
2019-09-24 TOEFL: word roots, paraphrase

Sep 24th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Word Roots (list 1) - Work together to think of one or two words to explain each root.
  6. ab (abduct, abdicate) = away
  7. ad (advocate, addition, advance) = to/onto (Many words that begin with ‘a’ and a double consonant come from this root.)
  8. aer/aero (aerial, aerate) = air
  9. agri/agro (agriculture, agribusiness, agrarian) = field/farm
  10. ambi (ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambivalent) = both
  11. amb/ambul (amble, ambulatory, ambulate) = walk/move
  12. ami/amo (amiable, amorous) = love/friendship
  13. andro (android, androgen) = man/male (the root for female is “gyn”)
  14. anim (animate, animal) = move
  15. ann/enn (annual, millennium, anniversary) = year
  16. ante/anti (antecedent, anteroom, anticipate) = before
  17. anthropo (anthropology, philanthropy) = people/humanity
  18. anti (antibacterial, antisocial) = against
  19. aqua (aquamarine, aqueduct, aquarium) = water
  20. arch (monarch, hierarchy, archbishop) = top/highest (first in power or importance)
  21. archa (archaeology, archaic) = old (first in time)
  22. art (artist, artifact, artisan) = skill (In academic settings, “arts” often refers to the typical academic subjects like math, literature, philosophy, etc.)
  23. astro (astronomy, astrology) = stars
  24. aud/audi (audience, audible) = hear
  25. auto (automatic, autograph) = self
  26. bell (belligerent, rebellious, antebellum) = war
  27. bene (benefit, benevolent) = good (the opposite prefix is “mal”)
  28. bi (bilingual, bilateral, bisexual) = two
  29. bio (biology, biography, biosphere) = life
  30. cept/ceive (intercept, receive) = catch/capture (These two English words have the same root.)
  31. cardi/cardio (cardiac, cardiology) = heart
  32. carn (carnivore, carnal) = meat/flesh (“meat” when it’s a dead animal, “flesh” when it’s alive or human)
  33. cede/ceed (intercede, exceed) = go
  34. cent (century, centimeter, centennial) = hundred
  35. ---
  36. TOEFL iBT: 4 hours, 4 sections, 120 total points possible (30/section), $205
  37. 1 reading: 54-72 minutes, 3 or 4 passages, 10 questions each
  38. 2 listening: 40-60 minutes, 5-7 listenings (2-3 conversations, 5Q; 3-4 lectures/discussions, 6Q)
  39. (10-minute break)
  40. 3 speaking: 20 minutes, 4 tasks (1 independent, 3 integrated), 3m45s of total speaking time
  41. 4 writing: 55 minutes, 2 tasks (1 integrated, 1 independent), 20+30 minutes of writing time
  42. ---
  43. Reading Question Types:
  44. - vocabulary (which word is closest in meaning to the highlighted word?)
  45. - fact (according to the text, which of the following is true?)
  46. - negative fact (which of the following is NOT true?)
  47. - purpose (why does the author mention _____?)
  48. - inference (what can be inferred about _____?)
  49. - reference (what does [pronoun] refer to?) [maybe not on the test any more]
  50. - paraphrase (which sentence includes the important information from the highlighted sentence?)
  51. - sentence insertion (where in the paragraph should a new sentence go?)
  52. - summary (choose the three (out of 6) most important ideas from the passage)
  53. - organize/categorize (put the answer choices into 2 or 3 categories) [maybe not on the test now]
  54. ---
  55. Paraphrase Questions
  56. p. 134-135 describes this question type
  57. - “Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.”
  58. ---
  59. Cengage exercise 5.1 - Are the restatements Correct, Incomplete, or False?
  60. 1 incomplete - It doesn’t include the fact that there are no flying reptiles now.
  61. 2 correct
  62. ---
  63. BREAK
  64. ---
  65. 3 false - The town is Muncie, not Middleton.
  66. 4 false
  67. 5 correct
  68. 6 false - They all have two-word names, but the second word is different depending on how many types of rock.
  69. 7 correct
  70. 8 incomplete - This is true, but it doesn’t mention checkers.
  71. 9 false
  72. 10 correct
  73. 11 correct
  74. 12 false - Gainsborough rivaled Reynolds, which means he had a similar level of talent.
  75. 13 false
  76. 14 false
  77. 15 incomplete - It doesn’t mention the visual spectacles available for film.
  78. 16 false - “there is no validity” means this is untrue (the bases of trees grow out, not up)
  79. ---
  80. Oxford p. 137 and 140 - Answer the paraphrase questions about Andy Goldsworthy’s art.
  81. 1 c - There is a hole in the art, but no looking glass. (Both a and b say there’s a real looking glass (mirror) in the art.)
  82. 2 a
  83. 3 c - ‘a’ and ‘d’ leave out one of the artists, ‘b’ incorrectly states that Matisse was executed
  84. - Even when you can’t be sure of the correct answer, you should try to eliminate one or two definitely incorrect answers.
  85. ---
  86. p. 142 and 144-145 - Do the same for the passage about Ben and Jerry.
  87. 1 d
  88. 2 c - They gave out free ice cream in their marketing, but we don’t know that it was at community events.
  89. 3 c
  90. 4 c - They were for the environment and against BGH and nuclear weapons.
  91. 5 c - They did have some unique marketing (paragraph 2), but this sentence doesn’t refer to it.
  92. ---
  93. Homework: p. 146-153 - exercises 3R14 and 3R20 (You can check the answers yourself after you do it.)
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