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a guest
May 25th, 2015
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  1. m Turns every conversation to him or herself.
  2. ? Expects you to meet his or her emotional needs.
  3. y Ignores the impact of his negative comments on you.
  4. y Constantly criticizes or berates you and knows what is best for you.
  5. y Focuses on blaming rather than taking responsibility for his own behavior.
  6. y Expects you to jump at his every need.
  7. y Is overly involved with his own hobbies, interests or addictions and ignores your needs.
  8. ? Has a high need for attention.
  9. n Brags, sulks, complains, inappropriately teases and is flamboyant, loud and boisterous.
  10. y Is closed minded about own mistakes. Can’t handle criticism and gets angry to shut it off.
  11. y Becomes angry when his needs are not met and throws tantrums or intimidates.
  12. n Has an attitude of “anything you can do, I can do better.”
  13. n Engages in one-upmanship to seem important.
  14. n Acts in a seductive manner or is overly charming.
  15. n Is vain and fishes for compliments. Expects you to admire him.
  16. n Isn’t satisfied unless he has the “biggest” or “best.”
  17. ? Seeks status. Spends money to impress others.
  18. y Forgets what you have done for them yet keeps reminding you that you owe them today.
  19. n Neglects the family to impress others. Does it all: Is a super person to gain admiration.
  20. y Threatens to abandon you if you don’t go along with what he wants.
  21. n Does not obey the law—sees himself above the law.
  22. n Does not expect to be penalized for failure to follow directions or conform to guidelines.
  23. y Ignores your feelings and calls you overly sensitive or touchy if you express feelings.
  24. m Tells you how you should feel or not feel.
  25. y Cannot listen to you and cannot allow your opinions.
  26. y Is more interested in his own concerns and interests than yours.
  27. y Is unable to see things from any point of view other than his own.
  28. y Wants to control what you do and say—tries to micromanage you.
  29. n Attempts to make you feel stupid, helpless and inept when you do things on your own.
  30. y Has poor insight and can not see the impact his selfish behavior has on you.
  31. y Has shallow emotions and interests.
  32. n Exploits others with lies and manipulations.
  33. n Uses emotional blackmail to get what he wants.
  34. n May engage in physical or sexual abuse of children.
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