
Shadfic 9

Sep 7th, 2017
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  1. Chapter 9
  3. Ben had recovered sufficiently from his close brush with Death by the time the two soldiers came for him. They didn't bother restraining him; both were heavily armed and Ben's pocket's had been emptied upon his arrival. One of them wore a black bandana around the bottom half of his face, along with a faded black t-shirt. Ben had gathered that his name was Leonard. The other one, Samuel, was wearing a slightly more professional uniform, and he was covered from head to foot, his voice muffled by a rubber gas mask.
  5. They walked for several minutes, down sporadically lit stone hallways, up shaky wooden staircases, and past countless men in dark colors who stared, grinning at him if their faces were uncovered. A couple even wolf-whistled, making Ben very self-conscious in his tight pants and white v-neck t-shirt. No one touched him, though, except Leonard who kept a chaste hand firmly on his shoulder at all times. Ben tried talking to them and was surprised to find that both men spoke with him casually, like an equal. What they had to say was not comforting, though.
  7. When asked, Tull informed him that they were going to the barracks. He also told Ben that he was never leaving, which Ben refused to believe. "I might escape," Ben said defensively.
  9. Leonard laughed at him and said bluntly, "You ain't going anywhere. Boss says stay, you stay."
  11. They stopped at a T in the muggy stone hallway, next to an old-fashioned beer barrel that was pushed back against the wall in a particularly well-lit area. Leonard finally removed his hand from Ben's shoulder and the three men stood alone in the hall while Tull finished his story about how he had found the Army at a low point in his life. Shadman had saved him with the message in his art. Tull and Leonard both spoke highly of the skull creature, laughing at Ben when he pointed out that Shadman was nightmare fodder.
  13. "Okay," Leonard said finally with a wistful sigh. "Guess we better get to work. What're the orders?" Ben had been surprised to find that the men were fine, rational company. Whatever happened next, he was confident it wouldn't be as nice as standing comfortably in the hallway with his hands in his pockets.
  15. "Let's see," Tull said, thoughtfully drumming his fingers on the butt of the silver revolver that hung from his belt. "Boss wants him plugged." Ben's eyes widened. That sounded bad.
  17. Leonard nodded and turned to Ben, shaking the backpack off of his shoulder and down his arms. "Drop your pants and bend over," he told Ben conversationally as he unzipped the battered black backpack and fished around inside. Ben stared in disbelief as he pulled out a red rubber butt plug the size of a strawberry. Leonard and Tull looked at him expectantly.
  19. Ben staggered back a few steps and ran into the barrel behind him, which came up to his waist. "No, you guys, c'mon. There has to be a better way," he said nervously, gripping the edge of the barrel to steady himself and clenching his cheeks together defensively.
  21. Tull and Leonard exchanged a confused glance and Ben thought for a second that they were considering his plea. Then Tull said solemnly, "We have to punish you for hesitating when given an order." He said it like it was common sense.
  23. Leonard dropped the red plug back in the backpack and went back to digging around in it. "Gonna need something bigger," he said.
  25. "Drop your pants and bend over," Tull told him as Leonard pulled out a phallic black plastic plug. It was shaped like a short, fat cock, not at all right for anal. Ben recoiled at the sight, but obediently began fumbling with the button on his pants, staring at the piece of plastic that glinted in the hall light.
  27. "Does this really have to happen?" he said in a voice that cracked a little as he pushed his jeans down to his ankles. Leonard had knelt on the stone floor to slather KY on the plug.
  29. "Those are the orders," Tull replied with a shrug of his heavy shoulders.
  31. The whole situation was completely surreal. Ben's knees were shaking a bit as he turned to lean over the barrel, trying to relax and prepare himself. It had been a few years since Ben had anything up there; Tomika didn't like it and he had given up sex with men when they had gotten married. Leonard's firm hand on his lower back guided Ben down to a forty-five degree angle, his cheek resting on the rough wood of the barrel. He felt terribly exposed, with the sweat running down his crack, feeling his hole pucker at the sudden exposure to the air. There was a momentary chill when the well-lubed plug first touched him, then it was pushed unceremoniously in, making Ben's whole body strain against the urge to run as he felt himself invaded and stretched.
  33. An unflattering whimper escaped him as the plug found home inside him, big and rigid, making him feel like he needed to shit immediately. His cock responded with embarrassing enthusiasm, but Leonard and Tull didn't seem to care. Leonard's hand on his shoulder pulled Ben upright and he gasped, eyes wide as they could get as the chunk of hard plastic shifted inside of him. "Pants up, shoes off," Leonard said. Ben obeyed.
  35. Tull stepped up beside him and Ben watched as he snapped loose a rusted latch on top of the barrel and pulled the lid off. A sour, spoiled smell wafted out. Though it had felt heavy, the barrel was hollow. It must have been nailed down. Tull pulled at some small latches on the front, which Ben hadn't even noticed. A panel came loose from the wooden surface and Tull held it up. There were straps on the concave surface, making the panel look a bit like a rectangular wooden mask. There were no eye holes, though. Just one round hole where a mouth would go. Ben's mouth.
  37. "Get in," Tull said, gesturing toward the barrel.
  39. Ben shook his head vigorously, whimpering, "No, I - I don't want to. Don't make me." But even as he protested, he did as he was told with slow, clumsy movements, turning to face the men once he was up to his waist in the barrel.
  41. "Do we tell him how it works?" Tull asked.
  43. "The boss didn't say." Both men looked at him thoughtfully.
  45. "Let's tell him," Tull said after a moment and Leonard agreed readily. "See that switch on the wall behind you? We feel teeth and we hit that switch. You won't like that. It's quite a shock, the first time it happens."
  47. Leonard threw his head back, laughing enthusiastically. "It wasn't that funny," Tull cut him off. Leonard shrugged. Ben thought he was still grinning behind the bandana.
  49. He stepped up to Ben, who managed to resist the urge to hit him, and held up the wooden mask to his face. Ben trembled with the effort of containing his tears as it was strapped securely behind his head. There was a notch cut in it for his nose, so Ben could breath with relative ease. The hole was a few millimeters in front of his his mouth. When he opened his eyes, all he was was wood. "Hands free?" he heard Tull ask.
  51. "Nah. Tied."
  53. "Ouch."
  55. Ben was sobbing openly now, his tears running down into his mouth. Calloused hands tied a frayed rope around his wrists. It was already biting into his soft flesh as a hand on his head pushed down firmly. Ben's legs folded like wet cardboard, his knees collapsing as he sunk into the barrel. The plug in his ass shifted and twinged uncomfortably. His erection was long gone. A hand on the back of his head held him in place. He heard and felt a metallic clicking near his face and when the hand pulled back, Ben was totally immobile.
  57. His sobbing intensified as he tried half-heartedly to break free, but he was stuck squatting awkwardly, his tight jeans squeezing his junk and pressing the buckle of his belt painfully into his stomach. Already this was an uncomfortable position. And soon they would - "Sorry about this, mate," Leonard said. "Remember: no teeth."
  59. Everything went dark and sound got muffled as the lid was sealed in place. Ben's heavy breathing and whimpering were deafening in the claustrophobic space. He felt buried. Everything but his mouth was buried. He could hear Tull and Leonard out in the hallway. Though the words were hard to make out over his own crying, which was getting frantic, Ben imagined they were discussing who would go first. Who would be the first to violate him? To fill in the one part of him not buried?
  61. Then he felt it push past his lips - a sweaty dick that got a little extra salt from the tears that dripped over his mouth. Ben gagged immediately; the anticipation had made it so much worse. Politely, the man outside - Tull or Leonard? - stopped to let him adjust. After a minute, the dick in his mouth started to thrust in and out at a steady, rhythmic pace. It wasn't that bad, once Ben got used to it, but sometimes it went in too deep and made him choke. It felt like a lifetime had passed before the pace suddenly quickened for a minute. Then the dick was jammed to the back of his throat, making Ben brace against the wooden barrel. He felt the hot cum shoot into his mouth.
  63. Disgusting. Ben had never felt so used in his life. After a moment, the dick slid out of his mouth and Ben immediately began to spit. He wished he could wipe his face. The saliva and cum were sputtering out down his chin.
  65. Before Ben could get all of the cum out - some of it was way at the back of his throat and he didn't want to swallow it - another dick, this one fatter and shorter, was stuffed into this wet mouth. As it began to thrust in and out, stretching Ben's lips, he reflected that at least this was the last one for a while. How long, he didn't know. But all he had to do was get through this last one and he would have a chance to breath.
  67. While he clung to that thought, the dick moving quickly and roughly in and out of his mouth, Ben heard voices again. He heard Tull and Leonard and someone else, laughing out there. Oh, no. Not another. Hopefully he didn't want his dick sucked, too. Before the one in his mouth finally shot off (he had to swallow some of this load to gasp in a much-needed breath), quite a crowd had gathered in the hallway. Ben had lost track of the number of voices. He was also losing hope, and began crying again, this time around a mouthful of mystery dick. How many men were in Shadman's army?
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