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a guest
May 23rd, 2016
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  1. Trigger:
  2. BLUEFOR, REPEATEDLY, PRESENT, "THIS", ONACT: base = execVM "scripts\base_lock.sqf";
  4. base_lock.sqf:
  5. WaitUntil{!isNull player};
  6. waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""};
  7. _uid = getPlayerUID player;
  8. if(!(_uid in PIDArray) && Status == 1) then {
  9. hintC "You are in a restricted area! Go back immeditately!";
  10. sleep 5;
  11. hint "You are in a restricted area! Go back immeditately!";
  12. sleep 5;
  13. player setDamage 1;
  14. }
  15. else
  16. {
  17. alarm_on = player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>Disable All Kill Zones</t>","scripts\alarm.sqf","",1,false,true,"","Status >= 1"];
  18. alarm_off = player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>Enable All Kill Zones</t>","scripts\alarm.sqf","",1,false,true,"","Status <= 0"];
  19. };
  21. alarm.sqf:
  22. switch(Status)
  23. do{
  24. case 1:
  25. {
  26. Status = 0;
  27. hintC "You have disabled the kill zones in restricted areas!";
  28. player removeaction alarm_on;
  29. };
  30. case 0:
  31. {
  32. Status = 1;
  33. hintC "You have enabled the kill zones in restricted areas!";
  34. sleep 5;
  35. player removeaction alarm_off;
  36. };
  37. default
  38. {
  39. player removeaction alarm_on;
  40. player removeaction alarm_off;
  41. };
  42. };
  43. exit;
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