
TSW 13: Reagan eats out with Jack.

May 21st, 2016
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  1. [20:58] IcePickLobotomy The restaurant is rather nice. A wonderful view of the setting sun over the ocean, the walls decorated in a warm yellow and adorned with paintings of Europe. The soft chatter of conversations drift through the air alongside the soft tones of the classical music. The two of you are seated near a window in the corner.
  2. [20:59] Reagan "This is just lovely, wouldn't you say?" She says as she flips idlely through the menu.
  3. [21:01] IcePickLobotomy "My wife and I used to visit France every year. Haven't done that since she passed, and the EF makes travel a tad troublesome as well." He says wistfully
  4. [21:04] Reagan "It's a shame, to be sure."
  5. [21:06] IcePickLobotomy "It is, though that's the way of things." He selects his food and orders, alongside a glass of wine to go with it. "So how have you been doing?"
  6. [21:10] Reagan "Oh I've been doing fine. Stressful work as to be expected, but, the other kids and I, we get along well enough." She's looking very carefully at the appetizers. "How's work?"
  7. [21:10] Reagan sorry i forgot to hit enter
  8. [21:12] IcePickLobotomy "Really? You don't seem to be Reagan. I've known you since you were a lil' girl, I think I can tell when something is wrong."
  9. [21:13] Reagan glances up at him, and gives him a genuine half-smile, half-grimace. "I'm doin' fine, Jack, and I thank you. It's just the stress, but that can't be helped now."
  10. [21:18] IcePickLobotomy He slumps in his seat tiredly. "Reagan, I don't know why you feel the need to lie to me, but I'd hope you could trust me more than this."
  11. [21:19] Reagan smile tightens and she sits up very straight in her chair. "...Ain't a lot worth talkin' about, I'm afraid. Bein' here, workin' here, it just can't be helped."
  12. [21:20] IcePickLobotomy "You're wrong. It's important to talk about these things Reagan, if anything else so that you know you have someone you /can/ talk to."
  13. [21:25] Reagan "Oh sure I know all that," Her hands slip into her lap where she picks under her fingernails. "Ain't like this is my first time hearin' that, but..." She
  14. [21:25] Reagan *delete that extra she
  15. [21:25] IcePickLobotomy "Have you talked to anyone about this?" His tone is gentle.
  16. [21:26] Reagan She scoffs a little. "No sir."
  17. [21:28] IcePickLobotomy He cringes "Sorry, I'm not trying to lecture you." He sips at his wine "If you don't feel comfortable talking to me, then I hope there's someone else you can. And if not. . . Well a pet or a stuffed animal would work as well, better than nothing."
  18. [21:30] Reagan "Ha! Well, there's a thought." She sits silently for a moment and then hesitantly opens her mouth again. "It's not as if I don't trust you Jack, I don't want you to go about thinkin' that. But it...ain't somethin I..." She trails off again
  19. [21:33] IcePickLobotomy He nods. "I understand, it's not something you feel ready to share with me yet, maybe not ever. That's fine, I know how it is."
  20. [21:33] Reagan "Well..I appreciate it."
  21. [21:34] Reagan doesn't raise her eyes from the table.
  22. [21:37] IcePickLobotomy "So, how are you getting along with your room-mates?"
  23. [21:38] Reagan "Oh, they're lovely, for the most part. Mr. Hunter certainly tries his best to make an ass a' himself, but at least he's honest."
  24. [21:40] IcePickLobotomy He smiles "So long as he doesn't overstep himself I'm willing to let boys be boys."
  25. [21:41] Reagan "Goodness no, that would conflict with his particular honor," she says dryly.
  26. [21:46] IcePickLobotomy "Good to hear, and Mary? What about her?"
  27. [21:48] Reagan "Oh," She smiles, "she's a sweet gal, poor thing. Works too hard I think."
  28. [21:49] IcePickLobotomy He hrms. "As do I, your uncle brought her up to me a few weeks ago." He shakes his head "Your uncle isn't a bad man, but he can be a tad. . . inflexible about that sort of thing."
  29. [21:50] Reagan snorts. "You don't hafta explain my uncle to me, Jack."
  30. [21:50] Reagan "What was he sayin' about her?"
  31. [21:52] IcePickLobotomy "Mostly he was grimacing about her unsuitability to the program and how she poorly reflects the rest of the pilot group. "She's not as respectable as the others." he said." Jack snorts "Damned fool."
  32. [21:52] Reagan "Yeah an' I'm sure that's the only reason he's complaining.." She rolls her eyes.
  33. [21:54] IcePickLobotomy "Well doesn't help that she's from his state as well. Doesn't exactly reflect well on him to the church-going crowd, and you know how big those bigots are."
  34. [21:55] Reagan "Unfortunately."
  35. [21:58] IcePickLobotomy "Still, your uncle could swing it if her had the mind too. Single mother, raising a child alone? Takes up the humanities shield and sword against giant monsters? People would eat that up."
  36. [22:01] Reagan "Right! She's just a miracle."
  37. [22:05] IcePickLobotomy ( *Single mother, raising a child alone* )
  38. [22:05] IcePickLobotomy ( Single. Mother. In reference to Mary.)
  39. [22:06] Reagan ohhh bruh is she really a mom and nott her sister ????
  40. [22:06] IcePickLobotomy ( Yes.)
  42. [22:06] IcePickLobotomy ( I suggest a "Waitaminute!" reaction here.)
  43. [22:07] Reagan blinks and her smile drops for a second. "Wait now what was it you said, I'm sorry sir?"
  44. [22:08] IcePickLobotomy "I said she's impressive. Single mother having to care for her child after her family abandoned her, and then decided to join METI and pilot a Outrider. Your uncle just needs to swing it the right way, uh "True American Daughter" type of deal you know?"
  45. [22:09] Reagan "Oh sure, it's just that Megan's her little sister, not her daughter."
  46. [22:09] IcePickLobotomy He blinks "You didn't know?"
  47. [22:10] Reagan leans forward. "You mean you're not mistaken?"
  48. [22:10] IcePickLobotomy He shakes his head. "No, it's a rather sordid and sad tale really."
  49. [22:11] Reagan "And that is?"
  50. [22:13] IcePickLobotomy He swirls the wine glass and takes a long drink from it. "It wasn't reported to the police or the local papers, but from what I've put together she was raped, and got pregnant. Her father was the local preacher and he didn't react well, nor did the town, to her," He air quotes "Sluttish whoreish ways." He grimaces "She left and moved to New York, and worked two jobs in the Projects for about...
  51. [22:13] IcePickLobotomy ...6 months before METI picked her up."
  52. [22:14] Reagan sits back heavily in her chair, mouth open slightly.
  53. [22:15] IcePickLobotomy He orders a refill for his wine, and a glass for you as well. "I've seen stronger people break under lesser strains."
  54. [22:16] Reagan "...Ain't nobody oughtta suffer that. From their family least of all."
  55. [22:17] IcePickLobotomy "No, nobody should, doesn't mean they don't." He sounds deeply tired as he says this, and you can't help but notice how old Jack is.
  56. [22:18] Reagan "You're an old man, Jack," she says affectionately after a moment.
  57. [22:18] IcePickLobotomy "And you're a young lady, even if you don't always act it." he teases back.
  58. [22:19] Reagan "Why, I never heard such a thing!" She pretends to whip him with her napkin.
  59. [22:19] IcePickLobotomy "Mercy mercy! Have mercy on a old man!"
  60. [22:22] Reagan "You'll receive no quarter from me!" She laughs and then smooths the napkin back into her lap.
  61. [22:23] IcePickLobotomy "Ah, the merciless youth of today, no respect for their elders."
  62. [22:24] Reagan "Oh you want me to show you what no respect looks like, sir?" She reaches for his wine glass.
  63. [22:25] IcePickLobotomy He snatches the glass away. "You already have one, don't be greedy!"
  64. [22:27] Reagan laughs and shakes her head. "Be careful there Jack, you'll give somebody the wrong impression a' how much you need that wine."
  65. [22:27] IcePickLobotomy He mock growls "It's damn fine wine and do you have any idea how hard it is to find good french vintage in the states for a reasonable price?"
  66. [22:29] Reagan "Now ain't /that/ the truth." She takes the opportunity to have a long drink of her glass.
  67. [22:31] IcePickLobotomy "I'll probably pick a few bottles to take home. . ."
  68. [22:32] Reagan "I wish I could recommend you somethin', but we don't hardly go out to eat."
  69. [22:33] IcePickLobotomy "A shame, there's a number of good places to eat here."
  70. [22:33] Reagan "Certainly." She gestures with her glass to the restaurant.
  71. [22:34] Reagan "But I suppose we got bigger things to worry about. Anyway, how was work, Jack? How was the summit?"
  72. [22:35] IcePickLobotomy "It has been interesting thus far. I'm not as up to date on memetics as most of the others here, but I manage to follow along pretty well. There's a lot of interesting research coming out of METI."
  73. [22:37] Reagan "Is that right? What kinda' research?"
  74. [22:42] IcePickLobotomy "Not much they ain't involved in, though I'm mostly in tune with the psychology."
  75. [22:44] Reagan "Huh. What about the psychology? That stuff ain't just all bolts and screws and things...
  76. [22:45] IcePickLobotomy "Main thing I've been looking into is the use of applied memetics for the treatment of PTSD. It's a tad hit or miss thus far, as we don't have a full grasp on how to make InfoCarries, but it's a promising direction none the less."
  77. [22:46] Reagan "Oh, sure. I see.."
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