

Feb 7th, 2012
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  1. [22:08:58] <~zoofman> Inside you find...
  2. [22:11:39] <~zoofman> A...large collection of antique instruments. Cellos, harps, violins, drums, flutes, and countless others you can't name, hundreds of instruments, carefully stored away.
  3. [22:12:40] <Mitzi> "So uh, assuming their song magic is anything like Harf's, which seems as safe an assumption as any, we just stumbled upon some sort of magical armory."
  4. [22:12:49] <~zoofman> Near the center, sits a pedastle with a large, green, glowing crystal slowly pulsing.
  5. [22:13:04] <Syl> "Possibly a very powerful one, considering the lengths they went to in order to hide it."
  6. [22:14:54] <Rosette> 2d6+5
  7. [22:14:54] * Rosette is already in the process of examining the instruments.
  8. [22:14:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Rosette, 2d6+5: 8 [2d6=2,1]
  9. [22:15:01] <Rosette> 2d6+5 Again!
  10. [22:15:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Rosette, Again!: 15 [2d6=6,4]
  11. [22:15:06] <Rosette> ((Much better.))
  12. [22:15:40] <Rosette> "Such craftsmanship," she says admiringly, "tres magnifique!"
  13. [22:16:40] <Mitzi> "Uh, that crystal's been going for centuries. Powerful stuff I guess."
  14. [22:16:46] <Syl> 2d6+4 Channeling
  15. [22:16:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Syl, Channeling: 10 [2d6=2,4]
  16. [22:16:51] <Syl> 2d6+4 Channeling again
  17. [22:16:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Syl, Channeling again: 11 [2d6=2,5]
  18. [22:16:56] <Syl> ( okay.jpg )
  19. [22:17:44] <~zoofman> Rosette, you notice very quickly that almost all of these instruments are imbued with wind energy. In fact, the entire room glows in a low, green light caused by the countless wind crystals infused into these instruments. You also sense that most of these...aren't weapons. Many are too old, some too fragile, others actually broken. Lots of Orcish inscriptions.
  20. [22:18:58] <Rosette> "This place is brimming with the power of wind, and it's clear these were likely weren't crafted for war, but," the inscriptions quickly catch her eye, "more Orcish."
  21. [22:19:11] <Rosette> She proceeds to read what of it she can.
  22. [22:19:37] <~zoofman> The carving are names. Odd ones, some you can't really figure out how to pronounce, but names.
  23. [22:20:29] <~zoofman> Metb, Zsubn, Rsobaz, Dutetm...
  24. [22:21:38] : Mitzi leans on the doorway and taps her foot idly. "Wind...What kind of big spell would need so much wind? You deal with that more in your arts, don't you? Time magic doesn't concern itself much with the elements I'm afraid."
  25. [22:21:38] <Rosette> "Names of some sort, Goddess take me if I could say them aloud," she shakes her head, "but are these the names of the instruments or their bearers?"
  26. [22:23:11] <Syl> "Let's see...."
  27. [22:23:47] <Syl> "....Moomba names?"
  28. [22:24:25] <~zoofman> "What the hell is a Moomba?" Kayleb chimes in finally, watching curiously from the door.
  29. [22:24:55] <Syl> "Are they not the creatures we saw in the paintings?"
  30. [22:25:52] <~zoofman> "That what they're called? Hm."
  31. [22:26:18] <Rosette> "Hm, well, that would explain much about the village, but it doesn't answer many questions about these."
  32. [22:26:43] <Mitzi> "Doesn't answer my question either..."
  33. [22:28:05] <~zoofman> "Pretty impressive you fine ladies figured this out so quickly, I didn't even notice the bark patterns, but.." he picks up a lute and looks it over. "Don't ya think you're overthinking this?"
  34. [22:29:44] <Syl> "How so?"
  35. [22:31:09] <~zoofman> She strums the lute. "What's the second thing you do when you know someone's gonna try to break into your house, and you can't get away?"
  36. [22:31:17] <~zoofman> "I say second since the first is obviously grab a big stick."
  37. [22:31:50] <Syl> "......set up a -nice- surprise for them. -Shit-."
  38. [22:32:24] : Mitzi quickly backs out of the room and looks around the village.
  39. [22:32:28] <~zoofman> "What, no."
  40. [22:32:50] <~zoofman> "Why are women so paranoid? Okay the third." Strum.
  41. [22:33:13] <Mitzi> "hide everything."
  42. [22:33:19] : Mitzi calls out from outside.
  43. [22:33:37] : Mitzi peers back in. "Or everything of value that is. Doesn't answer the wind question though."
  44. [22:33:58] <Rosette> ..."Well, these instruments are of remarkable craftsmanship."
  45. [22:34:04] <~zoofman> "Bingo!" He puts the lute down, picks up a violin with a crack in it's stem. "They hid the things important to them, and tried to protect them. This is obviously great granpapa's favorite violin or something."
  46. [22:34:30] <Rosette> "Well, if I were going to use magic to make an instrument, Wind would probably be the best element for it."
  47. [22:35:53] <Mitzi> "Why's that?"
  48. [22:36:37] <Rosette> "I believe you Bastokers call it, ah, what's your technical term..."
  49. [22:36:39] <Rosette> "Resonance."
  50. [22:36:49] <~zoofman> "Don't ask me about the big wind crystal there, though," he points to the pedastel in the center of the room, picking up the lute again, strumming along. "A bear there was, a bear, A BEAR! -" it's a rather silly song.
  51. [22:36:57] <Rosette> "It makes the sound carry better."
  52. [22:37:23] <Mitzi> "Because sound is simply the movement of air particles picked up by our ears? I suppose that does make sense."
  53. [22:37:23] <Rosette> "That and," she eyes the crystal, "I believe these people may have had a special place for Wind."
  54. [22:38:08] <Mitzi> "Or maybe they've got separate rooms here for fire, water, ice..."
  55. [22:38:47] <~zoofman> Awareness checks.
  56. [22:39:08] <Rosette> "Another likely theory. Where's Harf when you need her 'religion's' silly compass thing?" she says quietly.
  57. [22:39:22] <Rosette> 2d6+6
  58. [22:39:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Rosette, 2d6+6: 10 [2d6=2,2]
  59. [22:39:25] <Mitzi> 2d6+5
  60. [22:39:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Mitzi, 2d6+5: 13 [2d6=5,3]
  61. [22:39:28] <Rosette> ((Bleh))
  62. [22:40:05] <Syl> 2d6+2 bluh
  63. [22:40:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Syl, bluh: 7 [2d6=2,3]
  64. [22:41:05] <~zoofman> "Oh come to the fair! The fair? he said, But I'm a bear! All black and brown and covered in hair!" Rosette, Mitzi, you notice something from the outside as Kayleb plays the lute.
  65. [22:41:28] : Mitzi leeeeans her head out of the doorway again.
  66. [22:41:49] * Rosette looks up towards the reliquary's exit as something catches her eye.
  67. [22:43:00] <~zoofman> The green crystal in the center of the room flashes bright.
  68. [22:43:27] <Mitzi> "Hey hey, stop that before you set off some sort of spell!"
  69. [22:43:39] <Syl> "'ve activated -something-! It recognized the music!"
  70. [22:43:52] <Mitzi> "ohboyherewego."
  71. [22:43:52] <~zoofman> And...the dolls scattering the village begin to rise, slowly, as Kayleb plays the song. Their faces seem to darken magically under the brim of their hats. Golden eyes of arcana open. "From here to- huh?"
  72. [22:44:26] <Mitzi> "Allllright, who votes bear fair guy here fights off the village of mage puppets if they're hostile?"
  73. [22:45:13] <Syl> " you think I'm paranoid now?"
  74. [22:45:21] <~zoofman> There's a loud crash within the room, as four figures also begin to rise from within the masses of instruments. Much larger, and menacing looking than the others.
  75. [22:45:46] <Syl> "It's simply a soldier's mindset. Always be prepared, Kayleb."
  76. [22:45:52] * Rosette__ ( has joined #crystalcrusade
  77. [22:46:06] <Mitzi> "I see why he isn't in charge of his clan!"
  78. [22:46:08] <Syl> "Be it for battle or dinner." Ouch.
  79. [22:46:10] <~zoofman> <Black Waltzes Initiated.> The larger figures say in unisen. "Oh fuck what is this - " he drops the lute.
  80. [22:46:30] <Rosette__> !dm9001 lastlines #20
  81. [22:47:12] * Rosette ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  82. [22:47:25] * Rosette__ is now known as Rosette
  83. [22:48:32] <~zoofman> The dolls from the outside begin to crowd around the entrance. Each having hidden blades sliding from their palms, a feature Mitzi unfortionately missed.
  84. [22:49:04] <Mitzi> "Yup, this is all you Kayleb. Show us what you've got." Mitzi ducks inside.
  85. [22:49:39] <~zoofman> Kayleb draws his blade, sliding in between the group and those and the outside. "Shit! Okay, you win this round too, Cidra!"
  86. [22:50:24] : Mitzi quietly mutters to Syl. "Am I the only one getting the impression he's being sent out to deal with us just so the rest of his clan doesn't have him around?"
  87. [22:50:45] <~zoofman> <KILL!> call the dolls from the outside as he leaps into the melee! Leaving you with the four larger, winged dolls. They hover in place, watching.
  88. [22:50:51] * Syl draws her obsidian katana, and slides into an offensive stance. "Speculate later. Defend yourself first!"
  89. [22:51:20] : Mitzi nods, pen at the ready, magic shield up.
  90. [22:51:47] <~zoofman> <Carbon based lifeforms identified.> says one in a black robe and steepled hat. Raven's wings.
  91. [22:52:10] <Rosette> /me sighs , raising her book sand giving Kayleb a sharp glare, "Paranoid, you said, non?"
  92. [22:52:14] * Rosette sighs , raising her book sand giving Kayleb a sharp glare, "Paranoid, you said, non?"
  93. [22:52:55] <~zoofman> <Greater Arcana at risk, prepare defense measures.> says one in a white robe with red around the edges.
  94. [22:53:51] <Mitzi> "Okay, they seem to like to take their time announcing security protocols or whatever, what say we hit them while they're talking?"
  95. [22:54:15] <~zoofman> <Black Waltzes One, Two, Three, On Standby, Awaiting Unit Four for Complete Sync.> says one in a red robe and a fancy plumed hat. This one has a blade from its hand as well.
  96. [22:54:52] : Mitzi starts up a spell if there's time before they're all done with their activation speech?
  97. [22:55:24] <~zoofman> (This fight's starting next time anyway :B)
  98. [22:55:41] <Mitzi> (okay.jpg)
  99. [22:55:57] <Mitzi> (but do we get the surprise round for interrupting villain speech?)
  100. [22:57:09] <~zoofman> The final one vanishes, reappearing in a blink of an eye before Mitzi. <Target is Hostile. Total Sync Engaged. Defend the Greater Arcana.> It has a purple robe and hood, and a magical shield of its own.
  101. [22:57:21] <Mitzi> (son of a bitch)
  102. [22:57:50] <~zoofman> (annnd /session.)
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