
Lavender plays outside

Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. >Live in first floor apartment in the city.
  2. >Get fluffy pony from adoption center.
  3. >Lavender colored mare.
  4. >Apperantly adoption center let fluffy ponies play outside for exercise.
  5. >Fluffy pony loves outside time.
  6. >Not in this neighborhood.
  7. >Too many cars.
  8. >Too many stray dogs.
  9. >No safe yard for fluffy to play in.
  10. >Fluffy pony not allowed outside.
  11. >Heartbreaking for fluffy pony.
  12. >Sits in window, whimpering.
  13. >Begs every day "Owside pwease?"
  14. "No. You can only go outside when we visit Grandma & Grandpa in the country."
  15. >This is weekly, but not often enough for fluffy pony.
  16. >One day, religionists come to the door.
  17. "Can we share the good news about Jebus?"
  18. >Fluffy pony sees her chance.
  19. >Try to foot block, but fluffy pony escapes, happily squealing "Owside!"
  20. >Shove religionists away from door.
  21. "Stupid fuckers. I'm going to make a $200 donation to the free abortion clinic in your name."
  22. >Go searching for fluffy pony.
  23. >Three hours later, success.
  24. >Find her in an alley, being humped furiously by a dirty blue stallion.
  25. >Fluff is damp, matted down enough on both fluffies to allow genital contact.
  26. >Smack stray stallion away.
  27. >Runs down alley, yelping and crying.
  28. >Lavender looks up at me innocently.
  29. >"Daddy pway owside?"
  30. "No. Bad fluffy is going back home."
  31. >Snatch up fluffy pony by fluff.
  32. >Cries in pain and fear.
  33. >Cries more when she gets a hot bath.
  34. >Cries even more when she gets spanking with sorry stick.
  35. >Sent to bed, no treats, no huggies tonight.
  36. >Have to take her to the vet now.
  38. >Appointment with veterinarian next week.
  39. >Lavender mare hates going to the vet.
  40. >Thinks she's still being punished for going outside.
  41. >Good...want to make an impression on her.
  42. >Vet gives check-up.
  43. >Thermometer up da butt.
  44. >Gagged with tongue depressor.
  45. >Bright light in eyes.
  46. >Lavender cries and whines the whole time.
  47. "I need a blood test too, I think she may be pregnant."
  48. >Vet replies "We can do that with urine."
  49. >Fluffy pony looks at you with sorrowful, begging eyes.
  50. >"Pwease pee-pee test."
  51. "No. Bad fluffy ponies get their blood taken."
  52. >Vet understands.
  53. >Vet readies big scary needle.
  54. "This is what happens to bad fluffies who go outside."
  55. >Lavender cries. "Sowee daddy...pwease no needwe! Scawy!"
  56. "Are you going to go outside again?"
  57. >Dumb fluffy pony still doesn't get it.
  58. >"Yes, yes! Owside, pwease!" Hopping excitedly.
  59. "Stab her Doc."
  60. >Fluffy pony squeals in pain as blood is drawn.
  61. >Half hour later; results.
  62. >The little slut is knocked up.
  64. >Veterinarian asks "You want to terminate? It's easy."
  65. >Think for a moment.
  66. >Have a better idea.
  67. "No, I think I'll let her go full term."
  68. >Vet explains the difficulties of taking a mare to full term while avoiding fluffsplosion.
  69. >Provides you with pamphlets & special vitamins.
  70. >Wishes you luck.
  71. >Take Lavender home.
  72. >Fluffy pony is confused at dinner time.
  73. >Healthier food, plus vitamins on the side.
  74. >"Why diffwent nummies?"
  75. >"Vitamimms yucky."
  76. "You have to eat healthier now because the baby is coming."
  77. >Fluffy pony is overjoyed at thought of a baby.
  78. >Takes stupid fluffy a week to understand she is having the baby, not you.
  79. >Time passes.
  80. >Fluffy pony getting bigger.
  81. >Eating loads now.
  82. >Taking every precaution.
  83. >No rough play.
  84. >Limited huggies.
  85. >Frequent vet visits.
  86. >Finally, the day arrives.
  87. >Shave fluffy pony hindquarters.
  88. >Traumatic for any fluffy pony.
  89. >Keep Lavender calm by reminding her the baby is coming.
  91. >It's time.
  92. >Push on belly to maneuver foal into birth position.
  93. >Well lubed finger up fluffy pony vag.
  94. >Lavender whimpers and cries.
  95. >Gently slide wet fluffy foal out onto towel.
  96. >"Dat my baby?" she whispers in awe.
  97. Nope.jpg
  98. >Snatch newborn foal away before she has a chance to nuzzle it.
  99. >Foal squeaks, already knows fear.
  100. "Bad fluffies who disobey and go outside don't get to keep their babies!"
  101. >Lavender is freaking out. "Nooo! Pwease give baby! Baby needs mummy!"
  102. >Carry foal to front door, Lavender scrambles to follow.
  103. >Still bleeding from vag.
  104. >Put tiny foal out on sidewalk. Slam door.
  105. >"Noo! Owside dangewous for baby! Pwease give baby back, pwease!"
  106. "No. Baby came because bad fluffy pony disobeyed daddy and went outside. Now baby has to stay outside."
  107. >Lavender scratches at glass door frantically with tiny hooves.
  108. >Newborn foal squeaks...squirms around looking for its mother.
  109. >Crows find it first.
  110. >"Bwack biwdies go 'way!" screams Lavender, nearly gagging on her own tears.
  111. >The crows do not go away.
  112. >The crows feast.
  113. >Tiny foal is gone.
  114. "Why did this happen, Lavender?"
  115. >Fluffy pony is crying too hard to answer.
  116. >Make her answer.
  117. "Why did this happen, Lavender?"
  118. >"Becauwse Lavendew bad fluffy. Lavendew go owside" she cries.
  119. "So the baby had to die, right?"
  120. >" die becauwse Lavendew bad, go outside. Sowwee baby."
  121. >Later that day, no milk for coffee.
  122. >Shave around fluffy pony crotchboob.
  123. >Milk titty for coffee.
  124. >everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg
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