
Sparen's PDD game (v0.14)

Mar 19th, 2013
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  1. Eh, I'll rate this one like I did with past scripts.
  3. [ 50% ] Start script.
  5. Stage portion pre-midboss:
  6. [ 47% ] Music is REALLY soft... compared to the really holy shit loud bullets. -3 points.
  7. [ 44% ] Those Pichu fire waaay too many bullets, even for Lunatic. -3 points.
  8. [ 39% ] Huge pseudo-wall of orange arrowhead firing Pichu. This causes lots of panic. Fix this. -5 points
  10. Midboss:
  11. [ 41% ] Easy enough. Simple as well; this is okay. +2 points
  12. [ 36% ] Holy shit, ZUN's stage 1 themes don't reach their loop points this quickly. Find something at LEAST one minute longer. -5 points
  13. [ 32% ] Spellcard: Sudden jump in difficulty. Do not want. -4 points
  14. [ 30% ] While the spell is simple enough, it can't even qualify as a decent nonspell. -2 points
  16. Stage portion post-midboss:
  17. [ 27% ] Needs much more variation than just "aimed bullets and bullets that go nowhere near you at all". -3 points
  18. [ 31% ] Never mind, I lied. Hoppip are a nice touch. +4 points
  19. [ 26% ] Except the wave of Hoppip are made in such a way that it's impossible with the star-firing Pichu along with them. Also, why butterflies? Unfitting much? -5 points
  20. Honestly, you made this past Overdrive difficulty, past Last Word difficulty, and probably into the territory of something along the lines of "This is a complete joke".
  21. [ 24% ] Hoppip randomly appearing. Make it move from the top or something. -2 points
  22. [ 21% ] Again, unfitting pattern. Change this to something like spinning pellets or something. -3 points
  24. Boss:
  25. [ 20% ] Eh... is this it for the dialogue? Add like 4 or 5 more lines just for filler because it's slightly too short. -1 point
  26. [ 17% ] Nonspell 1 very likely to form walls, but if you spread it out it looks like rings... eh, what to do, what to do... Try to figure something out based on this. -3 points
  27. [ 13% ] More balancing problems. Spellcards seem to be impossible. I feel like this is comparable to trying to play UFO and TD at the SAME TIME and trying to make it through Stage 1. -4 points
  28. [ 15% ] Hmm... Nonspell seems to keep in style with one another. +2 points
  29. [ 9% ] Holy shit spell #2. Impossible, and seems completely lazy. ZUN was also a really lazy douche when he made Yuyuko's Overdrive spell. Don't be like that. -6 points
  30. [ 3% ] Eh, I'm trying to see what you tried to aim for when you made this, but there's just too much curve and randomness in this. -6 points
  31. [ -4% ] Spell 3, more laziness, more cheap dodging, etc. -7 points
  32. [ -1% ] Spell 4. THIS IS WHAT I WANT. I NEED TO SEE MORE OF THIS KIND OF GOOD IDEA. The only redeeming part about the script is this one spellcard. +3 points
  34. All in all, creativity issues and balancing issues. Also, graphics could be improved, but that's more of a low priority thing for you, isn't it? Your final score is negative one percent.
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