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Jul 12th, 2012
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  1. #######################################
  2. #     [ - Owned and Exposed - ] #
  3. # Brought to you by the D33Ds Company #
  4. # #
  5. # Target: <censored> #
  6. # Method: Union-based SQL Injection #
  7. # #
  8. #######################################
  9. -------------
  10. Jump to:
  12. 1. MySQL Variables
  13. 2. Database/Table/Column Names
  14. 3. email:pass dump (450k users)
  15. 4. Final Notes
  16. -------------
  20. 1. MySQL Variables
  21. ------------------
  24. CHARACTER_SETS_DIR =>> /home/y/share/mysql/charsets/
  25. HAVE_CRYPT =>> YES
  26. CONNECT_TIMEOUT =>> 10
  27. INNODB_VERSION =>> 1.0.9
  29. MAX_BINLOG_SIZE =>> 1073741824
  30. BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE =>> 32768
  32. BACK_LOG =>> 50
  33. FT_MIN_WORD_LEN =>> 3
  34. TABLE_OPEN_CACHE =>> 6144
  36. MAX_HEAP_TABLE_SIZE =>> 67108864
  41. BASEDIR =>> /home/y/
  45. SLOW_LAUNCH_TIME =>> 2
  47. MAX_JOIN_SIZE =>> 18446744073709551615
  49. RELAY_LOG_INDEX =>> /home/y/var/mysql/data/mysqld-relay-bin.index
  54. COLLATION_DATABASE =>> utf8_general_ci
  55. WAIT_TIMEOUT =>> 300
  56. FT_MAX_WORD_LEN =>> 84
  60. INIT_FILE =>>
  62. INIT_SLAVE =>>
  63. MYISAM_SORT_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 134217728
  64. FLUSH =>> OFF
  69. INSERT_ID =>> 0
  72. PSEUDO_THREAD_ID =>> 48549246
  74. NET_RETRY_COUNT =>> 10
  75. GROUP_CONCAT_MAX_LEN =>> 1024
  76. JOIN_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 131072
  77. INNODB_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 8388608
  78. MAX_ERROR_COUNT =>> 64
  80. READ_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 131072
  82. DELAYED_QUEUE_SIZE =>> 1000
  85. VERSION_COMPILE_OS =>> unknown-linux-gnu
  87. SQL_NOTES =>> ON
  92. MAX_CONNECT_ERRORS =>> 999999999
  96. MAX_CONNECTIONS =>> 900
  98. MYISAM_STATS_METHOD =>> nulls_unequal
  100. RELAY_LOG =>> /home/y/var/mysql/data/mysqld-relay-bin
  102. LANGUAGE =>> /home/y/share/mysql/english/
  103. MULTI_RANGE_COUNT =>> 256
  104. SYNC_FRM =>> ON
  107. LOG_OUTPUT =>> FILE
  108. LOG_WARNINGS =>> 1
  109. INNODB_IO_CAPACITY =>> 200
  111. PROTOCOL_VERSION =>> 10
  112. MAX_SORT_LENGTH =>> 1024
  114. COLLATION_SERVER =>> utf8_unicode_ci
  116. FT_BOOLEAN_SYNTAX =>> + -><()~*:""&|
  120. NET_BUFFER_LENGTH =>> 8192
  122. FT_STOPWORD_FILE =>> (built-in)
  125. SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL =>> ON
  128. LONG_QUERY_TIME =>> 3.000000
  129. NET_READ_TIMEOUT =>> 30
  130. BULK_INSERT_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 8388608
  131. GENERAL_LOG =>> OFF
  132. NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT =>> 60
  135. QUERY_CACHE_MIN_RES_UNIT =>> 4096
  136. KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE =>> 1024
  138. MAX_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE =>> 18446744073709547520
  143. INNODB_CHANGE_BUFFERING =>> inserts
  144. PRELOAD_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 32768
  145. READ_RND_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 262144
  147. INNODB_FILE_FORMAT =>> Antelope
  149. BIG_TABLES =>> OFF
  150. LARGE_PAGE_SIZE =>> 0
  151. SQL_SELECT_LIMIT =>> 18446744073709551615
  152. SQL_LOG_BIN =>> ON
  153. DATE_FORMAT =>> %Y-%m-%d
  155. READ_ONLY =>> ON
  156. QUERY_PREALLOC_SIZE =>> 8192
  157. RAND_SEED1 =>>
  158. PLUGIN_DIR =>> /home/y/lib64/mysql/plugin
  159. INNODB_DATA_FILE_PATH =>> ibdata1:256M:autoextend
  160. MAX_SEEKS_FOR_KEY =>> 18446744073709551615
  161. QUERY_CACHE_LIMIT =>> 1048576
  163. PROFILING =>> OFF
  164. SSL_CERT =>>
  166. MYISAM_MAX_SORT_FILE_SIZE =>> 21474836480
  168. THREAD_STACK =>> 262144
  169. GENERAL_LOG_FILE =>> /home/y/logs/mysql/mysql-general.log
  170. OPEN_FILES_LIMIT =>> 16384
  173. LOG_SLOW_VERBOSITY =>> microtime,query_plan
  174. LAST_INSERT_ID =>> 0
  175. TMPDIR =>> /home/y/var/mysql/tmp
  176. PID_FILE =>> /home/y/var/mysql/
  177. EXPIRE_LOGS_DAYS =>> 99
  183. RELAY_LOG_INFO_FILE =>> /home/y/var/mysql/data/
  184. SSL_CAPATH =>>
  186. VERSION_COMMENT =>> (RHEL 64-bit)
  188. IDENTITY =>> 0
  193. VERSION =>>
  194. MAX_WRITE_LOCK_COUNT =>> 18446744073709551615
  199. COLLATION_CONNECTION =>> utf8_general_ci
  202. SERVER_ID =>> 1653317904
  205. TABLE_TYPE =>> InnoDB
  206. CHARACTER_SET_SYSTEM =>> utf8
  208. INIT_CONNECT =>> SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci; SET NAMES utf8
  209. DATADIR =>> /home/y/var/mysql/data/
  211. INNODB_DATA_HOME_DIR =>> /home/y/var/mysql/ibdata
  212. AUTOCOMMIT =>> ON
  214. SSL_CA =>>
  217. TIME_FORMAT =>> %H:%i:%s
  218. TMP_TABLE_SIZE =>> 67108864
  222. MAX_LENGTH_FOR_SORT_DATA =>> 1024
  223. ERROR_COUNT =>> 0
  224. HOSTNAME =>>
  227. SYNC_BINLOG =>> 0
  228. LOG_BIN =>> ON
  230. SQL_MODE =>>
  231. INNODB_OPEN_FILES =>> 300
  233. INNODB_FILE_FORMAT_CHECK =>> Barracuda
  236. SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE =>> 18446744073709551615
  238. NEW =>> OFF
  239. KEY_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 268435456
  243. REPORT_PORT =>> 3306
  244. HAVE_CSV =>> YES
  245. INNODB_LOG_GROUP_HOME_DIR =>> /home/y/var/mysql/iblog
  248. CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT =>> utf8
  249. LOG_SLOW_RATE_LIMIT =>> 1
  253. SLAVE_NET_TIMEOUT =>> 3600
  256. SSL_CIPHER =>>
  257. LOCAL_INFILE =>> ON
  260. HAVE_INNODB =>> YES
  262. THREAD_HANDLING =>> one-thread-per-connection
  264. LOG_ERROR =>> /home/y/logs/mysql/mysqld.err
  265. MYISAM_MMAP_SIZE =>> 18446744073709551615
  266. REPORT_USER =>>
  268. LOG =>> OFF
  269. TIMESTAMP =>> 1340563325
  272. LC_TIME_NAMES =>> en_US
  273. DATETIME_FORMAT =>> %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
  276. MAX_TMP_TABLES =>> 32
  277. MAX_RELAY_LOG_SIZE =>> 0
  278. SQL_LOG_OFF =>> OFF
  279. LICENSE =>> GPL
  280. SLOW_QUERY_LOG_FILE =>> /home/y/logs/mysql/mysqld-slow.log
  281. INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE =>> 67108864
  283. PORT =>> 3306
  284. SECURE_AUTH =>> OFF
  285. OLD =>> OFF
  286. WARNING_COUNT =>> 0
  288. MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET =>> 16777216
  293. STORAGE_ENGINE =>> InnoDB
  300. INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE =>> 16777216000
  304. SORT_BUFFER_SIZE =>> 524288
  307. RPL_RECOVERY_RANK =>> 0
  308. QUERY_CACHE_SIZE =>> 134217728
  309. SOCKET =>> /tmp/mysql.sock
  310. LOG_SLOW_FILTER =>>
  311. OPTIMIZER_SWITCH =>> index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on
  312. RAND_SEED2 =>>
  314. REPORT_HOST =>>
  315. SLAVE_LOAD_TMPDIR =>> /home/y/var/mysql/tmp
  319. SSL_KEY =>>
  320. FLUSH_TIME =>> 0
  323. 2. Database/Table/Column Names
  324. -------------------------------
  326. [ * ] schema_name ==> table_name :::: column_name
  329. information_schema =>> CHARACTER_SETS :::: CHARACTER_SET_NAME
  330. information_schema =>> CHARACTER_SETS :::: DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME
  331. information_schema =>> CHARACTER_SETS :::: DESCRIPTION
  332. information_schema =>> CHARACTER_SETS :::: MAXLEN
  333. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: CLIENT
  334. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: TOTAL_CONNECTIONS
  335. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS
  336. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: CONNECTED_TIME
  337. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: BUSY_TIME
  338. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: CPU_TIME
  339. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: BYTES_RECEIVED
  340. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: BYTES_SENT
  341. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: BINLOG_BYTES_WRITTEN
  342. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: ROWS_FETCHED
  343. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: ROWS_UPDATED
  344. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: TABLE_ROWS_READ
  345. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: SELECT_COMMANDS
  346. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: UPDATE_COMMANDS
  347. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: OTHER_COMMANDS
  348. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: COMMIT_TRANSACTIONS
  349. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: ROLLBACK_TRANSACTIONS
  350. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: DENIED_CONNECTIONS
  351. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: LOST_CONNECTIONS
  352. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: ACCESS_DENIED
  353. information_schema =>> CLIENT_STATISTICS :::: EMPTY_QUERIES
  354. information_schema =>> COLLATIONS :::: COLLATION_NAME
  355. information_schema =>> COLLATIONS :::: CHARACTER_SET_NAME
  356. information_schema =>> COLLATIONS :::: ID
  357. information_schema =>> COLLATIONS :::: IS_DEFAULT
  358. information_schema =>> COLLATIONS :::: IS_COMPILED
  359. information_schema =>> COLLATIONS :::: SORTLEN
  362. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: TABLE_CATALOG
  363. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: TABLE_SCHEMA
  364. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: TABLE_NAME
  365. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: COLUMN_NAME
  366. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: ORDINAL_POSITION
  367. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: COLUMN_DEFAULT
  368. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: IS_NULLABLE
  369. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: DATA_TYPE
  370. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
  371. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH
  372. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: NUMERIC_PRECISION
  373. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: NUMERIC_SCALE
  374. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: CHARACTER_SET_NAME
  375. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: COLLATION_NAME
  376. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: COLUMN_TYPE
  377. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: COLUMN_KEY
  378. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: EXTRA
  379. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: PRIVILEGES
  380. information_schema =>> COLUMNS :::: COLUMN_COMMENT
  381. information_schema =>> COLUMN_PRIVILEGES :::: GRANTEE
  382. information_schema =>> COLUMN_PRIVILEGES :::: TABLE_CATALOG
  383. information_schema =>> COLUMN_PRIVILEGES :::: TABLE_SCHEMA
  384. information_schema =>> COLUMN_PRIVILEGES :::: TABLE_NAME
  385. information_schema =>> COLUMN_PRIVILEGES :::: COLUMN_NAME
  386. information_schema =>> COLUMN_PRIVILEGES :::: PRIVILEGE_TYPE
  387. information_schema =>> COLUMN_PRIVILEGES :::: IS_GRANTABLE
  388. information_schema =>> INDEX_STATISTICS :::: TABLE_SCHEMA
  389. information_schema =>> INDEX_STATISTICS :::: TABLE_NAME
  390. information_schema =>> INDEX_STATISTICS :::: INDEX_NAME
  391. information_schema =>> INDEX_STATISTICS :::: ROWS_READ
  392. information_schema =>> ENGINES :::: ENGINE
  393. information_schema =>> ENGINES :::: SUPPORT
  394. information_schema =>> ENGINES :::: COMMENT
  395. information_schema =>> ENGINES :::: TRANSACTIONS
  396. information_schema =>> ENGINES :::: XA
  397. information_schema =>> ENGINES :::: SAVEPOINTS
  398. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: EVENT_CATALOG
  399. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: EVENT_SCHEMA
  400. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: EVENT_NAME
  401. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: DEFINER
  402. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: TIME_ZONE
  403. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: EVENT_BODY
  404. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: EVENT_DEFINITION
  405. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: EVENT_TYPE
  406. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: EXECUTE_AT
  407. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: INTERVAL_VALUE
  408. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: INTERVAL_FIELD
  409. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: SQL_MODE
  410. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: STARTS
  411. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: ENDS
  412. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: STATUS
  413. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: ON_COMPLETION
  414. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: CREATED
  415. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: LAST_ALTERED
  416. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: LAST_EXECUTED
  417. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: EVENT_COMMENT
  418. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: ORIGINATOR
  419. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT
  420. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: COLLATION_CONNECTION
  421. information_schema =>> EVENTS :::: DATABASE_COLLATION
  422. information_schema =>> FILES :::: FILE_ID
  423. information_schema =>> FILES :::: FILE_NAME
  424. information_schema =>> FILES :::: FILE_TYPE
  425. information_schema =>> FILES :::: TABLESPACE_NAME
  426. information_schema =>> FILES :::: TABLE_CATALOG
  427. information_schema =>> FILES :::: TABLE_SCHEMA
  428. information_schema =>> FILES :::: TABLE_NAME
  429. information_schema =>> FILES :::: LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME
  430. information_schema =>> FILES :::: LOGFILE_GROUP_NUMBER
  431. information_schema =>> FILES :::: ENGINE
  432. information_schema =>> FILES :::: FULLTEXT_KEYS
  433. information_schema =>> FILES :::: DELETED_ROWS
  434. information_schema =>> FILES :::: UPDATE_COUNT
  435. information_schema =>> FILES :::: FREE_EXTENTS
  436. information_schema =>> FILES :::: TOTAL_EXTENTS
  437. information_schema =>> FILES :::: EXTENT_SIZE
  438. information_schema =>> FILES :::: INITIAL_SIZE
  439. information_schema =>> FILES :::: MAXIMUM_SIZE
  440. information_schema =>> FILES :::: AUTOEXTEND_SIZE
  441. information_schema =>> FILES :::: CREATION_TIME
  442. information_schema =>> FILES :::: LAST_UPDATE_TIME
  443. information_schema =>> FILES :::: LAST_ACCESS_TIME
  444. information_schema =>> FILES :::: RECOVER_TIME
  445. information_schema =>> FILES :::: TRANSACTION_COUNTER
  446. information_schema =>> FILES :::: VERSION
  447. information_schema =>> FILES :::: ROW_FORMAT
  448. information_schema =>> FILES :::: TABLE_ROWS
  449. information_schema =>> FILES :::: AVG_ROW_LENGTH
  450. information_schema =>> FILES :::: DATA_LENGTH
  451. information_schema =>> FILES :::: MAX_DATA_LENGTH
  452. information_schema =>> FILES :::: INDEX_LENGTH
  453. information_schema =>> FILES :::: DATA_FREE
  454. information_schema =>> FILES :::: CREATE_TIME
  455. information_schema =>> FILES :::: UPDATE_TIME
  456. information_schema =>> FILES :::: CHECK_TIME
  457. information_schema =>> FILES :::: CHECKSUM
  458. information_schema =>> FILES :::: STATUS
  459. information_schema =>> FILES :::: EXTRA
  460. information_schema =>> GLOBAL_STATUS :::: VARIABLE_NAME
  461. information_schema =>> GLOBAL_STATUS :::: VARIABLE_VALUE
  462. information_schema =>> GLOBAL_VARIABLES :::: VARIABLE_NAME
  463. information_schema =>> GLOBAL_VARIABLES :::: VARIABLE_VALUE
  464. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
  465. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
  466. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: CONSTRAINT_NAME
  467. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: TABLE_CATALOG
  468. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: TABLE_SCHEMA
  469. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: TABLE_NAME
  470. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: COLUMN_NAME
  471. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: ORDINAL_POSITION
  472. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT
  473. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA
  474. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME
  475. information_schema =>> KEY_COLUMN_USAGE :::: REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME
  476. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: TABLE_CATALOG
  477. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: TABLE_SCHEMA
  478. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: TABLE_NAME
  479. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: PARTITION_NAME
  480. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: SUBPARTITION_NAME
  481. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION
  482. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: SUBPARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION
  483. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: PARTITION_METHOD
  484. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: SUBPARTITION_METHOD
  485. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: PARTITION_EXPRESSION
  486. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: SUBPARTITION_EXPRESSION
  487. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: PARTITION_DESCRIPTION
  488. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: TABLE_ROWS
  489. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: AVG_ROW_LENGTH
  490. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: DATA_LENGTH
  491. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: MAX_DATA_LENGTH
  492. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: INDEX_LENGTH
  493. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: DATA_FREE
  494. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: CREATE_TIME
  495. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: UPDATE_TIME
  496. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: CHECK_TIME
  497. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: CHECKSUM
  498. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: PARTITION_COMMENT
  499. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: NODEGROUP
  500. information_schema =>> PARTITIONS :::: TABLESPACE_NAME
  501. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_NAME
  502. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_VERSION
  503. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_STATUS
  504. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_TYPE
  505. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_TYPE_VERSION
  506. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_LIBRARY
  507. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_LIBRARY_VERSION
  508. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_AUTHOR
  509. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION
  510. information_schema =>> PLUGINS :::: PLUGIN_LICENSE
  511. information_schema =>> PROCESSLIST :::: ID
  512. information_schema =>> PROCESSLIST :::: USER
  513. information_schema =>> PROCESSLIST :::: HOST
  514. information_schema =>> PROCESSLIST :::: DB
  515. information_schema =>> PROCESSLIST :::: COMMAND
  516. information_schema =>> PROCESSLIST :::: TIME
  517. information_schema =>> PROCESSLIST :::: STATE
  518. information_schema =>> PROCESSLIST :::: INFO
  519. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: QUERY_ID
  520. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: SEQ
  521. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: STATE
  522. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: DURATION
  523. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: CPU_USER
  524. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: CPU_SYSTEM
  525. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: CONTEXT_VOLUNTARY
  526. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: CONTEXT_INVOLUNTARY
  527. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: BLOCK_OPS_IN
  528. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: BLOCK_OPS_OUT
  529. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: MESSAGES_SENT
  530. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: MESSAGES_RECEIVED
  531. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: PAGE_FAULTS_MAJOR
  532. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: PAGE_FAULTS_MINOR
  533. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: SWAPS
  534. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: SOURCE_FUNCTION
  535. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: SOURCE_FILE
  536. information_schema =>> PROFILING :::: SOURCE_LINE
  538. information_schema =>> REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS :::: CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
  539. information_schema =>> REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS :::: CONSTRAINT_NAME
  543. information_schema =>> REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS :::: MATCH_OPTION
  544. information_schema =>> REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS :::: UPDATE_RULE
  545. information_schema =>> REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS :::: DELETE_RULE
  546. information_schema =>> REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS :::: TABLE_NAME
  548. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: SPECIFIC_NAME
  549. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: ROUTINE_CATALOG
  550. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: ROUTINE_SCHEMA
  551. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: ROUTINE_NAME
  552. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: ROUTINE_TYPE
  553. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: DTD_IDENTIFIER
  554. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: ROUTINE_BODY
  555. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: ROUTINE_DEFINITION
  556. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: EXTERNAL_NAME
  557. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: EXTERNAL_LANGUAGE
  558. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: PARAMETER_STYLE
  559. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: IS_DETERMINISTIC
  560. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: SQL_DATA_ACCESS
  561. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: SQL_PATH
  562. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: SECURITY_TYPE
  563. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: CREATED
  564. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: LAST_ALTERED
  565. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: SQL_MODE
  566. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: ROUTINE_COMMENT
  567. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: DEFINER
  568. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT
  569. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: COLLATION_CONNECTION
  570. information_schema =>> ROUTINES :::: DATABASE_COLLATION
  571. information_schema =>> SCHEMATA :::: CATALOG_NAME
  572. information_schema =>> SCHEMATA :::: SCHEMA_NAME
  573. information_schema =>> SCHEMATA :::: DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME
  574. information_schema =>> SCHEMATA :::: DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME
  575. information_schema =>> SCHEMATA :::: SQL_PATH
  576. information_schema =>> SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES :::: GRANTEE
  577. information_schema =>> SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES :::: TABLE_CATALOG
  578. information_schema =>> SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES :::: TABLE_SCHEMA
  579. information_schema =>> SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES :::: PRIVILEGE_TYPE
  580. information_schema =>> SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES :::: IS_GRANTABLE
  581. information_schema =>> SESSION_STATUS :::: VARIABLE_NAME
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