
Fighting Tournament

Feb 22nd, 2015
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  1. 00:46 Sign-in-guy ..alright, sorry bout that miss
  2. 00:47 Elise_ sighs slow and walks over to the sign-in sheet, scribbling what looks like a pictogram of the all-seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill. She then walks over to the waiting area and plants her behind on the ground, sitting with her bat over her lap.
  3. 00:48 Sign-in-guy next
  4. 00:48 WishingWell arrives, his suit more glittery than usual, and grabs for the pen. He writes his name in and walks to the others.
  5. 00:49 Sign-in-guy Next
  6. 00:49 Magus_ joins the line, a crooked grin plastered on her face, as she bends over to write her name on the paper. A few gentle snores can be heard from the giant scabbard on her back, but her quick movements do not seem to awaken it.
  7. 00:50 Flareburst coughs, adjusting his stance as more enter the area
  8. 00:51 *** Chain joined #covenger_rp
  9. 00:51 --- Bud is back
  10. 00:52 Chain walks up, sign in his name walking over to the others, gas coming from his mask stopping once he gets near others
  11. 00:53 WishingWell "Is there a no smoking sign here? Cuz there should be..."
  12. 00:53 Sign-in-guy
  13. 00:54 Flareburst "I guess you can if you want... I diddn't see any signs"
  14. 00:55 Chloran walks over to the line, bug looking as ever. "I hope there aren't a lot of competitors. Hate to waste all this paper." A hand reaches out of his cloak and he signs in, before walking to the now growing crowd.
  15. 00:56 Sign-in-guy checks his phone. "wow, one guy in all of dust. Next!"
  16. 00:57 Bud walks up to the counter, his jet-black suit countering the glare of the day as he signs the paper and walks off towards the direction of the others.
  17. 00:58 Chain Next
  18. 00:58 Sign-in-guy [fuck]
  19. 00:58 Sign-in-guy Next
  20. 01:01 WishingWell can't help but make another comment. "Lotta new faces, I'd hate to see half of them ruined at the end of this..." He rubs his face worriedly, "...especially mine..."
  21. 01:01 McGoFuckYourself "......" The fellow in the Phantom Suit looks over and eyes Buddy. As much as the skull visor can eye someone.
  22. 01:02 Chain Do not worry, I doubt you will make it far enough to get that hurt
  23. 01:03 Elise_ looks over and waves slightly upon seeing Chloran and Bud. "Howdy howdy, hombres." Her fingers are smeared with chocolate that she quickly sets to cleaning off.
  24. 01:03 WishingWell "Break a leg yourself pal. Not like ya have much of a face to ruin..."
  25. 01:04 Magus_ chuckles at the banter. "Well, I guess we best be makin’ a lasting impression while we still can, eh?”
  26. 01:04 Bud gives a salute to Elise as he approaches the other Phantom. "...Yo Hans."
  27. 01:05 McGoFuckYourself "...." A pause, then a nod.
  28. 01:05 Chloran waves back at Elise, making his way to her, "Fancy meeting you here. Good luck to us all, huh?"
  29. 01:06 Lord_Raptor - He looked at the flyer Ned had given him; it didn't say much beyond telling potential viewers to come fight a bunch of people to get a magic rock. He was still wary of anything Ned told or gave him, but also figured the man wasn't dumb enough to try anything after their last ''meeting.'' At least not for a while.
  30. 01:06 Lord_Raptor - Lowering the flyer, he spotted the line and strolled over, taking his place at the end. Not how he'd prefer to do things, but whatever; at least the line was short.
  31. 01:08 Sign-in-guy Uh, bird, man, you cansign up
  32. 01:09 Elise_ "Luck and all that, yeah. Hopefully skill will be enough to make luck a moot fuckin' point, huh?" She chuckled to herself and cuffed some of her hair behind her ear.
  33. 01:12 Chloran "Oh of course. Luck doesn't apply to half these contenders, I'm sure..."
  34. 01:13 Flareburst "it does for me..."
  35. 01:13 Flareburst scratches his neck
  36. 01:14 Lord_Raptor - Hearing the man up ahead him, he stepped up, grabbing a pen from the table. After some minor difficulty, he signed his name on the sheet. ''Lord Raptor.'' It was certainly legible, though his handwriting was rather... stylized. "There ya go, mate."
  37. 01:15 Sign-in-guy Thanks, go to where the others are please
  38. 01:16 Bud leans against the other Phantom user and crosses his arms. "How's your sister? She going to cheer you on in this little meeting?"
  39. 01:18 Sign-in-guy Right, enjoy the fighting
  40. 01:19 Chloran "There is no enjoyment in this..."
  41. 01:20 McGoFuckYourself "....." Takes an abrupt step backwards, hopefully at least dropping Buddy to the ground.
  42. 01:20 Sign-in-guy -sparks start to appear above them, a blinding light, and next thing they know, their on a large boat, not quite yacht sized, but big enough to give them all space-
  43. 01:20 Magus_ "Hopefully we aren't on the boat forever..."
  44. 01:20 Sign-in-guy -in front of them is a man in a sparking golden suit "Welcome fighters!-
  45. 01:21 *** Sign-in-guy is now known as Ryan-Stone
  46. 01:21 McGoFuckYourself "I am not Hans." Deep, booming voice. "But if he was the previous owner of this armor, then he is frightfully lax in his caretaking of it." Familiar to one person here, at least.
  47. 01:21 WishingWell looks at his suit, then looks at his. "This guy.....I don't like him..."
  48. 01:22 Bud falls back slightly before stopping himself with a rise and turning to the other. "Looks like it. I'll get back to you in a second, gonna see what this guy says."
  49. 01:23 Ryan-Stone I am Ryan Stone, the man who set up this little game of ours, now, before we head off we have one more competitor in Dust, we need to get in range for the teleporter to activate
  50. 01:24 Ryan-Stone But in the mean time, please enjoy yourself, try the buffet, and get ready for some fighting!
  51. 01:24 Flareburst "buffet?"
  52. 01:24 WishingWell whispers to himself "Asshole..."
  53. 01:24 Ryan-Stone points to the large buffet behind him
  54. 01:25 Elise_ falls with the sudden rocking of the boat. "What the fuck, we're sailors now?" With a grunt she pushed herself to her feet with her bat and shook her head. "Who the fuck is all the way in Dust that they couldn't just ride down like the re-" She stops for a moment, sniffing the air. Her stomach growls audibly. "Did you say buffet?"
  55. 01:25 Flareburst walks over to the food and fills a plate with one of everything
  56. 01:26 Ryan-Stone vanishes, nothing more then a hologram, and letting the fighters get to the buffet
  57. 01:27 Chloran "Dust...not very suitable to plant life...but all plants are unique. I wonder who it is..."
  58. 01:29 Bud turns his attention back to the other suited skeletonman. "Alright so did Hans sell you that or did you kill him?" his tone of voice showed more curiosity than aggression.
  59. 01:29 Magus_ groans quietly as her scabbard begins to rumble violently at the appearance of the buffet, “there’s no chance I’m goin’ to allow you to fill up before a battle, you pig.” Her arms cross in protest.
  60. 01:29 WishingWell rubs his hands fiendishly, whispering, " your fill...Let's see you all fight with a full stomach..."
  61. 01:29 Ryan-Stone -the boat sets off, better get ready for a trip, by stuffing your face with free food-
  62. 01:30 WishingWell "Wait, trip?"
  63. 01:31 Elise_ wastes no time in piling a plate skyhigh with all the food that she can manage to fit. She doesn't even grab a chair or sit at a table, just throws down the platter and takes a seat on the ground, tearing through the meal with her hands at a frightening pace.
  64. 01:32 McGoFuckYourself "Neither." Still as a stone. "I simply gained control after he took it off. All I needed after that was to wait until the time presented itself, and leave. Due to the qualities of this armor, I did not even need to tear through the walls of the facility, as I did with the Arca-7. It is a sneaking armor, is it not?"
  65. 01:32 Flareburst walks over to Elise_ with his platter and sits down, chicken leg in-mouth
  66. 01:35 Ryan-Stone -the large teleporter beeps, 'in range, all fighters still on teleporter please move-
  67. 01:35 Chloran walks over to the salad bar, staring at the selection. "Look at all of you...tucked away so snug, waiting to empower the very punches we put out enemies down with."
  68. 01:36 McGoFuckYourself The Phantom Suit strides forward, into the room proper. "It is not as durable, but it is /fast/."
  69. 01:36 Chain walks off the teleporter, eyeing most people
  70. 01:36 WishingWell averts his attention from the green guy,"Right, so even is this poser?"
  71. 01:37 WishingWell walks off the teleporter casually
  72. 01:37 Magus_ takes a few steps away from the platform, as instructed, and the vibrations from her scabbard decrease slightly.
  73. 01:37 Bud puts a hand to his chin and examines the other as one would look over a fine piece of artwork before stealing it. "Impressive. I didn't think that variant would still be relevant enough to steal."
  74. 01:38 Bud continues this mock art interest as he walks off the teleporter
  75. 01:38 Elise_ looks around for the teleporter to find that she isn't on it. She then turns to Flareburst next to her and nods in acknowledgment, mouth too full of food to speak. At least she chews with her mouth closed.
  76. 01:40 McGoFuckYourself "It is relevant enough. He was watching our previous battle, and when the Arca was destroyed, I took the closest vessel I could find." Doesn't eat.
  77. 01:40 Ryan-Stone -the machine stats to activate, after another blinding flash, a man stands in the middle in a strange get up -
  78. 01:41 Ryan-Stone -the man starts to speak, but after looking at who is there, looks like he wants to jump off the boat-
  79. 01:41 Chloran "Nice cloak..."
  80. 01:42 *** Ryan-Stone is now known as Some-Dude
  81. 01:42 Chloran looks at his own.
  82. 01:42 Some-Dude t-thanks
  83. 01:42 Flareburst tries to laugh at the silly dude in the cloak, but gags on the roll in his mouth
  84. 01:43 Elise_ laughs along at the newcomer, some crumbs flying from her mouth as she does.
  85. 01:45 Bud examines the new arrival for a moment before losing interest and turning back. "Classic Hans. How do you like it? I always thought the Mark I was uh..little tight."
  86. 01:45 Some-Dude finally speaks, a very familiar voice to some "oh god I knew this was a bad idea"
  87. 01:45 WishingWell strokes his chin, staring at the newcomer,"I should get some goggles..."
  88. 01:47 WishingWell "Nah, they'd mess up my hair..." He loses interest and goes to the buffet, in search of mead.
  89. 01:48 Some-Dude looks at everyone, settling near Chain. "H-hi"
  90. 01:49 McGoFuckYourself "I would not know. Stealth and sneaking around is not my preferred approach. But it is delightfully fast. It lacks polish, but has potential. Such wondrous instruments of war, from this modern age."
  91. 01:51 Chain grabs something from a jacket, a grey pill, patting Some-Guy on the back, the pill bursting into nanobots, eating his poor disguise slowly. "Good luck in the fights"
  92. 01:52 WishingWell "Dick move..."
  93. 01:54 Chloran "Quite rude..."
  94. 01:54 Flareburst "mmph mm"
  95. 01:54 Some-Dude -the golden suit man appears again, "Magus, you have been disqualified, that sword is alive and is against the rules, you will be teleported back to Neon, near a large buffet, already ready for you, sorry"-
  96. 01:54 Bud "Sometimes the quiet approach is the most entertaining, you can ease drop on people like that. See now, back when some giant idiot made those suits I thought the same thing. You outta steal yourself a Mark 2 sometime."
  97. 01:54 Flareburst digs into another baked potatoe
  98. 01:54 *** Magus_ left #covenger_rp
  99. 01:54 Some-Dude -the large machine activates, a metal man standing there-
  100. 01:55 WishingWell "Survival of the fittest..."
  101. 01:56 *** GregClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  102. 01:56 McGoFuckYourself Armamortius nods. "Once I have run through this one, I shall see what I can do."
  103. 02:00 Chloran looks at the new contender and casually kicks the ground, "Big guy..."
  104. 02:00 *** Lock joined #covenger_rp
  105. 02:00 Some-Dude goggles fall off, covering his face with his hand, the glove almost gone too
  106. 02:02 GregClaskovic can be seen looking desperately for Vodka, scavenging around the Buffet in doubt that he would find it. He looks over at the others. "W-what are you all eating?" He asks.
  107. 02:02 Bud "Sounds like a plan. So what's up with that wooden sword you had? Thing was surprisingly useful on some watermelons I had."
  108. 02:03 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  109. 02:04 Chain stares at Greg, looking away after awhile
  110. 02:05 Some-Dude S-so....uh...think the with is real?
  111. 02:05 Flareburst pats his full stomach and looks over to Elise_ "So, uh, what brings you to this shindig? Don't seem as extravagent as the rest."
  112. 02:06 WishingWell "Bet my name on it..."
  113. 02:06 McGoFuckYourself "Bladewood. A previous opponent had it upon him." He doesn't shift from where he's standing, but it sounds like he's losing patience from the waiting, by the tone of his voice. "Ingeniously durable and sharp, but difficult to work with. I believe there is only one proper grove in existence, somewhere within Japan."
  114. 02:06 F021 walks in.
  115. 02:06 Chain [teleported in]
  116. 02:08 Elise_ "Simple enough. Heard there were fights going on, I wanted in. Don't really care about the prize, just wanted an excuse to pound on some fools without the feds trying to pull me up for it."
  117. 02:09 McGoFuckYourself Loud, booming laughter. "Now, /that/ is an attitude I can agree with."
  118. 02:09 Some-Dude that laughter sounds familiar
  119. 02:10 Flareburst "I guess i'm in the same boat; just here for some exersize really."
  120. 02:11 Bud "Hold on a tick. There was a prize?"
  121. 02:11 Some-Dude y-yeah bud-Imean...person I've never meet...a wish
  122. 02:11 F021 "Should've cut my hair last time." The man sighed and walks into the crowd.
  123. 02:13 Some-Dude Did you not look at the prizes? Itwas on the sign up sheet
  124. 02:14 *** TheLantern joined #covenger_rp
  125. 02:14 Bud "I didn't look at any of this, I just joined the line of people I could identify."
  126. 02:14 Elise_ "I just heard there were fights and assumed there was a prize at the end."
  127. 02:14 McGoFuckYourself "Prizes are irrelevant. There is only war."
  128. 02:14 Flareburst "I thought it was money or something"
  129. 02:15 Some-Dude -the teleporter activates, a pumpkin headed man stands there. Ryan stones voice is heard "sorry, the teleporter can lag sometimes"-
  130. 02:16 Flareburst waves to TheLanturn
  131. 02:16 TheLantern blinks, then wanders over to the gang
  132. 02:16 TheLantern Hey guys, what I miss?
  133. 02:17 Flareburst food
  134. 02:17 WishingWell looks over at Lantern confused, "You're not fighting are ya?"
  135. 02:17 Flareburst points to the buffet table
  136. 02:17 Bud turns check the newest new arrival with a slight surprise hidden by his mask. "Hey there, Lants. What're you doing here?"
  137. 02:18 TheLantern Well, a little fun sparring never hurt anyone, and, just thought I could try to improve my form a little, have fun with friends, and, heck, amybe even win a prize, ya know?
  138. 02:19 Flareburst "same here, pumpkin man, same here"
  139. 02:20 Bud crosses his arms and stands tall. "Did you inform your parents you'd be here?"
  140. 02:21 TheLantern Sort ooooof
  141. 02:21 TheLantern smiles weakly, rubbing at his neck, grabbing some of the food nearby
  142. 02:23 Bud stands in the same position he was previously in but would be raising an eyebrow if it was visible. "And what did you tell theeeeem?"
  143. 02:25 GregClaskovic Bah, who cares. Let the child have some fun.
  144. 02:25 TheLantern I was gonna stay over with the guys for a couple of days doing a camping trip, sort of, ya know?
  145. 02:27 Chain picks a small piece of string off of some-guys jacket, the entire suit, already falling apart thanks to chains nanobots, boots and all, falls apart reviling, a bit anticlimactically, Sylum
  146. 02:28 F021 walks to the table and grabs some food. "This is going to be good, or shitty, or both."
  147. 02:28 WishingWell "Once again, dick move. Wow guy. How do you sleep at night? Oh but hey's Sylum....."
  148. 02:29 *** Some-Dude is now known as Sylum
  149. 02:29 Elise_ continues to eat her mountain of food, tearing through with her hands.
  150. 02:29 McGoFuckYourself The Phantom Suit's helmet looks around, and up to nothing in particular. "I grow tired of this nonsense. Either begin the spectacle, or I will find my own combat herein!"
  151. 02:29 Sylum What? Gah my suit....well, h-hi
  152. 02:29 WishingWell says boringly,"wooooooah....twist of the century..."
  153. 02:29 F021 "Sylum! You fine?" The tentacled man waves his tentacle at him.
  154. 02:30 WishingWell looks around cautiously."Cops aren't here are they?"
  155. 02:30 Sylum Yeah, kinda, hide out in dust after......say, when does the fighting start
  156. 02:32 Bud unshocked by Sylum's less than dramatic reveal turns to Greg. "Hey tovarish, how are times treating you? FBI Agents stripsearch you yet?"
  157. 02:32 Chloran walks over to Elise with a salad. "Must be famous or something..."
  158. 02:33 *** Lock is now known as Sonno
  159. 02:34 *** Sonno is now known as SonoKino
  160. 02:34 Elise_ gulps down her food and grumbles loudly, "When does this shitstorm start? I can eat all day, but I didn't come here to be wined and dined."
  161. 02:34 *** GregClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  162. 02:35 F021 "Just dropped off here. I don't know." He grabs some more food and eats it, trying not to eat his own hair.
  163. 02:35 F021 "Just dropped off here. I don't know." He grabs some more food and eats it, trying not to eat his own hair.
  164. 02:35 *** Saints joined #covenger_rp
  165. 02:35 Flareburst yells yo no one in particular "HEY! WHEN WILL THE FIGHT'N START!?"
  166. 02:35 Chloran "Hopefully soon..."
  167. 02:36 SonoKino steps off the teleporter into the banquet hall, adjusting his shirt a bit and the strap across his chest and the guitar on his back. He glanced about the people present, waving weakly. "Yo. Tournament, right? Punchin'.. prizes and stuff?"
  168. 02:37 Sylum [dude, nest time, please say you are fighting]
  169. 02:37 F021 turns to the source of the yell. "Oh, Lord. People here are very upset aren't they?"
  170. 02:37 Elise_ [None of us are even fighting yet.[
  171. 02:38 Bud [This is a trip to mcdonalds so far so chill]
  172. 02:38 TheLantern How many people do you think are gonna show up, eh?
  173. 02:38 *** GregClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  174. 02:39 WishingWell [I wanna roleplay a guy punching something...]
  175. 02:40 Sylum [well, I WAS going to announce the first fight, but then lock screwed everything up]
  176. 02:40 F021 [Imma heading home, gonna took some time. Brb.]
  177. 02:40 WishingWell punches his inhibitions, mentally, as he waits for this shindig to take off, but to no avail. They overpower him.
  178. 02:41 Sylum [well, thank you for solving the problem f021]
  179. 02:42 Elise_ finishes her plate blazingly fast and then stands to put it... somewhere in the facilities. With a grunt she returns to pick up her bat and speaks with an annoyed tone. "Can we just skip the tea-party and get to the breaking shit, before I put my bat through a table?"
  180. 02:42 *** F021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  181. 02:43 GregClaskovic You need to learn patience. Patience is key. Like many of the things.
  182. 02:44 SonoKino "Taking the angry chick's question as a yes." He shot Elise_ a thumbs up before heading over to the crowd. "Tournament arcs are totally my jam, you know? Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball Z." He made a gun out of his fingers and grabbed his wrist, pointing it across the room. "Pew pew pew."
  183. 02:45 Sylum -Ryan Stone appears again, Well, looks like the tentacle one wanted to go to a arcade, but thankfully this loin looking dude joined us, First match. Sylum, versus....Chloran!-
  184. 02:46 Chloran stands there....unable to grasp reality...."Seriously...."
  185. 02:46 Sylum ..oh, great
  186. 02:48 SonoKino "Woah, that's lion, not loin. Loin is a.. whole other barrel of fish, man." He subconsciously ran his hand through his hair, surveying up the announcer dude.
  187. 02:48 Chloran palms his face, shaking his head in disbelief, "Where is this ring?"
  188. 02:48 McGoFuckYourself "It is about time. Hurry through, then. My patients is limited."
  189. 02:49 Sylum -the ship docks at a large island, a HUGE arena taking up most of the space-
  190. 02:49 TheLantern Oh maaaaan
  191. 02:49 GregClaskovic Will there be more food provided on the Island?
  192. 02:49 TheLantern It's time for kung fu island action!
  193. 02:50 SonoKino "Oh shit, think I dated a killer kung fu wolf bitch from this island," he mumbled to himself, looking out at the arena grounds.
  194. 02:51 Bud "Now an...island...Eh."
  195. 02:52 WishingWell stares at the Island. "I need to buy an island..."
  196. 02:53 Chloran " this a trial? I still have terrors from that day on the train..."
  197. 02:53 Sylum walks off. "well, good luck to you Chloran and, its nice to see you again"
  198. 02:53 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  199. 02:53 TheLantern walks off, following the crowd as they disembark
  200. 02:54 Flareburst shuffles into the crowd
  201. 02:55 McGoFuckYourself "This is not my first tournament." He follows them, a solid, purposeful stride. "Nor my first island tournament. But it shall do."
  202. 02:55 Chloran follows the others,"...................Right"
  203. 02:56 SonoKino falls into step with the others, marvelling at all the neat stuff. "This is gonna take a while, right? Wonder if they have like churro stands or something.."
  204. 02:56 GregClaskovic stays behind the crowd, observing everyone with a close eye. "So, after this, we get a wish, yes?" Greg asks.
  205. 02:57 Elise_ follows along with the crowd, fingers twiddling and twitching as she eagerly waits for the action to begin.
  206. 02:57 Bud disembarks and follows behind the others to glance the scenery. "Last island I was on ended up getting nuked. By me. Hrm."
  207. 02:57 WishingWell does as the Romans do, while staring down Mr. Lion Mane from behind,"I already don't like em...."
  208. 02:57 Sylum -a large car stops next to everyone. the driver saying "Sylum and Chloran, I'm driving you to the ring, rest of ya, follow the road, go into the fighters section-
  209. 02:58 *** F021 is now known as Cadence
  210. 02:58 Chloran hops in, "This a hybrid...?"
  211. 03:00 Sylum gets in to. "Soo, h-how have you been?"
  212. 03:01 Chloran "...Better....."
  213. 03:02 Flareburst glows softly
  214. 03:02 SonoKino "Did your last island tournament make you walk to the fighter's section? I expected like a golf cart or something." He shoves his hands into his pockets and moseys on, humming 'Mr.Roboto' to himself.
  215. 03:03 Chloran reluctantly puts a hand on Sylum's shoulder, "I-I just want you to know....the whole experience on the train...what we did together...I've grown from it...I uh....learned a lot."
  216. 03:03 Flareburst "I like the walking. Good chance to warm up."
  217. 03:04 Sylum thanks, it was weird to do that, not have anything go bad
  218. 03:04 Sylum -after a bit of walking, the fighters make it, Chloran and Sylum in a hallway leading to the ring, Sylum getting a surprised visit-
  219. 03:05 McGoFuckYourself "It was a smaller island. But we were provided transportation and a resting zone."
  220. 03:06 Cadence "H-hi!" Cadence waves her hand.
  221. 03:06 Sylum -the fighters zone is a large room, big comfy chairs infront a large window, each one getting their own-
  222. 03:06 Sylum Cadence, I thought you didn't want to enter
  223. 03:06 Flareburst plops down in the closest chair
  224. 03:07 McGoFuckYourself Armamortius just stands in front of the window, arms crossed.
  225. 03:08 Chain -Will the fighters please enter the ring!-
  226. 03:08 GregClaskovic finds a chair to sit in, he relaxes a bit. "So, what are your wishings going to be, people?"
  227. 03:09 Flareburst "To know what I want to wish for"
  228. 03:09 Sylum O-oh, uh, we'll talk after, cheer for me.
  229. 03:09 Sylum gives cadence a hug, running to the ring
  230. 03:10 Chloran walks out into the ring, unceremoniously.
  231. 03:10 GregClaskovic Nice use of the wish, friend. Who do you think is going to win, leaf man, or red fire man?
  232. 03:10 Flareburst does the same
  233. 03:10 Cadence "I... thought you're lonely. And En wants to see some actions, whatever she said."
  234. 03:11 Sylum -raise your hands for the master of plants...and...the Insane coat!-
  235. 03:11 Bud places a hand against the window and leans against it to peer in. "My money is on the coat, he's a genuine murderer like the best of them."
  236. 03:11 Cadence [hah]
  237. 03:12 GregClaskovic So the leaf man is not much of a fighter, no?
  238. 03:12 Chloran "I am no master...My strength is that of the Earth's..."
  239. 03:12 Sylum [if anyone has some good fighting music, feel free to post it]
  240. 03:12 Cadence walks into the watching area, holf
  241. 03:12 SonoKino pulls his guitar from his back to his chest and checks to make sure its in tune, tapping his foot impatiently. "$50 on the plant guy! Battle theme!;" Show YouTube video (
  242. 03:13 Sylum -3-
  243. 03:13 Sylum -2-
  244. 03:13 Sylum -1-
  245. 03:13 Sylum -FIGHT-
  246. 03:13 TheLantern Yeah, I gotta stay true and blue to my plant brothers. Go Chloran!
  247. 03:13 Cadence -- holding a small notebook. "please be safe."
  248. 03:14 Sylum not wasting anytime, forms claws, pouncing to chloran
  249. 03:14 Chloran pulls out a pair of rather sharp looking blades. Almost look like leaves, he backs away in response to Sylum.
  250. Chloran "Feral like an animal you are at times..."
  251. 03:18 Sylum you should be still as a plant!
  252. 03:18 *** SonoKino left #covenger_rp
  253. 03:18 Sylum punches Chlorans chest
  254. 03:20 Chloran takes the punch and slashes his opponents arm now that he's in close,"....Was that even an insult...?"
  255. 03:22 Sylum I'm not good at insults alright!
  256. 03:23 Sylum forms a knife with his madness energy, growing a bit bigger then Sylum thought it would, becoming a dagger
  257. 03:23 Cadence is sitting almost in front of the ring, looking a bit disturbed. Her right hand starts to scribble almost unreadable words into the notebook, while her eyes track Sylum's movement.
  258. 03:26 Sylum slashes with the dagger, afterwards raises it up to stab Chloran's shoulder
  259. 03:27 Chloran turns his back quickly and hardens his cape, shielding him.
  260. 03:27 Chloran "You want me dead, don't you?..."
  261. 03:28 *** Chloran quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  262. 03:28 Flareburst watches the fight closely through a window, glowing slightly brighter in excitement
  263. 03:28 *** Chloran joined #covenger_rp
  264. 03:28 McGoFuckYourself "....."
  265. 03:28 Sylum does reply, counting to stab the cape trying to get at him
  266. 03:30 Chloran abandons the cape and has it burst into a flurry of leaves, hopefully catching the coat off guard.
  267. 03:31 Chloran throws his remaining sword at the coat
  268. 03:32 GregClaskovic still relaxing in the chair, he takes interest in the fight, but not enough to make him lose his want for comfort. "Seems to be some unresolved tension between the two."
  269. 03:33 WishingWell "If I heard correctly, they had a fling or something...talkin some weird shit in the car..."
  270. 03:33 Sylum is hit with the sword, bit of an energy release sending him back a few feet, running towards him, ready to stab and slash
  271. 03:33 GregClaskovic chuckles lightly. "You must have good hearing, huh?"
  272. 03:34 Bud "The Coat is weird, probably just wants to add another kill to his belt. The real tension is the one between Soviets and the rest of the world."
  273. 03:34 Elise_ "I thought killing was grounds for disqualification, this fuckin' garment is goin' for the kill."
  274. 03:35 GregClaskovic Da, I guess the opponent actually has to be "dead" in order for disqualification.
  275. 03:35 Chloran realizes he had a second sword, totally forgot about that. He readies to parry with his last weapon, "Settling this like knights....if you call that form anything near knightly..."
  276. 03:35 Chain You have no idea. looks like we lose two people then
  277. 03:36 GregClaskovic ... Who are you?
  278. 03:36 WishingWell "Intent to kill aint grounds of disqualification.....just killing....."
  279. 03:36 Chain Maybe you'll find out if we fight Grego
  280. 03:37 Elise_ "That seems fuckin' dumb. If someone is going for the kill, they are gonna be more likely to kill than if they were restricted."
  281. 03:37 Cadence is trying her best not to jump into the ring and stop the fight. Her scribbles become more and more fast, it looks like she's trying to break her book.
  282. 03:37 GregClaskovic is caught for words. How does he know Greg's name? It doesn't seem like much for him to question, so he remains silent.
  283. 03:38 Sylum knightly? who cares, I'm set to win, your not getting in my way plantman. shoulda let the ghost kill you.
  284. 03:39 Sylum does some sword-er, knife sparring
  285. 03:39 Chloran does his best to counter his every slash,"...I was inside you....we were one...Goes to show who your real companions are..."
  286. Bud points at the glass and looks at the others. "See? See? Told ya, he's gonna get that kill."
  287. 03:40 TheLantern Shouldn't we stop him then?
  288. 03:40 GregClaskovic Let it slide. Perhaps Leaf Man is holding back.
  289. 03:40 WishingWell "This seems pretty cool actually...does that coat even get hurt?"
  290. 03:42 Sylum companions? I used you as a weapon, without me, you would of died
  291. 03:44 Cadence "Interesting, interesting." Her previously disgusted look becomes more calm all of a sudden, and she stops scribbling. "My host is not wrong choosing you after all, Sylum..."
  292. 03:44 Chloran breaks the exchange of slashes to trip Sylum to the floor,"You know what they say. Only thing that matters is what's on the inside, you damned maniac!"
  293. 03:48 Sylum kicks him down. getting on top of him, ready to stab
  294. 03:49 McGoFuckYourself Armamortius remains silent. He just watches the two, keeping close tabs on the fighting.
  295. 03:49 Flareburst is doing the same. The tension is killing him.
  296. 03:50 Chloran in a last minute attempt, has his armor suddenly spring to life and surround Sylum, taking advantage of being so close.
  297. 03:51 Elise_ turns to a more open area and begins taking practice swings with her bat, slow and deliberate as she stretches out her legs and arms. It is now apparent that she isn't wearing shoes.
  298. 03:51 Cadence "Yes. Do it, Sylum. Prove to me that you are worthy " she mumbles while breathing a bit faster than normal.
  299. 03:52 Bud mutes his helmet's vox and goes silent.
  300. 03:52 Sylum pretty much growling, starts to corrupt the wood. "You tasted my power, want some more!?"
  301. 03:53 Flareburst is unknowingly radiating heat, too focus on the match to notice
  302. Chloran tries to keep Sylum constricted as long as possible he reaches for the nearest sword. "Killing you would be worth it if you're this far gone."
  303. 03:54 Sylum corrupting the wood, making it darker, few thorns, and slowly grown towards Chloran
  304. 03:56 Chloran panics a bit but springs an idea quick. He has whatever's left of the surrounding armor bud as many thorns possible, hopefully, ending this...
  305. 03:56 Cadence is visibly excited right now, grinning like a kid at a candy store. "Yes.. Blood.. Kill him!"
  306. 03:58 GregClaskovic leans forward, looking closer with anticipation.
  307. 03:59 TheLantern looks nervously at the events as they unfold
  308. 04:00 Sylum I won't kill you, I'm going to win this, but, you won't feel anything but pain for awhile
  309. 04:01 Elise_ taps on the glass with her bat and yells down at Chloran, "Just boink the fucker in the dome and get him offa you!"
  310. 04:02 *** Cadence quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  311. Bud cuts back in to cup his hands into a megaphone shape and press them against the glass. "He's gonna kiiiill yoouuuu"
  312. 04:03 *** Cadence joined #covenger_rp
  313. 04:03 Chloran takes the loud advice to heart and then decides, with all his might, to go down on Sylum's head.
  314. 04:04 Sylum lets Chloran stab him, a large energy blast sending Chloran out of stage, and Sylum almost out of stage, but not quite
  315. 04:05 Chloran is sent flying off stage, the explosion almost taking his face, and the rest of him.
  316. 04:05 Sylum stands up. "As I said, nothing but pain"
  317. 04:06 Sylum -and the winner is, Sylum!!-
  318. 04:06 GregClaskovic Guess you were wrong, bud.
  319. 04:06 Chain ...not to self, don't stab coat
  320. Sylum walks off the ring, after a bit walking into the fighters area, sitting in a chair
  321. 04:08 WishingWell "Hippie took a real fucking dive. Christ..."
  322. 04:09 TheLantern He...gonna be okay?
  323. 04:09 Cadence laughs at the event, clapping her hands. "Awesome, awesome! You are stronger than I would think."
  324. 04:10 Bud "He'll be fine, Lantern. The sting of being betrayed will hurt him worse than whatever the Killer Cloth could ever do physically."
  325. 04:10 McGoFuckYourself "Who is next."
  326. 04:10 WishingWell "I can smell him from here. Got singed like firewood."
  327. 04:10 WishingWell "Haha...firewood....that's not....funny..."
  328. 04:11 Sylum [your guys are going to like this next match]
  329. 04:12 Cadence [haha]
  330. 04:12 Sylum -Next fight Buddy, versus...Armamortius!!-
  331. 04:12 McGoFuckYourself "....."
  332. 04:12 Bud blows a kiss
  333. 04:12 McGoFuckYourself The laughter starts off slow, quiet, but rolls up into that familiar booming.
  334. 04:12 Sylum thought I heard his laugh, good luck bud
  335. 04:13 Flareburst have fun out there!
  336. 04:13 WishingWell begins to question this tournament. "I have a daughter..."
  337. 04:13 Cadence blinks a few times, confused about why the event has ended. "uh.. What?"
  338. 04:14 Elise_ walks over to Buddy and looks him in his mask before patting him on the shoulder. "Knock him down, gringo."
  339. 04:14 TheLantern pats Bud on the back "You got this, man, you'll wipe the floor with him!"
  340. 04:14 Sylum Got a smaller suit Armamortius? you want your hand back? Xenon might still have it
  341. 04:15 Cadence stands up, fixes her shirt and walks to the fighter's area hoping that she can meet Sylum.
  342. 04:15 Bud gives a thumbs up to Elise and Lantern. "Never got to see how the Mark I looked without me in it. This'll be a a fun time."
  343. 04:16 McGoFuckYourself "Why should I care for a hand. I have a new body, now."
  344. 04:16 Chloran manages to eventually crawl back to fighter's room, thanks to the help of the nonexistent paramedics, barely conscious...He rests on the floor.
  345. 04:17 WishingWell ".....................................................Hickory smoked..."
  346. 04:18 Elise_ walks over to Chloran and grabs him by the arm, before setting him down in a seat against the wall, in range of watching the action. "You got your bark stripped, son."
  347. 04:19 Flareburst is doing calisthenics in an open spot of the waiting room, radiating heat
  348. 04:20 McGoFuckYourself Armamortius turns and walks out of the room, towards the arena. He runs a handful of calculations in his...head? Head area. Buddy's suit was objectively superior, but he had a few thousand years of experience on him, and didn't actually have any fleshy bits. The weapon selection was pitiful, considering that he couldn't bring his usual armory with him. It was going to be close, either way.
  349. 04:21 Cadence -- Through the crowd of people walking in and out from the ring, Cadence sneaks in. Hell, she doesn't even know if she's allowed in here. "Sylum? You're.. Okay?"
  350. 04:21 Chain You could of won if you didn't stab him Plant man
  351. 04:22 Chloran looks up weakly, "Enlighten me how you would handle the situation, stranger?"
  352. 04:22 GregClaskovic Yes, I'd actually like to know how you'd handle with it, seeming like you know so much.
  353. 04:23 Bud turns on his heel to walk off towards the arena himself. Been a long while since he's had a proper duel, his face would be showing excitement of it weren't hidden.
  354. 04:23 Sylum C-Cadence, yeah, I'm fine, bit of a headache...somehow
  355. 04:24 Chain I wouldn't want to say how to beat him, make everything unfair
  356. 04:25 WishingWell finishes recording his will and has it saved into his helmet.
  357. 04:27 WishingWell "Is it too late to adopt a religion?"
  358. 04:28 Chain I'm frankly more interested in this next fight
  359. 04:29 Sylum -Time for the next match! Lets hope this even more brutal then the last one!-
  360. McGoFuckYourself "....."
  361. 04:12 Bud blows a kiss
  362. 04:12 McGoFuckYourself The laughter starts off slow, quiet, but rolls up into that familiar booming.
  363. 04:12 Sylum thought I heard his laugh, good luck bud
  364. 04:13 Flareburst have fun out there!
  365. 04:13 WishingWell begins to question this tournament. "I have a daughter..."
  366. 04:13 Cadence blinks a few times, confused about why the event has ended. "uh.. What?"
  367. 04:14 Elise_ walks over to Buddy and looks him in his mask before patting him on the shoulder. "Knock him down, gringo."
  368. 04:14 TheLantern pats Bud on the back "You got this, man, you'll wipe the floor with him!"
  369. 04:14 Sylum Got a smaller suit Armamortius? you want your hand back? Xenon might still have it
  370. 04:15 Cadence stands up, fixes her shirt and walks to the fighter's area hoping that she can meet Sylum.
  371. 04:15 Bud gives a thumbs up to Elise and Lantern. "Never got to see how the Mark I looked without me in it. This'll be a a fun time."
  372. 04:16 McGoFuckYourself "Why should I care for a hand. I have a new body, now."
  373. 04:16 Chloran manages to eventually crawl back to fighter's room, thanks to the help of the nonexistent paramedics, barely conscious...He rests on the floor.
  374. 04:17 WishingWell ".....................................................Hickory smoked..."
  375. 04:18 Elise_ walks over to Chloran and grabs him by the arm, before setting him down in a seat against the wall, in range of watching the action. "You got your bark stripped, son."
  376. 04:19 Flareburst is doing calisthenics in an open spot of the waiting room, radiating heat
  377. 04:20 McGoFuckYourself Armamortius turns and walks out of the room, towards the arena. He runs a handful of calculations in his...head? Head area. Buddy's suit was objectively superior, but he had a few thousand years of experience on him, and didn't actually have any fleshy bits. The weapon selection was pitiful, considering that he couldn't bring his usual armory with him. It was going to be close, either way.
  378. 04:21 Cadence -- Through the crowd of people walking in and out from the ring, Cadence sneaks in. Hell, she doesn't even know if she's allowed in here. "Sylum? You're.. Okay?"
  379. 04:21 Chain You could of won if you didn't stab him Plant man
  380. 04:22 Chloran looks up weakly, "Enlighten me how you would handle the situation, stranger?"
  381. 04:22 GregClaskovic Yes, I'd actually like to know how you'd handle with it, seeming like you know so much.
  382. 04:23 Bud turns on his heel to walk off towards the arena himself. Been a long while since he's had a proper duel, his face would be showing excitement of it weren't hidden.
  383. 04:23 Sylum C-Cadence, yeah, I'm fine, bit of a headache...somehow
  384. 04:24 Chain I wouldn't want to say how to beat him, make everything unfair
  385. 04:25 WishingWell finishes recording his will and has it saved into his helmet.
  386. 04:27 WishingWell "Is it too late to adopt a religion?"
  387. 04:28 Chain I'm frankly more interested in this next fight
  388. 04:29 Sylum -Time for the next match! Lets hope this even more brutal then the last one!-
  389. 04:29 Cadence "Oh. I.. Didn't see the fight.. I just zoned out and En kinda.. Took control of me. I must've said some things, haven't I? Jesus." She opens her notebook and looked at the last entry. 'I am going out. I need to see more
  390. 04:29 Cadence .'
  391. 04:30 Cadence [headin out, brb ]
  392. 04:31 Sylum -Cheer for mysterious fighter Armamortius...and...the owner of V-tech, Buddy!-
  393. 04:31 TheLantern Woooo, Buddy, you can do it!
  394. 04:31 Sylum -3-
  395. 04:31 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as ArmaMortius
  396. 04:31 Sylum -2-
  397. 04:31 Sylum -1-
  398. 04:32 Sylum -FIGHT-
  399. ArmaMortius vanishes
  400. 04:32 Bud vanishes
  401. 04:32 Flareburst stops the exersizing and runs over to the window
  402. 04:32 WishingWell dies a little inside
  403. 04:32 Flareburst wuh-wheres them fighters at?
  404. 04:32 WishingWell "F-Fucking...."
  405. 04:33 TheLantern w-what?
  406. 04:33 TheLantern Is it over?
  407. 04:33 WishingWell "It is kid...for us..."
  408. 04:33 Sylum -The glass changes color, showing the fighters the invisible warriors, along with the glass dome over the crowd-
  409. 04:34 Flareburst ooo, there they are
  410. 04:34 GregClaskovic What? What ha- Ohhh. Ohhh....
  411. 04:34 WishingWell "As if seeing death makes it come any less quicker..."
  412. 04:34 Chain We see them, but they still don't see each other, funny
  413. 04:35 *** Cadence quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  414. 04:35 TheLantern So, wait....what happened? I'm...out of the loop right now
  415. 04:35 TheLantern They're....predators?
  416. 04:36 Chain The suit has the capability to turn invisible, problem is, because we saw them turn invisible before the glass changed, we don't know whose who
  417. 04:41 TheLantern They....gonna fight?
  418. 04:42 *** Cadence joined #covenger_rp
  419. 04:43 Flareburst I... think they are?
  420. 04:44 Sylum -the glass deactivates, cause someone didn't get the joke and made a mistake-
  421. 04:44 ArmaMortius (Wait a second)
  422. 04:45 *** Lord_Raptor quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  423. 04:46 ArmaMortius As the fighters come back into view, it's pretty obvious the combatants sprang into action. Not even a few seconds into it, and Armamortius has some kind of crazy-ass machete, and is hacking away at Buddy. Who, in his credit, has managed to avoid every swipe with neat ducks and sidesteps. Twisting around, Buddy's managed to smack Armamortius in a few vital spots with goddamn open-hand...
  424. 04:46 ArmaMortius ...strikes, undoubtedly seeking the weaker points in the Phantom Suit Mk1. Then, like some kinda fucked up pez dispenser, Armamortius pulls out a cylindrical object right out of his 'face', before tossing it in the air towards Buddy. It detonates, a brilliant flash of light, a shrieking explosion cutting the air. Then the shockwave hits, shattering the glass inwards.
  425. 04:46 Flareburst bwoah, jeez
  426. 04:48 WishingWell "..."
  427. ArmaMortius vanishes
  428. 04:32 Bud vanishes
  429. 04:32 Flareburst stops the exersizing and runs over to the window
  430. 04:32 WishingWell dies a little inside
  431. 04:32 Flareburst wuh-wheres them fighters at?
  432. 04:32 WishingWell "F-Fucking...."
  433. 04:33 TheLantern w-what?
  434. 04:33 TheLantern Is it over?
  435. 04:33 WishingWell "It is kid...for us..."
  436. 04:33 Sylum -The glass changes color, showing the fighters the invisible warriors, along with the glass dome over the crowd-
  437. 04:34 Flareburst ooo, there they are
  438. 04:34 GregClaskovic What? What ha- Ohhh. Ohhh....
  439. 04:34 WishingWell "As if seeing death makes it come any less quicker..."
  440. 04:34 Chain We see them, but they still don't see each other, funny
  441. 04:35 *** Cadence quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  442. 04:35 TheLantern So, wait....what happened? I'm...out of the loop right now
  443. 04:35 TheLantern They're....predators?
  444. 04:36 Chain The suit has the capability to turn invisible, problem is, because we saw them turn invisible before the glass changed, we don't know whose who
  445. 04:41 TheLantern They....gonna fight?
  446. 04:42 *** Cadence joined #covenger_rp
  447. 04:43 Flareburst I... think they are?
  448. 04:45 *** Lord_Raptor quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  449. 04:46 ArmaMortius As the fighters come back into view, it's pretty obvious the combatants sprang into action. Not even a few seconds into it, and Armamortius has some kind of crazy-ass machete, and is hacking away at Buddy. Who, in his credit, has managed to avoid every swipe with neat ducks and sidesteps. Twisting around, Buddy's managed to smack Armamortius in a few vital spots with goddamn open-hand...
  450. 04:46 ArmaMortius ...strikes, undoubtedly seeking the weaker points in the Phantom Suit Mk1. Then, like some kinda fucked up pez dispenser, Armamortius pulls out a cylindrical object right out of his 'face', before tossing it in the air towards Buddy. It detonates, a brilliant flash of light, a shrieking explosion cutting the air. Then the shockwave hits, shattering the glass inwards.
  451. 04:46 Flareburst bwoah, jeez
  452. 04:48 WishingWell "..."
  453. 04:49 Chain and back to blindness
  454. 04:50 Elise_ snorts and laughs, hiding behind her bat as the glass shatters. "Damn, son. Pfffahahaha."
  455. 04:50 WishingWell "Whatever happened to simpler times....?"
  456. 04:52 Chloran "Reminds me of my Saturday morning cartoons..."
  457. 04:54 Chain What a shock, hes alive
  458. 04:54 TheLantern looks nervously at nothing, hoping eternally Bud makes it out fine
  459. 04:55 Cadence jolts out at the explosion
  460. 04:56 Sylum So, who do you think is winning?
  461. 04:56 Flareburst I think the one guy is winning...
  462. 04:56 Cadence [you talkin to me Sy?]
  463. 04:56 Sylum [anyone]
  464. 04:57 Sylum makes room for Cadence in his chair
  465. 04:57 WishingWell stares at Sylum, in disbelief, "Seriously?"
  466. 04:57 Elise_ "Bud has more hits, he seems to have the upper hand. But that fuckin' flashbang. Some riot police level shit going on here."
  467. 04:58 Cadence "I don't think anyone can survive that.."
  468. 04:59 WishingWell "I haven't seen this guy in action, but I don't think today is a day for Buddy to start losing fights..."
  469. 05:00 Sylum I fought ArmaMorwhatever before, hes only as strong as his suit
  470. Bud As the blinding light subsides in the arena all that can be seen are disturbances in the air and flying sparks where a blade or a limb strikes out. The sounds of metal scraping metal causing a glorious cacophony of violence as the duelists strike, parry and block out eachothers thrashes with the occasional sounds of a grunt or a figure briefly fluctuating as
  471. 05:00 Bud something strikes them hard enough to stress the cloaking systems that are in play.
  472. 05:01 WishingWell "We cookin with fire now, or what"
  473. 05:02 Cadence "Oh, I see..."
  474. 05:03 Flareburst I can't believe this is so intence but I can't see whats happening!
  475. 05:04 Cadence sits rather awkwardly with Sylum. Looking at the ring, trying to stay calm
  476. 05:07 Cadence "Oh, Sylum... Do you even know who are these people?"
  477. 05:08 Sylum Yeah, everyone but the metal dude, girl with no shoes, and the on in the mask
  478. 05:09 ArmaMortius More scrapes and flashes of light and-scattered gunfire? Yes, at least one of them pulled out some kind of firearm. Several loud-but not earsplitting-cracks, and it looks like Armamortius tossed out a few more grenades, each spewing out....smoke? Yeah, smoke. Not much of it, and it doesn't obscure what's already invisible, but there you go. If anything, though, it seems to emphasize their...
  479. 05:09 ArmaMortius ...movements as it billows out, small tornadoes and storms getting whipped up in a frenzy as they dart back and forth, propelled by their suits and zipping around the arena, slashing and stabbing and shooting and hitting. Really not sure how the smoke really had any purpose as it drifts up a-oh wait. That's tear gas, not smoke. Armamortius isn't playing to kill, but that doesn't mean he has...
  480. 05:09 ArmaMortius play fair or nice, and he'll damn well take advantage of the fact that he's just an animate suit of armor.
  481. WishingWell points over to the damaged hippie,"That green guy was his lover at some point...I think...Real tense shit between them......"
  482. 05:11 Cadence "Hmm.."
  483. 05:11 Sylum Honestly I'm glad no one from xenon is here
  484. 05:11 GregClaskovic groans from suddenly waking up, once he realizes that he's still in the tournament, he quickly reacts, hoping no one noticed him dozing off.
  485. 05:12 Sylum and, Wells is exaggerating, Chloran only ever wore me, had to so we could stop a ghost
  486. 05:12 Sylum wounded is he?
  487. 05:13 Cadence "... Wore?" She averts her eyes and looks at Sylum. "Didn't think it can be done."
  488. 05:14 WishingWell "I could smell him up until this point...fella looks like he could drop at a moment's notice."
  489. 05:14 Elise_ "Wore?" She bursts into laughter and leans against the wall, "What like a neat little rubber or somethin'? That don't sound like exaggeration."
  490. 05:15 Chloran "It was a rather -cough- strange experience..."
  491. 05:15 Sylum Last time I did it nearly killed a friend
  492. 05:15 Sylum and, everyone else
  493. 05:17 Chloran "If Gaia had no use for me I would be long dead, but I stand resilient like an oak..."
  494. 05:17 Chloran loses feeling in his arms.
  495. 05:17 Elise_ "Doesn't sound too effective then. Sounds more like a suicide maneuver."
  496. 05:18 Cadence "Oh.. I see." She looks at the charred man. "A-are you okay, sir?"
  497. 05:19 Flareburst hey man, you need some heals? I'm all wormed up from the festivities
  498. 05:19 Sylum You can heal others flare?
  499. 05:19 Chloran "You're funny M'am, and quite frankly, you don't seem to be of sane mind running around wearing that trashy coat..."
  500. 05:20 Sylum trashy? You wanna end up wore then you already are!?
  501. 05:20 Sylum worse*
  502. 05:20 Chloran "Very out of -cough- fashion..."
  503. 05:21 Sylum Cadence, your not a fighter, think En would give him a little 'talking to'?
  504. 05:22 TheLantern Woah, guys, let's calm down, and let past aggressions and seeding anger for the ring, alright?
  505. 05:22 Cadence "W-Wha?! En? I.. I don't know.. We didn't even know him."
  506. 05:23 *** Chloran_ joined #covenger_rp
  507. 05:23 Bud As the smoke bellowed and clouded the room the erratic style of the movements within only intensified, if the gas was having any effects on the fleshier of the two fighters it was not making itself known. The cracks and barks of gunfire changed, white hot tracers flying through the air and parting the smoke as they went on with seeking their targ
  508. 05:23 Bud et, at times being stopped dead in the air as if parried or striking true. Buddy was an endurance fighter, Arma felt no tire. The fighting only getting more vicious as blows were heard or seen.
  509. *** Chloran quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  510. 05:24 Chloran_ "Quite the spectacle..."
  511. 05:24 Sylum uh, someone wanna put him in a seat?
  512. 05:24 Cadence "And calm down, for Christ's sake! You don't want to waste off your energy, right?"
  513. 05:24 *** WishingWell quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  514. 05:25 Sylum r-right, thanks Cad
  515. 05:26 Flareburst sylum: yeah I can heal stuff
  516. 05:26 Cadence "You're welcome.. Sort of."
  517. 05:28 *** WishingWell joined #covenger_rp
  518. 05:29 WishingWell "This is becoming less of a fight and more of a someone leaving a smoke machine on for a long time..."
  519. 05:30 Flareburst it's like some kind of shitty rave... I like it!
  520. 05:30 ArmaMortius There's a whoosh, a tear and-what the fuck
  521. 05:30 ArmaMortius Is that /napalm/
  522. 05:30 ArmaMortius Jesus /fuck/, man
  523. 05:31 Cadence "Holy Christ. I'm save here, am I?"
  524. 05:32 WishingWell "Who sanctioned this event...."
  525. 05:33 Elise_ "That is not the blazing that I am cool with.
  526. 05:33 TheLantern What the heck is going on?!
  527. 05:33 Cadence accidentally squeezes Sylum's arm, hard. "I-I don't want to die this way.."
  528. 05:33 Sylum hugs Cadence. "don't worry, you'll be safe"
  529. 05:34 Flareburst wishes he were in there with all that energy
  530. 05:34 Elise_ "Oh calm down, girly. We're fine in here."
  531. 05:34 ArmaMortius The tear gas itself doesn't catch fire, but it does get kicked up as the two suited individuals tear at each other, liquid fire getting thrown about and flung around in brilliant streaks of light. Harsh shadows thrown about in the red light, and for a second Armamortius's stealth kicks out completely, as he launches himself, machete in hand, over the flames like a demon rising out of Hell. ...
  532. 05:34 ArmaMortius ...Then he vanishes again, landing in a puddle of flame, spewing it out across the arena
  533. 05:34 Cadence "Alright.."
  534. Chloran_ "This fight is more harmful to the environment than to us..."
  535. 05:36 WishingWell "Real fucking shame pal."
  536. 05:36 GregClaskovic Ahh, cyka. It doesn't matter anyways. We can all fight outside of the arena when this is done.
  537. 05:37 Chain and get disqualified, brilliant plan
  538. 05:38 GregClaskovic Fine. Have the roof collapse on you randomly when this is all over.
  539. 05:38 Cadence looks at the ring in a mix of awe and worry. "Are they safe? I mean.. Look at that flames"
  540. 05:39 Chain This building and arena are built to stand anything greg, trust me
  541. 05:39 Elise_ "Who cares?! Now its a fuckin' show!" She hops up as close to the arena as she can to watch from nearby, covering her mouth with the bandana around her neck.
  542. 05:40 Chain Shes quite the feisty one
  543. 05:40 GregClaskovic Ahhh, but it does matter. May I ask, Chain, does anyone here know you?
  544. 05:40 Chain Everyone has their secrets greg, I'm not open to saying mine
  545. 05:41 WishingWell "How a person can stare at this and not be terrified is beyond me...we have to fight those... "
  546. 05:41 GregClaskovic So one of those secrets retains the fact of how you know my name?
  547. 05:42 Elise_ hops on the spot, giggling with glee. She then looks back at WishingWell, "I know, right!? Its fuckin' hype as shit!"
  548. 05:42 Chain The point of a secret is not letting others know
  549. 05:42 TheLantern It's a bit worrying, to say the least...
  550. 05:42 GregClaskovic Ahh, you get used to it after a while.
  551. 05:43 Sylum Never thought an invisible fight would be so, destructive
  552. 05:43 Flareburst I'm liking it. Keeps us on our toes 'cus anything mught happen
  553. 05:44 Chloran_ "Christ, I this city just...doesn't surprise me anymore..."
  554. 05:44 GregClaskovic I'm just waiting for it to end, really. They've been at it for a while.
  555. 05:44 Cadence "Y-yeah..."
  556. 05:45 WishingWell "You'll know the end as they stand above your corpses raining liquid fire on everything..."
  557. 05:45 Sylum So, who do you think is going to win?
  558. 05:45 Sylum My bets on bud
  559. 05:45 GregClaskovic Buddy.
  560. 05:46 TheLantern Totes Buddy
  561. 05:46 GregClaskovic He has the upperhand advantage on this one, but we can't be for sure.
  562. 05:46 GregClaskovic The tides might play against our thoughts.
  563. 05:46 Cadence "I really don't know, Sylum. Maybe that Buddy man."
  564. 05:47 Chain We shouldn't bet, Arma could win and pass as buddy by being silent, and vice versa
  565. 05:48 TheLantern Eh, I think we would know. There's ways of knowing Buddy is Buddy
  566. 05:48 GregClaskovic gets up, and cracks his back, mumbling statements about his age. "Is there a training room?" Greg asks.
  567. 05:48 WishingWell "Such as the stench of blood and regret of his fallen victims."
  568. 05:49 Chain only stretching Grego, don't want you to get stronger before a fight, wouldn't be fair
  569. Bud The flames of the arena reach their hottest as the battle flares and stops. The blades and sparks stopping along with anything but the crackle of the heat. Then, at one end of the Arena stands Buddy, armor a soulless black shadow amongst the flames. Features obscured by the sweltering heat waves allowing only the red of his lights and the gleam of
  570. 05:52 Bud his backhanded blade to highlight him in the area.
  571. 05:53 Chain Now this gets interesting
  572. 05:53 WishingWell takes a picture. This is the source of folklores people use to discipline children...
  573. 05:54 Cadence "My, my..."
  574. 05:54 ArmaMortius stops, the suit's powered stealth finally flickering off for good as he ends on the opposite end of the arena from Buddy. The flickering light giving his skeletal visor a wholly terrifying look, armor cracked and entire sections missing or slowly melting off. He...reaches into his armor? Yeah, right into the chestplate, and pulls out a fucking katana from the emptiness within. Lowering the...
  575. 05:54 ArmaMortius ...point ttowards the ground, he turns towards Buddy, booming, maniacal laughter splitting through the air.
  576. 05:54 Flareburst is enthralled by the explosions of fire and light
  577. 05:55 ArmaMortius Raising the sword, he screams, and charges across the arena straight towards him, straight through the fire and smoke
  578. 05:55 WishingWell "Idiot"
  579. 05:55 Bud Buddy charges his other, puddles of flame kicking up as he runs, blade poised to strike. The two contact in the center and the flash of blades obscures the two swordsmen's attacks. The room turns back to silence as they stand at end of eachother. Both blades still in their striking motions. All is silent save for the crackle of flames..until the upper
  580. 05:55 Bud half of Arma's suit falls over and his legs buckle.
  581. 05:56 ArmaMortius 's hands let go of the sword as his entire frame goes limp
  582. 05:56 Flareburst d-did someone win?
  583. 05:57 Cadence smiles widely, very contrasted to her expression a few seconds ago. "Both of them are quite an entertainment. Unfortunately, my weak host is too afraid to come closer."
  584. 05:57 Bud spins his blade in hand and returns it to the hilt on his back slowly.
  585. 05:57 TheLantern I think....Buddy won!
  586. 05:57 TheLantern starts to cheer loudly from the stands
  587. 05:57 GregClaskovic And it only took 2 hours.
  588. 05:57 Sylum -And the winner is, BUDDY!-
  589. WishingWell takes a seat
  590. 05:58 Chain claps. "Impressive"
  591. 05:58 ArmaMortius Also, don't forget, the tear gas is still billowing outward.
  592. 05:58 ArmaMortius Towards the spectators
  593. 05:58 Cadence removes herself from Sylum, stands up, and claps. "Excellent, excellent."
  594. 05:59 GregClaskovic takes a quick sip out of his flask. "Took you long enough."
  595. 05:59 Flareburst man, that was intense
  596. 05:59 Chain Wars aren't won in a day Greg
  597. 05:59 Bud exits the arena, still tracking flames on his feet.
  598. 05:59 Chloran_ "....The crowd...."
  599. 06:00 Chloran_ "Tear gas..."
  600. 06:00 GregClaskovic One way to justify it, I assume.
  601. 06:00 Elise_ "Nice work Bud. Sure fucked that fruit up." She chuckles and points with her bat, other hand holding up her bandana still.
  602. 06:00 Sylum -two large fans come out from the ground, blowing the gas away-
  603. 06:01 Elise_ "Of fuckin' course."
  604. 06:01 Sylum -Well folks, that was our last fight for the night, fighters, please follow the other hologram me to your rooms for the night-
  605. 06:02 WishingWell "..."
  606. 06:02 Cadence looks at Sylum with a hint of mischief. "I saw you fighting that green man earlier... You have proven that you can-"
  607. 06:02 WishingWell "At least say the next match..."
  608. 06:02 Cadence "I-I'm sorry.. Did I just.. Oh my."
  609. 06:03 WishingWell "I want to know my killer's face well..."
  610. 06:03 Bud in the regular lighting it's easy to see now just how many jagged cuts, chips, and singes were really lining across the Phantom armor. In the softer areas there were visibly bleeding knicks.
  611. 06:03 Sylum -tomorrows first match, Elise, versus...Thelantern!-
  612. 06:03 TheLantern looks towards Elise, SMILING
  613. 06:04 Sylum Cadence, you alright?
  614. 06:05 Flareburst wait, were do we go until tomorrow?
  615. 06:05 WishingWell counts his fingers, "Greg, Flare, And Mr.TallDarkAndHidingShit..."
  616. 06:06 Sylum -a hologram of Ryan Stone appears in the room with them. "Please follow me to your rooms''
  617. 06:06 WishingWell "Ugh, this guy..."
  618. 06:06 Cadence "Did I said anything to you?" The girl scratches her head. "I've been.. Slightly unstable since that day. En is more active, and she occasionally took over my body.."
  619. 06:06 GregClaskovic gets up again and looks towards the hologram, waiting for everyone else. "So, bedtimes then?"
  620. 06:06 Cadence "I-I don't know if she will stop soon."
  621. 06:06 *** ArmaMortius is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  622. 06:07 Sylum -"we have a complementary buffet and bar too"-
  623. 06:07 Flareburst bufet?
  624. 06:08 Chloran_ gets up, still battered like a pancake. "Thanks for the medical services..."
  625. 06:08 Flareburst oh, did you need some heals, Mr. Grass?
  626. 06:08 Sylum -"our medic didn't show up, and you passed three medical rooms on the way up here"-
  627. 06:09 GregClaskovic A bar, you say?
  628. 06:09 Chloran_ "Oh go fuck yourself. Quite the host you are to make us aware of that..."
  629. 06:09 Elise_ "You've really got me fighting the kid?" She shrugs and fires a finger-gun at Lantern with a click. "Guess I'll see you in the ring, kiddo. Don't expect no cake walk."
  630. 06:09 Bud "Is there anywhere to repair my gear on this island?" He gestures to the many cuts in the armor.
  631. 06:10 Sylum -We have a full repair section down the hall, would Arma like any?"-
  632. 06:10 TheLantern Wouldn't dream of it, miss! I'll seeya then!
  633. 06:11 WishingWell stares at the Green Giant, "Quite the trooper lasting this long..."
  634. 06:11 Flareburst i'll say
  635. 06:12 Bud "No idea about him, that suit'll take a hell of a lot to fix."
  636. 06:12 Cadence looks at the battered green man. "You really need some medical attention.."
  637. 06:12 WishingWell "Patch him up Flare. Idiot hasn't heard a thing you've said at all....Do whatever you can do..."
  638. 06:12 McGoFuckYourself The suit's gone completely limp. There's absolutely /zero/ signs of activity coming from it any more.
  639. 06:13 Flareburst I'll try...
  640. 06:13 Flareburst here, greenie, hold still a second
  641. 06:13 Sylum -...shall we recycle the suit for you mister buddy?-
  642. 06:13 Chloran_ "Excuse me?"
  643. 06:14 Flareburst ima patch you up
  644. 06:14 Bud "No. Send it to my room."
  645. 06:14 *** Cadence quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  646. 06:14 Flareburst hold still
  647. 06:14 Chloran_ *Blush*
  648. Chloran_ "Knock yourself out..."
  649. 06:14 TheLantern Ya alright, by the way, Buddy?
  650. 06:15 *** Cadence joined #covenger_rp
  651. 06:15 Flareburst glows a soft blue and envelopes Chloran_ in the same blue. Plesent tingling sensations akin to photosynthesis roll down Chloran's back, and all that dead stuff is rejuvinated
  652. 06:16 Bud waves a hand aside. "I'm good, Lants. Glancing blows, they just bleed a lot. Hope you're prepared for your gig tho."
  653. 06:16 *** Lord_Raptor joined #covenger_rp
  654. 06:17 +++ Ganondorf has given owner to Lord_Raptor
  655. 06:17 +++ Ganondorf has given op to Lord_Raptor
  656. 06:17 TheLantern A bit, I should be able to handle myself, just, need to get pumped up, ya know?
  657. 06:17 Cadence "Sylum, you have any agenda after this?"
  658. 06:17 Flareburst there, you should be god as new now
  659. 06:17 WishingWell ""
  660. 06:17 Sylum No, why?
  661. 06:19 Cadence ".. Just asking. I'll go grab my stuff and search for my room then."
  662. 06:19 Sylum -sorry miss, watchers rooms are separate from fighters room, unless Sylum is up for sharing-
  663. 06:20 Cadence "Wha.. I.. Don't even.. Alright then."
  664. 06:21 Flareburst so, where do we go now? I'm still confused
  665. 06:21 WishingWell disappears to his room, "Fuck this..."
  666. 06:21 Flareburst i didnt pay attention to the shiny dude
  667. 06:21 Sylum -follow me-
  668. 06:21 Flareburst does just that
  669. 06:22 Sylum -The hologram help them into their rooms-
  670. 06:22 TheLantern sneaks off to his room, and inspects it
  671. 06:23 Chloran_ wanders off to wherever the buffet is being held.
  672. 06:23 *** Chloran_ quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  673. 06:23 Chain is brought somewhere else away from everyone
  674. 06:23 *** GregClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  675. 06:24 Flareburst into's the bed and then the sleep
  676. 06:24 *** Flareburst left #covenger_rp
  677. Chain -later that night, when everyone was asleep, Chain was having a drink, with the real Ryan Stone-
  678. 06:27 Chain I'll be honest, this plan of yours actually is working
  679. 06:27 Ryan-Stone Do they suspect anything?
  680. 06:28 Chain Greg might, but hes to stupid to ask questions
  681. 06:28 Chain tell me, do you have it?
  682. 06:30 *** Cadence quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  683. 06:31 Ryan-Stone smiles, brings out a remote activating a Tv. "Chloran is human, but his plants have been altered, more tests will be ran, Sylum corrupted the wood, giving us plenty of samples. Most of buddy's blood was ruined in the fire, but we collected some. All in all, project Red Menace is going swimmingly.
  684. 06:32 Chain Good, lets hope tomorrow is just as good, The Transcendence will be happy.
  685. 06:32 Chain To Mother Russia
  686. 06:33 Ryan-Stone To Mother Russia
  688. Elise_ moves off to her room and locks the door, before tapping on the floor with her bat, closing her eyes and shoving her hand into the floor. It meets no resistance and she brings it back up with a construct made of... glass. Bubbling is heard all the way into the night alongside giggles of glee from behind a locked door.
  690. Day 2
  692. 20:11 Sylum -The sun was up, and the next match was about to begin, few people were still asleep, and were going to miss one hell of a fight-
  693. 20:11 TheLantern stretches out of bed, slowly slinking his way to get ready for the big match
  694. 20:12 *** Chain joined #covenger_rp
  695. 20:12 *** Flareburst joined #covenger_rp
  696. 20:13 Chain gets up, normally he would be hung over, but he was fine as rain, putting on his mask, walks out and to the fighters area
  697. 20:14 TheLantern scrubs his teeth, before showering, and slipping into comfrotable fighting clothes
  698. 20:15 Flareburst is already at the fighters area, doing some warm-up's while waiting for everyone
  699. 20:15 Sylum enters, waving to flare and sitting
  700. 20:16 TheLantern makes his way to the arena, looking to where he needs to go
  701. 20:17 Flareburst decides to take a break and plops down in a chair to relax
  702. 20:18 Flareburst mornin'
  703. 20:18 Sylum Morning, think Lanny is going to win?
  704. 20:18 Flareburst I don't really know, to be honest. I have no idea what either of their powers are
  705. 20:18 Flareburst there both cool though, I have high hopes
  706. 20:20 Chain Looks like few people are still asleep, shame to miss a fight
  707. 20:21 Bud enters the waiting area with the other non-combatants and leans against one of the nearby windows in anticipation of the fighting. His suit seemed to be fully repaired and cleaned of soot from his battle.
  708. 20:21 Elise_ rolls over and falls from her bed, before pulling herself along her stomach into the shower. She strips down quickly, baring her pale skin to the warm water as she washes herself off. She then dresses herself again, short-sleeved shirt with her midriff bared, a pair of tight pants, a chest harness with straps at the back to hold her bat and once again, no shoes. She shakes out her hair, still dripping wet, as she
  709. 20:21 Elise_ makes her way to the arena. She looked awfully serious today, not a giggle or a snort uttered as she silently stared on, blue eyes piercing the gloom of the morning.
  710. 20:21 Flareburst Ya know, I'd think after a fight like that you'd be more, eh, dead
  711. 20:24 Bud "Eh. Die a few times and you'll find out how boring it is and avoid it."
  712. 20:25 Flareburst I'll take your word for it
  713. 20:25 TheLantern jogs one the spot, stopping every so often to do stretches, all while smiling, looking around the ring
  714. 20:28 Sylum -lets get ready for the Pumpkin King, The Lantern...and, Phobora, The Girl in the Smoke-
  715. 20:30 Sylum -3-
  716. 20:30 Sylum -2-
  717. 20:30 Sylum -1-
  718. 20:30 Sylum -FIGHT-
  719. 20:32 TheLantern As the words are said, Lantern goes into a running mode, bolting towards Elise_, before bending down, and doing a super-powered leap, aiming to tackle her in the gut
  720. 20:35 Elise_ having not moved, sees the tackle approaching rapidly and runs forward to meet him. She falls to her knees and then to her back, trying to slide beneath the tackle and kick out with both legs at Lantern's flying form, pushing him up and away with her powerful legs.
  721. 20:36 TheLantern is hit in the gut, going for a bit of a roll, before correcting himself, as he nears the edge of the ring. Getting up, he goes towards another run, as he shoots a fireball aimed at Elise_
  722. 20:39 Elise_ pushes herself to her feet just in time to see the fireball searing towards her. She rolls to the side and narrowly avoids it, feeling the heat cook the skin on her back as she replies with a yelp of pain. This time she rises into a run as well, bat at her side as she moves straight for Lantern.
  723. 20:40 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  724. 20:41 TheLantern aims at the rocks between him and Elise_, before letting out a stream of fire, trying to superheat the surrounding area
  725. 20:45 Elise_ takes a quick step to the side, around the stream of fire, before leaping into a slide with her bat extended, aiming to take out one of his knees and limit his mobility.
  726. 20:47 TheLantern sees the incoming knee batting, quickly using his enhanced jump to rocket himself in the air
  727. 20:48 Elise_ watches Lantern launch himself into the air and sighs, unable to reach him at such a height. "What'sa matter, Jack? Y'scared?" Slowly she strides beneath him as he sails, ready to bat him out of the air as soon as he got close to the ground.
  728. 20:51 TheLantern folds in his arms, shooting downwards at Elise_, breathing a funnel of flames at heart, trying to aim for the bat in her hand
  729. 20:51 TheLantern *at her
  730. 20:54 Elise_ feels the heat scorch her hand and blister her skin, and she quickly spins her body to avoid the flames, using the momentum to launch her bat at Lantern a breakneck speed like a small, titanium missile. "If you want it soooooo bad, then take it." With no aerial manueuverability, how could he dodge it?
  731. 20:55 TheLantern is hit square in the side of the ribs, going rolling on the ground, lying there, wheezing, as he feels like his lungs are on fire
  732. Elise_ acts quick, forgoing her bat to zoom over to TheLantern and try to flip him onto his stomach and pin him there. She could feel a certain hesitance from him, and she felt her fingers tingle in response as they shifted into short, sharp talons fit for rending and tearing.
  733. 20:59 Sylum This is more stressful then Buddy's fight
  734. 21:00 F021 [Can i react in this name sy?]
  735. 21:01 Chain [yeah, sure]
  736. 21:01 TheLantern As she draws close to him, he tries to rebuttal the talons with a good, hard punch to the side of the knee
  737. 21:03 Elise_ She fell to one knee, feeling her other knee give out suddenly with a sharp flash of pain. She returned the favor with a swing of both of her fists toward his chest in an attempt to wind him. "Sorry about all this, kid!"
  738. 21:03 F021 -- Sitting on a chair, F021 watches the events unfolding. "Heh, at least there's no napalms involved."
  739. 21:04 Sylum Gah! How do you keep doing that, speak up more man
  740. 21:04 Flareburst is too focused on the fight to notice
  741. 21:05 TheLantern gets punched in the chest, quivering a bit in pain, as he tries to weakly retaliate with some body blows of his own.
  742. 21:05 TheLantern "It's fine, ju-" Lantern exclaims, briefly interrupted by a loud cough "just part of the game"
  743. 21:07 Elise_ goes fully on the offensive, feeling terrible for beating on Lantern while he is down. "You could just tap out, kid. No shame in it!" She hesitates for a moment before launching an extremely forceful punch towards his stomach, thinking of getting up and stomping on his stomach next.
  744. 21:07 F021 looks at Sylum with his only visible eye and smiles a bit. "I'm here all along, just hidden."
  745. 21:09 TheLantern smiles weakly, before bracing his legs, and pushing himself far away from Elise's punches. "N-now, wh-where's the fun in that?" He jokes, as he tries to get up, holding his side, in a bit of pain
  746. 21:11 Elise_ shakes off her burnt fist with a hiss before turning back to Lantern, a small smirk on her face. "I like your 'tude, dude. Shame we aren't teamed up again." Not intent to let him catch his breath, she launched herself forward and brought her leg into the air, ready to bring it down in an axe kick on his head.
  747. 21:12 TheLantern reacts quickly, by tossing his head straight Elise_, spinning through the air, creating a pinwheel of flame as he does so
  748. 21:15 Elise_ "Buh-WHAT THE FUCK," She screams as she jumps out of the way, catching a face full of burning pain on the way. She wipes off her face with a hand and runs to the side to pick up her bat once more before turning back to Lantern, ready to bat away his head should it come around again.
  749. 21:16 Chain Kid tougher then he looks
  750. 21:16 *** F021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  751. 21:17 Flareburst feels his own head, wishing he could do something that cool
  752. 21:17 TheLantern smiles, as he continues to shoot at Elise_ from the ground, as his now headless body tries to take a few swings at her
  753. 21:21 Elise_ "This is just fuckin' unprecedented," She growls as she dodges as best she can, taking quite a few swipes, claws and scorches to her body, turning her outfit and body into a blackened, bloodied mess. She attempts to make a grab at the swipes from the headless body, trying to put a shield between her and the flame-spitting head.
  754. 21:22 TheLantern sees this, stopping the flames, before doing a quick jump, and trying to slam Elise_'s back into the ground
  755. 21:27 Elise_ coughs and splutters as the air rushes out of her, slammed to the ground and winded by the headless body atop her. At least she didn't his her head on his. Like a flash, her hands lash out to grab his arms from behind and he tries to shift her legs between the two of them, pushing him up into a surfboard hold.
  756. 21:29 TheLantern tries to squirm out, all while trying to shoot fireballs at her. Unfortunately, his head can't move on his own, so the fireballs are off by about a metre
  757. 21:32 Elise_ With a great push of her legs, she fights through the cuts and burns to flip the slightly lighter Lantern off of her and get up, moving to grab at his legs and swing him out of the ring. "I don't appreciate being burned, bro. Hurts like fuck."
  758. 21:34 TheLantern lands with a dull thud, as his body lets out a groan of pain. Lantern looks up at her, disappointed, knowing full and well he lost, and that his body wasn't gonna be able to recover his head right now. "Sorry about that, I got sort of into it. I didn't burn you too bad, did I?"
  759. 21:37 Elise_ moves over to grab his head and smiles down at it before handing it back to him and offering a hand. "Don't worry about it, just like jumping through the campfire at summer camp. I didn't break anything of yours did I, kid?"
  760. 21:37 Flareburst is standing & cheering
  761. 21:38 TheLantern "Nothing but my winning chances" Sheldon says, as he grabs his head, propping it under his arm. He extends a hand forwards, smiling as Elise_ "It was a good match! I had fun! Maybe we could spar another time?"
  762. 21:39 Sylum -AND the winner by Ring Out, Elise!-
  763. 21:41 Elise_ "I don't see myself refusing a good fight, I'd be happy to." She watches as her talons retract and grimaces as her burns and bruises throb dimly with pain. "You alright to walk back to the stands?"
  764. 21:43 TheLantern "Willing as always!" He says, as he turns, waving Elise_ off, as he makes his way back, holding the head to one side, and his bruised rib on the other
  765. 21:58 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  766. 22:10 Sylum -Next match, Lord_Raptor, versus, F021!-
  767. 22:15 Sylum -Ehh, will Lord_Raptor and F021 please enter the stage-
  768. 22:16 --- TheLantern is away (goes the fug to sleep)
  769. 22:17 F021 jolts awake at the sound. "Ah, forgot that I'm not in Xenon anymore..
  770. 22:17 F021 jolts awake at the sound. "Ah, forgot that I'm not in Xenon anymore.."
  771. 22:22 Lord_Raptor - He paused upon hearing his name, taking a moment to decide whether that meant it was his turn. Tossing aside the cocktail sausage he was holding, he strapped on his helm and walked onto the arena, stopping once he was on the southern end.
  772. 22:22 Lord_Raptor - Pulling the flyer he was given out from his chest speaker-armor, he began quietly re-reading the rules on the back to himself. "'ey, says I can't use ''summons.'' Wha's that mean?"
  773. 22:24 Sylum -in your case, the zombies you summon-
  774. 22:25 F021 hesitantly walks into the ring, pretty much unprepared. He looked like he's just getting out from the bed.
  775. 22:30 Sylum -Lets ready the fight, The man with the tentacle hands, F021...and, the rock'n'roll Bird, Lord_Raptor!-
  776. 22:31 *** Elise_ is now known as Eridana
  777. 22:32 Lord_Raptor - So his main method of dealing with things wasn't allowed? He stuffed the flyer back down his speaker-vest and reached behind his back, retrieving what seemed to be an electric guitar made of solid gold, though it wasn't plugged into anything.
  778. 22:32 Lord_Raptor - Whatever; he still had other options. "So, Mr. F. You like music?"
  779. 22:33 F021 "No, not really." He sighs and begins to harden his right tentacle into a sword-like thing.
  780. Sylum -3-
  781. 22:39 Sylum -2-
  782. 22:39 Sylum -1-
  783. 22:39 Sylum -FIGHT-
  784. 22:42 F021 wastes no time and lunges straight into the vulture, hoping that it can end fast.
  785. 22:44 Lord_Raptor - His blank expression turned into a frown, popping his shoulders as he took the gaudy instrument into his hands. "Don't like music?"
  786. 22:44 Lord_Raptor - He slyly moved a hand toward the strings as he continued speaking, almost pouting at this point. "Real shame. Personally, I'm a fan of..."
  787. 22:44 Lord_Raptor - He suddenly struck a chord. "DEATH METAL!" With that gesture, the guitar let out a near-defeaning sound, firing off a series of ever-expanding shockwaves in F021's direction that shredded the arena floor as they moved.
  788. 22:47 F021 stops and slumps into the ground, trying to block off the sound. "Fuck, man that's rude."
  789. 22:50 F021 stands up after a while, with his only free tentacle forked into two parts that seals his ears enough to make it more bearable. "No earlobes and it's still hurts like hell..." He continues to lunge at Lord_Raptor, aiming at his guitar.
  790. 22:54 Lord_Raptor - Rude? Nah, rude was eating fries in front of someone and refusing to share. He spread his wings and quickly took to the air - taking his instrument with him - though he stopped some 15 odd feet when he remembered the limit on elevation. This was going to be more difficult than he thought. "You gotta lighten up, mate!"
  791. 22:54 Lord_Raptor - He began to play a tune, though it had no immediate effect. It was only afte he strung one last chord that he pointed the guitar at his opponent, starting to fire several shockwaves in succession. "Enjoy the concert!"
  792. 23:03 F021 -- Seeing his opponent flies, F021 scowls - still wearing his tentacle earplugs. "Oh, I will." His previously hardened tentacle reverts back to a more flexible structure, and he grabs some of the broken floor below. Aiming at the guitar, he infuses the floor shard with his shadow and throws it with more speed than you'll expect from a tentacle.
  793. 23:04 F021 -- Mid-air, the shard breaks into five smaller pieces, launching themselves at full speed towards the flying bird.
  794. *** F021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  795. 23:19 Lord_Raptor - The sound wasn't what made his attacks dangerous - that was just a bonus, really. When one of the shockwaves struck to the side of the tentacled man, they'd find themselves suddenly thrown off-balance by the resulting release of energy. Clearly this one wasn't familiar with how he worked.
  796. 23:19 Lord_Raptor - His keen eye allowed him to pick up on the incoming projectiles rather quickly for someone that was clearly full of themselves. He struck another chord, this time directing the blast at F021's attack - the result blowing the shards out of the air and away from him. "I'm sure ya can do better than that!"
  797. 23:33 F021_ "Ah, come on!" He firmly planted himself in his spot, with his surrounding shadow revolving around him. He extends his tentacle, trying to grab the bird's feet and slams him to the ground.
  798. 00:03 Lord_Raptor - Given he was distracted by the sound of his own laughter, he wasn't quite prepared to dodge. Finding his leg in the man's grip, he didn't have time to react before being swung downward. The sound of metal hitting concrete resonated throughout the area, Raptor having made a rather sizable dent in the floor where he hit.
  799. 00:03 Lord_Raptor - After a moment of stunned silence - and the pain of the collision catching up to him - he narrowed his eyes. [Oi, now I'm mad.] He suddenly let out a screech more in tune with the oversized buzzard he resembled while swinging his guitar outward, aiming to take off F021's head.
  800. F021 -- Seeing the vulture swinging his guitar, he immidiately dodges the blow with his tentacles. Half of them fell off and is absorbed by the dark area beneath him. "Damn man, I just replaced it last week!" Two new set of tentacle slowly grows and replaces his slashed off ones.
  801. 00:34 Lord_Raptor - He took the opportunity to yank his leg free, then quickly rolled to the side before jumping back to his feet. Reaching up to the guitar's headstock, he quickly adjusted two of the tuning keys, and then glared at his opponent. Moving his hand back to the chords, he began to play a song. It was a surprisingly soft tune, and probably not something one would expect, though it was
  802. 00:35 Lord_Raptor unlikely F021 would know this, what with his earplugs.
  803. 00:42 F021 is too concentrated in repairing his tentacles that he didn't notice his opponent striking his chords. Taken aback, the shockwaves sent him off a few feet away, and probably deafens him. "I'm not getting down because of a fucking bird."
  804. 00:50 Lord_Raptor - It was little more than a series of oddly-placed notes that managed to form some semblance of a melody. And it wasn't even a very good melody, either. However, an attentive viewer would notice that, as he played, two sets of odd-looking runes began appearing on the floor around him; one rotating clockwise outward from him, and the other counter-clockwise inward to him. They
  805. 00:50 Lord_Raptor appeared to be forming a spiral pattern, and more of them were appearing with each passing second.
  806. 00:50 Lord_Raptor - Once his opponent had drawn close enough, Raptor's eyes lit up - as did each of the runes in rapid succession. He raised his free arm. "Dies."
  807. 00:50 Lord_Raptor - "Irae."
  808. 00:50 Lord_Raptor - The striking of each chord in one motion was followed by the song kicking into high gear, and with it, every rune on the floor suddenly erupting in the order they'd appeared; drowning the ''stage'' in a storm of reddish-violet energy as columns of destructive energy shot out in every direction.
  809. 01:02 F021_ -- The man is not agile enough to evade the destructive colums, but he have a quick thought. He closes his eyes, and shadows from around the arena gathers around F021's spot. The shadows mix and forms a sort of wall around F021, absorbing the waves that pass through him. With each waves hitting the wall, though, the barrier loses its strength.
  810. 01:02 F021_ -- Nobody knows how long he will survive.
  811. 01:03 F021_ "Gah.. I... Didn't know fighting this thing will take longer than I thought." He mumbled to himself, although he can't really hear it.
  812. F021 -- Still trying to hold the wall up, F021 is noticeably exhausted. His tentacle-hands are stumped just at his stomach line, to give a bit more energy to the defense. He knows that he eventually have to lower the walls and begin attacking.
  813. 01:04 F021 -- Inside the wall, he is constantly cursing and mumbling about his previous decisions that lead up to this moment, with occassional groaning. Not that both parties will hear it anyway.
  814. 01:20 Lord_Raptor - He suddenly motioned toward the wall ahead of him, performing a riff on his guitar; as if on cue, the runes beside him lit up shortly before firing beams at his opponent's barrier. As he continued to play his song, another pair of runes began to appear beside the first set, followed by a third, and a fourth. Each time a new set of runes appeared, the previous started to gather
  815. 01:20 Lord_Raptor power, so as to continue the assault. "You can't hide in there forever!"
  816. 01:26 F021_ is probably too deaf to hear his opponent. He is basically at his breaking point now, and yet out of pure stubborness he refuses to give up. The wall itself is pretty much damaged, cracked and ready to break up. In desperation, F021 breaks the wall down and instead divert the energy to a red stone he has been wearing.
  817. 01:30 F021_ -- Trying a new trick, he uses all energy that is left in him to launch the stone at Lord_Raptor. The stone is now covered in a black sphere, growing in size. Just as it's about to reach the runes, the sphere explodes and reveals the broken stone, launched into all directions at almost the same speed as bullets.
  818. 01:39 F021_ "Gah.. Final move."
  819. 01:57 Lord_Raptor - On instinct he raised the guitar as a shield, the instrument blocking the projectiles with nary a scratch. However, as he had to stop playing to do so, the runes stopped what they'd been doing, going dormant before starting to fade. At least one of the fragments blew off a sizeable number of his left wing's feathers, causing him to recoil."The Hell was that?!"
  820. 01:57 Lord_Raptor - He looked at his wing; he wouldn't be able to fly very well at all like this, though admittedly the rules limited him to begin with. In hindsight, he probably didn't need to try and block it; he was wearing body armor. "You little...!"
  821. 02:04 F021_ -- Slumped over, almost fainting, F021 smiles. He is almost too weak to stand up, but he does anyway, and remade one of his tentacles back to full size. Then, he once again hardens the full sized tentacle, and lunges at the vulture. "If I can't knock you out... At least I can make you flightless."
  822. 02:06 F021_ -- He himself have absolutely no idea how he can still survive the waves of attack, but he sure knows he will not give up before he completely runs out of energy.'
  823. Lord_Raptor - How was he supposed to get back to the city if this messed up his wing? He'd be molting for weeks, if not possibly longer. That he may be stranded here for a while - not to mention that his feathers could possibly grow back crooked - infuriated him. Rather than reach for the chords on his guitar, however, opened his mouth.
  824. 03:07 Lord_Raptor - What followed was perhaps the most unbelievably awful scream anyone had heard in their life. Glass within at least 20 yards of him began vibrating, only to violently shatter; anyone in the audience was forced to cover their ears just to try and endure it; and as this was happening, he made a mad dash for F021, guitar in grip and aiming to smack him upside the head.
  825. 03:14 F021 -- being almost completely deaf, he may not be affected by the scream, instead still stubbornly launched at Lord_Raptor. However, he is too focused on slashing his wings that he didn't notice that the bird is aiming his guitar at him. F021 got a good hit on his head, and a few moments after that, backs up a few steps and falls down.
  826. 03:17 F021 -- Unable to move and think, he lets out his last groan before falling unconscious. He have a great time doing this fight, but he underestimated his enemy. His tentacles are now pretty much limp, and the usual shadow zone in his feet are now a small circle instead of his normal, larger one.
  827. 03:20 Salesman -....Guh, huh what? Sorry. I fell asleep there, felt like the fight lasted a few days, oh uh...Lord_Raptor has won!-
  828. 20:47 Salesman -alright, that last fight took a bit, so lets move quickly on, next match, WishingWell, versus, Flareburst!-
  829. 20:47 Flareburst starts at his name being mentioned
  830. 20:48 WishingWell shows up to the Fighter's quarter's holding onto a bunch of supplies.
  831. 20:48 WishingWell "What I miss?"
  832. 20:49 Sylum L-loud, bird rocking lost
  833. 20:50 WishingWell kicks his wing clippers to the side. "That's one worry down..."
  834. 20:50 Sylum -two men carry f021 out into a medic room, hopefully he will be fine-
  835. 20:51 Flareburst is taping his foot rapidly, seething with anticipation 9literally0
  836. 20:51 WishingWell deactivates his industrial flashlight as well. "Poor guy..."
  837. 20:52 *** Fuck021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  838. 20:52 Sylum It was brutal, I wouldn't want to fightthat bird, dino, thing
  839. 20:52 Flareburst at least it was a good show
  840. 20:52 Salesman You two better get on stage, next fight
  841. 20:53 Flareburst eh?
  842. 20:54 Saylum Net fight, you and wells
  843. 20:54 Flareburst oh... right
  844. 20:54 WishingWell points to himself in confusion,"What?" He looks at the head monitor. "Shit."
  845. 20:54 Flareburst uh, well... after you?
  846. 20:54 Flareburst heads to the enterence
  847. 20:54 WishingWell puts on his helmet and does a few breathing exercises.
  848. 20:55 Flareburst starts to skip a bit as they walk onto the field
  849. 20:56 WishingWell walks to the arena, his stride, rather small. "We have all day, right?"
  850. 20:56 Sylum -just don't take as long as the last two-
  851. 20:57 Isidora could be seen lounging in one of the chairs, one leg crossed over the other and a big aggressive smile on her face as she watched them.
  852. 20:57 Flareburst starts doing calisthenics at his end of the ring
  853. 20:59 Isidora cocked her head to one side, grinning mischievously. "W'dya mean? I've been here all along"
  854. 21:00 Sylum W-well, people need to talk more, names Sylum, you?
  855. 21:00 Flareburst [ima get a drink real quick, uno momento pr favor]
  856. 21:00 WishingWell could sense her the entire time. In his pants, like he senses many things. Despite him being in the arena. He should take that power into deep consideration.
  857. 21:00 Bud materializes from the air aside Sylum and looks on into the arena.
  858. 21:01 Sylum Now see, he I get, invisible suit
  859. 21:01 Isidora "Isidora of Serbia. I'm joining this here competition for my girl back home" The glaring eyes of the hungry ala stared down at Wells, even if he wasn't looking to her he could feel the intense presence of the demoness.
  860. 21:03 WishingWell does a few pushups to distract himself, rather nervous wreck this guy at times.
  861. 21:03 --- Flareburst is back
  862. 21:04 Sylum Girl huh? and who is that lucky lady?
  863. 21:05 Isidora "Y'know Antenora? Smoking hot, red, horns, Chimera captain? Yeah. That one"
  864. 21:06 Sylum Oh her, never really tal-Chimera captain?..She isn't here, right?
  865. 21:06 WishingWell is doing some calisthenics at this point
  866. 21:07 Isidora "No. She's off handling business. I told her I was doing a little trip of my own. That there wish is what I'll be bringing back"
  867. 21:07 Flareburst is glowing and doing some stretches
  868. 21:07 Sylum ohthankgod, well, good luck to you
  869. 21:08 WishingWell just continues with his hand stand pushups
  870. 21:09 Isidora "Maybe I could bring your ass back on a plate for her if I don't get that wish. I can smell the fear off of you. In trouble with those types, eh?"
  871. 21:10 Sylum If I technically had an ass, yeah. Kinda, killed, a few Xenon scientists
  872. 21:10 Sylum -Time for the fight to begin! We have King of Coins, WishingWell, Versus, the King of Cup shinning, FlareBurst!-
  873. 21:10 WishingWell "Someone revoke this person's right to give titles..."
  874. 21:10 Flareburst nah, i like it!
  875. 21:10 Flareburst eyes sparkle
  876. 21:11 WishingWell takes the defensive, readying himself for anything
  877. 21:11 Isidora "Great. Now I know my gift if I somehow don't win. As if that's a possibility" A haughty laugh came after.
  878. 21:12 Flareburst gets into a sprinter's stance
  879. Bud broke his silence with an oddly dry tone. "You enjoy fucking yourself over. Don't you, coat?"
  880. 21:13 *** Fuuck021 joined #covenger_rp
  881. 21:14 WishingWell starts unloading some ammo stashed around his armor, having them float around him.
  882. 21:14 Flareburst is visibly hot
  883. 21:15 Isidora disagrees
  884. 21:15 WishingWell "This suit better hang in there...." He grows a bit tired and yells. "Swing first m8!"
  885. 21:16 Flareburst remains silent and grows gradually brighter
  886. 21:16 Fuuck021 -- At the fighter room, F021 is sitting and observing the upcoming fight. Although his tentacles has been restored to full condition, his hearing is not, and thus he brought a small white board and a marker to communicate.
  887. 21:17 Sylum waves to him
  888. 21:18 WishingWell gets real tired of this shit. "Playin patient is giving me some real bad vibes...Look at this nightlight..."
  889. 21:19 Isidora focuses her attention on the match, looking disgruntled at the delay in the fight as she leaned her cheek on one of her fists
  890. 21:19 WishingWell snaps a finger and a coin is sent flying at Flareburst. "Move."
  891. 21:19 Fuuck021 -- F021 waves back to Sylum, and scribbles something on his board. "Sorry for the discomfort."
  892. 21:20 Flareburst gets hid in the forhead with the coin and cringes a bit, standing up
  893. 21:20 Flareburst alright, fine
  894. 21:21 Flareburst jets directly at WishingWell
  895. 21:22 WishingWell quickly plants his feet in the ground and readies his arms for impact.
  896. 21:22 WishingWell "We have take off."
  897. 21:23 Flareburst becomes a big ol' fireball flying at WishingWell. (is goin pretty quick)
  898. 21:26 WishingWell regrets his previous decision of affixing his legs to the ground,"Goodbye legs." But makes a split second decision to lean back to duck, hopefully getting under Haley's comet.
  899. 21:27 Flareburst sails straight over WishingWell, pumping all the fire forward to break and turn around
  900. 21:28 Fuuck021 -- F021 is still watching, although he can't hear the sound of the great battle in front of him.
  901. 21:28 WishingWell grabs on to a pair of coins and launches himself into the air, breaking from the ground, hanging on by his arms.
  902. 21:28 WishingWell "Reflexes please..."
  903. 21:28 WishingWell "I NEED you..."
  904. 21:29 --- Bud is away (my time has come and so will i )
  905. 21:29 Flareburst hovers in place and makes an audible [90's energy noise] as the fire becomes arcing electricity
  906. 21:31 WishingWell drops back to the floor and has a load of pennies satellite around Flareburst, wondering if he can channel this DBZ tier shit, "Coppers a mighty good conductor."
  907. 21:32 WishingWell "Not gonna let you reach 100% power in this place. Scared me shitless..."
  908. 21:33 Flareburst uses the arcing electricity to create a bubble around himself
  909. 21:36 WishingWell tries to tighten his penny hold and sends a few rounds after Flare in hopes to burst his bubble, whatever the hell it's made of...
  910. 21:38 Flareburst emits the [90's energy sound] again and the storm of lighting shifts into a small sun's worth of dry heat
  911. 21:40 WishingWell watches the ground near him slowly become arid and dry. "Can't give me a break huh. Looks like a portable fucking desert." He beats his armor in the chest. "Insulation. Look it up."
  912. 21:42 WishingWell surrounds himself in coins and charges through the heat like an idiot, the coins slowly melting away into a new layer of molten armor, as he tries to approach Flare.
  913. 21:44 Flareburst slowly condences the heat around them into a solid ball of heat around himself and WishingWell, the edges following their heels as they approach eachother
  914. 21:44 Flareburst "YES?"
  915. 21:45 *** Fuuck021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  916. 21:47 WishingWell has his armor deplete all energy, and ready for the absorption of outside power, becoming a mere suit of armor, the heat getting to him a bit, he readies to trade blow and yells, "I-T DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!!!"
  918. 21:48 WishingWell "GIFTS WOULD BE NICE, THANK YOU!!!"
  919. 21:49 Flareburst suddenly jets out of the bubble, converting it into what looks like bent air (is kenetic energy now) "HOW ABOUT THIS GIFT?"
  920. 21:51 Flareburst (que indiana johnes-style slow walls closing in)
  921. 21:53 WishingWell pulls out a check in the midst of battle, already signed and everything, 100k, to Flareburst and yells, "HOW ABOUT THIS GIFT!?" as he is about to make contact.
  922. 21:58 WishingWell [you scared m8, of what's to come!? that check is dangerous, i swear!]
  923. 21:59 Flareburst stops the smoosh bubble and sloshed the energy around him and above his head, shifting it to fire again to see what WishingWell is holding
  924. 21:59 Flareburst wussat?
  925. 21:59 WishingWell falls to his knees
  926. 22:00 WishingWell hold out the paper. "Have it man."
  927. 22:00 WishingWell "You're the only company I have these days..."
  928. 22:00 WishingWell "Only one to stick around Aegis..."
  929. 22:01 WishingWell "I appreciate it....ya know?"
  930. 22:01 Flareburst "u-uh... thanks?"
  931. 22:01 WishingWell hands Flareburst the check. "Go wild man..."
  932. 22:02 Flareburst coutiously takes the paper slip with his free hand, the other holding the massive fire ball
  933. 22:02 Flareburst feeds the paper into the fireball
  934. 22:03 Flareburst "sorry man, but I can't accept your money
  935. 22:04 Flareburst jets upwards into the fireball, bringing it high into the air with him
  936. 22:04 WishingWell gets up and stomps his feet into the ground, much harder than usual, stronger than usual, "At least ya took it man..."
  937. 22:05 Flareburst starts to hover in place, coiling the fireball around him into a long, vaguely snake-like shape
  938. 22:06 WishingWell gathers his scattered coins and has them orbit around him, you'd probably lose more than an arm if you try to walk in. Sheer force exerts from his cyclone of a shield.
  939. 22:07 WishingWell "It's time I start giving a bit more..."
  940. 22:07 WishingWell "Starting with the people I appreciate..."
  941. 22:07 WishingWell looks into the sky as the spirit of Santa looks down approvingly.
  942. 22:08 Flareburst spins the fire around faster, turning it from orange to a deep blue and making that really loud roaring sound that big fires make when it's windy
  943. 22:09 WishingWell tries his best to gather whatever power wasn't completely dropped when he went in for that arid suicide attempt. He'll need as much strength for this.
  944. 22:11 Flareburst launches the vortex of heat upwards, then heavily arks it straight down towards WishignWell
  945. 22:13 WishingWell centers his storm of dosh into a devastating drill, spinning maddeningly, and launches it right through the middle of Flare's attack as he uses some leg power to launch himself behind it for protection.
  946. 22:15 Flareburst starts taking in solar energy from the back and focuses the fire into a beam gradually, forming a pit of shade directly behind him
  947. 22:18 WishingWell has a few coins rocket into his feet, launching himself even further into the belly of the beast, as he and his drill take on the full brunt of the attack, his armor probably not lasting very long after this, hopefully long enough for him to take the upper ground from Flare.
  948. 22:18 WishingWell Or upper air that is
  949. 22:21 Flareburst jets into the beam, becoming enveloped by it, and dives towards WishingWell, starting to burn up his own body for fuel
  950. 22:23 Flareburst compresses the beam into a barrier of light, making a po-go stick effect on WishignWell and sending himself careening into the air
  951. 22:25 *** Fuu021 joined #covenger_rp
  952. 22:27 WishingWell gathers a mass of coins onto his right hand, them melting and cooling near immediately thanks to the intense heat, arching his arm back for a last minute attempt to end this. He launches the the molten fist through Flareburst's shield, at jet propulsion speed, right for his face. He plummets to the arena ground, accepting that he's done all he can.
  953. 22:32 Flareburst burns the last of his gumption and a bit of himself to rocket to the side, his shoulder getting de-skinned by the fist before loosing consciousness and plummeting downwards
  954. 22:33 WishingWell lands on the arena, his body, not completely out of commission yet. He whispers, "I lose yet?"
  955. 22:35 Flareburst hits the floor with an audible crack, out cold
  956. 22:35 Sylum -....and the winner is, WishingWell!-
  957. 22:36 WishingWell whats. "What?"
  958. 22:37 Sylum -by knock out, Flareburst is out cold, your one step closer to that wish-
  959. 22:37 WishingWell "Well shiiiiiiit.....Hehe...he"
  960. 22:38 WishingWell "Can someone......someone get me.....please?"
  961. 22:38 Sylum -And the next round shall be, Isidora, versus, Phantomex!-
  962. 22:38 Flareburst lay there like a slug, bleeding profusely from his shoulder and the parts of him that arn't burnt
  963. 22:39 Fuu021 -- F021 can only hear faint noises from the announcer, but he sees the fight and he knows that WishingWell most likely won.
  964. 22:39 Sylum -two medics come out caring Flareburst out, and helps Wishingwell get back to his seat-
  965. 22:39 Isidora let off a chuckle as her name was called out, clapping softly as she grinned with her big sharp teeth
  966. 22:40 Isidora "Look forward to it"
  967. 22:40 WishingWell says 'fuck it'
  968. 22:40 Sylum Phantomex, sounds familiar, and, annoying...I don't know why but I really want you to punch him, /hard/
  969. WishingWell gathers what's left of himself and gets up to grab Flare. His armor slowly falls apart as he makes his way to the Fighter's area, Flareburst in tow. "So much for the health of the fighters, amirite..."
  970. 22:42 Isidora "I don't know who that is but I already want to hurt them badly just for their name"
  971. 22:42 *** Fuu021 is now known as F021
  972. 22:42 Sylum Well you ignored two medics trying to help
  973. 22:42 Sylum So, guess your more damage then normal Wells
  974. 22:43 F021 "Go beat him Isi!" F021 speaks - or more fittingly shouting - at Isidora.
  975. 22:43 WishingWell "Medics my ass!"
  976. 22:43 WishingWell "Plant guy got the same treatment!"
  977. 22:44 Sylum points to the two medics behind him
  978. 22:44 WishingWell "Oh, great fucking timing. Do you even need us alive for this stupid shit!?"
  979. 22:44 Flareburst dies a little more
  980. 22:45 Sylum -the two medic grab flareburst, taking him to a medical room-
  981. 22:47 WishingWell limps to his room, salty as hell, "Doctors. Full a shit. All of em."
  982. 22:47 Sylum You, just kinda ignored them
  983. 04:24 WishingWell "I wanna see blood"
  984. 04:24 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  985. 04:31 *** GregClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  986. 04:32 Chain -Well, because Phantomex hasn't appeared yet, we will postpone the fight and skip to the next one, Greg versus, Chain!-
  987. 04:35 *** F021 quit (Quit: See you next time!)
  988. 04:36 Chain Well, shall we Greg?
  989. 04:36 GregClaskovic cracks his knuckles slowly whilst staring at Chain. "Let's do it." He gets up and slowly arches his back.
  990. 04:37 WishingWell sits in the fighter's area, bandaged a bit,"That's rather....too the point..."
  991. 04:39 WishingWell "Bit anticlimactic as well..."
  992. 04:39 Chain walks out and to the arena
  993. 04:39 Bud leans against the observation window as per usual. Cross armed and armor-clad he remained silent.
  994. 04:40 GregClaskovic follows him, he slowly forms his hand into a spherical shape, he chuckles lightly.
  995. 04:42 WishingWell "Wonder if it's too early for bets."
  996. 04:45 Chain -The Man of Metal, Greg Claskovic, versus, The Hooded fighter, Chain!-
  997. 04:46 Chain squeezes his fists, to long chains with hooks slowly crawl down from his sleeves
  998. 04:47 GregClaskovic gets steadies into a defensive position, he stares down Chain, waiting for him to try and attack. "What are you going to do with those, give me a splinter?" He mocks.
  999. 04:49 Chain grabs his left chain, moving it to greg at high speeds, the hook quickly changing to a Mace ball aimed at his face
  1000. 04:51 GregClaskovic is slow to react, the mace smashing off his face, he's taken back suddenly, getting frustrated. He grabs the chain of the mace, and swings it, pulling Chain off the ground. He lets go, flinging him off far. He starts mumbling something in Russian, then jogs over to Chain slowly.
  1001. 04:52 WishingWell "Go get em that reasonable and healthy pace you got goin on..."
  1002. 04:53 Chain lands on the ground, grabbing his right Chain, again forming a mace, ready to swing it at greg again
  1003. 04:54 GregClaskovic grabs the mace in his hand. "Isn't going to work on me. He pulls the mace backwards, throwing Chain towards Greg. He slips his arms under Chain's armpits, up to where his head is. He pushes down, restricting Chain's movement. "So what are you going to do now?" He says struggling to put his strength into the suplex submission.
  1004. 04:56 WishingWell "O-Oh my. This is new."
  1005. 04:59 Chain mask releases a green liquid onto Gregs face, mainly his eyes
  1006. 05:01 WishingWell "Not even the first date with this guy..."
  1007. 05:01 GregClaskovic is taken slightly by surprise, his disgust causes him to let go. He wipes it off his face and stares at Chain, with difficulty. The liquid got into his eyes, he has trouble seeing. "Cheap, aren't you?" He runs at the blur that seems to be Chain, forming his fist into a giant hammer, he swings violently.
  1008. 05:06 Chain instead of dodging, lets Greg hit him, sending Chain sliding a few feet, grabbing his chest, soon standing upright. "Quite the heavy hitter, aren't you Greg? By the way, I recommend getting that liquid off your face soon, the affects are similar to Hydrochloric acid, which, for a man made of metal, like you,I imagine is very painful
  1009. 05:09 GregClaskovic doesn't care about the fact that there's acid in his face. The fact that someone is making a fool of him makes him disturbingly mad. Greg noticeably grows in size, He shouts like a madman and smashes into Chain. The acid still blurring his vision, He throws hard punches at Chain, each one draining his reserves slowly.
  1010. 05:13 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  1011. 05:15 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  1012. 05:15 Chain lets each hit hit him, moving back slightly after each one, around the sixth one, Chain stops moving, standing up with Gregs fist in his chest, giving his full force, not affected by it. "Took some time, but now things get fun"
  1013. 05:16 GregClaskovic slowly gets worn down. He's slowly shrinking into is normal size, noticing Chain's adaptation to his punches. "So you get stronger each time you take a hit?"
  1014. 05:16 Chain grabs his left chain, it shortening down to around two feet, Chain grabbing it, it forming to what looks like a bat. slamming it right in Greg's face
  1015. 05:17 Chain Your smarter then you look, and that girl had a right idea using a bat
  1016. 05:18 Chain Lets see how much I can get enjoyment out from it
  1017. 05:19 *** F021 quit ()
  1018. 05:19 WishingWell takes notes
  1019. 05:19 GregClaskovic is taken back by the bat, he rubs his face, trying not to let his anger get the best of him. "Think, Greg, think..." he whispers to himself. He notices the light shining over his armor. "So your armor is made out of metal, yes?"
  1020. 05:19 WishingWell "Goddamn weirdos in this world. Every one of us..."
  1021. 05:22 F021_ -- Sitting on a seat not too far from the window, F021 looks at the battle with excitedment. His hearing is still not fully healed again - he probably should go see someone with healing skills to regain it.
  1022. 05:23 Chain Seems like the acid is still affecting your vision, even so, I wouldn't want to revile to much to the other fighters up there, would I? Ruin the fun
  1023. 05:27 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  1024. 05:28 Chain slams the bat to gregs head again
  1025. 05:28 GregClaskovic forms his fist into a sharp blade. He charges at Chain, readying the blade, once he's close to Chain, the blade scrapes off his hood, with Greg using more precision then force. He slowly hopes that he affected Chain in some type of way, he takes no hesitation to try and slice him again.
  1026. 05:30 *** F021_ quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1027. 05:31 Chain dodging the blade, it ripping his hood a bit, sweep kicks greg down
  1028. 05:34 GregClaskovic falls down, he slides to the left and jumps up, he charges at Chain again, he's very weak by this time, the acid had taken more of his reserves than he thought. He tries to keep light on his feet, his hand touches Chains shoulder, the metal forms like liquid around his shoulder, eventually trapping his entire arm, He solidifies it, making it more dense.
  1029. 05:35 GregClaskovic pushes down on Chain, keeping him on the floor. "Does your magic suit have anything for things like this?" He asks, forcing him down into the ground more. He keeps his foot on his helmet, slowing applying force on that as well.
  1030. 05:43 Chain grabs the bat, it getting thinner and thinner, soon glowing red, bringing it up over his chest and, cuts through Gregs arm and leg
  1031. 05:48 GregClaskovic shouts in agony, he falls over, holding onto his shoulder. He groans. "You bastard..." He grabs his leg with his powers very weakened. His leg slowly turns into a liquid, retracting into his hand. He looks at Chain and slowly, the metal pushes out of where his leg used to be. But from that, he shouts again, louder than before
  1032. 05:48 Chain Well, look at that, you can feel pain
  1033. 05:50 GregClaskovic coughs. "F-fuck... you." He falls over again, trying to get back up on his feet. He stands up, in a fighters position, ready to face Chain, uncertain though of what could happen.
  1034. 05:51 Chain How about we see if you can live with only a head, or if I cut deep enough, you bleed?
  1035. 05:51 *** F021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1036. 05:53 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  1037. 05:54 GregClaskovic quickly grabs Chain's chest, a sudden surge of strength, Greg's fingers penetrate what seems like cloth of Chain's hood, his fingers touching Chain's skin, he quickly extracts an entire sheet of metal all over Chain's body. He stumbles back, taking his hand. He's just almost out of reserve. He falls back, barely able to stand, he falls back.
  1038. 06:02 Chain stands completely still, as if he was turned to stone, drawing the chains back into his sleeves, after a minute or so, he starts to move again, a few bits of metal falling out any opening of his clothes
  1039. 06:05 Chain G-gah...clever trick, covering me in metal like my arm was, shoulda did that first, then again, you were never too smart
  1040. 06:08 GregClaskovic chuckles. "You should watch yourself..." Greg then pulls the metal towards his hand along with Chain's body. "Ever feel like you're just being squeezed, Chain?" The metal around his skin slowly shrinks towards Greg's hand. "Let's just see how durable you are."
  1041. 06:09 WishingWell "Haven't the slightest clue what's happening..."
  1042. 06:14 *** F021_ quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1043. 06:17 Chain S-sti-ill go-ot some k-kick huh...B-ut, looks like its not enough Greg
  1044. 06:20 Chain places his foot down on gregs chest. "Give up Greg, we both know your blacking out soon, but, let me tell you one thing."
  1045. 06:23 Chain kneels down, whispering so the others won't hear him. "трансцендентность проекта" then kicks Greg unconscious
  1046. 06:25 GregClaskovic falls down, the left over bits of metal fall to the ground making puddles of metal that retract towards Greg.
  1047. 06:25 Chain -aaand the winner is Chain! Will someone please get the Forklift so we can move Greg?-
  1048. 06:26 Chain walks away, any left over metal still on him falling off moving towards greg
  1049. 06:31 WishingWell "Wait what"
  1050. 06:31 WishingWell "Holy shit it's over"
  1051. 06:35 Chain walks into the room, both chains crawling back up his sleeves, the right one having a small ball form at the end
  1052. 06:36 *** Bud quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1053. 06:37 WishingWell "So uh, handsome. How about you spill what the hell is goin on with all that?"
  1054. 06:38 Chain What, you wanting a better view?
  1055. 06:39 WishingWell "Oh no please. I can hardly contain today's breakfast with the distance you are, now."
  1056. 06:41 WishingWell "Just wanted a little inside info on your.....inner mechanizations. For science's sake. Ya know?"
  1057. 06:41 WishingWell removes his helmet and grins widely
  1058. 06:42 *** Lord_Raptor quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1059. 06:43 Chain I bet the inside of your suit smells lovely. As for the chains, trade secret, how about you tell me of those, coins?
  1060. 06:43 GregClaskovic slowly gets up. Rage fills his eyes, he starts staring up at Chain. He absorbs whatever's left on the ground and slowly walks towards the entrance of the room. He clenches his fist. Once he gets into the room, he stares at both Wells and Chain. His body slowly forms back into his original hulking state. "You knew about me."
  1061. 06:45 WishingWell sneers and puts back on his helmet. "Trade secret pal. My powers are way too classified. Sorry." He twirls a pair of quarters in the air as he leaves the are.
  1062. 06:49 Chain waits for Wells to leave before speaking to Greg. "You took quite the beating, maybe you heard wrong, or, you should stay quiet till after all this is over, unless you wish for another fight"
  1063. 06:51 GregClaskovic You don't know what you're up against, whatever you're trying to do, They will stop you. And you know it.
  1064. 06:55 Chain They? The heroes in Neon? I'm sure we will do fine. We'll see, won't we?
  1065. 06:58 GregClaskovic You have no faith in them, that's going to be the downfall. They will triumph over your organization, and...
  1066. 07:00 Chain And what? You never saw what they did, what they can do. You, and your friends will die. You, by my hands
  1067. 07:04 GregClaskovic is stuck for words, he wants to say, but he can't. He walks out of the room, angered that there's nothing he can do
  1068. 20:54 Hornithipod took the opportunity to quickly and gently twirl and dance towards the suffering Ala, playing the song of his people, and go in for a kick to the face, powered by the Cretaceous Era, his flute turning into a dagger, as he readied for her response.
  1069. 20:57 Isidora had a response that didn't require the use of her ears, her eyes shut and still groaning in pain. Around the end of his shoe the ala bit down, her sharp teeth so close to simply biting right through clean. With the hold she threw to the side, using her strength like a beast to slam him to the ground.
  1070. 21:02 Hornithipod coughed in pain as he became acquainted with the oh so abused arena floor. "Q-Quite the teeth you have. I'm a herbivore myself..." He uses the great strength of his ignored tail to push the rest of his body from the floor as he goes in for a reinforced exoskeleton punch to her face.
  1071. 21:04 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  1072. 21:05 Isidora had her mouth open for just such an occasion, noticing where his attacks seemed to be focused. With his fist reinforced by bone he soon found his hand in the jaws of the ala, able to see clearly the intimidating teeth and what seemed to be a vortex where an esophagus should have been.
  1073. 21:05 Isidora bit down to crunch and shatter the bone, thrashing like a crocodile with its prey to break both the impact point and joints connected to it.
  1074. 21:11 Hornithipod "Aye dios mio! ¿Qué demonios es ustede!?" He struggled with all his leg power to stay grounded as he fought for his arm, slowly losing strength from the pain. "You are nothing like the diablos I've been read to about at night!" In a moment of desperation, the boy had what was trapped in her mouth explode into spikes in every direction.
  1075. 21:13 Isidora had the upper hand in one area above all others, and that was the mouth, made to eat through just about all matter that entered it. The spikes put up a fair game, but they too began to be sucked into the strange hole at the bottom of her throat. Standing straight up, the demoness was able to throw Hornithipod up over her head, giving final thrashes to -
  1076. 21:14 Isidora - put him in pain and put more damage up his arm, aiming to leave it broken when she was done, before dropping him down to the ground in a big crash using the momentum of his body. With the remnants of bone in her mouth she chewed and swallowed in audible crunches.
  1077. 21:21 Hornithipod knelt before the Ala, his face on the floor groveling in tears as he held his profusely bleeding arm. "Don Quixote de la Mancha!, the pain..." He tries his best to get to his feet, wincing every step along the way.
  1078. 21:22 Hornithipod "Y-You are the stuff of nightmares Senorita, w-with all due respect." He snickers.
  1079. 21:25 Isidora squatted down, elbows resting on her knees as she let a sinister grin go across her face, her teeth lightly stained with blood and resembling more like sharks' than humans'. "Da. Damn right. I got somebody back home I'm doin' this all for, can't let her down"
  1080. 21:25 Isidora "Now, anything to day before some rest?"
  1081. 21:25 Isidora (*say)
  1082. 21:29 *** F021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1083. 21:30 Hornithipod smiles a bit, "Well as a man of honor, I can respect such a motivation...And for final words, Vaya con Dios." He then then quickly extends his chest forward, as his ribs burst out, grabbing for the off guard demon, in the center of his core, a large spike awaits to penetrate light blue skin. Hornithipod laughs hysterically as he pulls out his final attempt at a win. "I hope that skin of...
  1084. 21:31 Hornithipod ...yours is as tough as it seems Senora!"
  1085. 21:34 Isidora had her arms held in and a smile on her face even during the surprise attack. The ribs grabbed right around her and pulled her in such a way she would have been impaled immediately... but instead the grip of a boxing glove came around the spike and pushed to keep just enough distance.
  1086. 21:34 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  1087. 21:35 Isidora "Лепо спавај!" Breaking through a whole side of the ribs with the rear of her arm, she held back before launching up a punishing uppercut directly into Hornithipod's stomach, enough to launch him into the air in a glorious spiral.
  1088. 21:37 Hornithipod has a brief flashback to moments with his asshole of a grandfather as he glides gloriously through the air, his lights coming off as he crashes into the floor, looking like a busted up anatomy project.
  1089. 21:40 Isidora creaked her neck as she lowered her raised glove, looking down at the beaten pile of bones, smiling softly.
  1090. 21:40 Sylum -and the winner is, Isidora!-
  1091. 21:43 Isidora "Damn fucken right!"
  1092. 21:43 *** F021 quit ()
  1093. 21:44 Sylum -Thank you for watching everyone, well start the next rounds tomorrow, who will win the one wish, We'll see!-
  1094. 21:54 Ryan-Stone -the fighters were asleep, and Chain was having another drink with his 'friend'-
  1095. 21:54 Chain Tell me, how much more did we get?
  1096. 21:59 Ryan-Stone the Bird didn't give much to learn, but some blood was stolen from the one known as f021 during a visit to our medics. Flareburst as well. the dino man also gave us plenty to study, but...
  1097. 21:59 Chain But what?
  1098. 22:00 Ryan-Stone I know what you said to Greg, and we know that could put our whole plan at risk! What if he tells the others?
  1099. 22:03 Chain Yes, like they would believe him, a metal man from Russia who is considered a terrorist to poland. very trust worthy
  1100. 22:07 Ryan-Stone Thats not the point, Greg could go after you, or anyone else who works here. and what if some one does believe him? Someone like Bud or Isidora could ruin everything!
  1101. 22:09 Chain Yes, speaking of old Greg, I doubt this will give us much...
  1102. 22:10 Chain drops a grey metal ball out of his sleeve, attached to a chain, slowly opening up reveling a silver ball inside, some of Gregs metal
  1103. 22:12 Ryan-Stone ...uuuhg, I'm just glad that Meri fellow isn't fighting, who knows how you would rea-
  1104. 22:16 *** Fuu021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1105. 22:16 Chain grabs Ryan's throat, ready to crush it. "You ever mention that name to me again, I'll make it so no one will ever recognize you, got it?"
  1106. 22:16 Chain lets go, grabbing the bottle and heads for the door
  1107. 22:17 Ryan-Stone W-what are you doing, that drink costed me 40 grand! You, you can't even get drunk!
  1108. 22:18 Chain doesn't answer, leaves Ryan alone
  1109. 22:19 Ryan-Stone ...Damn Nanite bastard
  1111. Day 3
  1113. 21:09 Elise_ snorts and giggles in her seat, eyes red and half-lidded, "Gee, it sure is /boring/ around here."
  1114. 21:10 WishingWell walks into the fighter's area, "My girl, this wish is what all true warriors /strive/ for..."
  1115. 21:10 Sylum -welcome to the third day and second match up of the tournament, first fight for today is WishingWell versus, Chain!-
  1116. 21:11 WishingWell "What!?"
  1117. 21:11 WishingWell "Shit! I take it back!"
  1118. 21:11 *** Sylum is now known as Chain
  1119. 21:11 Chain Well, look at that, our turn
  1120. 21:12 Elise_ yells out from the seats, "Don't worry! Our ship sails in the morning!"
  1121. 21:14 Chain walks into the fighters ring, coat fixed from yesterday
  1122. 21:15 WishingWell stares out at the crowd, nervous as ever, "What are all those heads..."
  1123. 21:18 Chain You nervous? Its just a friends little fight, I won't chop you up like I did poor greg
  1124. 21:19 WishingWell "Scuse me, what? Don't get all sweet on me now."
  1125. 21:19 Chain Right, your strong, put that poor boy in a coma
  1126. 21:20 WishingWell "Right, /strong/"
  1127. 21:20 WishingWell "Only to strike more fear into your heart."
  1128. 21:20 WishingWell wiggles his arms at Chain, "Beware meeeeeee"
  1129. 21:22 Chain -the first fight for today, Coin King, WishingWell, versus, Hooded fighter, Chain!-
  1130. 21:23 Chain -3-
  1131. 21:23 Chain -2-
  1132. 21:23 Chain -1-
  1133. 21:23 Chain -FIGHT-
  1134. 21:24 WishingWell innocently flicks a coin towards Chain
  1135. 21:24 Chain has two chains fall from his sleeves, catches them as they form to swords, Chain waiting forWells to attack
  1136. 21:24 WishingWell "Swords?"
  1137. 21:25 WishingWell looks around the arena confusedly for a weapon, "This just aint fair."
  1138. 21:26 Chain runs towards Wells, ready to hack and slash
  1139. 21:27 WishingWell gathers a shield of coins from his person, and keeps his footing.
  1140. 21:28 WishingWell "Come at me bro' he muses.
  1141. 21:29 Chain starts to slash at the coins, not acting that serious, more trying to have fun
  1142. 21:30 Chain So, tell me, is it the suit? Special made coins?
  1143. 21:30 Chain Or failed experiment, thrown out?
  1144. 21:31 WishingWell sweeps for Chain's feet as he goes off on his shield, aiming to get him on the floor, "I'd rather we get a more fitting setting to get to know each other. I know this great new Italian restaurant."
  1145. 21:33 Chain presses his swords together to protect him from the falling coin man as he falls to the ground.
  1146. 21:35 WishingWell keeps his stance above Chain as he plummets to the floor, and sends a small round of his ammo through a knee, keeping his guard up for anything. "The garlic bread is to die for."
  1147. 21:38 Chain kip-ups at Wells, right in his face. "Not a fan of Italian food"
  1148. 21:41 Chain forms the swords together, now becoming a two handed long sword, and starts to glow red like it did with Greg. "Lets see whats in that armor, shall we?"
  1149. 21:42 WishingWell is taken aback by the kick, stumbling a bit, still in defense form, he smiles,"Me neither, never went to the place. Would have asked the waiter to spit in your food if you accepted." He takes a look at Chain's knee. "So uh, how's that working out for you?"
  1150. 21:44 Chain looks at it, "Clever, going for the knee, Lets take yours."
  1151. 21:44 Chain runs towards Wells, slashing at his knees
  1152. 21:49 WishingWell thanks god he wears a suit of metal at all times, and goes in for a punch to the face towards the malicious masquerader. "Gotta respect a man that goes for something of equal value, though I'm not one to give so easily."
  1153. 21:54 Chain swings the long-sword up, a few inches more and he would of cut the hand right off. instead stopping it, then returns a punch back
  1154. 21:55 WishingWell takes it and goes in for a harder punch in return.
  1155. 21:56 Chain makes the sword form back to chains, and punches Wells again
  1156. 21:57 WishingWell returns the favor once again. Not even Christmas, but he's in the mood for giving.
  1157. 21:58 Chain punches twice, on for the face and on for the chest
  1158. 21:58 Chain [one*]
  1159. 22:01 WishingWell goes in for the gut followed by an uppercut, "Are you?......Getting hard?"
  1160. 22:04 Chain goes for another punch, forming some brass knuckles. "Nice phrasing"
  1161. 22:07 WishingWell "I'm flattered but I can't return these feelings." Wells goes in for in even harder punch, "I can return that however!" This is getting harder for him.
  1162. 22:12 Chain goes for one last punch, before forming a knife and stabbing Wells in the shoulder, and unknown to him drawing blood as if it was a shoot, blood going into the hilt
  1163. 22:12 Chain shot*
  1164. 22:16 WishingWell stares at his stab wound, then stares at his opponent, and in a burst of what felt like years of pent of aggression, he gathers a fist of coin and slams it straight into Chain's face, having it explode into molten metal immediately after contact.
  1165. 22:22 Chain stumbles back, one of the liquid containers on his mask busted. "Now, we get serious."
  1166. 22:23 Chain forms the knife and bronze knuckle to cover his fist, to large metal gauntlets now cover his hands
  1167. 22:25 WishingWell forms a hammer out of his coins, something never really done, and slams into the side of Chain's face. "Cute fucking gloves you got there!"
  1168. 22:26 Chain shows just how cute they are, by punching wells in his face, full force this time
  1169. 22:31 WishingWell ignores the fact that pieces of his trusty helmet are all over the floor, his now revealed eyes showing intense rage, as he grabs for Chains face with his superheated hand, going in to forcibly remove his gay little mask.
  1170. 22:32 Chain releases all the acid he has left in the containers onto the fist
  1171. 22:38 WishingWell ignores the green shit this man is trying to spit at him and yanks off his Darth Vader helmet. "Not the smartest, are ya?" His second arm is rearing to make on time to it's appointment with Chain's face.
  1172. 22:41 Chain Neither are you, самоликвидироваться!
  1173. 22:43 WishingWell sneers at insane man,"What?"
  1174. 22:43 Chain mask in Wells hand beeps, then self-destructs in a blinding light
  1175. 22:43 Chain punches him during the flash
  1176. 22:46 WishingWell takes the fist to the floor, not before blanketing himself in dosh.
  1177. 22:48 Elise_ points down at the show, "Oh golly! Look! Lodsamoney!"
  1178. 22:49 Chain Wells, I must commemorate you, you gave me quiet the fight, I will enjoy watching you fight in this tournament
  1179. 22:49 WishingWell [:I]
  1180. 22:50 Elise_ [Wait, swords, gloves and the knife. The mask bomb is also a weapon isn't it?]
  1181. 22:51 WishingWell [Either way, I won]
  1182. 22:51 Chain [yeah, buuut chain is in with transcendence, remember?]
  1183. 22:51 Elise_ [Oh okay then.]
  1184. 22:52 Chain -uh, alright. the winner is Wishing Well!-
  1185. 22:52 Chain walks off the ring. "Lets hope you get as blood hungry in the other fights"
  1186. 22:53 WishingWell is still on the arena floor, his blanket turned into a metal cocoon welded to the floor. "What!?"
  1187. 22:54 Elise_ takes a hit and coughs out, "Yo, what the fuck? He just concede or some shit?"
  1188. 22:54 WishingWell peaks his head out of his bomb shelter. "Did the Cold War start yet?"
  1189. 22:55 WishingWell pulls himself out of the metal casing, "Someone better have the president on the phone!"
  1190. 22:55 WishingWell "Wait, where is he?"
  1191. 22:56 WishingWell "I-I didn't kill him...You all saw it right?"
  1192. 22:56 Chain walks into the fighter area. "he doesn't realize I gave up, did he?"
  1193. 22:57 WishingWell stares around at the crowd. "You all saw him! Went out like the Russian economy."
  1194. 23:02 Chain slightly regrets not hitting him harder after that joke
  1195. 23:02 WishingWell strides happily out of the arena, feeling good for making it this far.
  1196. 23:05 Elise_ shrugs.
  1197. 23:07 Chain Elise, tell me, can you see how many others are here?
  1198. 23:12 Elise_ takes another hit and shrugs again. "Fuck if I know. What kind of fuckin' question is that? Also how the fuck did you get up here to quick?"
  1199. 23:13 Chain Its not that much of a walk
  1200. 23:13 WishingWell walks into the fighter's area, "Holy shit he's alive."
  1201. 23:13 Chain If you killed me you would of been disqualified
  1202. 23:16 WishingWell smirks "Says the guy screaming 'Self Destruct.'"
  1203. 23:17 Chain I'm sure you would of lived, and you did
  1204. 23:20 WishingWell "Yeah well that's all behind us. Moral of the story, America Stronk."
  1205. 23:21 Chain We will see, perhaps Serbia will out match us booth
  1206. 23:22 WishingWell loses it as he leaves for his room to patch up, "Hilarious!"
  1207. 23:23 Chain leaves to fix, or better yet recreate his mask
  1208. 17:13 Sylum -Now, due to a bit of a miss count on my part, we have something even more exiting then the normal fights, Ladies, Gentlemen, and other, lets get ready for a Three Way Fight!-
  1209. 17:14 Sylum -Will Isidora, Elise, and Buddy please enter the arena, and get ready for one hell of a battle-
  1210. 17:15 *** Eridana is now known as Elise_
  1211. 17:18 Elise_ hoists herself from the spectator's seat she fell asleep in and waltzes down to the arena floor, bat nestled in her armpit as she adjusts her clothing accordingly.
  1212. 17:18 Isidora entered into the ring in her usual fighting attire. With a tight, black athletic tank top on, the studded collar on her neck, boxing gloves proudly on her hands, and finally Serbian pattern boxing shorts.
  1213. 17:19 Bud came from the air, sleek black suit looking primed and scarred. Walking forward in silence.
  1214. 17:21 WishingWell walks into the fighters area, loitering about, screwing around on his helmet. He notices the fight. "Completely forget why I'm here sometimes..."
  1215. 17:22 Sylum -Queen of Weather, Isidora, The Owner of V-Tech, Buddy, and The girl who will Bat your head in, Elise!-
  1216. 17:23 Sylum -3-
  1217. 17:23 Sylum -2-
  1218. 17:23 Sylum -1-
  1219. 17:23 Sylum -FIGHT!-
  1220. 17:23 Isidora looked between Elise and Bud, the three of them an equal distance from one another in a classic standoff. "Before we fight, I will ask you this once. Why do you fight today? What wish are you striving for?"
  1221. 17:26 Elise_ pulls her bat out and taps it against her boot with a sigh, slowly moving into a position to see the both of her opponents. "My reasons are kind of personal, miss stranger, but I assure you that they are important enough that I'm not just gonna sit my plump ass down and watch an opportunity roll by."
  1222. 17:26 GregClaskovic grunts, still angry over Chain's apparent victory. "prevoskhodstvo." He repeats to himself, getting more mad at his loss.
  1223. 17:27 Bud stood his ground, posture neutral as he looked at the other two fighters and settled on Isi. The slightly electronic tinge of his vox creaked out. "I want my identity back. My memories, my mind and my name. I'm not going to let the chance for it slip by my fingers as long as they can still gouge."
  1224. 17:29 Isidora creaked her neck, her expression unchanging as she heard from the both of them. Processed it. It gave her a moment of pause and one of her eyebrows twitched in subtle indecision before settling. It worked well enough for her. Putting up her gloves she took in a breath and readied herself.
  1225. 17:40 Elise_ held her bat in her right hand, facing her opponents with her left hand side. She then slowly began to tread, watching the others for a first move.]
  1226. 17:40 Isidora took a sniff of the area around her, internally mapping everything in the ring with her advanced senses. Then, bursting forward in a frightening speed an opening right hook came down to Elise, the ala making her powerful presence well known in her first move.
  1227. 17:45 Elise_ tilted her body as quick as she could move, but not quick enough as she was sent spiralling to the side, the hook connecting solidly with her left shoulder as she pulled away. "Wh-holy shit!" She performed another revolution and came back with a roundhouse, lashing out with her leg at the blue woman.
  1228. 17:50 Bud tensed his entire form at the sight of the Ala's speed. Holding the stance he watched the two battle. Nobody likes a third wheel as they say.
  1229. 17:52 Isidora put up her gloves as the kick came forward upon her, colliding into her forearms and bringing out a grunt from the strong demoness. That block swiftly turned from a grab as she tugged on Elise's leg to throw her to the side in Bud's direction
  1230. 17:57 Elise_ felt the grab connect and cursed to herself as she felt herself sail for a moment before colliding with the ground and rolling a few meters closer to Buddy. She was quick to stand to her feet, still clutching tight to her bat as she tried to regain her bearings. "Jesus, not a great start, huh?"
  1231. 18:02 Bud spun on his twisted heel and bounded into a backward roll, gaining the distance on Elise and sending both of his booted feet at the disoriented girl's center of mass.
  1232. 18:06 Elise_ took the hit with a grimace and an 'oof', using the momentum to roll away and gain some more distance, taking care to steer away from the edge of the arena. She groaned for a moment before leaping back into action, coming down upon Bud and then dropping at the last moment to slide and try tokick out his legs.
  1233. 18:07 Isidora let off a little puff of steam from her nose, looking like she was getting herself ready like a bull about to charge. She was a force and she made it clear, but she grew curious of which one of them would come on top in that smaller scuffle. At least until she saw an opportunity.
  1234. 18:09 WishingWell waves a small purple flag around, bought from concession. "Poor girl's not gonna make it..."
  1235. 18:17 Bud tries to dart to the right, quick but losing his left leg's balance as she slid under it causing him to arch forward and make a grab at her hair in a semi-controlled fall.
  1236. 18:22 Elise_ attempts to counter a grab with a grab, and lashes an arm out to grab for Bud's arm, intent on planting her feet at his centre of mass and attempting to flip him to the floor. "Fuck! Really not my goddamn day!"
  1237. 18:33 *** GregClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1238. 18:48 Isidora kept herself back for the time being, still watching them both as well as Elise's misfortune. She'd make her play just soon enough.
  1239. 18:48 Isidora kept herself back for the time being, still watching them both as well as Elise's misfortune. She'd make her play just soon enough.
  1240. 19:04 Bud grips Elise's arm with his free hand as she grapples his original grapple and crushes down with all of his might before trying to shift his weight and hopefully sending them both twisting toward the ground.
  1241. 19:10 Elise_ goes with the shift of weight and ends up landing directly on her back with another solid 'oof'. This was not looking good for her, maybe it would be best to play it a bit more safely. As she thought that, she scrambled to her feet, attempting to shake Bud's grip as she raised her bat quickly before bringing it down towards Bud.
  1242. 19:22 WishingWell "I wonder what kind of person tastes best to an Ala..."
  1243. 19:23 Isidora turned her head immediately at that comment, her blue eyes piercing in Well's general direction
  1244. 19:23 Sylum Wells, best not to ask questions like that
  1245. 19:24 WishingWell "Forgot she a"
  1246. 19:24 WishingWell "had damn fine hearing....crafty demons...
  1247. 19:37 Bud rose to his knees after the fall, he was still trying to maintain his vice-like grip on the girl's arm as the cold, hard bat slammed into the side of his right shoulder's pauldron and scufost as if given permission hefed the paint. Alm tried to reach for the hilt now jutting itself out from the sheath on his suit's left side but making his grip loosen.
  1248. 19:38 Bud [Slammed into his right shoulder's pauldron and scuffed the paint. Almost as if given permission he tried to reach for the hilt.]
  1249. 19:56 Elise_ ripped both her bat and her arm away and rolled to retreat. She then pushed herself to her feet and put some distance between herself and Bud, moving instead towards Isidora with a cautious step.
  1250. 19:57 WishingWell "Aw man, she raised a death flag...."
  1251. 19:59 Isidora shook her head and came out from her corner, lightly tapping her boxing gloves together as she began to move forward, each step deliberate and slow in an intimidating approach
  1252. 20:01 --- Sylum is back
  1253. 20:03 Bud stood to his full height. He kept his hand on the hilt of whatever was in the sheath but didn't draw it just yet, instead he moved his right ankle back into the twisted form and stared the trapped girl down from behind his mask.
  1254. Elise_ held her ground, turning to be side-on to both of the other combatants. Her eyes jump from left to right and left again, flicking between the two as she stretched out the arm that Buddy death-gripped and rolled the shoulder that Isi smacked, feeling the bruises beginning to rise.
  1255. 20:09 Isidora didn't throw a move yet. She simply looked between Elise and Bud, her icy blue eyes like accusing daggers as she made it clear that one of them was about to be out, and surrender would be far easier.
  1256. 20:14 Bud stood still like a statue. His odd stance was like the rest of him, unreadable and unafraid.
  1257. 20:16 WishingWell "Ought to put this shit in a museum..."
  1258. 20:21 Elise_ groans, clicks her shoulder and advances once more towards Isidora, snapping her bat to her back and cracking her knuckles with a grimace. She grumbles to herself, something about 'more standing than a gorram JoJo chapter.'
  1259. 20:22 Sylum So, out of Buddy or Dora, who do you think is going to win?
  1260. 20:23 Isidora gave her chance. Now the bull is released again. Gritting her sharp teeth the demoness made a leap forward, coming up into an uppercut as her eyes trained to Bud behind her, making it clear that he was going to be next
  1261. 20:24 WishingWell waves his purple flag, the primary symbol being a leaf of mary jane. "I always go for the underdog."
  1262. 20:25 Elise_ was sick of this jumpscare combat bullshit. She moved her torso back and felt the boxing glove clip her ribs before she ducked down. She came back up with her arm extended, intending to smack the blue girl with a solid lariat and push her back some.
  1263. 20:26 WishingWell whispers to himself, "If she miraculously wins, I'll be able to sleep at night..."
  1264. 20:27 Isidora quickly turned her attention back to Elise, feeling the sting of a solid hit to make her stumble back. Now her focus was undivided, and she was getting antsy, tired of waiting and trying to see who of the three would fight. In quick, hateful jabs she alternated between punches, incredibly light on her own feet
  1265. 20:30 Elise_ raised her arms, taking the occasional jab to the shoulder or side of the head as she looked back to check on Buddy. She waited for an opening, dodging and block the blows that she could and tanking the hits that she couldn't. When an opening presented itself, she would tense the muscles in her leg, lift it and then deliver a mighty, merciless kick out and the blue demon's knee.
  1266. 20:38 Isidora made a hiss of pain as her knee was kicked in, very nearly forcing her down. All the same, she made no pretense of fighting clean. Brutally, she slammed her head like a battering ram into Elise's forehead, carrying on it the raw blunt force of an angry ala
  1267. 20:41 Bud stared into the fight before beginning to take slowed steps toward the pair and circling them both at a rather relaxed pace.
  1268. 20:45 Elise_ felt her brain being rattled as Dora's head collided with hers. She saw stars for a moment, but told herself that she was harder than that. Now was the time to change up strategies. With a quick movement, she secured Dora's forehead to her own by holding her there by the back of her neck. Then, in one smooth movement she dropped into a crouch and then rolled onto her back in an attempt to use her centrifugal force
  1269. 20:45 Elise_ to toss Isidora to the ground behind them, over to or into Buddy.
  1270. 20:47 Isidora had a surprising grace to her nearly animalistic movements, fueled by more primal hungers and disdain for mortals. Upon being thrown she managed to divert the momentum somewhat, angling her body to slam both of her feet into Bud in a punishing kick
  1271. 20:54 Bud swftly side-stepped to evade, his suit blurred slightly at the action. He had already been anticipating and planning for such an attack. He made an attempt to grab the demon by her legs as they went, hoping to spin her right back to Elise.
  1272. 20:57 Isidora was just about thrown, at least for what seemed like a moment. As she was to be flown through the air again she stopped, floating and spinning around, swinging on Bud properly. Being treated like a ragdoll was getting her pissed.
  1273. 21:01 WishingWell sits patiently for true hell to be unleashed. "I'd say it's cruel to play with your food, but morals aren't a thing to animals. Haha...where the hell is this fight going...?"
  1274. 21:02 *** Flareburst joined #covenger_rp
  1275. 21:02 Elise_ sees the commotion starting between the two and breathes out finally, allowing herself to catch her breath as she pulled her bat from her back once more. She shook her head to dismiss the dizziness that the demon had inflicted upon her somewhat, before advancing quickly upon the two of them, intending to get some hits in while they are occupied.
  1276. 21:02 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  1277. 21:09 Bud makes no attempt to dodge the swing, instead letting it connect with his armored head and spinning with the momentum to quickly send the throwing knife from the side of his suit flying at Elise in an un-aimed toss before sending a roundhouse at the demon behind him.
  1278. Isidora manages to catch the leg sent at her under one of her arms, cracking down the other one with a downward hook of her elbow onto the exposed appendage before swinging him to the ground.
  1279. 21:17 Elise_ is struck by the throwing knife in the left shoulder with a solid impact as it sinks into her muscle and flesh. She screams, but only for a moment. "Sonnuvabitch that smarts!" She grimaces shortly before removing the blade, not a great idea, but she couldn't allow an enemy to gain some sort of point with which to debilitate her by twisting it. Elise continues her advance upon the pair before raising her bat and
  1280. 21:17 Elise_ bringing it down towards Dora's head whilst she was distracted, intending to knock her out. She had seen a fear when Dora clashed heads with her, and felt her vocal cords shift in accordance to let out a terrible, bellowing roar. Much like that of a dragon.
  1281. 21:21 WishingWell "This shit is getting weird now..."
  1282. 21:22 Sylum You would think weird would be normal for people from Neon, but, no
  1283. 21:22 *** F021 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1284. 21:22 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  1285. 21:22 Bud struggles and rips himself to the ground in a roll. Stopping himself as he quickly got into an animal like crouch to assess his leg before drawing the main blade on his back and switching it to the blunted edge. A shrieking screech emitted from his suit loud enough to crack glass as he used the blade like a claw to scramble up and into a vicious flurry.
  1286. 21:23 Isidora twitched as she heard the sound of a dragon. Everything down to her reaction time suddenly tuned as if her life was depending on it, and it visibly made her far more serious. Spinning around in a lightning quick feral twist she attempted to catch the bat in her mouth, teeth more than ready to bite down and rend it apart
  1287. 21:33 WishingWell goes to concession to get refreshments, whilst talking to himself, "I may call this place shit, but that's all empty talk until I find out they don't sell chocodiles. This Ryan Stone guy better have good taste."
  1288. 21:37 Elise_ , in a last second feint, dropped the bat completely before bringing her other arm around for a swift hook much like the one she received earlier. She felt a pain in her arm in mid-flight, partly due to the knife wound and partially due to her talons bursting forth from her fingers, coated in a hallucinagenic venom as she raked them towards Dora.
  1289. 21:46 Bud unchecked and armed with a blade he closed in with a terrifying speed to begin slashing at knees, shoulders, backs and anything else he could see in the flurry of rapid, unpredictable strikes with no central target, just hoping to hit either of them. A high pitched shriek blasting all the while.
  1290. 21:47 Isidora crunched the bat between her teeth, swallowing it until there was nothing left in a frenzy of self defense. The claws were able to cut into her blue skin, marking her and letting the venom settle in, but the ala didn't seem to even think
  1291. 21:47 Isidora opened her mouth and exhaled harshly, a gust of ripping wind blasting out at her two opponents as they thrashed and fought
  1292. 21:55 Elise_ was blasted back, finding the ground rather hard as she bounced to the arena's limits, so very nearly out before recovering and moving in once more, this time taking on a defensive posture as her venom set in. What sort of hallucinations could she take advantage of with this enemy?
  1293. 21:59 Bud slid back, using the blade and his hand to scrape along the arena floor he eventually stopped and stood in another crooked stance with head craning to check both fighters.
  1294. 22:00 WishingWell plays a song from his helmet to raise morale of his favorite combatant, if she could even hear it...He waves his flag enthusiastically. Show YouTube video (
  1295. 22:01 Isidora came in spinning, refusing to give either of them a moment to recover. First a crash came down to the side of Bud's helmet, the glove tearing apart in her ferocity, then she attempted to smash her foot into Elise's stomach.
  1296. 22:09 Elise_ fell back from the blow, pushed back once more. She felt a presence come with the impact, and felt her body growing slightly colder as she advanced once more to slash again at the leg that struck her. The skin on her right arm was beginning to flake awake, revealing a cluster of blue scales like sapphires among the snow.
  1297. 22:10 Bud gets sent sprawling onto the floor from the force of the punch. His helmet's metal warping and ceramic plates struggling to take the kinetic force from the attack. His head was aching but his blade was still clenched tight in his fist as he began to rise once more for his chance at a charge.
  1298. 22:15 Isidora bounded off the corner of the ring at the sight of scales. There were few things that could have made the ala pause, but she knew exactly what kind those were, and the fright was real. Wildly she jolted into the air, freely using her flight to bicycle kick again and again down at Elise as if she were trying to stomp her away
  1299. 22:15 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  1300. 22:16 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  1301. 22:19 *** F021 quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1302. 22:23 *** F021_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1303. 22:23 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  1304. 22:23 Elise_ put her arms up once again to block the incoming kicks from the blue devil, feeling a bit more resilient compared to before. "What the fuck... is with everyone flying... when they FIGHT ME." She roared once again and grabbed out for the next leg to strike her, intending to throw her away once more with a bellowing roar.
  1305. 22:25 *** F021_ left #covenger_rp
  1306. 22:27 Bud stares at the two in their pitted battle before vanishing into thin air.
  1307. Bud is slammed and battered by the rolling blunder and the she-devil, his cloaking system giving up entirely as the blows crushed important power points and forced him to his semi-steady feet determined to overpower each strike with a bladed rebuttal. He wasn't about to let a raging woman stand in his way no matter the cost.
  1308. 23:36 Isidora was a ruthless beast when she was let wild, blades slicing at the scales only to draw out a black horrid liquid that turned into smoke that clouded the tornado of the arena. Able to keep up on both of them, one head focused on each of the fighters as her snake form got closer, bashing to crush them straight together between each head
  1309. 23:37 Isidora used the middle head to burrow into the destroyed stage, rocking and tearing it up in her fury
  1310. 23:37 WishingWell "Wonder whatever happened to that self appointed boxing glove rule..."
  1311. 23:38 Sylum I have no clue, how much of the stage is left? its getting more wreaked then when Buddy burned it
  1312. 23:39 *** Flareburst left #covenger_rp
  1313. 23:41 McGoFuckYourself (Buddy wasn't the one to do that, thank you very much)
  1314. 23:41 Sylum [I couldn't exactly tell, could I?]
  1315. 23:41 Bud (^ There's more than one lunatic, thank you very much.)
  1316. 23:48 Elise_ guarded as best she could against the blows of the snake demon... thing. Was there any escape to be had here? Was victory even possible? As much fun as it was to be beat around by the real-world equivalent of the fucking Lernean Hydra, Elise had to devise a way out quick. The ring was rapidly detriorating beneath her as one of the heads tried to pierce its heavens. She really hoped that the arena wasn't suspended
  1317. 23:48 Elise_ above some huge pit or pool or something. That could mean bad things for all of them. Still she braved and dodged what hits she could, getting knocked about a fair bit, only being fuelled by the intense fear-sparked rage coming from the snake demon.
  1318. 23:49 Sylum -the once 20 feet ring has now been torn apart to around 8, 7 feet, how anyone could survive in that tornado is anyone's guess-
  1319. 23:50 Bud takes the blows as best he can, avoiding them with a quick evasion and slash where possible. With each strike the Ala landed only came warping metal and a desire for bloodshed. The arena was shrinking and his options were either surrender or get crazy. He opted to do what he did best.
  1320. 00:13 Isidora was slowly starting to wind down as the visions of dragons seemed to fade further and further, the large serpent still floating up in the storm as she gazed down upon the two she had battered into the destroyed arena
  1321. 00:13 WishingWell activates his helmet's enhanced sight, unable to take anymore suspense,"Ah fucking shit! Is my girl about to bite the dust? Wait...The fuck am I looking at. This fight has reached Dungeons and Dragons levels of fucked!" He proceeds to take pictures, his mouth agape in awe.
  1323. 00:13 WishingWell activates his helmet's enhanced sight, unable to take anymore suspense,"Ah fucking shit! Is my girl about to bite the dust? Wait...The fuck am I looking at. This fight has reached Dungeons and Dragons levels of fucked!" He proceeds to take pictures, his mouth agape in awe.
  1324. 00:55 Elise_ rolled once again, getting knocked to the side and past Bud once more. She felt more like a ragdoll than a combatant at this point. It was almost enough to make her laugh, if she weren't receiving so many injuries. She didn't even have a weapon anymore, just her claws as she lashed out at whatever was in range, venom all but spent.
  1325. 01:41 Sylum -Man, this fight feels like its been going on for, but according to our timer, its been, about 23 minutes!-
  1326. 01:41 Sylum for weeks*
  1327. 01:44 Sylum "God, If I need to ever fight Isi, I'm quitting in the first minute, this is worse then Hatemonger"
  1328. 01:44 Isidora calmed for the moment, the serpentine demon coiling atop the wreckage she had created with the stage while gazing down on what was perceived as her prey. Touching the little fear nerve of hers got a violent response, and only now was she starting to come down from it
  1329. 01:50 F021 watches the fight in almost complete silence, save for occasional loud noises that he can still hear. So far he's still bitter about his defeat with a certain raptor, but he can take it. He thinks that he should really invest on hearing aids if he want his full senses back. That aside, he's doing well.
  1330. 01:51 Wells looks over at the portable natural disaster, praying to god everyone destroys the field, disqualifying them all.
  1331. 01:56 Wells widens his eyes and begins to whisper to himself, "Oh god, they're probably all plotting my downfall. Gonna split the wish three ways. They fear me the most.....They'll send that untiring monster after me...Of course I'll make it the farthest." He looks over at Sylum with caution. "Fuck....What does the future have in store..."
  1332. 01:56 Sylum "So, out of the three, who would you think you have the best of beating?"
  1333. 01:57 Wells "What's it to you!"
  1334. 01:57 Wells "Hmmmm!?"
  1335. 01:57 Wells "Trying to psyche me out!?"
  1336. 01:57 Wells "I can read you like a fucking book, don't you test me!"
  1337. 01:58 F021 doesn't give a fuck, partly because he can't hear Sylum. But he really wishes that either Bud or Elise wins.
  1338. 01:58 Wells runs off to his room
  1339. 01:58 Sylum "...general conversation? Being in hiding makes you lonely...where the hell is he going? "
  1340. 01:59 F021 shrugs and continues to watch the fight.
  1341. 02:02 Bud stood his ground despite the thrashing the snakes gave him and his ruined armor, although it was getting rather hard for him to see anymore. The arena was a hotzone and he was cooking. Claws, Alas, and no moment of pause left him merely standing in an attempt at defense.
  1342. 02:09 Sylum "Think Wells would come back? I, think, he might still be a friend"
  1343. 02:10 Elise_ stood after her fantastic slide and took to her feet slowly. With a drawn out huff, she laboriously dragged her feet until she was standing right next to the snake-monster that was once Isidora. "Okay, girl. You've trashed the venue and eaten all the proverbial cake. Let's go." She utters a loud groan as she pushes against the monster, feet scuffing as they
  1344. 02:10 Elise_ slide across the floor.
  1345. 02:11 F021 looks at Sylum and once again shrugs.
  1346. 02:12 Isidora seemed to shift as Elise came to push her directly. The winds got less and less harsh among the destroyed landscape of the match, visibility going up. Backing up into her own cloud, the serpent changed back once more, coming out as the calmer human form boxing gloves still intact and delivering a clearly sick-of-this sucker punch
  1347. 02:18 Bud moved forward, stumbling more than walking. It was getting harder to see, getting harder to stand. The other fighters seemed to blur and come back into focus at random as he slowly made his way closer with blade dragging behind.
  1348. 02:18 Sylum -my, god! the once 20 foot ring, has been made to, 6, 7 feet?
  1349. 02:18 Sylum -
  1350. 02:25 Sylum "Think I should get wells?"
  1351. 02:25 F021 ".. Up to you." One can barely hear anything Sylum says and he's just making up things as of now.
  1352. 02:26 Wells returns shortly after, his mental breakdown being a small one fortunately. Imagine if he had one of his tremors. No human contact for weeks. He turns his attention to the field. "Would ya look at fucking that!"
  1353. 02:26 Elise_ went down with the punch. She went down hard and stayed down for a moment. "Alright, maybe I deserved that. Can ya blame me for trying though?" She was pretty sure one of her arms was broken.
  1354. 02:27 Sylum [only one?]
  1355. 02:27 Elise_ [shush]
  1356. 02:28 Wells quickly burns the flag with a depiction of a leaf of cush. "It's symbolic almost..."
  1357. 02:29 Wells "Every joint comes to an end...And this one just getting passed around by these two monsters."
  1358. 02:29 Sylum "...soo, as I was answering before you ran off ,general conversation, Being in hiding makes you lonely."
  1359. 02:29 Isidora "Honestly? No. I don't blame you" There was still a trace of anger in her voice, but she regained control. "You should lay down there for now. At least until the medics come" Her gaze turned to Bud as he made his approach, taking in a soft breath and putting up her boxing gloves again.
  1360. 02:32 Wells "Join the fucking club"
  1361. 02:32 Sylum "I have an actual reason"
  1362. 02:33 F021 shakes his head.
  1363. 02:33 Wells puts focus back on the fight, but his attention is immediately grabbed, "Excuse me?"
  1364. 02:35 Wells "You seem to be living it up with your fucking girlfriend pal."
  1365. 02:35 Wells "Running away from responsibility and all"
  1366. 02:35 F021 [oh lawds
  1367. 02:35 F021 ]
  1368. 02:35 Wells "I can probably guess what you're here for..."
  1369. 02:36 Bud stopped in his tracks and let his sword clatter to the ground as he stared at the Ala. It was clear now that the entire left side portion of his mask and helmet were crushed inward from the previous assaults, seams coming apart and electronics dead. Slowly he raised both fists to an aggressive brawl stance and prepared for what was to come.
  1370. 02:36 Wells "Pls make me not a murderer who is being hunted after by the law for acting stupidly"
  1371. 02:36 Sylum "...I'm just saying, you can still go outside, sure, it might not be comfortable, but you still have that choice, you can make new friends, you can get some food from a fastfood place, you can...get, a girlfriend. I can't, unless I want to be tackled by mercenaries looking for a quick shot at cash, or worse Xenon"
  1372. 02:37 Sylum "You can still have a normal life"
  1373. 02:37 Isidora ("But you're a coat")
  1374. 02:38 Sylum "I'm stuck in a factory"
  1375. 02:38 F021 [yeah]
  1376. 02:38 Wells looks at Sylum, angrily. "Here's a lesson. The world isn't meant to be bent to your desires. You earn what you get, and you get what you deserve. What you're deserving right now is getting sent to jail for murder."
  1377. 02:39 Wells "I'm here to take this 'wish' if it is fucking real, and keep it from people like you."
  1378. 02:40 F021 -- Seeing the heat intensifying between Wells and Sylum, he tries to keep his head cool and not letting his emotions take control of him again.
  1379. 02:47 Elise_ sighs, slumping to the floor and rolling a bit further away from the impending action, sounding out with an 'ow' every time she seems to roll over her left arm.
  1380. 02:52 Isidora bumped her gloves together and sprung forward towards Bud. At this point she just wanted to get them both out so they could both be sent off to the medics, move along as she kept the path in the tournament. For that she'd have to be merciless. There was a straightforward swing, not to anywhere else but the right side of Buddy's mask, aiming to crush it
  1381. 02:53 Sylum "...You think I'm use to getting what I want? I lived most of my life stuck, in Xenon, the day I got out, was suppose to be the best, but instead, I got 'oh look a talking coat, your just a coat, who cares, you can't have opinions or help, your, a coat' I was treated like nothing, less then nothing, while I stuck getting told the same thing over and over, you
  1382. 02:53 Sylum Made millions...yes, I know what I did was wrong, the wish I'm making is to bring them back, chances are I'll turn in my self after, the point is you, don't get to talk about being lonley, at least there are other meta humans, maybe even some with money powers, but just one Sylum, just. One coat."
  1383. 02:58 Wells cools down a bit, "That's honorable and all pal, but death is death. Taking that...that's just unnatural. Turn yourself in all you want, same result. And don't you fucking pity yourself. What I have means absolutely nothing. I still view myself as nothing. But I decided to do something good for the sake of others. You let all that pent of anger get the better of you, instead of looking past...
  1384. 02:58 Wells and bettering yourself."
  1385. 02:59 Wells "You lose no matter what pal."
  1386. 02:59 Wells "Not that I have much to say on anything."
  1387. 03:00 Wells "Christ, when is the climax of this fucking 3 part play?"
  1388. 03:01 F021 "I don't know."
  1389. 03:02 Wells drops to his knees. "Fuck me."
  1390. 03:02 Elise_ waves to Wells in the stands, looking around for the ganja flag.
  1391. 03:06 Bud was slow, so slow there was nothing to be done as the blow landed into his mask and did more than simply crush it. The entire right portion cracked and burst into several large chunks to reveal a very bloodshot and black bagged eye underneath. The fighter stumbled back and dropped to one knee. No more raised arms or counters attempted, he merely stared.
  1392. 03:06 Wells gets a bit wide eyed in disappointment in himself. "Aw shit....Fuck." He improvises and and gives a Rosie the Riveter pose while playing Show YouTube video (
  1393. 03:09 Isidora stood over Bud with the destruction of the ring all around them, chunks of architecture laying around as the winds went away entirely. She wasn't going to hit him down right then. "Before this ends, I'll promise you this much"
  1394. 03:09 Isidora "If I win, I can carry on your wish. Its more just than any other I have seen so far"
  1395. 03:12 *** F021 quit (Quit: See you soon!)
  1396. 03:13 Elise_ shoots Wells a finger-gun and a soft 'ayyyyyy' before attempting to get down wit de groove. A series of cracks indicate that it ends terrible.
  1397. 03:14 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  1398. 03:18 Bud was barely coherent, the hits to his head earlier finally setting in and muddying his vision and hearing. The Ala was but a blue blur and her words were fogged but made just enough sense for him to understand. He nodded slightly and starred expectantly at his opponent.
  1399. 03:21 Isidora gave a solid look of understanding back to Buddy before finally swinging a final hit upon him, nothing to do more damage but enough to push him over into unconsciousness and secure the match for herself.
  1400. 03:22 Sylum -...a-and the winner [finally] ISIDORAAA-
  1401. 03:23 Wells "Fuck me"
  1402. 03:23 Elise_ "What a fuckin' wash."
  1403. 03:24 Isidora let off a breath and just sat down on one of the piles of rubble. "Bout damn time"
  1404. 03:24 Wells begins to pace around the fighting room, planning, anticipating, dreading.
  1405. 03:24 Sylum -now uh, its going to take some time to fix the arena. so, hopefully it will be ready soon-
  1406. 03:25 F021 "Well, congratulations."
  1407. 03:25 Bud was pretty fuckin gone at this point, just a black and bloody lump against the destroyed arena
  1408. 03:26 Sylum "...H-hey wells, uh, sorry."
  1409. 03:28 Wells "Don't sweat it." He continues pacing, "Just do well next fight." He stops. "Bring out the best in you next fight. And try to bring as much fight out tat bird as well. Make a real jaw dropper."
  1410. 03:28 Wells goes back to to his pacing and pondering, muttering to himself. "I'll need it for my research..."
  1411. 03:29 McGoFuckYourself (So who's left, then? How're the brackets looking)
  1412. 03:29 Sylum wasn't sure Wells was lying or actually being his friend again. probably lying
  1413. 03:30 Elise_ Having too many broken bones to count and being too exhausted to stand, Elise resolves to simply pushing herself towards the exit by using her legs to shift herself across the floor, over rubble and debris. "Fuck all this, I'm goin' home."
  1415. 03:34 Chain was with Ryan stone, just watched the fight, and was a bit terrified. "So, any reason you brought me here?"
  1416. 03:34 Ryan-Stone "...Isidora is what they call, an Ala, a weather demon"
  1417. 03:35 Chain "...And?"
  1418. 03:35 Ryan-Stone He breaths in, looking worried. "...they want one."
  1419. 03:36 Chain "What?
  1420. 03:39 Ryan-Stone "After the tournament, they are going to send you and a team to find one, they believe a volcano in Mother Russia called 'Kell' might have one, if not, you go to the next"
  1421. 03:40 Chain "And, why, exactly would she, not just kill us and destroy everything?"
  1422. 03:41 Ryan-Stone "to quote them...'Figure it out."'
  1423. 03:42 Chain "Their sending me to die, perfect"
  1424. 03:43 Ryan-Stone "now, leave, some of them might wonder where you are"
  1425. 03:43 Chain "right, only greg would, chances are hes drunk of his ass"
  1426. 03:44 Chain leaves, goes back to the fighters area
  1427. 00:14 Sylum -so, because the arena is destroyed, we are moving to the beach! thats right, Beach Battle everyone!-
  1428. 00:15 McGoFuckYourself (Yesss)
  1429. 00:16 F021 [hue]
  1430. 00:16 GregClaskovic "Great. Don't they have precautions for things like this?" Greg points out. "I mean, invite a bunch of powered people to one of the arenas here, you'd suspect something would happen."
  1431. 00:17 Sylum -at the beach there was a large ring of metal, about a foot deep, and enough seats for everyone, the fighters still getting their own section-
  1432. 00:17 Sylum "Looks like they did, ring out is going to be a problem now..."
  1433. 00:18 Sylum [raptor isn't even here]
  1434. 00:18 F021 [just wait m8]
  1435. 00:19 *** Chain joined #covenger_rp
  1436. 00:20 *** Lord_Raptor joined #covenger_rp
  1437. 00:20 +++ Ganondorf has given owner to Lord_Raptor
  1438. 00:20 +++ Ganondorf has given op to Lord_Raptor
  1439. 00:20 F021 [see?]
  1440. 00:20 Sylum -so, because the arena is destroyed, we are moving to the beach! thats right, Beach Battle everyone!-
  1441. 00:20 Sylum -at the beach there was a large ring of metal, about a foot deep, and enough seats for everyone, the fighters still getting their own section-
  1442. 00:21 Chain "A bird fighting a coat, this will be interesting"
  1443. 00:22 F021 walks down the beach, remembering old memories, and, others that shouldn't be mentioned here. He took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind of those unwanted memories - and instead enjoy the present. He sit on one of the fighter's seat, wearing a simple dark blue shirt and a pair of black pants.
  1444. 00:24 F021 "Haha, that bird's a bitch. I wish Sylum would just rip him into pieces, gonna be a good show."
  1445. 00:26 McGoFuckYourself (Dat's fucking harsh)
  1446. 00:26 GregClaskovic relaxes, he stretches out his hands and quickly sits back into the seat. He props both his feet up on the chair infront of him and pulls out a flask of Vodka. He jugs the flask, then proceeds to put it back. He starts to crack his knuckles, the sound very reminiscent to metal quickly bending, then snapping.
  1447. 00:27 *** Lock joined #covenger_rp
  1448. 00:27 F021 [F021 is still salty he lose the fight, kek]
  1449. 00:27 GregClaskovic "Dah. You must remember, Birds are smart. They forage for food, and other things as well."
  1450. 00:28 Sylum jumps down into the ring, waiting for Raptor
  1451. 00:30 GregClaskovic loudly coughs which breaks the silence momentarily. He mumbles out apologies afterwards.
  1452. 00:32 Lord_Raptor pecked at his side briefly before hopping over onto the beach. He gave the area a cursory glance: Sand. Ocean. A couple seashells... "What, no ring? How you 'sposed to ring out with no ring?"
  1453. 00:33 Sylum 00:20 Sylum -at the beach there was a large ring of metal, about a foot deep, and enough seats for everyone, the fighters still getting their own section-
  1454. 00:47 Lord_Raptor - He mumbled something or other about poor lighting before stepping onto the ring, taking his guitar into his arms again. "So to who do I devote this next number to?"
  1455. 00:49 Sylum waves. Names Sylum, the coat thats going to kick your butt! birds have butts, they never really sit doen so....em...what were we talking about again?
  1456. 00:50 Sylum Sylum waves. "Names Sylum, the coat thats going to kick your butt! birds have butts, they never really sit down so....em...what were we talking about again?"
  1457. 00:52 Lord_Raptor stared blankly. "... Yeah. Sylum. Got it. We startin'?"
  1458. 00:53 Sylum -3-
  1459. 00:53 Sylum -2-
  1460. 00:53 Sylum -1-
  1461. 00:53 Sylum -FIGHT-
  1462. 00:57 Sylum "Now we are!"
  1463. 01:00 Lord_Raptor - Once he'd been given the go ahead, he immediately strung his guitar, sending a bolt of black energy forward.
  1464. 01:02 Sylum jumps to the left his foot being struck causing him to spin while falling, skeeting on the ground a bit
  1465. 01:03 Sylum "ow"
  1466. 01:08 Lord_Raptor Trying to think of a word.
  1467. 01:08 Lord_Raptor Fuck it
  1468. 01:08 Lord_Raptor - With his opponent momentarily stunned, he rushed forward, guitar pulled back and poised to strike at... whatever the closest thing to a head the living coat had.
  1469. 01:18 Sylum looked up, seeing a guitar slam him right in his face. sending him flying to a wall
  1470. 01:21 Sylum stands up, bit dazed, somehow. "Alright, no more playing around"
  1471. 01:24 Lord_Raptor - "Aw, but I like playin'. It's how I make my livin'."
  1472. 01:26 Sylum "yeah, you certainly made a big impact in the Neon rock community, I doubt even Hipsters heard of you"
  1473. 01:27 *** GregClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1474. 01:46 Sylum "Whats wrong? Polly want a cracker?"
  1475. 01:58 Lord_Raptor - Hipsters...? Hipsters? Oh, this guy was askin' for it. "You wanna sample? Roit, then!" He took his guitar into his arm again, this time striking three chords - and sending a destructive soundwave in the article of clothing's direction.
  1476. 02:02 Sylum was ready and did something he's surprised f021 didn't try, going around him
  1477. 02:04 F021 "....."
  1478. 02:05 F021 knows he should've done that a few days ago, when he's fighting the bird.
  1479. 02:10 Lord_Raptor - Moving wouldn't do a whole lot. He'd just keep up the pressure, he thought. He adjusted his aim and struck the chords again, sending another wave at Sylum.
  1480. 02:10 Lord_Raptor Holy italics, Batman
  1481. 02:17 Sylum kept going around, just a bit out of reach from the blasts each time, and once he was behind Bird Boy, he used the wall to boost him forward right towards Raptor
  1482. 02:21 Lord_Raptor didn't quite have enough time to strike another chord, taking the full brunt of the blow and flew back, rolling against the floor a couple times before jamming his guitar into the floor to slow his movement. He shook his head, then narrowed his eyes.
  1483. 02:39 Sylum "Something wrong? I can't really tell by your face, it like all you have for emotions is pissed off and angry"
  1484. 02:46 *** Lock is now known as Technomancer
  1485. 02:48 *** Technomancer is now known as Lock
  1486. 02:48 *** Lock left #covenger_rp
  1487. 02:54 Lord_Raptor - "Yeah, beaks ain't exactly expressive," he sarcastically remarked, though he did smile afterward. He popped his shoulders, then his neck, and suddenly rushed Sylum, swinging wildly at him.
  1488. 02:54 Lord_Raptor fuck
  1489. 02:54 Lord_Raptor damn wrong window
  1490. 02:55 Sylum slides to the left at the last moment, tripping the bird
  1491. 19:57 Sylum watches as Lord_raptor flew out of the stage, ring out
  1492. 19:18 Sylum -Its time for the next match ladies and gentlemen! Wells vs, Sylum!-
  1493. 19:18 Sylum "Oh great, I get to fight again"
  1494. 19:21 Wells got out of bed immediately at the sound of his bed. He had no time to get dressed, wearing only a pair of pajama shorts as he suited up and ran to the common area.
  1495. 19:22 Sylum [we're at the beach, fighters area and arena is empty]
  1496. 19:22 Wells is so tired, he mistook himself for a bed.
  1497. 19:23 Wells "Wait shit. Where are we supposed to be....?"
  1498. 19:24 Wells worriedly looks around, confused until the sound of commotion at the beach sets him on track.
  1499. 19:27 Wells frantically rushes to the beach, just woken up, and near naked if it weren't for his suit of armor, an appearance someone honorable would of course take into battle.
  1500. 19:27 Sylum waves to wells "You ready for a fight?"
  1501. 19:33 Wells falls to his knees, coughing a bit, "G-Give me," -cough- "A second." -cough- He falls into a coughing fit, before getting back to his feet. "Alright" -cough- "I'm ready." He weakly walks to the stage, giving everyone an assuring thumbs up.
  1502. 19:50 Sylum "You ok Wells?"
  1503. 19:50 Wells "Are /you/ ok. Hehe. Lookin pretty," -cough- "scared."
  1504. 19:51 Sylum "I'm not the one having a coughing fit, either your not use to running or a smoker"
  1505. 19:54 Wells gets himself into position for the fight. "I'm just clearing my throat, so I can" -cough- "Shit, fuck" -cough- "Make my laughter all the more resonant, when you hear it after your defeat."
  1506. 19:56 *** Oyuun joined #covenger_rp
  1507. 19:57 Sylum "You might want some water, it would make the sand go down easier when I kick your ass to the curb"
  1508. 19:58 Wells coughs even more. It's actually rather worrying at this point. "When the fuck is this" -cough- "fight starting?"
  1509. 19:59 Sylum -3-
  1510. 19:59 Sylum -2-
  1511. 20:00 Sylum -1-
  1512. 20:00 Sylum -FIGHT-
  1513. 20:10 Sylum darts forward, claws out
  1514. 20:14 Wells coughs one last time, "Shit, what?" He's caught off guard and tries his best to bullshit a counter from whatever this guy had coming.
  1515. 20:35 Wells [uh]
  1516. 20:37 Sylum slashes near his armor a few times, not sure if he got him or not
  1517. 20:44 Wells is taken aback, but isn't too worried. He takes advantage of the close distance to bust out his CQC. He grabs Sylum by the neck of his shirt. As he wonders if he is grabbing Sylum himself by extension, he raises him up and slams him to the ground. He puts his weight on him, trying to keep him down. "What the fuck do I do know...."
  1518. 20:46 Sylum doesn't really have any bones or organs to be crushed under Wells suit, not that he isn't being squished, he tries slashing and cutting again
  1519. 20:50 Sylum is basically waving his arms randomly in hopes of getting wells
  1520. 20:50 Wells jumps off from the Red Razorblade, wondering how the fuck to counter him,"You're a one track record, huh? Any exploitable weaknesses?"
  1521. 20:53 Sylum stands back up "Well, That weapon suit Armamortius had a defense against my energy, and locks keys usually wo-wait why am I helping you?"
  1522. 21:00 Wells grabs a coin. "That didn't help whatsoever. Bullshit magic stuff, I'm sure." He aims at Sylum. "This fight is pretty tame." He shoots it Sylum, hard enough to make a rip, hopefully. "Let's make a Michael Bay film out of it!"
  1523. 21:02 Sylum was ripped, but, it was a rip from a coin, so the blast was small, blowing Sy back a few feet
  1524. 21:06 Wells is taken aback by the explosion, but he's ready to go at it. He continues to play Russian Roulette with Sylum, the bullets being coins, and the gun being fully loaded.
  1525. 21:07 Sylum [so, nothing like Russian Roulette]
  1526. 21:09 Wells [Basically]
  1527. 21:27 Wells [':^y]
  1528. 21:28 Sylum tries to dodge the coins, some going through his legs, thankfully only the straight jacket itself has the weakness
  1529. 21:34 Wells thinks he's done enough and decides to bring in all his wasted ammo to contain Sylum, creating a shell of metal around him. "You're not really bringing the heat to this fight...."
  1530. 21:41 Sylum is stuck in a coin cocoon, a coincoon.
  1531. 21:47 Sylum "Oh come on how is that fair?"
  1532. 21:49 Wells "Only as fair as you make it." He begins to slowly constrict the jacket.
  1533. 21:50 Sylum "OH GOD N-wait, I'm a jacket, what good will this do?
  1534. 21:50 Sylum "
  1535. 21:53 Wells "My point exactly Watson. Lets see you make use of that quote unquote body of yours when you're folded like laundry." He begins to constrict even more. "If there was a human being in there, it would be another story..."
  1536. 21:56 Sylum not exactly in any pain, is squished down to a ball
  1537. 21:58 Wells takes the opportunity of little resistance from his opponent to dash towards the ball he's made on the floor, and kick it with all his might, aiming for out of bounds.
  1538. 21:59 Sylum rolls slightly to the left, causing a spin when he is kicked, thankfully not going out
  1539. 22:00 Sylum instead bounce off the walls a few times
  1540. 21:28 Sylum tries to dodge the coins, some going through his legs, thankfully only the straight jacket itself has the weakness
  1541. 21:34 Wells thinks he's done enough and decides to bring in all his wasted ammo to contain Sylum, creating a shell of metal around him. "You're not really bringing the heat to this fight...."
  1542. 21:41 Sylum is stuck in a coin cocoon, a coincoon.
  1543. 21:47 Sylum "Oh come on how is that fair?"
  1544. 21:49 Wells "Only as fair as you make it." He begins to slowly constrict the jacket.
  1545. 21:50 Sylum "OH GOD N-wait, I'm a jacket, what good will this do?
  1546. 21:50 Sylum "
  1547. 21:53 Wells "My point exactly Watson. Lets see you make use of that quote unquote body of yours when you're folded like laundry." He begins to constrict even more. "If there was a human being in there, it would be another story..."
  1548. 21:56 Sylum not exactly in any pain, is squished down to a ball
  1549. 21:58 Wells takes the opportunity of little resistance from his opponent to dash towards the ball he's made on the floor, and kick it with all his might, aiming for out of bounds.
  1550. 21:59 Sylum rolls slightly to the left, causing a spin when he is kicked, thankfully not going out
  1551. 22:00 Sylum instead bounce off the walls a few times
  1552. 22:04 Wells [just occurred to me haven't a clue about how this arena looks. I assumed walls were irrelevant because we're in the beach.]
  1553. 22:05 Sylum [its a foot deep ring of metal, about the same size as the last]
  1554. 22:05 Wells [oh shit yo]
  1555. 22:10 Wells decides to get into and follows Sylum around, hitting him like a volleyball every time he nears the ground.
  1556. 22:11 Wells "Don't judge me. I'm at a beach, after all."
  1557. 22:12 Sylum "Why, OW. am, OW, I, Ow, so, Ow, Bouncy?"
  1558. 22:16 Wells "I'm making the best of this fight. Just enjoy the ride." He continues to send Sylum higher into the sky with every hit, doing his best to keep up with the ball as it flew all over.
  1559. 22:19 Sylum finaly unballs himself [heheh] falling right onto wells face
  1560. 22:23 Wells goes in for another bump to find his vision taken away. "Fighting dirty are we!?" He removes his helmet, Sylum on it and chucks it to the higher surface of the arena.
  1561. 22:26 Sylum slowly reforms his body, arms first
  1562. 22:27 Sylum "Now your complaining about fighting dirty, what about 'Only as fair as you make it?'"
  1563. 22:29 Wells points to Sylum as he flies overhead, hoping he threw hard enough to get him out of bounds. This fight was going nowhere. "You make your own rules in this world. And you decide what constitutes as breaking them. Just as I did just now."
  1564. 22:29 Sylum "Hypocrite"
  1565. 22:33 Wells "Hypocrites can't exist if we're all one."
  1566. 22:34 Sylum "Dont go Syndrome on me"
  1567. 22:36 Wells "I'm being a realist Sylum, not that I mean the bullshit I'm even saying, now are you going to fight or not? Could save me a few minutes if not."
  1568. 22:38 Sylum stands up, body fully made again, ready to cut and slash again. "Personally I enjoy talking, but sure"
  1569. 22:43 Wells summons a good amount of coins to his side, ready to actually fight. "I've been initiating conversation a lot more lately actually."
  1570. 22:43 Wells "Great for socializing, which I was severely lacking in."
  1571. 22:44 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  1572. 22:45 Sylum "Yeah, I could use that to, then again, I, the jacket, have a girlfriend"
  1573. 22:48 Wells guns a couple more coins after Sylum, keeping his distance, "I really do wonder why or how this ever came to happen."
  1574. 22:52 Sylum "What the fight?" He dodges a few, getting one or two in the arm. "Some rich people get, bored, you know that better then me"
  1575. 22:54 Sylum grabs some sand, throwing it at Wells exposed face
  1576. 22:58 Wells covers his face in response to the stinging, "Fuck! I meant you and your lady friend, but now I don't give a shit!" He begins to blindly shoot rounds of coins, as he back away, trying to fix his face.
  1577. 23:03 Sylum "Oh, Candace, maybe the ladies just think I'm hotter then you?"
  1578. 23:06 Wells continues to angrily wipe his face clean as some of the coins in the area begin to melt. "You're fucking hot alright!"
  1579. 23:06 Sylum "Oh, whyt thank you, didn
  1580. 23:07 Sylum "Oh, why thank you, didn't know you were like..that...oh...ooooh"
  1581. 23:10 Wells hops on a small personal platform of coin, as various parts of the arena become hazard zones.
  1582. 23:11 Wells "If I had enough ammo, I'd flood this place!"
  1583. 23:12 Sylum Sylum has never seen this side of Wells, anger, pure anger "Uh, wouldn't that kill a bunch of people?"
  1584. 23:13 Wells ignores him and begins to rush toward Sylum, his fists covered in tokens. "Alright, I'm tired of this shit."
  1585. 23:16 Sylum tries to dodge him, but the flying, punching, and molten coins are a bit to much, his foot 'burns'
  1586. 23:19 Sylum "Wells, your getting a bit crazy, coming from me you should calm down"
  1587. 23:20 Wells grabs the overwhelmed Sylum by the arms , and releases his hands from the coin gloves. He raises the gloves up to the the the highest part of the pit, Sylum being held along with it, arms spread out Jesus style.
  1588. 23:21 Wells stares at the coat floating into the out of bounds area. "I'd crucify a number of people given the chance, trust me."
  1589. 23:28 Sylum starts to corrupt the coins, trying faster and faster so ring out wouldn't happen, if hes going out hes going out fighting
  1590. 23:31 Wells isn't having that shit so he goes in fast, flying towards Sylum on his platform, winding up for an uppercut, intending to finish the job.
  1591. 23:36 Sylum corrupts the coins as fast as he can, not fast enough as Wells Uppercut sends him flying, so much in fact he lands behind him
  1592. 23:36 Sylum stands back up "Wells..."
  1593. 23:37 Sylum "That wish better be good" He falls face forward, body disappearing, he returns to a straight jacket by the time hes down, and down for the count
  1594. 23:40 Wells stares at the fallen article of clothing, a single tear falling down his face, metaphorically of course, in response to how unsatisfying and lame this fight was.
  1595. 23:40 Wells
  1596. 23:40 Wells "I was expecting tons of shit."
  1597. 23:41 Sylum -and the winner is Wells!-
  1598. 23:41 Wells "Wait shit!"
  1599. 23:41 Wells "Fuck. I don't want to die!"
  1600. 17:29 Sylum -It is time, for the final match, who ever wins this wins the wish!-
  1601. 17:33 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  1602. 17:35 Sylum -In this corner, weighing in at 134 pounds, the queen of weather, Isidora!-
  1603. 17:35 Sylum - Show YouTube video (
  1604. 17:36 Sylum -In this corner, weighing in at 176, the Coin King, Wishing Well!-
  1605. 17:36 Sylum - -
  1606. 17:36 Isidora entered into the ring, clouds bristling with lightning surrounding in the area as she made an entrance. Boxing gloves heavy on her hands, the serbian flag upon her shorts, and a determined grin on her face, she looked hungry.
  1607. 17:36 Sylum crawls out of the ring
  1608. 17:37 Isidora to the sound of "THUNDER" she beat her gloves together and stamped her foot, white hair flowing and fire in her golden eyes.
  1609. 17:37 *** Greg joined #covenger_rp
  1610. 17:39 Isidora grinned those sharp, unforgiving teeth as she finally stepped within the bound, adjusting the towel wrapped around her neck by the studded collar beneath
  1611. 17:44 Wells enters the ring, tense, but as composed as he could be, the sound of GOLD resounding across the battlegrounds as his theme plays, his eyes peering through his dark tinted visor, a look of determination, but unfortunately not confidence as he stared his opponent down. He confirms the email of his will to his lawyer as he takes his final step into the arena. He was feeling a mix of feelings,...
  1612. 17:44 Wells ...none of them, at the very least being cowardice.
  1613. 17:45 Wells
  1614. 17:46 Wells stood quietly in his unfamiliar suit, waiting for the beginning of the end.
  1615. 17:47 Sylum [uh, didn't buddy take all the V-tech suits after Terrance died and he took over?]
  1616. 17:47 Bud [no, free choice]
  1617. 17:47 Sylum [ah, ok]
  1618. 17:50 Isidora stared over to Wells as he came in, her eyes taking in every little detail it could as she seemed to look right through him.
  1619. 17:50 Isidora (What does the arena look like?)
  1620. 17:51 Sylum [one the beach, about a foot deep, same size as the last one, metal]
  1621. 17:54 Sylum -3-
  1622. 17:54 Sylum -2-
  1623. 17:54 Sylum -1-
  1624. 17:54 Sylum -FIGHT-
  1625. 17:54 Wells takes a deep breath
  1626. 17:55 Isidora puts up her gloves, breathing in and expelling a light blue mist. "Tell me what your wish shall be before we fight. I want this to mean something"
  1627. 17:57 Wells thinks for a second..."Uh...M-My wish? I....I don't have a wish. I don't believe in them. But I'm open to possibility. If this is whatever the hell this tournament is making it up to be...then no one should have. I'm throwing it away. Sealing it up. The good shit."
  1628. 17:57 Wells "Too much power for anyone in this world."
  1629. 18:00 Greg grunts to himself. "Stuck up fool thinking he's being the good guy here. If he should win, put the wish to good use."
  1630. 18:00 Sylum crawls back to the fighters area. "Agreed, why ruin everything"
  1631. 18:01 Isidora "Not too much for me. I have a wish and I'm going to get it" Gritting her teeth, the woman made a charge towards Wells. Despite seeming shorter and weaker, the swing of her fist seems far more like a wrecking ball in a strong right hook
  1632. 18:03 Wells was taken by surprise and takes a quick step back in response to the hook coming after him. He tried dodging to his left, not confident at all in dodging this punch, but to his surprise his entire body was sent to the left, rapidly as if pushed out the way.
  1633. 18:07 Isidora was a ravenous attacker. Letting somebody breathe was not her style whatsoever. As soon as Wells moved out of the way, an uppercut soon came up to smack him in the stomach while he fell, letting gravity strengthen the blow
  1634. 18:10 Wells lost all sense of anything for a brief second as the first blow was landed squarely in his stomach, this suit wasn't as durable as his old one, not at all. He really felt it as he was sent flying to the floor, once again, groaning, trying to get to his feet.
  1635. 18:11 Isidora let him one thing. The chance to get up. She was finally going to be able to do this her style, an all out boxing match, and she wasn't going to hit him while he was down just yet.
  1636. 18:13 Wells told himself to man up and got to his feet, enduring the pain. He immediately put up his dukes, ready to up an honest effort, his fist concealed in a mass of coin. "Be gentle."
  1637. 18:18 Isidora wasn't gentle at all. Baring those viciously sharp teeth, Wells soon found himself under a flurry of swings by the advancing Ala, each one meant to punish any time he just barely botched a dodge or faltered with the precision of an experienced fighter
  1638. 18:25 Wells was a sharp thinker, so he fixed his form. This suit increased his own speed and momentum thanks to that V-Tech's plotdevicetantium. He wasn't taking any more tumbles as he began to to quickly dodge Isidora's bombardment, his reflexes unlike anything he's ever displayed. He took a chance and went for a counterattack, aiming a jab for her face, his hand to hand experience very small.
  1639. 18:29 Isidora saw the punch coming right for her face. Rather than dodging it, she instead headbutted her forehead right into it to meet with its force. It hit her back, but felt like he had just slammed his fist into a sturdy wall. A spiteful jab into his side quickly followed
  1640. 18:32 Wells dropped to a knee after that one hit, felt as is a sledgehammer was slammed against his side. There were tears, yes, but he clenched his teeth and went in for a sweep, hoping to take down the Baby Blue Beast from the East. This is the longest he's gone without talking shit, or talking at all in a fight.
  1641. 18:34 Isidora was tripped up by the sweep of his legs, but a predator doesn't stop fighting like that. Falling downwards she attempted to make a crash of one of her hands down upon his helmet.
  1642. 18:38 Wells "Going for the sweet spot I see!" His arm reacted extremely quickly as he want in to block the incoming punch with the palm of his hand. If he wasn't so focused on staying alive he'd notice the impact had him sink a bit into the ground.
  1643. 18:38 Wells "Where the hell do they make women like you!?"
  1644. 18:40 Isidora pummeled down upon him as he sunk to the floor, her fists slamming like the repeated hits of a jackhammer upon him. "Serbia. копиле" In a surprise burst, her knee shot up to slam into his jaw while he was huddled down beneath her blows
  1645. 18:49 Wells could feel a tooth not in it's designanted area, rolling around in his mouth as he was sent upwards by the demon's intense knee to the jaw. He took it as sign to go all out. His suit dispensed rows of coins wish all began to circle around at intense speed. He removed the broken visor of his helmet as he sent the buzzsaw-like coin entity after Isidora, tearing through the stadium floor, out...
  1646. 18:49 Wells ...for blood, if that even coursed through her veins.
  1647. 18:52 Wells whispered to himself, "Does she even have veins...."
  1648. 18:52 Isidora charged like a bull at the coins that swarmed at her, several of them placing cuts around her arms and sides to reveal that, yes, she did indeed bleed. It wasn't going to slow her down by any means as she rushed through, bashing away constructs and walls of the dosh to get closer and headbutt the man in the chest
  1649. 18:56 Wells took the headbutt, the impact leaving an incredible impression. He felt like pressure of the ocean was taking it's toll on him. He grabbed the demon's head, nestled lovingly into his chest, and used as much strength he could to have the suit increase his momentum and slam her face first into the ground, as hard as he could.
  1650. 18:58 Isidora was hit right into the ground face first much to her surprise, growling like an angry beast as gravity took its number on her. Goddamn it that hurt. That HURT. Right as Wells would think he has her down, she spryly rolls back a fair distance and got right back up, dukes ready
  1651. 18:59 Isidora had a piece of the stage between her sharp teeth, and blood coming from her lip. With a single crunch she crushed the piece of the arena and swallowed it
  1652. 19:03 Wells was smiling at this point. He was actually excited. Never had he took a fight as seriously as this one. His legs were trembling in fear as well. He felt it unfair to be only a reactionary fighter, so took to his feet and charge after Dora. He formed a barrier of coin in front of him as he planned to tackle her square in her center with as much speed as he could.
  1653. 19:06 Isidora buried her feet into the ground and took the hit as best as she possibly could, both of her hands grasping around Wells arm as it still hit home. She grit her teeth, but this time she was clearly smiling as well. This was finally fun.
  1654. 19:07 Isidora coughed sharply then crashed their heads together while he was still so close, her eyes gone completely white like a great white shark launching from the sea.
  1655. 19:09 *** Bud quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1656. 19:14 Wells was surprised at how well he was matching up to her. His green eyes shot lightning at her as they stared each other down in their headbutt equilibrium. He doesn't miss an opportunity of sarcasm. "I must say! You have the prettiest eyes I have seen on a person. Shame they'll be closed for some time after this fight!" He musters up the strength to break his arms from her gold and go in for a...
  1657. 19:14 Wells ...quick right hook square into her face.
  1658. 19:17 Isidora enjoyed a good fight, but all the same she wasn't any less determined to win it. Her arm quickly wrapped around Wells as he tried to swing, locking it before she turned and twisted to sprain or break joints before throwing him over her shoulder
  1659. 19:26 Wells was thrown over her head and slammed square on his back, making a resounding cough upon impact to the ground. His right arm was going to need to be put away after what she did to it just now. Or he could take the dangerous route. "Suit" -cough- "Put the right arm on autopilot." His suit immediately tightened and constricted around his right arm. It was moving on it's own, regardless of of...
  1660. 19:26 Wells ...whatever pain he felt. This was something he never tried yet, so whatever happened from here would be a mystery. He hops to his feet. and begins unloading rounds of dosh, rivaling the power that of a shot gun.
  1661. 19:29 *** Radiant joined #covenger_rp
  1662. 19:30 Isidora keeps up her ground, her hands moving like lightning as she punched the coins out of the air as they blasted towards her. Her gloves where completely shredded apart in doing so. Her black tank top had also taken several cuts all over from the match thus far. It pissed her off. She had to buy new clothing.
  1663. 19:30 Isidora kept her index and middle finger together while she jolted a hand forward, and from it a blast of concussive lightning shot out in the battle of projectiles
  1664. 19:39 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  1665. 19:39 *** F021 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1666. 19:40 Wells has several rings of pennies circle around him furiously, absorbing whatever lightning Isidora had to offer to him. His suit at this point was falling apart. It really wasn't as durable as his regular one. But he was ready for just such an occasion. He shed his sleek white exoskeleton in the midst of speeding lighting and copper and pressed the large 'watch' on his wrist, having it expand...
  1667. 19:40 Wells ...upon his body, ironman style. He was ready to take a few punches as he ran out of his cover and towards Isidora, guns blazing, speed significantly reduced.
  1668. 19:41 Wells winded up a punch as his old Gold and Silver formed itself around him.
  1669. 19:43 Isidora juked and ducked through the incoming fire to deliver one of the hardest hits she had in her, at least in this limited human form. Flipping back, she used the strength of her legs to kick once into his stomach, and within the next instant land the next boot upon his helmet, landing on her hands and settling herself back to the floor
  1670. 19:44 *** Radiant is now known as Elise_
  1671. 19:48 Wells was sent briefly into the air from the kick as potentially half his faced was sent flying off, if not for his helmet taking most of the damage. It flew off in pieces, having done it's job, revealing Well's full face, battere and bruised, more than it has ever been, save for his hair, which was in surprisingly perfect condition. He fell to the floor, bracing his fal with his elbow, ready to...
  1672. 19:48 Wells ...get back up and go reckless.
  1673. 19:49 Sylum "Man, he doesn't know when to go down"
  1674. 19:51 Elise_ waves a flag with a big dollar sign on it. "Nah, he knows exactly when to stay up."
  1675. 19:51 Isidora cracked her neck. His determination was admirable, but she wasn't going to let a wish go to waste. She was going to take destiny where she could. It wasn't going to waste. Running forward, then sweeping a leg, she used the power of her body to launch Wells up into the air
  1676. 19:52 Isidora ...then attempt to grab him and slam him back first upon an awaiting knee
  1677. 19:58 Wells really felt it that time. His entire body was overtaken with sensational pain as it vibrated with pain. His hair standing up all on it's own. He coughed blood all over his aggressor after taking it all in. His face was overtaken with blood, sweat and tears, when he lost all sense of self and screamed painfully. He fell to his knees trying his best not to lose himself. He was in a rather dire...
  1678. 19:58 Wells ...state.
  1679. 20:01 Isidora stood over Wells, her bright golden eyes staring over him as she wiped a streak of blood from her cheek on her beaten up, bruised hands. Turning Wells over, she grabbed at the armor around his neck and lifted him up off the ground, fingers readily at his throat with the ability to squeeze at any moment.
  1680. 20:02 Isidora "You put up a good effort. Great for a mere mortal, even if assisted by technology"
  1681. 20:03 Wells forces his voice through the blood pain. "Haha. I-I try."
  1682. 20:04 Isidora "Too bad for you, I need to win this. And for that, I'm going to need you out"
  1683. 20:15 Wells "To think we were" -cough- "getting along. S-So well." He reaches out his own hand weakly and and grabs the hand around his neck. "But I aint goin out just yet Great White." Just then the two of them are bombarded by an incredible mass of the collected coins scattered all over the floor and on his person. They crash into them like a wave and engulf them. He tries a last ditch attempt to...
  1684. 20:15 Wells ...float out on the safety of a coin platform as he begins to melt the mass around her, his body on the brink of failure.
  1685. 20:20 Isidora let him go in the massive wave of coins, rolling through it for her own safety as he made his final effort to turn the tides. Men who fought to the end were those of honor, and she could respect that. For now she caught her breath and steeled herself, her eyes returning to normal
  1686. 20:25 Wells "I almost forgot you were forged in a" -cough- "volcano for some years. Molten anything means nothing to you...Hahahaha." -cough- "Ugh."
  1687. 20:27 Isidora smirked. "You haven't even gotten me hot and bothered yet. This is my normal" Letting out a swift, chilling breath, the molten coins started to solidify and cool around her.
  1688. 20:35 Wells sighed a defeated sigh. He floats over Isidora. "Well." He releases himself from his platform, falling over the demon. "Here I come! It's time to end this." He gives a sly wink to the demon as he plummets over her, rearing for an attack he surely can't come through with.
  1689. 20:37 Isidora had some good sport in her. In the very final moment of the battle, when all would be decided in one go as Wells makes his final charge, the ala... puts out her foot and trips him to make him fall flat on his face.
  1690. 20:44 Wells who landed on his front went into a shock unlike any other. This fight gave nothing short of the hardest erection he ever had, despite his suit's endurance, and landing on it did put him into a state of unconsciousness unlike anything ever recorded. His mind shut down.
  1691. 20:45 Sylum -...-
  1693. 20:46 Isidora could practically feel the hit to his manhood from her side of the arena. Fucking ouch. But, still, she let out a breath and raised up one of her fists
  1694. 20:47 Elise_ "Can we go the fuck home now?!"
  1695. 20:47 *** Ryan-Stone joined #covenger_rp
  1696. 20:47 Greg "So, that was that." Greg openly states whilst liquidating a can he had been sipping out of.
  1697. 20:49 Ryan-Stone walks into the arena, suit sparkling, he sends out his hand to shake Isidora's
  1698. 20:49 Isidora took in a breath, then readily shook the man's hand
  1699. 20:51 Ryan-Stone "Miss Isidora, you have won the tournament, showed what strength you had, and most importantly, put on one hell of a show! Tell me, what are you wishing for?"
  1700. 20:51 Elise_ "I feel like I've been sober for weeks."
  1701. 21:01 Isidora "What I'm wishing for? Well, I figure I'll be a good sport. My wish is that every contender that went through this gets a reward of their own, of their choice. Not something ridiculous that a full wish could do, but, I think they deserve some help or treats"
  1702. 21:02 Isidora "I've already gotten my fun"
  1703. 21:02 Ryan-Stone hands Dora a gemstone, glowing slightly, a warm feeling coming from it. "You sure? Once its done it can't be change?"
  1704. 21:03 Wells whispers in his slumber, "Fuckin commies..."
  1705. 21:04 Ryan-Stone has a single sweat drop fall
  1706. 21:04 Ryan-Stone "Woah, scorcher today"
  1707. 21:05 Isidora "Hmmm, I don't know...." Turning her back for a moment, she held out the wait as long as she could just to toy with the poor mortal. A grin was on her face
  1708. 21:05 *** Bud joined #covenger_rp
  1709. 21:05 Isidora then took the gemstone in a single swipe. "Positive"
  1710. 21:06 Ryan-Stone The gem started to grow hotter and hotter, not burning Dora, but she knew it was hot
  1711. 21:07 Isidora tries to contain how hot this was making her as she held it in her palm
  1712. 21:11 Ryan-Stone The Gem forces her hand open, which is VERY impressive concidering shes and Ala, then splitting into multiple smaller gems
  1713. 21:12 Isidora watches as the gems spread out, smiling softly and raising her eyebrows
  1714. 21:15 *** Sylum is now known as Cveta
  1715. 21:16 *** Cveta is now known as Sylum
  1716. 21:17 Ryan-Stone One of the small gems floated back into her hand, seems even she gets a Mini-wish
  1717. 21:18 Ryan-Stone Each gem floated to one of the fighters, three floating off towards Lantern and Flare, one floating to where ever Chain was
  1718. 21:19 Ryan-Stone One more shooting off the island, most likely towards Buddy
  1719. 21:20 Ryan-Stone The rest going to Wells, Sylum, F021, Greg, and Elise
  1720. 21:24 Isidora held the stone close and let off a little sigh of relief. It was finally done.
  1721. 21:25 Sylum grabs a stone, he'll keep it with him till he gets a wish idea
  1722. 21:27 Wells lay there unconscious, serene as ever. The rock landed on him and transformed itself into a small CD on his chest. It seems to know what he wants despite his prior statement of not wanting one.
  1723. 21:27 Greg tries to spin it on the tip of his finger but fails halfway through the spin nearly dropping it. He nervously laughs.
  1724. 21:29 Elise_ snatches the wish stone from the air with an eloquent 'gitthefuckdownhere'. She isn't nearly high enough to wish now, so she simply stuffs it down her bra for later.
  1725. 21:30 F021_ holds the stone, keeping it for future use.
  1726. 21:32 Ryan-Stone It was a few hours later, everyone [that wasn't hospitalized] had a nice little party, but the boat was here and everyone was leaving, the hurt excluding wells being flown off. all but chain, who was nowere to be found
  1727. 21:32 *** Ryan-Stone is now known as Chain
  1728. 21:33 Chain was on the other side of the island a few guards there waiting for pickup
  1729. 21:34 *** Greg is now known as Begrado
  1730. 21:35 Chain looks up, a helicopter with Begrado on it
  1731. 21:36 *** Wells is now known as Chloran
  1732. 21:36 *** Bud quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1733. 21:37 Chain "Begrado, its a, pleasure, to see you"
  1734. 21:37 *** Bud joined #covenger_rp
  1735. 21:38 Begrado "Yes, yes. Do you have the DNA samples?" He snaps at Chain. He doesn't care about friendly introductions. "Do any of the other fighters, or Greg know about your actions?"
  1736. 21:39 Chain "No, Greg, might. I have the samples, do you have a location of a, you know"
  1737. 21:42 Begrado "Yes, I know. It's approximately..." Begrado looks at his phone. It's one of those old, mid 2000's kind of phone, except wires and attachments make it barely recognizable. "A few 100 miles away from the border of Neon. We should be able to operate and scout their actions."
  1738. 21:43 Chain looks at the 'phone' "That not near Neon, thats in Russia"
  1739. 21:46 Chain "Shiveluch, this shall be easy, I hope you prepare good defense" He whispers "the Ala, they are powerful creatures"
  1740. 21:46 Chloran [not as powerful as DIS DICK]
  1741. 21:47 Begrado gets immediately frustrated. He stands up and throws the phone out the Helicopter. "Don't lecture me about geography, I've already had a bullsh-" He immediately stops to calm down. He clenches his fist and sits down. "Anyways... we're going to need further surveillance of that city. I do not trust the Americans. Greedy bunch of fuckers."
  1742. 21:49 Chain "Project Stoneguard will take more time, and a full out invasion is out of the question, for now"
  1743. 21:50 Chain sits across from Begrado as the copter takes off, he was worried the other Ala somehow knew, or had a feeling
  1744. 21:51 Begrado "An invasion is what we need." Begrado murmurs. "The Ala, what's it's name?" He asks, looking at Chain.
  1745. 21:53 Chain forms his sword, ready to slash Begrado's neck. "Keep your voice down, they seem to have advance hearing, how well we do not know. Isidora" He says her name quietly
  1746. 21:57 Begrado "Put your sword down." He growls silently. "The studies I do are worth more than your entire life. I don't give a damn what it hears, we're already on about invading their god damn country." He pushes his blade away and takes out a cigarette. He gets out his lighter and tries to light it. He eventually gets frustrated but the flame pops up. He relaxes.
  1747. 22:00 Begrado "I also heard you had a chance to kill Greg." He puts the cigarette in his mouth and inhales slowly. "If I were in your shoes I would have gutted the ugly bastard in front of everybody." He takes the cigarette out and breathes out. A trail of smoke blowing out of his mouth like a small explosion.
  1748. 22:01 Chain "What fun would that be? Besides, he dies, what little friends he has will get angry, might go after us"
  1749. 22:02 Chain Meanwhile, on the other side of the Island, Dora got a chill down her spine
  1750. 22:03 Isidora crosses her legs over one another, relaxing, her ear twitching with the chill she could feel. What... the fuck was that?
  1751. 22:04 Chain "Not to mention, if we turn him like we have others, we have on hell of a fighter on our side
  1752. 22:04 Chain "
  1753. 22:06 Begrado "I remember watching TV shows about the Bol'shoy." He responds. "The great, ghost-like Dimitri, The Diamond Lad, all those sort of things..." He follows on to another sentence. "Used to love watching them. Now, with my knowledge, all they are is a bunch of inbred disgusting freaks carrying genes the rest of us should have."
  1754. 22:10 Begrado turns around and looks at the pilot. He peers over the open window. "Isn't that right?" He laughs, starting to twist the burning tip of the cigarette into the Pilot's neck. "My little flier boy, isn't that right?" He laughs out, the Pilot retaining his silence, but slowly getting irritated.
  1755. 22:11 Chain "Why they hired you I will never know, let us get home, we have a demon to awaken"
  1756. 22:15 Begrado "We'll be there soon." He snaps at Chain, still focused on trying to make the Pilot angry. He gives up, get's bored and starts to stare out of the helicopter at the mountainous range. "What do these demons do anyways? Defy the word of our Lord?"
  1757. 22:16 Chain "You will learn in time
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