
cwc fanfic thing from /b/

Jan 6th, 2014
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  1. >be Christian Weston Chandler
  2. >true and HONEST creator of Sonichu, the electric hedgehog Pokemon
  3. >walk up to your house after another failed attempt to find your sweetheart
  4. >you trudge through the knee-high grass of your front lawn
  5. >carefully dodging the many auto parts and pieces of lawn furniture that litter the ground
  6. >you hear a familiar babbling coming from further ahead
  7. >a herd of fluffy ponies has been living in your lawn for months
  8. >you've always ignored them
  9. >your dad said to "cut those dern fluffies down"
  10. >but you already have so much work and stress
  11. >also you're kind of intimidated by them
  12. >you move towards the sanctuary of your house as quickly as possible
  13. >but a clear voice bellows out from the grass "dummy hooman!"
  14. >you look down and a purple unicorn with a green mane is looking up at you
  15. >"are, uh, you t-talking to me?"
  16. >"dis smawty's yicky wand!"
  17. >"I, uh, ummmmm, ahhh. You .... this is yours?"
  18. >the unicorn cocks his head sideways "why dummy hooman tawk funny?"
  20. >"I, uh, I'm not dumb. I'm a, uh, high functioning autistic male. Hmmmmmmm."
  21. >"wha' auwtistic?"
  22. >"it, uh, means that I'm special."
  23. >"specaw?" The smartie's eyes widen: "wike speciaw fwend?!"
  24. >you know what that means in fluffy speak. "No. I'm actually looking for a sweetheart at the present moment. Uhhh. One that I can create from the ground up."
  25. >"dummeh hooman no hav' specaw fwend?"
  26. >"no!" You say, becoming angry, "I am currently a virgin with rage!"
  27. >"wha?" The smarty laughs and blows a raspberry "auwtistic hooman newa hav specaw huggies?"
  28. >"Ya-ya-you're just, uh, a slanderous troll!" You show your fangs (open your mouth) and scream: "I'll strangle ya!!!!"
  29. >the smarty doesn't puff his cheeks or take an aggressive stance
  30. >he just cocks his head again, looks you dead in the eyes, and says "smawtie no think you can."
  31. >"wha-wha-why..." You're dumfounded, "ya-you, uh, just wanna play kick the autistic!"
  32. >"dis is bowing!" The smarty puffs his cheeks "dummy auwtistic giv hewd sketties nao!"
  33. >”uhmmmm.” You begin miming the motions of putting spaghetti into a pot. You proceed to place the pot on an imaginary stove.
  34. >”wha’ dummy hooman doin’? Make skettis!”
  35. >you stop miming, “I, um, can’t get to my kitchen at the present moment. You see, my family’s just, uh, a buncha packrats. Can’t get to the stove.”
  36. >The smarty snarls and starts to yell: “dummy auwtistic viwgin wif wage hooman waste smawty’s time!”
  37. >”he-hey! I’ll have you know that I’m the creator of Sonichu, Rosechu, and-“
  38. >the smarty cuts you off: “quwiet! Quwiet! Quwiet! Smawty no cawe! Smawty gif you foweva sweepies! You be quwiet foweva! Hewd! Attack!”
  39. >several earth fluffies begin to emerge from the long grass behind the smarty
  40. >you don’t stop to count how many (ten) and turn to run towards your house
  41. >in your haste, you forget about the tricycle right behind you
  42. >you trip over it and sprawl onto the ground, face up
  44. >the fluffies are coming quickly
  45. >you grab your sonichu medallion and close your eyes “Cherokee ancestors! Please protect me! I, uh, uhmmm, I need-blaaargggggggh”
  46. >as you speak your mouth is suddenly filled with the fowlest liquid you’ve ever tasted
  47. >you try to spit it out, but another burst of it comes pouring in
  48. >you open your eyes and see a green fluffy ass squatting over your face
  49. >shit comes spraying out and floods into your mouth
  50. >the overflow is immense
  51. >shit is flowing out of your mouth and down all of your chins onto your brand “new” Salvation Army shirt
  52. >the shit stops after a couple seconds and you begin to spit out what’s left in your mouth, but a new fluffy ass replaces the last one
  53. >”aww fwuffies giv bigges’ sowwy poopies!”
  54. >the excess shit has begun moving upwards into your eyes
  55. >the world is tinted brown and you can barely see anything but the successive fluffy asses as they hover over your face
  56. >suddenly a fluffy ass is pulled away and you can barely see what looks like a human face
  57. >a tan face with spiked black hair
  58. >”shit don’t look so cash, brah.”
  59. >”daddeh cwyde! Fwuffies do good?”
  60. >that dang dirty Clyde Cash chuckles
  61. >”you’ve all done great. You’re all good fluffies. Let’s go home to Australia and I’ll make you all spaghetti!”
  62. >crys of “Yay!” “Wuv daddeh!” and “Sketties!” are the last thing you hear before the world begins going black
  63. >you wake up in the same position a couple of hours later
  64. >great. Sleeping in the middle of the day has surely ruined your biological clock
  65. >you stand up and shuffle towards your house
  66. >time to make another video
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