she got transferred to a non-combat advising position with the Ministorum’s paperwork and the Ecclesiarchy’s blessing.
  402. >Hell, maybe she’d get to join the Sororitas; little squirt always looked up to the Daughters of the Emperor.
  403. >You stop and chuckle, getting lost in the memory.
  404. >It’s then that you finally look around, finding that the two of you had walked into a large, plain mess hall devoid of life.
  405. >It makes you wonder just how large Twilex's complex is to be able to house hundreds of heretics, as well as keep them fed and clothed.
  406. >Had she been planning this?
  407. >Was the 33rd's arrival just her intention to expand her forces?
  408. >You're vaguely aware of a dark hand waving in front of your face, and snap out of your stupor to find Sugeroth standing in front of you with the same blank-faced look you'd seen on her since... ever.
  409. >"You were spacing out for five minutes."
  410. "Right, sorry. Just... wondering. How big do you think this place is?"
  411. >"Large enough to hold a platoon, at least. The complex is likely a manufactorum that was repurposed by the Midnight Host for successful use as a base of operations. Given the sheer size of the projected enemy force, they likely have several."
  413. >You hum, walking down the rows of seating as Sugar drones on about the likelihood of it being a worker's uprising before Twilex rallied them to follow her.
  414. >Most of it goes over your head, since you barely paid attention to the mission briefings, but you get the gist of it.
  415. >The long and short being that this place was big enough that getting lost in and hold a lot of heretics, and there were probably more.
  416. >If you hadn't basically accepted that you weren't going to be able to go back to the regiment, you might have considered the amount of havoc you would need to bring to destroy this place.
  417. >You both exit the room, Sugar just following along as you explore the place.
  418. >With luck, you would find Zap and the rest of the squad again.
  419. >So you make the obvious choice in this situation; you pick a random door and open it.
  420. >Upon opening one, however, you're both greeted by a pair of glowing eyes and a terrifyingly familiar set of bloodstained teeth.
  421. >Yeah, that was definitely the beast the heretek had been riding on when you first fought her.
  422. "Meep."
  423. >You try to close the door, but a silver metal... claw, holds the door open.
  424. >Maybe you could run? Neither of you were armed, and only Sugar had any chance of stopping the thing if you were.
  425. >Oh by the Emperor, you were too young and unfucked to die-
  426. >He licks you.
  427. >You pause a moment, stunned by the oily saliva-like substance now running down one of your cheeks.
  428. >The second time the beast's tongue meets your bodyglove and face, you take a step back, confused.
  429. >You're... not sure how to deal with this.
  430. >Though it seems Sugar does, as she promptly walks right past you and starts... patting the thing on the snout.
  431. >You takes another step back, wiping the drool off on your bodyglove.
  432. >Sugar just keeps petting the giant sentient engine of destruction, leaving you confused as kek at what you're both doing right now.
  433. >"Hey, Lem!"
  434. >You turn, finding Sarge and the rest of the squad following behind.
  436. >Solara is still as standoffish as she was before, keeping a few paces back, but you're now up a content Souros, who is carrying her long las across her back.
  437. >Also meant you had at least some form of protection, assuming Twilex couldn't keep her soldiers from attacking the people that were sent to shoot them.
  438. >The rifle is almost as long as she is tall, hanging from her properly only due to the fact that she had the strap slung diagonally across her torso.
  439. >You brush the thought aside, giving Zap and the others a wave.
  440. "Hey Sarge."
  441. >"Hey yourself. We found some of our gear in one of the armories around here; Twilex is stocked enough to keep an army of heavy troopers supplied! Speaking of."
  442. >She pulls out your hot-shot laspistol, handing it to you grip first.
  443. >You grunt, checking the pack's charge and then flicking the safety on, before tucking it into the pocket of your bodyglove.
  444. >It was an old, worn thing; your granddad's back when he was in the Equis 30th, cared for and tinkered with within the bounds of what was allowed by the Mechanicus members attached to his unit.
  445. >The old man had said it could melt through the armor of the unholy traitor Astartes; those space marines who had turned their back on the Emperor before or after he had ascended the Golden Throne.
  446. >He'd passed it on to you when you agreed to join the Guard, and while you had yet to see if his words were true, the custom laspistol had served you well.
  447. >Getting it back, you felt a little more whole, a little more sane in this Emperor-damned situation.
  448. >"Hey, Sugar, c'mon! Whoever was guarding the thing ain't around, so let's raid the place and get ourselves equipped."
  449. >You snap out of your thoughts, watching as Sugeroth gives the great daemonic beast a wave goodbye, before closing the door you had found it through.
  450. >"I like it. It reminds me of a giant puppy."
  451. >You roll your eyes, but still manage a chuckle.
  452. "So what's the plan after this, Sarge?"
  453. >Zap runs a hand through blue-dyed hair.
  455. >"Does 'make it up as the situation changes and shoot anything that attacks us' count as a plan?"
  456. >You give her a wry grin, following as the squad starts heading for the weapons cache.
  457. "Sounds like a plan to me."
  458. >You hear Solara scoff behind you, but she doesn't say anything beyond that.
  459. >As it turns out, the armory had more than enough to get all of you properly equipped again.
  460. >Grenade launcher, lasguns, autoguns, heavy stubbers; a plethora of weapons at your collective fingertips.
  461. >You pick up an auspex, gliding your thumb over the activation rune and watching as the markers for your squadmates appear on the datapad.
  462. >"This seems unwise. Why wasn't there a guard posted to prevent equipment theft?"
  463. >At Sugeroth's question, the rest of your squadmates heave a collective shrug, except Solara, who is cautiously glancing at the weapons arrayed before her.
  464. >"Kek, these guns are above anything even the Shadowbolts have access too..."
  465. >As she reaches to touch an automatic grenade launcher, there's a groan of metal, that stops the five of you in your tracks.
  466. "Kek was that?"
  467. >You receive your answer in the form of the floor dropping out from under you, feet dropping into a tunnel of steel that twists and turns around you, the cries of your squadmates and yourself ringing off of the metal tube.
  468. >The ride is thankfully short, as soon you see a light at the end, the tube opening up into a wider room.
  469. >Unfortunately, the landing isn't a soft one, and you quickly feel the weight and cut-off cries of Solara and Souros landing on top of you.
  470. >"Ah, that's where you were."
  471. >You look up from your position below the pile of bodies, seeing the glowing eyes of Twilex glancing down at you.
  472. >At this angle, you can actually see the features of her face; the lenses that have replaced her eyes, the unnaturally pale skin, and the dark curls of hair that peak out from beneath her hood.
  473. >You would actually think to call her beautiful, if she weren't intimidating.
  475. >She reaches down, mechadendrites quickly picking Souros and yourself up and helping the two of you stand, Solara quickly scrambling away from her mechanical aid.
  476. "Uh... whoops?"
  477. >The heretek waves a dismissive hand, turning around and walking away from you as she begins to speak.
  478. >"While I appreciate your concern, I have not summoned you to berate you on your potential thefts. Rather, I require your assistance."
  479. >You follow her, noting Sarge and Sugeroth beginning to stand up as well, disentangling their limbs from one another.
  480. >"Put simply, the returning members of the flock are making a fighting retreat, unable to slip away to this location safely. The force giving chase has spread themselves thin, leaving their flank exposed. I have directed a secondary force to encircle them. The aid of you five would ensure that the noose is properly tightened, possibly ensure an end to the conflict with minimal casualties on both sides, possibly even new recruits."
  481. >Solara is quick to jump in upon the last sentence.
  482. >"You would ask us to convince our fellow guardsmen to turn traitor?"
  483. >"No, I AM asking you to convince them."
  484. >She scowls at the back of Twilex's robed head, but you can't help but share her sentiment, just a bit.
  485. >If you were lucky, they were penal legionaires destined to die in battle anyway.
  486. >If not, then you could be fighting your fellows in the 33rd.
  487. >Not that there weren't a plethora of regiments that had been deployed alongside you to Crystex III, but...
  488. >Zap's words break you out of your thoughts.
  489. >"What if they're Shadowbolts?"
  490. >"Then I suggest you try diplomacy until the end, because I can not afford to lose a force this large. It could put all future actions in jeopardy; put the Midnight Host on the defensive."
  491. >Twilex stops in front of a table, where you find your old vox resting for you.
  492. >"While most of you agreed to join the Host, this is your final offering. You are free to leave, should you be willing to take the risks."
  494. >You pause, noting that in addition to your vox, the rest of the lost equipment your squad had been stripped of lay there; grenades, carapace armor, Sugeroth's meltagun.
  495. "Not much of a choice considering our situation, idn't it?"
  496. >"Perhaps. Despite your logically sound distrust of my position, you will find that I have yet to tamper with your equipment in any way. The bionics were simply to save your lives. You headset a gift to have you consider my offer. As far as I am aware, you have only a single use of the device. It would take many more to see the Prince of Pleasure lay claim to your soul."
  497. >You reach up, feeling the cold metal of the headset resting against your neck.
  498. "..."
  499. >Sarge reaches out and picks up her own hot-shot laspistol, checking the weapon's power supply.
  500. >"So, what, one minute you're saying we have almost no choice in joining, next you're just letting us walk away?"
  501. >Twilex shrugs.
  502. >"I require loyal members of the Host, not unfaithful soldiers of convenience. You stated you wouldn't mind trading one uniform for another. You are fully capable of deciding you would want neither uniform, slipping away from Crystex III on a shuttle and returning to the Imperium at large. Evacuations are still ongoing. It would not be a difficult task, sergeant."
  503. >Before Zap can open her mouth to retort, Sugeroth walks forward and unsheathes the combat knife from her uniform, cutting a long slash into the imperial symbol on her armor's chestplate.
  504. >She then goes about stepping out of her bodyglove and donning her armor, not sparing any of you a glance.
  505. >Sugeroth is surprisingly skinny, her body criss-crossed in old lacerations from rear to shoulders, yet each one appears systematic, uniform.
  506. "By the Emperor..."
  507. >She still doesn't look at any of you, even as she reveals burns, bullet holes, las burns...
  508. >You thought yourself lucky to not have received any major injuries in your service within His service to the Imperium.
  510. >Sugeroth, you consider at that moment, was lucky to be alive at all.
  511. >She hefts her meltagun and slides a new power pack into the anti-tank gun, then pulls her helmet down, obscuring her deadpan stare.
  512. >"Where?"
  513. >Twilex pauses, likely as taken aback as you were by the specialist's actions.
  514. >"I have an armored transport ready to take us there. Spike will be following behind to provide support should we be intercepted."
  515. >Zap sighs, following Sugar's example.
  516. >"Nothin' for it then. If Sugar's committed, I'm not leaving one of my girls behind."
  517. >That settles it for you as well, as you would rather stay by your sergeant's side.
  518. >As you had mused before; she was one of the few people in the 33rd you felt a connection to among the noble-born regiment.
  519. >The idea of leaving and trying to start over further into the Imperium was tempting, but if Zap refused to leave without Sugar, then you refused to leave without Zap.
  520. >You quickly step out of your own bodyglove and climb into your carapace armor, pausing at the last moment and stuffing the headset into the bottom of your supply pack, beneath the cot roll and your mess kit.
  521. >Maybe... you could still control it. Or sell it to some gang leader later and make a pile of thrones to live off of, once this madness was all over.
  522. >By no means were you a heretic.
  523. >None.
  524. >You were just going to ensure Souros and Zap stayed alive.
  525. >You strap your vox onto the supply pack and holster your pistol, and turn to your last two squadmates.
  526. >Souros heaves a sigh, before pulling her long las off of her shoulders.
  527. >"This is just wondeful, isn't it? Going to fight our fellow guard because of a keking heretek."
  528. >She walks past you, her biting comment lacking any enthusiasm.
  529. >"We'll probably die before we can get them to retreat..."
  530. >Your lips form into a frown, and you turn to look at Solara, who is hanging back even further from you.
  531. "...You don't have to join us, Sunny."
  532. >She flinches at the nickname, taking another step back.
  534. "Listen; I'm only goin' because Sarge is. I'm not gonna blame ya if you get back to the Imperium. You've only got an arm to worry about."
  535. >She bites her lip as you slip your helmet on.
  536. "So, where to?"
  537. >The five of you depart shortly after, Solara still not having moved as you leave.
  538. >You spare her one more backwards glance, and then jog to keep pace with Twilex's long strides.
  540. >As it turns out, Twilex's transport outside of riding on her giant mechanical daemon engine is a stripped-down Taurox, lacking any of the usual modifications or insignia that would be found with the Imperial Guard.
  541. >You were uncomfortable, being in a speeding truck with only a pair of autocannons for protection on the ground. You were far too used to jumping out of a Valkyrie; above, you didn't have to worry about getting shot from all sides.
  542. >Air superiority prevented any issue; you just had to worry about anti-aircraft fire.
  543. >Here, you had to worry about everything from heavy stubber fire to artillery shells.
  544. >The fact that Twilex's pet daemon engine was bounding behind you did little to soothe your nerves.
  545. >The Taurox bounces once more over a mound of rubble, sending you floating for a moment as your recharged grav chute kicks on.
  546. >Souros is sitting in the gunner's seat, her still-flesh hands gripping the controls as Zap drives down the roads of the forge world like a madwoman.
  547. >Twilex sits across from you, muttering in some machine-tongue and tapping away at a data slate.
  548. >Beside you, Sugeroth keys her microbead.
  549. >"How much further?"
  550. >The heretek pauses just long enough to tap her data slate twice.
  551. >"About five more minutes. We should be coming parallel to the secondary force soon. We must act quickly; the Imperial forces will pass between us soon. Reports say they appear to have chimera support."
  552. >Your blunt squadmate merely grunt in response, checking her meltagun over again.
  553. >"Lem, you alright?"
  554. >Zap doesn't take her eyes off of the road, even after she poses the question.
  556. >You fidget with your armor's straps, thinking of what to say.
  557. >"...I'm worried about her too."
  558. >Your sergeant still hasn't taken her eyes off of the road as she weaves between rubble and ferrocrete hunks.
  559. >"She'll be fine. Sunny knows how to handle herself. Maybe we'll find her later, yeah?"
  560. >You simply nod.
  561. >Twilex speaks up again, standing and locking her feet to the truck's floor.
  562. >"Up ahead. Don't fully cross the next intersection."
  563. >Zap quickly decelerates, stomping her foot on the gas pedal, then cuts the engine as the front half of the Taurox peaks out from behind the building you had stopped alongside of.
  564. >You quickly move to one of the firing slits along the side of the transport, Sugeroth standing beside you and keeping her meltagun held under her arm, the other clasping the door handle.
  565. >Above, you hear the low whine of engines as Souros traverses the pair of autocannons to aim down the roadway.
  566. >For a minute, all is silent, before you hear faint footsteps around the other side of your transport.
  567. >You reach for your pistol, but Twilex puts a hand on your own, drawing her own bolt pistol and looking through the glass of the door opposite Sugar's.
  568. >"They're from the Host."
  569. >As if to confirm to you, she opens the door, revealing a cluster of purple-robed figures sporting bits and pieces of flak armor, brandishing autoguns and at least one pair hefting a rocket launcher.
  570. >The apparentl leader, carrying a plasma pistol and a dust-covered sword, bows before his leader.
  571. >"Magos Sparkitas. Sergeant Centurios, 3rd Platoon. We came as quickly as we could."
  572. >The heretek nods, holstering her bolt pistol again as the sergeant pulls back his hood, revealing blue-dyed hair, brighter than that of Zap's own, tucked and matted beneath his gas mask.
  573. >"Sergeant. Direct your men to cover and be ready. The enemy forces should be passing through in a few minutes."
  574. >He nods, flipping his hood back up and speaking in some native tongue to his soldiers.
  576. >They quickly disperse, the rocket team setting up along the back side of your vehicle.
  577. >"Lady Zeikst, if there would be a time to appeal to your fellow guardsmen, it would be now."
  578. >You gulp, turning from Twilex's glowing purple gaze and look at Zap, who nods.
  579. >"Channels should still be good, Lem. Want me to give it a shot?"
  580. >Nodding, you hand her the handset and key the vox's headset to listen as well.
  581. >Hands flicker across the device, before you find the command channel you know that all regimental commanders used for the campaign.
  582. >Zap clears her throat a moment, before punching the activation rune.
  583. >"This is Sergeant Zap of the 33rd Shadowbolts. Any nearby units, please respond."
  584. >She lets go of the rune, and the five of you pause, listening, before a burst of static fills the Taurox.
  585. >"Captain Celeste of the 34th Wondercolts, responding. Sergeant? Reports say your squad was missing in action after calling in artillery fire to slay the Arch-Heretek of this unholy rebellion..."
  586. >The three members of your squad, as well as yourself, pause at the name.
  587. >The Wondercolts were the a rival regiment of Equis, founded alongside the Shadowbolts and its 'sister' unit.
  588. >Drawn from agricultural workers, manufactorum members, and the general working class, they clashed with the more noble Shadowbolts on several occasions... although as far as Zap and yourself were concerned, they were an alright bunch.
  589. >Zap swallows, slowly, before keying the rune again.
  590. >"Contact was lost shortly after. A local martian priest was able to treat our wounds. Primaris Target location unknown. We've been behind enemy lines since. Listen, Captain, relations between our regiments aside, I must caution you against continuing further. We've been dodging heretical patrols for hours now. Does your company have support?"
  591. >"Negative. Commands orders are to push forward and route the archenemy forces at all costs. I recommend you push to the front lines, sergeant."
  593. >You balk, giving Zap a look that she returns in kind.
  594. >"Captain, that's madness! The archenemy is crawling through these buildings; you'll be cut off!"
  595. >You both hear a sigh on the other end of the Vox.
  596. >"I have my orders, Sergeant. The Wondercolts have faced accusations of treason and harboring the taint of Chaos once before. We can not afford to disobey orders."
  597. >Across from you, Sugeroth tenses, the grip on her meltagun tightening.
  598. >The roar of engines soon greets your ears, the rumble of distant, violet-spattered trucks rolling by and purple-robed figures rushing alongside behind them, a few occasionally stopping to let loose red bolts of light behind them.
  599. >"..."
  600. >Zap keys the activation rune again.
  601. >"Captain, please..."
  602. >"...Zap, right? I remember you from the Equis V uprising..."
  603. >Zap practically chokes up, her thumb hovering above the activation rune.
  604. >"Listen. You're a good kid. A better person than most of your regiment, no offense... We're going to stir the hornet's nest either way; save yourselves and regroup. We'll be back shortly..."
  605. >A burst of blue light stabs into one of the retreating trucks, sending it end-over-end in a burst of promethium-fed fire.
  606. >Zap grips the handset tighter, hand shaking.
  607. >"Kek..."
  608. >Twilex, for her part, doesn't move, at least not until a blinding white light bursts into being in front of the Taurox.
  609. >From there, everything goes to hell.
  610. >Blue bolts race through the air around the vehicle's open door, and at least one blows out the glass from one of the four miniature glass plates that allow Souros and Zap to see in front of them, passing between the two and causing them to duck down.
  611. >"Kek me!"
  612. >Twilex grunts beside you.
  613. >"They split their forces..."
  614. >Zap slams the handset down and reaches for her pistol.
  615. >"Sugar! You're the one who wanted to do this; your call!"
  616. >The meltagunner pauses a moment, before she keys her microbead.
  617. >"Twilex. Orders."
  618. >The heretek taps her dataslate, then slides it into her robes.
  620. >"The ambush is useless now. I've ordered a full retreat. We need to distract the enemy company and allow most of them to escape."
  621. >She lets out a burst of static, Spike quickly clambering over on all fours, lowering his head to allow his master to climb atop his metal hide.
  622. >"Leave if you wish. They'll be after me."
  623. >She draws her bolt pistol and locks her feet to his carapace, before a field of violet energy encircles her.
  624. >Letting out a war cry, the duo of woman and machine charge past your squad's vehicle.
  626. >You all pause, just for a moment, and look at one another, before Sugeroth kicks open her door and hops out.
  627. >"Sugar, what on Terra are you keking doing!?"
  628. >She rushes out anyway, ignoring Zap's question and keying her microbead as she does so.
  629. >"She's here, Sergeant. I know she is. I won't let more die because of her."
  630. >"Who?! Kekking idiot-!"
  631. >Cursing, Zap chases after her, Souros and yourself on her heals as the three of you charge after Sugeroth.
  632. >Surprisingly, the four of you aren't shot the second you clear the truck, both sides engaging one another, and only a few stray las-bolts coming anywhere near you, most of them off-mark by a wide margin.
  633. >Even as you come within grenade-throwing distance of the Imperial lines, they aim away from you, blue and gold uniformed soldiers parting to let you through.
  634. >You're actually thankful for Twilex's repairs to your armor, as the distinctive magenta of the 33rd's armor probably just saved your lives.
  635. >"Yeah, you're welcome!"
  636. >You hear the indignant yell of one of the Wondercolts call after you, but you ignore it, running past their Chimera to catch up with Sugeroth.
  637. >A moment later, you're all charging down the empty streets in the darkness, the occasional burst of light from a passing Chimera or Taurox preventing the use of your helmet's photo-visors without potentially blinding yourself.
  638. >"Kek, Sugar, slow down!"
  639. >Your squadmate keeps a few steps ahead.
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