
Felix mage Backstory

Nov 26th, 2016
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  1. Alexander Felix (who prefers to be known by his surname) was born in Bristol, England on July 9th 1975. Both of his parents were educators who as children had survived the London Blitz during World War II. Coming from a somewhat religious family he was raised on classic English literature and the Bible. Growing up he was fascinated by the old myths and legends of King Arthur and his wizard Merlin. When he began to attend school his interests spread to the whole of ancient history, mythology, and language.
  3. His first encounters with magic happened during grammar school when he and his friends formed a crude magic group. Most of their activity was simply children playing pretend, but young Felix dedicated himself to the study of the occult with what little material he could find at local libraries and bookstores. While his friends could only pretend to use magic, Felix quickly began to notice actual results from his practices. This obsession with sorcery worried his religious parents greatly and eventually lead them to send young Felix to a boarding school in the north of England. Unfortunately this move backfired when one of his teachers at the school who was secretly a mage discovered his awakened talent. Felix then joined the Order of Hermes and his formal training lasted up until his early adulthood.
  5. During his training Felix also worked on his academic achievements eventually earning his masters degree and PhD as a professor of ancient history and archaeology at Cambridge University. During his later education he also took up fencing and became quite proficient with the rapier and saber. For over a decade Professor Felix taught at Cambridge while also traveling around the world doing field work at various ancient sites, all the while simultaneously doing the important work of the Hermetic order. Using his abilities as a Natural Channel, during his travels Felix was able to visit several otherworld locations from real world nodes around Europe and Africa. Out of all the supernatural realms Felix has visited, none have impressed him more than Avalon. He has visited the realm several times in search of some evidence of his childhood heroes of legend King Arthur and Merlin but has never found them.
  7. Despite his friends in the Order being optimistic about the turn of the new millennium, things began to take a downturn for Felix after 2001. After the 9/11 attacks the Order masters in Britain had him sent to New York to supervise the transfer of important tomes out of the city for safekeeping. He was given a position as Professor at Columbia University, but quickly grew to dislike the his vapid and shallow American students. Both of his parents died two years later within a few months of each other, and this caused him to sink into a long depression. Felix began realign his research to forbidden magic. He spent the next ten years in New York increasingly closed off from the outside world devoted to his studies. This dark spiral culminated in Felix attempting to use magic far outside his ability, the summoning of a Demon from the outer realms. Felix doesn't remember much of anything from the event, only screaming, sirens, and black helicopters.
  9. The Demon summoning in Central Park lead to Felix losing his position at Columbia University, but even worse, it lead to the Hermetic Order putting him on probationary suspension. This happened despite his decades of service to the Order which left Felix somewhat bitter about the affair. Instead of letting it break his spirit however, he followed the advice of his colleagues and moved out west to Los Santander taking a job at the local University. Felix is ambivalent about rejoining the order, but secretly hopes that he can put himself back in good standing with them. On a brighter note, Felix was able to finally find evidence of his heroes. In the aftermath of the demon summoning Felix found he had a strange ivory hilted anceint Celtic dagger in his possession. The word Carnwennan inscribed on the hilt, Felix determined this dagger was not only magical in nature but indeed the dagger of the legendary King Arthur. How he got this dagger from the Demon summoning he doesn't know.
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