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Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. admin {
  2. # The prefix and suffix when sending a broadcast message. Accepts chat tokens such as {{displayname}}, {{name}}, etc.
  3. broadcast-message-template {
  4. prefix="&a[Broadcast]"
  5. suffix=""
  6. }
  7. # If true, then changing gamemode using the /gm command requires an extra permission to change to the target gamemode - "nucleus.gamemode.modes.<gamemode>"
  8. separate-gamemode-permissions=false
  9. }
  10. afk {
  11. # If true, the server will announce when players go AFK, even when vanished. If false, only non-vanished players can go AFK.
  12. afk-when-vanished=false
  13. # The amount of time, in seconds, of inactivity before the player will be marked as AFK. Set to 0 to disable, or use the permission "nucleus.afk.exempt.toggle".
  14. afktime=300
  15. # The amount of time, in seconds, of inactivity before the player will be kicked. Set to 0 to disable, or use the permission "nucleus.afk.exempt.kick".
  16. afktimetokick=600
  17. # If true, any player that tries to use a command that might require the target to do something will be told if the target is AFK.
  18. alert-on-command-send=true
  19. # If true, the server will be informed when a player is kicked for inactivity, else, just those with the nucleus.afk.notify permissions
  20. broadcast-to-all-on-kick=true
  21. # If any of the messages tht would be broadcast to the server are blank, they will not be sent.
  22. messages {
  23. # The message sent to a player when kicked for inactivity.
  24. kick-message-to-subject="You have been kicked for being AFK for too long."
  25. on-afk="&7*&f{{displayname}} &7has gone AFK."
  26. on-command="&f{{displayname}} &7is currently AFK and may not respond quickly."
  27. # If empty, no message will be sent.
  28. on-kick="&f{{displayname}} &7has been kicked for being AFK too long."
  29. on-return="&7*&f{{displayname}} &7is no longer AFK."
  30. }
  31. }
  32. back {
  33. # Log player's location on death.
  34. on-death=true
  35. # Log player's last location after travelling through a portal.
  36. on-portal=false
  37. # Log player's last location on warp.
  38. on-teleport=true
  39. }
  40. ban {
  41. # The maximum length a temporary ban may last for (in seconds) unless the user handing the mute has a bypass permission. Set to -1 for no maximum.
  42. maximum-tempban-length=604800
  43. }
  44. blacklist {
  45. # These are global toggles, if any are false, the related listeners will be turned off.
  46. blocked-actions {
  47. # If true, blacklisted items and blocks cannot be interacted with, mined, or placed.
  48. environment=true
  49. # If true, blacklisted items cannot exist in a player's inventory, be dropped, or picked up.
  50. possession=true
  51. # If true, blacklisted items and blocks cannot be used or interacted with.
  52. use=true
  53. }
  54. # If use-replacement is set to true, this ItemType will replace any blacklisted item taken from a player.
  55. replacement="minecraft:dirt"
  56. # If true, blacklisted items will be replaced with the ItemType specified.
  57. use-replacement=false
  58. }
  59. chat {
  60. # Some mods and plugins move the Minecraft player prefix to the main message body. If this is the case, turn this on, and Nucleus
  61. # will try to remove it.
  62. check-body-for-minecraft-prefix=true
  63. # The prefix to use when someone uses "/me".
  64. me-prefix="&7* {{displayName}} "
  65. # If "true", Nucleus will attempt to modify the chat
  66. modify-chat=true
  67. # If true, Nucleus will take the message and try to apply it's own transforms to it. This may overwrite other plugins who do processing super early, so turn this off if you are having problems.
  68. modify-main-message=true
  69. # If true, Nucleus will prepend it's prefixes/headers with those already set buy other plugins. If false, it will overwrite them.
  70. overwrite-early-prefixes=false
  71. # If true, Nucleus will prepend it's suffixes/footers with those already set buy other plugins. If false, it will overwrite them.
  72. overwrite-early-suffixes=false
  73. # If true, Nucleus will try to remove any text formatted in blue and underlined that Minecraft has tried to turn into a link.
  74. remove-link-underlines=false
  75. templates {
  76. # The default chat template if no group templates apply.
  77. default {
  78. # The default colour for a player's chat if the "chatcolour" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "namecolour" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no change of colour). Do not include the "&" character.
  79. default-chatcolour=""
  80. # The default styles for a player's chat if the "chatstyle" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "chatstyle" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no style). Do not include the "&" character. Multiple styles must be separated by commas.
  81. default-chatstyle=""
  82. # The default colour for a player's name if the "namecolour" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "chatcolour" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no change of colour). Do not include the "&" character.
  83. default-namecolour=""
  84. # The default styles for a player's name if the "namestyle" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "namestyle" option, set to "" to retain default behaviour (no style). Do not include the "&" character. Multiple styles must be separated by commas.
  85. default-namestyle=""
  86. # Sets the prefix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
  87. prefix="{{prefix}} {{displayname}}&f: "
  88. # Sets the suffix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
  89. suffix=" {{suffix}}"
  90. }
  91. # Group templates override the default chat template based on the users group. Note that the group name is case sensitive.
  92. # Weight matters, the player will use the highest weighted template in this list that matches a group they are in, including inherited groups. If the same weight is used on two or more entries, the group with the most parents will be used.
  93. group-templates {
  94. DefaultTemplate {
  95. # The default colour for a player's chat if the "chatcolour" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "namecolour" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no change of colour). Do not include the "&" character.
  96. default-chatcolour=""
  97. # The default styles for a player's chat if the "chatstyle" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "chatstyle" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no style). Do not include the "&" character. Multiple styles must be separated by commas.
  98. default-chatstyle=""
  99. # The default colour for a player's name if the "namecolour" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "chatcolour" option set to "" to retain default behaviour (no change of colour). Do not include the "&" character.
  100. default-namecolour=""
  101. # The default styles for a player's name if the "namestyle" permission option isn't set on the player or group. Takes the same input as the "namestyle" option, set to "" to retain default behaviour (no style). Do not include the "&" character. Multiple styles must be separated by commas.
  102. default-namestyle=""
  103. # Sets the prefix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
  104. prefix="{{prefix}} {{displayname}}{{suffix}}&f: "
  105. # Sets the suffix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
  106. suffix=" {{suffix}}"
  107. # The weight of the template. A higher number will take priority over lower numbers when two templates could apply to the same player because they are in the both groups.
  108. weight=1
  109. }
  110. }
  111. }
  112. # If "true", then Nucleus will select the most appropriate group template for a player when they send a chat message. If it's false
  113. # the default template will always be used, but there will be a performance gain because a player's groups not not have to be retrieved from the permission plugin.
  114. # Turn this off if you are getting severe performance problems when someone chats, it's usually due to a misbehaving permissions plugin.
  115. use-group-templates=false
  116. }
  117. chat-logger {
  118. # Whether to actually perform any logging.
  119. enable-logging=false
  120. # Log chat messages to the log file.
  121. log-chat=true
  122. # Log mail messages to the log file.
  123. log-mail=false
  124. # Log private messages to the log file.
  125. log-messages=true
  126. }
  127. command-logger {
  128. # A comma separated list of commands in the blacklist or whitelist (see whitelist option). Only one alias per command is required.
  129. command-filter=[]
  130. # If any option is true, log commands from the source.
  131. log-command-source {
  132. command-block=true
  133. console=true
  134. other-source=true
  135. subject=true
  136. }
  137. # If true, will log commands to files at /logs/nucleus/commands
  138. log-to-file=false
  139. # If true, the "command-filter" containing the list of commands to be logged is a whitelist (command must be specfied to be logged), not a blacklist.
  140. whitelist=false
  141. }
  142. command-spy {
  143. # The prefix to use when displaying the player's command.
  144. prefix="&7[CS: {{name}}]: "
  145. # If true, only display commands from the whitelist. If false, show all commands to all command spies.
  146. use-whitelist=true
  147. # The whitelist of commands to spy on.
  148. whitelisted-commands-to-spy-on=[]
  149. }
  150. connection {
  151. # The maximum number of reserved slots that can be used. Set to -1 for unlimited.
  152. reserved-slots=5
  153. }
  154. connection-messages {
  155. # The message to display to players if a name change has been detected. Use {{previousname}} as the token for the player's previous name.
  156. changed-name-message="&f{{name}} &ewas previously known by a different name - they were known as &f{{previousname}}"
  157. # If true, those with the "nucleus.connectionmessages.disable" permission will not trigger login/logout messages.
  158. disable-with-permission=false
  159. # If true, will inform players on the server when a player logs on and a name change has been detected.
  160. display-name-change-if-changed=true
  161. # This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use "{{name}}" for the new player's name.
  162. first-login-message="&dWelcome &f{{name}} &dto the server!"
  163. # Shown when a user logs in. This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use "{{name}}" for the player's name.
  164. login-message="&8[&a+&8] &f{{name}}"
  165. # Shown when a user logs out. This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use "{{name}}" for the player's name.
  166. logout-message="&8[&c-&8] &f{{name}}"
  167. # Enables changing the login message.
  168. modify-login-message=false
  169. # Enables changing the logout message.
  170. modify-logout-message=false
  171. # Enables the first time login message.
  172. show-first-login-message=true
  173. }
  174. core {
  175. # If set, this command will be suggested if a player clicks on the user name in chat in templated messages. Use {{player}} to indicate the player name.
  176. command-on-name-click="/msg {{player}}"
  177. # If true, commands executed by the console can affect players that normally have an exempt permission against the command.
  178. console-overrides-exemptions=true
  179. # Enables debug mode, which will cause stack traces from commands to be printed to the console.
  180. debug-mode=false
  181. kick-on-stop {
  182. # If true, Nucleus will kick all users just prior to the server stopping.
  183. enabled=false
  184. # The message to display to players when restarting the server. Overridden when using the /stop [reason] command.
  185. message="Server closed"
  186. }
  187. # These parameters define how far out to check from a specific point when performing a warp. Larger numbers mean that a wider area is checked, but large numbers will cause server lag. The defaults are sufficient in most cases.
  188. safe-teleport-check {
  189. height=3
  190. width=9
  191. }
  192. # If true, a "messages.conf" file will be generated and used to define custom messages.
  193. use-custom-message-file=false
  194. # If true, cancel a user's warmup on...
  195. warmup-canceling {
  196. # running a command
  197. cancel-on-command=true
  198. # movement
  199. cancel-on-move=true
  200. }
  201. }
  202. fly {
  203. # If true, and the player isn't flying and the player is in the air, Nucleus will try to find a safe location to place the player.
  204. find-safe-location-on-login=true
  205. # If true, in order to keep fly state on login, the permission for the fly command ( is required. If false, a player without access to the /fly command will fall to the ground on login if they are in the air.
  206. require-fly-permission-on-login=false
  207. # If true, if a player is flying when they disconnect, this state is remembered. If false, this information is only retained between player disconnects if /fly was used.
  208. save-all-flystate-on-quit=true
  209. }
  210. home {
  211. # If true, on respawn, a player will spawn back at their default home (named "home") if it exists.
  212. respawn-at-home=false
  213. # If true, Nucleus will attempt to ensure that users do not get warped into an unsafe situation (for example, if someone breaks blocks around a home).
  214. use-safe-warp=true
  215. }
  216. info {
  217. info {
  218. # If "use-default-info-section" is true, this section is displayed when a player runs "/info", not the section list.
  219. default-info-section=info
  220. # If true, when a player runs "/info", the section specified in "default-info-section" will be used, that is, /info will work the same as /info <default-section>.
  221. # The list of sections can still be viewed by running "/info -l", if the user has the "" permission. If false, or the section does not exist, this list is shown, regardless of this permission.
  222. use-default-info-section=false
  223. }
  224. motd {
  225. # The amount of time to wait (in seconds) before sending the MOTD to a player who has just logged in.
  226. motd-login-delay=0.5
  227. # The title to show at the top of each MOTD page. Colour codes are supported. If blank, this hides the title completely.
  228. motd-title="&l&6Message of the Day"
  229. # If true, show players the MOTD as defined in "motd.txt" when they log onto the server.
  230. show-motd-on-join=true
  231. # If false, this disables the pagination system for the MOTD. Set this to false if you have one page, do not want a title, and do not want the << >> marks to appear, otherwise, it is recommended to set this to true.
  232. use-pagination=true
  233. }
  234. }
  235. item {
  236. skull {
  237. # If true, Nucleus will simply treat /skull as an alias to "/give [player] skull [number] 3 {SkullOwner:[skullplayer]}"
  238. use-minecraft-command=false
  239. }
  240. }
  241. jail {
  242. # The commands that players are allowed to execute in jail. Do not include the slash.
  243. allowed-commands=[
  244. m,
  245. msg,
  246. r,
  247. mail,
  248. rules,
  249. info
  250. ]
  251. # If true, the player will be muted when in jail.
  252. mute-when-jailed=false
  253. }
  254. jump {
  255. # The maximum distance a player can move using the /jump command. Negative values mean infinite - use with care.
  256. max-jump-distance=350
  257. # The maximum distance a player can move using the /thru command. Negative values mean infinite - use with care.
  258. max-thru-distance=25
  259. }
  260. kit {
  261. # If true, any items that couldn't be placed in the player's inventory will be dropped on the floor around them.
  262. drop-items-if-inventory-full=false
  263. # If this is true, "drop-items-if-inventory-full" will be ignored, and the kit will only be consumed if everything can be consumed.
  264. must-get-all-items=false
  265. # If true, any tokens such as {{name}} and {{displayname}} will be translated on item names and lore, if they exist, when kits are redeemed.
  266. process-tokens-in-lore=false
  267. # If this is set to true, each kit has its own permission node - nucleus.kits.<name>.
  268. separate-permissions=true
  269. }
  270. message {
  271. # The prefix to any message received via /helpop.
  272. helpop-prefix="&7HelpOp: {{name}} &7> &r"
  273. # The prefix for received messages. This is displayed to the receiever. Use {{from}} and {{to}} for the message sender/receiver, {{fromDisplay}} or {{toDisplay}} for the display names.
  274. msg-receiver-prefix="&7[{{fromDisplay}}&7 -> me]: &r"
  275. # The prefix for sent messages. This is displayed to the sender. Use {{from}} and {{to}} for the message sender/receiver, {{fromDisplay}} or {{toDisplay}} for the display names.
  276. msg-sender-prefix="&7[me -> {{toDisplay}}&7]: &r"
  277. socialspy {
  278. # The tag to show at the beginning of a Social Spy message when a player is muted (or otherwise has the message cancelled).
  279. cancelled-messages-tag="&c[cancelled] "
  280. # The prefix for messages sent to social spies. Use {{from}} and {{to}} for the message sender/receiver, {{fromDisplay}} or {{toDisplay}} for the display names.
  281. msg-prefix="&7[SocialSpy] [{{fromDisplay}}&7 -> {{toDisplay}}&7]: &r"
  282. # If true, and "use-levels" is true, players with social spy will also see messages from players at their own level.
  283. same-levels-can-see-each-other=true
  284. # The server's social spy level.
  285. server-level=2147483647
  286. # If true, show messages that players try to send and are cancelled (usually due to being muted).
  287. show-cancelled-messages=false
  288. # If true, only messages sent by players will be visible via Social Spy.
  289. show-only-players=false
  290. # If true, Nucleus will check the "nucleus.socialspy.level" option on the subject for an integer level. A level can see their messages from and to players with levels below their own,
  291. # unless "same-levels-can-see-each-other" is set to true, in which case, social spies can see messages from their own level. Players have a default level of 0.
  292. use-levels=false
  293. }
  294. }
  295. misc {
  296. # Sets the maximum speed that a player can set via the /speed command.
  297. max-speed=5
  298. # If true, in order to keep invulnerability on login, the permission for the god command (nucleus.god.base) is required. If false, a player without access to the /god will not be invulnerable on login.
  299. require-god-permission-on-login=false
  300. }
  301. mob {
  302. # The maximum number of mobs that can be spawned using /spawnmob.
  303. max-mobs-to-spawn=20
  304. # If true, Nucleus will make an additional permission check to check whether a player can spawn a mob.
  305. # The permission is "nucleus.spawnmob.mobs.<mobid>", where the mobid has any ":" (colons) replaced with "." (period). So, the permission to spawn a creeper would be
  306. # "nucleus.spawnmob.mobs.minecraft.creeper". This allows server owners to allow all vanilla mobs with the permission "nucleus.spawnmob.mobs.minecraft".
  307. separate-mob-spawning-permissions=false
  308. # Controls the mobs that cannot be spawned. Each section is world specific, with the key being the world name in question, which is case sensitive.
  309. spawning-blocks {
  310. DIM-1 {
  311. # The full IDs of the mobs to block. Minecraft mobs have an id starting with "minecraft:"
  312. block-mobs-with-ids=[]
  313. # If true, all vanilla mobs will be blocked in this world.
  314. block-vanilla-mobs=false
  315. }
  316. DIM1 {
  317. # The full IDs of the mobs to block. Minecraft mobs have an id starting with "minecraft:"
  318. block-mobs-with-ids=[]
  319. # If true, all vanilla mobs will be blocked in this world.
  320. block-vanilla-mobs=false
  321. }
  322. world {
  323. # The full IDs of the mobs to block. Minecraft mobs have an id starting with "minecraft:"
  324. block-mobs-with-ids=[]
  325. # If true, all vanilla mobs will be blocked in this world.
  326. block-vanilla-mobs=false
  327. }
  328. }
  329. }
  330. # Available modules to enable or disable. Set each to ENABLED to enable the module, DISABLED to prevent the module from loading or FORCELOAD to load the module even if something else tries to disable it.
  331. modules {
  332. admin=ENABLED
  333. afk=ENABLED
  334. back=ENABLED
  335. ban=ENABLED
  336. blacklist=ENABLED
  337. chat=ENABLED
  338. chat-logger=ENABLED
  339. command-logger=ENABLED
  340. command-spy=ENABLED
  341. connection=ENABLED
  342. connection-messages=ENABLED
  343. environment=ENABLED
  344. fly=ENABLED
  345. freeze-subject=ENABLED
  346. fun=ENABLED
  347. geo-ip=DISABLED
  348. home=ENABLED
  349. ignore=ENABLED
  350. info=ENABLED
  351. inventory=ENABLED
  352. item=ENABLED
  353. jail=ENABLED
  354. jump=ENABLED
  355. kick=ENABLED
  356. kit=ENABLED
  357. mail=ENABLED
  358. message=ENABLED
  359. misc=ENABLED
  360. mob=ENABLED
  361. mute=ENABLED
  362. nameban=ENABLED
  363. nickname=ENABLED
  364. note=ENABLED
  365. playerinfo=ENABLED
  366. powertool=ENABLED
  367. protection=ENABLED
  368. rtp=ENABLED
  369. rules=ENABLED
  370. server-shop=ENABLED
  371. sign=ENABLED
  372. spawn=ENABLED
  373. staff-chat=ENABLED
  374. teleport=ENABLED
  375. vanish=ENABLED
  376. warn=ENABLED
  377. warp=ENABLED
  378. world=ENABLED
  379. }
  380. mute {
  381. # Commands to block when muted. This is in addition to chat and /m already being blocked.
  382. blocked-commands=[
  383. me,
  384. say
  385. ]
  386. # The maximum length a mute may last for (in seconds) unless the user handing the mute has a bypass permission. Set to -1 for no maximum.
  387. maximum-mute-length=604800
  388. # The tag to prepend any cancelled/muted messages with.
  389. muted-chat-tag="&c[cancelled] "
  390. # If true, those with the "nucleus.mute.seemutedchat" permission will see chat from those who are muted.
  391. see-muted-chat=false
  392. }
  393. nameban {
  394. default-reason="Your Minecraft username is not appropriate for this server. Please change it before attempting to access this server."
  395. }
  396. nickname {
  397. # The maximum number of visible characters that the nickname can be.
  398. max-nickname-length=20
  399. # The minimum number of visible characters that the nickname can be.
  400. min-nickname-length=3
  401. # A regular expression that limits what form the nickname can take. If Nucleus fails to read the regex here, the default of "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" (the same restriction as Minecraft usernames) will be used. To allow all characters, use ".+".
  402. pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
  403. # A prefix to any nickname that is displayed in chat.
  404. prefix="&b~"
  405. }
  406. note {
  407. # If true, users with the permission nucleus.note.showonlogin will be shown a users notes when they login. If false, they will not.
  408. show-login=true
  409. }
  410. playerinfo {
  411. list {
  412. list-grouping-by-permission {
  413. # If listing by groups is enabled, the group name to display when a player is not in a group.
  414. default-group-name=Default
  415. # If enabled, list players by their groups.
  416. enabled=true
  417. # If listing by groups is enabled, then any group listed here (on the left side of an equals sign) will be given the display name on the right hand side.
  418. # Multiple groups can be given the same alias, they will be grouped together.
  419. group-aliases {
  420. example-default-group="Default Group"
  421. example-default-group-2="Default Group"
  422. }
  423. # Any group aliases in this list will be listed in this order, above all other groups, which will be displayed in alphabetical order below.
  424. group-order=[]
  425. # If true, if an alias hasn't been defined for a group in the `group-aliases` section, it's considered as part of the `default` group.
  426. use-aliases-only=false
  427. }
  428. # Enable this if you are using Multicraft. This will run /minecraft:list when /list is run on the console.
  429. multicraft-compatibility=false
  430. }
  431. seen {
  432. # If true, the permission "nucleus.seen.extended" is required for all information that comes from modules. If false, information will be displayed based on the command permissions a player has (so, a player with check ban rights can see banning information).
  433. require-extended-permission-for-module-info=false
  434. }
  435. }
  436. protection {
  437. # Disables crop trampling.
  438. disable-crop-trample {
  439. mobs=false
  440. players=false
  441. }
  442. # If true, Nucleus will attempt to prevent Player-Player collisions.
  443. disable-player-collisions=false
  444. mob-griefing {
  445. # If true, mob griefing will be disabled except for the entities listed in the whitelist (which should be done by mob ID).
  446. enable-protection=false
  447. whitelist=[]
  448. }
  449. }
  450. rtp {
  451. # The number of times to try to find a safe teleport spot when using /rtp before failing. Setting this too low may cause a high rate of failures.
  452. attempts=10
  453. # The maximum Y value that can be teleported to.
  454. maximum-y=255
  455. # The minimum Y value that can be teleported to.
  456. minimum-y=0
  457. # The radius from the centre of the world/world border where /rtp can warp to. This will not override the world border radius.
  458. radius=30000
  459. # If true, /rtp will only try to teleport players to the surface, and not into caves.
  460. surface-only=false
  461. }
  462. rules {
  463. # The server rules, displayed when /rules is run. Supports Minecraft colour codes, prefixed with ampersands (&).
  464. rules=[
  465. "&4NO&r Griefing / Disprespecting others",
  466. "&4NO&r foul language; this is a family friendly community!",
  467. "&4NO&r excessive trolling/trash talking",
  468. "&4NO&r base raiding",
  469. "&4NO&r mobfarms/grinders as it is stressful on the server. Look for a dungeon and run those solo or with friends!",
  470. "Server Staff reserve the right to kick/ban players if they deem it necessary",
  471. "Simple redstone only! ABSOLUTLY NO clocks/repeating/automatic devices allowed!",
  472. "Please only use UNLIT torches When dungeon raiding, this will keep the dungeons working for others"
  473. ]
  474. }
  475. server-shop {
  476. # The maximum amount a player can buy in one transaction.
  477. max-purchasable-at-once=64
  478. }
  479. spawn {
  480. # If true, then Nucleus will attempt to force players joining for the first time to spawn at the *direct point* that first spawn has been set.
  481. # Only set this if you want Nucleus to override all other plugins on first spawn.
  482. force-first-spawn=false
  483. # This section controls whether respawning and /spawn work on a per world or global server basis
  484. global-spawn {
  485. # If "spawn-on-login" is on and this is true, sends the player to the world specified in "target-spawn-world" when they log in.
  486. on-login=false
  487. # If true, respawning (like from death) sends the player to the world specified in "target-spawn-world", if false, sends them to the world spawn.
  488. on-respawn=false
  489. # If true, running /spawn sends the player to the world specified in "target-spawn-world", if false, sends them to the world spawn.
  490. on-spawn-command=false
  491. # The name of the world to use as the server spawn. If this is invalid, the default world is used instead.
  492. target-spawn-world=world
  493. }
  494. # If true, players require the permission "nucleus.spawn.worlds.<worldname>" to spawn in a specific world, where worldname is the name of the world in lowercase.
  495. per-world-permissions=false
  496. # If true, players will be sent to the default world spawn on login, unless they are sent to the first login spawn, or they have the "nucleus.spawn.exempt.onjoin" permission.
  497. spawn-on-login=false
  498. # If true, using /spawn will attempt to find a safe place. If false, the teleportation will always directly send the player to the location with no safety checks.
  499. use-safe-spawn=true
  500. }
  501. staff-chat {
  502. # If true, Nucleus will include all the normal chat tags in the message, in addition to the prefix.
  503. "include-standard-chat-formatting"=false
  504. # A Minecraft colour code the denotes the colour to display Staff Chat channel messages in.
  505. message-colour=b
  506. # The prefix to the staff chat message. Use the following tokens: {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name.
  507. # If "include-standard-chat-formatting" is set to "true", the formatting will be appended to this prefix.
  508. message-template="&b[STAFF] &r{{displayname}}&b: "
  509. }
  510. teleport {
  511. # If true, by default, a target player will not be informed that they have been /teleport ed to. Override using "-q false"
  512. default-quiet=true
  513. # If true, teleporting tries to find a safe place for players.
  514. use-safe-teleportation=true
  515. }
  516. vanish {
  517. # If true, players who leave or join the server under vanish will not have a login or logout message broadcast.
  518. hide-connection-messages-on-vanish=false
  519. }
  520. warn {
  521. # The command to execute when a player has a specific number of warnings.
  522. action-command="tempban {{name}} 1d Exceeding the active warning threshold"
  523. # The default length a warning is set to if no length is provided (in seconds). Set to -1 for no maximum.
  524. default-length=-1
  525. # If true, a record of players warnings will be kept as 'expired warnings'. If false, they will not.
  526. expire-warnings=true
  527. # The maximum length a warning may last for (in seconds). Set to -1 for no maximum.
  528. maximum-warn-length=-1
  529. # The minimum length a warning will last before expiring (in seconds). Set to -1 for no minimum.
  530. minimum-warn-length=-1
  531. # If true, players will be shown all their warnings when they login. If false, they will not.
  532. show-login=true
  533. # The number of active warnings a player must accumulate before the action command is executed. Set to -1 to disable.
  534. warnings-before-action=-1
  535. }
  536. warp {
  537. default-category-name=Uncategorised
  538. # The default cost for a warp. Can be overriden using /warp setcost <warp> <cost>
  539. default-warp-cost=0.0
  540. # If true, warps will be displayed by category in /warp list.
  541. list-warps-by-category=false
  542. # If this is set to true, each warp has its own permission node - nucleus.warps.<name>.
  543. separate-permissions=false
  544. # If true, the warp description will be shown in /warp list, and the co-ords will be shown in the tooltip on hover.
  545. show-warp-description-in-list=false
  546. # If true, using /warp will attempt to find a safe place. If false, the teleportation will always directly send the player to the location with no safety checks.
  547. use-safe-warp=true
  548. }
  549. world {
  550. # If positive, any new worlds that are created using "/world create" (or "/nworld create") will automatically get a world border that has this diameter (that is, from border to border). Set to 0 or a negative number to disable.
  551. default-world-border-diameter=0
  552. # If true and using NucleusMixins, world generation will warn players on the server that a pre-generation is in progress periodically.
  553. display-generation-warning=true
  554. }
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