
Una Nota Dolce, Second Movement - Venti di Cambia

Jul 28th, 2012
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  2. >Tiny hooves tap against the worn wooden floor, doing their best to keep silent in this early hour.
  3. >The cream-colored owner of those hooves gently pushed open the door, grimacing at the creak of the hinges.
  4. >This day is too important to let the occupants of this room waste even a single second of it asleep.
  5. >It’s not every day a filly has a birthday, after all.
  6. >She creeps into the bedroom, though it wouldn’t be hard with the loud snoring flooding the air.
  7. >How her mom manages to sleep in this racket, the filly will never understand.
  8. >”And they call my music grating,” she mutters under her breath as she slinks over to the side of the bed.
  9. >The side with the biggest lump.
  10. >Propping herself up on two legs, Dolce puts her forehooves against that lump and starts shaking.
  11. >”Dad…Dad, wake up…”
  12. >The snoring ceases with a snort, though your lack of movement and response only prompts Dolce to shake you a little harder.
  13. >”Come on dad, wake up…”
  14. >Begin startup sequence.
  15. >Loading memory.bin…
  16. >Loading fucks.sql…
  17. >Loading mental_filter.bin…
  18. >Loading failed, skipping…
  19. >Running Brain.exe.
  20. >Good morning, Anon.
  21. >…brain…
  22. >Someone wants your attention.
  23. >I gather that…
  24. >You let out a sigh as Dolce’s persistence brings more of your senses to the forefront, though you keep your eyes shut.
  25. >The smaller lump nestled into you seems to also be stirring from your daughter’s annoying persistence…
  26. >OCT: “…your daughter is awake…”
  27. “…before sunrise, she’s your daughter…”
  28. >You don’t notice the shaking stop as you grunt, squeezing the gray mare in your grip as her head shifts in the crook of your neck.
  29. “…one of us should see what she wants.”
  30. >”…I think you should do it. I’ll stay here and sleep some more…”
  31. “…nuh uh. I’m not wearing anything under these covers…”
  32. >”Well, why not?”
  33. “…remember what we did last night?”
  34. >Octavia snorts, the air splashing against your shoulder.
  35. >Her cheeks, however, get just a tad warmer.
  36. >”…point made…”
  37. “Hey, don’t get persnickety with me…trying for another was your suggestion in the first place…”
  38. >”…mmm…”
  39. >Hey, Anon.
  40. >…what brain?
  41. >Dolce’s back.
  42. >That’s nice…
  43. >You softly kiss the top of Octavia’s head as you feel her press up against you.
  44. “…how about we just stay here and see if she goes away…”
  45. >”…I like this idea…”
  46. >The two of you snuggle in to catch a few more Zs, completely oblivious to the large speaker Dolce has placed mere inches from your side to the bed.
  47. >The one wired in to the record player you got her for her birthday last year.
  48. >The one where she’s got a record spinning nicely, her hoof holding the needle over it to find just the right spot, about a minute in to the track.
  49. >The one with the volume cranked up as high as it will go.
  50. >The one owned by the little filly with the devil’s grin, who ultimately drops the needle.
  51. >And with it…drops the bass.
  53. >The insanely loud music drowns out your screams as you and Octavia bolt upright, stiff as a board as you are roused by the power of wubs.
  55. >Dolce beams triumphantly as she shuts off the music, wheeling her equipment back to her room as you and Octavia rubs your ears in pain.
  56. “It’s bad enough she listens to that garbage in the daytime…”
  57. >Octavia just groans as she swings her hooves out, hitting the floor as she tosses you a pair of boxers from the dresser.
  58. >You manage to slip them on by the time Dolce returns, wasting no time to hop up onto your lap as your own feet meet floor.
  59. >You smack your lips drowsily as cream-colored fuzz fills your vision.
  60. “Now then…what’s so important that we have to be awake before it’s even light out?”
  61. >Dolce frowns and slaps her hooves on your chest. “Don’t tell me your forgot…”
  62. >You purse your lips, looking upward in thought…
  63. “Hmmm…I don’t think so…Mama, you remember anything?”
  64. >Octy gives a wry grin, looking over her shoulder as she walks towards the bathroom. “Not a thing, Papa.”
  65. >You take an awful sort of pleasure in the crestfallen look on Dolce’s face.
  66. “Hmm…I dunno…”
  67. >…
  68. “OH WAIT! I remember now!”
  69. >Dolce giggles as you sweep her into your arms, standing as you give her a gentle noogie.
  70. “Somep0ny’s a year older today!”
  71. >”That she is, that she is,” Octavia calls from the open bathroom door, her voice muffled by the toothbrush jammed in it.
  72. >Dolce squeals as you set her back on the floor, ruffling her mane.
  73. “Now, you run along while me and Mom clean up, okay?”
  74. >The filly nods enthusiastically and bounds out the door as you stretch and yawn, wandering into the bathroom as Octavia hands you your toothbrush.
  75. >Today is going to be one of those days, isn’t it?
  76. >Indeed it is, Brain. Indeed it is…”
  78. -------------
  81. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  82. >Somehow, despite all the jostling of the train, you managed to sleep a little bit.
  83. >You look back at the matching pink bundle curled up by your rump and smile.
  84. >At least Bubble managed to sleep rather peacefully.
  85. >You ruffle his mane as he snores softly, eliciting a giggle from you.
  86. >If he knew where the two of you were really going, and what you were really going to do, he wouldn’t have slept a wink.
  87. >You yawn and look out the window as the train races along, chasing the first rays of morning.
  88. >It’s been seven years since you left.
  89. >You had to give him space.
  90. >Be out of his life.
  91. >You felt, at the time, it’s the very least you owed him.
  92. >But as the pink colt next to you starts to stir, you admit that what is best for you, or Anon, isn’t what is always the best choice.
  93. >You lean your head against the window, the scenery in the dim light outside still so familiar after all this time.
  94. >You wrote that letter so many times, and so many times you tossed it into the trash.
  95. >But now…it’s time.
  96. >Some things just have to be done “in person,” as Anon would say. Especially this.
  97. >Anon…
  98. >From the occasional letter you get from Twilight, his life has been a happy one these past seven years.
  99. >He got Octavia back, opened a shop…even had a foal.
  100. >As far as you know, Twilight has kept her promise about not telling Anon where you are.
  101. >And even if she did, not even Twilight Sparkle knew about this one…
  102. >Bubble yelps as he shoots awake, causing you to jump a little yourself in surprise.
  103. >As he looks up at you, he seems to calm down some, breathing a sigh of relief.
  104. “What’s the matter, cupcake? Bad dream?”
  105. >Bubble shakes his head. “Yeah, kinda, but I’m fine now.”
  106. “Same one as before?”
  107. >”Yeah, yeah…I’m fine…”
  108. >You nuzzle his head as he yawns and settles back down, resting his head on your side.
  109. >”mmm…are we there yet?”
  110. “Not yet…still a couple more hours to go.”
  111. >Bubble groans. Even his complaining makes you smile as you sit up straight, giving him space to writhe.
  112. >”Where are we going again?” The colt asks blearily as he rubs his eyes.
  113. “P0nyville. It’s where your mom grew up.”
  114. >”…what are we going there for?”
  115. >Anxiety clutches at your chest as you look back out the window as Bubble reaches into your saddlebag, pulling out a cupcake for his breakfast.
  116. >Stifling a cough, you ruffle the colt’s mane, eliciting an annoyed grunt from him.
  117. “Because there’s somep0ny that your mama wants you to meet.”
  119. -------------
  122. >So far, you’d say Dolce’s birthday is going exactly the way she wants it.
  123. >Curled up with her dad, watching her favorite cartoon while her mom makes breakfast in the kitchen.
  124. >My Little Molly.
  125. >You wouldn’t dare tell anyone, but you’ve taken a shine to the show yourself.
  126. >You smile as Octavia sets three plates down in front of you and Dolce, sitting next to her as she leans over and plants a kiss on your cheek.
  127. >She knows better than to try to get the two of you to eat at the table during My Little Molly.
  128. >You would give her a kiss back, but you’re too busy shoveling eggs into your mouth.
  129. >So is Dolce.
  130. >OCT: “Like father, like daughter…”
  131. >Her tone doesn’t imply she meant that as a compliment.
  132. >Oh well. Too busy with wondrous eggs to find a fuck to give.
  133. >You set such a wonderful example for your daughter, Anon.
  134. >Thanks, brain.
  135. >You barely register the bell downstairs ringing through your ovum-fueled euphoria.
  136. >”Octavia, can you get that?”
  137. >Octavia just rolls her eyes and stands, setting her breakfast down.
  138. >OCT: “Sure, but only if you do the dishes.”
  139. “Yeah…”
  140. >OCT: “…and buy me new strings for my cello.”
  141. “Yeah…”
  142. >OCT: “…and grow a third arm.”
  143. “Yeah…”
  144. >The mare chuckles, shaking her head as she heads downstairs, through the workshop and into the storefront.
  145. >She unlocks and opens the front door a crack.
  146. >OCT: “I’m sorry, but we’re closed toda…”
  147. >…
  148. >Hey Anon.
  149. >Brain?
  150. >Better pay attention.
  151. >You snap out of your cartoon-breakfast-daddy-daughter-funtime just before you hear Octavia yelling up the stairs for you.
  152. >OCT: “Anon?”
  153. “Yeah?”
  154. >OCT: “…You better get down here.”
  155. >You groan and plant a kiss on Dolce’s head as you stand.
  156. >She doesn’t react, so engrossed in the TV, as you straighten your shirt and head downstairs.
  157. “Is something wrong, Octavia?”
  158. >As you step into the storefront, the first thing you notice is Octavia’s look of surprise and concern.
  159. >It’s the other mare next to her that grabs your attention next.
  160. >…Woah, did not expect this.
  161. >You and me both, Brain.
  162. >Pinkie Pie smiles sheepishly.
  163. >PINKIE: “Hey Anon…long time no see…”
  164. “Yeah…long time.”
  165. >You take Pinkie’s saddlebags from her, setting them on the side as Octavia closes the door, her confusion palpable on her face.
  166. “Well, this is a surprise…what brings you here?”
  167. >Pinkie’s smile fades, her expression growing to a level of serious you never thought she was even capable of producing.
  168. >PINKIE: “Yeah, I meant to write…but…Anon, Octavia…I need your help.”
  169. >OCT: “Why us?”
  170. >PINKIE: “…yeah, we need to talk.”
  172. -----------
  174. >You are Dolce.
  175. >There you were, sitting there, watching cartoons when mom and dad came up with somep0ny they said was someone they knew.
  176. >Then mom told you to go out and play and promptly pushed you out the door.
  177. >Huh…must be getting ready for a birthday surprise.
  178. “At least she could have let me grab my music player…”
  179. >You sigh. Must be one of those “grown up” conversations.
  180. >Oh well. Not like there isn’t lots to do out here!
  181. >You take a deep breath and smile as the morning sun warms your face.
  182. >Celestia sure made today a fine day for you to turn a year older!
  183. >Well, just one thing left to do now.
  184. >FROLIC!
  186. >You bound and skip through the lawn in front of your house, with a grin that even rivals the sun’s radiance.
  187. >A few p0nies stop and wave hello, and you greet each one in kind.
  188. >Your head bobs to the beat of the song in your head as you trot along, knowing exactly where you’re going.
  189. >Besides, even though mom and dad don’t like you playing at the reservoir alone, it’s not like they told you NOT to go there.
  190. >It’s your birthday, you can do what you want!
  191. >You’re right, brain! You’re so smart!
  192. >Why thank you! You look delightful today!
  193. >I feel delightful, brain!
  194. >You keep that skip in your step all the way to the reservoir.
  195. >Your mom said this was the place her and daddy fell in love, long before you were born.
  196. >You giggle to yourself as you trot down to the end of the dock, looking at the deep blue waters below.
  197. >Who knows? Maybe someday you’ll fall in love here too!
  198. >Someday.
  199. >Today, there’s something else you aim to do.
  200. >With a wriggle and a deep breath, you dive in.
  201. >And under you go.
  202. >Not even your dad has been able to reach the bottom. With enough practice, you plan to reach the bottom before he does.
  203. >You count in your head as you play with the bubbles escaping your mouth.
  204. >As the strain begins to make your chest burn, you reluctantly surface and hungrily take in a gulp of air.
  205. >Hmmm…only counted to 8 that time.
  206. “I need to get better,” you mutter to yourself.
  207. >At least you made it further out on a single gulp, for what that’s worth.
  208. >Wait a minute…
  209. >Something back on the dock grabs your attention.
  210. >Something…pink.
  211. >Very, very pink.
  212. >You’ve never seen him before.
  213. >You slide behind a rock so you can get a good look at the newcomer.
  214. >He’s just…kinda sitting there, staring at the water.
  215. >Silly boy, he should know the best part of the water is swimming!
  216. >But he looks so down…
  217. > And his eyes kind of remind you of chocolate.
  218. >…
  219. >OH! You know what will cheer him up!
  220. >A surprise!
  221. >You love surprises, after all.
  222. >Your head disappears back under the water…
  224. -----------
  226. >You are Bubble.
  227. >No sooner did the train stop did mom tell you she had to go meet somep0ny, leaving you alone in a strange town.
  228. >”You’re a big boy now! Go explore, meet p0nies! Have fun! I’ll find you when I need to.”
  229. >It always creeped you out how she was able to always find you, no matter where you were.
  230. >She called it her “Pinkie Sense.”
  231. >You called it a bunch of hooey.
  232. >However, you cannot argue with results.
  234. >So wander around you did. Compared to Neighjing, this place was much more open and inviting.
  235. >So full of strange, unfamiliar faces.
  236. >A few p0nies smile and greet you, but you can’t respond.
  237. >You just keep your head low and walk along.
  238. >I mean, you don’t know these p0nies.
  239. >It’s not like you want to get to know them either.
  240. >Hopefully, soon you’ll go home.
  241. >Back to where you are comfortable.
  242. >In the meantime, there has to be a place you can just spend some time by yourself around here.
  243. >Eventually, you find your way to what appears to be a modestly-sized reservoir, with a short dock built on it.
  244. >This will do…
  245. >You don’t notice anyp0ny around as you wander to the edge of the dock, plopping down and letting your hoof dangle in the cool blue waters.
  246. >Something about it put your mind at ease as you gazed into the gentle waves.
  247. >You know something is up.
  248. >Mom was prone to random acts, a lesson you learned when she first introduced you to the business end of the “donut gun.”
  249. >But this? This is random, even for her.
  250. >She never expressed any urge to visit her childhood home before.
  251. >And you still don’t know this p0ny she’s so desperate for you to meet.
  252. >But one thing she still never seems to grasp is your natural curiosity.
  253. >Like how she doesn’t know you saw that the train tickets were one way.
  254. >Maybe she couldn’t afford round-trip, and she had some plan to get you two home later.
  255. >…right?
  256. >You know money’s always been tight for the two of you, but mom’s always managed to make it work somehow.
  257. >There’s no way she would bring you all the way out here to this backwards country town without some plan to get home.
  259. >You just sigh and let your mind wander as you gaze at your own reflection.
  260. >It is…kind of nice out here.
  261. >Quiet, peaceful…far from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  262. >Just you and your reflection in the water below you.
  263. >From your chocolate brown eyes to your creamy coat and black mane.
  264. >Wait…
  265. >Brown eyes – check.
  266. >Pink coat…
  267. >Pink mane…
  268. >Something is wrong he-
  269. >”BOOO!”
  271. >The cream-colored blur bursts out of the water, sending you careening backwards.
  272. >As you prop yourself up on your elbows, you look down to see the source of your shock hauling herself up on the deck.
  273. >At least she seems to find it funny.
  274. >”Oh wow, you should see the look on your face!”
  275. >You whimper as you twist around, getting back on your hooves.
  276. “That wasn’t very nice…”
  277. The filly crosses her front hooves as she sits. “Well, you just look so bored…I thought you needed some excitement!”
  278. “A heart attack isn’t very exciting…do you just go around scaring p0nies you don’t know?”
  279. >”Well, what’s your name?”
  280. >You blink and cock your head as the filly stands, walking towards you.
  281. >You back up a little as she draws closer.
  282. “Uhh…well…I’m…Bubble. Bubble Blitz.”
  283. >You pout and glower a little as she giggles.
  284. >Too close…way too close…
  285. >”That’s a funny name! My name’s Dolce!”
  286. >What?
  287. >The incredulous look you give her as she backs off with a grin only makes her giggle more.
  288. “And you say my name sounds funny?”
  289. >The look of shock on Dolce’s face, you might as well told her she looked like a colt.
  290. >”Hey! I said your name was funny! Not that it sounded funny!”
  291. “Is there a differenOOF!”
  292. >You feel the wind knocked out of you as a pair of hooves pin you to the ground by the shoulders, brown eyes glaring unmitigated death at you.
  293. >”Say something nice!”
  294. “Wait, what?!”
  295. >”My daddy says colts shouldn’t say mean things about fillies! Especially on her birthday! Say something nice!”
  296. “And wh…what if I don’t want to?”
  297. >”Then I’m gonna pound you good, you big jerk!”
  299. >You manage to sit back up as Dolce backs off, sitting gingerly as a light shade of pink floods her cheeks.
  300. >”You…think I’m pretty?”
  301. “Yeah…why?”
  302. >She giggles and bounds off up the dock, stopping to turn to you as you lower your head.
  303. >”Come on, let’s play!”
  304. “…what? Play?”
  305. >Dolce rears back on her hind legs, her smile so wide her eyes closed.
  306. >”Yeah! Play!”
  307. “Uh...ok…”
  308. >You hang your head low cautiously, keeping your gazed locked on Dolce as you follow.
  309. >Fillies are crazy…
  311. ------------
  314. >You are Anon.
  315. >And…
  316. >You have a son?
  317. >Woah.
  318. >Just…woah.
  319. >You fall back and slump in your chair in the kitchen, running your hand through your hair.
  320. >Octavia looks just as shocked, if not more, the color draining from her face.
  321. >Pinkie just stares into her tea.
  322. “…are you certain about this?”
  323. >Pinkie nods, sipping her tea. “I’m certain. I haven’t even had time to date since leaving here, much less find a special somep0ny.”
  324. >OCT: “You’ve lied and deceived to get close to Anon before, why should we trust you now?”
  325. >You’re actually a bit surprised at the venom in your wife’s voice as she leans on the table, glaring at Pinkie like a cobra would glare at a mouse.
  326. >The mare’s ears flatten and recoils under Octavia’s gaze.
  327. >PINKIE: “I…understand why you wouldn’t trust me…but it’s the truth.”
  328. >You sigh and fold your arms.
  329. >Brain? Advice?
  331. >…great…
  332. “…Pinkie, I have to agree with Octavia here. I just don’t know…”
  333. >That one looked like it hurt more than anything Octavia could have said.
  334. >Yet, you still feel bad for saying it…after everything that happened, after all this time…
  335. >You glance over at Octavia. At least her expression has softened a little.
  336. >PINKIE: “I know! I know…I wanted to tell you so many times, but I was afraid of messing things up even more…”
  337. >OCT: “…the gift that was never yours to take…”
  338. >Pinkie nods solemnly as you look over, eyebrow quirked.
  339. “Come again?”
  340. >OCT: “Remember, seven years ago? When you came to Manehattan? The letters she left for us?”
  341. “Yeah?”
  342. >Octavia looks at the checkered pattern of the tablecloth, folding her hooves upon it.
  343. >OCT: ”She told me that she took something from you, a gift that was never intended for her.”
  344. >A gift…
  345. >PINKIE: “Anon…I don’t…there’s no words that can say how sorry I am for keeping this from you.”
  346. >Small comfort.
  347. “…Alright Pinkie. Let’s say for a moment that this is all true, and I do have a son. Where is he?”
  348. >PINKIE: “Out exploring the town. I wanted to see how you’d react before introducing you two…”
  349. “…You let him wander a new place alone?”
  350. >PINKIE: “He’s at the Highland Reservoir.”
  351. “Wait…how did you…”
  352. >PINKIE: “Pinkie Sense.”
  353. “Oh yes…I forgot…”
  354. >The party mare relaxes a little, giggling, showing the first signs of her usual peppy self since arriving.
  355. >Octavia eyeballs the mare suspiciously.
  356. >OCT: “Pinkie, when you came here, you said you needed our help…”
  357. >Pinkie raises her hoof, shaking her head. “I want Anon to meet Bubble first, before talking about that…”
  358. >Meet him…
  359. >Meet your son…
  360. >How would Dolce react?
  361. >You glance at Octavia as she glances back at you.
  362. “Pinkie…can you excuse us for a moment?”
  363. >She nods without a word, heading downstairs.
  364. >…
  365. “Octavia…”
  366. >”I’m not angry at you, Anon.”
  367. >…
  369. >”You…told me what happened when I went back to Manehattan, back then…it’s her I’m angry at.”
  370. >You bring your chair around to Octavia’s side, wrapping your arms around her as she leans in to you.
  371. >”I mean…you remember how hard we had to work to get Dolce, why was it so easy for her? Why does she wait until now to tell you? What is she still hiding?”
  372. “I don’t know.” You rock gently as she buries her face in your chest, the faint scent of lilac from her mane tickling your nose.
  373. >You can feel damp spots form on your shirt where her face meets it, prompting you to tighten your grip as you place your head upon hers.
  374. “It’s just…I don’t know if she’s being truthful or not…but…if he really is my son…”
  375. >She just nuzzles more forcefully into you, suppressing a sob.
  376. “…it wouldn’t be fair to him to just ignore him…you know?”
  377. >”I know,” she croaks into your chest.
  378. “…Octavia, I don’t know what you want me to say here.”
  379. >”Just tell me…”
  380. >She looks up at you, eyes wide and sparkling from her tears, her lips curled into a frown that tugs at your chest.
  381. >”Just tell me that you still love me, and that you’re not going to leave…”
  382. >…That’s what she’s afraid of?
  383. >She’s a little surprised as you start laughing.
  384. >Before she could say anything, you silence her with a muffled grunt as you press your lips to hers.
  385. >Of all the silly…
  386. >You can feel her lower lip quiver as you break the kiss, taking her chin in your fingers as she slowly matches the warm smile you give her.
  387. “Octavia…awhile ago I told you that you belonged here, with me…”
  388. >You press your forehead against Octavia’s, eliciting a comforted squeak, her eyes closing in contentment.
  389. “That means that I also belong here…with you. I love you, Octavia…and that won’t ever change.”
  390. >Octavia smiles and nuzzles up to your face, hugging you tightly.
  391. >”Yeah…I love you too, Anon…”
  392. “Yeah…now, I have to go with Pinkie now and meet this colt she says is my son…”
  393. >The two of you pull apart as you brush a lock of mane out of Octavia’s face.
  394. “It would mean a lot if you would come with me.”
  395. >Octavia blinks and smirks, giving you a playful bop on the top of the head.
  396. >”Like you even need to ask. For better or worse, remember.”
  397. “Yeah, I remember…you know, Dolce sees you doing that, she’s going to get the wrong idea.”
  398. >”You worry too much.”
  399. “I hope so…now come on, time to get going.”
  400. >Octavia nods as the two of you stand.
  401. >”Yes…let’s go.”
  403. ------------
  405. >You stroll casually down the dirt path leading to the reservoir, flanked by Octavia and Pinkie.
  406. >PINKIE: “…we should definitely see about getting the girls back together! I know Rainbow’s moved out, but Twilight tells me that the others are still here.”
  407. >OCT: “While I understand your need to party, do you even have a place to stay while you’re here?”
  408. >PINKIE: “Well…not yet…but a small get-together shouldn’t be that hard.”
  409. >Wait.
  410. >Pinkie doesn’t DO small parties.
  411. >You stop, the girls continuing a few steps before they turn to face you.
  412. >OCT: “Anon? Is something wrong?”
  413. “Pinkie…are you alright?”
  414. >PINKIE: “Anon?”
  415. “Pinkie, we’ve known each other a long time, and before what happened, we were best friends. I know you. You seem listless, and the Pinkie I know doesn’t do small parties. And after seven years, you choose now to come back. Now tell me…are you well?”
  416. >Pinkie just looks down at the dirt.
  417. >PINKIE: “…no.”
  418. >Some how, this doesn’t surprise you as much as it does Octy.
  419. >Would explain why she’s suddenly here, talking about a kid you never knew you had.
  420. “Is it serious?”
  421. >Pinkie nods solemnly.
  422. >PINKIE: “I don’t know…the doctors in Neighjing said they couldn’t do anything. They couldn’t even tell me how long I had.”
  423. >OCT: “Pinkie…”
  424. >You fold your arms as Pinkie puts on that sheepish smile again.
  425. >PINKIE: “It may be months…it may be years…but whatever happens, I just want to make sure Bubble is taken care of.”
  426. “…you never planned to return to Neighjing, did you?”
  427. >Pinkie just keeps her gaze fixed on the ground.
  428. >You walk over to Pinkie, kneeling down in front of her.
  429. >She squeaks as you put a hand on her head, looking up at you as you try to give her your most comforting smile.
  430. “Don’t worry about that. Let’s get going.”
  431. >Pinkie blushes slightly and nods as you stand. “Right.”
  432. >It’s a few minutes later as you continue walking when Octavia finally speaks up.
  433. >OCT: “Pinkie…”
  434. >PINKIE: “Yes?”
  435. >OCT: “…Don’t worry about finding a place to stay. I’m sure Anon and I can accommodate you while you make permanent arrangements.”
  436. >Wow. That was unexpected.
  437. >You said it, Brain.
  438. >PINKIE: “Octavia…”
  439. >Your wife snorts and closes her eyes, putting on that highbrow air she always gets when she’s indignant.
  440. >OCT: “It’s not for you…it’s for Anon, and this son you say he has.”
  441. >The look she gives you as she says this tells you everything you need to know.
  442. >Octavia expects you to repay her in full for this.
  443. >Well…there are worse things.
  444. “Yeah, and AJ married a doctor up at the hospital. You can talk to them tomorrow.”
  445. >Pinkie nods with a smile, getting a little pep in her step. “Thanks, you two…”
  446. >You nod and smile.
  447. >Octavia just gives a harrumph.
  448. >Well…you can’t exactly blame her, but it’s a start.
  449. >Hey Anon.
  450. >Brain?
  451. >We’re here.
  453. >The Highland Reservoir…
  454. >It amazes you just how much change in your life has revolved around this place.
  455. >So long ago, you met a gray mare, who came here all the way from Manehattan just to talk to you, because of one song played on a violin.
  456. >Where she kissed you under the fireflies for the first time.
  457. >Where, after you almost threw it away over a convoluted plot, and seemingly failed to get her back on your own, she came back to you.
  458. >And here, you see him.
  459. >No mistaking that he’s Pinkie’s colt. Not many have a pink coat with a pink mane.
  460. >Sitting on the shoreline, making…something out of mud with…
  461. >Dolce?
  462. >The pair look up as Pinkie calls out her son’s name, beckoning him over.
  463. >He gets up, pausing as a cream-colored blur blasts by him, colliding into your chest with an ecstatic giggle as you kneel down.
  464. >DOLCE: “DADDY!”
  465. >You laugh and pat her on the head.
  466. “Hey squirt. You been having fun?”
  467. >She nods enthusiastically as Octavia walks up to your side, smiling at your daughter.
  468. >OCT: “Ok Dolce, come stand by me for now, ok?”
  469. >Dolce nods and complies, hopping down from your grip with a confused look on her face.
  470. >As you turn your attention back to Bubble, he pauses and looks between you and Pinkie.
  471. >BUBBLE: “Mom? Is this the friend you wanted me to meet?”
  472. >Pinkie nods as she trots over, nudging Bubble closer to you.
  473. >PINKIE: “That’s right, cupcake. He’s mommy’s friend.”
  474. >Brain…
  475. >Yeah.
  476. >What do I do?
  477. >…Sorry man, I can’t help you. Just…wing it.
  478. >…great.
  479. >You settle down on both knees as the pink colt blinks and cocks his head.
  480. >Staring at you with big, chocolate brown eyes.
  481. >Just like Dolce’s.
  482. >…there’s no doubt.
  483. >You smile warmly as Pinkie nuzzles her son’s head, speaking softly close to his ear.
  484. >PINKIE: “…but he’s your father, too.”
  486. >Bubble’s breath catches in his chest as he reflexively steps backwards, bumping in to Pinkie’s hooves.
  487. >His irises shrink to pinpricks. You never stopped to think about how the kid would react.
  488. >Did he want to punch you?
  489. >If it was you, you’d punch you.
  490. >Goddamnit, say something, brain!
  491. “Hello…my name is Anonymous.”
  492. >BUBBLE: “I…I’m Bubble Blitz..”
  493. >You smile softly and extend a hand.
  494. >Cautiously, Bubble steps forward, sniffing it.
  495. >As he steps in closer, you place a hand on his cheek, raising his gaze to meet yours.
  496. “I’m sorry.”
  497. >Bubble gasps and tenses, but doesn’t move as a tear rolls down your cheek.
  498. “It must have been hard…just you and your mother…even if I didn’t know about you until just recently…”
  499. >Bubble looks down. “Y…yeah…”
  500. “I guess that means…”
  501. >Bubble looks up at you as Pinkie steps away, backing up next to Octavia.
  502. “I have a lot to make up for, don’t I?”
  503. >Bubble quivers, gritting his teeth.
  504. >He then barrels into your chest, openly sobbing.
  505. >You settle into a sitting position as the colt cries against your chest, tentatively wrapping him in a hug.
  506. “And we’re going to have a lot of time to make up for it, okay?”
  507. >Bubble doesn’t answer as you cup a hand over his head.
  508. >You feel a nudge against your arm.
  509. >Dolce.
  510. >DOLCE: “Dad…”
  511. >You sigh and smile as confusion dances across her face, sweeping her up next to Bubble, hugging them both.
  512. >Bubble looks up, his gaze dancing between you and, it seems, his sister.
  513. “It’s a long story, Dolce…but I still love you, you remember that.”
  514. >DOLCE: “Well duh. It’s just…”
  515. >She looks at Bubble.
  516. >DOLCE: “Does this mean you’re my brother?”
  517. >You blink.
  518. >Surely she had other concerns…
  519. >BUBBLE: “…umm…I…guess so?”
  520. >Dolce grows quiet as she processes this…
  521. >Octavia and Pinkie look over your shoulders with concern.
  522. >…
  523. >The sheer decibel level of the squeal Dolce emits causes everyone to jump out of their skin.
  525. >You just stare incredulously at your daughter.
  526. >So does Bubble.
  527. >…
  528. >You just start to laugh.
  529. >So does Dolce.
  530. >After sharing a confused glance, Octavia and Pinkie Pie start laughing too.”
  531. >Bubble just looks at everyone, laughing like idiots.
  532. >It was then he does something he never does.
  533. >He smiles.
  534. >And he laughs.
  535. >There are still a lot of challenges to be faced ahead.
  536. >But here you are.
  537. >Your wife and your daughter, celebrating her birthday today.
  538. >Your best friend and the son you never knew you had.
  539. >All laughing together.
  540. >Nobody has to face those challenges of life alone anymore.
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