

Jun 29th, 2012
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  1. [08:10] <danhezee> hi
  2. [09:07] <SallyTheButcher> hey hey
  3. [09:07] <SallyTheButcher> Sorry was taking my lunch
  4. [09:07] <danhezee> oh no problem
  5. [09:08] <SallyTheButcher> So...
  6. [09:08] <SallyTheButcher> I'm working on putting together a communication cycle for Ace
  7. [09:08] <SallyTheButcher> & I wanted to get your input
  8. [09:08] <danhezee> ok
  9. [09:09] <SallyTheButcher> At the moment I can see you guys put out a community round up? IS this a weekly thing?
  10. [09:09] <SallyTheButcher> Also is this something that's shared between people?
  11. [09:09] <danhezee> we try too, usually depends on the volume of activity
  12. [09:10] <danhezee> there is no delegated community round responsibility
  13. [09:10] <SallyTheButcher> yeah I know how it is I did the same on a game I worked on it can be tough getting enough content
  14. [09:11] <danhezee> usually it is me or tgm that writes them though
  15. [09:11] <SallyTheButcher> Is it something you guys want to continue?
  16. [09:11] <SallyTheButcher> From what I can see I think it's great :D
  17. [09:11] <danhezee> cool
  18. [09:12] <danhezee> yea we want to continue with them
  19. [09:12] <SallyTheButcher> great
  20. [09:13] <danhezee> there is also, a newsletter which is very similiar to the community round up which is written by LastofS.
  21. [09:13] <SallyTheButcher> OK so this 'cycle' is basically just a way of making sure we provide the wider community enough regular content
  22. [09:14] <SallyTheButcher> ah yes I saw that in the forums, what is the main difference between them?
  23. [09:14] <danhezee> LastofS's is a solo project
  24. [09:15] <SallyTheButcher> kk
  25. [09:15] <danhezee> he created and maintains it himself for the time being
  26. [09:15] <SallyTheButcher> That's fine
  27. [09:16] <SallyTheButcher> I'm firstly trying to decide what length cycle I should lay out & present, previously I have done weekly ones so you know what needs to go out and where (what platform)
  28. [09:17] <SallyTheButcher> ....thinking out loud sorry!
  29. [09:18] <SallyTheButcher> So would you be happy to schedule a coummunity round up for once a week?
  30. [09:19] <SallyTheButcher> Bear in mind we'd aim to schedule it for a regular day
  31. [09:19] <SallyTheButcher> Or would it be better to start with having it every other week, or once a month?
  32. [09:20] <danhezee> weekly may be difficult unless we can get ben to talk more often
  33. [09:20] <SallyTheButcher> Well I will feed you some information & may be able to help you with content
  34. [09:21] <danhezee> I say we aim for weekly but start out with every other week
  35. [09:22] <SallyTheButcher> Going forwards and with a bit of encouragement there will hopefully be some awesome stuff the community get up to too, which would be great to celebrate and shout about
  36. [09:22] <SallyTheButcher> ounds good & a sensible plan
  37. [09:23] <SallyTheButcher> Would you be happy to prepare the round up ready to go live on a set day?
  38. [09:23] <danhezee> I think the biggest celebration in the comming weeks will be 0.76
  39. [09:23] <danhezee> yea we can do that
  40. [09:23] <danhezee> I am guessing either mondays or fridays would be the best days
  41. [09:25] <SallyTheButcher> Sounds good to me I'm pretty felxible, but I'd agree with those days. When I plug more into the cycle I will let you know which looks best.
  42. [09:25] <danhezee> I am leaning towards fridays
  43. [09:25] <SallyTheButcher> Is there any other regular content you think the community would love to see?
  44. [09:25] <danhezee> the weekends are when we hit peaks
  45. [09:26] <danhezee> tournaments and competitions
  46. [09:26] <SallyTheButcher> Fridays makes sense to me as it's the end of a working week :)
  47. [09:27] <danhezee> I would like to see something monthly along those lines
  48. [09:28] <danhezee> we have had great results with contests like the facebook cover photo contest
  49. [09:28] <SallyTheButcher> Ah well that's good news, within the team are there people who tend to run events/tournaments?
  50. [09:28] <SallyTheButcher> I have some fun stuff planned for Facebook ^_^
  51. [09:28] <danhezee> usually it is me or someone else in #aos.staff
  52. [09:30] <danhezee> I usually created a rough draft of the rules and we iterate until we can all agree on the rules and launch the competition
  53. [09:31] <SallyTheButcher> So would you be up for working with me to plan some specific events & maybe something regular?
  54. [09:31] <danhezee> yea
  55. [09:32] <SallyTheButcher> we can rope in others as we see fit. Of course anyone is welcome to run events etc, but these would be kinda 'officially recognised' events/activities
  56. [09:32] <SallyTheButcher> Awesome
  57. [09:35] <SallyTheButcher> So on our lovely 1.0 plan we already have certain key activity planned & I think Zac has spoken to you about some of it?
  58. [09:35] <danhezee> yea
  59. [09:36] <SallyTheButcher> It's all very top secret at the moment but obviously we need to get all the details ready
  60. [09:36] <danhezee> I think you got plenty of time
  61. [09:36] <SallyTheButcher> So one of the things we will want to start is a monthly Map Design competition
  62. [09:37] <SallyTheButcher> (I have been writing a lot of lovely proposals )
  63. [09:37] <SallyTheButcher> Which I have run by Ben and he's happy and confident with what I have proposed
  64. [09:37] <danhezee> one thing we tried was themed mod competitions like a halloween theme
  65. [09:37] <danhezee> it was very well recieved
  66. [09:38] <SallyTheButcher> Great
  67. [09:38] <SallyTheButcher> Not sure how big the map making community is?
  68. [09:39] <danhezee> not that big that is why we went boarder with categories like best map best gun best spade ....
  69. [09:39] <SallyTheButcher> hopefully big enough to sustain a monthly competition, if we struggle we can always include mods
  70. [09:40] <SallyTheButcher> We also want to massively grow the YouTube Platform
  71. [09:40] <danhezee> I would cycle that too, one month maps next month weapons and so forth
  72. [09:41] <SallyTheButcher> OK, thanks for the tip, glad I asked. ^_^
  73. [09:41] <danhezee> 0.76 has to come out before youtube is a viable option
  74. [09:41] <SallyTheButcher> OH?
  75. [09:42] <danhezee> out of the list of prominent players over 90% arent playing 0.75
  76. [09:43] <SallyTheButcher> how comes? ...I'm still learning!
  77. [09:43] <danhezee> hit detection
  78. [09:43] <SallyTheButcher> Ah
  79. [09:43] <SallyTheButcher> Ok, well most of these plans is work surrounding 1.0
  80. [09:44] <danhezee> the server and client dont communicate properly, you will shoot someone multiple times and nothing happens
  81. [09:44] <SallyTheButcher> I see
  82. [09:45] <SallyTheButcher> So the YouTube growth will happen a bit later on down the line
  83. [09:46] <SallyTheButcher> But around the 1.0 launch we will run a YouTube comp, and I have proposed for it to be themed around the clans, because as I understand it there is some concern about clans surviving the 1.0 update
  84. [09:46] <danhezee> that is new to me
  85. [09:46] <danhezee> what do you mean
  86. [09:48] <SallyTheButcher> Just a few posts on the forums were worried that they might lose players, I'm sure they won't, but still I think the clans would be a good element to promote
  87. [09:48] <SallyTheButcher> If they don't, let me know :P
  88. [09:49] <danhezee> player loose doesnt seem like it would be limited to clans only
  89. [09:50] <danhezee> one thing we need to figure out is what kind of computers people are using. a portion of the community have very low end computers
  90. [09:51] <SallyTheButcher> Sure, but do you think clans would benefit from a bit of promotion? Showing of f what they are all about, skills, etc
  91. [09:51] <SallyTheButcher> That's indeed a good point
  92. [09:53] <danhezee> I do think clans can be promoted. We have tried to get them to have tournaments and matches against one another. However, they have a hard time getting their members to show up
  93. [09:55] <SallyTheButcher> Yeah it's a complete pain in the arse trying to get people to show up to events maybe if we create some sort of clan ladder/leaderboard they's be motivated as no shows would mean loss in rank
  94. [09:55] <danhezee> yeah we can try it
  95. [09:57] <SallyTheButcher> I don't know how keen clans are to grow, they seem to maintain managable numbers, so with more people coming into the game there will either be space for growth or more clans I suppose
  96. [09:58] <danhezee> hopefully more clans
  97. [09:58] <danhezee> more clans = more chances for matches
  98. [09:59] <SallyTheButcher> It would be nice to get to a stage where each clan had enough memebers of high enough skill to front 2 competative teams with subs
  99. [10:00] <danhezee> wow I am not sure if we have one clan that is large enough for two teams
  100. [10:01] <SallyTheButcher> yet ;-) it wouldn't be compulsory, but I'm optimistic!
  101. [10:02] <SallyTheButcher> It's a tough but forfilling role being a clan leader, I have only had that honour once, but being part of something like that really brings people together
  102. [10:03] <SallyTheButcher> Right I have gone wildly off track (I tend to go off on massive tangents)
  103. [10:04] <SallyTheButcher> Can you think of any other regular communication people would like to see? Any news posts, Facebook posts,
  104. [10:07] <danhezee> we normally follow up news post with a mention on facebook
  105. [10:10] <SallyTheButcher> yeah all news activity will be covered across all platforms free content ftw! Facebook may get a bit experimental as I get to know the community, tends to be the best way to find out what kind of stuff people like and what bores them half to death
  106. [10:11] <SallyTheButcher> I totally stalk BrickForce to with there fancy stuff as well as other brands, then adapt the good ideas to be better! Mwhahahh
  107. [10:12] <SallyTheButcher> Sometimes you come up with a totally unique idea, but it's pretty hard to do these days with so many brands on social platforms like Facebook
  108. [10:12] <SallyTheButcher> Have you had a go at BrickForce?
  109. [10:16] <SallyTheButcher> That was a passed! ;-)
  110. [10:17] <SallyTheButcher> I had a go out of curiosity ... I rage quit
  111. [10:17] <SallyTheButcher> Anyway, I will not harass you any longer I definitely have some good points to consider and plenty to think about
  112. [10:18] <SallyTheButcher> If I have any specific questions I will let you know.
  113. [10:18] <SallyTheButcher> thanks for the chat,
  114. [10:45] <danhezee> talk to you later
  115. [10:46] <danhezee> I was in meeting at work, but yeah I played brickforce saw the players cried when they got shot and closed the game
  116. [10:49] <SallyTheButcher> lol I got headshots from nowhere then when I crlearly shot someone in the head (the massive block) nope no headshot. >..<
  117. [10:49] <SallyTheButcher> Right going to log off and get some documents done, later!
  118. [10:49] <danhezee> bye
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