

May 11th, 2013
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  1. I went to the playground, got to the top of the slide and it was like one of those bright yellow slides. I didn't want to go down it because at the time I thought it was a river of mustard
  3. I tried to get food but the fucking guy at the counter had a pimple that was freaking the shit out of me
  4. This bright red fucking pimple with a gaping maw
  5. I ended up spilling my spaghetti when trying to order so I got out of there
  6. Yeah the fucking pimple was threatening me
  7. It was talking like an angry marine
  8. It was just so angry
  10. I mean I'm a pretty big dude myself at 6'3" but holy fuck these people just towered and walked these big lumbering steps and when they looked at me I felt chills down my spine so in short yeah I did a lot of running last night
  12. But after the gnome was when I peaked because when I saw a raccoon it stared at me and said "Let's go rummage through some garbage cans!" then I looked at my hands and saw raccoon type features so I went rummaging in trash cans for a while. But when I say rummaging I mean opening the lid of the can and then toppling it for the raccoons to get at.
  14. I wandered the residential areas of my town after that and a garden gnome started giving me financial advice
  16. Now most of this stuff was in the jacket I was wearing. Condom wrapper, cold burrito from a mexican food joint in town, a fucking fleshlight, the recipt from the mexican food joint at 8:45 P.M, a rail road spike, a winning lottery scratch-it for two dollars, a sky blue gameboy advance sp, and about 95 dollars...
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