
golden child sesh

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. Driving up to the curb, you make the arduous journey up the concrete walkway to the front entrance, your peers eyes stabbing at you from every direction.||
  2. +Cam|Jacob
  3. ...
  4. Ah hell. I'm gone for a few months, and it's all fallen apart. Everything, ruined.
  5. +Cam|Jacob
  6. I'll have to rebuild, re-establish, re.../everything/. I still can't believe that bitch tricked me like that.
  7. +Cam|Jacob
  8. I look around the entrance, trying to assess the damage. How far had I fallen, and could any of my entertainment be salvaged? ||
  9. @Lurks|GM
  10. ...
  11. People look at you with contempt, but there seems to be something else...
  12. @Lurks|GM
  13. Ever since you got these damn powers, you seemed to see people... differently.
  14. @Lurks|GM
  15. Around them, you see shards of broken glass, words flying across their surfaces.
  16. @Lurks|GM
  17. A symbol of everyone's imperfection.||
  18. +Cam|Jacob
  19. ...
  20. Well...this is interesting. It seems I have something new to play with.
  21. +Cam|Jacob
  22. Business first, though, I suppose. I strut through the entrance, displaying my confidence proudly. If I don't think anything is wrong, then they won't either, and I can start doing damage control.
  23. As I do so, I look at the shards of glass around the person nearest to me. This will be fun. ||
  24. @Lurks|GM
  25. ...
  26. → iridium248 has joined
  27. @Lurks|GM
  28. ((Presentation roll))
  29. +Cam|Jacob
  30. $roll 2h6+2
  31. +[ATM]
  32. Cam|Jacob (1) [2] +2 = 4
  33. → OptimusRhyme has joined
  34. @Lurks|GM
  35. People seem to ignore you as you pass, though they don't seem to be mocking you.
  36. @Lurks|GM
  37. Looking closer at the person's shards, you see words flit about, too fast for you to read.
  38. @Lurks|GM
  39. The person turns towards you and gives you a glare. It's one of the girls that you used to date.||
  40. +Cam|Jacob
  41. ...
  42. → Olliecollie has joined
  43. +Cam|Jacob
  44. Hm. Well, I don't like old toys, but it will do. "Hello," I say, smiling like nothing is wrong. "Beautiful day, isn't it?" ||
  45. @Lurks|GM
  46. ...
  47. ((presentation))
  48. +Cam|Jacob
  49. $roll 2h6+2
  50. +[ATM]
  51. Cam|Jacob [5] (5) +2 = 7
  52. @Lurks|GM
  53. The girl just rolls her eyes at you and continues walking.
  54. @Lurks|GM
  55. Her shards seem to have started to coalesce, though, and the words seem to have slowed down a bit.||
  56. +Cam|Jacob
  57. Oh, a reaction. Finally. I guess this plaything can still be fun after all. Let's see if I can read the words now. ||
  58. @Lurks|GM
  59. ...
  60. ((Wits))
  61. +Cam|Jacob
  62. $roll 1d6 Wits
  63. +[ATM]
  64. Cam|Jacob "Wits" [1] = 1
  65. @Lurks|GM
  66. The words are still too fast for you to read, zipping from shard to shard.
  67. → TFS has joined
  68. @Lurks|GM
  69. Entering the building, people jostle past you, nearly knocking you over.
  70. ← Olliecollie has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  71. @Lurks|GM
  72. ||
  73. +Cam|Jacob
  74. ((So, is it time to go to class?))
  75. ((Or not yet?))
  76. @Lurks|GM
  77. ((you have a bit of time))
  78. +Cam|Jacob
  79. Damn, now I am just more curious. Screw the school, I want to know what is on the glass.
  80. +Cam|Jacob
  81. It seems to slow from opening old wounds. What would happen if I make new ones? I look around for any weaklings, any person I've broken before, or someone /breakable/ now. ||
  82. @Lurks|GM
  83. ((Wits))
  84. +Cam|Jacob
  85. $roll 1d6 Wits
  86. +[ATM]
  87. Cam|Jacob "Wits" [2] = 2
  88. @Lurks|GM
  89. Everyone seems to look at you with contempt as you pass, banding together from their hate.
  90. → Lexicon has joined
  91. @Lurks|GM
  92. Everyone from the captain of the math team to the quarterback of the football team seemed to look at you with hate. Hate for your cockiness. Hate for your manipulation. Hate for the pain that you've caused.||
  93. +Cam|Jacob
  94. ...
  95. Dammit. They're not supposed to do this. They're /toys/. Who do they think they are? Despicable bastards, all of them.
  96. +Cam|Jacob
  97. I'll go to my first period, still walking with confidence. I can't show weakness, especially not now. Hopefully time in class will allow me more time to, well, read. Hm, ironic. ||
  98. @Lurks|GM
  99. ...
  100. → Mazinja has joined
  101. ← Mazin2 has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  102. @Lurks|GM
  103. Despite going with the main flow of students, you still make slow progress in the halls.
  104. People continue to jostle and attempt to knock you down.
  105. They were trying to break you as you did them.||
  106. +Cam|Jacob
  107. ...
  108. +Cam|Jacob
  109. Well then, I believe it is safe to say that the situation is irreparable. My worst fear, realized. It's a shame: I really did like this game. Hopefully, I can get at least one more thing out of these petty imbeciles.
  110. +Cam|Jacob
  111. I look around for more of the glass shards, hopefully with slower text. If I'm lucky, my presence may have reopened some wounds. If the reaction is anything to gauge by, there must be someone here with refreshed issues. ||
  112. @Lurks|GM
  113. ((Wits))
  114. +Cam|Jacob
  115. $roll 1d6 Wits
  116. +[ATM]
  117. Cam|Jacob "Wits" [1] = 1
  118. @Lurks|GM
  119. ...
  120. @Lurks|GM
  121. Again, the words are too fast to read. Maybe you need to do something first?
  122. @Lurks|GM
  123. Arriving a your first period, Biology, the teacher greets you with a stack of work.
  124. @Lurks|GM
  125. "You have a fair bit of catching up to do, Mr. Hen." Mr. Bleck was a relatively young man, just into his thirties.
  126. @Lurks|GM
  127. "The end of the year is coming up. Don't fail your finals."
  128. The shards around him seem to start to coalesce, and the words are slowing down, though just barely.||
  129. ← chlorinecrown has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  130. +Cam|Jacob
  131. "Hm?" I ask, my face the perfect image of innocence, "I'm sorry Mr. Bleck, did you not receive my work? I assure you, I've kept up with it for the entirety of my absence."
  132. @Lurks|GM
  133. ((Soc))
  134. +Cam|Jacob
  135. I've bluffed teachers before, and they always fall for it. This should send him back to his files as a complete misunderstanding, and eventually he'll void the work entirely due to "his" error.
  136. As I lie to my idiotic teacher's face, I look into the shards around him. Perhaps now I can finally read them. ||
  137. @Lurks|GM
  138. ((Then Wits))
  139. +Cam|Jacob
  140. ((Subterfuge?))
  141. ⓘ Lurks|GM is now known as JustLurking
  142. ⓘ JustLurking is now known as Lurks|GM
  143. @Lurks|GM
  144. ((Yep))
  145. +Cam|Jacob
  146. $roll 3h6+2 Subterfuge
  147. +[ATM]
  148. Cam|Jacob "Subterfuge" (5) (4) [6] +2 = 8
  149. +Cam|Jacob
  150. $roll 1d6 Wits
  151. +[ATM]
  152. Cam|Jacob "Wits" [5] = 5
  153. @Lurks|GM
  154. ...
  155. He furrows his brow for a second. "I'll double check."
  156. As he walks back towards his desk, you catch two words flying from shard to shard.
  157. Love
  158. Lost||
  159. +Cam|Jacob
  160. Oh my. Mr. Bleck must have some tragedy behind him. That is.../delicious/.
  161. +Cam|Jacob
  162. "I hope it wasn't lost in the mail. That would be horrific." I continue, still peering into the shards for more. What terrible things have you been up to? ||
  163. @Lurks|GM
  164. ((Wits))
  165. +Cam|Jacob
  166. $roll 1d6 Wits
  167. +[ATM]
  168. Cam|Jacob "Wits" [1] = 1
  169. @Lurks|GM
  170. You catch nothing as he walks back to his desk, and his shards start to drift away once more.
  171. @Lurks|GM
  172. Looking around the room, you realize that the eyes of the entire class are on you.||
  173. +Cam|Jacob
  174. Fuck them. Those toys are broken now. But /this/ one, this one interests me.
  175. +Cam|Jacob
  176. I walk to my desk, still displaying confidence. Even if my game is gone, I still won't let them win. And hopefully, I can have another discussion with Mr. Bleck after class. A new game to play, perhaps. ||
  177. @Lurks|GM
  178. ...
  179. ((Want to skip ahead to the end of the class period?))
  180. +Cam|Jacob
  181. ((Sure))
  182. → Mazin2 has joined
  183. ← Mazinja has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  184. @Lurks|GM
  185. As the bell rings and students flood out of the classroom, you are left in a quiet room with Mr, Bleck.
  186. He looks up, glancing at you.
  187. "Is there something you need, Mr. Hen?"||
  188. +Cam|Jacob
  189. "I was just wondering if you found my missing work," I respond, still displaying a look of innocence. "I would /love/ if it weren't lost."
  190. A little on the nose, but I have to figure this power out somehow. I look around for more glass shards to read from. ||
  191. ← OptimusRhyme has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  192. ~Wildbow
  193. 21-70 degrees, feels warmer, maybe because I just cooked
  194. ((Shit, sorry))
  195. → OptimusRhyme has joined
  196. ← Divock|Mobile has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  197. @Lurks|GM
  198. I'm afraid it's still missing, Sir.
  199. ← OptimusRhyme has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  200. ← Jyggalag has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  201. ⓘ Teller is now known as Telloff
  202. @Lurks|GM
  203. ((Wits))
  204. +Cam|Jacob
  205. $roll 1d6 Wits
  206. +[ATM]
  207. Cam|Jacob "Wits" [2] = 2
  208. @Lurks|GM
  209. The shards were slower than before, but you still can't quite read them. Maybe if you got closer they would get clearer?||
  210. +Cam|Jacob
  211. I lean in, appearing to look over my teacher's desk, while actually eyeing the shards carefully. It's a risk, but my curiosity /must/ be sated. After all, I can't play my game without knowing the rules first. ||
  212. @Lurks|GM
  213. ...
  214. @Lurks|GM
  215. ((Wits))
  216. +Cam|Jacob
  217. $roll 1d6 Wits
  218. +[ATM]
  219. Cam|Jacob "Wits" [5] = 5
  220. @Lurks|GM
  221. As you lean in, Mr. Bleck glances up at you. He's not happy.
  222. @Lurks|GM
  223. "Get. Out. Right. Now." He stands up and points at the door. "I've had enough of you today, Jacob."||
  224. -||
  225. But you've already got what you needed.
  226. Four words
  227. Gambling
  228. Depression
  229. Debt
  230. Hate||
  231. +Cam|Jacob
  232. "Oh, sorry Mr. Bleck," I say, continuing the charade. "I'm just worried. My absence caused quite a few issues already."
  233. +Cam|Jacob
  234. Oh, but this is juicy. I can't reveal my hand /just/ yet, not now, not while he's in school. Still, I can use this. Time to get out of this broken game, and find a new one.
  235. @Lurks|GM
  236. ...
  237. ((Shoot))
  238. ((Uhh, continue))
  239. +Cam|Jacob
  240. I'll have to find more staff to use, and as I leave the classroom I prepare my next move. Time to go to the nurse's office. ||
  241. ((Np.))
  242. @Lurks|GM
  243. ...
  244. @Lurks|GM
  245. As you exit the classroom, you look at the clock and realize that you only have 3 minutes to get to your next class.
  246. @Lurks|GM
  247. He /did/ have a nearly perfect excuse to go to the nurse's office, however.
  248. ||
  249. +Cam|Jacob
  250. I beeline straight to the nurse. No point in going to my next period, especially with this sudden pounding headache and blurry vision. Hell, I think I'm even seeing things. ||
  251. @Lurks|GM
  252. ...
  253. @Lurks|GM
  254. As you enter the nurse's office, you see her turn towards you.
  255. @Lurks|GM
  256. "What's bothering you?" She manages to keep her voice cheerful, though her eyes tell a different story.||
  257. → Flitter has joined
  258. +Cam|Jacob
  259. "My eyes are all blurry, and my head is killing me," I respond. I don't want to say anything else, and risk my bluff being called. Meanwhile, I look for any shards around her. ||
  260. @Lurks|GM
  261. ((wits))
  262. +Cam|Jacob
  263. $roll 1d6 Wits
  264. +[ATM]
  265. Cam|Jacob "Wits" [4] = 4
  266. @Lurks|GM
  267. There are fewer words on her shards than the ones Mr. Bleck's, and you manage to catch one.
  268. Inadequacy||
  269. → Mazinja has joined
  270. +Cam|Jacob
  271. Hm. Interesting. An inferiority complex? That /would/ be fitting.
  272. "Can you help me?" I ask, as I continue to search for her shards. That "inadequacy" may actually work in my favor, as I doubt she could have the will to challenge me or my lies. ||
  273. @Lurks|GM
  274. ...
  275. ← Mazin2 has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  276. @Lurks|GM
  277. "What do you need help with?" The nurse's eyes look tired, as if someone had taken the life out of them.||
  278. ⓘ soulpelt| is now known as soulpelt|sleep
  279. +Cam|Jacob
  280. "Ca-can I rest somewhere?" I say, with weakness in my voice, "I just need to get over...whatever this is."
  281. @Lurks|GM
  282. ...
  283. +Cam|Jacob
  284. ||
  285. @Lurks|GM
  286. ((Subterfuge))
  287. +Cam|Jacob
  288. $roll 3h6+2 Subterfuge
  289. +[ATM]
  290. Cam|Jacob "Subterfuge" (5) (4) [6] +2 = 8
  291. @Lurks|GM
  292. $roll 1d6
  293. +[ATM]
  294. Lurks|GM [2] = 2
  295. @Lurks|GM
  296. "The beds are over there." She points towards a dark, unlit part of the office.
  297. "What's your name? I need to mark down that you're here."||
  298. +Cam|Jacob
  299. "Jacob Hen," I say, sticking to my real name. I can explain it to my parents easily, and there's no point in lying here. As the nurse writes, I attempt one more look into her shards. ||
  300. @Lurks|GM
  301. ...
  302. Her shards have coalesced by now, forming an image.
  303. A vision of a skinny, sickly woman looks back at you with gaunt eyes.
  304. Words surround her.
  305. @Lurks|GM
  306. Help
  307. Abuse
  308. Pain
  309. Love
  310. Hunger
  311. Ang
  312. Hate
  313. ||
  314. +Cam|Jacob
  315. I lay back on the cot, staring at the sickly, gruesome image, and a single thought races through my mind:
  316. This will be /so fun/.
  317. ||
  318. @Lurks|GM
  319. As you drift off to sleep, your thoughts drift towards your game.
  320. Perhaps broken toys could be mended.
  321. Then again, new ones were much more fun to play with.||||
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