
The shower

Mar 14th, 2013
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  1. >Day one shot in Equestria
  2. >You wake up later than usual today, you don't know why
  3. >But you have a feeling it's going to be a good day all the same
  4. >You slowly make your way out of bed and stumble into the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror
  5. >You've got a bit of scruff going on, but you can't be bothered with shaving today. Instead, you just take a shit followed by a shower
  6. >Half way through your shower you hear the door knock, though you're in the shower and it feels nice so you don't worry about it, they'll come back later if it's important
  7. >Five minutes later, with you still in the shower, the door begins knocking again, it sounds urgent this time
  8. >Groaning, you decide you better go answer it. Fuck putting on clothes though, you want to return to your shower if you can
  9. "If this turns out to be some fillyscout, they get what they deserve for disturbing my shower." You say to yourself
  10. >You make your way downstairs, as you do the knocking gets even more urgent
  11. >Opening the door, it's only Fluttershy
  12. >She has a worried look upon her face
  13. >"Oh, anon! You're o- ohhh, oh anon."
  14. >She begins to moan slightly as she looks at you, one of her hooves quickly making its way between her legs and rubbing herself
  15. "Fluttershy, this better be important. I'm trying to shower here."
  16. >"Uhh. uh huh." She mumbles before leaning forward, trying to slide your dick into her mouth
  17. >You step back and out of the way
  18. "Look, what do you want?"
  19. >"Oh, oh. I was worried about you anon. You didn't answer the door earlier and I thought you might have hurt yourself."
  20. "Fluttershy, I'm six foot three and built like a brick shithouse. I'm pretty sure I could handle myself even if I wrestled Mister Bearington. Now if you don't mind?"
  21. >"WAIT!" she cries out as you go to close the door
  22. >You look at her with a deadpan expression
  23. "What?"
  24. 1/3
  26. >"Can I ask your feitsh anon?"
  27. >You sigh
  28. Will you let me go have my shower in peace if I tell you?
  29. >Her eyes go wide before beginning to squeak
  30. >"Yes."
  31. >You think it over for a second and look over her shoulder before seeing something behind her, a twisted grin comes up on your face as you lean in close and whisper into her ear
  32. "Cumming inside Rainbowdash is my fetish."
  33. >Fluttershy is taken back by this information, and at first seems a little hurt but then smiles and lets out a small 'yay'
  34. >Hah. She'll never convince RD to let you cum inside her, or get with you at all. Still, it actually would turn you on like crazy to fuck the blue one
  35. >You go back upstairs and get back into your shower, enjoying yourself
  36. >When you get out you hear the door knocking again
  37. "Fucks sakes. Fuck it, I won't bother getting clothes on, if I answered the door naked once I can do it again. Fuck the rules."
  38. >You make your way to the front door to open it and.. its Rainbow! You blush a little and step back
  39. "Oh, shit. Sorry Dashie, I didn't mea-"
  40. >Before you can finish your sentence, she's pressed herself upon you and is beginning to slide her tongue around your penis
  41. >You don't know what to do but you're definitely not going to reject this, so you do nothing
  42. >Expertly her tongue works its way around the glans, teasing you and brushing the underside
  43. >She hasn't said a word but she hasn't needed to, the immense pleasure you're feeling right now is more than enough explanation for you. It feels to good to argue with.
  44. >Pulling back and licking her lips she flutters her eyelids as she takes the whole thing into her mouth and begins to deepthroat it
  45. >You can feel every part of her throat , it's beyond amazing
  46. 2/3
  48. >You begin to thrust in her mouth and moan loudly, it feels so damn good. It won't be long until you cum at this rate
  49. >She notices this and smiles, moaning on your dick as she goes faster
  50. >Just as you're getting really close however, she carefully and slowly takes it out of her mouth, causing you to whine.
  51. "Awwwh, b... b... oh please Dashie. I NEED to cum inside you."
  52. >She flashes you a cheeky smile and turns around, throwing her tail up in the air and exposing herself to you, ready for your embrace
  53. >You waste no time in placing your hands on her hips and sliding inside of her, she feels wet and ready as it is and that's just the way you needed it right now
  54. >You both begin to moan, louder and louder. Turns out she moans a lot softer than you'd have expected, though that's usually the case
  55. >With your death grip around her hips, you fuck her harder and harder, pulling you onto your meat as you thrust. Your hips collide and it feels damn good, you're going to blow your load inside her, you're going to live your fetish!
  56. >You begin to moan her name out
  57. "Dashie, fuck yes Dashie"
  59. >You're fucking Rainbowdash in the frame of your doorway and anyone can see you if they want, but you don't care. You're about to live the dream, let them watch
  60. "YES DASHIE!"
  61. >With a blazing hot stream you cream yourself inside her and she moans louder than before, almost screaming in pleasure as you fill her insides
  62. >That's when you see it... Rainbowdash watching you from across the street in horror and disgust
  63. >Your face drains of blood as it hits you... something isn't right here... if that's...
  64. >You look at your hands, there's blue chalk all over them
  65. >It was blue chalk, and it was covering up three butterflies
  66. >Looking down, you realise that all along, you were
  67. Fucking Fluttershy
  68. 3/3
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