
Cadence / Spike stuffing WIP

Sep 11th, 2015
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  1. In the depths of the Crystal Empire Castle...
  3. “All this...for me?!” Spike looked up in amazement at the mountains of gems before him, already starting to salivate while his eyes darted around at the various sparkling colors piled up two or even three stories high; the pink princess next to him giggling softly.
  5. “It’s the least we can do to repay you, Spike.” Cadence gently patted the dragon’s head, grinning down at him. “And there’s certainly enough harvest-able crystals around the kingdom, so a little gift for its savior every once in a while isn’t going to hurt us.”
  7. With a big grin, the little dragon immediately darted forward and dove towards the closest pile of gems, burying himself in the crystals and stuffing as many into his mouth as he could; the room filling with sounds of crunching, gulping, and pleased groans as the little dragon feasted. Cadence watched with a grin as the first pile of gems quickly shrunk down more and more, soon disappearing into the hungry maw below them, until the dragon was visible once more, laying atop the gems that fell to his sides. Though now, the once little dragon now seemed to have a sizable belly jutting out above him, both of his hands rubbing over it.
  9. "Mmnh...oh Celestia, that was fantastic!" he groaned, licking his lips and patting his pudgy paunch, Cadence's eyes lidding slightly to the sight before her. "Still hungry...nnh, though..." Spike grinned and continued to reach for the gems around him, stuffing them into his mouth as the princess approached.
  11. "Well, someone certainly was hungry." Cadence teased, stepping up in front of Spike and smiling down at him; the dragon burping and blushing in response, smiling back up at her.
  13. "Heh...y-yeah, I haven't eaten since I left Ponyville." Spike licked his lips again, groaning softly as he got back up to his feet, all of the added weight in his hefty belly making it a bit tough to move already. "These are so good, though! Each one was almost as good as an aged Fire Ruby!" he grinned wide, hobbling over to the next pile of gems and spreading his arms, before leaning forward, letting himself fall into the big pile; Cadence stepping back as the towering mound of gems collapsed down on top of Spike, before the sounds of his ravenous feasting returned.
  15. Just like the first pile, the next mound of gems quickly shrunk down, this time revealing an even bigger Spike laying down on his back atop some gems; his belly almost the same size as the rest of his body, immensely swollen and rounded out with how much he had consumed. "Aah...that really hit the spot." he groaned blissfully, both hands rubbing over his huge gut while Cadence walked up to him again.
  17. The princess' eyes were slightly lidded now as she gazed over Spike's inflated belly, her horn glowing softly, adding another source of rubbing to Spike's belly in the form of a soft, tingly magic. "I'm so glad to hear that, Spike." her cheeks lightly blushed as she listened to the dragon's pleased groans, along the the constant churning and gurgling of his filled belly. "Surely you'd like just a little more, though?" her horn glowed a little brighter as she began to levitate gems over from another pile, a string of them floating through the air in single-file and stopping just above Spike's head.
  19. “I suppose...mnh...just a few more couldn’t hu-mmph!” Spike suddenly found his mouth being stuffed with the gems, starting to crunch them between his teeth while Cadence lifted a hoof and pressed it to his belly.
  21. “Good...I want you to enjoy as many of these gems as you can, my dear.” Cadence grinned down at the dragon, stroking her hoof over his ballooned-out belly, feeling it churning and sloshing as even more gems were gulped down inside it; her magic supplying the dragon with an endless stream of gems, more and more of them pushing into his mouth after each mouthful he swallowed.
  23. “Mmpmmh...mmmh!” Spike groaned through each mouthful, closing his eyes now as he felt his belly expanding even further outward, getting heavier on top of his small body. Even though he felt pretty full, each serving of gems only seemed to spark a more cravings, their sweet taste becoming almost intoxicating to him. The stroking hoof on his belly also began to feel quite pleasant, especially when it bumped over his belly button, which had popped outward and was swelling bigger along with his gut.
  25. “Hmm...if I had known you enjoyed these kinds of gems so much, I would have brought you here sooner, Spike.” Cadence teased, lightly blushing now as she watched Spike’s belly swell before her eyes, now much bigger than the dragon it was attached to; each gulp from the little dragon adding multiple inches to his belly.
  27. By now, the blimp-bellied dragon had fallen into a blissful state; his eyes still closed while he mindlessly chewed away at the gems pushing into his mouth, breathing quite heavily through his nostrils with his mouth constantly being stuffed. The only other thing that seemed to register in his mind was the strong tingling in his gut, spurred on by the princess who was rubbing it.
  29. With both of her hooves now, Cadence continued to stroke and rub the dragon's belly, feeling it lightly rumbling with each loud gurgle and groan from within. "Oh,'re getting so big." she softly spoke, her cheeks still blushing; quite obviously enjoying feeding the dragon just as much as he was enjoying being fed. With the scaly belly easily three times the size of its owner, she brought her magic to a temporary halt, allowing the dragon to finally clear his mouth for a few moments.
  31. "Aahh...nnh, sooo goooood..." Spike moaned, his hands rubbing over the sides of his belly as well, really starting to feel its weight pressing him down against the floor, though the pressure against his back was barely noticeable due to the wonderful feeling Cadence's hooves were providing. An especially blissful groan escaped his lips as he felt the princess' snout starting to nuzzle against his belly button; easily the size of a golf ball and far more sensitive than any other part of his gut, even the soft nuzzling seeming to provide a strong tingly pleasure that rippled through the wobbling fat of his belly.
  33. With a pleased sigh of her own, Cadence continued to rub her hooves over the massive scaled paunch, her fully-spread wings only further showing her own enjoyment of the situation, while her ears remained perked up, listening for all of the lovely sounds the dragon's belly was producing, along with the cute moans and groans from down below. "I wonder how much bigger you can get, Spike." she grinned and pressed one of her hooves to the dragon's popped-out navel, rubbing around in circles, which only elicited further blissful groans from below. With that, she continued to stuff the dragon's maw with gems again, pressing the side of her head against his massive gut and listening to the various churns and gurgles from within as more gems were stuffed down into Spike's stomach.
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