

Jul 30th, 2017
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  1. Section A: General Behavior
  4. 1. Treat others with respect and courtesy.
  5. 1.1 No flaming, harassing, arguing, bickering, or causing problems between other players or admins.
  6. 1.2 This includes discriminating other players on any Voltage Gaming affiliated servers.
  8. 2. Any attempt to bypass a ban is strictly prohibited.
  9. 2.1 Visit our forums and submit an unban request if you wish to have your ban reviewed.
  10. 2.2 If you are banned, it is for a good reason. Using alternate accounts will result in a permanent ban of the alternate account as well as an extension of your current ban to one year.
  11. 2.3 If you lie to one admin as to why another admin banned you (in an attempt to get yourself unbanned), you will be permanently removed from our servers.
  14. 3. You should never reveal an undercover admin in the servers.
  15. 3.1 Revealing an undercover admin would be contradictional as there's a reason they're undercover, and doing so could get you in trouble via ban time.
  18. Section B: General In-Game Behavior
  20. 1.Do not kill or punchwhore AFK players in spawn.
  21. 1.1 Do not RDM players unless you have a valid reason to do so.
  22. 1.3 Do not prop block in spawn or place props in the elevator or drive a vehicle into spawn.
  25. 2. Absolutely no hacking or exploitation of any kind.
  26. 2.1 You will be permanently removed from our servers and forums with no chance of an appeal regardless of your reason for using them.
  29. 3. Use common sense
  30. 3.1 If you think something might be against the rules or if you think you are doing something wrong, stop doing it.
  31. 3.2 Do not use loopholes in our rules.
  33. 4. CDM Rules.
  34. 4.1 If you get CDM’ed for being in the middle or the road it’s your fault.
  35. 4.2 You can use your vehicle to kill someone only if you life or someone else is in danger.
  37. 5. Two wrongs do not make a right.
  38. 5.1 If a player is breaking rules, that does NOT entitle you to break them yourself.
  39. 5.2 If you break them just because someone else is, then you are just as much at fault and risk being banned.
  41. 6. No spamming any sound in the microphone.
  43. 7. Just because of the condition of the server and/or players does not mean you cannot break the rules.
  44. 7.1 This includes things such as high ping, or low FPS.
  45. 7.2 Just because another player is doing something against the rules, doesn't mean you can.
  48. 8. You may not farm your skills in a wrongful manner.
  49. 8.1 This means you cannot RDM players, or failRP in any way to reach higher skills points.
  51. 9. Treat an Admin's decision with respect.
  53. 10. If you feel an Admin's decision is unfair or unjust, please make a post on the forums under the "Admin Abuse" section with valid proof.
  58. Section C: MetaGaming and PowerGaming
  61. 1. Do not power game.
  62. 1.1 Power gaming is when you take absolute control of a situation without leeway in RP. Example: Complying to /roll may only be enforced when both parties agree.
  64. 2. Do not metagame.
  65. 2.1 Metagaming is when you use out of character knowledge for RP reasons.
  66. 2.2 Do not use OOC chat to metagame.
  67. 2.3 Do not use player's names above their heads to know who they are.
  68. 2.4 Seeing weed leaves (or even its shadow) sticking through walls is metagaming and if used for RP reasons, will get you banned/blacklisted.
  72. Section D: In Game Chat
  74. 1. Follow all chat rules.
  75. 1.1 Do not spam chat, this includes /me commands, adverts, 911 calls, PMs, etc.
  76. 1.2 Do not use OOC chat in IC chat.
  77. 1.3 Please speak English in all chats on our server, both OOC and IC. We cannot moderate what you are saying if we do not understand it.
  78. 1.4 Do not excessively use all caps in any chat. Players do tend to do this on accident from time to time so do not hassle them about it if it happens once. The only exception to this rule is for admins when they need to announce things like an impending server restart.
  82. Section E: Raiding, Mugging, Assassination Rules
  84. 1. Players may NOT excessively raid/mug the same player you must wait 10 mins before doing this again
  85. 1.1 Please wait around 5 minutes between each raid / mugging.
  86. 1.2 You may not mug a player in the spawn zone, the only exception is if the player runs into spawn.
  90. Section F: Base rules
  92. 1.1 Hitbox abuse is strictly prohibited. Hitbox Abuse: Constructing a barricade with means of shooting to kill (or injured) raiders or raides where your head and your chest are not able to be seen.
  93. 1.2 Prop mazes can only have up to 3 turns with 3 props per turn.
  94. 1.3 You can have only 1 crouch cade and only 1 jump cades they cannot be in front of a door and cannot be hit boxed.
  95. 1.4 Parkour cades are not allowed at all.
  98. Section G: New Life Rule (NLR)
  100. 1. Do not break NLR.
  101. 1.1 If you die by an accident (such as a prop hitting and killing you or being accidentally run over) then you are exempt from NLR and may return to where you died.
  102. 1.2 If you are killed by another player for a reason then you may NOT return to where you were killed. (Exception: See next rule)
  103. 1.3 If you die on your property, you must wait a minimum of 5 minutes. Citizens MAY NOT be called back or go back until whatever is over.
  104. 1.4 Cops may be called back immediately. BUT they have to be called back by another officer or gov. Official, or a 911 report by a civilian who is alive and at the scene.
  107. Section H: FailRP
  109. 1. Do not break FailRP
  110. 1.1 Do not use your phone or org chat while arrested.
  111. 1.2 You can jailbreak your friends out of jail unless you see them getting arrested or if your friend sees it too.
  112. 1.3 Do not grow, craft or drive a vehicle in while in handcuffs.
  113. 1.4 You must comply with police when they arrest you.
  114. 1.5 Do not kill yourself to avoid arrest or kill yourself while cuffed.
  115. 1.6 The max time you can put someone in jail is 10 mins.
  116. 1.7 You must have a reason to molotov a shop example of this would be if the shop owner made a threat against you.
  117. 1.8 Do not stop RP when you or someone makes a report. Ex: “I am getting an admin” or similar to avoid an rp situation is not allowed.
  119. Section I: FearRP
  121. 1. Do not break FearRP.
  122. 1.1 If a gun is pointed at you, or you are arrested you MUST obey, and follow the orders given. (Exception: See next rule)
  124. 1.2 ONLY if you have a weapon equipped you may fight back during a mugging, kidnapping,robbing, etc.
  128. Section J: General Government Employee Rules
  130. 1. Government Employees may not break ANY laws.
  131. 1.1 This includes all traffic laws.
  132. 1.2 They may not grow weed or create any drugs.
  133. 1.3 They may not illegal items on duty.
  135. 2. Government Employees must do their jobs at all times.
  136. 2.1 If you want to go AFK, leave the job so someone else may take it.
  138. 3. Government employees MUST break org ties.
  139. 3.1 As a government employee, you are not allowed to have any connection to your org. Treat it as if you were not in any org.
  140. 3.2 For example, if you are a cop and you see an org member breaking the law, you must RP as you would if it were any other player.
  144. Section K: Law Enforcement Rules
  146. 1. Do not randomly arrest players.
  147. 1.2 Cuffs are only to be used to arrest / detain players.
  149. 2. Law Enforcement can't or be corrupt Accept Bribes.
  151. 3. Cops may NOT enter a property without a warrant from the Mayor or Police Chief.
  152. 3.1 They may not request a warrant on "suspicion."
  153. 3.2 Cops may not abuse their authority to force their way into a player's property.
  154. 3.3 If a cop does not have a warrant, they MUST leave if the property residence tell them to do so.
  155. 3.4 Cops may knock on the door and question its occupants under investigation, but they may NOT enter to search the house without the owner's permission.
  156. 3.5 Exceptions to warranting may only exist on the basis of imminent danger to occupants or yourself.
  159. Section L: Police Chief Rules
  161. 1. The City Mayor and the Police Chief may issue warrants.
  163. 2. Do not abuse the demotion panel or warrant panel.
  164. 2.1 This includes but is not limited to: Giving random warrants without valid reason, randomly demoting players without valid reason.
  166. 3. Shooting a door with your shotgun is prohibited unless the home is warranted or there is an imminent threat.
  169. Section M: Medic and Firefighter Rules
  171. 1. Absolutely no farming of any kind.
  172. 1.1 Firefighters may not deliberately keep a fire active in order to farm money.
  173. 1.2 Firefighters may also NOT deliberately start a fire to either gain money or to break into a locked building.
  174. 1.3 Medics may not repeatedly revive the same player to earn money.
  176. Section N: FBI Rules
  178. 1. FBI agents are permitted to perform traffic stops. If you see an individual not abiding by traffic laws, do PLEASE pull him/her over.
  179. 1.1 This includes but is not limited to murders and high speed chases that endanger the well-being of the public.
  182. Section O: Road Crew Rules
  184. 1. Only Tow Vehicles Illegally Parked.
  185. 1.1 Legal Parking Options:
  186. In an Alleyway (This may not block emergency vehicles or the entire alley).
  187. Any Parking Lot ONLY if parked correctly
  188. Anywhere on Private Property (Definition: Owned HOUSES (Not businesses).
  189. Parallel to Sidewalk.
  191. 2. Do not take advantage of the victim.
  192. 2.1 Do not charge over $2,000 for a vehicle to be returned.
  193. 2.2 Tow truckers may charge money to vehicles towed in car accidents.
  195. 3. You may aid law enforcement or tow vehicles under the following circumstances.
  196. 3.1 Can participate or help in police chases that are in progress.
  197. 3.2 Can tow government vehicles ONLY if they're not responding to an emergency or have ELS on.
  200. Section P: Mayor Rules
  202. 1. Mayors can authorize the use of drugs and guns.
  203. 1.2 They choose as to whether possessing and selling of guns is legal.
  204. 1.3 This includes while processing warrants, demotions, and general decisions of the Police Chief and the mayor.
  206. 2. Mayors may assign personal permits for selling weapons.
  207. 2.1 They may choose if players need a permit to sell items such as handguns/shotguns.
  208. 2.3 They may assign permits as they see fit, however if they do not break org ties (such as purposefully giving only their org mates permits and no one else, then they will face a blacklist.)
  209. 2.4 ALL permits expire when the Mayor that granted them either dies or leaves the server.
  211. 3. Mayors can choose who they have Secret Service to protect them, as well a personal medic.
  212. 3.1 Regular cops and SWAT officers are expected to do their normal jobs, not stand bodyguard for the Mayor unless the mayor calls for help.
  214. 4. Being the Mayor does not mean you have immunity over the laws.
  217. Section Q: Secret Service Rules
  219. 1. Being a Secret Service Agent does not mean you have immunity over the laws.
  220. 1.1 If there is an emergency with the Mayor, you are allowed to break traffic laws.
  222. 2. Secret Service Agents may not role-play as Police Officers.
  223. 2.1 Do NOT pull other players over.
  225. 3. You are allowed to command other Government Employees in situations regarding the Mayor but you may not otherwise.
  226. 3.1 You are not above Police in situations regarding general law or conduct.
  228. 4. The mayor may dismiss you at any time as you are on their payroll.
  230. 5. Be the liaison between the Mayor and government officials, when necessary.
  232. 6. Protect the Mayor with your life. If you do not like the mayor do not neglect to protect him, instead quit your job.
  236. Section R: Swat Rules
  238. 1. Swat can patrol.
  239. 1.1 Swat may not perform traffic stops.
  240. 1.2 Swat can call for someone to be arrested.
  243. 2. Swat can participate in raids with police.
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