
Help hairy please xD

Nov 6th, 2014
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  1. Contact me on twitter @Sour_cB
  3. HairyGrenade: can you help me
  4. Sour c|B: maybe
  5. Sour c|B: workin on a chem lab lol
  6. HairyGrenade: oh ok sorry
  7. Sour c|B: what do you need
  8. HairyGrenade: I got the 2 new parts i needed, mobo and CPU
  9. HairyGrenade: Installed them and works great
  10. HairyGrenade: but
  11. HairyGrenade: without anything going on my CPU is 34% and memory 27%, when i launch a game my CPU goes to 99% and sometiems my disk space will but i dont lag or lock up
  12. HairyGrenade: and when i stream it says "High encoding"
  13. HairyGrenade: now CPU is 40
  14. Sour c|B: 34% used?
  15. HairyGrenade:
  16. Sour c|B: Do you have a tab like this?
  17. Sour c|B: that pic you posted was a long list
  18. HairyGrenade: no
  19. Sour c|B: Like the amount of process's went off the picture
  20. HairyGrenade: where can i get to that
  21. Sour c|B: On windows 7 it's leftctrl+leftshift+esc
  22. Sour c|B: then click the performance tab
  23. HairyGrenade: it just brings us task manager
  24. HairyGrenade: oh
  25. HairyGrenade: doesnt look the same but got it
  26. HairyGrenade:
  27. Sour c|B: You said nothing was running right? your process list looked pretty long
  28. Sour c|B: are you streaming currently?
  29. HairyGrenade: steam, chrome and obs
  30. HairyGrenade: and yes i am
  31. HairyGrenade: streaming
  32. Sour c|B: .., xD
  33. HairyGrenade: not showing screen though
  34. Sour c|B: streaming in EXTREMELY cpu intensive lol
  35. HairyGrenade: yea but bitrate is 2500
  36. HairyGrenade: and it lags
  37. HairyGrenade: because it goes to 99%
  38. Sour c|B: Thats good, that means your cpu is working its hardest to deliver performance
  39. Sour c|B: gimme a sec
  40. HairyGrenade: ok
  41. Sour c|B: I opened up previes in OBS
  42. Sour c|B: and my usage jumped to around 40
  43. HairyGrenade: but when i play a game it goes to 99?
  44. Sour c|B: I know you are streaming but when you go offline it should be back to normal
  45. Sour c|B: Yes
  46. Sour c|B: It goes to 99 because it works its hardest to give you good performance
  47. Sour c|B: if it was at 50% you wopuld get bad ingame frames
  48. HairyGrenade: how can i make it not do that
  49. Sour c|B: Why would you want it to be lower?
  50. HairyGrenade: because i cant stream then
  51. HairyGrenade: when it is at 99 it lags
  52. Sour c|B: Sounds like an obs setting, are youd ropping frames our is your ingame lagging
  53. HairyGrenade: no dropped frams
  54. HairyGrenade: and i am not lagging in game
  55. Sour c|B: o.O
  56. Sour c|B: whats the problem lol
  57. HairyGrenade: it lags on stream
  58. HairyGrenade: in OBS
  59. HairyGrenade: it says "high encoding"
  60. Sour c|B: I've never seen obs say "High encoding". is it something you can take a screenshot of?
  61. HairyGrenade: maybe
  62. Sour c|B: is it like an obs error? lol
  63. HairyGrenade: leem try
  64. HairyGrenade: lemme*
  65. HairyGrenade: so right now, cpu is 100%
  66. HairyGrenade:
  67. Sour c|B: hmm
  68. Sour c|B: This is so annoying, gyazo isnt showing my obs
  69. HairyGrenade: lol
  70. Sour c|B: Can you go to your obs settings on the current profile, and go to the encoding tab
  71. Sour c|B: then try to screenshot it xD
  72. HairyGrenade:
  73. Sour c|B: Also a screenshot from the advanced tab
  74. Sour c|B: really only 1 thing I can think of
  75. HairyGrenade:
  76. Sour c|B: oh
  77. Sour c|B: gimme a sec
  78. Sour c|B: litteraly this is happening
  79. Sour c|B: for me
  80. Sour c|B: :c
  81. HairyGrenade: lol
  82. Sour c|B: This is my advanced tab,
  83. Sour c|B: but I would change the x264 CPU Preset if I were you
  84. Sour c|B: keep yours on fast
  85. HairyGrenade: ok
  86. Sour c|B: wouldn't*
  87. HairyGrenade: what's the custom x264
  88. Sour c|B: its how much cpu power obs uses
  89. Sour c|B: so for example, mines on medium, so my in game will get not so great frames, but I really dont ever drop obs frames
  90. HairyGrenade: i dont drop frames in obs either
  91. Sour c|B: the faster it is, the faster your game runs, and slower obs runs
  92. Sour c|B: yea, so i would leave yours at fast
  93. HairyGrenade: so how do i alter how much cpu goes into the game?
  94. Sour c|B: Change that x264 cpu preset to faster, and feel free to experiment
  95. Sour c|B: the faster the preset is, the better your games run, but worse obs runs
  96. Sour c|B: if that makes sense
  97. HairyGrenade: it says it can have negative effecton CPU usage
  98. HairyGrenade: i need OBS to run better not the game
  99. Sour c|B: Ok lol, so change it from fast to medium
  100. Sour c|B: changes in game performance kind of a lot though lol
  101. HairyGrenade: ok didi t
  102. HairyGrenade: ok
  103. Sour c|B: When Im at my dashboard (when Im live) twitch has a little banner thingy telling me my "Stream configuration quality"
  104. Sour c|B: I learned all my settings from their
  105. HairyGrenade: ill check it
  106. Sour c|B: k
  107. HairyGrenade: it says excellent
  108. HairyGrenade: it alreayd says high encoding :/
  109. Sour c|B: :/
  110. HairyGrenade: is there a way to just make my CPU not put as much effort into processing the game
  111. Sour c|B: You can but its complicated, try this video but that is beyond my knowledge
  112. Sour c|B: I seriously have no clue though
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