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May 16th, 2013
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  1. Session Start: Thu May 16 19:55:39 2013
  2. Session Ident: Arcane_Scroll
  3. [19:55] Session Ident: Arcane_Scroll (Canternet, Snipehamster|Headache) (
  4. [19:55] <Arcane_Scroll> Yes?
  5. 01[19:56] <Snipehamster|Headache> Um, hi. Why have I been banned from #FalloutEquestria?
  6. [19:57] <Arcane_Scroll> Well, I don't know, maybe the constant belittling of people and petty insults?
  7. 01[19:57] <Snipehamster|Headache> What belittling of who?
  8. [19:57] <Arcane_Scroll> The fact that you constantly treat authors as lesser then you.
  9. 01[19:57] <Snipehamster|Headache> Which authors? When?
  10. [19:58] <Arcane_Scroll> Do you read your own posts?
  11. 01[19:58] <Snipehamster|Headache> Yes.
  12. [19:58] <Arcane_Scroll> Do you actually understand them?
  13. 01[19:58] <Snipehamster|Headache> Yes. Can we please not play word games?
  14. [19:58] <Arcane_Scroll> Do you not think they are insulting?
  15. 01[19:58] <Snipehamster|Headache> Depends on the post and context.
  16. [19:59] <Arcane_Scroll> We have talked about this before. You insult people until they agree with you. If they don't agree with you then you treat them like idiots
  17. 01[19:59] <Snipehamster|Headache> May I please have an example of this?
  18. [19:59] <Arcane_Scroll> With that said, those lauding FoE as the “best novel ever” desperately need to broaden their reading. Preferably after undocking their skulls from KKat’s rectum.
  19. 01[20:00] <Snipehamster|Headache> Yes. That is my opinion, aimed solely at those (no names given) who leap to FoE's defense at the slightest criticism.
  20. [20:00] <Arcane_Scroll> And you don't consider that insulting?
  21. 01[20:01] <Snipehamster|Headache> It's a snarky review.
  22. [20:01] <Arcane_Scroll> And?
  23. [20:02] <Arcane_Scroll> You are a bully, you attack anyone who doesn't side with you
  24. 01[20:02] <Snipehamster|Headache> It's a nonspecific jab at people that take FoE too seriously and treat it like Bible 2.0.
  25. 01[20:03] <Snipehamster|Headache> That's not true at all.
  26. 01[20:03] <Snipehamster|Headache> Who have I attacked?
  27. [20:03] <Arcane_Scroll> Me, Somber, Kkat, anyone in the fandom that doesn't agree with you
  28. 01[20:03] <Snipehamster|Headache> ???
  29. 01[20:04] <Snipehamster|Headache> Having a contrary opinion is bullying now?
  30. [20:04] <Arcane_Scroll> Do you seriously not think you are being an asshole?
  31. 01[20:04] <Snipehamster|Headache> Not really, no. How does a story review constitute bullying?
  32. 01[20:05] <Snipehamster|Headache> Do you not think that uncritical shilling of a written work is a bad thing?
  33. [20:05] <Arcane_Scroll> Talking shit about a story or its fans is NOT a fucking review?
  34. [20:05] <Arcane_Scroll> Talking shit about a story or its fans is NOT a fucking review!
  35. 01[20:06] <Snipehamster|Headache> I'm not talking shit about the story.
  36. 01[20:06] <Snipehamster|Headache> And I'm making a lighthearted jab at people who treat it like God's personal gift.
  37. [20:06] <Arcane_Scroll> Go over the TVTropes forum and re-read how you respond to people
  38. 01[20:07] <Snipehamster|Headache> I explain and defend my points as best I can. Sometimes I get snarky and sarcastic if they get heated. I do not harass individuals or make personal attacks
  39. 01[20:08] <Snipehamster|Headache> If someone makes a good point, I concede to them.
  40. 01[20:11] <Snipehamster|Headache> Would you like to point out an example of where I have harassed, bullied or coerced someone? If need be, I'm happy to admit guilt on specific examples.
  41. [20:12] <Arcane_Scroll> Well, lets start with your interactions with Kkat on TVTropes. Do you really have to attack every little thing she says?
  42. 01[20:13] <Snipehamster|Headache> Not at all. Though by my recollection our most recent conversations began with her approaching me with criticism, not the other way around.
  43. 01[20:13] <Snipehamster|Headache> In fact, though I may be mistaken KKat was the one to break into personal attacks.
  44. [20:14] <Arcane_Scroll> You really don't get it do you?
  45. 01[20:14] <Snipehamster|Headache> Not yet, no.
  46. 01[20:15] <Snipehamster|Headache> I agree that the review was rather barbed, but that aside I've suddenly come under a barrage of very nonspecific accusations.
  47. 01[20:16] <Snipehamster|Headache> I was banned suddenly with no opportunity to defend or justify myself (or admit guilt, as the case may be).
  48. 01[20:18] <Snipehamster|Headache> In fact, I suspect that a number of people would vouch for my conduct.
  49. 01[20:18] <Snipehamster|Headache> Or am I simply being ignored now?
  50. [20:22] <Arcane_Scroll> I haven't found many
  51. [20:22] <Arcane_Scroll> Your conduct speaks for itself. This isn't the first time it's been an issue
  52. [20:23] <Arcane_Scroll> You insult people and then play innocent. It gets old, real old. It's the behaviour of a child, not an adult.
  53. 01[20:24] <Snipehamster|Headache> Once again.
  54. 01[20:24] <Snipehamster|Headache> Who have I insulted, and when?
  55. 01[20:24] <Snipehamster|Headache> Specifically.
  56. [20:24] <Arcane_Scroll> You insult entire groups in the fandom, anyone who likes something that you do not like
  57. 01[20:24] <Snipehamster|Headache> Flatly untrue.
  58. 01[20:25] <Snipehamster|Headache> I made one snarky jab at obsessive fans in general.
  59. 01[20:26] <Snipehamster|Headache> What groups have I insulted?
  60. [20:26] <Arcane_Scroll> Specificly? Read the entire forum post on TVTropes. Or, how about when you went after Somber because he wouldn't do what you told him to do. Taking it to the IRC to make your point? It's your method of operation, make snarky comments about people trying to make them look bad while making you look "cool" It's classic bully behaviour
  61. 01[20:26] <Snipehamster|Headache> Wait what.
  62. 01[20:27] <Snipehamster|Headache> When did I 'go after' Somber?
  63. [20:27] <Arcane_Scroll> Back a few months ago
  64. [20:27] <Arcane_Scroll> In the channel
  65. 01[20:27] <Snipehamster|Headache> I'm listening.
  66. [20:27] <Arcane_Scroll> Do you really not remember that?
  67. 01[20:27] <Snipehamster|Headache> No.
  68. 01[20:27] <Snipehamster|Headache> A few months ago, I was close enough to Somber to be editing PH.
  69. [20:28] <Arcane_Scroll> You wanted him to change the chapter, he didn't, you came to the channel nd ranted about it for an hour trying to drum up support
  70. 01[20:28] <Snipehamster|Headache> Which chapter?
  71. [20:29] <Arcane_Scroll> Seriously though, I'm just tired of the negitivity. It's getting old and bringing everyone else down.
  72. 01[20:29] <Snipehamster|Headache> I'm a critic sometimes. I do my best to be fair and constructive.
  73. 01[20:30] <Snipehamster|Headache> If people can't handle the very insinuation that they or their work may not be flawless that's a flaw of theirs, not mine.
  74. [20:30] <Arcane_Scroll> Fair and Constructive ‽ Seriously, you think the bile you spout is fair and constructive?
  75. 01[20:30] <Snipehamster|Headache> When people talk to me instead of whining, yes.
  76. [20:30] <Arcane_Scroll> You have no clue how to critize something
  77. 01[20:31] <Snipehamster|Headache> Several people have approached me and asked me to preread or edit their fics.
  78. [20:31] <Arcane_Scroll> And that means what?
  79. [20:32] <Arcane_Scroll> You know what, this isn't worth my time anymore. You can go keep bullying people elsewhere, I'm tired of it
  80. 01[20:32] <Snipehamster|Headache> Fuzzy (MN7), Volrathxp (Starlight), Billycolt and others have approached me seeking my criticism and advice.
  81. 01[20:32] <Snipehamster|Headache> I resent the accusation that I am a bully (but am very glad that I keep extensive chat logs).
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