

Dec 3rd, 2014
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  1. Michaels and Jericho/Liger and Mankind
  3. Liger and Jericho start off, and this is a clinic. These two have each other's numbers. Every hold is countered, every flip is dodged. Michaels tags in, and he fares about the same. As HBK jumps on the ropes to reverse a hammerlock into an armdrag, Jericho opens his guitar case, which is leaning against the ring steps. Michaels finally gets Liger off guard with an elbow strike followed by an eye rake, which allows him to get the advantage and grind Liger down, as Jericho cheers him on. The tables turn, however, after HBK whips Liger to the ropes, setting up a back body drop, but Liger jumps over him, and flips him over with a Yoshi Tonic!
  5. 1...2...2.9, Heartbreak kicks out, and Liger just barely gets to Mankind for the hot tag! Clothesline! Clothesline! Whip into the corner! Running elbow strike! Running elbow strike! Corner cannonball! Foley waits in the middle of the ring, striking up the band, as HBK gets to his feet. Mankind goes for Sweet Shin Music, but HBK whips the leg and puts on the Figure 4 Leglock!
  7. As Mankind struggles to survive, Jericho hops off the apron, sneaks around to Liger's corner, and pulls him to the floor! Jericho and Liger battle on the outside as Mankind struggles to reverse the pressure. Jericho attempts to whip Liger into the guitar, but Liger is able to stop just short! Jericho is one step ahead, however, as he runs on the apron, jumps off, AND DOUBLE FOOT STOMPS lIGER RIGHT INTO THE GUITAR! Jericho gloats to the crowd as medical personnel check on Liger, and returns to his corner to assist HBK. Just as Jericho returns to the corner, Mankind is able to reverse the pressure on the Figure 4!
  9. As Michaels tries to hold on, Jericho hops over the ropes, bounces once on the inside, and hits the Lionsault onto Mankind, breaking up the hold! As Liger waves off the trainers and tries to make it back to his corner, Jericho and Michaels work over Mankind, making use of quick tags and double teaming. However, the tide turns when they attempt a double dropkick, but Mankind swats away HBK and grabs Jericho's leg, DDTing it into the mat!
  11. Mankind runs wild on Jericho and HBK, whipping Michaels into the corner, Michaels of course rolling up the turnbuckle and falling into the Tree Of Woe! He whips Jericho into that same corner, but Jericho stops short! When Mankind barrels into the corner after him, he goes for the Codebreaker, but Mankind is able to hold him up, and reverses it into a powerbomb into Michaels! Liger is almost at his corner now, crawling onto the steps! Jericho gets up first, as Michaels has collapsed out of the Tree Of Woe, and eats a Sweet Shin Music setting him up for the Double Arm DDT! Jericho wiggles out, reverses into a hammerlock, whips Mankind out, and pulls him back in FOR A CODEBREAKER! Mankind is down, and Jericho is also exhausted, rolling out of the ring as HBK starts getting to his feet and striking up the band. Mankind gets to one knee, and finally to his feet. HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music! Mankind dodges! He hooks in the Mandible Claw! Mankind works the Heartbreak Kid down to the canvas, writhing in agony, as Liger finally drags himself up the steps to the corner. Michaels, canny as always, hooks an inside cradle!
  12. 1...2...3! Michaels taps out just after the 3 is counted, but he wins! Michaels and Jericho win!
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