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a guest
Dec 3rd, 2016
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  1. For example, Writer/Editor. Liberal arts graduate with a passion for blogging, social justice, and print journalism. Four years of experience as a columnist for college newspaper. Seeking to contribute to the mission of nonprofit organization.
  2. Your font choice should be professional and legible. Remember, the literal translation of resume is “summary.” Use an 11- or 12-point font; if you use anything smaller, people will be squinting to read it. Try Calibri or Arial as a standard typeface for a contemporary look and Times New Roman or another serif style for a more traditional approach.
  3. Analyzed
  4. Collaborated
  5. Conducted
  6. Controlled
  7. Coordinated
  8. Created
  9. Designed
  10. Developed
  11. Established
  12. Evaluated
  13. Executed
  14. Generated
  15. Implemented
  16. Improved
  17. Increased
  18. Launched
  19. Led
  20. Maximized
  21. Organized
  22. Prepared
  23. Quantified
  24. Reduced
  25. Secured
  26. Strengthened
  28. I’m a stagecraft and theater professional, focused primarily on technical direction. Over the last two years, I’ve spearheaded lighting and sound design workshops for other young adults in the area. These programs have had a huge impact on me, and I want to reach a larger audience, turning my technical background into a full-time educational role.
  30. I’m an IT specialist primarily focused on diagnostics, support, and project management. Over the last three years, I’ve spearheaded advanced learning workshops at a mid-sized law firm. These have shaped my desire to help others through technology, driving me to find opportunities in a healthcare capacity through robotics and other electronics. correct.
  32. Hi Oriana,
  34. I was looking through my network and noticed you worked with a colleague of mine at Global Strategy a few years ago. My name is Cody, currently an IT specialist at Atlas Law, looking to break into developing robotics. I absolutely love the idea and application of helping others through technology — which seems to be the focus of your organization. I’d like to learn more about your role and the organization as a whole.
  36. I read one of your published articles about advancements in physical tech support and found it fascinating. My skills and interests are aligned with many points you make. Where did you get the original idea to pursue this? I look forward to your reply. Have a great day!
  38. Which of the following does Cody communicate well? Select all that apply.
  40. What does an average day at this organization look like?
  41. How do you handle the work-life balance?
  42. What has been the most difficult challenge to overcome while working here?
  43. What do you enjoy most about working at this organization?
  44. How would you define success in the context of this role?
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