
The Trotting Dead - s1e005 - Bait and Snatch

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. [22:16]<EchoesOfDeath> ===========================================
  2. [22:17]<EchoesOfDeath> The Trotting Dead - Season 1 - Episode #005
  3. [22:17]<EchoesOfDeath> ===========================================
  4. [22:24]<EchoesOfDeath> You have a few hours of uneasy rest, sunlight on the curtains. Punch Clock peeks out of the window from time to time. They are more now, surrounding you. You can tell from the wailing and the rattling on the gate. There isn't much more edible inside the house.
  5. [22:28]? Swift_Hurddle grones from the floor of the study, hooves shoving his pillow against his face as hard as he can. "Why wont they shut up?", he asks in a muffled voice that comes out more like: "Whaf fumph fay shuph uf?"
  6. [22:29]? Star_Spotter keeps a keen eye out, making sure to defend against enemies.
  7. [22:30]? Backlash sits up against the wall. The floor hadn't been much good for her posture, but at least she'd had a blanket for warmth and comfort. She rubs a dry eye and grumbles impotently, "I'll shut 'em up..."
  8. [22:31]? Cambiance cracks open an eye, sits up, and looks around. It turns out she fell asleep in the living room last night.
  9. [22:33]? Swift_Hurddle throws his pillow to the side and rolls over, sitting up and stretching his forhooves and poping his back with grunt, "Well, at least I got some sleep, Need to stretch out properly... though any real exercise is going to make me hungry"
  10. [22:34]? Backlash rolls her eyes cynically. "We got more ta worry about than gettin' trim."
  11. [22:37]? Swift_Hurddle snorts and shakes his mane, "Trim my flank". Swift starts to roll his legs joings and do his warm up stretches, "This is about survival, not sure if you noticed but those things are slow and as long as im not I have a good chance in case... well just in case is all"
  12. [22:40]? Backlash shrugs. "Jus' don't get separated. Last thing we need is somepony gettin' picked off when they're out on a mornin' jog."
  13. [22:41]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter, keeps an eye on the sick ponies wandering on the street, she can count 6 of them nearby
  14. [22:42]? Cambiance fiddles with the music player she found last night. There weren't any ear buds with it, and the selection wasn't the absolute best she's ever seen, but... Ah, hell. It's been a rough few days. A little music never hurt anypony. And it might even help with morale.
  15. [22:43]? Star_Spotter sighs lightly, still keeping an eye, yawning lightly. But she can't sleep.
  16. [22:43]? Swift_Hurddle pauses and tilts his head, "Ya... you know thats not half a bad idea". Smiling he nods, "Be carful, gotcha", and with that he trots out of the study and bast the living room to the back yard.
  17. [22:44]<Cambiance> With only a little bit of trepidation, Cambiance selects her track, and lets the music play, making sure it wasn't obnoxiously club-level loud.
  18. [22:44]? Backlash facehoofs and trots after him, trying to keep an eye to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
  19. [22:47]? Swift_Hurddle eyes the fence, judging if he could clear it in a single leap when the music hits him like a wave. "Woah", he exclames as he turns, "thats some some sound system!"
  20. [22:48]? Backlash 's eye twitches and she runs into the living room, where the music seems to be coming from.
  21. [22:49]? Swift_Hurddle looks back to the fence, again appraising if he could jump it.
  22. [22:50]<EchoesOfDeath> Swift_Hurdle, Backlash and Cambiance see the wanderers gathering up around the fence, three of them from the back side in addition to ten on the front side. It's an easy jump, but they are moving closer
  23. [22:52]? Swift_Hurddle tilts his head as he back peddels a step, thinking outloud, "Geeze they are everywhere... I wonder though if I can outrun them and double back I could probably lead them away..."
  24. [22:53]<EchoesOfDeath> Backlash sees as even the fallen wanderers burned to a crisp scramble to get up.
  25. [22:53]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter hears a low whistle.
  26. [22:53]? Backlash stares between the wanderers and Cambiance. She hisses at the unicorn, "Music?! Really!?"
  27. [22:54]? Swift_Hurddle swollows and crowches low, preparing to leap to a spot hopefully out of there reach when he lands.
  28. [22:54]? Star_Spotter blinks several times, looking around for the whistle, ready to shoot the wanders
  29. [22:54]<Star_Spotter> wanderers
  30. [22:56]? Cambiance lowers the volume before turning to Backlash, slightly ashamed. "Er... kinda? I'm sorry. It's just... been a rough day, and it didn't seem like it would cause much harm. They're already so loud with their groaning..."
  31. [22:56]<EchoesOfDeath> She only now sees the flying starting to perch up over the rooftops of the houses around that block, one of them flying like an arrow towards her.
  32. [22:57]<EchoesOfDeath> Towards Star_Spotter
  33. [22:57]? Backlash sighs and gives a hopeless shake of her head. "Ehh, whatever, I guess. I mean, 's not like they don' know where we are already..."
  34. [22:57]? Star_Spotter takes aim with her gun and starts to shoot at it.
  35. [23:01]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter's gun blasts right between the eyes of the glassy eyed pegasus, their body slamming against the wall of the house and falling on the grass
  36. [23:02]? Star_Spotter takes more shots at the wanderers jumping the fence.
  37. [23:03]<EchoesOfDeath> Swift_Hurddle makes his jump easily, but the wanderers already turn towards him.
  38. [23:04]? Swift_Hurddle eeps as he looks back at the gunshots and then the sick ponies, to late to turn back now! "I Imediately regreat this decision!", he says loudly as he runs along the side of the building away from the wanderers.
  39. [23:07]? Backlash flinches at the gunshot, tiredly marking it down as just another insane thing happening this horrible morning. She returns to the back yard and looks around for Swift.
  40. [23:09]<EchoesOfDeath> Star Spotter blasts the head of one zombie trying to pass the gate. It falls limply.
  41. [23:10]? Swift_Hurddle calls out from the other side of the fence as he runs along the side of the parimiter chased by wanderers, "HiMissBacklashCantTalkNowHaveToMovePromisToBeSafeAlsoWhatWasThatNoise?", he calls out as he bolts.
  42. [23:10]? Cambiance gets up and looks out the door. "Are you guys all right out there?"
  43. [23:11]? Backlash blinks and sits down numbly on the doorstep, distantly watching the commotion.
  44. [23:13]<EchoesOfDeath> The wanderers on the other side turn towards Swift_Hurddle as he runs around the house.
  45. [23:13]? Star_Spotter turns her head towards the wanderers looking to Swift and tries to protect him, shotting again
  46. [23:14]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter can see the other fliers moving to the skies once more.
  47. [23:15]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter drops another of the pursuers, bur there is still 9 gathering towards him
  48. [23:16]? Star_Spotter curses and looks to the sky, taking a couple shots
  49. [23:17]? Swift_Hurddle ducks and dodges, "Miss Star!", he calls out, "Im going to take these ponies for a run, when I have them gone look in some of these other places for more food!"
  50. [23:18]<Star_Spotter> "Stay safe!" She yells, taking a shot at the pegasi
  51. [23:19]? Swift_Hurddle nods, a worried look on his face. "Ill do that". Dashing down the road a bit he starts jumping and waving his hooves, "Hey you sickos, Dinner time! Fast food you freaks, see if you can keep up!"
  52. [23:20]? Backlash is shaken to action by her companions' frantic yelling and ascends to Star's position, making sure she's not in trouble.
  53. [23:20]? Cambiance glances worriedly at Swift. "Oh, don't hurt yourself Swift..."
  54. [23:21]<EchoesOfDeath> Swift Hurdle finds more wanderers than they had seen before, moving from the shadows and corners towards him, the fliers turn to him with a hiss.
  55. [23:22]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter shoots one of the fliers, which falls dead and the other spirals back to the ground
  56. [23:22]? Swift_Hurddle gulps and attempts to look brave, "Ill be fine, just get us and Rosebee some more-.... food", he finishes dryly as he sees the veritable army of wanderers. Blinking he crys out as he sprints as fast as he can away, "GOTTAH GO BY!"
  57. [23:23]? Backlash watches Swift sprint away and flies around toward Star's perch, making sure she can lay eyes on the teacher.
  58. [23:23]<Backlash> "Everything okay up here?"
  59. [23:24]? Star_Spotter gives a nod as she looks up again, taking a few more shots at any incoming pegasi.
  60. [23:24]<Star_Spotter> "Peachy."
  61. [23:25]? Cambiance frowns at the scene outside again before deciding to go see how Raven and Rosebee are doing.
  62. [23:25]? Backlash makes a face. "Jus' makin' sure. I'm-a tail that crazy pony..."
  63. [23:26]<EchoesOfDeath> Punch Clock, looks slackjawed the whole situation. "That is quite brave from him. We must hurry then." He turns back to Cambiance and Backlash noticing they both are gone. "Hey?"
  64. [23:29]<EchoesOfDeath> Raven is on the uppper floor hallway, by Rosebee's door.
  65. [23:30]<Cambiance> "Hello Raven. How did you sleep?"
  66. [23:31]? Swift_Hurddle huffs as he runs, hoping that his companions are making the most of this window he is creating... he also enjoys the thrill of the run dispite the scary as tartarus moaning behind him!
  67. [23:32]<EchoesOfDeath> The third flier is killed, and one of the wanderers in the crowd fall from Star_Spotter's shots
  68. [23:34]<EchoesOfDeath> Swift_Hurddle manages to stay away from the crowd that shambles after him surprisingly fast.
  69. [23:35]<EchoesOfDeath> Backlash stays behind, Swift_Hurddle moving much faster than her.
  70. [23:35]<EchoesOfDeath> The bulk of the sick leaves following Swift_Hurddle. She cant see any more of them
  71. [23:36]<EchoesOfDeath> Punch Clock jumps the fence, crossing the street.
  72. [23:38]<EchoesOfDeath> "I didn't... The jaws of death snap too close." Raven shakes her head
  73. [23:38]? Cambiance frowns. "I'm... sorry to hear that. How is Rosebee doing?"
  74. [23:39]? Backlash quickly realizes she's not gonna be able to catch up to Swift. Instead, she sees Punch Clock leaping the fence and crossing the street. She glides over to him to see what's the matter.
  75. [23:40]? Star_Spotter takes two more shots at those chasing Swift_Hurddle
  76. [23:40]<EchoesOfDeath> "She doesn't have the same worries. All she sees are dreams now, free from pain." Raven says
  77. [23:42]? Cambiance moves to crack open Rosebee's door. "I think I want to check on her... ask her if she's feeling any better."
  78. [23:42]<EchoesOfDeath> Punch Clock nods to the house of the old pony, still with an open door. "It might be abandoned now. "
  79. [23:43]? Backlash raises an eyebrow. "That ain't creepy at all. Was that open when ya got here?"
  80. [23:45]<EchoesOfDeath> Raven gestures to the handle, "Each pony may choose which doors to open." She flaps her wings and glides away
  81. [23:46]<Cambiance> Slightly hesitant, Cambiance grips the handle with her magic and pushes open the door
  82. [23:48]<EchoesOfDeath> "When saw you fighting out last night, that door was already open." Punch says, peeking into the house
  83. [23:49]<Backlash> "Eugh. Yeah, that's creepy... Do what we gotta do though, right?" She looks unsure, but is already creeping toward the open door.
  84. [23:49]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee is on her bed, the sheets moving with her chest.
  85. [23:50]<Cambiance> "Rosebee?" Cambiance calls out softly. "Are you awake?"
  86. [23:51]<EchoesOfDeath> Punch scowls. "It may not be decorous, but that young fellow is counting on us."
  87. [23:52]? Backlash takes a deep breath and gingerly steps inside, trying to be as silent as possible.
  88. [23:54]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter cant see the hord from her spot anymore
  89. [23:55]<EchoesOfDeath> Swift_Hurdle sees a large round building, the old town hall, half burned and smoking. The crowd after him seems to grow...
  90. [23:56]? Star_Spotter gives a small sigh and moves around the home. "Is everyone okay?"
  91. [23:57]? Swift_Hurddle eyes get large as plates as he puts on a further burst of speed, hardly even noticing hes running faster than he ever has before.
  92. [23:57]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee mubles, turning half-asleep to Cambiance . "Bwuh?"
  93. [23:58]? Cambiance smiles gently. "Just checking up on you Rosebee. How do you feel?"
  94. [23:58]<EchoesOfDeath> ...but Swift_Hurddle weaves his way through the streets, leaving them behind.
  95. [00:01]<EchoesOfDeath> The lights of the old pony's house are still lit, the furniture of the living room looking like an antique museum. There is a full bookshelf here.
  96. [00:02]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter sees Raven turning away from a notebook and nodding. "From those I can count, it seem that way."
  97. [00:03]? Backlash takes note of the bookshelf and navigates further through the house, trying to find the kitchen.
  98. [00:03]? Star_Spotter nods. "Good. I might need more ammo soon but for now we're safe."
  99. [00:04]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee stretches and sits on her bed. "Much better. Thank you. " She looks through the window, her lips pressed tense. "What is happening outside?"
  100. [00:06]<Cambiance> "The others are out trying to find some more food and stuff. They should be back soon. Star and Raven are staying here with us."
  101. [00:06]? Star_Spotter smiles softly and nods."
  102. [00:07]<EchoesOfDeath> "Oh, Raven is here too?" Rosebee says
  103. [00:09]? Cambiance nods. "Yep. She was just outside the room when I saw her."
  104. [00:13]<EchoesOfDeath> Backlash can easily find the kitchen, still lit as it was. And the body of the old pony in it.
  105. [00:15]? Backlash winces and tries to avoid the grisly scene, instead focusing on searching the kitchen for anything edible.
  106. [00:17]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee smiles."I should thank her too."
  107. [00:18]? Cambiance smiles back. "Yeah. She seems like a good friend."
  108. [00:19]<EchoesOfDeath> Punch searches along with Backlash, doing his best to help back those who were there for him.
  109. [00:25]<EchoesOfDeath> They find plenty of cans, fruits and even some medicine bottles the old pony left inthe kitchen for some reason.
  110. [00:26]<EchoesOfDeath> The old pony lifts his head from the floor, his cheek bitten off.
  111. [00:28]? Backlash nudges Punch Clock and gestures at the old pony, before attempting to retreat back to the bookshelf room
  112. [00:29]<EchoesOfDeath> Punch follows her, whispering. "I thought he died." The old pony slowly puts himself back to his hooves.
  113. [00:31]<EchoesOfDeath> "She is, I think." Rosebee nods.
  114. [00:32]? Cambiance smiles again. "Well, that's good. I'm going to head back downstairs now. Tell me if you need anything."
  115. [00:33]<EchoesOfDeath> "I'll be up soon, too." Rosebee stretches.
  116. [00:35]? Backlash nods. "Didja look at 'im? He's got that weird blood." She gestures to her cheek. "'S all black an' gross."
  117. [00:38]<EchoesOfDeath> "True, it didn't look good." He says as they return to the living room.
  118. [00:39]<EchoesOfDeath> Meanwhile, Swift_Hurdle is making his way around the district, having left the horde behind him.
  119. [00:40]<Backlash> "Lemme just snag a few-a these..." She raids the bookshelf, looking for anything particularly large and interesting.
  120. [00:41]? Swift_Hurddle slows to a more manageable pace, streets still bluring around him but something he could keep up for longer. "Geeze that was a bad idea"
  121. [00:47]<EchoesOfDeath> ===================================================================================================
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