
OIl Spill Event (in progress)

Jan 26th, 2020
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  1. <I>{On a light note!}</I> “WAIT WAIT WAIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!” Shouting and a ruckus took place as zipping through far off region from the buses was a green blur! “Hrrnnngghhh PFAW!” FOOP! It eventually faded only to form the figure of one Izuku Midoriya who had literally baseball slid face first to get there. Quite a few bags were upon his person, filled to the brim with things that he needed and BEYOND that just in case. “Errrgggghhhh...Present.” Pushing himself up from where he had slid, the three bags he carried were hefted with gusto into the proper place of the busses and...he waived to everyone present, outside and in. “H-Hey everyone! Ow....” Band aid was needed and procured to his nose and without further ado, the Green Bean set himself upon the bus with a loud almost tired sigh. Time escaped him at one point and he basically had to toss everything into the right places and use all the speed his legs could muster to get here! To put it bluntly, he wasn’t pooped but he could use a seat and thus, the first seat he could reached he practically fell into. “Ugh...What I miss? Oop...” Nezu spoke up and he listened was then Izuku also took a head count of people who were coming. Familiar faces, friends, unfamiliar faces and the works! Huh, sounded like quite the trip...Oh! “...Hiya Purple.” A tiny wink was given to Jiro sitting directly behind him, as was a little wave. Her presence made him relax a bit more. “...Looks like we madddeeee it.” And how!
  3. Jiro: pulled up her jacket some. eh...isn't big on bus rides, the crowdedness sucks. blinked before she saw izuku show up, that makes it a little better. sat up some, leaning her arms against izuku's seat with her chin on her forearms. "hey green." chuckled a bit at the wink. "still got an open seat beside me, y'know, and yeah, this trip could be pretty cool, wasn't really paying attention to specifics but it'll have water, which could be could not be fun."
  5. Midnight: She finished ticking off names and walked over to hand the clipboard to the principal. "Here you go. Everyone that is going has been checked off. You can do what you will with the rest of them." she chuckled and turned back to the lead bus stepping up onto it. Taking hold of the mouthpiece of the radio she brought it to her lips and pushed the button to the bus in the back could hear. "If there are any problems, we will turn these buses around and come straight back and all of you will receive detention with Principal Nezu. So rules." She nodded to the driver who closed the door and started the bus into gear, the second following suit and both pulled away from the school. "When we get to our location, you are to exit the bus and stand at its side and do not move till everyone is off. You will be assigned a designated chaperone who will be watching over you for the duration of our stay. Equipment and essentials will be provided for you, and all of them are tagged with your name. These are the only ones you are getting. You lose them, you will not be given another." She took a breath and continued. "Furthermore..." The busses hit a bump and she had to pause to steady herself. "As soon as you are told who your chaperone is, you will grab your luggage and move directly over to them and you will be given your assignment." She put the mic down and settled in the front seat behind the driver. Leaning forward to converse and find out how long it will take them to get there.
  7. Shoto: As the students from his class and others arrived and loaded up onto the bus, Shoto's attention shifted over to each of them. Those from other classrooms that greeted him would be given a nonverbal response, but still respectful nod. With his own classmates, however, Shoto greeted them in a more relaxed manner; offering a small smile as he made eye contact with them: Uraraka, Jirou, Midoriya, and the others (for those that haven't yet posted in). He was glad to be amongst them. It would surely have been extremely awkward for him had none of his friends been able to make the trip. Left with those that were from other classes, he could most certainly be polite and cordial during interactions, but it would not have been the same. "You were nearly late, MIdoriya. Did you spend too much time training and lose track of time?" Such was the other's dedication to being able to handle his own Quirk that it seemed as if he never stopped. Todoroki sympathized with that on some level. Where Midoriya's body remained at risk for the potential backlash his strength could place upon it, Shoto's own control over his flames was childlike in comparison to that of his father. They both had hurdles before them in the growth of their abilities... but at least Shoto endured a lot less blood loss. Shifting his attention to Miss Midnight when she stood up and began to give out instructions, he took note of each of them before leaning back in his seat and opening his book. -It appears we are going to some kind of... training camp; one with strict rules that appear to be required. It sounds like discipline is going to be a focus of this but... it is wait and see for now.-
  9. Koro: He was lucky that he was wearing gloves because his hands were sweeeeaty. Mostly from the nerves, yes. But also because... well, he wore gloves all the time. As she leaned over, a thought hit him. What if, just like those scenes from the movies, she falls asleep and then ends up falling asleep... On HIM?! Oh man... As of right now, he was kind of absorbed in his thoughts, though her voice snapped him out of it. Shaking his hand in a "Meh" kind of gesture, he signs "We'll see when we get there. It might be fun, it might not be. Only one way to find out!"
  11. Henry: -Henry was taking in the crowds turning off his music and setting his books down when The Principal and Midnight spoke from the description this was likely partially a training exercise of sorts, his curiosity was peaked now. As he otherwise settled in once announcements were done recognizing a few faces and some by reputation. With any luck, he'd get to know the rest in the process. For now he't let everyone get settled-
  13. Crafty: Mmm...He had a point there. Not knowing where the trip was headed answered any questions. All they could do was to wonder on the situation and hope for the best. Suki gave a small nod, agreeing somewhat with him. However...She placed the closes hand on top of his shoulder. "You may have a point but-- I think by spending some quality time together is already a win. Don't you think?" And another bright smile appeared on her lips. Which was true. Her best friend and her in a random trip, what could be better?
  15. Ura: From her spot she was able to see everyone-- Rules were discussed and now she and the others had to wait for the soon to be revealed place. Wherever they might end going--for fun or training, it was an absolute win on her book. It was a good thing she brought her own notes and notebook that Aiza had given her. She could at least train while being away. For now, her eyes wandered outside the bus seeing the road ahead. She just hoped it wouldn't end up being like the last field trip-- Her class tended to bring chaotic results... Can hope this wouldn't be the case. She ended up closing her eyes and leaning her forehead on the window. Might as well rest a little.
  17. <I>{What a Beach!}</I> He was draped over the seat to put it mildly but when Kyouka leaned forward One of his hands came up to touch the side of her face a bit. “...You’re right onnneeeee...sec...Urgh.” Tiny groan took place as he waited for the right moment then WOOSH, from seat A, by his lonesome, to seat B, beside Kyouka. A quick kiss to her cheak took place and he nodded. “Oh yeah I didn’t forget! Brought a few swim suits, practical and for fun! Won’t lie I’m kinda expecting this to be ANOTHER Forest-Training ordeal..minus the League of Bums this time.” Hopefully. He leaned back in his seat, eyes shutting. “Had to burn the calories from the rest of breakfast and lunch to get here, yeesh, all that cardio packing everything.” One eye open to look at her. Yup, it was QUITE the workout! “Oh...” Midnight spoke up and he perked, listening! Ah ha, ‘assignment’...He knew this wasn’t just a ‘trip’ but one of THOSE ‘Trips’, interesting choice of words though and methods to boots! “Hmmmm....Equipment, essentials, assigned head and groups and assignments...Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I wonder if this is for ‘random group pairing’ sort of training, maybe some water theme...” Yadda yadda yadda, insert ‘Typical Deku muttering’ here. “Mm? Oh, Heys Todoroki...Yeah I ugh...Lost track of time and spent the last five minutes hauling everything into place! Took a lot outta me.” A brief second was given to look off and...oh! Koro! He recognized him in the distance and took a moment to wave to the resident Shadow Hopper. It was geniunly good to see him and internally he hoped if they all did have time for some FUN swimming it’d be a time Koro could learn to swim AND that Izuku could get to know him! Speaking of, another wave was thrown as Henry Atlas. There was someone he hadn’t seen in a long while! It was good to see him, really, hopefully they got to either work together OR just talk a bit! Oh, Koro was sitting next to someone he just realized, a pretty and colorful looking girl who he also waived to. More people to get to know, hurray! “Heya Uraraka! Whatcha doin’ sitting by yourself?” How could one pass up Uraraka? Especially when she stood out? A hand lifted groggily and referred to the seat he just left. “Join us eh? You’re with friends after know, we’re probably NOT going to be relaxing anytime soon after the bus ride if I could take a guess.” Especially with what Midnight said. Might as well relax while you could, eh?
  19. Jiro: retained a light smile as his hand reached out to her face, only for him to pull away and get into a more power seat. the usual light redness of her cheeks accompanied the kiss placed on her cheek before her head settled against his shoulder, ready to listen to him speak, perking an eyebrow with eyes turned up towards him. "a few?'re ready for anything, at least, just as expected." nodded gently against him. "yeah, im feeling the same way, but our expectations won't be crushed this time." yawned softly, really hoping a disaster doesn't happen. snickered a bit at his remark. "it pays to prepared, thought you knew that." she would tease, closing her eyes for just a moment before midnight spoke up. essentials and equipment, and assignments?...this sounds kinda weird, being watched over a chaperone for the time being. but it's whatever, if it's training or not it'll definitely be better then that summer camp, was out cold for the end of that, just needs to make sure she doesn't drop something small or anything like that. hopefully they let them keep their bags...- her thought process was interrupted by a series of mutters that the bush she was leaning against was known for. "sometimes i wonder if you just like sharing your thoughts like that." she'd tease again, a little smirk on her lips before she sat up, taking some time to actually take a look at who's here. todoroki, uraraka...that's everyone she knows here, outside of izuku. good to see them, either way, as she sent a wave to those two as izuku did as well. let him do the talking, after all, he said anything she could, really, plus the smile on her face shows that she's happy to see some classmates here.
  21. Sato: Sitting in upright in the seat Sato would divert his eyes from the black covered book held in this thick hands to appoint his attention to Midnight as she spoke, taking the time to pay careful attention to save the page in the book that had occupied his attention so far on the bus. Giving 100% of his attention to listening to the rules and important details that Ms. Midnight was informing them on, Sato would softly nod his head as a sign the he understands the rules, before diverting his eyes once again, returning them once more to the black covered book which occupied his attention earlier. Carefully flipping the cover open and opening the book back to the page which Sato had his notes on, his attention would return to look at the recipe he was carefully and meticulously working on. Sato had been working on new recipes as of late in order to make sure to make sure he trained his quirk properly, and kept his baking skills constantly elevating. Feeling the bus hit another bump, Sato's focus is disturbed for a bit, gently rubbing at his eyes he would stretch a bit, feeling the tightness in his shoulder he would begin rolling his shoulder to get a kink out. Taking this time to see what was going on around him Sato would look up glancing around the bus at the faces he had grown accustom to, just to see what the others were doing.
  23. Yo: "Sorry! A little late to call time," directed at Midnight. His steps stopped inside by the entrance just in time for the bus doors to close. Although normally he'd be required to wear a hero outfit for this -- he didn't have one! What use could it serve him, anyway? Many offers have crossed him in the past but he'd much rather stick to something semi-formal, like a beige vest over a white sweater with the sleeves rolled up. As per usual, his hair was tucked in a bun with a few strands hanging low, fewer others hanging free. Setting down his sling bag beside him, he took a seat beside Midnight, diagonally behind the driver, allowing himself to be more open to conversation from the students behind. A comical sigh. "Everyone here, I'm assuming?"
  25. Henry: -Henry was waving to people who introduced themselves and waved over he calmly waved back pulling off his earbuds and setting down his book on medieval economic, patent and, copyright law down giving an amused grin, "so they sprung this trip on us, at least in my case. Think they have any surprises planned?" -he asked jokingly given it was obvious his earbuds out but his attention back on the book- "Ohhh I've reached a chapter on penalties for coyong a watermark..." -he thoight outloud without any irony in his voice-
  27. Ryoken: -Utsukushi was waiting at the location already mostly a minor assignment mostly establishing better cooperation between Law enforcement and various parts of Hero society, she couldn't complain too much the situation was relaxed enough to where she could take Charuzu for a walk and get paid fon the clock as she was contently petting his ears as she waited for the bus to arrive. She just Hoped she wouldn't have to deal with any particulary obstanant students-
  29. Midnight: "Everyone that remembered to actually show up." she chuckled and rested back in her seat. The buses would rumble and slink their way down the coast. Of course, it wasn't hard to tell where they were going especially after the major hint that she gave them with the bathing suits. However, what they didn't know was what was waiting for them once they arrived. It would take them the better part of an hour and a half to actually arrive. when they did they would find the beach littered with officials... from heroes to police to government agencies. Tape had blocked off any public access while people were carting large boxes and setting up tents right on the sand. But the one thing they will notice... was the water. It was pitch black and had an ugly looking film to it. Each time it rolled in it would leave what looked to be ink upon the sands that collected and rolled into large clumps. Wildlife dotted along the shore and there were people surrounding them. Midnight stood as they got closer to the main parking area and took up the mic. "Alright as you all have guessed and seen we are at the beach, but we are not here for fun. There was a massive oil spill and they need all the help they can get. We are here to help them clean up the beach and the animals along with rescuing any animals that we find. Remember to be gentle and calm when dealing with any animals, they can sense unease and will panic. We will take turns going out on the water and helping them set up nets and filters to get all the oil from the water. So please be careful whenout on the boats and listen to the coast guard and your chaperones. When we get there you will go where directed and change as quickly as possible, then go about your assignments. If there is any danger MAKE SURE YOU LET SOMEONE IN AUTHORITY KNOW. Do not go out and do anything on your own. There may not be villains, but this is no less dangerous." Putting the mic down she rested her hip against the front seat as they rolled to a stop at the checkpoint. Driver opening the door, she stepped down to the bottom step and spoke with the officer. "Students from UA here to help." with a nod the officer stood out of the way and waved them through. Finally coming to a stop, she stepped all the way down and out of the bus and pulled out wrist bands from her pocket... color-coded.
  31. Shoto: A noticeable smile appeared on Shoto's face as the response he received from Midoriya confirmed what it was he had thought. Well, if one was to be delayed to any event then training as the cause of it was certainly a better reason than most. Given the nature of the lives that they were all pursuing, they could not afford to allow themselves to slip physically. When Midoriya spoke up about Ochako having decided to sit alone and for her to join them, he glanced down to the spot next to him. It was open but he did scoot a bit closer to the window just to ensure that she knew he had no objections towards her sitting beside him if she so chose; it was entirely up to her. Others either joined or paid attention to the group, but with no one directing anything towards him, Shot shifted his attention down and began to read. The sun's rays shone from above, spreading into the bus through the glass and bringing warmth to his arms that were soothing and brought a calm to his mind as each passing word brought him deeper into the tales regaled to him from the pages. The drive belied the coming events that were soon to be brought to the forefront of his day... He happened to catch a glimpse of the beach before the bus rounded a bend. Having just looked up for a moment to gaze out of the window, the beach swam into view before disappearing behind a line of trees. Shoto did not quite register what he had seen, but something about it made his stomach turned over. -Something seems wrong.- From that moment, his eyes never turned away and barely blinked. And when they pulled up, Shoto's mouth dropped open as they came to a stop. Numerous civil workers and the like hurried about the beach in front of a black-painted ocean that washed a heavy sitting, thick sludge-like substance up onto the sand. Birds flapped their wings, flecks of ebony flying off as their futility attempted to clean their feathers and free them enough for flight. Miss Midnight's words only confirmed what his mind had not yet wanted to admit: oil. Instinctively, he clenched the fist of his right hand in defiance of the power of his left; the latter arm raised as his gaze shifted down towards the open palm and flexed fingers before forcing himself to inhale and exhale slowly to calm the sudden jump of his nerves. -This will be dangerous here. Moreso than ever before but... I have to keep my mind clear. As hazardous as it is, I should not need to use it at all and I can't let myself be limited to just certain situations. If I am to be a hero -- the type of hero that I want to be -- I need to be ready for anything and be able to use all of my power to help. - At Midnight's behest, Shoto rose up from his seat and made his way out, following the previously laid out instructions and standing by for further orders.
  33. Koro: He couldn't wait to get a jump start on this trip! It was going to be so fun working with the different people attending UA, and even MORE fun hanging out with the girl of his dreams. As she spoke, Koro could only pay attention to her face. Burning it into his memory so he would never, ever forget what it looked like. But then, he got suddenly distracted when Miss Midnights voice spoke up. Looking out the window, Koro's blank eyes went white. Oh my god... This was terrible. But this... This was actual hero work! A disaster happened and now they're being sent in to clean up. Sure, it wasn't a supervillain attack, but- And then it hit him. Like a lump in the back of his throat. Turning to look at Crafty after taking a look at the inky, black abyss that was the ocean, he started getting mild flashbacks. Seeing Suki laying on the ground as the warehouse they were in was slowly swallowed by black nothingness. And he could probably guess that she was thinking the same way too. So, reaching over, he placed a gloved hand on her own in a comforting way. Once Midnight finished giving her instructions, Koro watched as they parked and the teacher got off the bus. Following suit as soon as it came to him, he walked outside, making sure his hoodie was fastened over his head. He hoped that changing into a bathing suit wasn't MANDATORY. He could FEEL the blazing sun pressing down on him. This was a BAD idea…
  35. Crafty: Suki didn't know much of the situation. Heard about the trip from some classmates that didn't wish to join. However, two things made her go; 1) The calling of a hero and 2) She wasn't going totally alone. Right now, she considered Koro a hero partner. Both of them helping others and protect the people of the city, and maybe some day around the world? Who knows. So far, that's all she figured out. Nevertheless, something felt odd. Her hues scanned the place as the bus continued its destination. The view was familiar, very. The obvious answer was the beach-but knowing the teacher, it wasn't just because. There must be a deeper meaning behind this. The blue clear waters of the ocean, peaceful as they sang along while hitting the white sand. Again-peaceful but it still felt wrong. The small hint of black...unusual color for the water, slowly trailing more and more of that substance. Her heart stopped, oil. For some reason, her knees trembled and the air she was breathing was not enough for her lungs. It couldn't be right? Was he behind all this? No-She tried to silence her brain. Midnight's voice was just an echo while her eyes stared deeply into the once beautiful sea. Black, stained with that color. Some words stayed with her...Not a villain in sight? T-That was a relief. A blessing in fact. Feeling Koro's hand on hers-she laced her fingers with his...Tightly. Couldn't let go of his. Those memories were still very fresh. Even when getting down the bus-She kept her hand holding his. Quiet, not showing any emotion on her features. She was a blank canvas. However, she still managed to do something. Her free hand was ungloved and gentle fingers touched the Koro's hoodie, to what? Draw a parasol for him. Might take some of her stamina but not too much. She waited next to him, covering him with the new created drawing above him while she held it up for him. Couldn't shake that feeling from her chest...Nor couldn't let go of Koro's hand.
  37. Uraraka: Felt the few bumps on the road with each turn of the several wheels moving the bus. It was soothing and relaxing. Almost like a small movement of waves that lulled her into some kind of dormant state. She was not sleepy but could use this time to let herself take a breather after the rollercoaster of emotions she had been going through. Finally, could use the time to think about the whole situation, right? For now, she would have a small time to train, relax and think about it. Chocolate hues kept shut still paying attention to the surroundings of the bus. The distant chatting and sounds of the other students caused her to feel quite well, she was relaxed by all of them. It was an oddly tune of fun and hopes, really brighten up the mysterious field trip. What could go wrong, huh? Maybe she was skeptical after every single trip; whether for fun or to train their enjoyment would be crashed by the plots of villains. That may cause her to feel uneasy-very, very subtly. It was a good thing some classmates where there...In case things went south-No, no. Shouldn't be expecting the worst. A small sigh escaped her nostrils, letting her temple rest over the window. For now, she would be trying to let those absurd thought out of the window. Ehh! Her eyes opened widely hearing her name-a familiar cheerful voice. She could only chuck her guess was correct. A wave was delivered to Deku, Jirou and Shoto, happy to see them. However, the invitation made her quirked a brow and smiled brightly towards them while wiggling her fingers to greet them. Huh? Join them-At this, without thinking it twice, the gravity girl stood up carefully from her seat as the bus continued to move. What an unpleasant feeling, reminded her of the days she started to use her quirk. Few steps were taken as she settled next to Shoto. She ruffled the back of her brown hair with a goofy looking grin. "Thank you, guys." Might as well stay with them for the time being, right? It was safest than wandering by herself. Her hues stared at the three-blinking while turning her head to see everyone. "Do you guys know where we are going?" Clueless look on her face while eyeing them. However, the scenery behind Shoto's head silenced her. Could see small hints of their future destination. The palms and the seagulls waltzing above the blue skies. It wasn't too long for them to actually arrive. The scent of the salty water mixed with the awful and toxic aroma of the oil-was not a very pleasant one. It made her sick-but at the same time, she could use some of the training tips Aiza suggested...She was full of determination... After hearing Midnight's voice with the information and instructions of the situation, Ochaco nodded from her seat and slowly stood up, stepping back to let Shoto move from his seat too-With a small looking smile she stepped slowly out the bus, seeing the whole place turned black. Poor animals...The gravity girl clenched her fists and nodded to herself. Might be an interesting day to train and help by doing everything she could!
  39. <I>{What a Beach! Pt 2}</I> As was the norm a counter lean of his head atop hers took place. Comfy described him now. “Have to be! If it’s not for the trip itself it’s for...well, ya know, just in case go up in smoke.” ‘Cus lets be real, current hero classes and trips? They never did go well, did they? “Eh heh...sorry force of habit Plus...all of this is just making me curious, ya know?” An elbow gently nudged her side. “Plus, the more of those PRETTY little smirks I get out of ya, the more I feel better, ya know?” Rustle rustle, his arm slid and looped around her waist after speaking. Oh, Sato! Man he was really buried into that book wasn’t he? Big assuming guy like that wasn’t even caught until his head poked up! His arm lifted and waived to his classmate, genuinely happy to see him BUT, as a fellow book and note reader, knowing better not to distract and insist to come over! Hm, well there was a new face! Clearly Mr. Jouhou was an unknown to Izuku BUT, given his seat placement, age, and look, Izuku assigned him a support or teacher kind of roll. A nod was given if he looked Izukus way, as well as a friendly smile! “Probably.” In regards to Henry, ears perking at the bleated statement. Huh, interesting topic even he had to admit! Another unknown with miss Ryoken, a friendly smile and wave much like for Mr. Jouhou was given if a look was thrown his way! “No idea Uraraka, but...Probably something involving hero work? Dunno, been thinking about it since miss Midnight announced it!” He frowned as his green eyes caught a view of the water out a window. “...W-Whoa why is the water BLACK?” You didn’t even need to look closely. Just from the window one could see SOMETHING was clearly wrong and when they got to the spot, more and more did Izukus ‘dread-meter’ filled. Oh no, this wasn’t a villain based thing this...AH SHEESH! “GOTCHA!” People could respond as needed but when Midnight spoke out, he responded as such! It was a good thing he packed a more ‘work’ swimming suit along with the normal one! This sounded hectic, messy and tiring as heck, though to be honest, a few ideas popped into his head in regards to how to dispose some of the oil to. A part of him wishes Koda was here for the animals because he would have been REAL useful in telling all of them to avoid a specific point of the water so everyone could work without having to worry about them! None the less, when the buss topped, he waited, eyed Kyouka in a ‘well...this was even WORSE than what I was thinking’ then shifted were he sat, giving her hand a squeeze before standing, watching as Midnight stepped down, alerted one of the officers, then got out completely, obviously waiting for the other occupants of the bus to follow suit. First up was Todoroki himself, fallowed by Koro and his companion, who he waved to once more in case they didn’t see the wave before...Huh he had to wonder why Koro <I><B>Girlfriend</B></I> looked unusually Pale and worried but it was wrong to just ask about it wasn’t it? He upnodded Crafty as she passed him by, watching her leave the bus. “Um not to hold anyone up miss Midnight but ugh...” He took a spot upon the bus but close to where Midnight stood so he could ask. “...Can any one of our quirks maybe help the cleaning process quicker and better? Especially in areas without animals? If you think so, may I suggest those you and the officials have them go out first or for the longest?” Long shot definitely but it was SOMETHING he had to ask…
  41. Jiro: one of the good norms, to say the least. a satisfied, maybe even happy sigh came from her before she started talking. "yeah, being caught off guard is probably worse then anything else." shrugged a little, guess that makes sense, but still. "i guess that makes sense..." wait- no that's not how it works. her face turned red as she looked away in a fluster. "god- stop that." she'd pout for a moment, prodding him gently with a jack before settling back against izuku, her side against his as soon her eyelids grew heavy, her phone sliding into her pocket, and after all the talking was done, she'd take this time to try to get what rest she could, letting herself fall into a lull into the rather uneasy darkness of an on-bus nap, her cheek pressed against izuku's shoulder as a light 'snz' came from the girl. what would awake her was the voice of midnight going over the speakers again, a grogginess to her voice as she sat up straight, rubbing her eyes. "huh? oil spill...?" everything makes sense with this, at least. returned the look to izuku with a shrug. even if it was nasty it was for a good cause, and she could get behind helping out the environment, totally punk rock. she would take this time to half listen to her teacher, half looking over the results of the spill, making a face at the dark water, seeing how animals were all over the shore, helpless with the slick on their bodies. it was a rough sight to swallow. there were plenty of heroes and emt here, too, a villian attack shouldn't a problem. plus, being a hero isn't just about putting bad guys into the ground, it was. also helping out, like this to use her abilities to help, though she doubts there'll be a good use for some noise here. hopefully oil doesn't stick too long, and thankfully her chosen 'swimsuit' was black, but either way, she'd stand up with a stretch, following behind izuku before coming to a stop, perking an eyebrow before gaining a slight smirk. hey, at least he was thinking for the best. slipping past him, her face would return to normal, standing outside of the bus with folded arms, awaiting further instruction.
  43. Yo: A chuckle and a headshake, the pair of reactions that followed Midnight's jabbing words regarding tardiness, ironically enough for Yoyaku. The hour-and-a-half-long drive was enough to warrant a book-reading session .. which, for the Knowledge Hero, was a long, physical gaze at nothing, and a mental gaze into his vast encyclopedic backlog. His laziness was often compared to that of Eraserhead, a colleague, but in reality it didn't come close. It did, however, coax Yoyaku into a light snooze - the teacher only ever waking up when Midnight spoke into the mic. Pop! went the snooze bubble and he sat awake. The surprise ended there as he was fully aware of the destination, and the 'plot twist' that accompanied it - information shared between teachers, and kept from the unsuspecting students. Yoyaku flicked a quarter-drowsy gaze over the backrest of his seat to glance over to the students and chuckle at their reactions, before he slung his bag over his shoulders and stood up himself. With Midnight's mention of authority, he pointed a thumb at himself as a neutral indication that yes, he could also be of consultation when needed -- especially since he essentially knows everything about the place, except for the oil spill itself, since it holds less informational value compared to the landmark beach itself. However, things like "How To Clean Up Oil Spills" and "Causes of Oil Spills"? He's your guy. With Midnight departing the bus, he remained inside by the door to gesture students out, waiting until the very last one made their exit to make his own. "Alright, come along, you guys. Just follow instructions and we'll all be fine, sound good?" A crumb of concern came to be with a student or two's anxiety surfacing, but until anything was drastic, he'd remain calm.
  45. Midnight: "Heroes with quirks that are suited for this kind of thing are already dispatched and working on the areas without any wildlife." She shook her head and chuckled, leave it to Midoriya to think of that, but he should remember, they are prepared for every kind of disaster, not just saving the lives of people. "Alright... Uraraka, Koro, and Suki..." she hands them, purple wrist bands. "You will be with me and we will be the first out on the water to help with the filters." she then walked over to Yoyaku and handed him a green one along with Rikido and Izuku. "You two will be helping Mr. Yoyaku with washing animals on the beach and transporting them to a care facility set up down there." she pointed to the large medical looking tent. Lastly, she walked over to Utsukushi and handed her a blue one, along with Shoto, Jirou, and Henery. "You three will go with Miss Utsukushi and patrol the beaches finding any caught animals, tagging them, and alerting for pick up. You are to safely get them out of harm's way till they are collected. You are also tasked with removing the tainted sand along with Mr. Yoyaku's team." stepping next to Jirou she pats her shoulder. "I need you to use those wonderful jacks of yours especially around pylons of the piers to catch any underwater sounds that might be distress animals." Slipping on her own wrist band she then handed out the rest to the other students quickly directing them toward their designated areas and chaperones. "You all know your assignments. Please go change quickly in those two tents." They were clearly marked male and female... "Remember be safe and listen to your chaperones. She would raise the doors on the bottom of the bus so they could collect their bags and such. "You can leave your stuff in the changing tents." Grabbing her own she headed over to deposit her bag within the tent. She was in her costume, as she was there not only as a teacher but as a pro hero.
  47. Shoto: Retrieving his bag from the below the bus, Shoto looked over to Jirou and the others with a nod before making his way over to the changing room. The pair of them had practiced together before in a hostage rescue and villain neutralization exercise; it had proved to both of them that they could work well together. Communication, quirks, and temperaments... each aspect had meshed well. That was something. In regards to the others, as long as they were focused on the task at hand and willing to cooperate, they would find a way to succeed. It took only a few minutes for him to change, daring the potential damage to his hero costume to slip it on and utilize it. If anything was needed here, it would be as much control over his powers as possible. When the others joined up, he would look to each of them. "I do not know how much help I will be in this... But I can at least make posts of... ice or something if we come across something that needs immediate specialist attention. It will be something..." -At least- he thought to himself. No matter how much or how little he could actuall contribute, Shoto was still going to put himself full forward into this.
  49. Crafty: Couldn't ease the icky feeling from her chest. That horrible smell clogging her lungs and bringing the memories of a certain time but-No. It wasn't time to bring those thoughts here. As a hero, she needed to keep her personal life and professional life separate. The artistic hero shook her head lightly, a way to dismiss those thoughts and concentrate on the mission of hand. Mm? saw the green hero passing by-Knew him-Once she her thoughts were clear, she bowed her head to greet the green student. Might have been on her thought that actually she didn't notice anyone-how unpolite of her. Once Midnight-sensei acknowledge them with the information they needed to actually do something, the goal was clear. A small exhale left Suki's lips, as she gave the 'drawing' parasol to Koro. "Keep it for now, once you go to the tent it will vanish. So, take cover, okay?" Might have to think of something to help the Shadow hero from the awful morning sun. Something fast. For now, Suki's hand reached for Ochaco's shoulder, tapping gently as she pointed towards the bags and the tents. "We should all go together, specially if we are working together...Uraraka-san." Knew some information of the class 1-A. Well, all campus knew about them. With a happier smile she headed first towards the bags, collecting her own and guided the girls to the tent to change; colorful swimwear, two pieces. Bralette looking top and skirt-bottom; all 'pigmented' with colorful schemes while the main color was white, and hands still covered with her usual gloves. Sadly, it had to be stained with the black color of the oil-Well, couldn't do much now. As she waited for other; her thoughts were how to use her quirk and how she could help her partner...Stood outside the tents, idly into her thoughts.
  51. Uraraka: The smell of the oil was stronger once outside. Her hand pinched her nose a little, it was worse than what they saw inside the bus. She stayed close her classmates; keeping her hues lost on the dark waves swallowing the sand. It was horrible, heart breaking actually. Heroes needed help in this kind of situations too, plus natural disasters and of course villainous attacks. Seeing everyone rushing to help the poor little seagulls and turtles near the cost, the animals were scared and petrified... This kind of accidents were at some point normal...But still it was the first time she saw something like this up close. Soon more hands were able to help them soon. However, they needed to change first right? Huh? Seeing Midnight-sensei coming closer-she stared at her while she accepted the wristband. Oh? Koro and Suki...? Her head turned to face two students...Oh? Those were from a class above them, right? Uraraka ended up nodding at Midnight-sensei. At least, she was not going by herself-What a relief. Yet, she'll be close to the water-Her yes focused on the water, people keeping and doing their bests to use the filters and clean it from the oil. At first, Ochaco thought her quirk would be useful to either move out the filters from the water or by bringing more into the sea-so people wouldn't be moving around. Alright...She looked at the teacher with a bright smile. "We are on it!" Yelled out as she bowed her head towards Midnight-sensei. Huh?She jolted back feeling something tapping her shoulder...Oh? The gravity girl Suki's hand on her shoulder. Ohh? Go together? Why not? Uraraka motioned Jirou too, waving her hand to accompany them to change into the tent. They all needed to work together to save and make the process quicker. The first step was to gather their bags and go change, as soon as possible. Lives of creatures were on their hands. It didn't take long for her to come out with (or at least her) already with her swimsuit; generic kind-two pieces (pink) and shorts, plus the purple wristband already hugging her skin. A happy-determined smile was across her lips-And she was ready to help.
  53. <I>{Thick as Oil.}</I> A passing glance was given as Kyouka departed from the bus, the same kind of looking being given to Mr. Jouhou at the indication. Made sense to him, oh! He nodded! “Gotcha!” Still, some ideas were in his head but he kept them to himself at that. Blinking at the wrist bands, that sounded like a good team..Neat! He was with Sugarman in helping washing the animals! Again, he was slightly sad Koda wasn’t here as this would be PERFECT for him but he’d work with is classmate! Taking the orange band and strapping it onto his wrist he’d approach Mr. Jouhou. “Izuku Midoriya at your service Mr. Yoyaku! It is a pleasure to meet and be working with you! Is there any kind of local fauna we need to be extra careful with around here? Any animals we should JUST leave to the professionals, anything dangerous? Also, any lists on how to wash certain ones down?” Ready for info overload? You betcha! Oh, they had two goals then! Sand cleaning duty! That was a hole other topic in itself plus...neat, they’d be working with Blue team! Inwardly he was a bit proud at the task assigned to Kyouka and when Midnight moved away from her, he gave her a tiny little thums up! “Yes ma’am!” Said Izuku to Midnight, collecting his things. “Hmmmm....The tight suit with sleeves would probably work best...Might have to wear the sand socks and apply tape to my chest...” Mutter mutter...thoughts were bleated out as he collected his two personal bags, hoisting them on his respective shoulders. “Good Idea Todoroki! Hm...You know, do y’all think it’d be viable to...maybe FREEZE over the oiled up sections of the water or is that...too much work? It could stop it in place from spreading but er...admittedly I don’t know the inns and outs of oil so it could seep through, couldn’t it?” Never hurt to ask. He recalled how Shoto had frozen an ENTIRE Landmine field during the Sports festival, such a thing MIGHT come in handy with the oiled water down the line? Again, never hurt to ask or pique up! When the tent was unoccupied and it came his turn to change, naturally he left his things in there and with a few audible SNAPS and CRACKS and an actual ‘ow!’ once, Izuku made himself known! “Woo! I think the torso part I brought was a bit too small!” Luckily the bottoms weren’t but long story short? A tight fitted diver kind of suit was plastered upon his frame. His feet were bare and though he DID bring gloves, the thought of helping animals made them a bit mood. Bare hands were better than rubber, after all! Stretching his arms, he made his way over to Mr. Jouhou, giving a tiny salute! “Primed and ready to go sir! You say it and I’m on it!” Chirpy as ever, once the initial bad feeling of what had happened wore off! ...Also, don’t stare too much at the form fitting upper bit of his outfit, Beats.
  55. Jiro: a bit of a face was made at the stank that permeated the air, but with time her nose gradually got used to it, the sight of the blackened shores was horrible, kinda gut wrenching in a way, but they're here to at least try to help remedy this mess. her eyes would follow midnight as she made her way along the students, listening to their assigned tasks. yeah, that all makes sense, though as the teacher made it towards her group she would glance down at her blue band, before looking up towards midnight. taking care of the animals? just what she hoped for. a bit of a smile grew across her lips as she nodded in compliance. the sand bit is gonna suck a bit, but hey, it's hero work to get done. she would begin to make her way towards the bus to grab her stuff, before midnight nudged her shoulder. looking up towards her teacher again, her smile would grow just a bit wider, nodding with some bit of excitement, it felt good to be recognized for your abilities. "i'm on it, midnight" she would flash a thumbs up towards her teacher, turning to then smile towards izuku flashed that little thumbs up towards her. grabbing her bag , she would then return the nod towards todoroki. it's always been easy to work with him, and they even complimented each other in the hostage rescue exercise with their quirks. and the others shouldn't be a problem since everything was pretty straight forward. considering the nature of this little mission of theirs she would change into something much more suitable then her hero get up, matching black sports bra and shorts that can act as swimwear too, also smiling a bit towards uraraka, returning the wave with a raise of her hand before leaving the tent . a held back snicker might be heard from her as she heard the sound of pain izuku let out, before linking up with the others, looking towards the group before folding her arms, she would raise her brow at todoroki's remark. "yeah, but i think we can approach it pretty normally at get the same job done too, outside of all those potential emergencies. plus, ill let you guys know when i find more then i can handle down there in the water." she would say with a nod. "i'll head towards the piers, if thats cool with miss utsukushi, since i can work my best there." and she plans on putting her best out there.
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