
inj3ctor osman deface pag

Aug 31st, 2016
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  1. <html>
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  18. <body><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>
  19. <center> <font size="10" color="#00B000">[!] hacked by injector osman [!]</font><br />
  21. <img src="" title="Pakistan Zindabad" alt="hacker"/> <br />
  22. <br />
  23. <img src="" title="Pakistan Zindabad" alt=""/> <br />
  24. <font face="Iceland" style="color:white;text-shadow:0px 1px 5px #000;font-size:60px">Pakis</font><font face="Iceland" style="color:green;text-shadow:0px 1px 5px #000;font-size:60px">tan Zindabad</font> <br />
  25. <br />
  26. <font face="Iceland" style="color:Blue;text-shadow:0px 1px 5px #000;font-size:30px">[+] We Are Unbeatable [+] <br />
  27. [+] Mess with the best, die like the rest [+] </font></center>
  28. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  29. <center> <font color="green" size="8">Muslims Are</font><font color="yellow" size="8"> Not A Terrorist</font> <br />
  30. <h2><font color="green">When </font><font color="#3A9DC6">America </font> <font color="blue">Takes 1 Milliom Lives in iraq For Oil</font>:<font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font> <br />
  31. <font color="green">when </font><font color="#3A9DC6">serbs </font> <font color="blue">rape Muslim women In Kosovo/bosnla </font>:<font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font> <br />
  32. <font color="green">When </font><font color="#3A9DC6">Russians </font> <font color="blue">Kill 200.00 Cherchens In Bombings </font>:<font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font> <br />
  33. <font color="green">When </font><font color="#3A9DC6">Jews</font> <font color="blue">Kik Out Palestinians And Take their Land </font>: <font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font> <br />
  34. <font color="green">When </font><font color="#3A9DC6">America </font> <font color="blue">Drones Kill entire Family In Afghanistan/Pakistan </font>: <font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font> <br />
  35. <font color="green">When </font><font color="#3A9DC6">Israel</font> <font color="blue">Kills 10.000 Lebanese Civilians Due to 2 mising Soldiers </font>: <font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font> <br />
  36. <font color="green">When </font><font color="#3A9DC6">Muslims</font> <font color="blue">Retaliate and Show you How treat us</font> : <font color="red"> Terrorism </font> <br />
  37. <font color="#3A9DC6">IT seems Like The World</font> <font color="red">&quot;Terrorism &quot;</font> <font color="blue">is only Reserved For Muslims</font></h2><br/>
  38. <font size="16" color="#00B000">Security is just illusion</font>
  39. </center>
  40. <p><br />
  41. <br />
  44. <footer id="det" style="position:fixed; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; background:rgb(0,0,0); text-align:center; border-top: 1px solid #00AAFF ; border-bottom: 1px solid yellow "><font color="white" size="3" face="'Century Gothic', Arial, 'Arial Unicode MS', Helvetica, Sans-Serif;"><font color="white"><b>We Are : </b></font><marquee scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="90" width="90%" style="width: 90%;"> <b>Special Greetz: | Mr.Virus | Xyb3r D3vil | Rohitrdx5 | killer ninja| ph03n1x | Leet Gujjar | All Pakistani Hackers |</b></marquee><br/><center><b>Coded by: inj3ctor osman</b></center> </font></footer></p>
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  118. /***** initialize global film variables ******/
  119. var frames = 31; // <---- total number of pictures in film
  120. var delay = 90; // <---- delay after each frame
  121. var color = "#66CCFF"; // <---- Color of cat
  122. var changecol = false; // <---- Randomly change color of cat? If true the cat will change colors if false the color of the cat will be the value of the color variable.
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  181. }
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  186. prev = posi;
  187. if (run) setTimeout("animate()", delay);
  188. }
  189. }
  191. function animate2(posi2, prev2) {
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  194. if (run) {
  195. if (changecol) {
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  197. } else {
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  301. {
  302. context.lineWidth=(1-star_color_ratio*star[i][2])*2;
  303. context.beginPath();
  304. context.moveTo(star_x_save,star_y_save);
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  325. switch(key)
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  327. case 27:
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  330. {
  331. timeout=setTimeout('anim()',fps);
  332. }
  333. else
  334. {
  335. clearTimeout(timeout);
  336. }
  337. break;
  338. case 32:
  339. star_speed_save=(star_speed!=0)?star_speed:star_speed_save;
  340. star_speed=(star_speed!=0)?0:star_speed_save;
  341. break;
  342. case 13:
  343. context.fillStyle='rgba(0,0,0,'+opacity+')';
  344. break;
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  352. {
  353. case 13:
  354. context.fillStyle='rgb(0,0,0)';
  355. break;
  356. }
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  364. {
  365. delta=evt.wheelDelta/120;
  366. }
  367. else if(evt.detail)
  368. {
  369. delta=-evt.detail/3;
  370. }
  371. star_speed+=(delta>=0)?-0.2:0.2;
  372. if(evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault();
  373. }
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  378. anim();
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