

Jul 2nd, 2012
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  1. [13:11] <danhezee> you have a second
  2. [13:35] <bcoolface> yessir
  3. [13:35] <bcoolface> ping me when you have a moment
  4. [13:41] <danhezee> it might be hard to explain a few sentences, I lot of stuffz happened this weekend
  5. [13:52] <danhezee> How is your morale and enthusiasm?
  6. [14:01] <danhezee> our morale is low and so are the operators and the moderators. I believe this is due to communication. I am addressing the communication problems with between ops and admin.
  7. [14:04] <danhezee> There are communication issues between the admins and the moderations that I am addressing. However we need a system to raise concerns and pass information without being as aggressive as we currently are
  8. [14:04] <danhezee> raising concerns to you the dev team
  9. [14:12] <bcoolface> sounds good dan, morale is pretty high for mat and i... 1.0 is coming along nicely and i just about finished pyspades compatability with 076 protocol on beta
  10. [14:12] <bcoolface> its been so busy for us that time is flying but i guess it could appear stagnant from the outside
  11. [14:14] <danhezee> stagnant is a good word
  12. [14:17] <danhezee> we had two people resign this weekend but one came back and deleted his thread, After the word usages from you and mat concerning our roles and the direction AoS. I was considering resigning but after I slept on it for a few days I have since changed my mind
  13. [14:18] <bcoolface> who were considering resigning?
  14. [14:18] <danhezee> everyone basically
  15. [14:19] <danhezee> mikuli, me, maybe tgm, he wasnt explicit. most everyone in aos.ops
  16. [14:19] <bcoolface> oh i see Buffet hung his cap
  17. [14:19] <danhezee> yup
  18. [14:20] <danhezee> I might share my letter I was writing it is a little strongly worded
  19. [14:21] <danhezee> buffet and doc wrote and posted resignation letter, doc being the one that removed his latter that day
  20. [14:25] <danhezee> it is actually a shared google doc
  21. [14:27] <bcoolface> well that sucks, both the management and development side of games is hard - sad to see familiar faces go but we'll keep marching on
  22. [14:30] <danhezee> I hope that is the attitude if one or two people leave and not a mass exodus
  23. [15:50] <danhezee> just to be clear i am not planning on resigning on the 8th or 15th
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