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CoD WaW - Script Function List [Complete] Apadayo/DUKIP

a guest
Jun 24th, 2015
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  1. ACos MPSP
  2. ASin MPSP
  3. ATan MPSP
  4. Abs MPSP
  5. AbsAngleClamp180 MPSP
  6. ActivateClientExploder SP
  7. AddAIEventListener SP
  8. AddCylinderInfluencer MP
  9. AddNodeToCurve SP
  10. AddSpawnPoints MP
  11. AddSphereInfluencer MP
  12. AddTestClient MP
  13. AddVehicleToCompass SP
  14. AdsButtonPressed MPSP
  15. AimAtPos SP
  16. AllClientsPrint MP
  17. AllowADS MPSP
  18. AllowCrouch SP
  19. AllowJump MPSP
  20. AllowLean SP
  21. AllowMelee SP
  22. AllowProne SP
  23. AllowSpectateTeam MPSP
  24. AllowSprint MPSP
  25. AllowStand SP
  26. AllowedStances MPSP
  27. AmbientPlay MPSP
  28. AmbientStop MPSP
  29. Amplify SP
  30. AmplifyStop SP
  31. AngleClamp180 MPSP
  32. AnglesToForward MPSP
  33. AnglesToRight MPSP
  34. AnglesToUp MPSP
  35. AnimCustom MPSP
  36. AnimHasNotetrack MPSP
  37. AnimMode MPSP
  38. AnimRelative SP
  39. AnimScripted SP
  40. Announcement MP
  41. AnyAmmoForWeaponModes MPSP
  42. ArtilleryIconLocation MP
  43. Assert MPSP
  44. AssertEx MPSP
  45. AssertMsg MPSP
  46. Attach MPSP
  47. AttachPath MPSP
  48. AttackButtonPressed MPSP
  49. BadPlace_Arc SP
  50. BadPlace_Brush SP
  51. BadPlace_Cylinder SP
  52. BadPlace_Delete SP
  53. BadPlacesEnable SP
  54. Ban MPSP
  55. Battlemap_AddMarker SP
  56. Battlemap_RemoveMarker SP
  57. BbPrint MPSP
  58. BeginLocationSelection MPSP
  59. BeginPrediction SP
  60. BloodImpact SP
  61. BoundsWouldTelefrag MP
  62. BreakRope SP
  63. BuildCurve SP
  64. BulletSpread SP
  65. BulletTrace MPSP
  66. BulletTracePassed MPSP
  67. BulletTracer MPSP
  68. ButtonPressed MPSP
  69. CameraLinkToCurve SP
  70. CanAttackEnemyNode MPSP
  71. CanSee MPSP
  72. CanShoot SP
  73. CanSpawnTurret SP
  74. CanUseTurret SP
  75. Ceil MPSP
  76. ChangeFontScaleOverTime SP
  77. ChangeLevel SP
  78. CheckCoverExitPosWithPath SP
  79. CheckGrenadeLaunch SP
  80. CheckGrenadeLaunchPos SP
  81. CheckGrenadeThrow SP
  82. CheckGrenadeThrowPos SP
  83. CheckProne MPSP
  84. Cinematic SP
  85. CinematicInGame SP
  86. CinematicInGameLoop SP
  87. CinematicInGameLoopFromFastfile SP
  88. CinematicInGameLoopResident SP
  89. CinematicInGameSync SP
  90. ClearAllCorpses SP
  91. ClearAllTextAfterHudelem MPSP
  92. ClearAnim SP
  93. ClearEnemy MPSP
  94. ClearEntityOwner MP
  95. ClearEntityTarget MPSP
  96. ClearFixedNodeSafeVolume MPSP
  97. ClearGoalVolume MPSP
  98. ClearGoalYaw MPSP
  99. ClearGunnerTarget MPSP
  100. ClearLocalizedStrings SP
  101. ClearLookAtEnt MPSP
  102. ClearPerks MP
  103. ClearPitchOrient MPSP
  104. ClearPotentialThreat MPSP
  105. ClearSpawnpoints MP
  106. ClearSpawnpointsBaseWeight MP
  107. ClearTargetEnt MPSP
  108. ClearTargetEntity SP
  109. ClearTargetYaw MPSP
  110. ClearTurretTarget MPSP
  111. Clear_Objective_Squad MP
  112. ClientAnnouncement MP
  113. ClientClaimTrigger MP
  114. ClientHasSnapshot MPSP
  115. ClientPrint MP
  116. ClientReleaseTrigger MP
  117. ClientSysRegister MPSP
  118. ClientSysSetState MPSP
  119. ClonePlayer MP
  120. CloseFile MPSP
  121. CloseInGameMenu MPSP
  122. CloseMenu MPSP
  123. Closer MPSP
  124. CollisionTestPointsInCone MP
  125. CollisionTestPointsInCylinder MP
  126. CollisionTestPointsInPill MP
  127. CollisionTestPointsInSphere MP
  128. CollisionTestPointsInbox MP
  129. CombineAngles MPSP
  130. CommitSave SP
  131. ConnectPaths MPSP
  132. CoopInfo SP
  133. Cos MPSP
  134. CreateDynEntAndLaunch MPSP
  135. CreatePrintChannel MPSP
  136. CreateRope SP
  137. CreateSquad MP
  138. CrunchArray SP
  139. DamageConeTrace MPSP
  140. DeactivateChannelVolumes MPSP
  141. DeactivateClientExploder SP
  142. DeactivateReverb MPSP
  143. Delete MPSP
  144. DeleteFX MP
  145. DeleteFakeEnt MPSP
  146. DeleteRope SP
  147. DepthInWater MPSP
  148. DepthOfPlayerInWater MP
  149. Destroy MPSP
  150. Detach MPSP
  151. DetachAll MPSP
  152. Detonate MPSP
  153. DevAddPitch MPSP
  154. DevAddRoll MPSP
  155. DevAddYaw MPSP
  156. DisableAimAssist MPSP
  157. DisableBerserker SP
  158. DisableDestructiblepieces MPSP
  159. DisableGrenadeTouchDamage MPSP
  160. DisableGrenadesuicide SP
  161. DisableGunnerfiring MPSP
  162. DisableInvulnerability SP
  163. DisableOffhandWeapons MPSP
  164. DisableTurretDismount SP
  165. DisableWeaponCycling MPSP
  166. DisableWeapons MPSP
  167. DisconnectPaths MPSP
  168. Distance MPSP
  169. Distance2D MPSP
  170. DistanceSquared MPSP
  171. DoDamage MPSP
  172. DoSpawn SP
  173. DontInterpolate SP
  174. DrawCompassFriendlies SP
  175. DrawCurve SP
  176. DropItem MP
  177. DropWeapon SP
  178. DumpAnims SP
  179. DumpHistory SP
  180. EQOff SP
  181. EQOn SP
  182. Earthquake MPSP
  183. EnableAimAssist MPSP
  184. EnableAllDestructiblePieces MPSP
  185. EnableBerserker SP
  186. EnableGrenadeSuicide SP
  187. EnableGrenadeTouchDamage MPSP
  188. EnableHealthShield SP
  189. EnableInvulnerability SP
  190. EnableLinkTo MPSP
  191. EnableOffhandWeapons MPSP
  192. EnableTurretDismount SP
  193. EnableWatersheetFX SP
  194. EnableWeaponCycling MPSP
  195. EnableWeapons MPSP
  196. Enableinfluencer MP
  197. EndLobby MP
  198. EndLocationSelection MPSP
  199. EndParty MP
  200. EndPrediction SP
  201. EnterProne SP
  202. ExitLevel MPSP
  203. ExitProne SP
  204. FGetArg MPSP
  205. FPrintFields MPSP
  206. FPrintLn MPSP
  207. FReadLn MPSP
  208. FadeOverTime MPSP
  209. FindAnimByname MPSP
  210. FindBestCoverNode SP
  211. FindCoverNode SP
  212. FindPath SP
  213. FindReacquireDirectPath MPSP
  214. FindReacquireNode MPSP
  215. FindReacquireProximatePath MPSP
  216. FinishActorDamage MP
  217. FinishPlayerDamage MPSP
  218. FinishVehicleDamage MP
  219. FinishVehicleRadiusDamage MP
  220. FireGrenadeLauncher SP
  221. FireGunnerWeapon MPSP
  222. FireWeapon MPSP
  223. FlagEnemyUnattackable MPSP
  224. Floor MPSP
  225. ForceLevelEnd SP
  226. ForceTeleport MPSP
  227. ForceViewmodelAnimation SP
  228. FragButtonPressed MPSP
  229. FreeCurve SP
  230. FreeHelicopter MP
  231. FreeVehicle MPSP
  232. FreezeControls MPSP
  233. GetAIArray SP
  234. GetAISpeciesArray SP
  235. GetAITriggerFlags MP
  236. GetAIVelocity SP
  237. GetAbsMaxs MP
  238. GetAbsMins MP
  239. GetAllNodes MPSP
  240. GetAllVehicleNodes SP
  241. GetAmmoCount MPSP
  242. GetAngleDelta MPSP
  243. GetAngles MP
  244. GetAnglesToLikelyEnemyPath MPSP
  245. GetAnimAssetType SP
  246. GetAnimCurrFrameCount SP
  247. GetAnimFrameCount SP
  248. GetAnimLength MPSP
  249. GetAnimState MP
  250. GetAnimStateCategory MP
  251. GetAnimTime SP
  252. GetArrayKeys MPSP
  253. GetAssignedTeam MP
  254. GetAtrLoaded MPSP
  255. GetAttachIgnoreCollision MPSP
  256. GetAttachModelName MPSP
  257. GetAttachPos MPSP
  258. GetAttachSize MPSP
  259. GetAttachTagName MPSP
  260. GetBrushModelCenter MPSP
  261. GetBusCount MPSP
  262. GetBusName MPSP
  263. GetCentroid SP
  264. GetClanID MP
  265. GetClanName MP
  266. GetClosestEnemySqDist SP
  267. GetCommandFromKey SP
  268. GetCorpseAnim MP
  269. GetCoverNode SP
  270. GetCurrentArcadeHighScore SP
  271. GetCurrentOffhand MPSP
  272. GetCurrentWeapon MPSP
  273. GetCurrentWeaponClipAmmo SP
  274. GetCurve SP
  275. GetCurveCurpos SP
  276. GetCurveServerpos SP
  277. GetCycleOriginOffset SP
  278. GetDate SP
  279. GetDebugDvar MPSP
  280. GetDebugDvarFloat MPSP
  281. GetDebugDvarInt MPSP
  282. GetDebugEye SP
  283. GetDifficulty SP
  284. GetDvar MPSP
  285. GetDvarFloat MPSP
  286. GetDvarInt MPSP
  287. GetEnemySqDist SP
  288. GetEngineVolume SP
  289. GetEnt MPSP
  290. GetEntArray MPSP
  291. GetEntByNum MPSP
  292. GetEntNum MPSP
  293. GetEntityNumber MPSP
  294. GetEye MPSP
  295. GetEyeApprox MPSP
  296. GetFXVisibility SP
  297. GetFixedNodeSafeVolume MPSP
  298. GetFlashBangedStrength MPSP
  299. GetFractionMaxAmmo MPSP
  300. GetFractionStartAmmo MPSP
  301. GetGUID MP
  302. GetGoalSpeedMPH MPSP
  303. GetGoalVolume MPSP
  304. GetGroundEntType MPSP
  305. GetHitEntType MPSP
  306. GetHitYaw MPSP
  307. GetInKillcam MP
  308. GetKeyBinding SP
  309. GetKnownLength MPSP
  310. GetLeftTreadHealth MP
  311. GetLightColor MPSP
  312. GetLightExponent MPSP
  313. GetLightFovInner MPSP
  314. GetLightFovOuter MPSP
  315. GetLightIntensity MPSP
  316. GetLightRadius MPSP
  317. GetLocalClientAngles MPSP
  318. GetLocalClientEyepos MPSP
  319. GetLocalClienthealth SP
  320. GetLocalClientmaxhealth SP
  321. GetLocalClientpos MPSP
  322. GetLocalPlayers MPSP
  323. GetMapSunDirection SP
  324. GetMapSunLight SP
  325. GetMaxVehicles MP
  326. GetMaxs MP
  327. GetMins MP
  328. GetMotionAngle MPSP
  329. GetMoveDelta MPSP
  330. GetNegotiationEndNode MPSP
  331. GetNegotiationStartNode MPSP
  332. GetNode MPSP
  333. GetNodeArray MPSP
  334. GetNormalHealth MPSP
  335. GetNormalizedMovement SP
  336. GetNorthYaw MPSP
  337. GetNotetrackTimes MPSP
  338. GetNumConnectedPlayers SP
  339. GetNumExpectedPlayers SP
  340. GetNumParts MPSP
  341. GetNumRestarts SP
  342. GetNumVehicles SP
  343. GetOccupantSeat MPSP
  344. GetOffhandSecondaryClass MPSP
  345. GetOrigin MPSP
  346. GetPartName MPSP
  347. GetPersistentProfileVar SP
  348. GetPlaybackTime MPSP
  349. GetPlayerAngles MPSP
  350. GetPlayerConnectionState SP
  351. GetPlayerSquad MP
  352. GetPlayerSquadID MP
  353. GetPlayerViewHeight SP
  354. GetPlayers SP
  355. GetReacquireNode MPSP
  356. GetRealTime MPSP
  357. GetReflectionLocs MPSP
  358. GetReflectionOrigin MPSP
  359. GetRightTreadHealth MP
  360. GetRope SP
  361. GetScoreMultiplier SP
  362. GetSeatFiringAngles MPSP
  363. GetSeatFiringOrigin MPSP
  364. GetSeatOccupant MPSP
  365. GetShootAtPos MPSP
  366. GetSnapshotIndexArray SP
  367. GetSortedSpawnPoints MP
  368. GetSoundVolume MPSP
  369. GetSpawnerArray SP
  370. GetSpawnerTeamArray SP
  371. GetSpeed MPSP
  372. GetSpeedMPH MPSP
  373. GetStance MPSP
  374. GetStartAngles SP
  375. GetStartOrigin SP
  376. GetStartTime MP
  377. GetStat MPSP
  378. GetSubStr MPSP
  379. GetTagAngles MPSP
  380. GetTagOrigin MPSP
  381. GetTeam MP
  382. GetTeamPlayersAlive MP
  383. GetTeamRadar MP
  384. GetTeamScore MP
  385. GetThreatBiasGroup SP
  386. GetTime MPSP
  387. GetTimeScale SP
  388. GetTreadHealth MP
  389. GetTurret SP
  390. GetTurretOwner SP
  391. GetTurretTarget SP
  392. GetVehOccupants MPSP
  393. GetVehicleHealth MP
  394. GetVehicleNode SP
  395. GetVehicleNodeArray SP
  396. GetVehicleOccupied MP
  397. GetVehicleOwner MPSP
  398. GetVelocity MPSP
  399. GetViewModel MP
  400. GetVisionsetNaked SP
  401. GetWaterHeight SP
  402. GetWeaponAmmoClip MPSP
  403. GetWeaponAmmoStock MPSP
  404. GetWeaponClipModel SP
  405. GetWeaponModel MPSP
  406. GetWeaponsList MPSP
  407. GetWeaponsListPrimaries MPSP
  408. GetWheelSurface MPSP
  409. GetXUID MP
  410. Ghost MP
  411. GiveAchievement SP
  412. GiveMaxAmmo MPSP
  413. GiveStartAmmo MPSP
  414. GiveWeapon MPSP
  415. GrenadeExplosioneffect MP
  416. HasAGrenadePulledBack MP
  417. HasCollectible SP
  418. HasEQ SP
  419. HasEyes SP
  420. HasPerk MPSP
  421. HasUsedWeapon SP
  422. HasWeapon MPSP
  423. Hide MPSP
  424. HidePart MPSP
  425. HideViewModel SP
  426. IPrintLn MPSP
  427. IPrintLnBold MPSP
  428. Int MPSP
  429. IsADS SP
  430. IsAI MPSP
  431. IsAlive MPSP
  432. IsArray MPSP
  433. IsBeingWatched SP
  434. IsCollectors MP
  435. IsCoopEPD SP
  436. IsDefined MPSP
  437. IsDeflected MPSP
  438. IsFiring SP
  439. IsFiringTurret SP
  440. IsFlared MP
  441. IsGodMode SP
  442. IsGunnerFiring MPSP
  443. IsInGoal MPSP
  444. IsInSecondChance MP
  445. IsInVehicle MP
  446. IsKnownEnemyInRadius MPSP
  447. IsKnownEnemyInVolume MPSP
  448. IsLookingAt SP
  449. IsMantling MP
  450. IsMartyrdomGrenade MP
  451. IsMeleeing SP
  452. IsMoveSuppressed SP
  453. IsNoTarget SP
  454. IsNodeOccupied SP
  455. IsOnGround MPSP
  456. IsOnLadder MP
  457. IsPathDirect MPSP
  458. IsPlayer MPSP
  459. IsPlayerNumber MP
  460. IsPoisoned MP
  461. IsRagdoll MPSP
  462. IsSaveRecentlyLoaded SP
  463. IsSaveSuccessful SP
  464. IsSentient SP
  465. IsSpawnpointVisible MP
  466. IsSplitScreen MPSP
  467. IsSquadLeader MP
  468. IsStanceAllowed MPSP
  469. IsString MPSP
  470. IsSubStr MPSP
  471. IsSuppressed SP
  472. IsSuppressionWaiting SP
  473. IsSwitchingWeapons SP
  474. IsTalking MP
  475. IsThrowingGrenade MPSP
  476. IsTouching MPSP
  477. IsTurretActive SP
  478. IsTurretFiring SP
  479. IsTurretReady MPSP
  480. IsValidGametype MP
  481. IsVehicleImmuneToDamage MP
  482. IsVehicleUsable MPSP
  483. IsWaitingOnSound SP
  484. IsWeaponClipOnly MPSP
  485. IsWeaponDetonationtimed MPSP
  486. ItemWeaponSetAmmo MPSP
  487. JoinSquad MP
  488. JoltBody MPSP
  489. Kick MP
  490. Knockback MPSP
  491. LaserOff MPSP
  492. LaserOn MPSP
  493. Launch SP
  494. LaunchBomb MP
  495. LaunchRagdoll MPSP
  496. LaunchVehicle MPSP
  497. LeaveSquad MP
  498. Length MPSP
  499. LengthSquared MPSP
  500. LerpPosition MPSP
  501. LerpSunDirection SP
  502. Line MPSP
  503. LineList MP
  504. LinkTo MPSP
  505. LoadFX MPSP
  506. LoadedFX MPSP
  507. LocalToWorldCoords MPSP
  508. LockLightVis SP
  509. LockSquad MP
  510. LogPrint MP
  511. LogString MPSP
  512. LookAtEntity SP
  513. MagicBullet SP
  514. MagicGrenade SP
  515. MagicGrenadeManual SP
  516. MagicGrenadeType SP
  517. MakeDvarServerInfo MPSP
  518. MakeFakeAI SP
  519. MakeGrenadeDud MP
  520. MakeLight MPSP
  521. MakeTurretUnusable SP
  522. MakeTurretUsable SP
  523. MakeVehicleUnusable MPSP
  524. MakeVehicleUsable MPSP
  525. Map MP
  526. MapExists MP
  527. Map_Restart MP
  528. MatchEnd MP
  529. Matrix4x4TransformPoints MP
  530. Max MPSP
  531. MayMoveFromPointToPoint MPSP
  532. MayMoveToPoint MPSP
  533. Melee MPSP
  534. MeleeButtonPressed MPSP
  535. Min MPSP
  536. Missile_CreateAttractorEnt MPSP
  537. Missile_CreateAttractorOrigin MPSP
  538. Missile_CreateRepulsorEnt MPSP
  539. Missile_CreateRepulsorOrigin MPSP
  540. Missile_DeleteAttractor MPSP
  541. Missile_SetTarget MPSP
  542. MissionFailed SP
  543. MissionSuccess SP
  544. ModelHasPhysPreset SP
  545. MoveGravity MPSP
  546. MoveOverTime MPSP
  547. MoveTo MPSP
  548. MoveX MPSP
  549. MoveY MPSP
  550. MoveZ MPSP
  551. MusicPlay MPSP
  552. MusicStop MPSP
  553. NearNode MPSP
  554. NeedsRevive MP
  555. NetUpdate SP
  556. NewClientHudElem MPSP
  557. NewDebugHUDElem MPSP
  558. NewHudElem MPSP
  559. NewScoreHUDElem MPSP
  560. NewSquadHUDElem MP
  561. NewTeamHudElem MP
  562. NightVisionForceOff SP
  563. NotSolid MPSP
  564. NotifyOnCommand SP
  565. NumRemoteClients SP
  566. Obituary MP
  567. Obituary_Squad MP
  568. Objective_Add MPSP
  569. Objective_AdditionalCurrent SP
  570. Objective_AdditionalPosition SP
  571. Objective_Current MPSP
  572. Objective_Delete MPSP
  573. Objective_Icon MPSP
  574. Objective_OnEntity MP
  575. Objective_Position MPSP
  576. Objective_Ring SP
  577. Objective_Squad MP
  578. Objective_State MPSP
  579. Objective_String SP
  580. Objective_String_NoMessage SP
  581. Objective_Team MP
  582. OkToSpawn SP
  583. OpenFile MPSP
  584. OpenMenu MPSP
  585. OpenMenuNoMouse MPSP
  586. OrientMode MPSP
  587. PhysicsExplosionCylinder MPSP
  588. PhysicsExplosionSphere MPSP
  589. PhysicsJolt MPSP
  590. PhysicsLaunch MPSP
  591. PhysicsTrace MPSP
  592. PickUpGrenade SP
  593. PingPlayer MP
  594. PlaceSpawnPoint MP
  595. PlayBattleChatterToTeam MP
  596. PlayFX MPSP
  597. PlayFXOnTag MPSP
  598. PlayLocalSound MPSP
  599. PlayLoopSound MPSP
  600. PlayLoopedFX MPSP
  601. PlayRumbleLoopOnEntity MPSP
  602. PlayRumbleLoopOnPosition MPSP
  603. PlayRumbleOnEntity MPSP
  604. PlayRumbleOnPosition MPSP
  605. PlaySound MPSP
  606. PlaySoundAsMaster MPSP
  607. PlaySoundAtPosition SP
  608. PlaySoundToPlayer MP
  609. PlaySoundToTeam MP
  610. PlayViewmodelFX SP
  611. PlayerADS MPSP
  612. PlayerAnimScriptEvent SP
  613. PlayerAnimScriptEventEnd SP
  614. PlayerLinkTo SP
  615. PlayerLinkToAbsolute SP
  616. PlayerLinkToCamera SP
  617. PlayerLinkToDelta SP
  618. PlayerPhysicsTrace MPSP
  619. PlayerPositionValid SP
  620. PlayerSetGroundReferenceEnt SP
  621. PlayerSightTrace MP
  622. Player_SetOffscreenDownMaterial SP
  623. Player_SetOffscreenMaterial SP
  624. PointOnSegmentNearestToPoint MPSP
  625. PositionWouldTelefrag MP
  626. PrecacheHeadIcon MPSP
  627. PrecacheItem MPSP
  628. PrecacheLocationSelector MPSP
  629. PrecacheMenu MPSP
  630. PrecacheModel MPSP
  631. PrecacheRumble MPSP
  632. PrecacheShader MPSP
  633. PrecacheShellShock MPSP
  634. PrecacheSpawner SP
  635. PrecacheStatusIcon MP
  636. PrecacheString MPSP
  637. PrecacheTurret MPSP
  638. PrecacheVehicle SP
  639. PredictAnim MPSP
  640. PredictOriginAndAngles MPSP
  641. Print MPSP
  642. Print3d MPSP
  643. PrintLn MPSP
  644. PushPlayer MPSP
  645. QSortScoredSpawnpointsAscending MP
  646. QuitLobby MP
  647. QuitParty MP
  648. RadiusDamage MPSP
  649. RandomFloat MPSP
  650. RandomFloatRange MPSP
  651. RandomInt MPSP
  652. RandomIntRange MPSP
  653. ReacquireMove MPSP
  654. ReacquireStep MPSP
  655. RecordPlayerStats MP
  656. RefreshHUDAmmoCounter SP
  657. RefreshHUDCompass SP
  658. ReleaseClaimedTrigger MP
  659. RemoveAIEventListener SP
  660. RemoveInfluencer MP
  661. RemovePlayerFromStatsLB MPSP
  662. RemoveVehicleFromCompass SP
  663. ReportClientDisconnected SP
  664. ReportMTU SP
  665. Reset MPSP
  666. ResetAILimit SP
  667. ResetCurve SP
  668. ResetMissileDetonationTime SP
  669. ResetSpreadOverride MPSP
  670. ResetSunDirection SP
  671. ResetSunLight SP
  672. ResetTimeout MPSP
  673. RestoreDefaultDropPitch SP
  674. ResumeSpeed MPSP
  675. ReturnPlayerControl SP
  676. Revive MP
  677. ReviveObituary MP
  678. RevivePlayer SP
  679. RotatePitch MPSP
  680. RotateRoll MPSP
  681. RotateTo MPSP
  682. RotateVelocity MPSP
  683. RotateYaw MPSP
  684. SaveGame SP
  685. SaveGameNoCommit SP
  686. SayAll MP
  687. SayTeam MP
  688. ScaleOverTime MPSP
  689. SearchForOnlineGames MP
  690. SeatHasWeapon MPSP
  691. SecondaryOffhandButtonPressed MP
  692. SendLeaderBoards MP
  693. SendRanks MP
  694. SetAILimit SP
  695. SetAISpread SP
  696. SetAcceleration MPSP
  697. SetActionSlot MPSP
  698. SetAimAnimWeights MP
  699. SetAimAnims SP
  700. SetAirResistance MPSP
  701. SetAnim SP
  702. SetAnimKnob SP
  703. SetAnimKnobAll SP
  704. SetAnimKnobAllLimited SP
  705. SetAnimKnobAllLimitedRestart SP
  706. SetAnimKnobAllRestart SP
  707. SetAnimKnobLimited SP
  708. SetAnimKnobLimitedRestart SP
  709. SetAnimKnobRestart SP
  710. SetAnimLimited SP
  711. SetAnimLimitedRestart SP
  712. SetAnimRestart SP
  713. SetAnimState MP
  714. SetAnimTime SP
  715. SetArchive MP
  716. SetAutoPickup SP
  717. SetBlur SP
  718. SetBottomArc MPSP
  719. SetBurn MPSP
  720. SetBusFadeTime MPSP
  721. SetBusVolume MPSP
  722. SetCanDamage MPSP
  723. SetChannelVolumes MPSP
  724. SetClientDvar MPSP
  725. SetClientDvars MPSP
  726. SetClientNameMode MP
  727. SetClock MPSP
  728. SetClockUp MPSP
  729. SetCollectible SP
  730. SetContents MPSP
  731. SetConvergenceTime SP
  732. SetCullDist MPSP
  733. SetCursorHint MPSP
  734. SetCurveBSPLine SP
  735. SetCurveCameraEnt SP
  736. SetCurveNotifyEnt SP
  737. SetCurveRounded SP
  738. SetCurveSmooth SP
  739. SetCurveSpeed SP
  740. SetDamageStage MP
  741. SetDebugAngles SP
  742. SetDebugOrigin SP
  743. SetDebugSideSwitch MP
  744. SetDeceleration MPSP
  745. SetDefaultDropPitch SP
  746. SetDepthOfField MPSP
  747. SetDoubleVision SP
  748. SetDvar MPSP
  749. SetDvarBool MP
  750. SetElectrified MPSP
  751. SetEnemyModel MP
  752. SetEngagementMaxDist SP
  753. SetEngagementMinDist SP
  754. SetEngineVolume SP
  755. SetEnterTime MP
  756. SetEntityOwner MP
  757. SetEntityTarget MPSP
  758. SetExpFog MPSP
  759. SetExploderID SP
  760. SetFakeEntOrg MPSP
  761. SetFixedNodeSafeVolume MPSP
  762. SetFlaggedAnim SP
  763. SetFlaggedAnimKnob SP
  764. SetFlaggedAnimKnobAll SP
  765. SetFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart SP
  766. SetFlaggedAnimKnobLimited SP
  767. SetFlaggedAnimKnobLimitedRestart SP
  768. SetFlaggedAnimKnobRestart SP
  769. SetFlaggedAnimLimited SP
  770. SetFlaggedAnimLimitedRestart SP
  771. SetFlaggedAnimRestart SP
  772. SetFlashBanged MPSP
  773. SetFlashbangImmunity MPSP
  774. SetFriendlyChain SP
  775. SetGameEndTime MP
  776. SetGameTypeString MP
  777. SetGoalEntity MPSP
  778. SetGoalNode MPSP
  779. SetGoalPos MPSP
  780. SetGoalVolume MPSP
  781. SetGoalYaw MPSP
  782. SetGunnerTargetEnt MPSP
  783. SetGunnerTargetVec MPSP
  784. SetHUDWarningType SP
  785. SetHealthPercent SP
  786. SetHintString MPSP
  787. SetHoverParams MPSP
  788. SetInfluencerTeamMask MP
  789. SetInvisibleToPlayer SP
  790. SetLeftArc MPSP
  791. SetLightColor MPSP
  792. SetLightExponent MPSP
  793. SetLightFovRange MPSP
  794. SetLightIntensity MPSP
  795. SetLightRadius MPSP
  796. SetLookAt MPSP
  797. SetLookAtAnimNodes MPSP
  798. SetLookAtCurve SP
  799. SetLookAtDirection SP
  800. SetLookAtEnt MPSP
  801. SetLookAtEntity SP
  802. SetLookAtOrigin SP
  803. SetLookAtText SP
  804. SetLookAtYawLimits MPSP
  805. SetMapCenter MPSP
  806. SetMapNameString MP
  807. SetMaxPitchRoll MPSP
  808. SetMiniMap MPSP
  809. SetMissionDvar SP
  810. SetMode SP
  811. SetModel MPSP
  812. SetMoveSpeedScale MPSP
  813. SetNearGoalNotifyDist MPSP
  814. SetNodePriority SP
  815. SetNormalHealth MPSP
  816. SetNorthYaw SP
  817. SetOffhandSecondaryClass MPSP
  818. SetOrigin MPSP
  819. SetPerk MPSP
  820. SetPersistentProfileVar SP
  821. SetPhysicsGravityDir SP
  822. SetPlaneBarrelRoll MPSP
  823. SetPlanegoalPos MPSP
  824. SetPlayerAngles MPSP
  825. SetPlayerIgnoreRadiusDamage MPSP
  826. SetPlayerNameString MP
  827. SetPlayerSpread SP
  828. SetPlayerTeamRank MP
  829. SetPotentialThreat MPSP
  830. SetPrintChannel MPSP
  831. SetProneAnimNodes SP
  832. SetPulseFX MPSP
  833. SetRank MPSP
  834. SetReverb MPSP
  835. SetReviveHintString MP
  836. SetRightArc MPSP
  837. SetRunToPos MPSP
  838. SetSavedDvar SP
  839. SetScoreMultiplier SP
  840. SetShader MPSP
  841. SetShadowHint SP
  842. SetSoundBlend SP
  843. SetSoundPitch MPSP
  844. SetSoundPitchRate MPSP
  845. SetSoundVolume MPSP
  846. SetSoundVolumeRate MPSP
  847. SetSpawnWeapon MP
  848. SetSpawnerTeam SP
  849. SetSpawnpointRandomVariation MP
  850. SetSpawnpointsBaseWeight MP
  851. SetSpeed MPSP
  852. SetSpeedImmediate MPSP
  853. SetSpreadOverride MPSP
  854. SetStableMissile MPSP
  855. SetStance SP
  856. SetStat MPSP
  857. SetStatBit SP
  858. SetStatLbByName MPSP
  859. SetSunDirection SP
  860. SetSunLight SP
  861. SetSuppressionTime SP
  862. SetSwitchNode MPSP
  863. SetTalkToSpecies MPSP
  864. SetTargetEnt MPSP
  865. SetTargetEntity SP
  866. SetTargetYaw MPSP
  867. SetTeamForTrigger MP
  868. SetTeamRadar MP
  869. SetTeamScore MP
  870. SetTenthsTimer MPSP
  871. SetTenthsTimerUp MPSP
  872. SetText MPSP
  873. SetThreatBiasGroup SP
  874. SetTimeScale SP
  875. SetTimer MPSP
  876. SetTimerUp MPSP
  877. SetTopArc MPSP
  878. SetTransported MPSP
  879. SetTurningAbility MPSP
  880. SetTurretAccuracy SP
  881. SetTurretAnim SP
  882. SetTurretIgnoreGoals SP
  883. SetTurretNode SP
  884. SetTurretTargetEnt MPSP
  885. SetTurretTargetVec MPSP
  886. SetTurretTeam SP
  887. SetUINextLevel SP
  888. SetValue MPSP
  889. SetVehGoalPos MPSP
  890. SetVehMaxSpeed MPSP
  891. SetVehWeapon MPSP
  892. SetVehicleLookAtText MPSP
  893. SetVehicleTeam MPSP
  894. SetVelocity SP
  895. SetViewModel MPSP
  896. SetViewmodelDepthOfField MPSP
  897. SetVisibleToAll SP
  898. SetVisibleToSquad MP
  899. SetVisibletoPlayer SP
  900. SetVolFog MPSP
  901. SetVoteNoCount MP
  902. SetVoteString MP
  903. SetVoteTime MP
  904. SetVoteYesCount MP
  905. SetWaitNode MPSP
  906. SetWaitSpeed MPSP
  907. SetWarGameData MP
  908. SetWaterDrops SP
  909. SetWatersheeting SP
  910. SetWayPoint MPSP
  911. SetWeaponAmmoClip MPSP
  912. SetWeaponAmmoStock MPSP
  913. SetWetness SP
  914. SetWinningPlayer MP
  915. SetWinningTeam MP
  916. SetYawSpeed MPSP
  917. ShellShock MPSP
  918. Shoot SP
  919. ShootBlank SP
  920. ShootTurret SP
  921. ShootUp MP
  922. Show MPSP
  923. ShowAllParts MPSP
  924. ShowPart MPSP
  925. ShowScoreBoard MP
  926. ShowToPlayer MP
  927. ShowViewModel SP
  928. SightConeTrace MPSP
  929. SightTracePassed MPSP
  930. Sin MPSP
  931. SnapshotAcknowledged SP
  932. Solid MPSP
  933. SoundExists MPSP
  934. SoundFade MPSP
  935. SoundPlaying MPSP
  936. Spawn MPSP
  937. SpawnActor MP
  938. SpawnCollision MPSP
  939. SpawnFakeEnt MPSP
  940. SpawnFx MPSP
  941. SpawnHelicopter MP
  942. SpawnPlane MP
  943. SpawnStruct MPSP
  944. SpawnTurret MPSP
  945. SpawnVehicle MPSP
  946. SplitArgs MPSP
  947. SplitViewAllowed SP
  948. Sqrt MPSP
  949. StalingradSpawn SP
  950. StartCameraTween SP
  951. StartCoverArrival MPSP
  952. StartCurve SP
  953. StartEngineSound MPSP
  954. StartFadingBlur SP
  955. StartFiring SP
  956. StartIgnoringSpotLight SP
  957. StartParty MP
  958. StartPath MPSP
  959. StartPoisoning MP
  960. StartPrivateMatch MP
  961. StartRagdoll MPSP
  962. StartRevive SP
  963. StartScriptedAnim SP
  964. StartTanning MPSP
  965. StartTraverseArrival MPSP
  966. StartWaterSheetFX SP
  967. StopAllRumbles MPSP
  968. StopAnimScripted SP
  969. StopBurning MP
  970. StopCinematicInGame SP
  971. StopCurve SP
  972. StopEngineSound MPSP
  973. StopFireWeapon MPSP
  974. StopFiring SP
  975. StopIgnoringSpotLight SP
  976. StopLocalSound MPSP
  977. StopLookAt MPSP
  978. StopLoopSound MPSP
  979. StopPoisoning MP
  980. StopRevive SP
  981. StopRumble MPSP
  982. StopShellShock MPSP
  983. StopShoot SP
  984. StopShootTurret SP
  985. StopSound MPSP
  986. StopSounds SP
  987. StopUseAnimTree SP
  988. StopUseTurret SP
  989. StopUsingTurret SP
  990. StopWatersheetFX SP
  991. StrTok MPSP
  992. StructInfo MPSP
  993. Suicide MPSP
  994. SwitchToOffhand MPSP
  995. SwitchToWeapon MPSP
  996. SyncSystemStates MPSP
  997. TableLookup MPSP
  998. TableLookupiString MPSP
  999. TakeAllWeapons MPSP
  1000. TakeWeapon MPSP
  1001. Tan MPSP
  1002. Target_ClearReticleLockOn SP
  1003. Target_GetArray SP
  1004. Target_IsInCircle SP
  1005. Target_IsInRect SP
  1006. Target_IsTarget SP
  1007. Target_Remove SP
  1008. Target_Set SP
  1009. Target_SetAttackMode SP
  1010. Target_SetJavelinOnly SP
  1011. Target_SetOffscreenShader SP
  1012. Target_SetShader SP
  1013. Target_StartReticleLockOn SP
  1014. Teleport MPSP
  1015. ThrowDownWeapon SP
  1016. ThrowGrenade SP
  1017. TimedRadiusDamage SP
  1018. ToLower MPSP
  1019. ToggleIK SP
  1020. TrackScriptState SP
  1021. TransmitTargetName SP
  1022. TraverseMode MPSP
  1023. TriggerFX MPSP
  1024. TrimPathtoAttack MPSP
  1025. TurretFireDisable SP
  1026. TurretFireEnable SP
  1027. UnLink MPSP
  1028. UnSetPerk MPSP
  1029. UnSetTurretNode SP
  1030. UncrunchArray SP
  1031. UnlockLightVis SP
  1032. UnlockSquad MP
  1033. UnsetCollectible SP
  1034. UpdateClientNames MP
  1035. UpdateDMScores MP
  1036. UpdateDvarsFromProfile SP
  1037. UpdateGamerProfile SP
  1038. UpdatePlayerSightAccuracy SP
  1039. UpdateProne SP
  1040. UpdateScores MP
  1041. UploadScore SP
  1042. UploadTime SP
  1043. UseAnimTree SP
  1044. UseButtonPressed MPSP
  1045. UseBy MPSP
  1046. UseCoverNode SP
  1047. UseReacquireNode MPSP
  1048. UseTriggerRequireLookAt MPSP
  1049. UseTurret SP
  1050. UseVehicle MPSP
  1051. VectorCross MPSP
  1052. VectorDot MPSP
  1053. VectorFromLineToPoint MPSP
  1054. VectorLerp MPSP
  1055. VectorNormalize MPSP
  1056. VectorToAngles MPSP
  1057. VehForceMaterialSpeed MPSP
  1058. VehGetModel MP
  1059. Vibrate MPSP
  1060. ViewKick MPSP
  1061. VisionSetBerserker SP
  1062. VisionSetLaststand SP
  1063. VisionSetNaked MPSP
  1064. VisionSetNight MPSP
  1065. VisionSetVampire SP
  1066. VisionsetLerpRatio MP
  1067. WaterPlop SP
  1068. WaterSimEnable SP
  1069. WeaponAltWeaponName MPSP
  1070. WeaponBayonetInfo SP
  1071. WeaponClass MPSP
  1072. WeaponClipSize MPSP
  1073. WeaponClipType SP
  1074. WeaponFightDist SP
  1075. WeaponFireTime MPSP
  1076. WeaponHasBayonet SP
  1077. WeaponInventoryType MPSP
  1078. WeaponIsBoltAction MPSP
  1079. WeaponIsGasWeapon SP
  1080. WeaponIsSemiAuto MPSP
  1081. WeaponIsSniperWeapon SP
  1082. WeaponLockFinalize SP
  1083. WeaponLockFree SP
  1084. WeaponLockNoClearance SP
  1085. WeaponLockStart SP
  1086. WeaponLockTargetTooClose SP
  1087. WeaponMaxAmmo MPSP
  1088. WeaponMaxDist SP
  1089. WeaponMountable MPSP
  1090. WeaponStartAmmo MPSP
  1091. WeaponType MPSP
  1092. WithinApproxPathDist MPSP
  1093. WorldEntNumber MP
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