
Incest Thread-Suncest by Fife-Niner-Seven

Sep 25th, 2016
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  1. "Sunset."
  2. >You did your best to get her attention, but it didn't seem to be working.
  3. "Sunny."
  4. >...
  5. "SUNBUN!"
  6. >"Oh sorry Anon, what's up?"
  7. >Shaking your head, you just looked at your feet.
  8. >Why did she insist on playing this game with you?
  9. >No, not the video game.
  10. >The 'oh hahah sorry big bro I'm half naked, but it's okay we're just teenagers in my room' game.
  11. >It drove you mad.
  12. >You'd already been past the point of telling weren't kids anymore.
  13. >"Something wrong 'Nonny~?"
  14. "Pay attention, you're getting wrecked by the A.I." you finally grunted out, doing your best to keep your eyes on your own screen.
  15. >A pair of arms slipped around your neck and something soft pressed against the back of your head.
  16. >"Sorry big bro, I'm just a little distracted tonight." she said, giggling as she planted a kiss on top of your head.
  17. "Whatever. Let's just finish the game, you were the one who insisted we play together." you retorted, ignoring her antics as best as possible.
  18. >"Hmph."
  19. >As soon as she'd let go of you though, you were yanked backwards.
  20. "SHIT!" you hollered, dropping your controller as you fell back on her bed, your sister laughing at your outburst.
  21. >Scrambling to get up, a blur of red and yellow dove on top of you, pinning you in place.
  22. >Well, until you wrapped your arms around the girl, and rolled her over.
  23. >The short scuffle with your sister was already over, but you knew where this was going.
  24. >You needed to get out, right now.
  25. "The hell is your deal tonight?" you growled, her expression frustrating you ever more.
  26. >She had toothy grin, but her eyes spoke volumes.
  27. >"Anon, you're still holding me down." she noted, not bothering to address your question properly.
  28. >Releasing her wrists, you attempted to get off of her.
  29. >To your dismay, it was all a trap.
  30. >Another quick toss and followed by a roll, and she was back on top.
  31. >"Jeez, can't even beat his little sister." she said, the same shit-eating grin on her face. "If you want me to stop, I need something first."
  32. "Stop fucking playing around." you growled.
  33. >You had to be stern with her, otherwise sh-
  34. >"I don't think sooo~" she purred, cutting you off. "You always act like you're big and tough, like you don't feel the same way." she continued.
  35. >Gritting your teeth, you did your best to force her off of you.
  36. >It was impossible though, as she quickly levered your left arm back behind your head, before gaining a dominant position, straddling you.
  37. >"Ah ah ahhh~" she taunted. "I've always been the better wrestler. Stop struggling and I won't have to keep doing 'this.'" she finished, tweaking your arm.
  38. >Fuck that shit hurt.
  39. "Fuck me, what do you want then?" you finally gasped out.
  40. >She slowly eased your arm back into a proper position, the pressure quickly dissipating.
  41. >"Jeez, you're acting like I'm about to ask you for something ridiculous over here." she replied coolly.
  42. >Something in her tone though, betrayed her true feelings on the matter.
  43. >You could tell she was getting fed up as well.
  44. "Spit it out." you said, your patience already gone minutes ago.
  45. >"You're a jerk, you know that?" she finally said, snarling at you.
  46. >You had a comeback waiting and ready, but she dove down on you.
  47. >In the back of your mind you expected this.
  48. >Hell, in the back of your mind you still wanted this.
  49. >You realized after a few moments though, that you weren't offering any resistance to the lips that were pushed against yours.
  50. >No, you didn't even close your teeth to the tongue that invaded your mouth after a short time.
  51. >Deeper down you knew it was wrong.
  52. >Yet all you could do was lay there, your tongues dancing as you kissed like no siblings should.
  53. >When you finally broke apart, a strand of saliva kept you connected.
  54. >You were both breathing heavily, but you were still unsure of what to do.
  55. >You'd put it through your head over and over.
  56. >You can't love your sister.
  57. >You can't be with your sister.
  58. >You can't keep doing this with your sister.
  59. >Yet, what else could you do?
  60. >Who else did you have?
  61. >"Told you." she said, not looking away for even one moment.
  62. "W-we can't." you managed to stammer out, not fighting her anymore. "I keep telling yo-you, find s-someone else."
  63. >Her lips found their way to yours again, but you didn't fight.
  64. >No, you participated.
  65. >Wrapping your arms around her back as she relinquished her own grip, you began to deepen your current embrace.
  66. >Licking, biting, was all fair play here for the minutes that you spent kissing on her bed, alone and in the near-darkness.
  67. >Breaking apart again, she swallowed before speaking.
  68. >"You say that...and then beat up any boys that talk to me~" she said, before lightly pecking you.
  69. >Leaning down, she began to whisper in your ear.
  70. >"You're still the only boy I've ever kissed. Mmmm you're still the only boy I've ever..." she trailed off, giggling.
  71. >Why?
  72. >Why did she have to be your sister?
  73. >" 'big' bro..."
  74. >You couldn't take this kind of abuse.
  75. >Leaning forwards, you kissed her neck lightly, before doing so again and again.
  76. >She let out a little moan into your ear, before shifting her lips back to yours.
  77. >Your computers had long since gone into sleep mode, and the dim light cast by the screen savers on your monitors was barely enough to provide any visibility.
  78. >No, here you went by feel.
  79. >Your eyes closed as you felt every movement that he sinuous body made on top of yours.
  80. >Her tank top and shorts didn't really do much to cover her either, her bare skin constantly caressing your arms.
  81. >You weren't sure when it happened, but suddenly you realized you were shirtless and in your own boxer shorts.
  82. >More bare skin rubbed up against your as the constant battle between your mouths raged on.
  83. >"S-something you like 'Nonny?" she moaned as you continued to caress her breasts.
  84. >You didn't answer, instead choosing to layer more kisses up her left boob, before taking her nipple into your mouth.
  85. >Lightly sucking on it, you felt it get a little hotter and pointier.
  86. >Her breathing patterns became slightly more erratic as you continued to suckle, before removing your mouth to lightly blow on the erect nipple.
  87. >Rubbing over it with your thumb, you found it to feel very different from before.
  88. >It was more...stiff.
  89. >Little bumps and irregularities had jutted up from her areola as blood flowed into them.
  90. >"Gonna get t-the other one?" she questioned as you continued to play with her.
  91. >Not one to disappoint your little sister, you gave similar treatment to her right breast.
  92. >Something was distracting you slightly from it though, and you knew she probably felt the same way.
  93. >Pulling away, she groaned in dismay, until she felt your hands tugging at her shorts.
  94. >She enthusiastically began to wiggle as you pulled off her underclothes entirely.
  95. >What you lacked in sight, you more than made up for in a heightened sense of touch.
  96. "No going back there?" you asked, the question more rhetorical than anything.
  97. >"I-if you stop, then I guess you d-don't really love me." she replied, the quavering in her voice more from pent-up lust than disapproval.
  98. "I love you." you whispered, before kissing your way down to her inner thighs.
  99. >Licking and kissing her legs, you continued to explore her body with your hands and mouth.
  100. >Slowly but surely, your fingers made their way over her lightly trimmed pubic hairs and onto her forbidden fruit.
  101. >The forbidden fruit that you'd already tasted.
  102. >The one you said you'd never go back to.
  103. >The one that was too sweet to ever resist.
  104. >Diving in, she stopped moving entirely for split-second as your mouth came into contact with her lower-lips.
  105. >The second that followed though, carried a moan that threatened to wake the neighbors.
  106. >Kissing and sucking slowly evolved over time, turning into roaming each other's necks and ears with your ministrations.
  107. >That was, until you bit her ear.
  108. >She stifled a gasp, but you took the opportunity here to pull away and yank the thin top off of her.
  109. >Running your hands over her bared midriff, you decided that there wasn't any fabric in the world that could match her skin.
  110. >Pushing up against her, you rolled into the dominant position.
  111. >Lying on top of her, she ground her hips up against yours as you layered kiss after kiss down her stomach.
  112. >Your hands found her breasts, lightly tracing over the contours of her bra.
  113. >They had grown considerably since...
  114. >The last time you two had made love.
  115. >Cupping them in your hands, you were surprised when her own arms pulled away from you for a moment.
  116. >A short time passed, but you quickly found that she had removed the brassiere that had kept her lovely breasts contained.
  117. >Taking them in each hand, you pressed your hips down on hers as your fingers committed every soft centimeter of her ample bust to memory.
  118. >The part of you that had been fighting this, had long ago ceased to argue.
  119. >You almost wanted to scold her, but her thighs clamped down on you, keeping you in place.
  120. >Errant fingers stroked your hair and pressed on your head, insisting that you continue.
  121. >Slowly licking up and down, you began to emulate what you'd done before with her mouth.
  122. >Sucking, licking, nibbling, you ate away at her dripping sex.
  123. >She tasted like spring water mixed with sweat, and...something else.
  124. >The smell of it was driving you wild though.
  125. >"O-oh God 'Non..." she moaned absentmindedly as you got more and more into it.
  126. >Honestly, it probably wasn't the first time she'd done it.
  127. >Just the first time you'd heard it, distracted as you were.
  128. >It was a lovely thing to say the least.
  129. >Her constant movements and shifting weight gave you an idea of how much she enjoyed it.
  130. >No more than a few minutes had passed, but you could feel her hips bucking more frequently as your assault on her pussy took its toll.
  131. >It wasn't until she shoved your head hard into it though, that you knew she was about to finish.
  132. >With a final suckle right on her clit, she let out a soundless scream.
  133. >You came up gasping for air soon after, but regained your composure after a short time and pulled a stray hair from your mouth.
  134. >It didn't bother you to be honest.
  135. >You actually somewhat enjoyed the soft yet prickly feeling of it...
  136. >"S-so..." she said, pulling you back to reality.
  137. >You pulled away and rolled off of the bed, leaving her to lay there for a moment in the afterglow.
  138. >"Wh-...where are you going?" she questioned, her voice suddenly full of desperation.
  139. >She couldn't see you, but you were just stripping off your final layer.
  140. >You could hear her scrambling to move, but you came into contact with her just before she was entirely off the bed.
  141. >Pushing her back down, she squeaked before realizing what you were doing.
  142. >Your naked bodies pressed together in what felt like an incredibly natural way.
  143. >Bearing down on her, you prodded around her nicely lubed up sex with your own.
  144. >Stopping your movements for a moment though, a single thought pierced the veil of your lust.
  145. >You needed protection.
  146. >After all the things you'd done, you didn't want to take even more risks by going bareback inside of your sister.
  147. "Condom." you managed to say, more of a demand than anything in this situation.
  148. >As you pulled away from her, she stood up as you turned around.
  149. >Suddenly she threw you back onto the bed, as you were caught off balance.
  150. >Climbing atop you, you felt her hand as it wrapped around your cock.
  151. >Reaching up, you grabbed her hips right as she plunged down on your engorged member, taking it all in one go.
  152. >"Oops." she managed to gasp out, before moaning lewdly.
  153. >Taking a moment, you gritted your teeth and focused hard on not cumming just from initial penetration.
  154. >It...would appear that she didn't care about protection right now.
  155. >"God...I've never felt so full before Anon..." she moaned, before gyrating her hips. "You got bigger~"
  156. >Her voice was husky and alluring.
  157. >It was so difficult to imagine that your sweet, loving little sister...
  158. >Was this much of a dirty girl.
  159. >Your response was to push your own hips up, causing a quick groan to escape her throat again.
  160. "Y-you sure are vocal tonight." you noted, doing your best to tease her.
  161. >"It's al-almoST m-my big bro is doing d-dirty things with me or s-somethi-Oh GOD right there..."
  162. >Her response became broken up as you began to thrust yourself upwards, forcing her insides to widen and accept your entire length.
  163. "Thought so." you managed to say, keeping your voice even for the short statement.
  164. >You felt wrong, but at the same time you couldn't say that it wasn't right either.
  165. >Her insides felt like that fit you perfectly, as did the rest of her body as you two became entwined.
  166. >She leaned down on top of you, until you could kiss and rub up against each other with each deep thrust.
  167. >"I-it feels so different..." she said between kisses before trailing off.
  168. >She was right.
  169. >You'd never done this without a condom before, and it really did feel better.
  170. >Each little movement felt different, as well as the hot, wet feeling of her leaking down on you.
  171. >Her pubes lightly scratched along yours as you made light movements against each other.
  172. >Liquids were beginning to pool on your own crotch as her leaking sex produced more and more fluids.
  173. >Your heartbeat was steady, the pounding staccato driving each movement of your hips.
  174. >Any other words were put aside in favor of moans and kisses.
  175. >Your lips were raw and hot from the constant rubbing, but you loved it.
  176. >The sister that you'd tried so hard to resist was still in love with you.
  177. >Nothing else could have made you happier, than this moment right here.
  178. >Loving her, teasing her, pleasing her.
  179. >Each moment you spent pressed into her...was a moment that you did your best to commit to memory.
  180. >You still remembered tons of little details about the first night you had spent together.
  181. >The blush on her cheeks.
  182. >The look of her dilated pupils as you looked at each other, a string of saliva connecting you.
  183. >Even now in the pitch darkness, you could see her face in your mind's eye.
  184. >You could feel each line and curve of her perfect body.
  185. >Her lustrous hair hung over you in a wild curtain, tickling you and enveloping you in a sweet scent that contrasted with the other smells that emanated from her.
  186. >Her sweat and womanly aroma had you roused and feeling somewhat wild.
  187. >You did your best to reign it in, but here and there you felt yourself slip ever so slightly.
  188. >Minutes passed like this, thrusting and wetness and lust.
  189. >A final groan from her informed you of her impending finish, and you sped up slightly, releasing any sense of control.
  190. >Your pace only increased for the next few seconds, until you felt a familiar twitch in the base of your cock.
  191. >With a grunt, you did your best to pull out of her.
  192. >Sadly it didn't work, as she made a final dip down on your cock.
  193. >You came hard inside of her, not even caring what happened after this point.
  194. >All you knew was the stars in your vision, and the feeling of your pulsating cock filling your sister up.
  195. >Right around the time you finished with your initial spurts, she pulled away and groaned.
  196. >"Ohh~ I l-loooove youuu!" she half-hollered, trailing her words out as she came.
  197. >Riding it out, you laid there and reveled in the afterglow.
  198. >As your heartbeat slowed to a more normal pace, you noted the feeling of sweat and the dampness of the comforter beneath you.
  199. >Her hot skin still covered most of you, and you felt no need to pull out of her, even as you calmed down and went flaccid.
  200. >"I love you big 'Nonny..." she whispered, resting her head on your chest.
  201. >Blinking, you took a deep breath in through your nose and took in the still sugary scent of her hair once more.
  202. >This was wrong.
  203. >But it was too right for you to care anymore.
  204. >The feelings you'd bottled away had all been released tonight, and that was fine by you.
  205. "I love you too, little Sunny Bunny."
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