
Inn Time 3

Nov 2nd, 2015
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  1. [22:13] Keesh [Early the next morning, Mr. Shate has already beat a heated retreat after somehow getting out-haggled by Keesh for Glider's price.]
  2. [22:15] Keesh [It is the crack of dawn, but no sun is on the horizon: lingering drizzles still prevail. Considering their distance to civilization, it'll be a while before any travelers might even happen to come by.]
  3. [22:15] Keesh is busy looking up at the great room's ceiling and wondering how that chandelier got hung.
  4. [22:17] Tarathiel [Just then, a sharp trio of knocks sound off the front door.]
  5. [22:20] Keesh wonders what sort of person would KNOCK on an inn door...?
  6. [22:20] Keesh goes to answer it.
  7. [22:21] Tarathiel 's form fills the frame as he opens the door, arms folded under her chest.
  8. [22:22] Tarathiel "I figured I'd try being polite this time," she remarks. Not a second later, she barges in.
  9. [22:22] Keesh shuts the door. Nope.
  10. [22:23] Tarathiel simply pushes it open as easy as walking.
  11. [22:25] Keesh skip-stumbles backwards, hand still on the latch of the door. We are not amused.
  12. [22:26] Keesh "I resherve the right to refushe sherviche to ANYONE!"
  13. [22:27] Tarathiel "Too bad. I'm here now," she drones as she looks the place over.
  14. [22:27] Tarathiel "What needs doing?"
  15. [22:29] Keesh flings the door open even wider, and glares at Tara with those red beady eyes. They seem to have healed up perfectly since last night.
  16. [22:30] Keesh "I have a dragonoid who won't take a hint that needsh ejecting from my eshtablishment!"
  17. [22:31] Tarathiel glares right back, casting a shadow over the innkeeper.
  18. [22:32] Tarathiel "And I need to eat, and you need work. Shut up already."
  19. [22:32] Tarathiel walks further inside, looking for messes, dust, disorganization- anything that might be a start to righteous work.
  20. [22:35] Keesh goes >:T and slams the door shut, proceeding to ignore Tara completely for the moment.
  21. [22:37] Keesh [There is a fair bit of dry mud on the floor from Mr. Shate and Glider the previous night. Various plates of crumbs and uneaten food, courtesy of an over-zealous Hypathia, are also scattered about the tables and counters.]
  22. [22:38] Keesh [Otherwise, there's no mess to speak of as the inn hasn't really had much, if any, patronage yet.]
  23. [22:39] Tarathiel "Hey, where are the rags?"
  24. [22:41] Gilder awakens and dresses in Hypathia's clothes, then heads out to ask what exactly she is supposed to be doing as Keesh's slave.
  25. [22:42] Keesh continues to ignore Tara, but notices the same mess as her and frowns.
  26. [22:43] Keesh "HYPATHIA! Thish ish not how you sherve gueshtsh! Clean theshe dishesh up!"
  27. [22:44] Keesh shouts vaguely at Glider's direction, noticing the clothes and assuming Glider is Hypathia.
  28. [22:45] Tarathiel looks over at the quirky-clumsy one. But... she was an elf? No? She stops in her tracks, surprised to find another of her kind.
  29. [22:47] Tarathiel "... Hello?"
  30. [22:47] Tarathiel Suddenly, her calm fire is replaced with confusion.
  31. [22:53] Gilder looks over at Tarathiel. "Oh? Um... greetings!"
  32. [22:54] Tarathiel stands heads taller than most elven warriors, and with the physique to boot, one wonders why she's looking to mop up mud.
  33. [22:59] Keesh walks over to light the fireplace back up, casting another glance at the chandelier.
  34. [23:00] Tarathiel walks over to the skeleton of an elf and offers a large, clawed hand.
  35. [23:00] Tarathiel "I am Tarathiel Ae-"
  36. [23:00] Tarathiel She quickly cuts herself off.
  37. [23:00] Tarathiel "Er, just call me Tarathiel."
  38. [23:02] Gilder "I am Gilder." She clasps Tarathiel's hand.
  39. [23:03] Tarathiel cocks her head and narrows her deep blue eyes.
  40. [23:03] Tarathiel "... How did you get all the way out here?"
  41. [23:05] Keesh looks back at the pair. Hang on...
  42. [23:06] Keesh dashes over to Glider and slaps Tara's hand away.
  43. [23:06] Tarathiel Inwardly, she processes some intuition nagging at her mind. What is it that's of-
  44. [23:06] Keesh "Hey, keep your clawsh off-a her, she'sh mine!"
  45. [23:06] Tarathiel whirls to face Keesh, yelling.
  46. [23:06] Keesh stands in between the two, hands on hips.
  47. [23:07] Gilder "Um, sir, we were just having a conversation."
  48. [23:07] Tarathiel "I am a person, 0x1dnot0x1d some fairy-tale villain!"
  49. [23:09] Keesh "Do you shee me trying to kill you like a villain, NO, you shee me trying to tell you to get OUT!"
  50. [23:10] Keesh turns back to Glider, smiling quite sincerely.
  51. [23:10] Tarathiel "If you ever saw a play, you'd know villains do more than just stab people."
  52. [23:11] Keesh "I'm terribly shorry about all thish, dear, eshpeshially last night! I had to put on a good show for Mr. Shlate, you see? Couldn't come acrossh like a shoftie~"
  53. [23:11] Keesh pats Glider's hand comfortingly.
  54. [23:12] Keesh "Nomally I wouldn't deal with shlavesh, but I ran into shome, ahh... trouble, in finding help, you shee, and... Well, never mind that!"
  55. [23:13] Gilder "Tarathiel seems to want to help."
  56. [23:13] Keesh "Ehh? Who now?"
  57. [23:13] Tarathiel firmly digs a hand onto Keesh's shoulder.
  58. [23:13] Tarathiel "0x1dYou would resort to slavers before me?0x1d"
  59. [23:15] Keesh gives more of a fake smile.
  60. [23:15] Keesh "Oh, uhh... Her."
  61. [23:15] Tarathiel picks Keesh up by the hips and rests him over her shoulder.
  62. [23:16] Tarathiel "Perhaps some rain will wash those 0x1ddisgusting0x1d morals of yours."
  63. [23:19] Keesh scrabbles puny claws against Tarathiel's back.
  64. [23:21] Tarathiel strides over to the door, opens it, and deposits Keesh outside. Afterwards, she simply leans against the door.
  65. [23:22] Tarathiel "... At least he's better to you, the insufferable bastard."
  66. [23:22] Tarathiel facepalms, sighing.
  67. [23:22] Gilder "I don't know how he is to me. He just bought me yesterday."
  68. [23:25] Gilder "There's a human lady who's a witch, and she seemed nice enough, but she was gone by the time I woke up."
  69. [23:27] Tarathiel "I never did get magic much, myself. Don't need it."
  70. [23:27] Tarathiel The dragoness tenses an arm, showing even more muscle.
  71. [23:27] Tarathiel 0x1dNot like I had the chance to learn0x1d, she considers.
  72. [23:28] Gilder "That's impressive. Even when I was free and healthy, I was never built like that."
  73. [23:31] Tarathiel Tarathiel smirks.
  74. [23:32] Keesh [Tarathiel feels a bump on her back. Looks like someone's trying to force the door open~]
  75. [23:32] Tarathiel "I... got lucky, I guess. The reason for it isn't anywhere near as easy to hide as your burn, though."
  76. [23:33] Tarathiel Moderately happy for the first time in a while, she eases her weight off the door just enough to let it crack open and butt-slams it back. Hopefully the hatchling lands on his ass.
  77. [23:33] Gilder looks up at her. "I can imagine. Me, I think you look beautiful the way you are."
  78. [23:33] Gilder then blushes deeply.
  79. [23:36] Tarathiel stares at Gilder, wide-eyed. The clock of her brain stops ticking for a long instant before shakily continuing. o O ( ... 0x1dWhat?0x1d)
  80. [23:37] Tarathiel "... Uhm, thanks."
  81. [23:38] Gilder <She didn't pound me flat. That's good news.> he thinks, still blushing.
  82. [23:38] Tarathiel doesn't realize it, but her ruddy skin does well to hide what would otherwise be an unmistakable blush, or pale shock, or some combination of the two.
  83. [23:39] Tarathiel She then drops her eyes to the floor, her usual confidence and bravado gone. So too, follows tact and finesse when she speaks again, low:
  84. [23:40] Tarathiel "... Uh, you're not a guy, are you?"
  85. [23:41] Tarathiel Vivid recollections of gaggles of boys flash through her mind. "Monster!", "Bitch!", and other more inventive phrases a chorus on their tongues.
  86. [23:42] Gilder "I am. None of the humans have realized it yet, though." He sighs. "Some don't even think male elves exist."
  87. [23:43] Gilder "The guy who orignally took me as a slave stripped me naked to make sure I didn't have any hidden weapons, and even he still thought I was a girl."
  88. [23:46] Tarathiel 's mind is set yet further awhirl.
  89. [23:46] Tarathiel "How is that even possib-"
  90. [23:47] Tarathiel quickly shakes her head.
  91. [23:47] Tarathiel "No, no, forget I asked. Uh..."
  92. [23:47] Tarathiel And her mind grinds to a halt again.
  93. [23:48] Gilder "I think it's like some kind of cultural blind spot humans have, or something. It baffles me too. But yes, I am a guy, and yes, I think you look lovely." He's feeling slightly emboldened now, though he still feels rather awkward with the ladies' dress and the big bronze collar on him.
  94. [23:51] Tarathiel wrings her hands over her chest, letting out a nervous chuckle.
  95. [23:52] Tarathiel "Uhheheh, hey, um..."
  96. [23:52] Tarathiel To say this is uncharted territory is to things exist.
  97. [23:52] Tarathiel "Uh, should I let him back in, now? We should probably get to work."
  98. [23:56] Gilder "Sure. We can talk more about it later."
  99. [23:57] Tarathiel silently turns and opens the door, immediately ignoring Keesh.
  100. [23:57] Tarathiel "Uh, where are the mops? Or rags? Or something?"
  101. [23:57] Keesh [Keesh is so ignorable the kobold isn't even there to ignore!]
  102. [23:58] Tarathiel [True to form, Tarathiel doesn't even notice.]
  103. [00:00] Gilder "I don't know. I only just now got here."
  104. [00:00] Tarathiel "I'll go look," Tara comments as she strides past Gilder into the back-rooms. The door remains open and empty.
  105. [00:01] Keesh [Keesh's voice suddenly emanates from... somewhere? Both Glider and Tarathiel can hear it clearly but the direction is not very perceptible.]
  106. [00:02] Keesh "Ash long ash you two ushurpersh sheem intent on running my inn, clean up the common room already! Brushesh are in the kitchen."
  107. [00:03] Keesh "And don't you dare think about burning the plashe down or I'll stab you!"
  108. [00:04] Keesh 's voice seems remarkably less than threatening. Maybe if it sounded less like a yappy dog?
  109. [00:06] Tarathiel Heckling helps bring Tarathiel back to earth. It's her life, after all.
  110. [00:07] Tarathiel "Ah, so you 0x1dare0x1d a villain!" she shouts to no direction in particular.
  111. [00:10] Tarathiel finds the brushes without too much more delay, brings one out for herself, and sets to work away from Gilder.
  112. [00:11] Gilder gets out a brush, and starts cleaning the opposite end of the common room, feeling kind of awkward.
  113. [00:11] Keesh "Nope, jusht the manager~"
  114. [00:16] Tarathiel has calmed down some, but her mind is still abuzz. Certain cruelties start with kindness. It couldn't be a trap, could it?
  115. [00:18] Gilder , meanwhile, is thinking of the fact that this lady he's exceptionally attracted to could break him in half if he made a single wrong step.
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