
Cute times with kids: R63 Discord and NMM

Jun 5th, 2013
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  1. Discord---------------------------------
  3. >"Anoooooon! Why can't we spread chaos?"
  4. "Because last time we wanted to play hopscotch the day ended with bulls on parade."
  5. >The tiny lord of chaos give a cute "humph" and does a march back to her room.
  6. >Anon walks back to see what she's doing.
  7. >He approaches discords door and stands outside to listen for sounds of chaos.
  8. >What he hears instead are soft whimpers coming from the other side.
  9. >Anon opens the door to see discord weeping on her pillow, face down.
  10. >As Anon approaches the bed, Discord shifts to get away from him.
  11. >Despite the silent protest, he sits down next to her on the bed.
  12. "Why are you crying?" asked Anon.
  13. >The soft cries into the pillow only increase slightly.
  14. "Come on, you can tell me." he says.
  15. >"E-every t-time I t-try to have fun e-everyone h-hates me for it..." Discord muffled through the pillow.
  16. "C'mon, they just don't understand your kind of fun." said Anon.
  17. >Discord lifts her head from the tear stained pillow.
  18. >Her eyes are puffy and red.
  19. >"B-but no one does! E-every one I meet s-says it's bad!"
  20. >Anon hugs her in a tight embrace.
  21. "It's okay, I don't think you're bad."
  22. >"Y-you mean it?"
  23. "Of course I do."
  24. >Discord returns Anon's hug with one of her own.
  25. >"Th-thanks Anon..."
  27. Nightmare Moon--------------------------
  30. >"Kiiiids lunch time!"
  33. "Hey Nightmare, are you paying these kids to clean your room?
  34. >"Neigh fool! They are slaves who wish for mercy under their new leader!"
  35. >"She said we could play on her DS!"
  36. >"Shut up Applebloom!"
  38. >"Thou art my night mare knights! The search may be treacherous and long. But know that thy queen awaits thy return with the glorious prize!"
  39. >"Let the Easter hunt, begin!"
  42. "Are these your friends?"
  43. >A simple mind like yours may think so, but these will be mares of power in my new kingdom!"
  44. >"When do we get to play on your PS3?"
  45. >"SHUT UP!"
  47. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. >Anon is mindlessly staring at the roof of is house as he searches aimlessly in thought.
  50. >A small thump takes him out of his trance.
  51. >It rings again from outside.
  52. >Anon reluctantly gets up from the couch as the thump rings again.
  53. >He makes his way to the door, Nightmare must be doing something again.
  54. >Slowly he opens the door to his yard to see Moonie standing over the CMC with runes in a ring around them.
  55. >A loud boom comes from the CMC as a wave of power pulses from them.
  56. >AB notices you and waves.
  57. >"Hey Anon! We're getting are cutie marks in the dark arts!"
  58. >Nightmare is shocked out of her trance.
  59. >She looks at you with pleading eyes.
  60. "You're grounded, girls go home."
  61. >Moonie gives a "drat!" as the CMC sigh in content.
  63. -------------------------------------------------------
  65. >A slowly brightening glow awakens you from your sleep.
  66. >In your groggy state things are a bit blurry.
  67. >You reach over to scratch your nose. but something resists you.
  68. >After another tug you hear chains.
  69. >You turn your head to see that you are chained to your bed.
  70. "Uhh, wha?"
  71. >"Oh, you're awake, finally."
  72. >The voice is like daggers against a chalkboard.
  73. >You turn to see Nightmare Moon sitting down at the side of your bed.
  74. >Not good ol' Moonie. The -real- fully grown NMM is looking right at you.
  75. "What are you doing?"
  76. >"Well since you have been taking care of me for so long, I decided that I should give a little in return."
  77. >She begins trotting to you.
  78. >Her magic grabs your underwear and begins sliding it down.
  79. "Uhh, I need an Adult!"
  80. >"I am an adult..."
  81. >Suddenly you wake up in your bed.
  82. >You're breathing heavy as you look over to your left.
  83. >Little Moonie is sleeping right next to you.
  84. >You spend the rest of the night hoping that it wasn't her in your dreams.
  86. (Clip Clop)-------------------------------
  88. >Dawn beaks through the window.
  89. >The warm summer sun hits your face and wakes you up.
  90. >You are Nightmare Moon, soon to be ruler of all things living.
  91. >You would be if you weren't turned into a damn child!
  92. >Reluctantly you get out of bed.
  93. >Really, where are the fine bedsheets mare from woven nightmares?
  94. >*Sigh* I guess that's what happens when you live with Anon.
  95. >Stupid, boring Anon.
  96. >Whatever, maybe he finally subjugated himself to your rule and made breakfast for you?
  97. >Wishful thinking.
  98. >As you step closer to the kitchen you begin to smell something.
  99. >Something that lifts your spirit.
  100. >Could it be?
  101. >Did he really?
  102. >You dash into the kitchen to see Anon working over the stove.
  103. >He did! He did make breakfast!
  104. >After successfully letting out your excitement without Anon seeing, you regain composer.
  105. "Ahem, making my breakfast I see?"
  106. >He turn to you see you and he begins to smile.
  107. >"Anything for the queen of the the land!"
  108. >This is unreal.
  109. >You have a new servant!
  110. >One of the strongest of the lands to!
  111. >He places a plate of eggs and cooked vegetables without carrots.
  112. >Just the way you like them!
  113. "Thank you servant."
  114. >"Your thanks are not necessary. I live to serve the Queen."
  115. "Surprisingly obedient today."
  116. >"I live to please."
  117. "You really have had a huge mood change Anonymous. Tell you what, what is one thing that you want that I can give?"
  118. >He -has- been obedient, he sort of deserves a little incentive.
  119. >He looks into the sky while scratching his chin.
  120. >"Well... it would be nice if you would bend over.
  121. "Wh-what?"
  122. >"C'mon, bend over. If your highness is so kind."
  123. >He wants you to bend over?!
  124. >What is he gonna do?
  125. >He has been kinda nice.
  126. >What's the worst that could happen?
  127. >You get off your seat and bend over on your chair which is human sized.
  128. "L-like this?"
  129. >He kneels down.
  130. >"Yeah... just like that."
  132. >Suddenly you feel his muscular hands grip your flank.
  133. "AHH, A-anon. I n-need an adult!"
  134. >"Don't worry tour highness, I'm an adult.
  136. >Suddenly you wake up in the middle of a dark room.
  137. >A dull light hangs over head.
  138. >You look over to the right and see Mando Pony smoking in the bed.
  139. >"Good your up. Ready for part two?"
  140. >You turn your head into the pillow and cry into it.
  141. >It's still crusted from the last time.
  142. >And the last time, and the time before that.
  143. >You need Anon right now.
  145. Bad end.
  147. >Anon wraps you in a muscular grip on both thighs.
  148. >You take a sharp gasp.
  149. "Uhh Anoooon!"
  150. >His hands move closer to the middle of your cheeks.
  151. >His tiny thumb starts rubbing onto your crotch.
  152. "AHH ANON!"
  153. >You start feeling his thumb get slicker on the juices secreting from from your rear end.
  154. >He gives your clitoris a flick.
  155. "GAH!"
  156. >Your mind is in a daze.
  157. >Slowly you feel his palm reach its way over to your marehood.
  158. >You feel him gently rub against it.
  159. >His strong palms start grinding into you.
  160. >He makes a soothing up and down motion.
  161. "Uh ah! S-something's h-happening!"
  162. >Suddenly in a huge flush of ecstasy you flush your juices onto his palm.
  163. "Uh uh... oh my ah..."
  164. >He stands up and licks his hand.
  165. >"Thank you so much... your highness..."
  167. I didn't really feel like doing this. I don't write clop. Whatever, there's a first time for everything.
  169. ------------------------------------------------------------
  171. >Today Moonie is trying to ride a scooter for the first time.
  172. >You watch proudly as Moonie is trying to find her balance on it.
  173. >"Ugh, this scooter is just a stepping stone! Soon I will have a chariot ride me into victory!"
  174. >Moonie starts to kick.
  175. >She slowly begins rolling forward.
  176. >Hey, she's doing good!
  177. "C'mon! You're doing it!"
  178. >"HAHA! I've concurred this sc-WOAH!"
  179. >Suddenly Nightmare fell onto the dirt road.
  180. >Oh no....
  181. >You run over to her side.
  182. >She's gripping her knee while tears well in her eyes.
  183. >She has a huge scrape on her hind leg that's beginning to bleed.
  184. >You kneel to her height.
  185. "Moonie, are you okay?"
  186. >"Th-this scooter cheats!"
  187. >You're surprised that she didn't ignite the scooter by now.
  188. "Do you want any help? Are you okay?"
  189. >Her crying subsides.
  190. >"C-carry me home..."
  191. >She lifts her hoovers up to you and looks with wet eyes at you for help.
  192. "Okay..."
  193. >You lift Moonie up by her sides and hold her to your chest.
  194. >She nuzzles into you and wipes her eyes on your shirt.
  195. >"Anon?"
  196. "Yes?"
  197. >"I don't think I like scooters..."
  198. >You begin to walk her home.
  199. >"Th-thanks... dad..."
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