
Subtraction by Addition

Apr 24th, 2012
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  1. >Relaxing on a park bench.
  2. >Laughing at the two old guys that always yell at each other while playing chess.
  3. >Hear an unfamiliar noise in the huge shrub behind the bench.
  4. >Get up to investigate.
  5. >It's a fluffy family hiding under the branches.
  6. >Adult orange unicorn with a blue mane and tail.
  7. >Three tiny unicorn foals, red, purple, and white.
  8. >Fluffy mom doesn't look very happy.
  9. >”Go 'way! Mumma no wuv bad babehs!”
  10. >The foals squeak at her and squirm over to her stomach to suckle.
  11. >She pushes them away with stubby hooves. “No wan'! Go 'way!”
  12. >When the dam sees you, she squeaks and tries to hide.
  13. >”Hooman fwiend? No huwt fwuffy,” she mewls.
  14. >You know that fluffies will sometimes reject weak or sick foals, saying things like 'no wuv'.
  15. >You're trying to figure out why she's rejecting these, though.
  16. >They're small, but active. They squeak and wiggle frantically.
  17. >They don't look injured or sick.
  18. >The fluffy dam is too busy being scared of you, so the foals get to sneak over to her belly.
  19. >The instant one latches on to her teat she angrily pushes it away, forgetting you're even there.
  20. >She looks up and squeaks all over again. “No huwt fwuffy, pwease...”
  21. “Why are you being mean to your foals?”
  22. >She blinks at you. “No wan' babehs. Babehs bad. No wuv babehs.”
  23. “Why are they bad?”
  24. >”No wuv babehs. Babehs dumb.”
  25. >You don't get it. The foals look fine to you.
  26. >You pick one up to examine it closer.
  27. >It's still slimy; the dam hasn't even tried to clean it.
  28. >Otherwise, it looks okay. It tries to hug and suckle your fingers.
  29. >”Hooman wan' babehs? Fwuffy gif babehs! Hooman can haf!”
  30. >You're a bit stunned as the dam tries to push her kids off on you.
  31. “But they're your kids. Don't you love them?”
  32. >”No wuv. Dumb babehs no can haf wuv. Bad babehs.”
  33. >You begin to suspect this dam is just being a cunt.
  34. >Her kids are going to die soon if she hasn't fed them.
  35. >You're a little pissed off now.
  36. >You're going to teach her a lesson.
  37. “Okay, I'll make your babies go away, if that's what you want.”
  38. >The dam shuffles out to hug your legs. “No mo' babehs! Fwuffy happy! Hooman fwiend!”
  39. >Wow.
  40. >”How new fwiend make babehs go 'way?”
  41. >The other two foals squeak loudly as they search for the warm fluff that suddenly disappeared.
  42. >You take them out from under the shrub, and kneel down on the grass.
  43. >You set the three foals down beside you and look at the dam.
  44. >She's hugging your side, babbling excitedly about her babies going away.
  45. “Lay on your back and be still.”
  46. >She is confused, but does as told. “Wie down. Be good fwuffy.”
  47. >You pick her up and brace her upper body between your knees. Her rear is pointed at the shrub.
  48. >”Wha? Wha doin'? Why squeezin' fwuffy?”
  49. “I'm making your bad babies go away.”
  50. >”No mo' bad babehs! Wuv new hooman fwiend!”
  51. >She wiggles her legs happily as you pick up the first foal and start feeling around in her ass-fluff.
  52. >”Wha?! Why touchin' poopie pwace? Fwuffy no wike!”
  53. >You shush her, reminding her that this is how the bad babies go away.
  54. >She is quiet now, but still looks a little worried.
  55. >You find her fluffy vagina, which makes her blurt out “Why touch funny pwace?! No wike dis! No wan'!”
  56. >Ignoring her, you take the crying foal and begin shoving it back into her.
  58. >You use your free hand to shut her up as you continue to jam the foal inside.
  59. “I'm putting your bad babies back.”
  60. >You hear muffled cries of 'no wan'' and 'pwease no huwt', but continue to push the squirming foal up her birth canal.
  61. >You feel a warm liquid; it's probably blood. Fluffy pussy isn't built to take human hands.
  62. >The dam begins to shit herself, but it passes harmlessly under your hand and arm and squirts into the bush.
  63. >You continue to push the foal inside. It's squirming less and less.
  64. >You can feel things tearing, which makes the endeavor a little easier.
  65. >Once you feel resistance, you assume the foal has returned to the womb and withdraw your hand.
  66. >Yep, it was blood. You pick up the next foal.
  67. >The dam is no bigger than she was before, but the squirming of the dying foal inside of her causes her great discomfort.
  68. >She shits herself again as you insert the second foal into her bleeding, shredded vagina.
  69. >You feel her trying to bite your other hand, so you ram the foal into her more roughly.
  70. >Each time you do, she shits in self-defense.
  71. >It smells like death, but you press on.
  72. “I said I'd get rid of your babies, and I am.”
  73. >She suddenly replies with muffled cries of 'wuv babehs' and 'pwease gif back babehs'.
  74. >ahahahano.jpeg
  75. >You make sure to jam this second foal in as far as it'll go.
  76. >She is still the same size, but you can see her stomach fluff twitch as the foals kick inside.
  77. >She shits herself again.
  78. >Jesus, how much shit do these fucking things hold?
  79. >You pick up the final foal, your hand now soaked with red.
  80. >With all the tearing and damage you've done, the final foal slides easily back into the sobbing dam.
  81. >You ram it in forcefully anyway.
  82. >Now done, you wipe the blood off on the dam's fluff and release her.
  83. >”Why huwt fwuffy, why make funny pwace make big owwies?” she mewls, barely able to get back to her hooves.
  84. >She twitches and cries every time she feels one of her foals kick inside of her.
  85. “I made your babies disappear, just like I said I would.”
  86. >”Why put back babehs? Babehs no bewong inside anymo'...”
  87. “Maybe you should have fed them and taken care of them, you little bitch.”
  88. >”Wan' babehs back,” she cries, dripping blood behind her as she waddles. “Babehs no dumb...”
  89. >You return to your bench, checking it for errant shit shrapnel before you sit down.
  90. >You can hear the dam waddling around behind you, crying in agony.
  91. >When you don't hear those cries any longer, you go back to check on her.
  92. >She lies on the ground, having bled to death from the injuries you caused.
  93. >Oh well. With a shrug, you sit back down.
  94. >Damn, those old guys playing chess are hilarious.
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