
the clown bunker

Apr 18th, 2017
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  1. my shrekels - 05/06/2016
  2. you guys i had another weird fuckin dream
  3. and it was one of the shitty ones where you jolt awake
  4. squawk rockets - 05/06/2016
  5. o
  6. my shrekels - 05/06/2016
  7. i was workin in like... a sevvie or somethin
  8. or some kind of gas station
  9. and i'm just mindin my own business
  10. and all the other employees are talking about some kind of raid
  11. so ofc i assume the bug killer and go on with my day
  12. and then i look up and there's a bunch of fucking clowns in the parking lot
  13. squawk rockets - 05/06/2016
  14. ....i
  15. my shrekels - 05/06/2016
  16. and the clowns are fucking everyone up and the employees have all scrambled
  17. and this one guy he tells me, get in the back we're going to the bunker
  18. squawk rockets - 05/06/2016
  19. a clown bunker
  20. my shrekels - 05/06/2016
  21. so ofc i'm like 'shit i gotta get to the bunker' but then the clowns break in
  22. so i end up getting chased down a hallway to an elevator by a really big mean fat clown
  23. but he like caught up to me so as i'm making a dive for the elevator he takes a swing with his cartoonishly large mallet
  24. and so then i woke up
  25. squawk rockets - 05/06/2016
  26. that was a fucking adventure of a dream
  27. my shrekels - 05/06/2016
  28. i know
  29. squawk rockets - 05/06/2016
  30. i like how this sevvie has a bunker specifically for clown raids
  31. as if that happens so often
  32. that it needs one
  33. my shrekels - 05/06/2016
  34. i want to know the story behind that
  35. why do they have a clown bunker
  36. did they build it in case of hilarocaust
  37. squawk rockets - 05/06/2016
  38. ;'dkj'dsfs'
  39. my shrekels - 05/06/2016
  40. is this clown gang just bad enough to warrant one
  41. i want to know
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