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The New Synthesis

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May 1st, 2012
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  1. 5nos nikco rpi ks
  3. The New Synthesis: Decoding the Voynich Manuscript, and awakening to a new world.
  5. I have had a moment of inspiration. I'm not sure what has come over me. I felt inspired and particularly brilliant one night, so I decided to search google. "top mysteries" I typed, or something along those lings.
  7. What came up was a listing of things that all seemed to fit a pattern, but the most interesting of all was this odd document I had never seen before. It was called the Voynich Manuscript. For any who don't know about it, it appears to be some sort of instructions for use of plants perhaps, to others they see showers and other such mundane things.
  9. I'm here to say that the Voynich Manuscript might not be decoded, unless I'm doing it somehow right now without thinking about it very hard, but I think like every other great theory, as Hawking said, this one will be intuitive and fit to the right people with the right facets of knowledge.
  11. I'm here to suggest that the Voynich Manuscript is a theory of everything. A lost, hidden, theory of everything.. One that could possibly make some people so upset, that there is no wonder it was hidden, and I'm about to explain the craziest idea I've ever heard, but it feels right. I can't help but wonder if Einstein felt this way.
  13. He was right. Einstein was right. God does not play with dice. The only universe capable of existing is one with every possibility in it's field. The universe was somehow designed or shaped in some way to end up in a form that can become any form. This is why quantum physics' findings are non-local.. can be instantaneous or faster than light. I feel all of this can be proven.
  15. The Manuscript, to me, is describing methods to break through to contact other planes of existence, or universe perhaps. I feel the big 'rosette', the one they call a map, is indeed a map. I believe it's a map of the general functioning of the multiverse. If you look closely, you can see eyeballs. This represents the observer effect, and the craziest part of all.
  17. The manuscript is a guide for how to extract entheogenic substances or mixtures from plants, or to graft them together to create novel substances. I believe the author learned the theory of everything from a psychedelic trip, and that's why there's a clear galaxy picture. The images show a cascading fractal universe, one where eyes are determining behavior.
  19. This is why God doesn't play with dice. It's basically the law of attraction ending up explaning quantum physics, with Rick Strassman and Terrence McKenna's research thrown in. Each person is deciding the reality around them in a powerful or less powerful way.. these signals form our reality, and if we all were capable of belief, the craziest prediction of my theory, is that we could literally walk on water. The craziest part is, I was an atheist up until an experience a few days ago.
  21. When each person's signal is focused on the same sort of reality that's what we get. The world is depressed and falling apart.. The only way to stop it, the author of the manuscript seemed to realize, is to stop the denialism of our true natures.. spirtually and scientifically. Both sides are right and wrong. The key is in the bulk of the material. I believe the author was listing the plants containing the entheogenic substances needed to change the world for the better. I believe that each person's separate belief is the basis for the bubbling quantum soup of possibilities, and that if we could literally make everyone believe something, that it would be true. This would, in quantum physics (this gets confusing fast) effect any time regardless of when an event happened. This makes many of the other mysteries on the list I was researching explainable, like that weird Arab gear box. Not sure what that is. In a way, if you follow the conclusion through all the way and don't stop with it, it would mean that if we believe something in the future, it could possibly effect things now. That's an insane thought, but I think it might describe the insanity plaguing physicists.
  23. The book focuses on entheogens because most of them probably exist, or used to exist. One of them looks, to me, like Passiflora Incarnata. I believe this plant is of signficance, as are others, as one said to contain levels of MAO.
  25. Somewhere in all this, goats fit in. They die if they eat grass with DMT in it apparently, and there's a goat in the middle of two of the diagrams I believe.
  27. Here's where it gets tricky, where the theory goes into too many branches. The current picture of depression is that SSRI's are the first line of combat.. simply raise serotonin levels, possibly forever, and you'll be fine. That'll work, right? If someone believes in it. They seem very comparable to placebo in trials. That's interesting, considering placebo relies on belief. Placebo, mental health, and the picture of drugs in the world all play into this.
  29. The picture of drugs in the world is that of indoctrination into a way of thinking. As children, each of us has it pounded into us, most of the time, that "drugs are bad". That would be fine, if we didn't grow up to see every contradiction ever from the adults around us. This leaves us with a bad image of ourselves, as we come to find we're biochemical machines with drugs as part of us, and we need them sometimes. This sets up the situation to feel bad about medicine. I submit this can make it not work, and could possibly be the largest explanation for cancer, and maybe miracles on the flip-side. Belief appears to be everything, and as an atheist of 10 years or so, I'm surprised to be the one saying all this. I just saw the manuscript and I knew I had to figure out how to say all of this to the world. I've managed to study each of these subjects so I understand it..
  33. The sections were split into something like a large pharmacopoia of psychoactive plants, how to use them, their relation to us, how to extract them, how to get them into us. I believe there's syringes, or something similar, or it's representing how we should be taking what's good out of the plants and puting it into ourselves.
  35. I submit that placebo effect is explained by this theory
  37. I submit that MAO levels will be higher in non-religious people, and lower serotonin levels, It already seems proven that serotonin levels are higher in religious people.
  39. I submit this theory explains why we die if we don't sleep.. we need to reconnect to the serotonin receptor. Something about this receptor dominates our experience, and I feel like disbelief, convincing yourself the world is one way, will make it that way. I for years managed to make my world colorless and bland, and now it's shining again. I believe anyone can attain this, and I believe what the document is trying to show us, is that the only way for us to break through our problems by now is to unban and research psychoactives, look at ourselves honestly as animals, that we evolved, that there is legitimately something to spiritual experience as well, and that the denial of both at the same time, in a world that behaves according to the law of attraction being true in some way for all at once, it breaks reality.
  41. Let me try to metaphor it up. Imagine all of our consciousnesses are shining their lights into the sky.. and the pattern in the clouds is the universe.. well what we believe basically is going to determine the sort of picture, and each of us does a part in manifesting reality. I can't say if it was 'designed' this way, or always was, but these diagrams seem to show a lot of eyeballs and maybe a multiverse of observers bursting out of the quantum soup.. Are there perhaps larger main observers in the middle?
  45. Note the resemblance to syringes in this theory.
  47. I'm also fairly certain that this book can only be properly viewed by someone on the right psychedelics, at the right period in time. That is why it hasn't had it's meaning uncovered until now.
  49. The entheogens section, if this book is rewritten for today's purposes, can likely be replaced with the psychedelic discoveries of today.
  51. I submit this is a DMT theory for dreaming, and a theory where the serotonin receptor, long thought to control mood, (pfft) acts a a conduit to our connection to reality. I submit that in reality and in this book, each of the psychoactive substances have varying ranges of connection. Serotonin should be renamed connection, or balance, or something. Too much, you end up schizophrenic. Too little, you end up depressed in a lifeless colorless world. I feel like it might have taken someone living both lives in their lifetime to see this theory clearly, so I submit it semi-anonymously. I'll come forward if the theory is correct. I don't want to be locked up otherwise.
  53. All that has kept the world from this discovery is the indoctrination of children into the idea that all drugs are the same, and they're bad. We end up denying parts of ourselves, and plants we evolved in symbiosis with and likely artificially selected ourselves. I also feel that it makes an excellent catalyst for consciousness.
  55. The connection molecules, their receptor, and how it's interacted with can vary from a slight increase in mood, to melatonin, to a full ranged psychedelic depending on the type and shape of molecule plugging into it. This opens up different effects on the body and mind, but mostly the mind.
  57. This theory accounts for the placebo effect, because if all observes believe it's ok. It's why paranormal is untestable. This theory followed through to it's natural conclusion gets even crazier.. If we were really looking at a model of the world without observers, conscious observers, then what was the world like to begin with?
  59. I submit to you this theory states that the universe has all possibilities in the quantum field, that if all people really intuitively believed it were true, they could actually change the world.
  61. This theory predicts that there could have been any number of possible realities, and that's actually true, and if we believed a different one was in front of us, it would be.
  63. Psychedelic experience, all experience, is relative. This is why there's so many eyes staring out at each other, with the observation-cascade falling down the columns. This is all clearly visible when Salvia Divinorum is used. I find it ironic/frightening that as an atheist of quite awhile I am making all these connections at once. It's alarming, but I feel inspired and as though when people understand it, this is a theory of everything.
  65. I don't think it's coincidence that the sage was called Salvia Divinorum.. Diviner's Sage. I knew suddenly why I had that bottle left in my drawer after so many years, why I didn't throw out this drug I hated. Because there was a time for it. It was right then. I smoked, and I was able to perceive that the image was made of eyeballs, peering out.. it's been misinterpreted so much.. I feel the text may still reveal something, but it seems obvious to me for whatever reason that it's not as important as the images.. that, or this theory is true, this book exists in the future because I already believe in it, and therefore it popped up online today for me to see. I had never heard of this before today.
  67. I assume this is why the book was so cryptic in the first place. Whoever discovered these things must have done so on psychedelics, as I confess I am doing now, and when doing so they would likely have been in danger in that time period, saying a crazy theory like this one. Hopefully we're beyond that. Probably not. Therefore, I must be anonymous. I hope.
  69. I need to sincerly thank the following people for helping me to arrive at this point.
  71. Michael Talbot
  72. Stephen Hawking
  73. Fritjof Capra
  74. Richard Dawkins
  75. Sam Harris
  76. Charles Darwin
  77. Isaac Newton
  78. Osho
  79. Albert Einstein
  80. Carl Gustav Jung
  81. ..and most of all, Alan Watts, RIck Strassman, and Terrence McKenna
  83. ..and all the other giant's whose shoulders can be tread upon.
  86. I'm a self taught unemployed guy, but if I'm right, and I am, this is the theory of everything. It needs cleaned up a little bit. but when it's done, I feel it's the next step towards a unified theory, if not basically it. I know this to be true intuitively, but I have no scientific credentials. It's a great theory though in my opinion, and has testable hypotheses, which I'm working on proving.
  88. I believe all of this can explain Jesus's existence, and miracles, and also the miracles of many other culture's figures. When they believed and no one knew what they were going to do to doubt it, the one person, Jesus, was able to manifest his will into the quantum field over the other people's.. If anyone believed to this extent, we would all have that power I believe. That's the unified theory.. If someone was near them
  90. The strangest part of this all is, I think I sent it to the past, from a future life of some kind, or something, in order to make it get down the line. Or in the future, I or someone I know will end up inventing the language, and figuring out which of these plants still exist or if they all do. Perhaps the reality is now manifest, because I truly believe it. Maybe my belief is strong enough to alter the quantum field in my favor, as happens in instances of supernatural sightings . Maybe Jung was right, and there's something to this whole collective unconsciousness idea. Whatever it is, they're all connected to this manuscript. I truly believe it is somehow the theory of everything.
  92. I believe Terrence McKenna predicted the 2012 end time like the Mayans. I think this signals social change, not just social change but world change from this idea taking root, hopefully by the end of the year that would mean.
  94. There are other predictions I've made that will come to me.
  96. I wish I could add the drawings. Like I said, I think in the future someone will and it will exist forever, we'll change reality by changing belief with psychedelics. Psychiatrists know that they can help work through some of the hardest emotional blockages and problems in light years. This is what has happened to me. That, or I just made myself believe something implicitly. Maybe believing this theory is making it true, but strange things are happening not just to me, but to everyone around me who is starting to believe it. It's catching on.
  98. This is what the cryptic nymph drawings are in pools and whatnot.. look at it all under the lens of "someone was tripping" and you figured it out.. the plants for the trip are there. I'm sure there's more recognizeable species if a botanist went into it but was an ethnobotanist.
  100. The indoctrination of children into this mentality needs to stop that isn't accurate about biology and spirit. We need to stop telling them one or the other. That's why they can't have both. That is why
  102. This is the new fusion. This is the decode.. this is the unlock for God mode for whoever wants it, anyone can have it.. and we've finally discovered the molecules that we can bathe in to go to paradise.. The map of the universe shows the connections, there's like observers observing, waiting for us to pop online in the neural network of intelligent minds enlightened, if they do exist.
  104. I have a feeling this would prove Jung right, that the collective unconscious does have something to it, and it all has to do with this. Everyone had parts of it. They needed the whole thing..
  106. 8t ek cop
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