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a guest
Oct 7th, 2015
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  1. cvt 1024 768 60
  2. # 1024x768 59.92 Hz (CVT 0.79M3) hsync: 47.82 kHz; pclk: 63.50 MHz
  3. Modeline "1024x768_60.00" 63.50 1024 1072 1176 1328 768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync
  4. timea@timea-Aspire-5750G ~ $ sudo xrandr --newmode "1024x768_60.00" 63.50 1024 1072 1176 1328 768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync
  5. [sudo] password for timea:
  6. timea@timea-Aspire-5750G ~ $ sudo xrandr -q
  7. Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 2390 x 768, maximum 32767 x 32767
  8. LVDS1 connected primary 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 194mm
  9. 1366x768 60.0*+
  10. 1360x768 59.8 60.0
  11. 1280x720 60.0
  12. 1024x768 60.0
  13. 1024x576 60.0
  14. 960x540 60.0
  15. 800x600 60.3 56.2
  16. 864x486 60.0
  17. 640x480 59.9
  18. 720x405 60.0
  19. 680x384 60.0
  20. 640x360 60.0
  21. DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
  22. HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
  23. VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
  24. VIRTUAL1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
  25. VGA-1-2 connected 1024x768+1366+0 0mm x 0mm
  26. 1024x768 60.0*
  27. 800x600 60.3 56.2
  28. 848x480 60.0
  29. 640x480 59.9
  30. 1024x768_60.00 (0x120) 63.5MHz
  31. h: width 1024 start 1072 end 1176 total 1328 skew 0 clock 47.8KHz
  32. v: height 768 start 771 end 775 total 798 clock 59.9Hz
  33. 1024x768 (0x43) 65.0MHz
  34. h: width 1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew 0 clock 48.4KHz
  35. v: height 768 start 771 end 777 total 806 clock 60.0Hz
  36. 800x600 (0x44) 40.0MHz
  37. h: width 800 start 840 end 968 total 1056 skew 0 clock 37.9KHz
  38. v: height 600 start 601 end 605 total 628 clock 60.3Hz
  39. 800x600 (0x45) 36.0MHz
  40. h: width 800 start 824 end 896 total 1024 skew 0 clock 35.2KHz
  41. v: height 600 start 601 end 603 total 625 clock 56.2Hz
  42. timea@timea-Aspire-5750G ~ $ sudo xrandr --addmode VGA-1-2 1024x768_60.00
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