

Aug 2nd, 2016
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  1. <i>Fuschia City -- perhaps not the greatest venue for this, but it was already prepared and bought out for their purposes. The central area of one of the larger Kanto cities was overrun with men and women in a similar uniform: a mix of pastel red and blue, in a military-esque design, with a black patch on their left breast which bore the symbol of a double helix in a more vibrant scheme of colors than their uniforms. The red overlapped the blue, diagonally splitting their uniforms in two at the waist; atop their head sat nothing, keeping revealed the mixture of hair colors that littered the veritable legion of Grunts. A podium was set upon a small platform, in the center of four poles which bore the banners of Team Genesis -- a similar symbol to the ones of their patches. They stood in rows, surrounding the podium with arms behind their backs, and bodies at attention. The time had come. Now moving upon the soapbox as some would call it was an exceedingly tall, thin and frail man. -c-
  2. <i>With long, lustrous hair in a hue of deep cyan, his eyes glimmered golden, though his locks covered the right. He wore a similar uniform to the many grunts surrounding him, save that it was in an entirely blue color, with a three-star patch on his right shoulder, which connected to the white cloak he wore on his right via a rope, signifying his association with the team by bearing the symbol upon that cloak. He brought with him no papers, and the podium was decorated with a number of flowers, set up by himself for the perfect arrangement of colors. The microphone was just for show, as there was a singular small mic attached to his clothing. Standing with perfect poise, he cleared his throat, and the feet of each Grunt came together, before the strange male began speaking. "Citizens of Fuschia City, natives of the Kanto Region, foreigners, tourists and travelers alike, I ask that you give me your brief attention. I am Amino. -c-
  3. <i>The soldiers you see standing before you are the proud members of Team Genesis." He held up his right hand, expecting an uproar at the very mention of any sort of 'Team'. The crowd would slowly start to quiet down after a moment of rabble, at which point he continued: "There is no need to be alarmed. I assure you, we have no ill-intent -- unlike the Teams of recent history, we have no hopes of overthrowing the government or ruling the world. In fact, my plan is quite the opposite. The differences between people, Pokemon, and the recent advent of the Gijinka, are clear as night and day. Humans stand very little chance against the power of Gijinka, while Pokemon cannot hope to compare to the gained sapience of the Gijinka. We wish to expel and decimate those differences. Through genetic modification, we are able to increase the evolution process of all things -- humans will gain powers similar to those of Pokemon, while Pokemon will gain intelligence similar to that of humans." -c-
  4. <i>There was a small murmur throughout the gathered audience, a gentle breeze causing the banners to waver and flap lightly. "Will you join the new generation, or will you be left behind? It is your choice. Thank you for your time." The man gave a nod, before curtly turning an about face and stepping off the platform and in the opposite direction of where he had been facing. The soldiers formed a path for him, as he disappeared from the public's sight to a building with two stories, which had two banners stationed outside of it as well. Perhaps where one would sign up to join Team Genesis? He sat himself down at a desk within, where two grunts stood waiting by the door leading into the room, which was connected to a waiting room with a number of couches and chairs, rather like a doctor's office. -e-
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