
Uplift RPG Session #33.1 (Jee Personal Quest)

Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. We Begin!
  3. The girl members of the crew decided to have a girls night out, which just consists of Jee!
  5. Jee-Still Waki stashes away her share of the jobs payout, leaving after telling Ramiel she was to leave for a short while to search for a store to buy more "tools".
  7. Jee-Still Waki: ( What's the one nearby? With the rug and pink pidgeon in it? )
  9. Gaven C. (GM): (A tourist trap.)
  11. Jee-Still Waki: ( Darn )
  13. Gaven C. (GM): (Like a a tiny museam.)
  15. Jee-Still Waki: ( I assumed it was gonna be a store selling nothing but 5 dollar cheese for $30 )
  17. Gaven C. (GM): (oh and )
  19. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thanks )
  20. ( Roll to search for a tech store or anything of the like? )
  22. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure!)
  24. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100
  25. (50)= 50
  26. ( Huh )
  28. you only mannage to find a general store thats 3 steps away from you.
  30. Jee-Still Waki: ( Good 'nuff )
  32. the door makes a jingle as you open and close the door, while the cahier greets you in french.
  34. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..." Jee breathes as she tries her best to ask what they sell in French.
  35. "Hello. What do you have for sale today?"
  36. rolling 1d100+50
  37. (100)+50= 150
  38. ( Fuckin' hell )
  39. ( At this point I might as well add on a language skill for French and never take a roll again )
  41. The frog blushes from the charming question of what goods you sell.
  43. Frenchie: "Mon Que Ze have stuff from snack to hi end home appliances!"
  45. Jee-Still Waki: "... Home appliances?
  46. ( I can probably make a bomb with a toaster )
  48. Frenchie: "Toasters, Microwaves, Ovens..."
  50. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhow much is a toaster?"
  52. Gaven C. (GM): "80$."
  54. Jee-Still Waki: ( I may got 125K in cash, but dammit if I'm cheap. )
  55. ( Rollin' to haggle. As for the percentage, how about 20% off? What's the DC for that? )
  56. ( Ah , don't matter. Rolling anyway. )
  57. rolling 1d100+50
  58. (94)+50= 144
  59. ( Think that's fine either way. )
  61. Gaven C. (GM): (Well you won anyway)
  62. Sold!
  64. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Can you lower the price? I do not have much money."
  65. ( So 20% is 16, so 64 for a toaster. Rad. )
  67. Gaven C. (GM): (Heavy negotiation for a toaster.)
  69. Fremchie: "Sure Madam.~"
  71. Jee-Still Waki: ( It'll be worth it once the thing becomes a bomb. Will definitely need a power source though to activate it and something metal to put into it for it to explode )
  73. Jee-Still Waki hands over the cash, placing the toaster her sack of trash and wonders.
  75. Frenchie: "Anything elso you want maddam? Maybe my phone number wha ho ho..."
  77. Gaven C. (GM): (how do you ttpe the fech Wo ho ho?)
  79. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hon hon hon hon? )
  81. Gaven C. (GM): (thanks, mind sliped.)
  83. Jee-Still Waki: ( )
  84. "Hhh? I do not have a phone tool. Ramiel does though. Are you offering a job?"
  86. Frenchie: "What happend to Ze phone of yours maddam? Mwa whats to take Ze on a date Hon hon hon!"
  88. Gaven C. (GM): (this is not the main thing.)
  90. Jee-Still Waki: "Date? For the job? I need to know what I am doing first and the payout."
  91. ( This is going nowhere and somewhere at the same time. )
  93. Frenchie: "Oh, neverminds zen, I'm not gonna date an escort."
  95. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I do not know what job that is... Thank you for the home appliance tool."
  97. As you exit a store a man is walking down the street in a rob yelling about the gods of humanity and how they're all doomed to de-creation.
  99. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? Gods of humanity? What do you know about the Great Ones?"
  100. ( Wait, is he speaking French? )
  102. Gaven C. (GM): (Yes.)
  104. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah, should've assumed he was. Yelling English in Tokyo wouldn't really draw a crowd, would it? )
  105. ( And just go ahead and tell me when I need to make another French speaking roll )
  107. Humans: -Children- Believer "Fellow sister of man we know of the creators and of their ways and power!"
  109. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh?! How? Do you have their tools and technology?"
  111. HumansChildrenBeliever: "Yes sister we have relics & ways of taking and listening to the creator so that we may follow and please them so that we will be added to the endless cycle of life!"
  113. Jee-Still Waki stares in disbelief. "How do I know you are not lying? Another told me of a place filled with Great One tools to trick me."
  115. Jee-Still Waki: ( I do want to go with him, but gotta ask ya know? )
  117. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  119. HumansChildrenBeliever: "Then sister I shall lead you to the chapel to speak and listen the Gods and show you the tools of light!"
  121. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... You had best not lie to me. I will go, but I will not fall for those who lie of the Great Ones again."
  122. ( This really reminds me of Geneforge. Dunno why. )
  124. HumansChildrenBeliever: "May you make the first step unto the endless cycle of life fellow sister." as she opens the door waiting for you to enter.
  126. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..." Jee huffs, reluctantly entering the building.
  127. ( Sorry phone call )
  128. ( *Had a phone call )
  129. ( Examine surroundings? )
  131. Gaven C. (GM): (sure, roll)
  133. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  134. (48)+10+50= 108
  136. you see that the only things inside the temple are barrels for food and water storage, hastly sleeping bads, a rack of books that are about the human conspiracy and not a single form a modern tech.
  138. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..."
  140. HumansChildrenBeliever: "Family I have save a fellow soul from De-creation as you have done unto me!"
  142. Jee-Still Waki: "Are... Are there Great One tools in there?"
  144. The cultist chant a positive sounding chant.
  146. HumansChildrenBeliever: "Yes sister we will bring show you as we bind you into the universe."
  148. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhhhhh..."
  150. Jee-Still Waki follows the cultist, silently making sure she still has a weapon ready if things go wrong.
  152. HumansChildrenBeliever: "Take a seat fellow sister."
  154. Jee-Still Waki remains silent and sits beside the robed individuals and tries to take in her surroundings and those near her.
  156. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  157. (40)+10+50= 100
  159. You see that all the cultist are unarmed and that they have the the look of happiness on their face.
  161. Jee-Still Waki: ( And the room itself? )
  163. so no live antrho sacrifices
  165. you see that your outdoom and thats theres a large human hand carved out of stone under the huge bondfire.
  167. Jee-Still Waki: ( Well that's good )
  169. Jee-Still Waki silently waits for... something to happen. She occasionally takes an interest in the human hand carved in the stone, but remains unimpressed at the lack of technology, or better yet, technology of the humans.
  171. a Cultist holding a old looking chalace and tattered old looking papers approaches you,
  173. Jee-Still Waki: "... What are those papers?
  175. HumansChildrenBeliever: "You will soon learn." as the chalice in his hand miraculously fills up with a blue like liquid, he hands it to you and tell you to drink from the chalice.
  177. Jee-Still Waki 's intrigue rises at the chalice filling itself. "May I ask what is in this?" Jee asks, taking the chalice and sniffing the liquid.
  179. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100
  180. (82)= 82
  181. ( I can't recall if perception: smell gets mind bonus or not )
  183. Gaven C. (GM): (it does.)
  185. Jee-Still Waki: ( Then that's a plus 50 )
  187. you smell the liquid, it has a smell of juice in it and no deadly smell to it, but an intoxicating smell to it.
  189. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm. I got a herbology of 1, is it possible for me to identify it? Would probably be a high as hell roll though. )
  191. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure.)
  193. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  194. (73)+10+50= 133
  195. ( Apologies if I am or about to jump off your planned course. )
  197. You can tell that this is heavly simmular to tonics you made in the past thats used for pain with a side effect of falling into a deep sleep.
  199. HumansChildrenBeliever: "Sister this will not hurt or harm you in any matter."
  201. Jee-Still Waki: "... This will put me to sleep. I am no fool. What did you plan to do to me if I drank this?"
  203. HumansChildrenBeliever: "This will put you into state of sleep yes, but were not going to harm or hurt you in anyway while you make contact to the Creators."
  205. Jee-Still Waki: "Not hurt or harm? That did not answer my question. What were you planning to do?" Jee hisses.
  206. ( I'll still probably drink the thing anyway )
  207. ( Anyway, making an intimidation roll. Or is it social roll? Can't recall. )
  208. rolling 1d100+50
  209. (81)+50= 131
  211. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  212. (79)+35= 114
  214. HumansChildrenBeliever: "We will watch you sleep until you awaken from the answers of the Creators."
  215. "You can step out of the temple and not be blessed and walk unto De-creation, it up to you."
  217. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... I would hope so. So should you." Jee says, eyeing the blue liquid in the chalice. Still curious of how the liquid filled the cup, she disregarded her fear and drank the juice.
  218. ( Time to trip, lessago )
  220. The Leader takes back the chalice from your hand and holds the paper infront of you, the black paper slowy starts drawing onto instelf a metal narrow hallway with technology at the end of it...."
  222. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhhhhhh...? What is this?"
  223. ( Sorry, shoulda said earlier. Examine surrondings? )
  225. Gaven C. (GM): (yes, roll!)
  227. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  228. (24)+10+50= 84
  229. ( Wait, would tech eyes even give a bonus in a dream state? )
  230. ( Huh. )
  232. Gaven C. (GM): (no)
  234. Gaven C. (GM): (no)
  235. (but no sight disabliity
  237. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rad. And mind bonus? )
  239. Gaven C. (GM): (still in)
  241. Jee-Still Waki: ( What do my removed eyes see? )
  243. you look up and behind you seeing an endless black void, while the light from the computer slowly start dimming.
  245. Jee-Still Waki rushes to the computer, wanting to access it before the light completely went away.
  247. Gaven C. (GM): (agility roll.)
  249. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30
  250. (29)+30= 59
  252. The screen turns black before you can see anything that was on the screen.
  254. Jee-Still Waki: "No no no no no no no..." Jee rambles as she examines the machine, trying to find a way to turn it back on.
  255. ( Electronics roll? )
  257. Gaven C. (GM): (yes.)
  259. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  260. (55)+30+50= 135
  262. A red button slowly flips up as you hear a light whisper of laughing and crying.
  264. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..." Jee taps the red button once, waiting for results.
  266. The button since in as you press it, blood slowly starts to drip from your figer and start steady picking up pase while the screen turn on.
  268. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Hhhh!" Jee huffs, trying to stanch the blood flow pouring from her finger by gripping it tightly with her other hand as she tries to read the computer screen.
  269. ( Should I do perception or some other roll? )
  271. Gaven C. (GM): (yes)
  273. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  274. (88)+50= 138
  275. ( Sorry, I'll remember to ask or do it instead of waiting. )
  277. The computer screen shows in a flash a list of all sorts of deadly tools and weapons...
  279. Slowly and slowly they get more advance...
  281. Jee-Still Waki tries to look through her rucksack for her journal to write this down, releasing her hold of her bleeding finger.
  283. while looking to write your eyes fall out onto the journal, covering the notes in blood while your cyber eyes grow back.
  285. Jee-Still Waki: ( My flesh eyes fall out or my cyber eyes fall out and they grow back? )
  287. Gaven C. (GM): (First one)
  288. (cyber eye back in thru dream)
  290. Jee-Still Waki slowly begins to panic, shaking her flesh eyes off of the journal. She flips through the pages, looking for a dry page to write on.
  292. Blackness starts to slowly grow into on the fade in behind and above you.
  294. Jee-Still Waki: "No no no no, I need to get this NOW!" she huffs, finally finding a dry page to scribble down whatever else was listed on the computer.
  296. With your last scribble you start to falling into a black void...
  298. Jee-Still Waki tries to fly in the black void. "There's still more I need to know!"
  300. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30
  301. (81)+30= 111
  303. as you start flapping your wings the bleeding finger start a domino effect of flesh falling off your arm, revealing a cybernetic arm, leading to you falling into the void.
  305. Jee-Still Waki: "No no no no no no no no nonononononononononononono!"
  307. you awake into a jungle on your home planet Pao.
  309. Jee-Still Waki: "No no no NOT HERE!" Jee screams while clawing at her hair.
  310. ( Rolling perception )
  311. rolling 1d100+50
  312. (34)+50= 84
  314. you hear the sound of a buzzing near the hut.
  316. Jee-Still Waki: ( Apologies, distracted by something. Anyway, going to approach the hut. )
  318. Jee-Still Waki moves through the familiar thicket towards the hut, the out of place buzzing noise intriguing her.
  320. You see a hologram of a human, he is making mouth movements as if he is talking.
  322. Jee-Still Waki approaches the hologram. "Are you... a Great One? Not a False One?"
  324. as he's about to talk to you a familiar voice can be heard.
  326. Eff: "Baba Jee?"
  328. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? What?"
  330. Eff rushes up and gives you a hug and starts crying
  332. Eff: "Jee I see you no long time!"
  334. Jee-Still Waki: ( Must be awkward with the metal arm and all. )
  336. Gaven C. (GM): (Yes.)
  338. Jee-Still Waki: "I... I don't... What?" Jee says, confused to the whole ordeal. She tries to examine the bat, racking her memory as to who he is.
  340. Gaven C. (GM): (It's your Mom/Dad/Brother/Sister!)
  341. (You pick.)
  343. Jee-Still Waki: ( Right, thank you. Was assuming father, but I didn't want to be on the wrong page. And just for the heck of it, I'll roll a 1d4 to decide what they are. )
  344. rolling 1d4
  345. (4)= 4
  346. ( Sister. )
  347. ( Good for me mang )
  349. "Eff? Eff!" Jee exclaims, returning the hug.
  351. Gaven C. (GM): (crying emote.)
  353. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hah )
  354. "It has been many suns Eff..."
  356. Eff loosen the waterwork "Y-you choose family over of the tec-c-ch now Jj-jee?"
  358. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..." Jee breathes, looking over her shoulder at the hologram of the human. "Hhh... What of other family? What of fil- ... What of tribes?"
  360. Cea Dee and Eia exit out of the hut crying, joining in on the hug
  362. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anything in particular the hologram is doing? )
  364. Gaven C. (GM): (standing there talking, but with no sound.)
  366. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I try to perception sight to see what it's saying? )
  368. Eia: "Mom pray to moon for safe return of her baby!"
  370. Gaven C. (GM): (sure, see if you can read lips)
  372. Jee-Still Waki: "Mother... Father! What about banishment? You and tribe chief told me to find other roads!"
  373. rolling 1d100+50
  374. (48)+50= 98
  375. ( Kinda decent )
  377. despite being able to learn french you don't know how to read lips.
  379. Jee-Still Waki: ( Not decent enough. Anything the others are saying? )
  381. Cea: "Tribe forgive my child."
  383. Jee-Still Waki: "Tribe forgive? I can be medicine woman again?"
  385. Gaven C. (GM): "Lil sister yes, you just need to past test."
  387. Jee-Still Waki: "... What?"
  389. Ma and Pa start pouring a flamable dust on top of the holograms disk.
  391. Jee-Still Waki: "Wait! No! What are you doing?"
  393. Eff: "B-b-b-ig sister must des-s-s-troy we she lea-a-a-ave,tech."
  395. Jee-Still Waki: "Destroy? Why destroy tech?"
  397. Dee: "Lil sister tech is why the bad things happen, they brought bad men, bad tool, bad times."
  399. Jee-Still Waki: "Yes, but... What of good? The tools can bring good!"
  400. "Other landers tell me of it! Of healing, of smarts, of many good things!"
  402. Eia hands you a torch. "Jee, It stuff or family..."
  404. Jee-Still Waki: "Please... I just want good for tribe! Good for family!"
  406. Eia: "Me want you to find spirit partner here, have kids here, raise kids here where its safe from the harm of tech Jee."
  408. Family: "Good is no tech."
  410. Jee-Still Waki: "I... I want younglings, but tech and Great One tools can help! Your sister would not have gone to the Beyond if we had them! She would still be here! No one would lose life again!"
  412. Eia: "Jee, god said it was her time Jee, We all have to be given the flying passage to the great sky in the Future moons..."
  414. Jee-Still Waki: "She told me she was not ready! She told me she didn't want to go! She wanted to stay here with us!"
  415. ( Just realized, hope this adventure doesn't hinder too bad on the MP points, because I haven't rested Jee since the very beginning. She's got 30 out of 140 or something MP points left. )
  417. Gaven C. (GM): (Well sorry.)
  419. Family: "Us or tool."
  421. Jee-Still Waki: ( Nah, it's no worries )
  422. "No! I do not want to make choosing! Please! I just want to help tribe!"
  424. Tech or Family Jee?
  426. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh! Hhhh! Hhhhhhh!"
  428. Jee-Still Waki raises the torch up high.
  430. Jee-Still Waki: "I ONLY WANTED TO BE HELP!"
  432. Jee-Still Waki turns and tosses the torch far behind her into the foliage.
  434. Eff: "W-W-WHY JE-E-E WHY!
  438. Your family start burning up into ass while your own flesh starts to melt..."
  440. Jee-Still Waki: "HHHH! PLEASE! PLEASE! I DID NOT WANT THIS! I DID NOT WANT THIS!" Jee screams, scraping at the melting flesh with her metal arm.
  441. ( burning into ass Gave me a giggle )
  443. with all of your flesh melted away revealing all the metal underneath you.
  445. Jee-Still Waki 's voice rings out hollow and with an echo. "I just wanted to help family..." With a pointless sob, having no tear ducts to shed tears, she grabs the metal device displaying the hologram.
  447. you see that the speakers on the device were damaged, roll to repair.
  449. Jee-Still Waki: ( Any bonuses besides mind? )
  450. rolling 1d100+50
  451. (99)+50= 149
  452. ( Ya know I don't think it matters now )
  454. Holo: "So, is this the choice you would make if you knew this this was a dream?"
  456. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I don't know."
  457. ( Sorry, call. Brb )
  459. Gaven C. (GM): "I want to know if you really would chose me over your family that loves you."
  461. Jee-Still Waki: ( Call from pops. Said to get cheap collegg books and he was getting pizza.)
  462. ( Will figure that out later )
  463. "Hhhh... Hhhh... Hhh. ... I would." Jee whispers, holding her metal head in her similar claws.
  465. Holo: "You are a sad despicable person..."
  466. "I bet you would of sound them out for a outdated computer."
  468. Jee-Still Waki: "No... I wanted to find tech... Return to filthy tribe... Help them all. Help family. Show them that tech and Great One tools can be for good..."
  470. Gaven C. (GM): (*sold)
  472. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ya know, she probably would sell them too. )
  474. Now they're filthy, I bet you would of sell them into slavery just for fun with how you talk about them.:
  476. Jee-Still Waki: ( Before she got reminded in the dream how much they loved her. )
  477. "Hhhh... I would have. Yes... Hhh... For a old computer, for a gun, for a pen, I would have, yes..."
  478. "I hated them all. Hated tribe, hated home, hated other filthy tribals, hated planet."
  480. Holo: "Well now, did you even have a heart before all of this."
  482. your visors starts to flicker and are about to black out.
  484. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Hhh... Why are you telling me this?"
  486. Gaven C. (GM): "I just find it funny that you chose a hunk of metal that hates you over a family that loves you."
  488. Holo: "They looked past your arm, you eyes that have been "technofided cause they loved you."
  490. Gaven C. (GM): "And you know that they hate tech."
  492. Jee-Still Waki: "I wanted to help them. I asked patients and other landers of the tools they had, the books they read, all I wanted to do was to help them."
  493. "They didn't even listen! They wanted me to leave!"
  494. "I don't understand! Why would they do this?"
  496. Holo: "Look what you did to defend tech..."
  498. you visors shut off, then reactivate to show that your in a different area.
  500. Jee-Still Waki: ( Went for a piss. Back now. Apologies. )
  502. Gaven C. (GM): (accepted.)
  504. Jee-Still Waki examines her new surroundings, still quietly sobbing from the visage of her family dying in front of her.
  506. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  507. (36)+50= 86
  509. you see an endless void underneath you while across the gab is a metal stand filled with technology.
  511. Jee-Still Waki looks at the tree bridging the path. With a clank and creak, she slowly begins to cross it.
  513. the tree starts to make a creaking sound.
  515. Gaven C. (GM): (agl roll.)
  517. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30
  518. (11)+30= 41
  520. "Hhh!" Jee hisses, speeding herself up to cross the tree.
  521. ( Got any fitting music for this whole sequence? )
  523. the tree breaks under your wieght!
  525. Gaven C. (GM): (( ))
  527. Jee-Still Waki doesn't scream or yell. This feeling of failure is now familiar to her.
  529. Jee-Still Waki attempts one last time to fly, arguing mentally that it will most likely not matter.
  531. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  532. (11)+50= 61
  533. ( Wait, not 50, 30. Ah well. )
  535. you attept to activate the propushion system but fail as you saink into the darkness.
  537. Gaven C. (GM): (wait, isn't flying a skill?)
  539. Jee-Still Waki: ( Aerobatics I think, lemme check )
  540. ( Yeah, I think so. )
  541. ( Wasn't sure if the skill was added in in the dream state or not )
  542. ( Anyway, +10 )
  544. Gaven C. (GM): (Well it isn't enough.)
  545. (I mean Jee gets a free point in aerobatics since shes a bat.)
  547. Jee-Still Waki: "Is this what my pursuit is to be? Was I supposed to lose it all the moment I left home? Why?" Jee quietly mumbles to herself as she sinks further into the black abyss.
  549. You awake in a cold sweat.
  551. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh! HHHH!" Jee hisses, sitting up in a jolt.
  553. Cultist: "What did the creator say to you?"
  555. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh! Hhhhhh.... Hhh... Hh... Creator?"
  557. Jee-Still Waki remembered where she was, struggling to recall the language, she finally repeats herself. "Creator?"
  559. Cultist: "Yes, what did he say and tell you, what did he show you?"
  561. Gaven C. (GM): Yello?
  563. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Hhh... *He told me... He told me I was terrible. I was despicable. I... I was at home. My family was there. They missed me, loved me... They wanted me to choose. To stay with them or to burn a... hologram of a human. I just wanted to help them and... I threw the torch behind me into the jungle. As it burned, they all died and my flesh melted away. I was nothing but metal."
  564. "He asked if I was to make the same choice knowing it was all fake. I said yes. He asked if I was to sell them all for technology or to slavers... I said yes. He said I was terrible for seeing them all as fi- ...F- ...Filthy tribals."
  565. Tears start to well up in Jee's metal eyes, speaking becoming harder to do as she continues. "I said I just wanted to help them before they kicked me out. I just wanted to help the tribe and the family."
  567. Jee-Still Waki begins to cry. "H-He found it funny... That I chose metal that hated me over family that loved me."
  569. The Humans Children Believer leader slowly nods, handing you the same looking robe the groups wearing.
  571. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? What... is this?"
  573. HumansChildrenBeliever: "You have passed sister."
  575. HumansChildrenBeliever: "You have passed sister."
  577. Jee-Still Waki: "What... to join?"
  579. HumansChildrenBeliever: "Yes."
  581. Jee-Still Waki looks over the black and gold hemmed robe. "Hhh... I..."
  583. Jee-Still Waki pushes the robe back to the leader. "I am sorry. What I saw... What I heard... Forgive me. I don't want a part of this."
  585. Jee-Still Waki: "The Great O- Hhh... The... humans... I do not know what to think anymore."
  587. HumansChildrenBeliever: "You need us, you see the suffering that the technology of that we make unlike the tools of the creator."
  589. Jee-Still Waki: "The tools of humans? Hhhh... Yes, they are grand in design... But the other tools I have seen... They are not all for suffering."
  591. HumansChildrenBeliever: "You passed but you choose not to go, you may leave us but we will accept you once you fully see our ways."
  593. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... If you have seen your own family burn in front of your eyes, and the one you have chosen in their stead despise you for the choice... You would question many things too..."
  595. Jee-Still Waki stands, silently making a quick check that everything is accounted for. "Thank you..."
  597. Jee-Still Waki leaves the house, her mind still wracked with fear and questions of those that she once revered.
  599. Gaven C. (GM): (Session end?)
  601. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sure man )
  603. Gaven C. (GM): (unless you got more stuff to do.)
  605. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can't think of nothing. )
  606. ( Only cybernetics I want are on the techno-planet and I'm all good for most stuff. )
  608. End of Session!
  610. Jee-Still Waki: ( Might buy some bullets, but I'll detract the money later, no need to keep you here. )
  612. Gaven C. (GM): (you need lids for that.)
  613. Okay roll 10d10
  615. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 10d10
  616. (9+9+7+9+5+8+10+8+9+1)= 75
  618. Gaven C. (GM): -75 mp!
  620. Jee-Still Waki: -44 MP out of 130
  621. Any afflictions?
  623. Gaven C. (GM): twitching and random stuttering.!
  624. and 80xp!
  626. Jee-Still Waki: Cool
  627. Twitching of fingers or eyes?
  629. Gaven C. (GM): Fingers
  630. Cause you know about the eyes...
  632. Jee-Still Waki: Aw yea
  633. That do anything to misfiring guns?
  635. Gaven C. (GM): Maybe
  636. Just don't keep twitchy fingers on trigger.
  638. Jee-Still Waki: Sucks I got a nice revolver
  639. And a grenade launcher too
  641. Gaven C. (GM): Just have trigger dicaplin.
  643. Jee-Still Waki: How do you discipline a trigger?
  644. Anyway, thanks for the session man
  645. Sorry for it getting a bit out of hand sometimes
  647. Gaven C. (GM): Nah it wasn't out of hand,
  648. Im glad i went out of hand then.
  649. And google trigger disaplin, or go ask /k/.
  651. Jee-Still Waki: Anything else to go over?
  652. Gaven C. (GM): Did I do a good and was it fun?
  653. Jee-Still Waki: Oh yeah, was really good.
  654. Fun too. Got a soft spot sometimes for non-combat sessions. Don't mean I dislike combat sessions, but it's something different every now and then
  655. (From Gaven C. (GM)): Also if a one was rolled durring the dream part I would of made a thing of Joanna chasing the Weasel guy thru the jungle to ruin the whole scene.
  656. Jee-Still Waki: But thanks again man. Box got a personal quest in mind for you too?
  657. Gaven C. (GM):
  658. Nope
  659. (To Gaven C.): A lot of choices would've been different then, knowing that something isn't right.
  660. (To Gaven C.): Realizing this was a dream and all fake
  661. (From Gaven C. (GM)): Yeah.
  662. Gaven C. (GM): And if he want to do one he can tell me and Ill do it.
  663. Jee-Still Waki: Cool. Would like to see what he's put through
  664. Gaven C. (GM): Probably a top gun in space.
  665. Jee-Still Waki: Gnarly
  666. (To Gaven C.): But thanks for the session. Anything ya want to say before I go?
  667. (To Gaven C.): Expectations, how I did, just curious.
  668. (From Gaven C. (GM)): I expect greatness and did great man
  669. (From Gaven C. (GM)): It was a real good session man
  670. (To Gaven C.): Alrighty. You have a good rest of the week
  671. (To Gaven C.): Got the pastebin all done
  672. (From Gaven C. (GM)): Same for ya.
  673. Jee-Still Waki:
  674. (From Gaven C. (GM)): thats great!
  675. (To Gaven C.): If another personal quest goes down, I'll be sure to pastebin that too
  676. (From Gaven C. (GM)): thanks in advance.
  677. Jee-Still Waki: Ya have a good one
  678. (From Gaven C. (GM)): wish I got a chance for a personal quest for fried
  679. Axl Greez: I had to paint a house
  680. Gaven C. (GM): It's okay.
  681. Axl Greez: Shit sucks when you gotta look straight up into the sun to pain a side
  682. Others called it?
  683. Gaven C. (GM): Ramiel is doing work, gators sink is spraying water everywhere.
  684. Axl Greez: Shit man
  685. Sink work sucks
  686. Gaven C. (GM): So thins is Jee adventure part 2 then I guess.
  687. Axl Greez: Man, I gotta learn to GM so I can pay ya back
  688. But alright, I'm cool with that.
  689. Thanks man
  690. You want me to throw some suggestions or do you got something in mind already?
  691. Gaven C. (GM): Nope, had more of a crew stuff, not a one person stuff.
  692. Axl Greez: Oh, and if my last compliments weren't enough, you did a damn good job. Actually felt pretty bad for the shit you and I put Jee through
  693. Gaven C. (GM): So yeah, throw some shit that Jee wants to do.
  694. Axl Greez: Got a sorta continuation in mind: Jee revisits Pao to find her home tribe and try to reconnect with her family. Think some things through, decide to either drop the tech business and be with them or support them on the side
  695. Sorta like a reprimend for her overzealous attitude
  696. If that's the right word, reprimend
  697. Otherwise, more side missions to get some cash or things to help out the crew with
  698. Want me to give some suggestions on missions? Or should you decide so I can plan it out more thoroughly?
  699. *suggestions on side jobs
  700. Axl Greez: Anything help? Or should I keep tossing some ideas?
  701. Gaven C. (GM): Well Jee is Smart and not really ment for combat so what about a job about SCIENCE!
  702. Axl Greez: Sounds good man
  703. Gaven C. (GM): I want to do the Pao thing with Jee and her family, but Im sure Ramiel would want to be draged to Pao for that.
  704. Axl Greez: Would?
  705. For what, wood collecting?
  706. Gaven C. (GM): Wouldn't*
  707. Axl Greez: Ah. Well, I do got 100k. Aren't there taxi's and transportation that someone can buy tickets or pay a crew for a ride?
  708. Gaven C. (GM): Im sure there would be.
  709. Axl Greez: Anyway, a science job's good all the same. Whatever you got in mind man
  710. But I'm down for both ideas. If you can't do the Pao idea, I'm cool with it
  711. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah let's do the Jee family thing.
  712. Axl Greez: Alrighty.
  713. And hey, I'm out on the go after painting, so I can't move the piece on my phone
  714. We Begin
  715. Gaven C. (GM): Kay.
  716. Last We left off Jee had an awakening about her family and her tribe after a spritual trip after doing an cult initiation.
  717. Axl Greez: ( I got a personal computer; can I attempt to locate a space transportation service? )
  718. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep.)
  719. Axl Greez: ( Or wrist computer, whatsit called )
  720. rolling 1d100
  721. (
  722. 24
  723. )
  724. = 24
  725. ( If it's plus mind, add a 50 I suppose )
  726. You mannage to find a site listing Pao trips for 80,000$
  727. Axl Greez: ( Wew, that's quite a price. )
  728. ( Doubt I can barter with a website price either )
  729. Gaven C. (GM): (It's 300,000$ in gas to travel to planets/stations.)
  730. Axl Greez: ( Gotta bite the bullet then )
  731. Gaven C. (GM): (Try to find a better price.)
  732. Axl Greez: ( Cool. Trying again. Mind bonus? )
  733. rolling 1d100
  734. (
  735. 94
  736. )
  737. = 94
  738. Gaven C. (GM): Yep
  739. Axl Greez: ( 144 )
  741. Axl Greez considers taking the ticket. Money doesn't seem too important as it was before, but... She looks for different prices just to be sure.
  742. Axl Greez: ( Oh wait a sec )
  743. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thar we go )
  744. The price is 30,000$ but from the description it sounds as that its unconformable as heck.
  746. Jee-Still Waki accepts the ticket regardless, curious as to how terrible it might be.
  747. Jee-Still Waki: ( Knockin' 30k outta the bank )
  748. ( 96K left )
  749. ( Go to the station? )
  750. Gaven C. (GM): (was just gonna drop ya off on pao.)
  751. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool )
  752. ( Down for that. Now I just gotta find my bearings and figure out where the old stomping grounds were )
  754. Jee-Still Waki was impressed: the ride WAS absolutely uncomfortable. It would probably be less horrible wearing a space suit, taping herself to the top of the ship, and ride the way to Pao there.
  755. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Th-thanks... Do y-y-you know wh-where the nearest vi-village is?"
  756. While exiting you see that most of the other passangers fit the Armed mook status.
  758. Jee-Still Waki rubs her throat. The stress is getting to her, she can barely speak.
  759. Pilot: "Sure, how much money do you have?"
  760. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... H-h-how much h-h-h... Forget it." Jee stammers, waving the pilot off.
  761. ( Roll to percept surroundings, look for a path to take? )
  762. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep.)
  763. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+10
  764. (
  765. 80
  766. )+50+10
  767. = 140
  768. You see a path heading north along the river, makes sence fot a tribe to be near a water source.
  770. Axl Greez follows the river path, hoping to find a river village.
  771. You head down the path, you assume that it will take 2 days to reach any sort of village.
  772. and that you lack any form of food.
  773. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..."
  774. ( Scavenge for some fruits, nuts, and other assorted foods? )
  775. ( And yeah, really should've thought about buying those in not-france
  776. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah, or go fishing with a sharp stick.)
  777. Jee-Still Waki: ( That's usually for a meal then and there though, fish doesn't keep well without the proper stuff. Can't find that in the jungle )
  778. rolling 1d100+50+10
  779. (
  780. 75
  781. )+50+10
  782. = 135
  783. ( And hey, mind if I take a 15 minute break in a bit? I know we just started, but I got home after the paint job. I'll make sure to tell you when I'm going on the break though, so don't worry. )
  784. along the path you find a tree filled with fruit, sparking memorys of scavaging along with your parents.
  785. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..." Jee murmurs, flying to pocket as much of the fruit as she could.
  786. you fill you sack with as much fruit as you can, it should last about 3 days.
  787. Jee-Still Waki: "I hope they're all still doing fine... It has been a long time since I last saw them..." Jee thought.
  788. ( Water should be OK too, as long as we're past the salt line in the river. )
  789. ( Oh and hey, I got these "Spinners Daisies (Relieve Stress)" in my inventory from fuck knows when, probably the first session Jee was in. Those still good? Can I try and relieve a bit of the stress I got going on? )
  790. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep.)
  791. Jee-Still Waki: ( Got 5 of them )
  792. ( Roll herbology? )
  793. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure!)
  794. Jee-Still Waki: ( Or is that for identifying? )
  795. ( Ah well. )
  796. rolling 1d100+50+10
  797. (
  798. 18
  799. )+50+10
  800. = 78
  802. Jee-Still Waki recalls the last time she was on Pao, finding the 5 flowers she picked when she first met the group.
  803. with your knowlage of the herb you know that the side effects is loss of balance (-15 to agl rolls)
  804. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh, that's important. )
  805. ( Hm. I'll leave them be for now. I'll take them in a safe place, like on the trip back or something. )
  806. ( Continue down the road? )
  807. Gaven C. (GM): (yep)
  808. Jee-Still Waki: ( Huh. Can't move the token on the computer. )
  809. a day past as your journey down the path.
  810. Jee-Still Waki: ( 2 days worth of fruit left. Anything occur down the way? )
  811. ( Dunno if him being dead is better or worse for me. )
  812. along the path you find a rusten broken robot.
  813. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh."
  814. ( May I roll scavenge, crack 'er open, and take what looks salvageable? )
  815. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep)
  816. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  817. (
  818. 16
  819. )+10+50
  820. = 76
  821. ( Gotta stop asking and just roll it )
  822. inside you find what are usually inside robots, Ram, memory, battery (thats empty)...
  823. Jee-Still Waki: ( Any of it not a rusted, busted piece of junk? )
  824. Gaven C. (GM): (you wanna do a rusted armor on yoi?)
  825. Jee-Still Waki: ( Unless I can shape it into spikes to puncture people with by bear hugging them, I'm good with my crab armor. )
  826. ( Also, big question just popped up. Rolling electronics to determine the robots purpose )
  827. Gaven C. (GM): (Well you can man.)
  828. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  829. (
  830. 4
  831. )+30+50
  832. = 84
  833. ( I CAN, but it wont be as effective with a 3 foot tall bat with 0 strength and average agility )
  834. ( Now with JAKOB, that's just perfect. )
  835. you see inside of the machines arm are similar to the guns that you dissassemble..
  836. Jee-Still Waki: ( Doubt any IDs the robot would have would've been rusted away. And if it's hear rusting, it must've been here for a bit. No big worry. )
  838. Jee-Still Waki lets out a sigh of disappointment and continues down the road.
  839. Jee-Still Waki: ( Shame the gun's rusted too. )
  840. ( Aight, found some huts. Progress )
  841. ( Can I find someone to speak to? )
  842. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah)
  843. Jee-Still Waki: ( Do I roll for that? )
  844. Gaven C. (GM): (nope)
  846. Jee-Still Waki somehow feels... relieved to have found a village. Restraining her slight urge to feel disappointed at the non-advanced locals, she searches for someone to speak to.
  847. Ratto: "Hello traveler, may we make assistance?"
  848. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? W-w-well spoken? Y-yes, I am l-looking for my v-v-v-village. And which v-village is th-this?"
  849. Ratto: "Tribe of Vermiene."
  850. "Why, What is Traveler looking for?"
  851. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... S-s-s-suiting."
  852. "I am l-looking for Tribe C-C-Chirop-p-pteria."
  853. "F-forgive my w-w-words... I am n-n-not well."
  854. Ratto: "If not well, you may rest here, I get Shaman."
  855. Jee-Still Waki: "Th-th-thank you. I would l-l-like that."
  856. "P-p-please show m-me to the sh-sh-shaman."
  857. ( I'd like to also check on their medical expertise and equipment. Wouldn't hurt to help them out, but being rats and all, I don't think they'd need medicine. )
  858. ( Hm. )
  859. He leads you to the shamans tent.
  860. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure, you can teach the Shaman some new tricks.)
  861. Nuthali: "What Ill you traveler?"
  862. Jee-Still Waki: "M-m-memories. I feel w-w-weary."
  864. Jee-Still Waki takes a quick look around the tent.
  865. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  866. (
  867. 21
  868. )+10+50
  869. = 81
  870. you see skulls of animals, a bunch of healing runes painted on the inside of the tent and many dangling herbs and roots.
  871. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Sh-sh-shaman. I am... W-was... A me-me-medicine woman in my tri-tribe... H-h-how much do y-y-you know of th-th-those herbs?"
  872. Nuthali: "I know what the spirit tells me of them, they guide me on what to use,"
  873. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... M-m-may I tell you s-s-some of what I kn-know?"
  874. She nods.
  875. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thought females were witch doctors? Or maybe I'm just getting something else confused. )
  876. rolling 1d100+50
  877. (
  878. 7
  879. )+50
  880. = 57
  881. ( Dunno if mind adds to this. But even then, what a piss poor roll. )
  882. ( Yeah, I'm getting something confused. I'm thinking of sorcerors or warlocks or something. )
  883. you tell her of your knowledge, but all she does is scrapes her head.
  884. Nuthali: "... Me not know what the spirits telling you."
  885. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... I am s-s-sorry."
  886. ( Anyways, apologies about that, continue with the shaman healing? )
  887. Nuthli: "If memorys ale you me got a thing for it."
  888. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh?"
  889. ( Call me a nazi, but it's ail. Sorry to be an ass about it. )
  890. Nuthali stats whipping up a brewing a stew in her pot as she's randomly throws in roots, herbs and spices.
  891. Nuthali: "Spirits tell me this brew will heal you inner wounds."
  892. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Wh-what w-w-will it do?"
  893. Nuthali: "Spirits say it will heal your woes."
  894. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..."
  895. ( Any rolls I can take to identify at least some of the stuff in the brew? )
  896. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure!)
  897. Jee-Still Waki: ( Being a tribe of literal rats doesn't inspire the best confidence in me. )
  898. rolling 1d100
  899. (
  900. 19
  901. )
  902. = 19
  903. ( Bloody hell these rolls are bad. Anything add to that? Mind +50? Herbology +10? )
  904. Gaven C. (GM): (yep.)
  905. from what you can tell the ingredients are indeed not deadly and can be used to heal, but you have no idea about them all being mixed up and drank."
  906. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah well. Hope it doesn't lead to another existential crisis. )
  908. Jee-Still Waki accepts a bowl of the stew, thanking the shaman, and takes a drink.
  909. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d10
  910. (
  911. 2
  912. )
  913. = 2
  914. oh and make a d10 roll.
  915. Jee-Still Waki: rolling d10
  916. (
  917. 2
  918. )
  919. = 2
  920. ( Perfecto )
  921. you drink down the stew, feeling nothing but the horrible taste of the brew.
  923. Jee-Still Waki coughs, trying her best to drink the rest. So far... nothing feels different.
  924. Jee-Still Waki: "It's pretty impressive that she can put so many ingredients into a stew and it came out tasting so bad." Jee thought to herself.
  925. you down the stew until it's empty, you still feel no difference beside having a horrible aftertaste in your mouth and not being hungy anymore.
  926. Nuthali: "You feel better traveler?"
  928. Jee-Still Waki wonders if she should tell the shaman her true opinion. "Hhh..."
  929. Jee-Still Waki: "S-s-sorry. I d-d-do not."
  930. Nuthali: "muble Da'shumfle.muble."
  931. "Maybe problem need to be solve by you only."
  932. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Y-yes... Th-thank you anyway."
  933. "D-d-do you req-quire p-p-pay?"
  934. Gaven C. (GM): "No need, And you needed to head to Chipopati?"
  935. Jee-Still Waki: "Ch-Chiropteria."
  936. Nuthali: "Chiropteria is... Hmmm.... Ummm..."
  937. Nuthali gets out a skeletons arm and starts spinning it and throws it in the air.
  938. Nuthali:
  939. "Spirits say it's east."
  941. Jee-Still Waki starts to seriously doubt both the medical professionalism and legitimacy of the shaman's position.
  942. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhhh... Th-thank you."
  943. Gaven C. (GM): (Head east? or you still need to do stuff here.)
  944. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'm good. I really doubt anyone here would know where the village would be and they'd just point me to the shaman. _
  945. ( But I used 2 days of food, right? )
  946. Gaven C. (GM): (one.)
  947. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright. Actually, can I find a waterskin here? If I'm going east I doubt I'll find a water source for a while. )
  948. Gaven C. (GM): (sure!)
  949. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah right, they pay in gems... Shit, guess I can trade items for it?
  950. Gaven C. (GM): (what you wanna trade?)
  951. Jee-Still Waki: ( Lesse... I got 5 miscellaneous herbs and roots... 3 "herbs" as its called, and 5 spinners daisies. A lot more other crap too, but it's other world stuff and I don't know if they'd want any of that. )
  952. ( Course, I could just toss one of the 5 friggin' rail pistols I got on the table, they'd make better use of it than I would. )
  953. ( Unless they hate tech too )
  954. ( Would they take all the plants I got for a waterskin? )
  955. Gaven C. (GM): (sure, roll to barter!)
  956. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  957. (
  958. 92
  959. )+50
  960. = 142
  961. He takes the 3 herbs and hands you a water sack.
  962. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. Let's fill up at the river and take the spoopy spirits wisdom )
  964. Jee-Still Waki reluctantly heads east... Preferably to find another village that has knowledge of her old home.
  965. as you head down the path you see a rag tag of mercs
  966. Jee-Still Waki: ( They spot me? )
  967. Gaven C. (GM): (you can roll to hide, so sure.)
  968. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+20+50
  969. (
  970. 8
  971. )+20+50
  972. = 78
  974. Jee-Still Waki panics at the sight of armed mercs and takes a dive to hide behind the closest object.
  975. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rollin' hearing to listen in )
  976. rolling 1d100+30+50
  977. (
  978. 82
  979. )+30+50
  980. = 162
  981. Ugg: "Listen guys, we have been getting our asses kick by ONE human tribal respite all of the men and technological advancement."
  982. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hoo man. Now'd be a great time to toss a bomb their way. )
  983. Ugg: "And Im not gonna march around to get a spear chucked right trhu my armor somehow as if its wet frigging paper."
  984. Jee-Still Waki: ( They'd have to roll to spot me after I tossed one, would they? Or would I get spotted immediately? )
  985. ( Anyway, sorry, anything else they got to say? )
  986. Gaven C. (GM): (roll bomb, then hide.)
  987. Jee-Still Waki: ( Bomb? )
  988. Gaven C. (GM): (phone bomb.)
  989. Jee-Still Waki: ( I got a phone bomb )
  990. ( Fuck, never asked what the damage for it was. )
  991. ( But yeah, to activate it or toss it? )
  992. ( Oh yeah, it was made with that crate C4 from the desert job and the 80s styled-phones )
  993. Gaven C. (GM): (I think it was 4d10+40)
  994. Jee-Still Waki: ( Works for me. )
  995. ( Targeting add a modifier to throwing it? )
  996. Gaven C. (GM): (you can.)
  997. (And yeah.)
  998. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. Anyway, sorry, what was Ugg gonna say? )
  999. Ugg: "So lets just try to find a pad, piss around until a ship drops and hijack it and get off this shithole."
  1000. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm... Eh, fuck 'em. Rolling for tossing the bomb then hiding. )
  1001. rolling 1d100+30+10
  1002. (
  1003. 85
  1004. )+30+10
  1005. = 125
  1006. rolling 1d100+20+50
  1007. (
  1008. 71
  1009. )+20+50
  1010. = 141
  1011. ( Ah yeah, sorry. )
  1012. ( Should've mentioned where I'm tossing it before the roll. )
  1013. ( Yeah, is there alright? )
  1014. Gaven C. (GM): yeah
  1016. Jee-Still Waki feels different about doing this. Like it's the right thing to do than just for her own safety. She's not sure how to think about it. Dialing the activation number she set up, she chucks the phone and hides behind the rock.
  1017. the bomb goes off behind the group, causing them to spread out a bit from the explosions.
  1018. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh fuck, forgot the damage roll. )
  1019. Gaven C. (GM): (rool damage.)
  1020. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10+40
  1021. (
  1022. 1
  1023. +
  1024. 4
  1025. +
  1026. 8
  1027. +
  1028. 3
  1029. )+40
  1030. = 56
  1031. ( Forgetting a lot of stuff, I'm sorry. )
  1032. ( Huh. The Red Hawk does MORE damage than C4 in a phone. )
  1033. ( Crazy. It really is the most powerful handgun in the world. )
  1034. Gaven C. (GM): (bomb can hit more tagets.)
  1035. Jee-Still Waki: ( Worlds. Whatever. )
  1036. ( Oh yeah, I'm not denying it's usefulness. That's 56 damage to three people in one action, it's ridiculously helpful. )
  1037. from the explosion it broken an arm, a leg and destroyed body armor
  1038. Jee-Still Waki: ( Now cleanup. A risky as fuck thing to do, but hey, it'd probably make Jee feel a bit better despite the murder. )
  1039. ( Can I take cover behind the big rock or am I already in cover from the hide roll? )
  1040. Gaven C. (GM): (All ready in cover.)
  1041. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. May I kick things off with a shot to the pug with the revolver before going into initiative? I was hoping the hide roll would get me another hit before going into turn combat. )
  1042. Ugg sniffs around to try to find the culprit.
  1043. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah shit, bad day to wear a suit made out of crabshell. )
  1044. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 45
  1045. (
  1046. 55
  1047. )+45
  1048. = 100
  1049. Jee-Still Waki: ( Really a surprise he didn't smell me the moment I entered the stratosphere. )
  1050. Gaven C. (GM): (cause he's focused on the smell of the human, not a stinky person.)
  1051. Jee-Still Waki: ( True. )
  1052. ( He discover my spot? )
  1053. He can't find the stench of the culprit.
  1054. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alrighty. Time for murder, oh boy. )
  1055. Gaven C. (GM): (25 off)
  1056. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rolling to hit the pug. )
  1057. rolling 1d100+10
  1058. (
  1059. 5
  1060. )+10
  1061. = 15
  1062. ( Well that's a miss. )
  1063. the bleets wists by the pug.
  1065. Jee-Still Waki peeks out from cover and shoots at the pug! ... And pelts the rocks beside him.
  1066. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rolling for initiative then. )
  1067. rolling 1d100+50+30
  1068. (
  1069. 69
  1070. )+50+30
  1071. = 149
  1072. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  1073. (
  1074. 6
  1075. )+35
  1076. = 41
  1077. Jee your up to bat!
  1079. Jee-Still Waki grumbles and takes another shot at the pug!
  1080. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10
  1081. (
  1082. 97
  1083. )+10
  1084. = 107
  1085. ( Well that's a hit. )
  1086. rolling 5d10+50
  1087. (
  1088. 5
  1089. +
  1090. 8
  1091. +
  1092. 9
  1093. +
  1094. 7
  1095. +
  1096. 1
  1097. )+50
  1098. = 80
  1099. the bullet penetrates him and sends him to his maker!
  1101. Jee-Still Waki flinches at the impressively loud noise of the revolver and it's immediate effects.
  1102. Jee-Still Waki: ( Targeting the ewe next. )
  1103. rolling 1d100+10
  1104. (
  1105. 90
  1106. )+10
  1107. = 100
  1108. rolling 5d10+50
  1109. (
  1110. 10
  1111. +
  1112. 1
  1113. +
  1114. 1
  1115. +
  1116. 9
  1117. +
  1118. 9
  1119. )+50
  1120. = 80
  1121. ( Huh. )
  1122. ( End turn. )
  1123. ( If it's a 6 chamber, got 3 bullets left before reload. )
  1124. the bullet breaks his armor and pierces his chest!
  1126. Jee-Still Waki takes another peek out and shoots the lamb, the gunshot echoing far through the jungle.
  1127. the ewe tries to fire off his gun with a broken hand at Jee!
  1128. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + -20
  1129. (
  1130. 73
  1131. )+-20
  1132. = 53
  1133. Jee-Still Waki: ( Eeugh, that's gotta suck. )
  1134. Gaven C. (GM): Hit!
  1135. Jee-Still Waki: ( Huh. Just for reference, how much does cover add to the requirement to hit? )
  1136. ( Anyway, hit me with them numbers )
  1137. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 3d10 + 30
  1138. (
  1139. 7
  1140. +
  1141. 10
  1142. +
  1143. 4
  1144. )+30
  1145. = 51
  1146. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wew )
  1147. ( Hit anywhere in particular or just the body? )
  1148. Bullets hit you in your arm.
  1149. Jee-Still Waki: ( Fucking hell )
  1150. Gaven C. (GM): (the crab armor is a half armor right?)
  1151. Jee-Still Waki: ( For the body, yeah I believe so. )
  1152. ( Just covers the torso. )
  1153. ( Also, I was never clear on this, shooting the arm also does damage to the overall health right? )
  1154. Gaven C. (GM): (nope.)
  1155. (I think.)
  1156. the ewe takes aim again!
  1157. rolling 1d100 + -20
  1158. (
  1159. 80
  1160. )+-20
  1161. = 60
  1162. Jee-Still Waki: ( Really need to ask Gator then. And I don't have the rules up, what's the usual health for limbs? I'm pretty sure it's 50 or somewhere below that, so either way the arm's busted. )
  1163. Gaven C. (GM): (you get +10 hp to everything when you level up.)
  1164. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh shit, cool then. )
  1165. Gaven C. (GM): (So im sure your arm is still there.)
  1166. Jee-Still Waki: ( Unless he hits there again )
  1167. the ewes bullets hits you in the chest!
  1168. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 3d10 + 30
  1169. (
  1170. 2
  1171. +
  1172. 2
  1173. +
  1174. 1
  1175. )+30
  1176. = 35
  1177. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh!" Jee hisses in pain and fear, gritting her teeth as she tries to suppress her screaming as the bullet hits her arm and another lodges itself into her armor.
  1178. ( Armor's got 47 left )
  1179. the cat fires her whole mag at you in at attempt to hit!
  1180. Jee-Still Waki: ( And I'm level 4, how much health does the arm got? I'm sorry for the barrage of questions, it's been forever since I'd seen someone get hit on a limb. )
  1181. Gaven C. (GM): (base is 70)
  1182. (so you would have 100hp from leveling.)
  1183. Jee-Still Waki: ( Really? For an arm? Damn that's pretty high. )
  1184. ( Cool, so 41. Anyway, anyway, I'm sorry. So the cat sprays and prays? )
  1185. Gaven C. (GM): (yes.)
  1186. rolling 1d100 + 65
  1187. (
  1188. 44
  1189. )+65
  1190. = 109
  1191. rolling 3d10 + 30
  1192. (
  1193. 6
  1194. +
  1195. 9
  1196. +
  1197. 6
  1198. )+30
  1199. = 51
  1200. Jee-Still Waki: ( Dern. )
  1201. Gaven C. (GM): She mannages to hit your chest.
  1202. Jee-Still Waki: ( That's a relief. )
  1203. she tries to crawl away to cover but cant.
  1204. Gaven C. (GM): Jee your up!
  1206. Jee-Still Waki hisses again as bullets pepper her armor, thankfully stopping most of the force with the last bullet finally making its way through to slightly damage her.
  1207. Jee-Still Waki: ( Armor's dead, Jim. )
  1208. ( Down to 109 HP. )
  1209. ( Taking out the ewe first. )
  1210. rolling 1d100+10
  1211. (
  1212. 42
  1213. )+10
  1214. = 52
  1215. ( Hm. That hit? )
  1216. Gaven C. (GM): Hit!
  1217. Jee-Still Waki: ( Nice )
  1218. rolling 5d10+50
  1219. (
  1220. 7
  1221. +
  1222. 6
  1223. +
  1224. 2
  1225. +
  1226. 10
  1227. +
  1228. 1
  1229. )+50
  1230. = 76
  1232. Jee-Still Waki tries to keep her shot arm from shaking and takes a shot at the sheep!
  1233. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright. Much as I want to completely clean up, I need info. )
  1234. ( Rolling to intimidate the cat to surrender. )
  1235. "THROW YOUR GUN ON THE GROUND OR I THROW ANOTHER BOMB!" Jee screams at the cat.
  1236. rolling 1d100+50
  1237. (
  1238. 81
  1239. )+50
  1240. = 131
  1241. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  1242. (
  1243. 99
  1244. )+35
  1245. = 134
  1246. Jee-Still Waki: ( Huh. )
  1247. Gaven C. (GM): (shes got guts.)
  1248. Jee-Still Waki: ( Her turn then. )
  1249. she contuniously continues to crawl to cover and reloads her gun.
  1250. Jee-Still Waki: ( 2 actions? )
  1251. Gaven C. (GM): (yep)
  1252. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm... )
  1253. ( Can always try to scream at her again. )
  1254. ( Take the last action to shoot if it fails. )
  1255. ( Eh, might as well. )
  1256. "AR-ARE YOU TEMPTING ME?! SURRENDER!" Jee screams, trying her best to stop from stuttering.
  1257. rolling 1d100+50
  1258. (
  1259. 2
  1260. )+50
  1261. = 52
  1262. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah no, that shit aint working. )
  1263. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  1264. (
  1265. 31
  1266. )+35
  1267. = 66
  1268. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hahahah. )
  1269. ( Ah well. Let's take a shot. )
  1270. rolling 1d100+10
  1271. (
  1272. 43
  1273. )+10
  1274. = 53
  1275. ( Hm. Dammit. )
  1276. Gaven C. (GM): Hit!
  1277. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh. )
  1278. rolling 5d10+50
  1279. (
  1280. 6
  1281. +
  1282. 1
  1283. +
  1284. 6
  1285. +
  1286. 1
  1287. +
  1288. 4
  1289. )+50
  1290. = 68
  1291. the bullet breaks her armor and slight damages her.
  1293. Jee-Still Waki growls at the lack of results and takes a shot at the cat! She'll get to the village eventually anyway.
  1294. the cat lady fires in bust at Jee!
  1295. Jee-Still Waki: ( This fight might be close considering my luck. )
  1296. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 +
  1297. (
  1298. 47
  1299. )
  1300. = 47
  1301. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah man, and that's with whatever modifier she put on for spraying. )
  1302. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 3d10 + 30
  1303. (
  1304. 6
  1305. +
  1306. 2
  1307. +
  1308. 4
  1309. )+30
  1310. = 42
  1311. rolling 1d100 + 25
  1312. (
  1313. 64
  1314. )+25
  1315. = 89
  1316. rolling 3d10 + 30
  1317. (
  1318. 4
  1319. +
  1320. 1
  1321. +
  1322. 8
  1323. )+30
  1324. = 43
  1325. Jee-Still Waki: ( Fucking christ. )
  1326. the bullets hit you in the chest as she bursts again!
  1327. Jee-Still Waki: ( 24 fuckin' HP left. )
  1329. Jee-Still Waki 's breath is becoming ragged, holes littering her chest. This needs to end NOW.
  1330. Jee-Still Waki: ( Might as well toss another grenade her way. Might fuck up her cover too for a shot if I need to make one. )
  1331. ( "Grenade" Phone bomb I mean. )
  1332. Gaven C. (GM): (phoning this in?)
  1333. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+30
  1334. (
  1335. 82
  1336. )+10+30
  1337. = 122
  1338. ( Yeah. )
  1339. rolling 4d10+40
  1340. (
  1341. 2
  1342. +
  1343. 4
  1344. +
  1345. 7
  1346. +
  1347. 9
  1348. )+40
  1349. = 62
  1350. ( Would her vision get blurry if she has robo eyes? Huh. )
  1351. CAT-BOOM
  1352. Gaven C. (GM): (Nah, unless she got shitty ones.)
  1353. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wouldn't think so. Payed 80k for it I think. )
  1355. Jee-Still Waki keeps her back against the rock and tries to listen for any more signs of life.
  1356. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  1357. (
  1358. 73
  1359. )+30+50
  1360. = 153
  1361. the only sound you hear of is that of the wind and your own breath.
  1363. Jee-Still Waki lets out a sigh of relief, the best that she can anyway past her ragged breathing. Slowly stumbling out from cover, she wanders to the three mercs to try and scavenge for anything of use. Guns, surviving armor, medicine, etc.
  1364. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  1365. (
  1366. 25
  1367. )+10+50
  1368. = 85
  1369. ( The roll count for all 3 or one by one? )
  1370. you find 3 .256 mini-ruger with 20 mag size, 80 .256 rounds, 3 destroyed body armor and a pack of cigarettes.
  1371. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh.. Hhhh... Hhh..." Jee huffs.
  1372. ( Was there ever a weight or item limit on what people could take? Don't think Gator ever said or cares to employ. )
  1373. Gaven C. (GM): (Well Jee must have an ancestor whos part pack mule.)
  1375. Jee-Still Waki pockets the three guns, not like it's doing any good here, and the destroyed armor. She might be able to stitch together something manageable later. The cigarettes... she doesn't know much about them but takes them anyway.
  1376. Jee-Still Waki: ( Maybe. )
  1377. ( I got a first aid kit, am I able to perform self-healing on myself? )
  1378. Gaven C. (GM): (yeah)
  1379. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  1380. (
  1381. 10
  1382. )+10+50
  1383. = 70
  1384. ( Rolling first aid. )
  1385. ( I got 3 kits, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and a bottle of pain killers. )
  1386. ( And a surgery kit, but I don't think I need it. )
  1387. you fix your chest and arm up a bit adding +20 hp to them.
  1388. Jee-Still Waki: ( 44 HP. Bit better. )
  1389. ( Jesus, digging through my own inventory is like looking through an old storage shed. Even got another frag vest. 60 HP. )
  1390. ( Pretty sure at this point I can say that I got an atom bomb on me and Gator would buy it due to the amount of shit I picked up. )
  1391. Gaven C. (GM): (atom bomb inside a huge phone.)
  1392. Jee-Still Waki: ( Where else would I put it? )
  1393. Gaven C. (GM): (head onward?)
  1394. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yep. )
  1395. Gaven C. (GM): (remove 1 thing of food.)
  1397. Jee-Still Waki tries to bandage herself to the best of her ability. Briefly looking over the tattered remains of the mercenaries, she slowly continues on.
  1398. Jee-Still Waki: ( 1 day of food left. )
  1399. ( Apologies, what's the dice for the weapons? 3d10+30? )
  1400. as you head down the part you once again see destroyed robots and mercs.
  1401. Gaven C. (GM): (yep)
  1402. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..."
  1403. ( Thanks. )
  1404. ( Can I scavenge the robots and mercs? )
  1405. ( And man, when I get back to Ramiel, I'm gonna either sell some of this junk or leave it in a storage container on the ship for other people, because Jee's more loaded than the armory of Texas. )
  1406. Gaven C. (GM): (yep)
  1407. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah right, the roll. Dammit. )
  1408. rolling 1d100+10+50
  1409. (
  1410. 63
  1411. )+10+50
  1412. = 123
  1413. you See among the entire crew that all of the weapons, armors and even bullet have been smashed and broken to a point of no return for them, besides that you find that one of their contact devises mannaged to slip by the destruction.
  1414. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm. Neat. Is it still active or should I roll to repair it? )
  1415. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  1416. Jee-Still Waki: ( Guessing that's a yeah to repair. )
  1417. rolling 1d100+50
  1418. (
  1419. 41
  1420. )+50
  1421. = 91
  1422. ( Don't even know if repair is a skill. Regardless, here. )
  1423. you fix up the phone, and sadly it has no boom booms in it.
  1424. Jee-Still Waki: ( That can be fixed. )
  1425. ( Ah, sorry. Can I look through the contacts? )
  1426. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah, roll mind plus eletronics)
  1427. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+30
  1428. (
  1429. 100
  1430. )+50+30
  1431. = 180
  1433. Jee-Still Waki feels a sense of comfort tiking and taking away at the phone while in the jungle. Nostalgic, in a sense.
  1434. you fly thru the passwords and security software of the phone, you find out the phone has one contact that isn't labeled and a description on what the job is.
  1435. Jee-Still Waki: ( What's the job? Oh, and is it possible for me to make a medicine roll to identify how long these guys have been dead for? )
  1436. ( Or is that WAY beyond Jee? )
  1437. Gaven C. (GM): (you can roll that, add first aid to the roll.)
  1438. Jee-Still Waki: ( Huh. Don't got medicine surprisingly. Do got medical doctorate though. )
  1439. rolling 1d100+10+10+50
  1440. (
  1441. 50
  1442. )+10+10+50
  1443. = 120
  1444. Gaven C. (GM): (good enough)
  1445. Jee-Still Waki: ( Counting it, think that helps with looking at a body. )
  1446. you can tell that the corpses are about 2 days old.
  1447. Jee-Still Waki: ( Look at the description on the job? I'm gonna try and contact the person on the phone afterwards, work out some info or something. )
  1448. the job details on how after one of their labs have been destroyed and how most of the people there wounded up dead, missing or were found and then executed for abandoning their post.
  1449. Jee-Still Waki: ( Well aint that familiar. )
  1450. It later details on how a squad of 18 where sent there for back up on the situation were found dead around 10 miles away from the way point.
  1451. Jee-Still Waki: ( And these guys are to try and recover any survivors of that group or deal with the threat? )
  1452. Gaven C. (GM): Later "questioning" of the locals gives detail of a human male going around the area of the deceased 18 man squad along with a ram, a "Unicorn" (horse.)
  1453. and 2 felines on the area of destruction of the lab.
  1454. Later "questioning" of the locals gives detail of a human male going around the area of the deceased 18 man squad along with a ram, a "Unicorn" (horse.)
  1455. Gaven C. (GM): and 2 felines on the area of destruction of the lab.
  1456. Later "questioning" of the locals gives detail of a human male going around the area of the deceased 18 man squad along with a ram, a "Unicorn" (horse.) and 2 felines on the area of destruction of the lab.
  1457. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anyway, gonna call the unmarked contact. )
  1458. ( Gaven? )
  1459. Unknown: "This call better be for you telling me that you killed the target.."
  1460. Gaven C. (GM): (Sorry, stuff was going on.)
  1461. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhe-Hello? T-this is... Jay. I w-was separated f-from the g-group and f-found this sq-squad d-dead."
  1462. ( Roll to lie? )
  1463. Gaven C. (GM): (Yes.)
  1464. Jee-Still Waki: ( And it's cool man. Just tell me when you want to end this, I'm cool with picking this up another time. )
  1465. rolling 1d100+50
  1466. (
  1467. 36
  1468. )+50
  1469. = 86
  1470. ( Ooh. )
  1471. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 40
  1472. (
  1473. 22
  1474. )+40
  1475. = 62
  1476. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooo-rah. )
  1477. Unknown: "You gotta be shitting me, how many died and who are they."
  1478. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..." Jee mutters, counting the dead mercs and robots. She doesn't recall seeing tags on them...
  1479. "F-four and two r-robots. I d-d-do not see names on t-them."
  1480. Unknown: "Great it's the same asshole killing them with sticks and stones, then taking their names."
  1481. Jee-Still Waki: "What w-was their o-original t-target? I c-c-can tell the o-others w-when I regroup, w-we can c-c-carry this out."
  1482. rolling 1d100+50
  1483. (
  1484. 17
  1485. )+50
  1486. = 67
  1487. ( Yeowch. )
  1488. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 40
  1489. (
  1490. 73
  1491. )+40
  1492. = 113
  1493. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah nope, stuttering really doesn't help the case here. )
  1495. Jee-Still Waki chews on her lip as she stutters to the phone, trying to sound convincing to the other on the end of the call.
  1496. Unknown: "Listen here, you known what to do, and if you forgot it somehow by getting your brain damaged from the target your good as dead allready."
  1497. It hangs up.
  1499. Jee-Still Waki grunts. Nothing much was learned. Pocketing the phone for a future bomb, she continues onward.
  1500. Jee-Still Waki: ( Motherfucking circuit blew )
  1501. ( Let's keep on. )
  1502. Axl Greez: ( Guess what blew the circuit? A fucking hair dryer )
  1503. Gaven C. (GM): (I believe it.)
  1504. (They're eletric vampires.)
  1505. (To Gaven C.): And sorry for wasting so much time on this.
  1506. Axl Greez: ( Yep. Anyway, computer's back up. )
  1507. ( Hey, it says the next session is tomorrow at 2 CDT. )
  1508. Jee-Still Waki: ( On the thing when you click to go in. Hm. )
  1509. ( Anyway, let's continue onwards. )
  1510. you Finally reach a tribe.
  1511. (From Gaven C. (GM)): how long has it been since Jee left the tribe btw?
  1512. (To Gaven C.): Was thinking about that myeslf.
  1513. (To Gaven C.): Hm. Let's say years. Want me to roll a dice like I did with the siblings? Would make things interesting.
  1514. (To Gaven C.): a 1d10
  1515. (To Gaven C.): One for each year. Let's see
  1516. Jee-Still Waki: (To GM) rolling 1d10
  1517. (
  1518. 8
  1519. )
  1520. = 8
  1521. (To Gaven C.): 8 friggin' years.
  1522. (To Gaven C.): Damn
  1523. It's still isn't your tribe but you feel closer to finding them.
  1525. Jee-Still Waki wanders into an unfamiliar tribe. Hopefully they can point her in the right direction. First... she needs to heal.
  1526. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry, but I gotta get some health back. Gonna ask a local for a medicine man or anybody who knows a thing. )
  1528. Jee-Still Waki approaches the ferret. "Hhhh... Ex-Excuse me. I n-need h-h-help."
  1529. the Weasel see's the blood drenched Bat and lets out a gasp of shock.
  1530. Healy: "Oh deal lord what happened to you?"
  1531. Jee-Still Waki: "M-m-m... Guns..."
  1532. the Weasel leads you to his hut and lies you down on a leaf bedding.
  1533. Healy: "Why is it that everyone who comes here they don't come in peace and are packed with weapons."
  1534. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Th-th-they are l-l-l- hunting for someone."
  1535. The weasel starts digging a bit inside the wounds and starts pulling out the bullets.
  1536. Healy: "I would per take that they're hunting you."
  1537. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... S-somewh-what the opposite..."
  1538. Healy: "What is it then Miss?"
  1540. Jee-Still Waki tries to keep calm and quiet as the weasel works the bullets out. "I am l-l-looking for a tribe. Chiropteria."
  1541. Jee-Still Waki: "And th-those... I f-f-found mer-mercenaries. I atta-attacked first."
  1542. Healy: "Well your lucky to be alive fighting against a group of mercenaries all alone."
  1543. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 80
  1544. (
  1545. 57
  1546. )+80
  1547. = 137
  1548. Jee-Still Waki: ( Not bad. )
  1549. Healy Lives up to his name and restores 50 hp+
  1550. Healy: "And I not good with names or places. but I think they're close by."
  1551. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? Th-the tribe h-h-has a f-f-family of b-bats. Like me. Is th-there one th-th-there?"
  1552. ( Or rather, all bats. Forgot the entire tribe is named as such. )
  1553. Healy: "Oh yeah, they're close by, about a day of travel and you'll be there."
  1554. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Th-thank you. Wh-what d-d-do I owe you?"
  1555. Healy: anything you can offer really."
  1556. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..."
  1557. Healy: "I'm just helping out as much as I can, exspecally since I had a bad run in with mercananies once."
  1559. Jee-Still Waki takes out a first aid kit from her sack. "I h-have th-this. I c-c-can te-teach you a b-b-bit of what I know t-too."
  1560. Jee-Still Waki: ( Going to try the teach roll again, maybe save on the "cost". )
  1561. rolling 1d100+50
  1562. (
  1563. 13
  1564. )+50
  1565. = 63
  1566. ( Shit aint working well captin' )
  1567. Healy gives a light chuckle, He is surprised with your medical knowledge.
  1568. Healy: "I already know all about those off world medical tools and how to use them, thanks for the offer."
  1569. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... S-sorry. Th-thanks again."
  1570. ( If it's a days travel, and I ran out, gonna trade some crap for another days walking. )
  1571. Healy: "It's alright, a lot of people can't belive that I know of such stuff."
  1572. "I could trade you some of my food for one of your first aid kits."
  1573. Jee-Still Waki: "Y-yes. Th-thanks."
  1574. you trade 1 medkit for 1 days worth of food."
  1575. Jee-Still Waki: ( Lets-a-go then. )
  1576. You Finally reach your home tribe.
  1578. Jee-Still Waki is silent. It... looks just as she left it.
  1580. Jee-Still Waki walks through the bushes and plants to the old grounds.
  1581. You sister Eff exits the hut to spot you standing outside of it.
  1582. She looks at you and is paralyses in shock.
  1583. Jee-Still Waki: "Eff." Jee says, slowly approaching her.
  1584. Eff: "Jee?"
  1585. Jee-Still Waki: "Eff... I'm home." Jee says, embracing her in a hug.
  1586. Eff hugs back.
  1587. eff: "Jee, How many moons have it been?"
  1588. Jee-Still Waki: "Y-year-... It's been m-m-many."
  1589. "Eff... Where are th-th-the others? Are they OK?"
  1590. Eff: "Yes sister, what happened to you?"
  1591. you can tell she's talking about the "eyes"
  1593. Jee-Still Waki 's smile wanes. "I... I w-w-wanted to... b-be better. I s-s-saw t-t-technology th-that could f-fi- make my eyes b-better."
  1594. Jee-Still Waki: "I d-don't kn-kn-know why I d-d-didn't hestit-tate."
  1595. Eff: "You had beautiful eyes Jee! Theses Eye's are un-goodly!"
  1596. The rest of the family finally show up.
  1597. Jee-Still Waki: "Y-y-yes... I feel r-r-regret for it n-n-now."
  1598. the rest of the family joins in on the group hug and start crying from the reunion of their long gone sister/daughter.
  1599. Jee-Still Waki: "I w-w-wanted to see y-you all again."
  1600. Dee: "Wee ale wata see sista too!"
  1601. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright, time for business. )
  1602. Eai: "Jee I miss You!"
  1603. Cea: "Me Happy that daughter is safe!"
  1604. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..." Jee breathes, uncomfortable to bring this up now. "I m-m-missed you all t-t-too... I n-need to a-a-ask... I f-found p-p-people with g-g-gun tools on the w-w-walk here. Are any n-n-near here?"
  1605. they nod and tell you how they have been hearing gunshots about 3-4 times aweek.
  1606. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... D-do you know wh-where they are?"
  1607. ( Sorry for stall, had to deal with something. )
  1608. (To Gaven C.): And like I said man, whenever you want to call it, go ahead and say.
  1609. they tell how that they have been heard all around the tribe.
  1610. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... B-but anyw-way... H-how is th-the tribe?"
  1611. Eff: "Tribes good Jee, we been doing good until the loud bangs been going on."
  1612. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Wh-what h-happened?"
  1613. they go on to tell how the Offlanders have been acting a lot more hostile and how a few of the tribals who go out hunting or gathering have been shot at or been shot from the Horrible off landers.
  1614. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... And h-has anyone th-that left h-here been shot?"
  1615. Eia: "Yes baby Jee."
  1616. Jee-Still Waki: "Who?!" Jee asks, jumping up to attention.
  1617. You see a injured tribal that has been shot within the wing flaps.
  1618. you also spot that the wingspand is starting to infect.
  1619. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..."
  1620. ( Try to fix what I can? I got a bottle of rubbing alcohol too, that should help. )
  1621. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah, roll with mind and medical.)
  1622. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+10
  1623. (
  1624. 23
  1625. )+50+10
  1626. = 83
  1627. You manage to clean and treat up the wound with the alcohol, helping with stoping the bacteria.
  1628. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhere... Th-this sh-should help y-you."
  1629. Eigh: "Thanks misses."
  1630. Gaven C. (GM): (can we end here? we can continue this tommorow at the same thime?)
  1631. Jee-Still Waki: ( Was just about to ask )
  1632. Gaven C. (GM): (my family wants me to come down.)
  1633. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'm down for it. Shit, same here )
  1634. ( Gotta talk about my baby brother screaming like a crazed person )
  1635. ( Best of luck man )
  1636. Gaven C. (GM): exp 50
  1637. roll 4d10 for family reuinion
  1638. gain mp
  1639. oh and add 40xp more.
  1640. See ya.
  1641. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10
  1642. (
  1643. 2
  1644. +
  1645. 7
  1646. +
  1647. 7
  1648. +
  1649. 3
  1650. )
  1651. = 19
  1652. Oh hey, just as a reminder for later, gotta tally up the deaths.
  1653. For the MP loss
  1654. Anyway, sorry for stretching this out for fucking ever. This whole thing has been damn fun though.
  1655. You have a great time, man.
  1656. Gaven C. (GM): Hey Jee.
  1657. I mean Axl.
  1658. Axl Greez: Heya
  1659. Sorry, don't know how long you were here.
  1660. Have this open on a tab on my phone
  1661. Gaven C. (GM): Its okay man.
  1662. Gator wants to join in on this, wanna wait for him?
  1663. Axl Greez: Alright, I'm cool with that
  1664. Gator (GM): Woop woop
  1665. Gaven C. (GM): Eyy!
  1666. Yall all ready?
  1667. Gator (GM): I am!
  1668. Gaven C. (GM): Well axl isn't
  1669. His phone is probably acting up.
  1670. Gator: Oop
  1671. Wonder if should make a character for this or not.
  1672. Axl Greez: It's weird
  1673. Put it to sleep and I gotta reload it all
  1674. Gator: Running low on power?
  1675. Axl Greez: Nah, just wonky connection
  1676. Only with sleeping
  1677. It temporarily disconnects in that mode
  1678. Gator: Yes.
  1679. Gaven C. (GM): Yep
  1680. Axl Greez: But I'm ready
  1681. Shall we start?
  1682. Axl Greez: Yea boi
  1683. Last time we left off Jee went back to her home planet Canad- I mean Pao I search of her family.
  1684. Gator: Family!
  1685. Jee-Still Waki: ( You ever seen jungle warriors? )
  1686. Mr. Ryo Gato: (I don't think so.)
  1687. Jee-Still Waki: ( Gonna make 'em look like kids in the forest slapping each other with sticks )
  1688. ( But yeah, we'z gonna hunt mercs. )
  1689. ( Protect the family and all )
  1690. along the way she ran into a merc, both living and dead, while also finding out that the destruction of the lab is still in the memories of the orginizeation, with Jee finding out that the crew is wanted dead for it still, along with an unknown human.
  1691. Jee-Still Waki: ( Speaking of human, I should've picked up on that more. Sorry )
  1692. ( Interest, investigation, etc )
  1693. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Right!)
  1695. Jee-Still Waki wipes her hands clean, relieved she got here as soon as she did.
  1696. Jee-Still Waki: ( So how're you gonna drop in? )
  1697. Gaven C. (GM): (Just control a kung fu bat of a tribe that happens to have the same skills?)
  1698. Mr. Ryo Gato: (I was just going to announce myself as having been following you this entire time and surprised you have not talked to me or noticed me this entire time.)
  1699. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh man, he gets hired by mercs and we meet through an ambush )
  1700. Gaven C. (GM): (and give the exp and stuff to Ryo.)
  1701. Jee-Still Waki: ( That'd be awkward )
  1702. ( Anyway, following's fine with me man )
  1703. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Fine, I once again resumed my pilgramage and wandered onto the scene, again.)
  1704. And also Ryo was just there, nobody pays any attention to him this whole time.
  1705. Mr. Ryo Gato: (I don't know... if I aint there I probably shouldn't get xp
  1706. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... W-w-where did you g-go g-g-get shot?"
  1707. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Yes. You handled yourself fine."
  1709. Jee-Still Waki turns and reels back in shock at the sight of Ryo. "HHH! H-h-how long wh-where you th-there?!"
  1710. Eigh points to his leg.
  1711. Mr. Ryo Gato: "I've been here the whole time. I wanted to see how you did without me."
  1712. Jee-Still Waki: "W-w-were you th-there wh-when I fought th-those men? Wh-why didn't y-you help?!"
  1713. "Hhhhhhhh..." Jee hisses.
  1715. Jee-Still Waki examines Eigh's leg.
  1716. Gaven C. (GM): (cause FOR THE GREATER GOOD!)
  1717. Jee-Still Waki: ( THE GREATER GOOD )
  1718. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Grooder great!)
  1719. Jee-Still Waki: ( My family loves Hot Fuzz )
  1720. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Same, it's hilarious.
  1721. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anyhoo, medical examine the leg? )
  1722. Gaven C. (GM): (yes, roll!)
  1724. Jee-Still Waki holds bitter resentment to Ryo for not helping as she was bleeding out from the multiple bullet wounds.
  1725. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+10+50
  1726. (
  1727. 80
  1728. )+10+10+50
  1729. = 150
  1730. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Maybe I should not default to the "I was here the whole time" shtick all the time.)
  1731. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... N-n-next time y-you get sh-sh-shot, you will w-walk for a d-day before I r-re-remove the b-b-bullets, T-T-Tiger man."
  1732. You see that a bullet has pierce and broken a bone inside of the leg.
  1733. Jee-Still Waki: ( It's all fun and games, just poking fun here )
  1734. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Err, yes. That and I have no medical training. Is there anything I can do?"
  1735. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..." Jee sighs, digging inside her rucksack for a surgery kit and bottle of pain relievers.
  1736. "Ch-ch-check on th-the others in the tr-tribe. Th-th-they are n-not blood ffff-family, but are family t-to me."
  1737. Mr. Ryo Gato: I examine the other bats for bullet holes.
  1738. Gaven C. (GM):
  1739. (oh and boink)
  1740. Jee-Still Waki: ( Roll to remove bullet in leg and do what I can to help heal the broken bone? )
  1741. ( What would affect that, just surgery and mind? )
  1742. ( Because I don't got surgery yet. )
  1743. ( But I do got a surgery kit. Oh, and feed the bat a few pain relievers before getting to work. )
  1744. Gaven C. (GM): (yep, add mind and roll.)
  1745. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  1746. (
  1747. 19
  1748. )+50
  1749. = 69
  1750. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+30
  1751. (
  1752. 86
  1753. )+30
  1754. = 116
  1755. (Just testing.)
  1756. You don't have the skills to fix up his leg, but you that with the conditions of this environment the leg will get infected.
  1757. Mabye you can try for an amputation.
  1758. Axl Greez: ( Sorry for the stall, I'm back. )
  1759. Jee-Still Waki: ( But ooh. Amputation. That's gonna suck. )
  1760. ( Hm... Can I try to remove the bullet at least, patch up the bullet wound and tell him I'll try to fix his leg some other time? )
  1761. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  1762. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  1763. (
  1764. 93
  1765. )+50
  1766. = 143
  1767. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Well, it is a bat, does it really need both legs?)
  1768. you remove the bullets from inside of his leg.
  1770. Jee-Still Waki hisses angrily as she tries to figure out how to help Eigh. "I w-wi-will try to fff-fix y-your l-l-leg sss-soon. B-b-but I w-will r-remove th-the bullets at l-l-least."
  1771. Jee-Still Waki: "I am s-s-sssorry."
  1772. ( Well, to land and perch. )
  1773. ( Can't hang without feet to keep you in place on the ceiling. )
  1774. Eigh nods and say that you did your best.
  1775. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anyway, any results for Ryo? )
  1776. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+30 incase I need to roll.
  1777. (
  1778. 53
  1779. )+30
  1780. = 83
  1781. You see that the most severer injuries are large cuts, sprains and people under the effect of posion.
  1782. Jee-Still Waki: ( Poison? )
  1783. Mr. Ryo Gato: (That poison something to worry about?)
  1784. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  1785. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhow ar-are they?"
  1786. Mr. Ryo Gato: "There are some cuts and injuries, the worst problem is that some have been poisoned."
  1787. "I think we must seek out an antidote."
  1788. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Th-thank you. And y-y-yes... I w-w-want to sssee wh-what th-they are aff-afflicted with th-though."
  1789. ( Roll medical doctorate to determine poison? Then herbology to recall any plants that could counteract or stall the poison? )
  1790. Gaven C. (GM): (both.)
  1791. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+10+50
  1792. (
  1793. 83
  1794. )+10+10+50
  1795. = 153
  1796. Mr. Ryo Gato: (That's a pretty good roll. I suppose herbs are next?)
  1797. Jee-Still Waki: ( Well he said both. Did I misinterpret that? )
  1798. The symptoms she's experiencing are faintness of hearing, loss of taste, heavy breathing, and loss of smell.
  1799. Gaven C. (GM): (yeah i said both.)
  1800. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah I thought you meant add both bonuses and just do 1 roll. )
  1801. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Not the smell!)
  1802. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry, remove a +10 on the 153, but I think it still gets results regardless. )
  1803. ( Anyway, roll herbology for something to help the poisoned? )
  1804. you can tell from her symptoms thats she ate a posionious plant call Hedhuta
  1805. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah,)
  1806. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  1807. (
  1808. 78
  1809. )+10+50
  1810. = 138
  1811. "Hhh... I kn-kn-know th-this plant." Jee mutters.
  1812. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Is there something we can do to cure her?"
  1813. you make small cuts into her face near her nose eyes and mouth and grind and pulp up the roots of an Othua into the made cuts.
  1814. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhere. L-l-let me kn-know if it hhhelps."
  1815. "Thhhhe pl-plant you ate th-that made you s-sick. Do you kn-know what it w-was?"
  1816. the symptoms start to weaken as she starts to move her face a bit again.
  1817. Jee-Still Waki: ( I know what plant it is, but names don't always ring a bell. )
  1818. Neine: "Me ate plant with white dots on it."
  1819. Mr. Ryo Gato: (I imagine the bat isn't going to reply with, "Oh, I just wanted to eat the plant that nearly kills me everytime.")
  1820. Jee-Still Waki: "D-don't. It c-can k-kill you. A-ask o-others before eee-eating pl-plants."
  1821. Mr. Ryo Gato: "You shouldn't eat things with white dots on them, as a general rule."
  1822. Jee-Still Waki: ( Well, amanita is technically edible. )
  1823. ( And a hallucinogenic )
  1824. ( Anyway, wrap up the healing with a medical roll to the cut victims? )
  1825. She start to nod ask she heads back to resting.
  1826. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep.)
  1827. Jee-Still Waki: ( The sprain victims will have to be told what to do, nothing I can really do to help them then and there with medicine magic. )
  1828. rolling 1d100+10+10+50
  1829. (
  1830. 27
  1831. )+10+10+50
  1832. = 97
  1833. ( Adding a 10 for first aid and the other for medical doctorate. )
  1834. "R-Ryo... Th-the m-m-men that d-d-did m-most of th-this. Y-y-you kn-know what I w-will do, y-y-yes?"
  1835. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Shoot them, I imagine?"
  1836. Using a leaf covered in juices of a shroom you place the leaf in the wound, causing a huge sting but killing many bacteria and paracites in the wound.
  1837. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... M-m-maybe w-worse."
  1838. "Th-th-this should k-keep the w-w-wound from g-getting infected."
  1839. ( He wrapped up in a bandage or is he all good? )
  1840. Gaven C. (GM): (a leaf, but its good enough.)
  1841. Jee-Still Waki: ( True )
  1842. ( If it worked for samurais bleeding out in the wilderness, it'll work for some old joe schmo )
  1843. ( And finally those sprained bastards. Roll mind to convince them the proper method to healing their sprains and avoiding further injuries? )
  1844. ( Or are they into the swelling part? )
  1845. ( Because then shit's a bit more fucked )
  1846. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  1847. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  1848. (
  1849. 85
  1850. )+50
  1851. = 135
  1852. you teach them on how to treat and on how to reduce the injuries on sprains.
  1853. Jee-Still Waki: ( All good and accounted for then. )
  1854. ( These guys were sprained from the mercs, right? Or was it just the guy that was shot? Because I still don't have a good idea on where their AO is. )
  1855. Mr. Ryo Gato: (So, the one guy's leg is fixed or is that still an issue?)
  1856. Jee-Still Waki: ( The bullet's out, but I'm going to try and fix it at a later date. Roll wasn't good enough. )
  1857. Gaven C. (GM): (it's still broke, Jee will deal with it later.)
  1858. Jee-Still Waki: ( He has a bandage on it, so it should somewhat avoid infection for a while. )
  1859. ( I'll try again before we go hunting. )
  1860. Cee: "Jee, thanks of many for help!"
  1861. Jee-Still Waki: ( Gaven, is it OK if I have Jee rest a day? Fast forward a bit, reconnect with the family, etc and regain some health and MP? )
  1862. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  1863. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... W-why i-isn't th-there a me-medicine w-woman to re-replace m-me?"
  1864. Cee: "Jee, cause we not smart as You Jee."
  1865. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Excellent defense in any argument.)
  1866. Jee-Still Waki: "S-s-smart? Hhhh..."
  1867. Cee: "You were the greatest Shaman Jee, you help out the best, you heal the best..."
  1868. Jee: "then you left for Tec-knawo-goo."
  1869. Mr. Ryo Gato: ("Jee""Cee""Eigh" I just got that.)
  1870. Gaven C. (GM): (all letters.)
  1871. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhhhhh... C-Cee... D-do y-you w-w-want to l-l-learn how t-t-to be a d-doctor? Hhh, a sh-shaman?"
  1872. Mr. Ryo Gato: (They never want you around when you want to talk about teck-no-loggy but when someone gets shot oh how they beg!)
  1873. Cee nods, ready to learn.
  1874. Jee-Still Waki: "I c-c-can t-teach y-you. A-after th-the mercenaries are d-dealt with."
  1875. ( How much did the 1 day of rest give? I'll go recheck on the bat in the hut, get some supplies for me and Ryo, then go hunting. )
  1876. Mr. Ryo Gato: (+5hp, +1 mp)
  1877. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thanks )
  1878. Gaven C. (GM): (I also would assume a bit more Mp from family time.)
  1879. (I guess add +5 more mp.)
  1880. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool )
  1881. ( -29 out of 140 MP )
  1882. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Almost sane!)
  1883. Gaven C. (GM): (No more stuttering!)
  1884. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thank goodness )
  1886. Jee-Still Waki feels calmer having her old friends and family around once more. Before she talks to them about the hunt she will take, Jee decides to check on Eigh and help his injury.
  1887. Jee-Still Waki: ( Just skip to the chase and do another roll? Only modifier the mind bonus? )
  1888. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep)
  1889. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  1890. (
  1891. 13
  1892. )+50
  1893. = 63
  1894. ( Shit aint workin doc' )
  1895. this being to hard you give up before you do any more damage to the leg on accident.
  1896. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh! ... Eigh, I am sorry. I... don't know how to he- Wait..."
  1897. ( Got a backup plan at least. Any bats capable of traveling? )
  1898. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  1899. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'll ask one of them if they can make the trip to the tribe I was at before reaching here and see if they could get Healy to help. )
  1900. ( Or bring Eigh to Healy. )
  1901. ( Not sure how that would work, but either or. Would probably avoid a major failure XP thing and MP loss. )
  1902. after 2 day of traveling and bringing Healy, you keep up the contition of the leg.
  1903. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Taking command counts, sure. )
  1904. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh, well, that works too. )
  1905. Gaven C. (GM): (Roll 2 time to keep the leg in, not horrible shape
  1906. Jee-Still Waki: ( Assuming mind bonus counts. Let's see if it fucks up again. )
  1907. rolling 1d100+50
  1908. (
  1909. 23
  1910. )+50
  1911. = 73
  1912. rolling 1d100+50
  1913. (
  1914. 86
  1915. )+50
  1916. = 136
  1917. ( Yeah, sorry, been here for an hour and wasting time again. )
  1918. Gaven C. (GM): (It's allright.)
  1919. you kept the leg "healthy" enough to no be infected or get in any worse condition.
  1920. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Surprise ferret!)
  1921. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ayy )
  1922. Healy: "So what going on here?"
  1923. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Mercenaries. They shot him. Thank you again for agreeing to come here."
  1924. Healy looks at the leg and starts making treatment on it.
  1925. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 80
  1926. (
  1927. 57
  1928. )+80
  1929. = 137
  1930. Mr. Ryo Gato: I whisper to Jee, "Who is healy?"
  1931. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... A doctor I met on the way here. He helped me when you didn't." Jee whispers back.
  1932. Healy borrows Jee surgery kit and starts fixing up Eigh's leg.
  1933. Jee-Still Waki: ( Guessin' that's used up )
  1934. ( Good, need to clean up the inventory anyway. He need anything else? )
  1935. He tell Jee that she should spare her painkillers to him.
  1937. Jee-Still Waki nods and hands the bottle of pills.
  1938. Healy: "If you guys don't need anything else I'll be on my way..."
  1939. Jee-Still Waki: "Yes, thank you again."
  1940. Healy see's Jee and Ryo near each ohter and lets out a nervous laugh and heads back home.
  1941. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry, give me a minute, gotta get something real quick. )
  1942. Mr. Ryo Gato: (sure, gotta stretch.)
  1943. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry, back. )
  1944. ( Anyway )
  1945. Mr. Ryo Gato: (The road to revenge!)
  1947. Jee-Still Waki waves as Healy leaves, thankful she encountered him on the way here. Now with the others safe, she meets with Cee. "Hhhh... Listen. I will be gone for a few days. I will make sure the mercenaries will not hurt the tribe again."
  1948. Jee-Still Waki: "I will come back. Hhhh... And I will teach you how to be a me- Hhh... Shaman."
  1949. Eia: "Jee, what if my baby gets hurt?"
  1950. "I don't want to she you then see you in the Great sky!"
  1951. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Well, for one keep it away from poisonous plants and you'll do fine."
  1952. Jee-Still Waki: "Mother... What if whole family gets hurt? No, what if whole family dies? Hhhh... The tribe was hurt badly because of them. I can't let you all be in danger."
  1953. Dee: "Hee... Then let me come and help you sister."
  1954. Jee-Still Waki: "Dee... Sister... They have guns. They have armor. Hhhh... Do you know how to kill with guns?"
  1955. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Do you know how to fight, at all, small bat girl?"
  1956. Gaven C. (GM): (Dee is the brother, Eff is the sister, Cee is dad and Eia is mom.)
  1957. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sheeeit. Thought it was older sister and younger sister. )
  1958. Mr. Ryo Gato: (That is unfortunate.)
  1959. Jee-Still Waki: ( Scratch sister for brother then, my bad. )
  1960. ( It really doesn't help either that I think of Deedee and immediate assume sister. )
  1961. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Unless Dee sports a rocket launcher I would not think to bring him along. Dun be dangerous.)
  1962. Jee-Still Waki: ( Absolutely mang. )
  1963. Dee: "I Fight with spear and Help sister!"
  1964. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Dee, please. Do not go. I am sorry, but it will not work."
  1965. ( Roll to convince? )
  1966. Gaven C. (GM): (Yes.)
  1967. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  1968. (
  1969. 91
  1970. )+50
  1971. = 141
  1972. Mr. Ryo Gato: (We could tell him to guard the family. Healy was acting kind of squirrely there.)
  1973. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm, good point. )
  1974. "Dee. You should stay here. Protect the tribe. If you leave, what will stop them?"
  1975. ( A lie through her teeth, but it will keep him in place if it works. )
  1976. Dee: "That... Right sister, I will."
  1977. Mr. Ryo Gato: (It's not technically untrue.)
  1978. Jee-Still Waki: "Thank you... Hhh... I will need food and water for me and useless tiger-man. How much can you spare?"
  1979. Mr. Ryo Gato: (How much can I spare? I didn't get any supplies in my inventory.)
  1980. Jee-Still Waki: ( Well I'm asking the bats if they can spare some days worth of food for us for the hunt. )
  1981. they tribe gives you 4 days of food and water. along with a Chitin armor and a wooden shield.
  1982. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh. How much HP does the chitin armor have and the wooden shield? )
  1983. ( Ryu can probably use both though. )
  1984. ( *Ryo )
  1985. Gaven C. (GM): (75 and 60)
  1986. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Probably.
  1987. Jee-Still Waki: ( I got 60 HP on the frag vest, how about you Ryo? )
  1988. ( The shield can help with blocking when you go into melee combat. )
  1989. ( But that's what they're for, so )
  1990. Mr. Ryo Gato: (120 riot vest.)
  1991. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah. You're fine then. )
  1992. ( You want the shield anyway? )
  1993. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Sure)
  1995. Jee-Still Waki accepts the chitin armor, thanking her family for the supplies. "Hhhh... Ryo. We are to leave."
  1996. Jee-Still Waki: ( *now )
  1997. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Very well."
  1998. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah yeah, you need any other stuff, check my inventory on the character page, I can spare some stuff if need be. )
  1999. Mr. Ryo Gato: (The only skill I have to contribute to this situation is cook.)
  2000. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anyhoo, let's go huntin' already. )
  2001. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Was one of the attackers wounded or anything? Is tracking an option?)
  2002. Jee-Still Waki: ( Really all we know is: "There are gunshots around the place and some of our guys got fucked up" )
  2003. ( Best option forward is to hopefully encounter a patrol group, keep one alive for questioning, gain intel from him, and figure things out from there. )
  2004. ( Tried to do that yesterday, but the cat lady was really stalwart in not surrendering, so I had to show her I wasn't kidding when I said I was going to kill her via explosives. )
  2005. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Ah, the ultimate intimidation tactic.)
  2006. as you travel durring the night you encounter a group of mercs camping out.
  2008. Jee-Still Waki keeps quiet and tries to listen in on the group before making her move.
  2009. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  2010. (
  2011. 58
  2012. )+30+50
  2013. = 138
  2014. Herman: "So were just walking around and just shooting anything that fits the description?"
  2015. Daymin: "Yes, Any srta human "Horse" bat or cat."
  2016. "Even though it's been like 3 or 4 months since the destuction of that place and were still just walking around."
  2017. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ryo, you want to take position? Because I'm going to try to do what I did last time. )
  2018. ( Hide, toss a bomb and hide immediately after. )
  2019. ( Or am I already in a hiding spot? )
  2020. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Sure, I think spraying with the machine gun would be most effective.)
  2021. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry, wrong word, anything you plan on doing? )
  2022. ( Good idea, but I was considering applying more explosive force. )
  2023. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Well, we can both do different things!)
  2024. Jee-Still Waki: ( But they're spread out a bit more than usual, so I'll only be able to get one of the two groups. )
  2025. ( Ooh )
  2026. ( Smart )
  2027. ( So you spray, and I'll toss a bomb at... let's say the fennic and lizard. They're closest. )
  2028. Mr. Ryo Gato: Okay!
  2029. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rolling to toss then to hide. Doubt a rose bush will give much cover. And remember: keep one alive. The hamster will do. )
  2030. ( The furthest one. Maybe. )
  2031. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Okay, Spray: I can hit up to 5 targets with damage of a single shot.)
  2032. Jee-Still Waki: ( Nice. Oh, and with the explosive, it'll knock them back a bit. Hm... )
  2033. ( I want to toss the bomb right here )
  2034. ( It'll knock the fennec out of the way of the spray most likely though. )
  2035. ( Anyway, rolling for toss )
  2036. rolling 1d100+30+10
  2037. (
  2038. 3
  2039. )+30+10
  2040. = 43
  2041. ( Oof. )
  2042. Mr. Ryo Gato: And I shoot
  2044. Jee-Still Waki nods to Ryo and fetches a prepared phone bomb. Dialing the activation code, she tosses it overhead to the closest group of mercenaries.
  2045. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100
  2046. (
  2047. 33
  2048. )
  2049. = 33
  2050. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rolling to hide, unless that isn't an option )
  2051. rolling 1d100+20+50
  2052. (
  2053. 77
  2054. )+20+50
  2055. = 147
  2056. Mr. Ryo Gato: Ah, +10.
  2057. (Okay, so we barely hit? or not at all?)
  2058. The fennec and lizzard spot the bomb and try to dodge out of its way.
  2059. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya missed jee has a chace to hit.)
  2060. rolling 1d100 + 20
  2061. (
  2062. 68
  2063. )+20
  2064. = 88
  2065. rolling 1d100 + 20
  2066. (
  2067. 45
  2068. )+20
  2069. = 65
  2070. Jee-Still Waki: ( That 88 aint inspiring the best confidence. Nor that 65. )
  2071. the Fennec manages to jump away from the explosion.
  2072. Gaven C. (GM): (roll damage for lizzard.)
  2073. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10+40
  2074. (
  2075. 3
  2076. +
  2077. 9
  2078. +
  2079. 6
  2080. +
  2081. 5
  2082. )+40
  2083. = 63
  2084. the explosiong sends fragment of menat into the lizzards arm and legs!
  2085. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah, initiative. Sorry, need to pay more attention. Hide help my case at all? )
  2086. rolling 1d100+50+30
  2087. (
  2088. 23
  2089. )+50+30
  2090. = 103
  2091. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 30
  2092. (
  2093. 99
  2094. )+30
  2095. = 129
  2096. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+40
  2097. (
  2098. 99
  2099. )+40
  2100. = 139
  2101. they spot Jee behind the rose bush!
  2102. Mr. Ryo Gato: They probably figured out where I was.
  2103. Jee-Still Waki: (Darn )
  2104. Gaven C. (GM): (roll initiation.)
  2105. (unless that roll was initiation.)
  2106. Mr. Ryo Gato: We rolled,let's rock.
  2107. Jee-Still Waki: ( It was initiation )
  2108. ( Hide roll was the 147 from earlier )
  2109. Gaven C. (GM): (Oh, then your sstill hidden.)
  2110. (so they'll fire on Ryo now.)
  2111. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rad. Oh wait, shit. Sorry Gator. )
  2112. Mr. Ryo Gato: Do I get to act first?
  2113. Gaven C. (GM): (yep)
  2114. Mr. Ryo Gato: I move myself to put the roo and the mouse between me and the rest of the mercs.
  2115. Then I attack the mouse.
  2116. rolling 1d100+35
  2117. (
  2118. 28
  2119. )+35
  2120. = 63
  2121. Gaven C. (GM): (stereotypical.)
  2122. Hit!
  2123. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 8d10+35
  2124. (
  2125. 9
  2126. +
  2127. 7
  2128. +
  2129. 5
  2130. +
  2131. 3
  2132. +
  2133. 5
  2134. +
  2135. 1
  2136. +
  2137. 1
  2138. +
  2139. 10
  2140. )+35
  2141. = 76
  2142. I will save my last action.
  2143. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah right, so with my 103, I'll go after the mercs. I'll try and focus the fennec and maybe the lizard if he's still a threat. )
  2144. Mr. Ryo Gato: Also, I'd like to think that I had my shield ready in all this.
  2145. It would have been silly not to.
  2146. the kangaroo tries to kick your ass!
  2147. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 10
  2148. (
  2149. 13
  2150. )+10
  2151. = 23
  2152. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wew )
  2153. Mr. Ryo Gato: I will block with my shield
  2154. Gaven C. (GM): (it's 20 or higher for melee hits)
  2155. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+35+40
  2156. (
  2157. 18
  2158. )+35+40
  2159. = 93
  2160. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 2d10 + 20
  2161. (
  2162. 2
  2163. +
  2164. 6
  2165. )+20
  2166. = 28
  2167. Mr. Ryo Gato: Shield has 32 left.
  2168. the shild takes the blow!
  2169. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 10
  2170. (
  2171. 22
  2172. )+10
  2173. = 32
  2174. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah, but it was only 3 above the mark. )
  2175. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Maybe shields should be stronger...)
  2176. I continue to take the onslaught.
  2177. Gaven C. (GM): (its wooden)
  2178. rolling 2d10 + 20
  2179. (
  2180. 2
  2181. +
  2182. 8
  2183. )+20
  2184. = 30
  2185. the kangaroo kick ya in the left leg!
  2186. Mr. Ryo Gato: I parry.
  2187. rolling 1d100+35
  2188. (
  2189. 71
  2190. )+35
  2191. = 106
  2192. the mouse runs away and takes aim
  2193. Gaven C. (GM): Dodged!
  2194. The chinchilla fires and takes cover !
  2195. Mr. Ryo Gato: I block with shield
  2196. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 15
  2197. (
  2198. 18
  2199. )+15
  2200. = 33
  2201. Jee-Still Waki: ( You need help with any of them? )
  2202. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+35+40
  2203. (
  2204. 90
  2205. )+35+40
  2206. = 165
  2207. I -might- survive getting shot at this much.
  2208. Gaven C. (GM): The bullets were afraid of the shield and missed!
  2209. Mr. Ryo Gato: Good to know I'm not the only bad shot.
  2210. the Fennic makes burst shots at Ryo!
  2211. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 40
  2212. (
  2213. 29
  2214. )+40
  2215. = 69
  2216. Mr. Ryo Gato: Shield!
  2217. Wait, so I suppose it's passed the roo?
  2218. Gaven C. (GM): (oh yeah what was that one sheild that the lepord lady had?)
  2219. Mr. Ryo Gato: A fancy shield for logos, 'shield widget'
  2220. Gaven C. (GM): (and yep.)
  2221. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh yeah. )
  2222. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+35+40
  2223. (
  2224. 48
  2225. )+35+40
  2226. = 123
  2227. This will probably destroy it.
  2228. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 3d10 + 30
  2229. (
  2230. 5
  2231. +
  2232. 7
  2233. +
  2234. 10
  2235. )+30
  2236. = 52
  2237. Mr. Ryo Gato: It's sawdust.
  2238. The shield breaks!
  2239. the Fennec burst fires again at your arm!
  2240. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 40
  2241. (
  2242. 28
  2243. )+40
  2244. = 68
  2245. Mr. Ryo Gato: What is with the limb shots today?
  2246. Gaven C. (GM): (???0
  2247. (it usually just head shots or body shots.)
  2248. Mr. Ryo Gato: (True, so damage?
  2249. Gaven C. (GM): (right arm)
  2250. rolling 3d10 + 30
  2251. (
  2252. 5
  2253. +
  2254. 2
  2255. +
  2256. 6
  2257. )+30
  2258. = 43
  2259. Mr. Ryo Gato: That hurt.
  2260. I wonder if a riot jacket has armored sleeves.
  2261. No, not really
  2262. the lizzard pulls out his pistol and fires with his good arm.
  2263. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 10
  2264. (
  2265. 87
  2266. )+10
  2267. = 97
  2268. Mr. Ryo Gato: I'm going to block with my torso, the one part of me that is armored
  2269. rolling 1d100+35
  2270. (
  2271. 14
  2272. )+35
  2273. = 49
  2274. Worth a shot.
  2275. he hits you right arm!
  2276. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 2d10 + 15
  2277. (
  2278. 2
  2279. +
  2280. 5
  2281. )+15
  2282. = 22
  2283. Mr. Ryo Gato: So is the bat going to help at all here?!
  2284. Jee-Still Waki: "AFTER THEIR TURN, JEEZ USELESS TIGER MAN!" Jee hisses from her hiding spot
  2285. ( But yeah, where is my turn on the initiative? )
  2286. Gaven C. (GM): Jee it your turn now.
  2287. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alrighty. Anyone in particular you want really dead Gator? )
  2288. Mr. Ryo Gato: The fennec in the back.
  2289. Most annoying.
  2290. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I rapid fire with a Red Hawk? Say 3 bullets? )
  2291. ( Dunno if that'd work with a revolver )
  2292. Gaven C. (GM): (it does, it doubles the damage.)
  2293. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool, so 10d10+50? )
  2294. ( Or 10d10+100? )
  2295. Gaven C. (GM): (The latter.)
  2296. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anyway, firing three bullets at the fennec, points to damage. )
  2297. rolling 1d100+10
  2298. (
  2299. 66
  2300. )+10
  2301. = 76
  2302. Gaven C. (GM): HIt!
  2303. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 10d10+100
  2304. (
  2305. 2
  2306. +
  2307. 1
  2308. +
  2309. 8
  2310. +
  2311. 1
  2312. +
  2313. 3
  2314. +
  2315. 8
  2316. +
  2317. 2
  2318. +
  2319. 5
  2320. +
  2321. 5
  2322. +
  2323. 10
  2324. )+100
  2325. = 145
  2326. Mr. Ryo Gato: Eh, that works.
  2328. Jee-Still Waki fires three bullets from the rose bushes, each one aimed at the fennec's torso!
  2329. The Fennec drops dead!
  2330. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm, if I toss a bomb, would it hit both the hamster and the iguana if I tossed it between them? Or is the bomb radius a single square formation around it? )
  2331. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya can try, beat 80.)
  2332. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm... Is it OK if I change to shooting with the revolver or am I stuck with this decision? )
  2333. ( Sorry for the indecisiveness, I like my phone bombs. )
  2334. Gaven C. (GM): (It's okay.)
  2335. Mr. Ryo Gato: They are handy.
  2336. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ryo, you want the iguana dead or someone else instead? )
  2337. ( It'll probably take one to two shots to finish the iguana. )
  2338. ( Ah, forget it. Let's just pepper the iguana and let Ryo get to work. Firing a single shot at him. )
  2339. rolling 1d100+10
  2340. (
  2341. 38
  2342. )+10
  2343. = 48
  2344. ( Hm. That a hit or miss? )
  2345. Gaven C. (GM): (hit.)
  2346. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 5d10+50
  2347. (
  2348. 4
  2349. +
  2350. 6
  2351. +
  2352. 6
  2353. +
  2354. 5
  2355. +
  2356. 7
  2357. )+50
  2358. = 78
  2359. Gaven C. (GM): (its 40 for not spefic hit, 60 to hit a spefic thing.)
  2360. Jee-Still Waki: ( Aaah. Thanks. )
  2362. Jee-Still Waki finishes her assault by shooting the iguana!
  2363. Jee-Still Waki: ( End turn )
  2364. Gaven C. (GM): Ryo!
  2365. Mr. Ryo Gato: Alright!
  2366. Everyone else is out of actions, I'm assuming.
  2367. Gaven C. (GM): Yep.
  2368. Mr. Ryo Gato: I'm going to grapple the roo.
  2369. rolling 1d100+35
  2370. (
  2371. 94
  2372. )+35
  2373. = 129
  2374. Gaven C. (GM): (Success!)
  2375. Jee-Still Waki: ( Meat shield tactic? )
  2376. Mr. Ryo Gato: Now I'm doing to toss the roo into the fire.
  2377. Wait.
  2378. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh )
  2379. Mr. Ryo Gato: Can I toss him into the mouse?
  2380. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep.)
  2381. Mr. Ryo Gato: I will toss him.
  2382. rolling 1d100+35
  2383. (
  2384. 1
  2385. )+35
  2386. = 36
  2387. I miss badly.
  2388. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh. Oh man. )
  2389. Mr. Ryo Gato: He and whatever he hits takes 2d10+35
  2390. you try to pick him up, only for your throw to cause him to come crashing down on you.
  2391. Mr. Ryo Gato: I don't know if that counts as damage.
  2392. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep.)
  2393. (both of ya take damage)
  2395. Jee-Still Waki can barely tell just HOW Ryo messed up, but she's disappointed all the same.
  2396. Mr. Ryo Gato: Worth it.
  2397. rolling 2d10+35
  2398. (
  2399. 7
  2400. +
  2401. 7
  2402. )+35
  2403. = 49
  2404. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 2d10 + 35
  2405. (
  2406. 9
  2407. +
  2408. 6
  2409. )+35
  2410. = 50
  2411. Mr. Ryo Gato: 50
  2412. Jee-Still Waki: ( You doing OK? )
  2413. Gaven C. (GM): (desc you got more hurt that the person you were hurting!)
  2414. (to chest.)
  2415. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Nah, I'm getting rumbled.
  2416. Now I am angry.
  2417. I pick up the roo and use him as a shield.
  2418. the mouse earlyer takes aim again and burst fires at your head ryo!
  2419. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 40
  2420. (
  2421. 33
  2422. )+40
  2423. = 73
  2424. Mr. Ryo Gato: Roo shield
  2425. Also, -30 to his shot
  2426. Jee-Still Waki: ( Phew, that's good. )
  2427. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yeah, kind of helps to remember that!
  2428. Gaven C. (GM): (would the damage go the the roos chest or his head?)
  2429. Mr. Ryo Gato: Chest I'd say.
  2430. rolling 1d100+35
  2431. (
  2432. 8
  2433. )+35
  2434. = 43
  2435. Ties go to defender!
  2436. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 3d10 + 55
  2437. (
  2438. 8
  2439. +
  2440. 2
  2441. +
  2442. 6
  2443. )+55
  2444. = 71
  2445. the roo is now red goo~
  2446. Mr. Ryo Gato: I didn't think he really got that damaged.
  2447. Gaven C. (GM): (oh, i forgot ya hitted the mouse.)
  2448. the Chinchilla aims and fires at Jee!
  2449. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yeah, for 70 or so.
  2450. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  2451. (
  2452. 27
  2453. )+35
  2454. = 62
  2455. Miss.
  2456. Jee-Still Waki: ( Nice )
  2457. Gaven C. (GM): (wait did ya take cover?)
  2458. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh. No. I was hiding behind a rose bush before I tossed a bomb and shot some people )
  2459. ( Dunno if that would count, so, no. )
  2460. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 3d10 + 30
  2461. (
  2462. 8
  2463. +
  2464. 8
  2465. +
  2466. 2
  2467. )+30
  2468. = 48
  2469. the bullets hit you in the chest!
  2470. Jee-Still Waki: ( 12 HP on the frag vest )
  2471. Mr. Ryo Gato: (That's what armor is there for.)
  2472. Jee-Still Waki: ( My turn? )
  2473. Gaven C. (GM): Jee turn.
  2475. Jee-Still Waki screams out loudly, "EVERYBODY DOOOOWN!"
  2476. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rolling for intimidation. Should I mention who exactly or does it work on all? )
  2477. Gaven C. (GM): (All would increase they're roll)
  2478. (single would make it made easy.)
  2479. Jee-Still Waki: ( Neat, didn't know. )
  2480. ( Hm. So wait, what if I just intimidated the mouse on the left first, then the second action intimidate the one on the right last? )
  2481. ( Would that even work? )
  2482. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  2483. Mr. Ryo Gato: Don't see why not!
  2484. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm. Apologies for the sudden change in decisions, but may I intimidate the mouse on the left? )
  2485. Gaven C. (GM): (Its a chinchila and yes.)
  2486. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  2487. (
  2488. 96
  2489. )+50
  2490. = 146
  2491. ( Ah, sorry. )
  2493. Jee-Still Waki screams at the chinchilla to lay his weapon down or risk no longer being identified as a corpse.
  2494. the chinchila lays down his arms?
  2495. Jee-Still Waki: ( Using last action to intimidate the hamster on the right. If that IS a hamster. )
  2497. Jee-Still Waki shrieks out once more, "YOU TOO, OTHER RAT! SURRENDER OR DIE!"
  2498. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  2499. (
  2500. 21
  2501. )+50
  2502. = 71
  2503. ( Ooh, this'll be rough. )
  2504. Mr. Ryo Gato: It will be a hamster when we are done with it!
  2505. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 25
  2506. (
  2507. 32
  2508. )+25
  2509. = 57
  2510. Jee-Still Waki: ( Phew. )
  2511. Mr. Ryo Gato: That was very effective.
  2512. with the surrender of 2 an an incapitated threat the combat is over.
  2514. Jee-Still Waki steps through the bushes, reloading the four spent bullets by hand while glaring at the surrendered opponents.
  2515. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ryo, how's your health situation doing? )
  2516. Gator: Right arm: 60hp
  2517. Left arm: 34.
  2518. Besides that, armor is down to 50
  2519. So, little stratched up.
  2521. Jee-Still Waki takes notice of Ryo's arm. "Hhh... I will help you. Later."
  2522. Gator: (Ah, I'm out of time guys. I've got to log out.
  2523. Whatever else happens, I punch it.
  2524. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright man, thanks for being here. And I gotta say, I'm starting to feel a bit bad for suggesting this sorta personal quest. I'm making the thing longer than a friggin' regular session. )
  2525. Gator: "Wounds make one stronger, so I've heard.)
  2526. Gaven C. (GM): (HEY it not horrible man.)
  2527. Gator: pfft.
  2528. Gaven C. (GM): (I got nothing to do.)
  2529. Gator: It's fun!
  2530. Jee-Still Waki: ( But alright man, you have a good one. )
  2531. ( Gaven, you want to continue for a bit more or call it here too? )
  2532. Gaven C. (GM): (I'll go on man.)
  2533. (it's up to ya when it ends.)
  2534. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. And sorry to say, but can we call it in 30 to an hour? I got to wrap up something on my end outside and it'll take longer than a normal break's period. )
  2535. ( Whenever you want to pick this back up again this week I'm down. )
  2536. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure)
  2537. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anyway )
  2539. Jee-Still Waki keeps the revolver aimed at the hamster, taking note of her twitchy fingers and keeping them away from the trigger. For now.
  2540. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Where are the other mercenaries? What do you know?"
  2541. rolling 1d100+50
  2542. (
  2543. 53
  2544. )+50
  2545. = 103
  2546. Rodney: "I don't know where the other are, All i know is that were here to kill people fitting your groups description and a human.
  2547. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh, right. Where are their weapons? )
  2548. ( Hopefully tossed away from them. )
  2549. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah tossed away.)
  2550. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ok, sorry, thank you.)
  2551. Rodney: "I assume that you want to stop this manhunt on you and that human buddy."
  2552. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I have no relation with this human... Who is he?:
  2553. Rodney: "Hell if I know, all we got is that he's one of the Gablagooks from here."
  2554. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Wait, human? You mean a false... Hhhh... A fake human, right?"
  2555. Rodney: "Suuuure."
  2556. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh! Do not mock me! Who do you work for?"
  2557. He tells you about how he's working for a flamingo named Flinn whos a bit "crazy."
  2558. Jee-Still Waki: ( I feel like I should remember who that is. )
  2559. ( Alright... Now what to do with the survivors. )
  2560. "Hhhh... Where is Flinn? Is he on a different planet?"
  2561. Rodney: "He's down here also hunting for you guys."
  2562. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I intimidate for a location? )
  2563. Gaven C. (GM): (sure.)
  2564. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  2565. (
  2566. 40
  2567. )+50
  2568. = 90
  2569. "Where is he?"
  2570. he tells you that he was seen up north about 3 days ago.
  2571. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... ... Do you have a phone?"
  2572. he throws you the phone.
  2573. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..."
  2575. Jee-Still Waki squats down to pick the phone up with her free hand, still making sure to keep the revolver aimed at the hamster.
  2576. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm. Sorry, but is it OK if we call it here? )
  2577. Gaven C. (GM): (yep.)
  2578. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. You want to tally the MP loss for the kills or do that at the end of this? )
  2579. ( But same time as usual tomorrow? )
  2580. Gaven C. (GM): Roll 4d10
  2581. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10
  2582. (
  2583. 10
  2584. +
  2585. 9
  2586. +
  2587. 8
  2588. +
  2589. 5
  2590. )
  2591. = 32
  2592. ( Wow. )
  2593. back to stuttering!
  2594. Jee-Still Waki: ( -61 out of 130 )
  2595. Gaven C. (GM): 4 more and you would get a biggen debuff.
  2596. Jee-Still Waki: Man.
  2597. Who knew murder was such a big deal?
  2598. Gaven C. (GM): But you at least get 55 xp.
  2599. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rad )
  2600. Gaven C. (GM): (when you wanna continue this?)
  2601. Jee-Still Waki: ( leveled up too )
  2602. ( I'm down for the same time as usual tomorrow. Or any time this week aside from Wednesday. Got work then. )
  2603. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure!)
  2604. (gonna spend time with family now, see ya.)
  2605. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool man. You have fun )
  2606. Axl Greez: Hey man
  2607. Gaven C. (GM): Hey-o
  2608. Axl Greez: We waiting for Gator or are we green to go?
  2609. Gaven C. (GM): Well I don't know if he's gonna do today.
  2610. Axl Greez: So go and catch him up if he does appear?
  2611. Gaven C. (GM): I messaged him on skype about how were doing another one today.
  2612. Yeah.
  2613. Jee-Still Waki: Alrighty. Want me to go ahead and do my next action?
  2614. Gaven C. (GM): Sure!
  2615. WE BEGIN!
  2616. Gaven C. (GM):
  2617. Jee-Still Waki: ( Right, I was afraid of whether or not to kill the three since they're technically "innocent", and tying them up with only me to point a gun at them is gonna be funky. )
  2618. ( Hm... Can I try to intimidate the two into leaving and taking their kangaroo buddy with them? )
  2619. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure.)
  2620. Jee-Still Waki: ( And by leave, I mean stay out of this side of Pao or any side really. )
  2621. rolling 1d100+50
  2622. (
  2623. 60
  2624. )+50
  2625. = 110
  2626. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 30
  2627. (
  2628. 72
  2629. )+30
  2630. = 102
  2632. Jee-Still Waki points a free hand back at the kangaroo, subdued by Ryo. "Hhhh... Take him, and both of you get off of this planet. Or you WILL be like the two there."
  2634. Jee-Still Waki makes another gesture, this time to the two bodies to her left.
  2635. They run off with their tails literally between their legs.
  2637. Jee-Still Waki lets out a sigh of relief. And then a groan of frustration as Ryo has disappeared.
  2638. Jee-Still Waki: ( Unless you're willing to control him for whatever comes next, I'm fine with him being on the sidelines )
  2640. Jee-Still Waki will call the contact on the phone later, somewhat certain it's the one she called on the other phone. First, she will scavenge whatever's useful on the two.
  2641. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+10
  2642. (
  2643. 81
  2644. )+50+10
  2645. = 141
  2646. once again you pick up 3 .256 mini ruger and 80 .256 rounds, along with 4 MRE
  2647. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh, MRE )
  2648. and a first aid kit.
  2649. Jee-Still Waki: ( Gonna switch out my frag vest for the chitin vest. 12 HP's not gonna cut it. )
  2650. ( Alright, time to call the contact on the phone. )
  2651. Flinn: "You done with your job?"
  2652. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I attempt to speak in a different voice? Lower or higher? )
  2653. ( That'd be a mind roll, yeah? )
  2654. Gaven C. (GM): (Im sure.)
  2655. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. )
  2657. Jee-Still Waki pauses for a second, confidant it's the same person. Speaking in a lower tone, the best she could manage, she answers "Y-yeah. Bat's d-dead."
  2658. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  2659. (
  2660. 26
  2661. )+50
  2662. = 76
  2663. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 25
  2664. (
  2665. 75
  2666. )+25
  2667. = 100
  2668. Jee-Still Waki: ( Changing her voice, she cannot. )
  2669. ( Hm, wait. I kinda got a backup plan. Kinda. )
  2670. Gaven C. (GM): (go on.)
  2671. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hook up the phone to the wrist computer, roll electronics to enter in and/or create a sorta tracking program that can lead me to the phones of previous callers. )
  2672. ( I dunno, it sounds like it would work on an American FBI show through keyboard tapping, so maybe it can work. Maybe. )
  2673. Gaven C. (GM): (Go!)
  2674. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  2675. (
  2676. 86
  2677. )+30+50
  2678. = 166
  2679. You trackand bug Mr.Flinn!
  2681. Jee-Still Waki has a sort a plan in mind. In a hasty attempt to still get what she wants, she digs through her rucksack to fetch the wrist computer. Connecting the phone through a cord on the wrist computer, she worms around the different widgets and options for anything to possibly track the caller while he's still on the line.
  2682. Jee-Still Waki: ( Give me a second. Go ahead and type whatever he wants to say over the phone, I need to check on something. )
  2683. ( Back )
  2684. Flinn: "Listen you Gablagoot bat, first this was gonna be a hunting for sport on your ass, now its gonna be me trying to bring you in alive, and when I dothat you'll with that you were dead!"
  2686. Jee-Still Waki drops the voice, pleased to now have some sort of direction on where to go. She hisses over the phone "You w-will w-wish you n-never came to this p-planet."
  2687. Flinn hangs up as you finish your sentence.
  2688. Jee-Still Waki: ( Head on towards the location? )
  2689. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure.)
  2690. You head on towards Flinns location.
  2691. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm. May I roll sneak then perception sight? )
  2692. ( Or am I not there yet? )
  2693. Gaven C. (GM): (you're there.)
  2694. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ok, good. Anyway, sneak then a looksy? )
  2695. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep.)
  2696. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+10
  2697. (
  2698. 99
  2699. )+30+10
  2700. = 139
  2701. rolling 1d100+10+50
  2702. (
  2703. 60
  2704. )+10+50
  2705. = 120
  2706. you fly up into the tree and hide out!
  2708. Jee-Still Waki double checks the wrist computer, and confirms she's nearing Flinn. Or at least, his phone. Taking a spot in the tree, she looks out to try and find the man.
  2709. yor computer tells you that he's inside of this tree.
  2710. Jee-Still Waki: ( Any visuals? )
  2711. Gaven C. (GM): (none that you can see.)
  2712. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm. )
  2713. ( Hey, the phone I got from the dead mercs, can I try and contact him through that? )
  2714. Gaven C. (GM): (sure.)
  2715. Jee-Still Waki: ( Just want to ring him up. )
  2716. You try to call him up but he doesn't answer.
  2717. Jee-Still Waki: ( Going to roll hearing. )
  2718. rolling 1d100+30+50
  2719. (
  2720. 63
  2721. )+30+50
  2722. = 143
  2723. Gaven C. (GM): (you doing an echolocation roll?)
  2724. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hearing. )
  2725. ( I want to listen to my surroundings. Particularly at the sound of a phone. )
  2726. Gaven C. (GM): (well he blocked the phone.)
  2727. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm. )
  2728. ( Guessing he did for the other one then too. )
  2729. you hear the sound of breathing coming from the tree,
  2730. Jee-Still Waki: ( 50 feet to throw a phone bomb. Hm... )
  2731. Gaven C. (GM): (not to mention the timing.)
  2732. Jee-Still Waki: ( Are those bushes to the bottom of Jee? )
  2733. Gaven C. (GM): (yep)
  2734. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I roll to sneak to here? )
  2735. Gaven C. (GM): (yep.)
  2736. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+10
  2737. (
  2738. 86
  2739. )+30+10
  2740. = 126
  2741. you crawl amugst the forest floor.
  2742. Jee-Still Waki: ( 25 feet. That's more manageable. )
  2743. ( Alright. I'm going to toss a bomb. Most likely, and I repeat, most likely the bomb will only mostly kill him. )
  2744. ( Which is what I need. )
  2745. ( Unless he's a weak baby pushover. )
  2746. ( Anyhoo.)
  2747. rolling 1d100+10+30
  2748. (
  2749. 50
  2750. )+10+30
  2751. = 90
  2753. Jee-Still Waki relies on the ever so handy phone bomb, prepares, and tosses one towards the tree with the suspected position of the phone and breathing.
  2754. your phone reaches up the the source or the breathing while also brushing and shaking a few leaves and branches
  2755. Ka-BOOM goes the phone inside of the tree!
  2756. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rolling visual perception to see if anyone was either blown away or blown apart. )
  2757. rolling 1d100+50+10
  2758. (
  2759. 89
  2760. )+50+10
  2761. = 149
  2762. you see that there is no body or any sort of trace intil you hear the sound of the tree behind you rushle a bit thanks to your keen hearing.
  2763. Jee-Still Waki: ( Aw shit. Time for another bomb. )
  2764. ( Am I able to toss another their way? )
  2765. Gaven C. (GM): (yes!)
  2766. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+30
  2767. (
  2768. 59
  2769. )+10+30
  2770. = 99
  2772. Jee-Still Waki feels uneasy, and despite the risk of wasting another bomb, tosses one toward the suspicious tree.
  2773. You lunge the explosive into the tree and BAM it goes!
  2774. Gaven C. (GM): (roll damage.)
  2775. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10+40
  2776. (
  2777. 3
  2778. +
  2779. 10
  2780. +
  2781. 4
  2782. +
  2783. 3
  2784. )+40
  2785. = 60
  2786. trickle of blood starts falling from the tree.
  2787. Jee-Still Waki: ( The guy's still stuck up there? Damn. )
  2788. ( Hm... Suppose I can always threaten him from the bushes. )
  2789. Gaven C. (GM): (roll perseption.)
  2790. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+10
  2791. (
  2792. 81
  2793. )+50+10
  2794. = 141
  2795. you hear anouther whish in the tree.
  2796. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hm. )
  2797. ( Same one, right? )
  2798. Gaven C. (GM): (no.)
  2799. Jee-Still Waki: ( Bottom right tree? )
  2800. Gaven C. (GM): yes
  2801. Jee-Still Waki: ( Dunno if I should risk another bomb. Although, it'd be unwise to think he's out here alone. )
  2802. ( I'm going to make a hide roll with the camo cloak in the bushes and try to get my bearings. )
  2803. Gaven C. (GM): (go on.)
  2804. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+20+20+50
  2805. (
  2806. 5
  2807. )+20+20+50
  2808. = 95
  2809. ( Sorry, was getting the numbers. )
  2810. ( 20 from cloak, 20 from Hide 2, 50 from mind. )
  2811. Gaven C. (GM): (some how wearing andvace cloaking tech made you more visable than before!
  2812. Jee-Still Waki: ( Well darn, time to eat a bullet. )
  2813. ( Any reactions from the guy or am I able to do something? )
  2814. he spots you from all of the rusling of putting of the cloaking device in a bush.
  2815. Jee-Still Waki: ( Dang )
  2816. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 5d10 + 50
  2817. (
  2818. 9
  2819. +
  2820. 10
  2821. +
  2822. 5
  2823. +
  2824. 9
  2825. +
  2826. 7
  2827. )+50
  2828. = 90
  2829. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh. Alright. )
  2830. the bullet silently wizzes by and breaks the chitin armor your wearing..
  2831. Jee-Still Waki: ( 84 HP on body. )
  2832. ( And there goes being careful. We doing initiative or is it just a silent back and forth? )
  2833. Gaven C. (GM): (silent back and forth.)
  2834. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright. Well, ya know what time it is. It's time for another bomb. Because that's not surprising at this point. )
  2835. rolling 1d100+10+30
  2836. (
  2837. 43
  2838. )+10+30
  2839. = 83
  2840. Gaven C. (GM): Hit!
  2841. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10+40
  2842. (
  2843. 8
  2844. +
  2845. 2
  2846. +
  2847. 1
  2848. +
  2849. 8
  2850. )+40
  2851. = 59
  2852. ( Because at this point, Jee's life over info has priority. )
  2853. roll perception.
  2854. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  2855. (
  2856. 23
  2857. )+10+50
  2858. = 83
  2859. you try to listen for him but you can't hear a thing.
  2860. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh wait, you mean hearing? )
  2861. ( I've been using sight, shit. )
  2862. ( Yeah add a 20 to that. )
  2863. ( Hearing gets a 30 bonus, I thought it was sight and was using cyber eyes. )
  2864. Gaven C. (GM): (make a sneak roll)
  2865. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+30
  2866. (
  2867. 37
  2868. )+10+30
  2869. = 77
  2870. ( perfecto )
  2871. Gaven C. (GM): (well if it makes you fell better it would succeed with the hearing.)
  2872. (wouldn't
  2873. Jee-Still Waki: ( This is gonna suck. I don't know what I can even do here. )
  2874. Flinn notices you but is more focused on retreating.
  2875. Jee-Still Waki: ( Roll perception hearing to figure out his location? )
  2876. Gaven C. (GM): (yep)
  2877. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  2878. (
  2879. 62
  2880. )+30+50
  2881. = 142
  2882. you hear him rustling in th tree.
  2883. Jee-Still Waki: ( Well screw him, because it's time for more bombs )
  2884. rolling 1d100+10+30
  2885. (
  2886. 88
  2887. )+10+30
  2888. = 128
  2889. ( Just when he thought it was over, there was another bomb. )
  2890. Gaven C. (GM): Hit!
  2891. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10+40
  2892. (
  2893. 2
  2894. +
  2895. 8
  2896. +
  2897. 7
  2898. +
  2899. 3
  2900. )+40
  2901. = 60
  2902. A dead lizzard flies from the tree from the explosive blast!
  2903. Jee-Still Waki: ( Finally, hated The Fear. )
  2904. ( Use perception hearing to listen for anything else? )
  2905. rolling 1d100+30+50
  2906. (
  2907. 48
  2908. )+30+50
  2909. = 128
  2910. You hear nothing besides the ringing inside your ear from all of the explosions.
  2911. Gaven C. (GM): (I mean Jee should be nead deaf with all the explosions she hears.
  2912. Jee-Still Waki: ( And guns too )
  2913. ( Revolvers, rapid fire weapons, AND the explosives too. )
  2914. ( Anyway, going to approach the chameleon. )
  2915. ( Rolling scavenge. IF anything survived, really. )
  2916. rolling 1d100+10+50
  2917. (
  2918. 5
  2919. )+10+50
  2920. = 65
  2921. you find the 5.45 Soviet sniper with scope he using, but sadly the mag and bullets were destroyed in the blast.
  2922. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can probably find another mag someplace else. Anything else on him? )
  2923. you also see that his phone is destoryed.
  2924. Jee-Still Waki: Can I attempt a repair roll on the destroyed phone? )
  2925. Gaven C. (GM): (sure.)
  2926. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  2927. (
  2928. 88
  2929. )+50
  2930. = 138
  2931. ( Got 2 other phones I can cannibalize parts for. Would any of them be used up? )
  2932. Gaven C. (GM): (q)
  2933. (1)
  2934. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright. )
  2935. thru using parts from another phone you mannage to repair the phone back to prime condition.
  2936. Jee-Still Waki: ( Check the phone for any contacts? )
  2937. Gaven C. (GM): (yep, and brb.)
  2938. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alrighty, no problem. Got to get water anyway )
  2939. Gaven C. (GM): (back)
  2940. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool )
  2941. on the contact list are all of his employees.
  2942. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can they be texted? )
  2943. ( A mass text? )
  2944. Gaven C. (GM): (yes.)
  2946. Jee-Still Waki devises a plan to call off the hunt, tapping away at the phone to make a message to call them all. "Bat target is captured and confirmed to be the target. Bounty payment has been exchanged with the captors. Human target is confirmed dead. Both bounties are now closed."
  2947. Jee-Still Waki: ( Should I roll anything for this? )
  2948. Gaven C. (GM): (nope.)
  2949. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'm hoping that by getting rid of their jobs, they'd either leave this place or disperse to somewhere else on Pao. )
  2950. ( Any responses or is it all good? And the Soviet Sniper, that has a suppressor on it? )
  2951. Gaven C. (GM): (yes and yes.)
  2952. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. So what's the responses? )
  2953. Gaven C. (GM): (swearing and disappointment that they didn't end upp being the ones to be paid.)
  2954. Jee-Still Waki: ( Otherwise, nothing much to worry about. )
  2955. ( Those problems come with bounty hunting a popular target or with multiple workers. Sometimes you don't get anything. )
  2956. Gaven C. (GM): (yep and you also can wind up dead.)
  2957. Jee-Still Waki: ( So that's all clear now. Thank goodness. As for the phone. Well... )
  2959. Gaven C. (GM): (roll to break phone!)
  2960. Jee-Still Waki: ( Strength? )
  2961. ( Because even with a 100 that thing wont have a scratch. )
  2962. Gaven C. (GM): (yeah, if your using your hand.)
  2963. Jee-Still Waki: ( But alright! )
  2964. rolling 1d100+5
  2965. (
  2966. 88
  2967. )+5
  2968. = 93
  2969. you somehow snaped the phone!
  2970. Jee-Still Waki: ( I AM THE STONG )
  2971. ... don't feel so good, you literally frankenstiened it.
  2972. Jee-Still Waki: ( I. AM. THE. FUCKING. STRONG )
  2973. ( Well, nothing else left here. Time to return to the tribe. )
  2974. you head back home and find nothing on the way there
  2975. on the 2 day journy
  2977. Jee-Still Waki greets her family once again, not much worse for wear.
  2978. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh.. F-family. The b-b-bad men are g-gone."
  2979. Dee: "That great sitter! I protect tribe while you went out to handle bad offlanders!"
  2981. Jee-Still Waki gives Dee a sincere smile. "G-good. You did g-good brother."
  2982. Gaven C. (GM): (oh and i just remember, you can jailbreak logos guns with a 120 or higher roll.
  2983. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh yeah, the rail pistols? )
  2984. ( Or are you talking about something else? )
  2985. ( But finally, now I can play mp3 on my pistol. )
  2986. Gaven C. (GM): (The rail pistols.)
  2987. Jee-Still Waki: ( 120 for each one? But ah well, might as well try one now. )
  2988. rolling 1d100+50
  2989. (
  2990. 37
  2991. )+50
  2992. = 87
  2993. ( Anything add to that other than mind? )
  2994. ( Ah, then again, I need 40, I don't got anything like that. )
  2995. Gaven C. (GM): eletronics
  2996. So nope. ya failed.
  2997. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh, that's a +30. Shame though, down by 3. )
  2998. ( Can try again some other time. But really, why would I bother with 'em when I got the strongest handgun in the world(s)? )
  2999. Gaven C. (GM): (yep.)
  3000. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anyway, time to teach Cee to be the smart. )
  3001. ( Roll mind to give smart? )
  3002. Gaven C. (GM): (Yep.)
  3003. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  3004. (
  3005. 21
  3006. )+50
  3007. = 71
  3008. ( Teaching is REALLY not her strongsuit. )
  3009. you find out that because you learned stuff easly doesn't mean you can teach stuff easly.
  3010. Jee-Still Waki: ( Assuming I can't attempt this again? Because now that I reconnected after 8 years and they STILL don't got a doc, they're gonna hate me even more for leaving. )
  3011. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure, 1 more shot.)
  3012. Jee-Still Waki: ( inb4 a 1. Or another number below 30. )
  3013. rolling 1d100+50
  3014. (
  3015. 60
  3016. )+50
  3017. = 110
  3018. The cogs is Cee's head start working as he start learning about medicene and herbology.
  3019. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Ar-are you s-starting to get it?"
  3020. Cee: "Hgn... I think Jee."
  3021. he starts listing herbs roots and healing methods with caution, but is getting them right."
  3022. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..." Jee mumbles, removing the chitin armor. Pointing to the various nicks, scratches, and wounds, Jee asks "Hhh... I w-w-want you t-to t-try and h-heal m-me. D-d-don't w-w-worry. I t-trust you."
  3023. ( Something to help 'em along, I suppose. And maybe a bit of healing, who knows. )
  3024. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 30
  3025. (
  3026. 2
  3027. )+30
  3028. = 32
  3029. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah that seems about right. )
  3030. ( What, did they not do a good job or did he make a wound? )
  3031. Gaven C. (GM): (hey, if it was a one he would of used a deadly root.)
  3032. Jee-Still Waki: ( I hope Jee would have least pointed that out. )
  3033. Gaven C. (GM): (bad vision, could of mixed them up.)
  3034. Jee-Still Waki: ( Any healing done or absolutely natta? )
  3035. he fails to fix up the woulds.
  3036. Gaven C. (GM): (nadda.)
  3037. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I-it's OK. It t-t-takes t-time. Y-y-you will g-get there." Jee says, trying to encourage Cee.
  3038. as you encourage Cee on his attempt to hear Eff approaches you.
  3039. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? Y-y-yes?"
  3040. Eff: "Jee, Me and Eia made this for ya."
  3041. Jee-Still Waki: ( Which one is Eff again? )
  3042. Gaven C. (GM): (sister.)
  3043. (Eia is mom.)
  3044. Jee-Still Waki: ( I got Cee the brother, Dee the brother, Eff the sister, and Eia the mother. Gotcha. )
  3045. Gaven C. (GM): (Cee is the dad.)
  3046. Jee-Still Waki: ( Aah. OK. Huh. )
  3047. Gaven C. (GM): (I dunno man, its your family.)
  3048. Jee-Still Waki: ( I could've sworn you said Cee was the sister, but whatever man, it's cool by me. )
  3049. ( Yeah, you're right. Fuck it, Cee the sister, Eff the father. Because I don't trust an older gentleman as a doctor. )
  3050. ( Bad eyesight, bad limbs, and depending on his age, may just die outta nowhere. )
  3051. ( Need young blood. )
  3052. Gaven C. (GM): (Eff was always the sister.)
  3053. (lets just say you trained Dee or Eff.)
  3054. Jee-Still Waki: ( My memory's really faulty then. I'm sorry. )
  3055. Gaven C. (GM): (brother/sister)
  3056. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah, please Eff. )
  3057. ( Because then at least she could teach someone else, and if Cee learns it and then dies, no one else would learn da medicine and they'd be doctorless again. )
  3058. ( Yeah I'm putting way too much thought into this )
  3059. Eff hand you a wooden mask with primal painting patterns and style.
  3060. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh, fucking awesome. )
  3061. "Hhh? W-what is this?"
  3062. Eff: "Jee, it shaman mask for the Healing you done."
  3063. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Th-thank you."
  3064. ( You got a picture on what the shaman mask looks like? )
  3065. ( Go ahead and choose what ya want it to look like. )
  3066. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya can choose man.)
  3067. (if ya wanna.)
  3068. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yes, perfect )
  3069. ( )
  3070. Gaven C. (GM): ( 10/10)
  3071. Jee-Still Waki: ( Real talk though, this looks pretty nice. )
  3072. ( )
  3073. "Th-this is n-nice. Thank y-you."
  3074. ( The shaman mask just a visual thing or does it protect somewhat? )
  3075. Gaven C. (GM): (lets say 80hp)
  3076. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wow. )
  3077. Gaven C. (GM): (just don't get shot in the back of the head, or it will do nothing.)
  3078. Jee-Still Waki: "Eff... I-If you g-get g-good at m-m-medicine, I w-w-will m-make y-you a m-mask myself. I p-p-promise."
  3079. Eff hugs you, say she'll practice every moon.
  3080. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alrighty, everything's alright with the world. Mind if Jee rests there a few days, say 2, then goes for a ship back to wherever Ramiel decides to be? )
  3081. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure.)
  3082. Jee-Still Waki: ( Want me to make any rolls? )
  3083. You rest and hang out with your family for 2 day, bonding and teaching Eff on the Shaman ways.
  3084. Gaven C. (GM): (2 roll with mind and herbology.)
  3085. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  3086. (
  3087. 1
  3088. )+50
  3089. = 51
  3090. ( Oh. Oh no. )
  3091. ( This is gonna suck. )
  3092. rolling 1d100+10+50
  3093. (
  3094. 84
  3095. )+10+50
  3096. = 144
  3097. ( Last one was herbology roll. Don't know if mind should've been added there. )
  3098. Eff makes the mistakes of cleaning her hand by licking it while handling herb deadly when eaten, thankfully you manage to treat her with your last roll.
  3099. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh thank god. )
  3100. ( How much HP and MP were restored before I say sayonara? )
  3101. Gaven C. (GM): (Lets say 15 for both.)
  3102. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. )
  3103. ( -46 MP out of 130 )
  3105. Jee-Still Waki has a heartfelt goodbye with her family, thanking them for allowing her to see them again.
  3106. Rams ship arive, with him probably commenting of how they're filthy animal.
  3107. Gaven C. (GM): (head back to Eo?)
  3108. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yep. )
  3109. Gaven C. (GM): (anything else you wanna do?)
  3110. Jee-Still Waki: ( I think I'm all good. Would very much like getting a replacement on armor before going back into Saturday's session. )
  3111. ( Because everything I got is either tattered from phones laced with C4 or shot to pieces. )
  3112. Gaven C. (GM): (Spend 800 on roit vest?)
  3113. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah. )
  3114. Gaven C. (GM): (bam, has 70 hp.)
  3115. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright, and that's that. Unless I can find someplace to buy a magazine and bullets for the Soviet Sniper. )
  3116. Gaven C. (GM): (roll to find.)
  3117. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100
  3118. (
  3119. 33
  3120. )
  3121. = 33
  3122. you find a 10 size magazinefor 300$ with 10 bullets at 30 a pop
  3123. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'll take it, and 40 bullets. So $420 )
  3124. ( OK, that is that. Thank you again ever so much for going through all of this. )
  3125. Gaven C. (GM): (ya welcome)
  3126. xp 75
  3127. 2d10 to mp for the act of killing a
  3128. Jee-Still Waki: ( Aw yeah, forgot I leveled up. Gotta remember to get a skill later. )
  3129. rolling 2d10
  3130. (
  3131. 2
  3132. +
  3133. 1
  3134. )
  3135. = 3
  3136. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya can do it now.)
  3137. Jee-Still Waki: Yeah
  3138. Gaven C. (GM): (Jee belived that Flinn deserved to die and that she hopes he burns in hell.)
  3139. Jee-Still Waki: Yep
  3140. Don't care about that fake human, whoever he is, but family and the tribe? Nah, he dead
  3141. And if she hadn't gotten extreme shellshock from that trip she had, she probably would think twice about going back
  3142. Gaven C. (GM): (The moral of the story is the drugs are not that bad.)
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