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The Fallout: Azula's heart strikes back! (Abridged2)

a guest
Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. Feb 10 15:43:58 <DarkPrincess> supergauntlet, azula kb'ed me from drama
  2. Feb 10 15:44:07 <supergauntlet> DarkPrincess: lol what'd you do
  3. Feb 10 15:44:14 <DarkPrincess> I argued with her in atheism
  4. Feb 10 15:44:21 <DarkPrincess> and I put up a pastebin
  5. Feb 10 15:44:30 <supergauntlet> lol
  6. Feb 10 15:44:33 <DarkPrincess> and shared it in here and in drama
  7. Feb 10 15:44:54 <DarkPrincess> I got this PM at the same time: <rin> yo, just fyi, your attempts to shame me/make me look bad were pitiful. Drama and SRD are both already quite aware of my authoritarian views
  8. Feb 10 15:44:54 <DarkPrincess> * Azula has quit (Changing host)
  9. Feb 10 15:44:54 <DarkPrincess> * rin has quit (Changing host)
  10. Feb 10 15:45:18 <supergauntlet> lol
  11. Feb 10 15:45:37 <rin> Actually, I sent that about an hour before I banned ya
  12. Feb 10 15:45:41 <DarkPrincess> heres the funny part, this person is an authoritarian who doesnt listen to authority
  13. Feb 10 15:45:52 <DarkPrincess> I have a life and things to do so I didnt notice that
  14. Feb 10 15:45:57 <DarkPrincess> sorry if you don't
  15. Feb 10 15:45:59 <Keroro> fight fight fight fight fight!!!
  16. Feb 10 15:46:19 <DarkPrincess> Sounds more like a You-thoritarian than an authoritarian
  17. Feb 10 15:46:20 <rin> Nice attacks. Got a better argument?
  18. Feb 10 15:46:20 <DarkPrincess> to me
  19. Feb 10 15:46:25 <DarkPrincess> oh wow
  20. Feb 10 15:46:30 * HoloIRCUser is now known as rais
  21. Feb 10 15:46:35 <supergauntlet> rais sux
  22. Feb 10 15:46:39 <DarkPrincess> rais sux
  23. Feb 10 15:46:45 <Keroro> rais sux
  24. Feb 10 15:46:53 <TitanT> rais sux
  25. Feb 10 15:46:59 <rin> And yes, I did ban you from #dra ma, because you're sitting there lurkin', you even admitted it in #atheism
  26. Feb 10 15:47:12 <DarkPrincess> what are you talking about
  27. Feb 10 15:47:16 <DarkPrincess> I talk in there sometimes
  28. Feb 10 15:47:19 <DarkPrincess> oh wow...
  29. Feb 10 15:47:38 <rais> Lel
  30. Feb 10 15:47:42 <SleepingCFO> Fight fight!!!
  31. Feb 10 15:47:45 <Keroro> <3
  32. Feb 10 15:47:49 <DarkPrincess> :)
  33. Feb 10 15:47:54 <Keroro> fight fight fight fight
  34. Feb 10 15:48:01 <rin> So, got anything else worthwhile to say?
  35. Feb 10 15:48:03 <supergauntlet> lol
  36. Feb 10 15:48:08 <DarkPrincess>
  37. Feb 10 15:48:16 <DarkPrincess> it gets juicy at line 136-7
  38. Feb 10 15:48:17 <rin> Or are you just going to crawl back to #atheism and flirt with CS some more?
  39. Feb 10 15:48:23 <erikster> lord people
  40. Feb 10 15:48:28 <rin> Yup, you already posted that earlier
  41. Feb 10 15:48:29 <DarkPrincess> I flirted with him
  42. Feb 10 15:48:30 <DarkPrincess> what
  43. Feb 10 15:48:31 <SleepingCFO> rais: mind unbanning me from drama? I have to sleep now and I want SleepingCFO to keep logs
  44. Feb 10 15:48:31 <supergauntlet> christ rin do you have to be so abrasive?
  45. Feb 10 15:48:33 <erikster> #subredditdrama is not your drama channel
  46. Feb 10 15:48:36 <DarkPrincess> are you talking about
  47. Feb 10 15:48:39 * erikster has kicked rin from #subredditdrama (erikster)
  48. Feb 10 15:48:42 * You have been kicked from #subredditdrama by erikster (erikster)
  49. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Feb 10 15:48:42 2014
  51. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Feb 10 15:48:43 2014
  52. Feb 10 15:48:43 * Now talking on #subredditdrama
  53. Feb 10 15:48:53 <rin> erikster sucks
  54. Feb 10 15:48:57 <supergauntlet> lol
  55. Feb 10 15:48:58 <rin> ;p
  56. Feb 10 15:48:58 * erikster has kicked rin from #subredditdrama (erikster)
  57. Feb 10 15:49:04 <HoloIRCUser> Cfo that was a real ban
  58. Feb 10 15:49:05 <supergauntlet> lol again
  59. Feb 10 15:49:06 * rin (rin@user/rin) has joined
  60. Feb 10 15:49:06 <greenduch> oi what is going on here
  61. Feb 10 15:49:06 <erikster> op abuse is best abuse
  62. Feb 10 15:49:11 <rin> this
  63. Feb 10 15:49:12 <supergauntlet> greenduch: mod aboose
  64. Feb 10 15:49:15 <DarkPrincess> yeah
  65. Feb 10 15:49:20 <supergauntlet> greenduch: petition to deop erikster and op me
  66. Feb 10 15:49:22 <DarkPrincess> people are having a rational discourse
  67. Feb 10 15:49:26 <DarkPrincess> I second
  68. Feb 10 15:49:36 <SleepingCFO> raiz: oh ok.
  69. Feb 10 15:49:42 <TitanT> Everyone is being unchill instead of just being buddies all the time. >:|
  70. Feb 10 15:49:45 <DarkPrincess> this is 3rd rate facism
  71. Feb 10 15:49:53 <erikster> yall need to chill
  72. Feb 10 15:49:57 <rin> DarkPrincess started this, not me
  73. Feb 10 15:50:05 <stealthmode> TitanT we are the happy channel buddies
  74. Feb 10 15:50:17 <supergauntlet> TitanT suxxxxx
  75. Feb 10 15:50:33 * erikster has quit (Quit: I'm gonna go try doing stuff IN REAL LIFE.... spooky I know.)
  76. Feb 10 15:50:42 <DarkPrincess> lol
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